Creating DOCSIS Cable modem configuration files

Creating DOCSIS Cable modem configuration files


First one must obtain a program to convert text config files to binary DOCSIS format.

A free, console program is found here. Install as usual, problems with compilation are to be expected.. (docsis program last update was in 2006).

Another program can be downloaded from here(Windows only). It supports GUI and tree like view.

2) Basic settings

Our first file will just allow network acces and limit download/upload speeds:

  NetworkAccess 1;            /* enables packet forwarding */
  GlobalPrivacyEnable 0;      /* disables BPI(encryption) */
  UsServiceFlow               /* creates an upstream service flow */
    UsServiceFlowRef 1;       /* SF number */
    QosParamSetType 7;        /* activates SF */
    TrafficPriority 3;        /* sets medium priority */
    MaxRateSustained 128000;  /* max upstream transfer rate - 128kb/s */
  DsServiceFlow               /* creates an downstream service flow */
    DsServiceFlowRef 2;       /* SF number */
    QosParamSetType 7;        /* activates SF */
    TrafficPriority 3;        /* sets medium priority */
    MaxRateSustained 1000000; /* max downstream transfer rate - 1Mb/s */


Reader's comment: Please note that Ds/UsServiceRef numbers must be unique in cable modem config. 
On Cisco CM with same Ds and UsServiceFlowRef will end up with reject(c) status.

3) Adding advanced parameters

This file includes DS frequency, US channel number, 1 classifier, 3 service flows and limits user devices connected to modem.

    NetworkAccess 1;                   /* enables packet forwarding */
    GlobalPrivacyEnable 0;             /* disables BPI(encryption) */
    DownstreamFrequency 410000000;     /* sets DS frequency to 410MHz */
    UpstreamChannelId 3;               /* sets 3rd US channel */
    MaxCPE 3;                          /* allows max 3 user devices */
    CpeMacAddress 00:00:00:00:00:00;   /* device #1 MAC is 00:00... */
    CpeMacAddress 11:11:11:11:11:11;   /* device #2 MAC is 11:11... */
      ClassifierRef 2;                 /* Classifier number */
      ServiceFlowRef 4;                /* forwards packets using SF #4 */
      RulePriority 3;                  /* Low priority classifier */
      ActivationState 1;               /* enables classifier */
        IpTos 0x0808ff;                /* matches ToS 0x08 */
      UsServiceFlowRef 1;              /* SF number */
      QosParamSetType 7;               /* activates SF */
      TrafficPriority 3;               /* sets medium priority */
      MaxRateSustained 128000;         /* max transfer rate - 128kb/s */
      DsServiceFlowRef 2;              /* SF number */
      QosParamSetType 7;               /* activates SF */
      TrafficPriority 3;               /* sets medium priority */
      MaxRateSustained 1000000;        /* max transfer rate - 1Mb/s */
      DsServiceFlowRef 4;              /* SF number */
      QosParamSetType 7;               /* activates SF */
      TrafficPriority 3;               /* sets medium priority */
      MaxRateSustained 2000000;        /* max transfer rate - 2Mb/s */
4) Global Parameters explained
NetworkAccess Controlls whether modem forwards data between USB/Ethernet and RF interfaces 0 - forwarding disabled
1 - forwarding enabled
GlobalPrivacyEnable Enables BPI(encryption on RF interface) 0 - disables BPI
1 - enables BPI
DownstreamFrequency Specifies downstream channel frequency in Hz Frequency in HZ
UpstreamChannelId Specifies the upstream channel number for that downstream Desired upstream channel number
MaxCPE Number of MAC addresses(computers, network devices), that modem will learn and forward packets from. This includes managed switches, APs etc. Number of such devices
CpeMacAddress Specifies MAC address of a computer/device. Number of CpeMacAddress commands must be less or equal MaxCPE. Usefull when you don't want the modem to learn Access point's IP address MAC address of one device
MaxClassifiers Maximum number of admitted and active upstream classifiers, that modem is allowed to have  
DocsisTwoEnable Enables DOCSIS 2.0 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
GenericTLV Allows to enter TLVs unsupported by program Sytnax: TlvCode XXX TlvLength X TlvValue 0xXX
SwUpgradeFilename Specifies firmware filename on TFTP server. "filename"
SwUpgradeServer Specifies TFTP server IP address IP address
SnmpMibObject Specifies OID to set Syntax: OID type value
MfgCVCData Producers certificate used for firmware upgrade. Must be used several times to represent whole certificate. Can specify 254 hex chars max at a time.

Note: to create Mfg CVC Data, take mfg cert and then:

  hexdump -v -e ' 2/1 "%02X" ' -n 254 cert.cer

The complete MfgCVCData option would be MfgCVCData 0xOUTPUT_FROM_ABOVE; 
To create next portion just skip first 254 chars with -s:

   hexdump -v -e ' 2/1 "%02X" ' -n 254 -s 254 cert.cer

Increase -s by 254 for next portions.

5)Service flow parameters explained
General SF parameters:
QosParamSetType Quality of Service Parameter Set Type. Describes whether service flow is: Provisioned, Admitted and Active. Bit0 - Provisioned flag, Bit1 - Admitted flag, Bit2 - Active flag. For a servce flow to be working all 3 bits must be set to 1. Binary 111 equals 7 deciminal. 7 - Active
other - disabled
TrafficPriority Sets priority for packets matching that service flow. CMTS should serve first SFs with higher priority. 0 - lowest (default)
7 - highest
MaxRateSustained Maximal transfer speed in b/s. Speed in b/s
MaxTrafficBurst Specifies how much data can be sent in one burst. Value in bytes
MinReservedRate Minimal bandwidth reserverd for that service flow Speed in b/s
MinResPacketSize Used for calculating minreserved rate, when smaller packets are sent, size from this field is taken for calculations instead of actual packet size. Size in bytes.
ActQosParamsTimeout Specifies how long CMTS reserves resources for that(active) service flow. Value in seconds.
AdmQosParamsTimeout Specifies how long CMTS reserves resources for that(admitted) service flow. Value in seconds.
ServiceClassName Specifies service class which that servce flow is part of "service_class_name"
Downstream specific parameters:
DsServiceFlow Creates downstream service flow none
DsServiceFlowRef Number of downstream service flow - must match ServiceFlowRef in packet clasifiers(if exists). Service flows with lowest numbers are taken as default - no classifiers needed there. any number (1-65535)
MaxDsLatency Sprecifies maximal time between reception of packet and forwarding it to RF interface on t-he CMTS Value in micro seconds.
Upstream specific parameters:
UsServiceFlow Creates upstream service flow none
UsServiceFlowRef Number of upstream service flow - must match ServiceFlowRef in packet clasifiers(if exists). Service flows with lowest numbers are taken as default - no classifiers needed there. any number (1-65535)
MaxConcatenatedBurst Maximum data in bytes to be transmited in one concatenation burst Size in bytes, default 1522
SchedulingType Scheduling type to be used in service flow 2- Best effort, 3 - Non-Real-Time Polling, 4 - Real-Time Polling, 5 - Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity Detection, 6 - Unsolicited Grant Service
RequestOrTxPolicy Request/Transmission Policy - specifies behaviour of a serice flow There are 16 bits numbered from 15 to 0.
Bit0 disables all cm opportunities, bit1 disables Priority Request multicast opportunities, bit2 disables Request/Data opportunities for Requests bit3 same for data, bit4 disables piggyback requests with data, bit5 disables concatenation, bit6 disables fragmentation, bit7 disables payload header suppression, bit8 enables droping of packets that do not fit in the Unsolicited Grant. Example: 0x000001ff; Size
IpTosOverwrite Enables overwriting ToS values for matchin packets New ToS=(Old Tos AND AA) OR OO,example: 0xAAOO

I've purposely omited information about other sheduling types: UGS, UGS with AD, non real-time polling, real-time polling.
Test revealed that they are only useful with VOIP and/or streaming video. One may use source ip or destination port based classifier to capture voip traffic and limit UP- and down-stream service flows to no more than 128k. Since its uselles for browsing the internet no one should exploit that SF. With streaming video destiantion IP of video server must be known because high speed, low latency connection is VERY likely to be exploited if unprotected properly. It might be good idea for voip to create separate IP address class for voip gateways and create best effort service flows with highest traffic priority. Adding MinReservedRate may give even better results.

IP and port based classifier
UsPacketClass {
  ServiceFlowRef 3;
  ClassifierRef 11;
  RulePriority 68;
  ActivationState 1;
  IpPacketClassifier {          /* Matches: */
    IpSrcAddr;      /* source IPs from */
    IpSrcMask;    /* to */
    SrcPortStart 1024;          /* source ports from 1024 */
    SrcPortEnd 2000;            /* to 2000 */
    IpDstAddr;   /* destination IPs from */
    IpDstMask;  /* to */
    DstPortStart 80;            /* destination port 80 */
    DstPortEnd 80;
    IpProto 6;                  /* TCP protocol */
MAC address based classifier
UsPacketClass {
  ServiceFlowRef 3;
  ClassifierRef 11;
  RulePriority 68;
  ActivationState 1;
  LLCPacketClassifier {         
    SrcMacAddress 00:11:22:33:44:55 /* Matches that MAC address  */
General classifier parameters:
DsPacketClass Creates downstream classifier none
UsPacketClass Creates upstream classifier none
ClassifierRef Number of classifier, must be unique in config file any number (1-255)
ServiceFlowRef ServiceFlowRef - number of service flow, which is used if packets matches that classifier. Number of existing SF
RulePriority Specifies the priority for the classifier. Higher number - higher priority. Classifiers with higher priority are checked first. any number (0-255)
ActivationState Enables classfier 1 - enabled,0 - disabled?
DscAction What to do with classifier when Dynamic Service Change Request is recived 0 - Add clasifier,1 - replace classifier, 2 - delete classifier

IP classifier parameters:
IpPacketClassifier Creates IP classifier match none
IpTos Matches ToS values 0xLLHHMM, where LL - low tos, HH -high tos, MM - tos mask. Matches packets, where LL >= (tos AND MM) <= HH.
IpSrcAddr Matches source IP IP address
IpSrcMask Specifies source mask. Match = SrcIP AND SrcMask IP address
IpDstAddr Matches destination IP IP address
IpDstMask Specifies destination mask. Match = DstIP AND DstMask IP address
SrcPortStart Matches source ports staring from that value 0(default)-65535
SrcPortEnd Matches source ports ending on that value 0-65535(default)
DstPortStart Matches destination ports staring from that value 0(default) - 65535
DstPortEnd Matches destination ports ending on that value 0-65535(default)
IpProto Matches IP protocol 1 - ICMP, 6 - TCP, 17- UDP 
256 - any, 257 - TCP+UDP, 0 - ignore this field

LLC classifier parameters:
LLCPacketClassifier Creates LLC(MAC) classifier match none
DstMacAddress Matches destination MAC MAC address
SrcMacAddress Matches source MAC MAC address
EtherType Matches ethertype Ethertype in hex

802.1q classifier parameters:
IEEE802Classifier Creates 802.1P/Q classifier match none
UserPriority Matches priority field 0-7
VlanID Matches vlan ID field 0-4095

IP, LLC and IEEE802 matches may be used together in one classifier.

7) SNMP parameters for use in docsis configuration files
SNMP v1 access table:

Allows read-only access for community string some_password from coming only from RF interface of a CM.
.1 means that it's first entry - remember to change when adding more.

SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessStatus.1 Integer 4; /* createAndGo */
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessIp.1 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessIpMask.1 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessControl.1 Integer 2; /* read */
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessInterfaces.1 HexString 0x40;
SnmpMibObject docsDevNmAccessCommunity.1 String "some_password" ;
Nmaccess entries explained:
docsDevNmAccessStatus Configures row creation and it's activation 1 - active, 2 - inactive, 4 - create and activate, 5 - create and deactivate, 6 - delete. Stick wtih 4.
docsDevNmAccessIp Specifies source IP of a SNMP query matching this rule. IP address
docsDevNmAccessIpMask Specifies source IP mask of a SNMP query matching this rule. mask address
docsDevNmAccessControl Specifies access privileges 2 - RO, 3 - RW, 4 - RO with traps, 5 - RW with traps, 6 - traps
docsDevNmAccessInterfaces Specifies matching interface 0x40 - cable, 0x80 - ethernet, 0xC0,0x00 - both
docsDevNmAccessCommunity Specifies the community string "desired_community_string"
Firewall rule:

This firewall rule prevents users from sending mail using port 25(SMTP). 
Note that by setting docsDevFilterIpDefault to 2(drop) one can allow only selected traffic insted of droping it.

SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpControl.7 Integer 1; /* discard */
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpIfIndex.7 Integer 0 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpDirection.7 Integer 3; /* both */
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpBroadcast.7 Integer 2; /* false */
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpSaddr.7 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpSmask.7 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpDaddr.7 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpDmask.7 IPAddress ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpProtocol.7 Integer 6 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpSourcePortLow.7 Integer 0 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpSourcePortHigh.7 Integer 65535 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpDestPortLow.7 Integer 25 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpDestPortHigh.7 Integer 25 ;
SnmpMibObject docsDevFilterIpStatus.7 Integer 4; /* createAndGo */
Notable parameters
docsDevFilterIpControl Discards or accepts the traffic 1 - discard, 2 - accept
docsDevFilterIpDirection Specifies the direction of packet to match. 1 - incoming, 2 - outgoing, 3 - both directions
docsDevFilterIpBroadcast Matches ONLY broadcast traffic. 1 - yes, 0 - no

Specifies maximal number of source IPs that modem is forwarding from Ethernet and USB interfaces. 
WARNING: Undesired operation on some modems - allows only 1 IP per MAC address. This may sound good but PCs get modem assigned(192.168.100.X) and windows private IPs all the time. Result: no network access.

SnmpMibObject docsDevCpeIpMax.0 Integer 3 ;
8) Other configuarion parameters

Currently other parameters are only listed. Will write descriptions when there's time.

Baseline Privacy, must be turned on by GlobalPrivacyEnable.
BaselinePrivacy Specifies BPI options none - tree
SNMPv3 specific:
SnmpV3Kickstart Specifies SNMPv3 engine options none - tree

SnmpV3TrapReceiver Specifies SNMPv3 traps settings none - tree
SnmpV3TrapRxSecurityName   "security_name"
PHS - Payload header supression:
PHS Specifies PHS options none - tree
Vendor specific:
VendorSpecific Specifies vendor specific options none - tree
VendorIdentifier Specifies vendor identifier vendor id - 0xIIIIII
Modem Capabilities:

Everything shuld be enabled by default so use it only to disable things.

ModemCapabilities Starts the tree none





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