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原创 C语言下的容器及泛型编程

1 引言众所周知,C++语言提供了大名鼎鼎的标准模板库(STL)作为C++语言下的编程利器受到无数青睐,而C语言下并没有提供类似的工具,使得C语言的开发变得尤为困难和专业化。Nesty框架的NCollection容器为C语言提供了一整套标准的、丰富的模板工具,用以弥补C语言在结构化编程上的弱势。之前发表的一篇文章是关于如何在C语言下进行面向对象编程的,主要介绍了NOOC的诸多特性。然而,NOO

2013-04-20 19:21:55 10964 10

原创 C语言下的面向对象编程技术

Nesty框架提供了在C下进行面向对象编程的技术,下面将以一些简短的例子来说明其如何工作。从第一个简单的例子开始NOBJECT是NOOC(Nesty Object-Oriented C)框架中所有面向对象类型的基类,NOBJECT作为面向对象的编程接口提供了,对象拷贝,对象比较,对象哈希,对象字符串化,以及运行时类型识别和安全向下类型转换等功能。因此所有NOOC都必须从NOBJEC

2013-03-31 23:55:41 1764 7

原创 万恶的c/c++——控制台输出 改写当前行

if we just call the c/c++ standare output interface, such as printf, in fact we ouput new text at the back of already printed text, but sometimes, we have to modify the printed text in current line. i

2011-11-20 19:39:02 1321

转载 C/C++宏定义的可变参数

转自 http://www.vimer.cn/2010/03/cc%E5%AE%8F%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89%E7%9A%84%E5%8F%AF%E5%8F%98%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0.html编写代码的过程中,经常会输出一些调试信息到屏幕上,一般会调用printf这类的函数。但是当调试解决之后,我们需要手工将这些地方删除或者注释掉。再这次的项目中就用

2011-11-20 19:37:45 995

原创 The evil C++ -- vsprintf, UNICODE, error output string

Before this time, I always believe building the program with UNICODE or non UNICODE flag only effect the programatic side, and won't effect the system behavior. The problem arose with mixing usage of

2011-11-20 19:30:56 1243

原创 The evil CMake -- Compile bug, missing ')', error line number

In case our CMakeLists.txt have following codes:#following sentence should be wirte as FILE(TO_NATIVE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} CMakeSrcDir)FILE(TO_NATIVE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} CMakeSrcDir

2011-11-20 19:28:22 2414

转载 小技巧:让linux程序在后台运行

转自: https://www.deleak.com/blog/2010/05/19/run-software-on-background/有些时候,我们需要在终端启动一个程序,并使之运行——但是如果关闭终端,那么这个程序也就随着关闭了。那么有没有什么方法在关闭终端后,让已经从这个终端启动的程序继续运行呢?前置知识:xterm,console,tty,pts,pty的区别

2011-11-20 19:25:09 811

原创 The evil Windows -- cmd, xcopy, exclude list

Tonight I face a very strange problem, when trying to copy the project binary file tree to my Linux system for testing, some part of the directory is missing. I check the batch file which handle the c

2011-11-20 19:22:20 642

原创 The evil Windows -- Command line, copy and delete files

In case we have the following directory:c:\XXXProject\Include\And the directory sub neath may contains lots of files, sub directories, and so on.We want to remove this 'Include' path and re-cons

2011-11-20 19:21:07 463

原创 The evil CMake -- File system, path notation, slash

CMake file system use the front-slash '/' as the path seperator, but under Windows systems, this can cause problems(we all know that Windows use the back-slash '\' as the path seperator), especially i

2011-11-20 19:18:21 592

转载 键盘符号的英文读法


2011-11-20 19:17:07 541

原创 the evil VC -- Visual C++ project, macro, output file

in visual c++ project setting, we can use the following macro to reference to the output file name, such as:incase we have the output file as: $(OutDir)\xxx.lib$(TargetName) refers to 'xxx'

2011-11-20 19:14:59 761

原创 the evil cmake -- string concatenation

when using SET command, string type can be concatenated easily by combining a set of raw string, symbols, or raw string & symbols variables, such as:#concatenate two raw string variablesSET(TESTST

2011-11-20 19:11:39 3191

原创 the evil cmake -- gnu makefiles Debug Release adding post-fix

summarize: this text discuss how to manage CMake project on building GNU makefile such as Debug and Release build, and how to add postfix on final targets.whenever you CMakeLists.txt file is done in

2011-11-20 19:10:01 810

原创 萬惡的cmake - vs project unicode and multi-bytes

利用cmake創建的vs工程默認被設置為使用multi-bytes 如果要讓工程設置為unicode 則需要使用命令add_definitions同時定義_UNICODE及UNICODE兩個宏 一個也不能少 則重新構建工程后 發現vc的工程則被設置成為use unicode character sets 太神奇了

2011-11-20 18:57:21 1693

原创 邪恶的g++ -- 编译静态库

<br />使用mingw编译静态库是, 库名字必须要以'lib'开头,否则连接程序连接错误, 我在构架codelite工程时发现了这个问题

2011-04-29 22:58:00 629

原创 the evil Linux -- shell tips on if sentence

by failing time after time, I finally master the tricks of writing Linux shell, the most classical examples were the usage of 'if' sentence in shell language. Here are the tips and samples:semantics: if [ conditions ]; then    commandfisuch as test the exi

2011-04-25 22:28:00 491

原创 comparing c++ and c# -- a perspective from high level languages such as C#

recently I was trouble shooting some c# projects exported a very famous game company. they make tools by using .net WPF frameworks. I was really headache on fixing most of bugs, because these bugs were just too stupid, and I can never think of it. And thes

2011-04-23 15:53:00 414

原创 evil C++ -- template typename vc and GNU compiler

when using 'typedef' to re-define types in template scopes, vc compiler have no restriction in the use of key work 'typename', but gnu did, let's see following examples:templateclass TestTemplate{ typedef typename ClassT MyType; // ok on vc compi

2011-04-23 14:28:00 400



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