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原创 England and Sweden
These two contries can not bring me to ecstasy. Two tiresome games. Eriksson said that the heat knock England out a little. Do we think it is ridiculous. It was just their opening match. Wh
2006-06-11 09:52:00 753
原创 Discussed about out or not out
Yesterday evening, My young tutormate and I talked about a couple of things. The kernel is whether this period is suitalbe for me to go out for work. I acknowledge my aim is to get a good place
2006-06-09 08:57:00 657
原创 应该做深入的研究了
基本上以前觉得把知识和工作内容弄得很有条理不是很有必要,可能是因为以前自己对工作的态度不是太认真,现在觉得已经到了路口了,如果想继续深入下去的话,真的要把深层次的东西有条理地记录下来了,工作也要做到有条理性,这样对于自己形成深入和有条理的思考方式会很有帮助的。 努力做吧,既然都是做事情为什么不把事情按照它们该呈现的方式来完成呢。。。
2006-06-07 12:50:00 830
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