【Spring】Spring Framework Reference Documentation中文版15

19.5 Simplifying JDBC operations with the SimpleJdbc classes



The SimpleJdbcInsert and SimpleJdbcCall classes provide a simplified configuration by taking advantage of database metadata that can be retrieved through the JDBC driver. This means there is less to configure up front, although you can override or turn off the metadata processing if you prefer to provide all the details in your code.



19.5.1 Inserting data using SimpleJdbcInsert



Lets start by looking at the SimpleJdbcInsert class with the minimal amount of configuration options. You should instantiate the SimpleJdbcInsert in the data access layers initialization method. For this example, the initializing method is the setDataSource method. You do not need to subclass the SimpleJdbcInsert class; simply create a new instance and set the table name using the withTableName method. Configuration methods for this class follow the "fluid" style that returns the instance of the SimpleJdbcInsert, which allows you to chain all configuration methods. This example uses only one configuration method; you will see examples of multiple ones later.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName("t_actor");



    public void add(Actor actor) {

        Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(3);

        parameters.put("id", actor.getId());

        parameters.put("first_name", actor.getFirstName());

        parameters.put("last_name", actor.getLastName());




    // ... additional methods



The execute method used here takes a plain java.utils.Map as its only parameter. The important thing to note here is that the keys used for the Map must match the column names of the table as defined in the database. This is because we read the metadata in order to construct the actual insert statement.



19.5.2 Retrieving auto-generated keys using SimpleJdbcInsert



This example uses the same insert as the preceding, but instead of passing in the id it retrieves the auto-generated key and sets it on the new Actor object. When you create the SimpleJdbcInsert, in addition to specifying the table name, you specify the name of the generated key column with the usingGeneratedKeyColumns method.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource)





    public void add(Actor actor) {

        Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);

        parameters.put("first_name", actor.getFirstName());

        parameters.put("last_name", actor.getLastName());

        Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters);




    // ... additional methods



The main difference when executing the insert by this second approach is that you do not add the id to the Map and you call the executeAndReturnKey method. This returns a java.lang.Number object with which you can create an instance of the numerical type that is used in our domain class. You cannot rely on all databases to return a specific Java class here; java.lang.Number is the base class that you can rely on. If you have multiple auto-generated columns, or the generated values are non-numeric, then you can use a KeyHolder that is returned from the executeAndReturnKeyHolder method.



19.5.3 Specifying columns for a SimpleJdbcInsert



You can limit the columns for an insert by specifying a list of column names with the usingColumns method:



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource)


                .usingColumns("first_name", "last_name")




    public void add(Actor actor) {

        Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);

        parameters.put("first_name", actor.getFirstName());

        parameters.put("last_name", actor.getLastName());

        Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters);




    // ... additional methods




The execution of the insert is the same as if you had relied on the metadata to determine which columns to use.



19.5.4 Using SqlParameterSource to provide parameter values



Using a Map to provide parameter values works fine, but its not the most convenient class to use. Spring provides a couple of implementations of the SqlParameterSource interface that can be used instead.The first one is BeanPropertySqlParameterSource, which is a very convenient class if you have a JavaBean-compliant class that contains your values. It will use the corresponding getter method to extract the parameter values. Here is an example:



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource)





    public void add(Actor actor) {

        SqlParameterSource parameters = new BeanPropertySqlParameterSource(actor);

        Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters);




    // ... additional methods




Another option is the MapSqlParameterSource that resembles a Map but provides a more convenient addValue method that can be chained.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcInsert insertActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        this.insertActor = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource)





    public void add(Actor actor) {

        SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource()

                .addValue("first_name", actor.getFirstName())

                .addValue("last_name", actor.getLastName());

        Number newId = insertActor.executeAndReturnKey(parameters);




    // ... additional methods




As you can see, the configuration is the same; only the executing code has to change to use these alternative input classes.



19.5.5 Calling a stored procedure with SimpleJdbcCall



The SimpleJdbcCall class leverages metadata in the database to look up names of in and out parameters, so that you do not have to declare them explicitly. You can declare parameters if you prefer to do that, or if you have parameters such as ARRAY or STRUCT that do not have an automatic mapping to a Java class. The first example shows a simple procedure that returns only scalar values in VARCHAR and DATE format from a MySQL database. The example procedure reads a specified actor entry and returns first_name, last_name, and birth_date columns in the form of out parameters.




    IN in_id INTEGER,

    OUT out_first_name VARCHAR(100),

    OUT out_last_name VARCHAR(100),

    OUT out_birth_date DATE)


    SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date

    INTO out_first_name, out_last_name, out_birth_date

    FROM t_actor where id = in_id;



The in_id parameter contains the id of the actor you are looking up. The out parameters return the data read from the table.



The SimpleJdbcCall is declared in a similar manner to the SimpleJdbcInsert. You should instantiate and configure the class in the initialization method of your data access layer. Compared to the StoredProcedure class, you dont have to create a subclass and you dont have to declare parameters that can be looked up in the database metadata. Following is an example of a SimpleJdbcCall configuration using the above stored procedure. The only configuration option, in addition to the DataSource, is the name of the stored procedure.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcCall procReadActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        this.procReadActor = new SimpleJdbcCall(dataSource)




    public Actor readActor(Long id) {

        SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource()

                .addValue("in_id", id);

        Map out = procReadActor.execute(in);

        Actor actor = new Actor();


        actor.setFirstName((String) out.get("out_first_name"));

        actor.setLastName((String) out.get("out_last_name"));

        actor.setBirthDate((Date) out.get("out_birth_date"));

        return actor;



    // ... additional methods




The code you write for the execution of the call involves creating an SqlParameterSource containing the IN parameter. Its important to match the name provided for the input value with that of the parameter name declared in the stored procedure. The case does not have to match because you use metadata to determine how database objects should be referred to in a stored procedure. What is specified in the source for the stored procedure is not necessarily the way it is stored in the database. Some databases transform names to all upper case while others use lower case or use the case as specified.



The execute method takes the IN parameters and returns a Map containing any out parameters keyed by the name as specified in the stored procedure. In this case they are out_first_name, out_last_name and out_birth_date.



The last part of the execute method creates an Actor instance to use to return the data retrieved. Again, it is important to use the names of the out parameters as they are declared in the stored procedure. Also, the case in the names of the out parameters stored in the results map matches that of the out parameter names in the database, which could vary between databases. To make your code more portable you should do a case-insensitive lookup or instruct Spring to use a LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap. To do the latter, you create your own JdbcTemplate and set the setResultsMapCaseInsensitive property to true. Then you pass this customized JdbcTemplate instance into the constructor of your SimpleJdbcCall. Here is an example of this configuration:



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private SimpleJdbcCall procReadActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);


        this.procReadActor = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)




    // ... additional methods




By taking this action, you avoid conflicts in the case used for the names of your returned out parameters.



19.5.6 Explicitly declaring parameters to use for a SimpleJdbcCall



You have seen how the parameters are deduced based on metadata, but you can declare then explicitly if you wish. You do this by creating and configuring SimpleJdbcCall with the declareParameters method, which takes a variable number of SqlParameter objects as input. See the next section for details on how to define an SqlParameter.






Explicit declarations are necessary if the database you use is not a Spring-supported database. Currently Spring supports metadata lookup of stored procedure calls for the following databases: Apache Derby, DB2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Sybase. We also support metadata lookup of stored functions for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.

明确的定义是必要的如果你使用的数据库不是一个支持spring的数据库。当前spring支持元数据查找对于存储过程调用对于以下的数据库:Apache DerbyDB2MySQLMicrosoft SQL ServerOracleSybase。我们已经支持元数据查找存储函数的是MySQLMicrosoft SQL ServerOracle


You can opt to declare one, some, or all the parameters explicitly. The parameter metadata is still used where you do not declare parameters explicitly. To bypass all processing of metadata lookups for potential parameters and only use the declared parameters, you call the method withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess as part of the declaration. Suppose that you have two or more different call signatures declared for a database function. In this case you call the useInParameterNames to specify the list of IN parameter names to include for a given signature.



The following example shows a fully declared procedure call, using the information from the preceding example.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private SimpleJdbcCall procReadActor;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);


        this.procReadActor = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)





                        new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC),

                        new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),

                        new SqlOutParameter("out_last_name", Types.VARCHAR),

                        new SqlOutParameter("out_birth_date", Types.DATE)




    // ... additional methods



The execution and end results of the two examples are the same; this one specifies all details explicitly rather than relying on metadata.



19.5.7 How to define SqlParameters



To define a parameter for the SimpleJdbc classes and also for the RDBMS operations classes, covered in Section 19.6, Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects, you use an SqlParameter or one of its subclasses. You typically specify the parameter name and SQL type in the constructor. The SQL type is specified using the java.sql.Types constants. We have already seen declarations like:



new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC),

    new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),


The first line with the SqlParameter declares an IN parameter. IN parameters can be used for both stored procedure calls and for queries using the SqlQuery and its subclasses covered in the following section.



The second line with the SqlOutParameter declares an out parameter to be used in a stored procedure call. There is also an SqlInOutParameter for InOut parameters, parameters that provide an IN value to the procedure and that also return a value.






Only parameters declared as SqlParameter and SqlInOutParameter will be used to provide input values. This is different from the StoredProcedure class, which for backwards compatibility reasons allows input values to be provided for parameters declared as SqlOutParameter.



For IN parameters, in addition to the name and the SQL type, you can specify a scale for numeric data or a type name for custom database types. For out parameters, you can provide a RowMapper to handle mapping of rows returned from a REF cursor. Another option is to specify an SqlReturnType that provides an opportunity to define customized handling of the return values.



19.5.8 Calling a stored function using SimpleJdbcCall



You call a stored function in almost the same way as you call a stored procedure, except that you provide a function name rather than a procedure name. You use the withFunctionName method as part of the configuration to indicate that we want to make a call to a function, and the corresponding string for a function call is generated. A specialized execute call, executeFunction, is used to execute the function and it returns the function return value as an object of a specified type, which means you do not have to retrieve the return value from the results map. A similar convenience method named executeObject is also available for stored procedures that only have one out parameter. The following example is based on a stored function named get_actor_name that returns an actors full name. Here is the MySQL source for this function:



CREATE FUNCTION get_actor_name (in_id INTEGER)



    DECLARE out_name VARCHAR(200);

    SELECT concat(first_name, ' ', last_name)

        INTO out_name

        FROM t_actor where id = in_id;

    RETURN out_name;



To call this function we again create a SimpleJdbcCall in the initialization method.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private SimpleJdbcCall funcGetActorName;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);

        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);


        this.funcGetActorName = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)




    public String getActorName(Long id) {

        SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource()

                .addValue("in_id", id);

        String name = funcGetActorName.executeFunction(String.class, in);

        return name;



    // ... additional methods




The execute method used returns a String containing the return value from the function call.



19.5.9 Returning ResultSet/REF Cursor from a SimpleJdbcCall



Calling a stored procedure or function that returns a result set is a bit tricky. Some databases return result sets during the JDBC results processing while others require an explicitly registered out parameter of a specific type. Both approaches need additional processing to loop over the result set and process the returned rows. With the SimpleJdbcCall you use the returningResultSet method and declare a RowMapper implementation to be used for a specific parameter. In the case where the result set is returned during the results processing, there are no names defined, so the returned results will have to match the order in which you declare the RowMapper implementations. The name specified is still used to store the processed list of results in the results map that is returned from the execute statement.



The next example uses a stored procedure that takes no IN parameters and returns all rows from the t_actor table. Here is the MySQL source for this procedure:



CREATE PROCEDURE read_all_actors()


 SELECT a.id, a.first_name, a.last_name, a.birth_date FROM t_actor a;



To call this procedure you declare the RowMapper. Because the class you want to map to follows the JavaBean rules, you can use a BeanPropertyRowMapper that is created by passing in the required class to map to in the newInstance method.



public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao {


    private SimpleJdbcCall procReadAllActors;


    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

        JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);


        this.procReadAllActors = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)






    public List getActorsList() {

        Map m = procReadAllActors.execute(new HashMap<String, Object>(0));

        return (List) m.get("actors");



    // ... additional methods




The execute call passes in an empty Map because this call does not take any parameters. The list of Actors is then retrieved from the results map and returned to the caller.



19.6 Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects



The org.springframework.jdbc.object package contains classes that allow you to access the database in a more object-oriented manner. As an example, you can execute queries and get the results back as a list containing business objects with the relational column data mapped to the properties of the business object. You can also execute stored procedures and run update, delete, and insert statements.






Many Spring developers believe that the various RDBMS operation classes described below (with the exception of the StoredProcedure class) can often be replaced with straight JdbcTemplate calls. Often it is simpler to write a DAO method that simply calls a method on a JdbcTemplate directly (as opposed to encapsulating a query as a full-blown class).



However, if you are getting measurable value from using the RDBMS operation classes, continue using these classes.



19.6.1 SqlQuery


SqlQuery is a reusable, threadsafe class that encapsulates an SQL query. Subclasses must implement the newRowMapper(..) method to provide a RowMapper instance that can create one object per row obtained from iterating over the ResultSet that is created during the execution of the query. The SqlQuery class is rarely used directly because the MappingSqlQuery subclass provides a much more convenient implementation for mapping rows to Java classes. Other implementations that extend SqlQuery are MappingSqlQueryWithParameters and UpdatableSqlQuery.



19.6.2 MappingSqlQuery


MappingSqlQuery is a reusable query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(..) method to convert each row of the supplied ResultSet into an object of the type specified. The following example shows a custom query that maps the data from the t_actor relation to an instance of the Actor class.



public class ActorMappingQuery extends MappingSqlQuery<Actor> {


    public ActorMappingQuery(DataSource ds) {

        super(ds, "select id, first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?");

        super.declareParameter(new SqlParameter("id", Types.INTEGER));





    protected Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNumber) throws SQLException {

        Actor actor = new Actor();




        return actor;





The class extends MappingSqlQuery parameterized with the Actor type. The constructor for this customer query takes the DataSource as the only parameter. In this constructor you call the constructor on the superclass with the DataSource and the SQL that should be executed to retrieve the rows for this query. This SQL will be used to create a PreparedStatement so it may contain place holders for any parameters to be passed in during execution.You must declare each parameter using the declareParameter method passing in an SqlParameter. The SqlParameter takes a name and the JDBC type as defined in java.sql.Types. After you define all parameters, you call the compile() method so the statement can be prepared and later executed. This class is thread-safe after it is compiled, so as long as these instances are created when the DAO is initialized they can be kept as instance variables and be reused.



private ActorMappingQuery actorMappingQuery;



public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

    this.actorMappingQuery = new ActorMappingQuery(dataSource);



public Customer getCustomer(Long id) {

    return actorMappingQuery.findObject(id);



The method in this example retrieves the customer with the id that is passed in as the only parameter. Since we only want one object returned we simply call the convenience method findObject with the id as parameter. If we had instead a query that returned a list of objects and took additional parameters then we would use one of the execute methods that takes an array of parameter values passed in as varargs.



public List<Actor> searchForActors(int age, String namePattern) {

    List<Actor> actors = actorSearchMappingQuery.execute(age, namePattern);

    return actors;



19.6.3 SqlUpdate


The SqlUpdate class encapsulates an SQL update. Like a query, an update object is reusable, and like all RdbmsOperation classes, an update can have parameters and is defined in SQL. This class provides a number of update(..) methods analogous to the execute(..) methods of query objects. The SQLUpdate class is concrete. It can be subclassed, for example, to add a custom update method, as in the following snippet where its simply called execute. However, you dont have to subclass the SqlUpdate class since it can easily be parameterized by setting SQL and declaring parameters.



import java.sql.Types;


import javax.sql.DataSource;


import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;

import org.springframework.jdbc.object.SqlUpdate;


public class UpdateCreditRating extends SqlUpdate {


    public UpdateCreditRating(DataSource ds) {


        setSql("update customer set credit_rating = ? where id = ?");

        declareParameter(new SqlParameter("creditRating", Types.NUMERIC));

        declareParameter(new SqlParameter("id", Types.NUMERIC));





     * @param id for the Customer to be updated

     * @param rating the new value for credit rating

     * @return number of rows updated


    public int execute(int id, int rating) {

        return update(rating, id);




19.6.4 StoredProcedure


The StoredProcedure class is a superclass for object abstractions of RDBMS stored procedures. This class is abstract, and its various execute(..) methods have protected access, preventing use other than through a subclass that offers tighter typing.

StoredProcedure类是一个超类对于抽象的RDBMS存储过程。这个类是抽象的并且的他的不同execute方法是保护的,防止使用其他的子类提供了一个tighter typing


The inherited sql property will be the name of the stored procedure in the RDBMS.



To define a parameter for the StoredProcedure class, you use an SqlParameter or one of its subclasses. You must specify the parameter name and SQL type in the constructor like in the following code snippet. The SQL type is specified using the java.sql.Types constants.



new SqlParameter("in_id", Types.NUMERIC),

    new SqlOutParameter("out_first_name", Types.VARCHAR),


The first line with the SqlParameter declares an IN parameter. IN parameters can be used for both stored procedure calls and for queries using the SqlQuery and its subclasses covered in the following section.



The second line with the SqlOutParameter declares an out parameter to be used in the stored procedure call. There is also an SqlInOutParameter for InOut parameters, parameters that provide an in value to the procedure and that also return a value.



For in parameters, in addition to the name and the SQL type, you can specify a scale for numeric data or a type name for custom database types. For out parameters you can provide a RowMapper to handle mapping of rows returned from a REF cursor. Another option is to specify an SqlReturnType that enables you to define customized handling of the return values.



Here is an example of a simple DAO that uses a StoredProcedure to call a function, sysdate(),which comes with any Oracle database. To use the stored procedure functionality you have to create a class that extends StoredProcedure. In this example, the StoredProcedure class is an inner class, but if you need to reuse the StoredProcedure you declare it as a top-level class. This example has no input parameters, but an output parameter is declared as a date type using the class SqlOutParameter. The execute() method executes the procedure and extracts the returned date from the results Map. The results Map has an entry for each declared output parameter, in this case only one, using the parameter name as the key.



import java.sql.Types;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;


import javax.sql.DataSource;


import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;

import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;


public class StoredProcedureDao {


    private GetSysdateProcedure getSysdate;



    public void init(DataSource dataSource) {

        this.getSysdate = new GetSysdateProcedure(dataSource);



    public Date getSysdate() {

        return getSysdate.execute();



    private class GetSysdateProcedure extends StoredProcedure {


        private static final String SQL = "sysdate";


        public GetSysdateProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {




            declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("date", Types.DATE));




        public Date execute() {

            // the 'sysdate' sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied...

            Map<String, Object> results = execute(new HashMap<String, Object>());

            Date sysdate = (Date) results.get("date");

            return sysdate;






The following example of a StoredProcedure has two output parameters (in this case, Oracle REF cursors).



import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;

import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;


import javax.sql.DataSource;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;


public class TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure {


    private static final String SPROC_NAME = "AllTitlesAndGenres";


    public TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {

        super(dataSource, SPROC_NAME);

        declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new TitleMapper()));

        declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("genres", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new GenreMapper()));




    public Map<String, Object> execute() {

        // again, this sproc has no input parameters, so an empty Map is supplied

        return super.execute(new HashMap<String, Object>());




Notice how the overloaded variants of the declareParameter(..) method that have been used in the TitlesAndGenresStoredProcedure constructor are passed RowMapper implementation instances; this is a very convenient and powerful way to reuse existing functionality. The code for the two RowMapper implementations is provided below.



The TitleMapper class maps a ResultSet to a Title domain object for each row in the supplied ResultSet:



import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;


import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;


import com.foo.domain.Title;


public final class TitleMapper implements RowMapper<Title> {


    public Title mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {

        Title title = new Title();



        return title;




The GenreMapper class maps a ResultSet to a Genre domain object for each row in the supplied ResultSet.



import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;


import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;


import com.foo.domain.Genre;


public final class GenreMapper implements RowMapper<Genre> {


    public Genre mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {

        return new Genre(rs.getString("name"));




To pass parameters to a stored procedure that has one or more input parameters in its definition in the RDBMS, you can code a strongly typed execute(..) method that would delegate to the superclass' untyped execute(Map parameters) method (which has protected access); for example:



import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlOutParameter;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;

import org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure;


import javax.sql.DataSource;


import java.sql.Types;

import java.util.Date;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;


public class TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure {


    private static final String SPROC_NAME = "TitlesAfterDate";

    private static final String CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM = "cutoffDate";


    public TitlesAfterDateStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {

        super(dataSource, SPROC_NAME);

        declareParameter(new SqlParameter(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, Types.DATE);

        declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("titles", OracleTypes.CURSOR, new TitleMapper()));




    public Map<String, Object> execute(Date cutoffDate) {

        Map<String, Object> inputs = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        inputs.put(CUTOFF_DATE_PARAM, cutoffDate);

        return super.execute(inputs);




19.7 Common problems with parameter and data value handling



Common problems with parameters and data values exist in the different approaches provided by the Spring Framework JDBC.



19.7.1 Providing SQL type information for parameters



Usually Spring determines the SQL type of the parameters based on the type of parameter passed in. It is possible to explicitly provide the SQL type to be used when setting parameter values. This is sometimes necessary to correctly set NULL values.



You can provide SQL type information in several ways:



    Many update and query methods of the JdbcTemplate take an additional parameter in the form of an int array. This array is used to indicate the SQL type of the corresponding parameter using constant values from the java.sql.Types class. Provide one entry for each parameter.


    You can use the SqlParameterValue class to wrap the parameter value that needs this additional information.Create a new instance for each value and pass in the SQL type and parameter value in the constructor. You can also provide an optional scale parameter for numeric values.


    For methods working with named parameters, use the SqlParameterSource classes BeanPropertySqlParameterSource or MapSqlParameterSource. They both have methods for registering the SQL type for any of the named parameter values.



19.7.2 Handling BLOB and CLOB objects



You can store images, other binary data, and large chunks of text in the database. These large objects are called BLOBs (Binary Large OBject) for binary data and CLOBs (Character Large OBject) for character data. In Spring you can handle these large objects by using the JdbcTemplate directly and also when using the higher abstractions provided by RDBMS Objects and the SimpleJdbc classes. All of these approaches use an implementation of the LobHandler interface for the actual management of the LOB (Large OBject) data. The LobHandler provides access to a LobCreator class, through the getLobCreator method, used for creating new LOB objects to be inserted.



The LobCreator/LobHandler provides the following support for LOB input and output:




        byte[] — getBlobAsBytes and setBlobAsBytes

        InputStream — getBlobAsBinaryStream and setBlobAsBinaryStream



        String — getClobAsString and setClobAsString

        InputStream — getClobAsAsciiStream and setClobAsAsciiStream

        Reader — getClobAsCharacterStream and setClobAsCharacterStream


The next example shows how to create and insert a BLOB. Later you will see how to read it back from the database.



This example uses a JdbcTemplate and an implementation of the AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback. It implements one method, setValues. This method provides a LobCreator that you use to set the values for the LOB columns in your SQL insert statement.



For this example we assume that there is a variable, lobHandler, that already is set to an instance of a DefaultLobHandler. You typically set this value through dependency injection.



final File blobIn = new File("spring2004.jpg");

final InputStream blobIs = new FileInputStream(blobIn);

final File clobIn = new File("large.txt");

final InputStream clobIs = new FileInputStream(clobIn);

final InputStreamReader clobReader = new InputStreamReader(clobIs);


    "INSERT INTO lob_table (id, a_clob, a_blob) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",

    new AbstractLobCreatingPreparedStatementCallback(lobHandler) { 1

        protected void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, LobCreator lobCreator) throws SQLException {

            ps.setLong(1, 1L);

            lobCreator.setClobAsCharacterStream(ps, 2, clobReader, (int)clobIn.length()); 2

            lobCreator.setBlobAsBinaryStream(ps, 3, blobIs, (int)blobIn.length()); 3







1 Pass in the lobHandler that in this example is a plain DefaultLobHandler.



2 Using the method setClobAsCharacterStream, pass in the contents of the CLOB.



3 Using the method setBlobAsBinaryStream, pass in the contents of the BLOB.






If you invoke the setBlobAsBinaryStream, setClobAsAsciiStream, or setClobAsCharacterStream method on the LobCreator returned from DefaultLobHandler.getLobCreator(), you can optionally specify a negative value for the contentLength argument. If the specified content length is negative, the DefaultLobHandler will use the JDBC 4.0 variants of the set-stream methods without a length parameter; otherwise, it will pass the specified length on to the driver.



Consult the documentation for the JDBC driver in use to verify support for streaming a LOB without providing the content length.



Now its time to read the LOB data from the database. Again, you use a JdbcTemplate with the same instance variable lobHandler and a reference to a DefaultLobHandler.



List<Map<String, Object>> l = jdbcTemplate.query("select id, a_clob, a_blob from lob_table",

    new RowMapper<Map<String, Object>>() {

        public Map<String, Object> mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {

            Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>();

            String clobText = lobHandler.getClobAsString(rs, "a_clob"); 1

results.put("CLOB", clobText); byte[] blobBytes = lobHandler.getBlobAsBytes(rs, "a_blob"); 2

results.put("BLOB", blobBytes); return results; } });


1 Using the method getClobAsString, retrieve the contents of the CLOB.



2 Using the method getBlobAsBytes, retrieve the contents of the BLOB.



19.7.3 Passing in lists of values for IN clause



The SQL standard allows for selecting rows based on an expression that includes a variable list of values. A typical example would be select * from T_ACTOR where id in (1, 2, 3). This variable list is not directly supported for prepared statements by the JDBC standard; you cannot declare a variable number of placeholders. You need a number of variations with the desired number of placeholders prepared, or you need to generate the SQL string dynamically once you know how many placeholders are required. The named parameter support provided in the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and JdbcTemplate takes the latter approach. Pass in the values as a java.util.List of primitive objects. This list will be used to insert the required placeholders and pass in the values during the statement execution.

sql标准允许一个表达式来选择行包括一个列表值。一个通常的例子是select * from T_ACTOR where id in (1, 2, 3)。这个变量列表不是直接支持prepared statements通过JDBC的标准,你不能定义一个占位符。你需要一些占位符来实现或者你需要动态生成sql字符串根据你需要的参数个数。命名参数支持通过NamedParameterJdbcTemplateJdbcTemplate需要后续的方法。传递一个基本类型的java.util.List。这个列表将被用于插入需要的占位符在语句执行的过程中。





Be careful when passing in many values. The JDBC standard does not guarantee that you can use more than 100 values for an in expression list. Various databases exceed this number, but they usually have a hard limit for how many values are allowed. Oracles limit is 1000.



In addition to the primitive values in the value list, you can create a java.util.List of object arrays. This list would support multiple expressions defined for the in clause such as select * from T_ACTOR where (id, last_name) in ((1, 'Johnson'), (2, 'Harrop'\)). This of course requires that your database supports this syntax.

此外对于基本类型的列表,你可以创建一个object数组的列表。这个列表将支持多个表达式定义在子句中例如select * from T_ACTOR where (id, last_name) in ((1, 'Johnson'), (2, 'Harrop'\))。当然需要数据库支持这样的语法。


19.7.4 Handling complex types for stored procedure calls



When you call stored procedures you can sometimes use complex types specific to the database. To accommodate these types, Spring provides a SqlReturnType for handling them when they are returned from the stored procedure call and SqlTypeValue when they are passed in as a parameter to the stored procedure.



Here is an example of returning the value of an Oracle STRUCT object of the user declared type ITEM_TYPE. The SqlReturnType interface has a single method named getTypeValue that must be implemented. This interface is used as part of the declaration of an SqlOutParameter.

这里有一个例子关于返回一个Oracle STRUCTobject有关用户定义类型ITEM_TYPESqlReturnType接口有一个方法名字为getTypeValue必须被实现。这个接口被作为SqlOutParameter定义的一部分。


final TestItem = new TestItem(123L, "A test item",

        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d").parse("2010-12-31"));


declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter("item", OracleTypes.STRUCT, "ITEM_TYPE",

    new SqlReturnType() {

        public Object getTypeValue(CallableStatement cs, int colIndx, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {

            STRUCT struct = (STRUCT) cs.getObject(colIndx);

            Object[] attr = struct.getAttributes();

            TestItem item = new TestItem();

            item.setId(((Number) attr[0]).longValue());

            item.setDescription((String) attr[1]);

            item.setExpirationDate((java.util.Date) attr[2]);

            return item;




You use the SqlTypeValue to pass in the value of a Java object like TestItem into a stored procedure. The SqlTypeValue interface has a single method named createTypeValue that you must implement. The active connection is passed in, and you can use it to create database-specific objects such as StructDescriptors, as shown in the following example, or ArrayDescriptors.



final TestItem = new TestItem(123L, "A test item",

        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-d").parse("2010-12-31"));


SqlTypeValue value = new AbstractSqlTypeValue() {

    protected Object createTypeValue(Connection conn, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {

        StructDescriptor itemDescriptor = new StructDescriptor(typeName, conn);

        Struct item = new STRUCT(itemDescriptor, conn,

        new Object[] {



            new java.sql.Date(testItem.getExpirationDate().getTime())


        return item;




This SqlTypeValue can now be added to the Map containing the input parameters for the execute call of the stored procedure.



Another use for the SqlTypeValue is passing in an array of values to an Oracle stored procedure. Oracle has its own internal ARRAY class that must be used in this case, and you can use the SqlTypeValue to create an instance of the Oracle ARRAY and populate it with values from the Java ARRAY.

另一个使用SqlTypeValue是传递一个数组值到Oracle的存储过程。Oracle有其内部的ARRAY类可以在这个例子中使用,并且你可以使用SqlTypeValue来创建一个Oracle ARRAY的实例并且从JavaARRAY中转换而得。


final Long[] ids = new Long[] {1L, 2L};


SqlTypeValue value = new AbstractSqlTypeValue() {

    protected Object createTypeValue(Connection conn, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {

        ArrayDescriptor arrayDescriptor = new ArrayDescriptor(typeName, conn);

        ARRAY idArray = new ARRAY(arrayDescriptor, conn, ids);

        return idArray;




19.8 Embedded database support



The org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded package provides support for embedded Java database engines. Support for HSQL, H2, and Derby is provided natively. You can also use an extensible API to plug in new embedded database types and DataSource implementations.



19.8.1 Why use an embedded database?



An embedded database is useful during the development phase of a project because of its lightweight nature. Benefits include ease of configuration, quick startup time, testability, and the ability to rapidly evolve SQL during development.



19.8.2 Creating an embedded database using Spring XML



If you want to expose an embedded database instance as a bean in a Spring ApplicationContext, use the embedded-database tag in the spring-jdbc namespace:



<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" generate-name="true">

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:schema.sql"/>

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql"/>



The preceding configuration creates an embedded HSQL database populated with SQL from schema.sql and test-data.sql resources in the root of the classpath. In addition, as a best practice, the embedded database will be assigned a uniquely generated name. The embedded database is made available to the Spring container as a bean of type javax.sql.DataSource which can then be injected into data access objects as needed.



19.8.3 Creating an embedded database programmatically



The EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder class provides a fluent API for constructing an embedded database programmatically. Use this when you need to create an embedded database in a standalone environment or in a standalone integration test like in the following example.



EmbeddedDatabase db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()






    .addScripts("user_data.sql", "country_data.sql")



// perform actions against the db (EmbeddedDatabase extends javax.sql.DataSource)




Consult the Javadoc for EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder for further details on all supported options.



The EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder can also be used to create an embedded database using Java Config like in the following example.




public class DataSourceConfig {



    public DataSource dataSource() {

        return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()






            .addScripts("user_data.sql", "country_data.sql")





19.8.4 Selecting the embedded database type



Using HSQL


Spring supports HSQL 1.8.0 and above. HSQL is the default embedded database if no type is specified explicitly. To specify HSQL explicitly, set the type attribute of the embedded-database tag to HSQL. If you are using the builder API, call the setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType) method with EmbeddedDatabaseType.HSQL.



Using H2


Spring supports the H2 database as well. To enable H2, set the type attribute of the embedded-database tag to H2. If you are using the builder API, call the setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType) method with EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2.



Using Derby


Spring also supports Apache Derby 10.5 and above. To enable Derby, set the type attribute of the embedded-database tag to DERBY. If you are using the builder API, call the setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType) method with EmbeddedDatabaseType.DERBY.

spring也支持ApacheDerby 10.5以及以上的版本。为了启用Derby,设置embedded-database标签的type属性为DERBY。如果你使用builderAPI,调用setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType)方法使用EmbeddedDatabaseType.DERBY参数。


19.8.5 Testing data access logic with an embedded database



Embedded databases provide a lightweight way to test data access code. The following is a data access integration test template that uses an embedded database. Using a template like this can be useful for one-offs when the embedded database does not need to be reused across test classes. However, if you wish to create an embedded database that is shared within a test suite, consider using the Spring TestContext Framework and configuring the embedded database as a bean in the Spring ApplicationContext as described in Section 19.8.2, Creating an embedded database using Spring XMLand Section 19.8.3, Creating an embedded database programmatically.

嵌入数据提供了轻量级的方法来测试数据的访问。下面的数据访问集成测试模板使用了一个嵌入数据库。使用一个模板类似于这个可能单次有用对于当嵌入数据库不需要跨测试类重用的时候。然而,如果你希望创建一个内嵌数据库在测试中可以共享,考虑使用springTestContext框架并且配置一个内嵌数据库作为一个在spring ApplicationContext中的bean,描述在19.8.2节,“使用springxml创建一个嵌入数据库”和19.8.3节,“编程创建嵌入式数据库”


public class DataAccessIntegrationTestTemplate {


    private EmbeddedDatabase db;



    public void setUp() {

        // creates an HSQL in-memory database populated from default scripts

        // classpath:schema.sql and classpath:data.sql

        db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()







    public void testDataAccess() {

        JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(db);

        template.query( /* ... */ );




    public void tearDown() {






19.8.6 Generating unique names for embedded databases



Development teams often encounter errors with embedded databases if their test suite inadvertently attempts to recreate additional instances of the same database. This can happen quite easily if an XML configuration file or @Configuration class is responsible for creating an embedded database and the corresponding configuration is then reused across multiple testing scenarios within the same test suite (i.e., within the same JVM process) - for example, integration tests against embedded databases whose ApplicationContext configuration only differs with regard to which bean definition profiles are active.



The root cause of such errors is the fact that Springs EmbeddedDatabaseFactory (used internally by both the <jdbc:embedded-database> XML namespace element and the EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder for Java Config) will set the name of the embedded database to "testdb" if not otherwise specified. For the case of <jdbc:embedded-database>, the embedded database is typically assigned a name equal to the beans id (i.e., often something like "dataSource"). Thus, subsequent attempts to create an embedded database will not result in a new database. Instead, the same JDBC connection URL will be reused, and attempts to create a new embedded database will actually point to an existing embedded database created from the same configuration.



To address this common issue Spring Framework 4.2 provides support for generating unique names for embedded databases. To enable the use of generated names, use one of the following options.





    <jdbc:embedded-database generate-name="true" …​ >


19.8.7 Extending the embedded database support



Spring JDBC embedded database support can be extended in two ways:



    Implement EmbeddedDatabaseConfigurer to support a new embedded database type.


    Implement DataSourceFactory to support a new DataSource implementation, such as a connection pool to manage embedded database connections.



You are encouraged to contribute back extensions to the Spring community at jira.spring.io.



19.9 Initializing a DataSource



The org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init package provides support for initializing an existing DataSource. The embedded database support provides one option for creating and initializing a DataSource for an application, but sometimes you need to initialize an instance running on a server somewhere.



19.9.1 Initializing a database using Spring XML



If you want to initialize a database and you can provide a reference to a DataSource bean, use the initialize-database tag in the spring-jdbc namespace:



<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource">

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-schema.sql"/>

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-test-data.sql"/>



The example above executes the two scripts specified against the database: the first script creates a schema, and the second populates tables with a test data set. The script locations can also be patterns with wildcards in the usual ant style used for resources in Spring (e.g. classpath*:/com/foo/**/sql/*-data.sql). If a pattern is used, the scripts are executed in lexical order of their URL or filename.



The default behavior of the database initializer is to unconditionally execute the scripts provided. This will not always be what you want, for instance, if you are executing the scripts against a database that already has test data in it. The likelihood of accidentally deleting data is reduced by following the common pattern (as shown above) of creating the tables first and then inserting the data — the first step will fail if the tables already exist.



However, to gain more control over the creation and deletion of existing data, the XML namespace provides a few additional options. The first is a flag to switch the initialization on and off. This can be set according to the environment (e.g. to pull a boolean value from system properties or an environment bean), for example:



<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource"


    <jdbc:script location="..."/>



The second option to control what happens with existing data is to be more tolerant of failures. To this end you can control the ability of the initializer to ignore certain errors in the SQL it executes from the scripts, for example:



<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" ignore-failures="DROPS">

    <jdbc:script location="..."/>



In this example we are saying we expect that sometimes the scripts will be executed against an empty database, and there are some DROP statements in the scripts which would therefore fail. So failed SQL DROP statements will be ignored, but other failures will cause an exception. This is useful if your SQL dialect doesnt support DROP …​ IF EXISTS (or similar) but you want to unconditionally remove all test data before re-creating it. In that case the first script is usually a set of DROP statements, followed by a set of CREATE statements.



The ignore-failures option can be set to NONE (the default), DROPS (ignore failed drops), or ALL (ignore all failures).



Each statement should be separated by ; or a new line if the ; character is not present at all in the script. You can control that globally or script by script, for example:



<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource" separator="@@">

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-schema.sql" separator=";"/>

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-test-data-1.sql"/>

    <jdbc:script location="classpath:com/foo/sql/db-test-data-2.sql"/>



In this example, the two test-data scripts use @@ as statement separator and only the db-schema.sql uses ;. This configuration specifies that the default separator is @@ and override that default for the db-schema script.



If you need more control than you get from the XML namespace, you can simply use the DataSourceInitializer directly and define it as a component in your application.



Initialization of other components that depend on the database



A large class of applications can just use the database initializer with no further complications: those that do not use the database until after the Spring context has started. If your application is not one of those then you might need to read the rest of this section.



The database initializer depends on a DataSource instance and executes the scripts provided in its initialization callback (analogous to an init-method in an XML bean definition, a @PostConstruct method in a component, or the afterPropertiesSet() method in a component that implements InitializingBean). If other beans depend on the same data source and also use the data source in an initialization callback, then there might be a problem because the data has not yet been initialized. A common example of this is a cache that initializes eagerly and loads data from the database on application startup.



To get around this issue you have two options: change your cache initialization strategy to a later phase, or ensure that the database initializer is initialized first.



The first option might be easy if the application is in your control, and not otherwise. Some suggestions for how to implement this include:



    Make the cache initialize lazily on first usage, which improves application startup time.


    Have your cache or a separate component that initializes the cache implement Lifecycle or SmartLifecycle. When the application context starts up a SmartLifecycle can be automatically started if its autoStartup flag is set, and a Lifecycle can be started manually by calling ConfigurableApplicationContext.start() on the enclosing context.


    Use a Spring ApplicationEvent or similar custom observer mechanism to trigger the cache initialization. ContextRefreshedEvent is always published by the context when it is ready for use (after all beans have been initialized), so that is often a useful hook (this is how the SmartLifecycle works by default).



The second option can also be easy. Some suggestions on how to implement this include:



    Rely on the default behavior of the Spring BeanFactory, which is that beans are initialized in registration order. You can easily arrange that by adopting the common practice of a set of <import/> elements in XML configuration that order your application modules, and ensure that the database and database initialization are listed first.


    Separate the DataSource and the business components that use it, and control their startup order by putting them in separate ApplicationContext instances (e.g. the parent context contains the DataSource, and child context contains the business components). This structure is common in Spring web applications but can be more generally applied.




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