Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 一 (10.3.3)

Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1 (10.3.3)




  The Welcome screen is displayed each time you start the installer.


Choose Middleware Home Directory



  Specify the Middleware home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all Fusion Middleware products installed on the target system, including WebLogic Server. The default Middleware home directory is C:\Oracle\Middleware. Each Fusion MIddleware product will be installed in its own product directory in the Middleware home directory.

  指定一个中间件目录,此目录将会作为包括Weblogic Server在内的所有安装在目标系统上的Fusion Middleware产品的中心支持目录。默认的中间件home目录是C:\Oracle\Middleware。每个Fusion MIddleware产品将会



  •   If you already have a Middleware home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create another Middleware home directory.

  •   如果在你的系统中已经存在一个中间件home目录的话,你可以选择这个目录(推荐)或者创建另一个中间件home目录。

  •   If you choose to create a directory by typing a new directory name in the Middleware Home Directory field, the installation program automatically creates one for you. You can also click Browse and select an existing directory from the Middleware Home Directory screen.

  •   如果你的选择是通过在Middleware Home Directory输入框中输入一个新的目录名来创建一个新目录,那么安装程序会自动地为你创建此目录。当然,你也可以单击Browse...按钮、在 Middleware Home Directory界面中选择一个已经存在的目录。

  For more details about the Middleware home directory, see Choosing a Middleware Home Directory.

  关于Middleware home目录的更多细节信息,可以参考Choosing a Middleware Home Directory.

Register for Security Updates



  Specify whether you want to register the Oracle WebLogic Server installation with My Oracle Support. By registering, Oracle Support notifies you immediately of any security updates that are specific to your installation.

  说明你是否想要通过My Oracle Support注册Oracle WebLogic Server的安装,Oracle Support会在你的安装有任何安全更新可用时立即通知你。

  If you want to register your installation, enter your My Oracle Support email address and your My Oracle Support password.

  如果你想注册你的安装,输入你的My Oracle Support电子邮件地址和你的My Oracle Support密码。

  If you want to decline registration, deselect the I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support check box. An Are You Sure dialog box appears. Click Yes to continue.

  如果你不想注册,取消 I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support 前面的复选框即可。然后会出现一个 Are You Sure  对话框。单击Yes继续。

  If you have not registered with Oracle Support, go to the My Oracle Support Web site, , and register to obtain a My Oracle Support account.

  如果你还没有注册Oracle Support,登录My Oracle Support Web的网站,,注册一个My Oracle Support帐户。

  For more information about the benefits of registering your installation with My Oracle Support, see Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide.

  更多关于通过My Oracle Support注册你的安装的益处,可以参考Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide

Choose Install Type



  Select the installation type.



  •   Typical—All the software components included in your installation program are installed on your system. Typical installation does not include the Server Examples.

  •   典型——包含在你的安装程序中的所有软件组件都会安装到你的系统中。典型安装类型不包含服务器示例。

  •   Custom—You select the software components to be installed. On Windows systems, you also have the option to install Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager as a Windows service. If you want to install the Server Examples, you must select Custom.

  •   自定义——自己选择要安装的软件组件。在Windows系统中,也有相应选项可以将Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager作为Windows服务安装。如果你想安装服务器示例,那么你必须选择自定义安装类型。

  For more information, see Choosing the Type of Installation.

  更进一步的信息,可以参考Choosing the Type of Installation.

Choose Products and Components



  Specify the components to be installed by selecting or clearing the appropriate check boxes.


  When you select or clear a component at the folder level, all subcomponents are selected or cleared accordingly.


  If any components are installed on your system, the corresponding check boxes appear dimmed.


  This screen also displays the description and the approximate installed size of the selected component.




When you select components, the installation program checks for dependencies between the components and automatically modifies the list of selected components to ensure that dependencies for selected components are also selected.


  For details about the components available for installation on your system, see Installable Product Components.

  关于针对你的系统的安装可用的组件的细节信息,可以参考Installable Product Components.

JDK Selection



  This screen displays a list of JDKs. This list contains JDKs that are available for (and common across) previous installations of all the selected WebLogic Server components.

  这个界面显示了JDK列表。此列表中包含了上一步中所有已选的Weblogic Server组件可用的JDK。(and comman across )

  Select the JDK that you want to install with the product.


  You can also brobwse for and select a local JDK (at least 1.6.0_05) installed on your machine.


  This screen also displays the approximate installed size of the highlighted JDK, the total installed size of all the selected JDKs, and the total installed size of all the components.




  Sun has addressed multiple Java security vulnerabilities affecting the following Sun Java Runtime Environments.

  Sun公司发表了许多关于JAVA安全脆弱性,这些安全脆弱性影响到以下Sun Java运行时环境。


  •   JDK and JRE 6 Update 10 and earlier

  •   JDK和JRE 6 Update 10以及更早

  •   JDK and JRE 5.0 Update 16 and earlier

  •   JDK和JRE 5.0 Update 16以及更早

  If you have already installed any of the above versions of JDK, you must upgrade it to the latest version of Sun Java Runtime Environment by selecting the latest JDK version in the installer.

  如果你已经安装了以上任何版本的JDK,你必须通过在安装程序中选择新的JDK版本把它升级到最新版本的Sun Java运行时环境。

Choose Product Installation Directories



  You can accept the default product directories or specify new directories for each product you are installing. The product directories that are listed on this screen depend on the products you selected for installation. You may have to specify up to three installation directories, one each for Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, and Oracle Coherence.

  你可以选择接受默认产品目录或者为每个正在安装的产品选择新的目录。此处的产品目录列表依赖于你所选择的要安装的产品。你可能不得不指定多至三个的安装目录,一个是Oracle WebLogic Server,一个是Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse的,以及Oracle Coherence。

  If you choose to create a directory, the installation program automatically creates one for you.


  If you go back to the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen to change the Middleware home directory, the following changes occur based on the type of changes you make to the home directory:



  •   If you accept the default product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory screen, then the old installation directory is retained in the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen.

      For example, the default installation directory for Oracle WebLogic Server is MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3.

  •   如果你在“选择产品安装目录”界面选择接受默认产品安装目录,那么旧的安装目录将会被保留在“选择中间件Home目录”安装界面中。

  •   举例来说,Weblogic Server默认的安装目录是 MW_HOME\wlserver_10.3.

  •   If you enter a new product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory screen, the directory name is modified to this new name in the Choose Middleware Home Directory screen.

  •   如果你在“选择产品安装目录”界面输入了一个新的产品安装目录的话,此目录名将会更新到“选择中间件Home目录”界面。

  •   If you specify the installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory screen, and if the directory you specify is outside of the existing Middleware home, the existing installation directory is retained.

  •   如果你“选择产品安装目录”界面中指定了安装目录,而且如果你指定的目录不在已存在的中间件home中,已经存在的安装目录将会被保留。

  For more information, see Choosing Product Installation Directories.

  更进一步的信息,请参考Choosing Product Installation Directories.

Confirm Product Installation Directory



  If you are adding components to an existing product installation, confirm the product installation directory. These are the directories in which you previously installed WebLogic Server, Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, or Oracle Coherence.

  如果你正在向一个已经存在的产品安装中添加组件,确认产品的安装目录。这些目录是你以前安装安装Weblogic Server, Oracle Enterprise pack for Eclipse, 或者Oracle Coherence.

  The selected components are installed in the product installation directory you specified during the initial installation.


Install Windows Service



  Choose whether you want to install the Windows services indicated, specifically the Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager service. Node Manager is used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a WebLogic domain.

  选择你是否需要安装指定的Windows服务,特别是Oracle WebLogic Server Node Manager服务。Node Manager被用来监视、启动和停止WebLogic域中的服务进程。

  If you select Yes, enter the Node Manager Listen Port in the appropriate field. The default is 5556.

  如果你选择Yes,输入Node manager Listen Port到相应的输入框中。默认值是5556。



If the Listen Port number you specify is being used by a running application, the installation program prompts you to enter a different Node Manager Listen Port value.

  如果指定的监听端口数已经被一个正在运行的程序占用的话,安装程序会提示你输入一个不同的Node Manager Listen Port值。

Choose Shortcut Location



  Select from the following options:



  •   All Users Start menu folder

  •   如有用户的启动菜单文件夹

      Select this option to provide all users registered on the machine with access to the installed software. However, only users with administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without administrator privileges uses the Configuration Wizard to create WebLogic domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired. Press ALT+A on the keyboard to select the All Users Start Menu.

  •   通过选择这个选项为每个此机器的注册用户提供访问已安装软件的权限。然而,只有拥有管理员权限的用户才可以在所有的用户文件夹中创建快捷方式。因此,如果一个用户拥有管理员权限,配置向导创建WebLogic域,指向域的启动菜单快捷方式将不会创建。在这种情况下,用户可以在他们本地的启动菜单文件夹中手动创建快捷方式,只要你想要这样做的话。在键盘上同时按下ALT和A来选择所有用户的启动菜单。

  •   Local User's Start menu folder

  •   本地用户的启动文件夹

      Selecting this option ensures that other users registered on this machine do not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation. Press ALT+L on the keyboard to select the Local User's start menu.                                                                                                                                                  

  •   选择这个选项可以保证此机器上其他的注册用户没有权限通过启动菜单访问此次安装的软件。在键盘同时按下ALT和L来选择本地用户的启动菜单

Installation Summary



  This screen displays a list of product components and JDKs to be installed. It also displays the description and the approximate installed size of each product component, JDKs, and the total size of all the selected items.





  This screen shows the progress of the installation. When the progress bar reaches 100%, the installation is complete.


Installation Complete



  In this screen you see a dialog box with the message "Congratulations! Installation is Complete."


  If you want to run the QuickStart application, leave the Run QuickStart check box selected. QuickStart is designed to assist first-time users in evaluating, learning, and using the software. It provides quick access to the sample domains, information for upgrading your applications, and the online documentation.

  如果你想运行快速启动程序的话,保持“Run QuickStart”前的复选框被选中状态。快速启动程序被设计用来帮助新用户评估、学习和使用本软件。它提供对示例域的快速访问、升级程序的相关信息以及在线文档。

  Clear the Run QuickStart check box if you do not want to launch QuickStart.

  如果你不想运行快速启动程序的话,取消“Run QuikStart”复选框即可。

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