

create table student(
       stu_id number not null primary key,
       stu_name varchar2(20),
       stu_birthday date,
       stu_address varchar2(50),
       stu_phone varchar2(20)
select s.* from student s;
--1.查看表约束 table_name = 'STUDENT'
select u.* from user_constraints u where u.table_name = 'STUDENT';
--2.查询主键建立在哪些列上 constraint_name = 'SYS_C009782'
select u.* from user_cons_columns u where u.constraint_name = 'SYS_C009782';
select u.* 
from user_cons_columns u 
where u.constraint_name = (select t.constraint_name from user_constraints t where t.table_name = 'STUDENT' and t.constraint_type = 'P');
insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_birthday, stu_address, stu_phone) 
values(1,'张无忌',to_date('2017-06-06','yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi::ss'),'人民路8号','18809179876');
create table student1(
       stu_id number not null constraint pk_student primary key,--显示命名主键约束名为 pk_student
       stu_name varchar2(20),
       stu_birthday date,
       stu_address varchar2(50),
       stu_phone varchar2(20)

select u.* from user_constraints u where u.table_name = 'STUDENT1';
--并列创建主键 SYS_C009786
create table student2(
       stu_id number not null,
       stu_name varchar2(20),
       stu_birthday date,
       stu_address varchar2(50),
       stu_phone varchar2(20),
       primary key(stu_id)
select u.* from user_constraints u where u.table_name = 'STUDENT2';
create table student3(
       stu_id number not null,
       stu_name varchar2(20),
       stu_birthday date,
       stu_address varchar2(50),
       stu_phone varchar2(20),
       constraint pk_student3 primary key(stu_id)
select u.* from user_constraints u where u.table_name = 'STUDENT3';
create table student3(
       stu_id number not null,
       stu_name varchar2(20),
       stu_birthday date,
       stu_address varchar2(50),
       stu_phone varchar2(20),
       primary key(stu_id,stu_name)--创建多列约束
alter table student add [constraint pk_student] primary key(stu_id);
alter table student drop primary key;
alter table student drop constraint pk_student;
alter table student modify primary key(stu_id,stu_name,stu_birthday,stu_address);
alter table student disable primary key;
insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_birthday, stu_address, stu_phone) 
values(1,'张无忌',to_date('2017-06-06','yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi::ss'),'人民路8号','18809179876');--ok
select * from student;
alter table student enable primary key;
insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_birthday, stu_address, stu_phone) 
values(1,'张无忌',to_date('2017-06-06','yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi::ss'),'人民路8号','18809179876');--error
select * from student for update;
alter table student2 rename constraint SYS_C009786 to pk_student2;
select * from user_constraints where table_name = 'STUDENT2';

select * from user_constraints where table_name = 'STUDENT';

create table customers(
       customer_id number primary key,
       customer_name varchar2(50),
       customer_address varchar2(50),
       customer_phone varchar2(20),
       email varchar2(20)
create table orders(
       order_id number primary key,
       customer_id number,goods_name varchar2(20),
       quantity number,
       unit varchar2(20)
select u.* from user_constraints u where u.table_name = 'CUSTOMERS';
select u.* from user_constraints u where u.table_name = 'ORDERS';
alter table orders add constraint fk_orders_customers foreign key(customer_id) references customers(customer_id);


insert into orders(order_id, customer_id, goods_name, quantity, unit) values(1,1,'FABRIC',20,'BMP');--error,父表中不存在customer_id=1的记录
insert into customers(customer_id, customer_name, customer_address, customer_phone, email) values(1,'李荣浩','解放路23号','17898988989','');--ok
insert into orders(order_id, customer_id, goods_name, quantity, unit) values(1,1,'FABRIC',20,'BMP');--ok
update orders set quantity=22 where order_id=1;--ok
update orders set customer_id=22 where order_id=1;--error,customers表中没有与之对应的数据

update customers set customer_id=22 where customer_id=1;--error,存在被引用的外键

--级联更新:deferrable initially deferred[immediate]
alter table orders 
add constraint pk_orders_customers 
foreign key(customer_id) references customers(customer_id) deferrable initially deferred;
update customers set customer_id=3 where customer_id=1;
update orders set customer_id=3 where order_id=1;

--级联删除:on delete cascade
alter table orders 
add constraint pk_orders_customers 
foreign key(customer_id) references customers(customer_id) on delete cascade;
delete from customers where customer_id=3;

alter table customers rename constraint pk_orders_customers to pk_orders_customers_update;
alter table orders modify constraint pk_orders_customers disable;
alter table orders modify constraint pk_orders_customers enable;
alter table orders drop constraint PK_ORDERS_CUSTOMERS;

--是否对已有数据进行校验 novalidate[validate]
alter table orders modify constraint pk_orders_customers enable validate;

select * from user_constraints where table_name='ORDERS';

select * from orders;
select * from customers;


create table t_user2(
       user_id number not null,
       user_name varchar2(20),
       user_address varchar2(50),
       email varchar2(20) unique,
       primary key(user_id)

select * from t_user2;

select * from user_constraints where table_name='T_USER2';
select * from user_cons_columns where constraint_name='SYS_C009805'
--验证唯一性约束 email
insert into t_user2(user_id, user_name, user_address, email) values(1,'张三','解放路1号','');--ok
insert into t_user2(user_id, user_name, user_address, email) values(2,'李四','解放路2号','');--error,违反email的唯一性约束
alter table t_user2 add constraint uq_user_name unique(user_name);
alter table t_user2 rename constraint uq_user_name to uq_user_name_update;
alter table t_user2 drop constraint uq_user_name_update;
alter table t_user2 modify constraint uq_user_name enable;



create table student4(
       stu_id number not null,
       stu_name varchar2(10),
       score number,
       primary key(stu_id)
--添加检查约束 chk_score
alter table student4 add constraint chk_score check(score between 0 and 100);
--1.验证检查约束 score(0,100)
insert into student4(stu_id, stu_name, score) values(1,'张三',101);--error,违反检查约束条件 0<=score<=100
insert into student4(stu_id, stu_name, score) values(1,'张三',100);--ok
create table user_emp as select * from emp;
--添加检查约束 chk_salary
alter table user_emp 
add constraint chk_salary 
and (job='CLERK' and sal<1500 or job='SALESMAN' and sal<2000 or job='MANAGER' and sal<3000 or job='ANALYST' and sal<3500 or job='PRESIDENT' and sal<10000));
insert into user_emp(empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno)

insert into user_emp(empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno)

alter table user_emp add constraint chk_deptno check(deptno in(10,20,30))
alter table user_emp rename constraint chk_deptno to chk_deptno_update;
alter table user_emp drop constraint chk_deptno_update;
alter table user_emp modify constraint chk_deptno_update enable;

select * from user_emp;

select * from user_constraints where table_name='USER_EMP';
select * from user_cons_columns where constraint_name='CHK_SALARY' 

create table purchase_order(
       purchase_order_id number,
       good_name varchar(30),
       quantity number,
       price number,
       status varchar2(3) default 'ACT',
       primary key(purchase_order_id)
select * from user_tab_columns where table_name='PURCHASE_ORDER' and column_name='STATUS'
--验证默认值约束    status默认插入ACT
insert into purchase_order(purchase_order_id, good_name, quantity, price)

select * from purchase_order;

select * from user_constraints where table_name='PURCHASE_ORDER';
select * from user_cons_columns where constraint_name='SYS_C009812';

--创建销售表 函数作为默认值约束
create table sales(
       id number not null,
       product_name varchar2(20),
       price number,
       quantity number,
       total number,
       sales_date date default sysdate,
       primary key(id)

insert into sales(id, product_name, price, quantity, total) values(1,'SWEATER',40,2,20);
insert into sales(id, product_name, price, quantity, total) values(2,'BOOK',40,2,20);
insert into sales(id, product_name, price, quantity, total) values(3,'BAG',40,2,20);
insert into sales(id, product_name, price, quantity, total) values(4,'APPLE',40,2,20);

alter table sales modify quantity number default 66;
alter table sales modify quantity number default null;
alter table sales modify quantity number default 666;

select trunc(sysdate,'yyyy') from dual;--2017/1/1
select trunc(sysdate,'mm') from dual;--2017/8/1
select trunc(sysdate,'dd') from dual;--2017/8/20
select trunc(sysdate,'hh24') from dual;--2017/8/20 22:00:00
select trunc(sysdate,'mi') from dual;--2017/8/20 22:09:00

select * from sales

select * from user_constraints where table_name='SALES';
select * from user_cons_columns where constraint_name='SYS_C009814';

create table teacher(
       teacher_id number,
       teacher_name varchar2(30)

alter table teacher modify teacher_id number not null primary key;--主键约束
alter table teacher add constraint uq_teacher_name unique(teacher_name);--唯一性约束

select * from user_constraints where table_name='TEACHER';

insert into teacher(teacher_id,teacher_name) values(1,'张老师');
insert into teacher(teacher_id,teacher_name) values(2,'李老师');
insert into teacher(teacher_id,teacher_name) values(3,'王老师');

select * from teacher;

create table student5(
       stu_id number not null,
       teacher_id number,
       stu_name varchar(30),
       sex varchar2(2)

alter table student5 add primary key(stu_id);--主键约束
alter table student5 add constraint fk_student5_teacher foreign key(teacher_id) references teacher(teacher_id);--外键约束
alter table student5 add constraint uq_stu_name unique(stu_name);--唯一性约束
alter table student5 add constraint chk_sex check(sex in('男','女'));
alter table student5 modify sex varchar(2) default '男';

select * from user_constraints where table_name='STUDENT5';
alter table student5 drop constraint fk_student5_teacher;

insert into student5(stu_id, teacher_id, stu_name, sex) values(1,1,'张三','男');
insert into student5(stu_id, teacher_id, stu_name, sex) values(2,1,'李四','男');
insert into student5(stu_id, teacher_id, stu_name) values(3,1,'王五');

select * from student5;
select * from teacher;

alter table student5 drop primary key;--主键约束
alter table student5 drop constraint FK_STUDENT5_TEACHER;--外键约束
alter table student5 drop constraint UQ_STU_NAME;--唯一性约束
alter table student5 drop constraint CHK_SEX;--检查约束
alter table student5 modify sex varchar(2) default null;--默认值约束

alter table teacher drop primary key;--主键约束
alter table teacher drop constraint UQ_TEACHER_NAME;--唯一性约束

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