Running WFSTAT and WFRETRY For Oracle Purchasing Workflows (文档 ID 134960.1)

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In this Document

 Troubleshooting Steps
 Instructions to run wfstat
 Purchase Order:
 Purchase Order Release:
 Instructions to run wfretry
 Purchase Order:
 Purchase Order Release:
 Alternate retry method
 Instructions to run wfstat for Createpo workflow
 Instructions to run wfstat for Account Generator Workflow
 Still Have Questions?


Oracle Purchasing - Version 11.5.10 to 12.2 [Release 11.5 to 12.2]
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The purpose of this article is to explain the use of the script wfstat and wfretry in order to monitor and retry workflow processes.

File wfstat.sql is a script that can be run to determine why a document is stuck. It usually provides the user with information that can be used to resolve the stuck document. Once the problem has been resolved, wfretry can be executed on the stuck document to get it moving through the system again. 

In addition to instructions on running wfstat.sql and wfretry.sql, this document provides details about how to get the values necessary to run wfstat.sql for purchase orders, release, requisitions and account generator.


In order to run wfstat and wfretry, the user must have access to the APPS schema. 

To run wfstat and wfretry, the following system tools and access are required:

  • Login capabilities to the database server and $APPL_TOP
  • Access to sqlplus on the database server - APPS schema
  • Write permissions for a spool file to be created via sqlplus


Instructions to run wfstat

Run wfstat to determine why a document is stuck in In Process / Pre-Approved or a workflow process has failed. This script comes seeded with the Oracle Applications and can be found in the $FND_TOP/sql directory residing on your database server machine.

1. Login to SQL*Plus in the APPS schema and enter username/password. 

2. Identify the parameter values. The wfstat script requires two values: wf_item_type and wf_item_key. The following scripts will return their values. Run one of the following queries, entering the problematic Purchase Order Number or Requisition Number, (be sure to enclose the number in single quotes):

SQL > select, prh.segment1, prh.wf_item_type, prh.wf_item_key
po_requisition_headers_all prh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
prh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
prh.segment1 = '&Enter_Req_Number';


Purchase Order:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, poh.wf_item_type, poh.wf_item_key
po_headers_all poh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number';


Purchase Order Release:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, por.release_num, por.wf_item_type, por.wf_item_key
po_headers_all poh,
po_releases_all por,
hr_all_organization_units hr
poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
por.org_id = poh.org_id and
poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number' and
por.release_num = '&Enter_Release_Num';


3. Run the script and create an output file:

3.1 Start spooling an output file: 
SQL> spool wfstat.lst 

3.2 Run wfstat.sql, using the results from the appropriate query above as parameters: SQL> @$FND_TOP/sql/wfstat.sql

For example:
'Enter a value for 1: ' <enter the wf_item_type> 
'Enter a value for 2: ' <enter the wf_item_key>

End the spooled output file: 
SQL> spool off 
SQL> exit 

Review the output and take appropriate corrective action. If you need assistance with file output, upload the file to the service request in My Oracle Support.

Note: The  PO Approval analyzer incorporates the same information as the wfstat.sql script plus other validations to troubleshoot issues with the approval process, including employee authority checks, critical patches, invalid objects, data integrity validations and more. Reference  Note 1525670.1 for instructions to download and run the script.


Instructions to run wfretry

When a workflow errors, once the cause of the error is resolved, you MUST always resubmit it, the system will not automatically process it again. If you implement the POERROR workflow, it will automatically retry certain document manager errors. Refer to Note:224028.1 - Oracle Purchasing POERROR Workflow Setup and Usage Guide White Paper for implementation details. This script comes seeded with the Oracle Applications and can be found in the $FND_TOP/sql directory residing on your database server machine.

1. Login to SQL*Plus in the APPS schema and enter username/password. 

2. Identify the parameter values. The wfretry script requires wf_item_type and wf_item_key. The following scripts will return their values. Run one of the following queries, entering the problematic Purchase Order Number or Requisition Number, (be sure to enclose the number in single quotes): 

SQL > select, prh.segment1, prh.wf_item_type, prh.wf_item_key
po_requisition_headers_all prh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
prh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
prh.segment1 = '&Enter_Req_Number';


Purchase Order:
SQL > select, poh.segment1, poh.wf_item_type, poh.wf_item_key
po_headers_all poh,
hr_all_organization_units hr
poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number';


Purchase Order Release:


SQL > select, poh.segment1, por.release_num, por.wf_item_type, por.wf_item_key
po_headers_all poh,
po_releases_all por,
hr_all_organization_units hr
poh.org_id = hr.organization_id and
por.org_id = poh.org_id and
poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id and
poh.segment1 = '&Enter_PO_Number' and
por.release_num = '&Enter_Release_Num';


3. Run the script wfretry with the following parameters:

a- wf_item_type (retrieved from above script)

b- wf_item_key (retrieved from above script)

c- Label: The label field is used to call the workflow startup process for the document type in question. This can be located in the Oracle Purchasing application.

Responsibility Purchasing Super User: Navigation: Setup -> Purchasing -> Document Types 
Select the document type for which you are going to run the wfretry script, and take note of the value which resides in the Workflow Startup Process field. Usually, but not always, this value will be 'MAIN_REQAPPRV_PROCESS' for purchase requisitions and 'POAPPRV_TOP' for purchase orders; confirmation of this value should be made by navigating to the Document Types form. 

d- Command: Uses the value of 'RETRY' in this scenario. 
e- Result: Does not require a value in this scenario. Press return

 For example:
'Enter a value for 1: ' <enter the wf_item_type>
'Enter a value for 2: ' <enter the wf_item_key>
accept activity prompt "Label:" POAPPRV_TOP for purchase orders MAIN_REQAPPRV_PROCESS for requisitions 
accept comflag prompt "Command:" (RETRY)
accept result prompt "Result:" (NULL) 


Alternate retry method

1. First determine the document's wf_item_type and wf_item_key values for the document type that is affected, using the scripts listed above.

2. Then with the above wf_item_type and wf_item_key values, retry the approval from SQLPLUS as follows, when run it will prompt you for the values obtained above in step 1:

SQL> exec wf_engine.handleError('&WF_ITEM_TYPE','&WF_ITEM_KEY'); 
SQL> commit; 

3. Run the Workflow Background program as now the approval workflow for this document will be run in a background process:

Responsibility System Administrator: Navigation: Sysadmin -> Request -> Run

Set the parameters 
Item Type = PO Approval or Requisition Approval; 
Processed Deferred = Yes; 
Process Time Out = Yes. 
Process Stuck = Yes, if the Process Stuck parameter is available 

4. Check if the document gets approved now.

Instructions to run wfstat for Createpo workflow

1. Substitute the requisition number and the requisition's org_id for when you are prompted in the statement below: 

select requisition_header_id 
from po_requisition_headers_all 
where segment1 = '&Enter_Req_Number'
and org_id = &org_id;

Segment1 will represent the requisition number which was not created into the Standard Purchase Order 

2. Substitute the requisition_header_id from script 1 when prompted in script 2 below: 

select item_type, Item_key 
from wf_items 
where item_key like '&REQ_HDR_ID'||'%' 
and item_type='CREATEPO' 
and root_activity = 'OVERALL_AUTOCREATE_PROCESS';

The results of this script will deliver an item_key and item_type this represents the first values that will be used for wfstat. The output from this wfstat represents a text explanation for the overall Create Documents process. 

3. It is now necessary to get the item_type and item_key for the two sub-processes called during the Overall Create Documents Top Process. We know these processes as 'Verify Req Line Information' and 'Launch Process to Create/Approve PO or Release'. You will substitute the value wf_item_key obtained from the script that was run in step 2. 

select item_type, Item_key 
from wf_items 
where parent_item_type='CREATEPO' 
and parent_item_key = '&WF_ITEM_KEY';

This process will return two or more records (depending on the number of document lines) . These values will be used to obtain the wfstat outputs for the sub-processes 'Verify Req Line Information' as well as 'Create And Approve Purchase Order/Release'.  

After you have retrieved the 2 or 3 sets of item_types and item_keys  (one set from step 2 and two or more possible sets from step 3), run the wfstat.sql file.

SQL> @wfstat <item_type> <item_key>
Replace item_type and item_key using the values retrieved in steps 2 and 3.


Note: An alternate method to obtain the workflow data for createpo workflow is through the data collection script from  CREATEPO Workflow - Data Collection Script  Note 1415918.1.




Instructions to run wfstat for Account Generator Workflow

1. Set the following personal profiles:

Account Generator: Purge Runtime Data = NO 
Account Generator: Run in Debug Mode = YES 

2. Create a purchase order, and drill down to the Distributions region. 

3. Click in the Charge Account field and allow the system to attempt to build the charge account. If errors are received during this process, please choose the OK button through all errors. 

4. Do no exit the Distributions form yet. Instead, choose Help/Tools/Examine and enter the following: 
Block: Parameter 
Field: charge_acc_wf_itemkey 
Value: (this value will be returned when moving from 'Field' to 'Value') 

Take note of what is returned for 'Value'. 

5. From the database server, login to SQL*Plus using the APPS username/password. 

6. Create an output file in the home directory using the following command in 
SQL> spool $HOME/acctgen.txt 

7. Run wfstat.sql as follows: 
SQL> @$FND_TOP/sql/wfstat.sql 

When prompted with 'Enter value for 1', type: POWFPOAG 
When prompted with 'Enter value for 2', type the numeric value that was returned in step 4. 

8. Once the script completes, end the spooled output file: 
SQL> spool off 

9. Reset the profile options changed in step 1 above. 

10. Upload the output to the SR (Upload to Support link on SR update page) .

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