Import Item Catalog Descriptive Element Values with API (文档 ID 360850.1)

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Import Item Catalog Descriptive Element Values with API (文档 ID 360850.1)​编辑转到底部

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Oracle Item Master - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


How to Import Item Catalog Descriptive Element Values?


IMPORTANT NOTE:  This API is only valid if customer versions are below the following:

File version:
$EGO_TOP/patch/115/sql/EGOPITMB.pls 115.24.50300.9
$EGO_TOP/patch/115/sql/EGOPITMS.pls 115.12.50300.13

IF FILE VERSIONS are below the above versions, use


    Continue with this note.

IF FILE VERSIONS are above those mentioned above, use:


     See Note.395493.1

This document is created to know how to use the following public APIs which help in importing Item Catalog Descriptive Element Values?
1. inv_item_catalog_elem_pub.process_item_catalog_grp_recs,
2. inv_item_catalog_elem_pub.process_item_descr_elements

Please follow the following Steps

Step 1:

a) Create an item through form or Item Open Interface. 
b) Assign a catalog group to the item. This should populate the mtl_descr_element_values table for this item. The elements will be defined but will not have any values.

Step 2:

To populate the values in mtl_descr_element_values you can use either of these two APIs:
inv_item_catalog_elem_pub.process_item_catalog_grp_recs, or

The first API, process_item_catalog_grp_recs, is used in batch mode to import element values for a SET of items.
The second API, process_item_descr_elements, is used to import element values for a SINGLE item.

Using process_item_catalog_grp_recs
Populate the interface table mtl_desc_elem_val_interface with the following values:

item_number or inventory_item_id, --item for which desc element values need to be imported;
element_name,                               --name of the element to be imported;
element_value,                               --value of the element to be imported;
element_sequence,                         --sequence number of the element name=> determines the 
                                                        sequence in which the elements are displayed
set_process_id                              --any numeric value, used to group records to be imported

Now run the API inv_item_catalog_elem_pub.process_item_catalog_grp_recs. The declaration of this API is:

  errbuf out nocopy varchar2
, retcode out nocopy number
, p_rec_set_id in number
, p_upload_rec_flag in number default 1
, p_delete_rec_flag in number default 1
, p_commit_flag in number default 1
, p_prog_appid in number default null
, p_prog_id in number default null
, p_request_id in number default null
, p_user_id in number default null

Specify values as follows:

p_rec_set_id = set_process_id from interface table

The other parameters are described below:

errbuf                    - holds the error message, if any, that results from trying to import the values for the descriptive elements 
                                the catalog group.
retcode                  - should be zero if there were no errors
p_rec_set_id          - used to group the rows, should be set to value of "set_process_id" in mtl_desc_elem_val_interface table
p_upload_rec_flag - whether the rows in interface table are to be uploaded to database
p_delete_rec_flag  - whether to delete the rows in interface table are to be deleted after they have been uploaded to database
p_commit_flag       - whether the uploaded rows need to be commited to the database

Using process_item_descr_elements
Define necessary values programmatically in PL/SQL variables and tables and call this API.
Do not populate interface table.

The decalaration of this API:

PROCEDURE Process_item_descr_elements
  p_api_version IN NUMBER
, p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_FALSE
, p_commit_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_FALSE
, p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT -999
, p_item_number IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
, p_item_desc_element_table IN ITEM_DESC_ELEMENT_TABLE
, x_generated_descr OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
, x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

The parameters are described below:

p_api_version                     – the version of this API. 
p_init_msg_list                    – if set to true initially, messages generated internally by the API will be captured. 
                                             Value = fnd_api.g_TRUE, if messages need to be captured, else accept default.
p_commit_flag                    – whether the uploaded rows need to be commited to the database
                                            Value = fnd_api.g_TRUE, to commit else accept default.
p_validation_level               – determines if item_number is to be converted to item_id
                                             If item_id is specified, set Value = g_VALIDATE_NONE, Else take default.
p_inventory_item_id            – item id of the item for which the element values need to be uploaded
p_item_number                   – Item number of the item
p_item_desc_element_table – PL/SQL table of records; each record will hold element name, value and description.
x_generated_descr              – element values are concatenated to generate item description
x_return_status                    – the return status of the API
x_msg_count                       – count of messages generated
x_msg_data                         – holds the messages generated 

Refer Bug 4216729


NOTE:395493.1 - A List Of Public APIs for Item Master
NOTE:1166856.1 - How to import Catalog Descriptive Elements from MTL_DESC_ELEM_VAL_INTERFACE table
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