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阻抗管吸隔声测试 操作手册.pdf

当声波从一种媒质入射到声学特性不同的另一种媒质时,在两种媒质的分界面处将发生 反射,使入射声波的一部分能量返回第一种媒质。在斜入射时,反射角 r  与入射角 i相等。 在反射点处,反射波声压 pr 与入射波声压 pi 之比称为反射系数 r ,即 r p p = / r i


阻抗管 PPT_MaterialTesting.pdf

Tube dimensions determine frequency range • Example: 50 - 5700 Hz • The propagating wave in the tube is the plane wave, only in one direction. Its wave equation can be simply formulated


03 声学相机 HD Cam tutorial - engine.pdf

The High Definition Acoustic Camera (‘HD Cam’) is a tool for rapidly identifying sound sources in stationary and time-varying conditions. The localization is nearly instantaneous, and is visualized by drawing ‘heat maps’ on top of the camera image. In this tutorial we will learn how to set up a measurement with the HD Cam


01 声学相机 Training HD CAM theory.pdf

Combines three techniques in one tool  Typical 36 or 54 microphones  Wide angle camera (for pictures close to object)  Real-time results “preview”  PC or touchscreen operation  Interactive analysis  Animated reporting


DYTRAN 加速度 7531A2_ds.pdf

531A1-XX !29 420 mVlg 7531AZ-X 139 - 300 mV/g - 753143-XX t59 174 mYIg 7531A4-XX t 169 57 mV/g 753145-XX t200g 6.5 mV/g


DYTRAN 加速度 7700A2_ds.pdf

750041 G 13283 02t20t17 2s 7500p.2 G 1 3283 02t20t17 5s 750043 G 13283 02t20t17 10s 750044 G 13283 02t20t17 25s 750045 G 13283 02t20t17 50s 750046 G 13283 02t20t17 1 00s 750047 G 13283 02t20t17 200s 750048 G 13283 02t20t17 400s


DYTRAN 加速度 7500A3_ds.pdf

750041 G 13283 02t20t17 2s 7500p.2 G 1 3283 02t20t17 5s 750043 G 13283 02t20t17 10s 750044 G 13283 02t20t17 25s 750045 G 13283 02t20t17 50s 750046 G 13283 02t20t17 1 00s 750047 G 13283 02t20t17 200s 750048 G 13283 02t20t17 400s


BK 3160-bp2331-20111019.pdf

A stand-alone system with two or four input channels and two output channels, a building block of a high-density 60+ channel system, or both, Type 3160 is available in four variants: • Type 3160-A-022 Generator, 2/2-ch. Input/Output Module LAN-XI 51.2 kHz (Mic, CCLD, V) • Type 3160-A-042 Generator, 4/2-ch. Input/Output Module LAN-XI 51.2 kHz (Mic, CCLD, V) • Type 3160-B-042 Generator, 2/2-ch. Input/Output Module LAN-XI 51.2 kHz (CCLD, V) • Type 3160-B-022 Generator, 4/2-ch. Input/Output Module LAN-XI 51.2 kHz (CCLD, V)


BK 加速度 4570-4575.pdf

The DC Response Accelerometers are designed to measure low-frequency vibration down to DC. The gasdamped sensing element offers a wide dynamic range and very stable frequency response even after subjection to high shock levels. The accelerometer has built- in conditioning, where the sensing element and electronics are shielded, sealed and insulated from the housing. D-versions are available offering high thermal stability from –55 to +121°C


BK 加速度 4535-B-bp2465-11-20130205.pdf

Triaxial CCLD* Accelerometers with TEDS† Type 4535-B and 4535-B-001 are designed to simplify your testing by covering most of the different needs of a modern test lab with one sensor. Their wide frequency range from 0.3 Hz to 10 kHz and light weight make them excellent general purpose triaxial accelerometers. When only a single- or bi-axis measurement is needed at a location, the small size and possibility of single axis powering supply make Types 4535-B and 4535-B-001 the right choice. TEDS function and the mounting possibilities with an M3 stud speed test setup


BK 加速度 4533B 4534B.pdf

The general purpose families of CCLD* Accelerometers with TEDS†, Types 4533-B and 4534-B, have wide frequency range, low noise, and low sensitivity to environmental factors. Each unit features a lightweight, robust, hermetically sealed titanium housing, an insulated base and a 10–32 UNF threaded mounting hole suitable for use in a variety of environmental conditions. The main difference between Type 4533-B and Type 4534-B is the position of the coaxial connector. The Type 4534-B family has a top-mounted coaxial connector, while the Type 4533-B family has a side-mounted connector


BK 加速度 4525-bp2203.pdf

Types 4525-B and 4525-B-001 are general purpose designs with a useful upper frequency limit higher than 10 kHz. A sensitivity of 10 mV/g is available for high vibration levels and a 100 mV/g version for highresolution measurements. The units are lightweight triaxial DeltaTron accelerometers with small dimensions, enabling measurements on light structures and mounting in confined spaces. The all-titanium, hermetically sealed construction enables use in most environments


BK 加速度 4524_bp2076_2010.pdf

Type 4524 series consists of lightweight triaxial piezoelectric OrthoShear® accelerometers, each with three independent outputs for simultaneous measurements in three mutually perpendicular directions. Type 4524 series utilise a 4-pin connector. The clip mounting facility combined with the ability to mount the transducer on five of its six surfaces makes mounting on structures very flexible and quick and thus ideal for structural and modal analysis measurements. The light compact construction is an improved design covered by the OrthoShear patent


SelectBox 选择对话框

% SELECTBOX is a dialog box for the user to select several % items from a list of available items. % % INPUT: % title = the title of the box % universe = a cellstring of available choices % selections = an array of the indicies of pre-selected choices % description = a short description of what to do % % OUTPUTS: % out_index = an array of indicies of all selections (pre and post) % out_cs = a cellstring of all selections (pre and post)



___ Using akZoom automatically for all 2D-plots in Matlab___ The standard usage of akZoom is "on demand", this means you have to call akZoom explicitly after plotting something like shown in the akZoom_examples.m file. However, if you are satisfied with the functionality, you can implement akZoom such that it is called automatically when calling plot, plotyy, etc.. To use akZoom automatically, you just have to include the folder "Wrapper of Matlab functions" to the Matlab search patch (here is how you do that: http://www.mathworks.de/de/help/matlab/ref/path.html). In this folder Matlab will find wrapper-functions for plot, plotyy, etc.. These wrapper-functions call the original functions and automatically add the akZoom call afterwards. Note: since we overload Matlabs own functions, you will get warnings like the following on Matlab startup: "Warning: Function ...\plot.m has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict." This can either just be ignored or, if it really bugs you, turned off with the following command: warning off MATLAB:dispatcher:nameConflict However, sometimes these kind of warnings can be usefull if you accidentally overload a Matlab function. So I recommend not to turn them off and just ignore them during startup. ___ Going back to default ___ If you do not want to call akZoom automatically, just remove the "Wrapper of Matlab functions" folder from the Matlab search path. ___ Using akZoom in GUIs ___ One important remark for GUI-programmers: When building an executable, Matlab somehow does not like it, when its built-in functions are overwritten. Therefore I recommend to call akZoom explicitly in the m-file of your GUI and remove the "Wrapper of Matlab functions" folder from the search path before building your application. If you have any questions or remarks just send me an email: alexander.kessel(at)mpq.mpg.de








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