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原创 随机十个数冒泡法排序

Private Sub Command1_Click()Me.Font.Size = 30Dim a(10) As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim t As IntegerDim p As StringFor i = 1 To 10  a(i) = 10 + Int(Rnd() * 100)  Print a(i);Next iPrin

2016-05-07 18:10:52 490

原创 随机十个数排序法排序

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim j As IntegerFor j = 1 To 9For i = j + 1 To 10   If a(j)       swap a(j), a(i)   End IfNextiNext jFor i = 1 To 10   Print a(i);Next iPrint 

2016-05-07 18:09:43 311

原创 十六进制的转换

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim s As StringDim yushu As Bytea = 1230: b = 16While a yushu = a Mod bIf yushu s = yushu & sElses = Chr(yushu + 55) &

2016-05-07 17:07:05 231

原创 二进制

Private Sub Command1_Click()Me.Font.Size = 25Dim n As Byten = 23Const er As Byte = 2Dim shang As ByteDim yushu(1 To 5) As ByteDim i As Bytei = 5shang = n \ eryushu(i) = n Mod erW

2016-04-28 16:38:12 193

原创 多位数乘一位数

Private Sub Command1_Click()   Cls   Dim a() As Long, i As Long   Dim b As String   Dim c As Long   Dim changdu As Long   changdu = Len(Text1.Text)   ReDim a(changdu)   For i = 1 To ch

2016-04-21 17:03:27 204

原创 随机10个数和 六

Dim n As IntegerDim a(10) As IntegerDim sum As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click()sum = 0n = 1DoRandomizea(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)sum = sum + a(n)n = n + 1Loop Until n > 10Prin

2016-04-07 17:39:58 269

原创 随机10个数和 五

Dim n As IntegerDim a(10) As IntegerDim sum As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click()sum = 0n = 1Do While n Randomizea(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)sum = sum + a(n)n = n + 1LoopPrint su

2016-04-07 17:39:03 174

原创 随机10个数和 四

Dim n As IntegerDim a(10) As IntegerDim sum As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click()sum = 0For n = 1 To 10Randomizea(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)sum = sum + a(n)Next nPrint sumEnd Sub

2016-04-07 17:36:40 213

原创 随机10个数和 三

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim n As Integer, s As IntegerDim a(10) As Integern = 1While n a(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)n = n + 1Wendn = 1While n Print a(n)n = n + 1Wends = 0

2016-04-07 17:09:31 254

原创 随机10个数和 二

Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(10) As IntegerRandomizeFor i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 1000) + 1Sum = Sum + a(i)Next iPrint SumEnd Sub

2016-04-07 16:53:56 155

原创 随机10个数和 一

Private Sub Command1_Click()Sum = 0For i = 1 To 10Randomizea = Int(1000 * Rnd)Sum = Sum + aMsgBox "10个随机数和为:" & SumNextEnd Sub

2016-04-07 16:29:42 187

原创 把最小的数排最后

经历了千辛万苦终于把程序写对了,感动的我流了一地眼泪,我感觉我打开了新世界的大门,这门课真是极好的!Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsFont.Size = 30Dim a As IntegerDim sierdun(15) As Integern = 1While n     sierdun(n) = Int(Rnd * 100

2016-03-31 16:38:11 166

原创 15个数排序

Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsMe.Font.Size = 24Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim c As IntegerDim d As IntegerDim e As IntegerDim f As IntegerDim g As IntegerDim h As IntegerDi

2016-03-24 17:35:15 262



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