
  Base(BlockBegin* std_entry, BlockBegin* osr_entry) : BlockEnd(illegalType, NULL, false) {
    assert(std_entry->is_set(BlockBegin::std_entry_flag), "std entry must be flagged");
    assert(osr_entry == NULL || osr_entry->is_set(BlockBegin::osr_entry_flag), "osr entry must be flagged");
    BlockList* s = new BlockList(2);
    if (osr_entry != NULL) s->append(osr_entry);
    s->append(std_entry); // must be default sux!
  BlockBegin* std_entry() const                  { return default_sux(); }
  BlockBegin* osr_entry() const                  { return number_of_sux() < 2 ? NULL : sux_at(0); }
LEAF(OsrEntry, Instruction)
#ifdef _LP64
  OsrEntry() : Instruction(longType) { pin(); }
  OsrEntry() : Instruction(intType)  { pin(); }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { }
LEAF(ExceptionObject, Instruction)
  ExceptionObject() : Instruction(objectType) {
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { }
LEAF(RoundFP, Instruction)
  Value _input;             // floating-point value to be rounded
  RoundFP(Value input)
  : Instruction(input->type()) // Note: should not be used for constants
  , _input(input)
  Value input() const                            { return _input; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { f->visit(&_input); }
BASE(UnsafeOp, Instruction)
  BasicType _basic_type;    // ValueType can not express byte-sized integers
  UnsafeOp(BasicType basic_type, bool is_put)
  : Instruction(is_put ? voidType : as_ValueType(basic_type))
  , _basic_type(basic_type)
  BasicType basic_type()                         { return _basic_type; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { }
BASE(UnsafeRawOp, UnsafeOp)
  Value _base;                                   // Base address (a Java long)
  Value _index;                                  // Index if computed by optimizer; initialized to NULL
  int   _log2_scale;                             // Scale factor: 0, 1, 2, or 3.
  UnsafeRawOp(BasicType basic_type, Value addr, bool is_put)
  : UnsafeOp(basic_type, is_put)
  , _base(addr)
  , _index(NULL)
  , _log2_scale(0)
    assert(addr != NULL && addr->type()->is_long(), "just checking");
  UnsafeRawOp(BasicType basic_type, Value base, Value index, int log2_scale, bool is_put)
  : UnsafeOp(basic_type, is_put)
  , _base(base)
  , _index(index)
  , _log2_scale(log2_scale)
  Value base()                                   { return _base; }
  Value index()                                  { return _index; }
  bool  has_index()                              { return (_index != NULL); }
  int   log2_scale()                             { return _log2_scale; }
  void set_base (Value base)                     { _base  = base; }
  void set_index(Value index)                    { _index = index; }
  void set_log2_scale(int log2_scale)            { _log2_scale = log2_scale; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { UnsafeOp::input_values_do(f);
                                                   if (has_index()) f->visit(&_index); }
LEAF(UnsafeGetRaw, UnsafeRawOp)
 bool _may_be_unaligned, _is_wide;  // For OSREntry
 UnsafeGetRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value addr, bool may_be_unaligned, bool is_wide = false)
  : UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, addr, false) {
    _may_be_unaligned = may_be_unaligned;
    _is_wide = is_wide;
 UnsafeGetRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value base, Value index, int log2_scale, bool may_be_unaligned, bool is_wide = false)
  : UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, base, index, log2_scale, false) {
    _may_be_unaligned = may_be_unaligned;
    _is_wide = is_wide;
  bool may_be_unaligned()                         { return _may_be_unaligned; }
  bool is_wide()                                  { return _is_wide; }
LEAF(UnsafePutRaw, UnsafeRawOp)
  Value _value;                                  // Value to be stored
  UnsafePutRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value addr, Value value)
  : UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, addr, true)
  , _value(value)
    assert(value != NULL, "just checking");
  UnsafePutRaw(BasicType basic_type, Value base, Value index, int log2_scale, Value value)
  : UnsafeRawOp(basic_type, base, index, log2_scale, true)
  , _value(value)
    assert(value != NULL, "just checking");
  Value value()                                  { return _value; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { UnsafeRawOp::input_values_do(f);
                                                   f->visit(&_value); }
BASE(UnsafeObjectOp, UnsafeOp)
  Value _object;                                 // Object to be fetched from or mutated
  Value _offset;                                 // Offset within object
  bool  _is_volatile;                            // true if volatile - dl/JSR166
  UnsafeObjectOp(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, bool is_put, bool is_volatile)
    : UnsafeOp(basic_type, is_put), _object(object), _offset(offset), _is_volatile(is_volatile)
  Value object()                                 { return _object; }
  Value offset()                                 { return _offset; }
  bool  is_volatile()                            { return _is_volatile; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { UnsafeOp::input_values_do(f);
                                                   f->visit(&_offset); }
LEAF(UnsafeGetObject, UnsafeObjectOp)
  UnsafeGetObject(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, bool is_volatile)
  : UnsafeObjectOp(basic_type, object, offset, false, is_volatile)
LEAF(UnsafePutObject, UnsafeObjectOp)
  Value _value;                                  // Value to be stored
  UnsafePutObject(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, Value value, bool is_volatile)
  : UnsafeObjectOp(basic_type, object, offset, true, is_volatile)
    , _value(value)
  Value value()                                  { return _value; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { UnsafeObjectOp::input_values_do(f);
                                                   f->visit(&_value); }
LEAF(UnsafeGetAndSetObject, UnsafeObjectOp)
  Value _value;                                  // Value to be stored
  bool  _is_add;
  UnsafeGetAndSetObject(BasicType basic_type, Value object, Value offset, Value value, bool is_add)
  : UnsafeObjectOp(basic_type, object, offset, false, false)
    , _value(value)
    , _is_add(is_add)
  bool is_add() const                            { return _is_add; }
  Value value()                                  { return _value; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   { UnsafeObjectOp::input_values_do(f);
                                                   f->visit(&_value); }
BASE(UnsafePrefetch, UnsafeObjectOp)
  UnsafePrefetch(Value object, Value offset)
  : UnsafeObjectOp(T_VOID, object, offset, false, false)
LEAF(UnsafePrefetchRead, UnsafePrefetch)
  UnsafePrefetchRead(Value object, Value offset)
  : UnsafePrefetch(object, offset)
LEAF(UnsafePrefetchWrite, UnsafePrefetch)
  UnsafePrefetchWrite(Value object, Value offset)
  : UnsafePrefetch(object, offset)
LEAF(ProfileCall, Instruction)
  ciMethod*        _method;
  int              _bci_of_invoke;
  ciMethod*        _callee;         // the method that is called at the given bci
  Value            _recv;
  ciKlass*         _known_holder;
  Values*          _obj_args;       // arguments for type profiling
  ArgsNonNullState _nonnull_state;  // Do we know whether some arguments are never null?
  bool             _inlined;        // Are we profiling a call that is inlined
  ProfileCall(ciMethod* method, int bci, ciMethod* callee, Value recv, ciKlass* known_holder, Values* obj_args, bool inlined)
    : Instruction(voidType)
    , _method(method)
    , _bci_of_invoke(bci)
    , _callee(callee)
    , _recv(recv)
    , _known_holder(known_holder)
    , _obj_args(obj_args)
    , _inlined(inlined)
  ciMethod* method()             const { return _method; }
  int bci_of_invoke()            const { return _bci_of_invoke; }
  ciMethod* callee()             const { return _callee; }
  Value recv()                   const { return _recv; }
  ciKlass* known_holder()        const { return _known_holder; }
  int nb_profiled_args()         const { return _obj_args == NULL ? 0 : _obj_args->length(); }
  Value profiled_arg_at(int i)   const { return _obj_args->at(i); }
  bool arg_needs_null_check(int i) const {
    return _nonnull_state.arg_needs_null_check(i);
  bool inlined()                 const { return _inlined; }
  void set_arg_needs_null_check(int i, bool check) {
    _nonnull_state.set_arg_needs_null_check(i, check);
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   {
    if (_recv != NULL) {
    for (int i = 0; i < nb_profiled_args(); i++) {
LEAF(ProfileReturnType, Instruction)
  ciMethod*        _method;
  ciMethod*        _callee;
  int              _bci_of_invoke;
  Value            _ret;
  ProfileReturnType(ciMethod* method, int bci, ciMethod* callee, Value ret)
    : Instruction(voidType)
    , _method(method)
    , _callee(callee)
    , _bci_of_invoke(bci)
    , _ret(ret)
  ciMethod* method()             const { return _method; }
  ciMethod* callee()             const { return _callee; }
  int bci_of_invoke()            const { return _bci_of_invoke; }
  Value ret()                    const { return _ret; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   {
    if (_ret != NULL) {
LEAF(RuntimeCall, Instruction)
  const char* _entry_name;
  address     _entry;
  Values*     _args;
  bool        _pass_thread;  // Pass the JavaThread* as an implicit first argument
  RuntimeCall(ValueType* type, const char* entry_name, address entry, Values* args, bool pass_thread = true)
    : Instruction(type)
    , _entry(entry)
    , _args(args)
    , _entry_name(entry_name)
    , _pass_thread(pass_thread) {
  const char* entry_name() const  { return _entry_name; }
  address entry() const           { return _entry; }
  int number_of_arguments() const { return _args->length(); }
  Value argument_at(int i) const  { return _args->at(i); }
  bool pass_thread() const        { return _pass_thread; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor* f)   {
    for (int i = 0; i < _args->length(); i++) f->visit(_args->adr_at(i));

LEAF(ProfileInvoke, Instruction)
  ciMethod*   _inlinee;
  ValueStack* _state;
  ProfileInvoke(ciMethod* inlinee,  ValueStack* state)
    : Instruction(voidType)
    , _inlinee(inlinee)
    , _state(state)
  ciMethod* inlinee()      { return _inlinee; }
  ValueStack* state()      { return _state; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor*)   {}
  virtual void state_values_do(ValueVisitor*);
LEAF(MemBar, Instruction)
  LIR_Code _code;
  MemBar(LIR_Code code)
    : Instruction(voidType)
    , _code(code)
  LIR_Code code()           { return _code; }
  virtual void input_values_do(ValueVisitor*)   {}
class BlockPair: public CompilationResourceObj {
  BlockBegin* _from;
  BlockBegin* _to;
  BlockPair(BlockBegin* from, BlockBegin* to): _from(from), _to(to) {}
  BlockBegin* from() const { return _from; }
  BlockBegin* to() const   { return _to;   }
  bool is_same(BlockBegin* from, BlockBegin* to) const { return  _from == from && _to == to; }
  bool is_same(BlockPair* p) const { return  _from == p->from() && _to == p->to(); }
  void set_to(BlockBegin* b)   { _to = b; }
  void set_from(BlockBegin* b) { _from = b; }
define_array(BlockPairArray, BlockPair*)
define_stack(BlockPairList, BlockPairArray)
inline int         BlockBegin::number_of_sux() const            { assert(_end == NULL || _end->number_of_sux() == _successors.length(), "mismatch"); return _successors.length(); }
inline BlockBegin* BlockBegin::sux_at(int i) const              { assert(_end == NULL || _end->sux_at(i) ==, "mismatch");          return; }
inline void        BlockBegin::add_successor(BlockBegin* sux)   { assert(_end == NULL, "Would create mismatch with successors of BlockEnd");         _successors.append(sux); }
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_InstructionPrinter.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_ValueStack.hpp"
#include "ci/ciArray.hpp"
#include "ci/ciInstance.hpp"
#include "ci/ciObject.hpp"
#ifndef PRODUCT
const char* InstructionPrinter::basic_type_name(BasicType type) {
  switch (type) {
    case T_BOOLEAN: return "boolean";
    case T_BYTE   : return "byte";
    case T_CHAR   : return "char";
    case T_SHORT  : return "short";
    case T_INT    : return "int";
    case T_LONG   : return "long";
    case T_FLOAT  : return "float";
    case T_DOUBLE : return "double";
    case T_ARRAY  : return "array";
    case T_OBJECT : return "object";
    default       : return "???";
const char* InstructionPrinter::cond_name(If::Condition cond) {
  switch (cond) {
    case If::eql: return "==";
    case If::neq: return "!=";
    case If::lss: return "<";
    case If::leq: return "<=";
    case If::gtr: return ">";
    case If::geq: return ">=";
    case If::aeq: return "|>=|";
    case If::beq: return "|<=|";
  return NULL;
const char* InstructionPrinter::op_name(Bytecodes::Code op) {
  switch (op) {
    case Bytecodes::_iadd : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_ladd : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_fadd : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_dadd : return "+";
    case Bytecodes::_isub : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lsub : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_fsub : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_dsub : return "-";
    case Bytecodes::_imul : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lmul : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_fmul : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_dmul : return "*";
    case Bytecodes::_idiv : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_ldiv : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_fdiv : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_ddiv : return "/";
    case Bytecodes::_irem : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lrem : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_frem : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_drem : return "%";
    case Bytecodes::_ishl : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lshl : return "<<";
    case Bytecodes::_ishr : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lshr : return ">>";
    case Bytecodes::_iushr: // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lushr: return ">>>";
    case Bytecodes::_iand : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_land : return "&";
    case Bytecodes::_ior  : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lor  : return "|";
    case Bytecodes::_ixor : // fall through
    case Bytecodes::_lxor : return "^";
  return Bytecodes::name(op);
bool InstructionPrinter::is_illegal_phi(Value v) {
  Phi* phi = v ? v->as_Phi() : NULL;
  if (phi && phi->is_illegal()) {
    return true;
  return false;
bool InstructionPrinter::is_phi_of_block(Value v, BlockBegin* b) {
  Phi* phi = v ? v->as_Phi() : NULL;
  return phi && phi->block() == b;
void InstructionPrinter::print_klass(ciKlass* klass) {
void InstructionPrinter::print_object(Value obj) {
  ValueType* type = obj->type();
  if (type->as_ObjectConstant() != NULL) {
    ciObject* value = type->as_ObjectConstant()->value();
    if (value->is_null_object()) {
    } else if (!value->is_loaded()) {
      output()->print("<unloaded object " INTPTR_FORMAT ">", p2i(value));
    } else {
      output()->print("<object " INTPTR_FORMAT " klass=", p2i(value->constant_encoding()));
  } else if (type->as_InstanceConstant() != NULL) {
    ciInstance* value = type->as_InstanceConstant()->value();
    if (value->is_loaded()) {
      output()->print("<instance " INTPTR_FORMAT " klass=", p2i(value->constant_encoding()));
    } else {
      output()->print("<unloaded instance " INTPTR_FORMAT ">", p2i(value));
  } else if (type->as_ArrayConstant() != NULL) {
    output()->print("<array " INTPTR_FORMAT ">", p2i(type->as_ArrayConstant()->value()->constant_encoding()));
  } else if (type->as_ClassConstant() != NULL) {
    ciInstanceKlass* klass = type->as_ClassConstant()->value();
    if (!klass->is_loaded()) {
      output()->print("<unloaded> ");
    output()->print("class ");
  } else if (type->as_MethodConstant() != NULL) {
    ciMethod* m = type->as_MethodConstant()->value();
    output()->print("<method %s.%s>", m->holder()->name()->as_utf8(), m->name()->as_utf8());
  } else {
void InstructionPrinter::print_temp(Value value) {
  output()->print("%c%d", value->type()->tchar(), value->id());
void InstructionPrinter::print_field(AccessField* field) {
  output()->print("._%d", field->offset());
void InstructionPrinter::print_indexed(AccessIndexed* indexed) {
  if (indexed->length() != NULL) {
void InstructionPrinter::print_monitor(AccessMonitor* monitor) {
  output()->print("monitor[%d](", monitor->monitor_no());
void InstructionPrinter::print_op2(Op2* instr) {
  output()->print(" %s ", op_name(instr->op()));
void InstructionPrinter::print_value(Value value) {
  if (value == NULL) {
  } else {
void InstructionPrinter::print_instr(Instruction* instr) {
void InstructionPrinter::print_stack(ValueStack* stack) {
  int start_position = output()->position();
  if (stack->stack_is_empty()) {
    output()->print("empty stack");
  } else {
    output()->print("stack [");
    for (int i = 0; i < stack->stack_size();) {
      if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
      output()->print("%d:", i);
      Value value = stack->stack_at_inc(i);
      Phi* phi = value->as_Phi();
      if (phi != NULL) {
        if (phi->operand()->is_valid()) {
          output()->print(" ");
  if (!stack->no_active_locks()) {
    fill_to(start_position, ' ');
    output()->print("locks [");
    for (int i = i = 0; i < stack->locks_size(); i++) {
      Value t = stack->lock_at(i);
      if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
      output()->print("%d:", i);
      if (t == NULL) {
      } else {
void InstructionPrinter::print_inline_level(BlockBegin* block) {
  output()->print_cr("inlining depth %d", block->scope()->level());
void InstructionPrinter::print_unsafe_op(UnsafeOp* op, const char* name) {
  output()->print("%s", name);
void InstructionPrinter::print_unsafe_raw_op(UnsafeRawOp* op, const char* name) {
  print_unsafe_op(op, name);
  output()->print("base ");
  if (op->has_index()) {
    output()->print(", index "); print_value(op->index());
    output()->print(", log2_scale %d", op->log2_scale());
void InstructionPrinter::print_unsafe_object_op(UnsafeObjectOp* op, const char* name) {
  print_unsafe_op(op, name);
  output()->print(", ");
void InstructionPrinter::print_phi(int i, Value v, BlockBegin* b) {
  Phi* phi = v->as_Phi();
  output()->print("%2d  ", i);
  if (phi && phi->block() == b) {
    output()->print(" [");
    for (int j = 0; j < phi->operand_count(); j ++) {
      output()->print(" ");
      Value opd = phi->operand_at(j);
      if (opd) print_value(opd);
      else output()->print("NULL");
    output()->print("] ");
void InstructionPrinter::print_alias(Value v) {
  if (v != v->subst()) {
    output()->print("alias "); print_value(v->subst());
void InstructionPrinter::fill_to(int pos, char filler) {
  while (output()->position() < pos) output()->put(filler);
void InstructionPrinter::print_head() {
  const char filler = '_';
  fill_to(bci_pos  , filler); output()->print("bci"  );
  fill_to(use_pos  , filler); output()->print("use"  );
  fill_to(temp_pos , filler); output()->print("tid"  );
  fill_to(instr_pos, filler); output()->print("instr");
  fill_to(end_pos  , filler);
void InstructionPrinter::print_line(Instruction* instr) {
  if (instr->is_pinned()) output()->put('.');
  fill_to(bci_pos  ); output()->print("%d", instr->printable_bci());
  fill_to(use_pos  ); output()->print("%d", instr->use_count());
  fill_to(temp_pos ); print_temp(instr);
  fill_to(instr_pos); print_instr(instr);
  StateSplit* split = instr->as_StateSplit();
  if (split != NULL && split->state() != NULL && !split->state()->stack_is_empty()) {
    fill_to(instr_pos); print_stack(split->state());
void InstructionPrinter::do_Phi(Phi* x) {
  output()->print("phi function");  // make that more detailed later
  if (x->is_illegal())
    output()->print(" (illegal)");
void InstructionPrinter::do_Local(Local* x) {
  output()->print("local[index %d]", x->java_index());
void InstructionPrinter::do_Constant(Constant* x) {
  ValueType* t = x->type();
  switch (t->tag()) {
    case intTag    : output()->print("%d"  , t->as_IntConstant   ()->value());    break;
    case longTag   : output()->print(JLONG_FORMAT, t->as_LongConstant()->value()); output()->print("L"); break;
    case floatTag  : output()->print("%g"  , t->as_FloatConstant ()->value());    break;
    case doubleTag : output()->print("%gD" , t->as_DoubleConstant()->value());    break;
    case objectTag : print_object(x);                                        break;
    case addressTag: output()->print("bci:%d", t->as_AddressConstant()->value()); break;
    default        : output()->print("???");                                      break;
void InstructionPrinter::do_LoadField(LoadField* x) {
  output()->print(" (%c)", type2char(x->field()->type()->basic_type()));
  output()->print(" %s", x->field()->name()->as_utf8());
void InstructionPrinter::do_StoreField(StoreField* x) {
  output()->print(" := ");
  output()->print(" (%c)", type2char(x->field()->type()->basic_type()));
  output()->print(" %s", x->field()->name()->as_utf8());
void InstructionPrinter::do_ArrayLength(ArrayLength* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_LoadIndexed(LoadIndexed* x) {
  output()->print(" (%c)", type2char(x->elt_type()));
  if (x->check_flag(Instruction::NeedsRangeCheckFlag)) {
    output()->print(" [rc]");
void InstructionPrinter::do_StoreIndexed(StoreIndexed* x) {
  output()->print(" := ");
  output()->print(" (%c)", type2char(x->elt_type()));
  if (x->check_flag(Instruction::NeedsRangeCheckFlag)) {
    output()->print(" [rc]");
void InstructionPrinter::do_NegateOp(NegateOp* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_ArithmeticOp(ArithmeticOp* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_ShiftOp(ShiftOp* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_LogicOp(LogicOp* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_CompareOp(CompareOp* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_IfOp(IfOp* x) {
  output()->print(" %s ", cond_name(x->cond()));
  output()->print(" ? ");
  output()->print(" : ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_Convert(Convert* x) {
  output()->print("%s(", Bytecodes::name(x->op()));
void InstructionPrinter::do_NullCheck(NullCheck* x) {
  if (!x->can_trap()) {
    output()->print(" (eliminated)");
void InstructionPrinter::do_TypeCast(TypeCast* x) {
  output()->print(") ");
  if (x->declared_type()->is_klass())
    output()->print("%s", type2name(x->declared_type()->basic_type()));
void InstructionPrinter::do_Invoke(Invoke* x) {
  if (x->receiver() != NULL) {
  output()->print("%s(", Bytecodes::name(x->code()));
  for (int i = 0; i < x->number_of_arguments(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_NewInstance(NewInstance* x) {
  output()->print("new instance ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_NewTypeArray(NewTypeArray* x) {
  output()->print("new %s array [", basic_type_name(x->elt_type()));
void InstructionPrinter::do_NewObjectArray(NewObjectArray* x) {
  output()->print("new object array [");
  output()->print("] ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_NewMultiArray(NewMultiArray* x) {
  output()->print("new multi array [");
  Values* dims = x->dims();
  for (int i = 0; i < dims->length(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
  output()->print("] ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_MonitorEnter(MonitorEnter* x) {
  output()->print("enter ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_MonitorExit(MonitorExit* x) {
  output()->print("exit ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_Intrinsic(Intrinsic* x) {
  const char* name = vmIntrinsics::name_at(x->id());
  if (name[0] == '_')  name++;  // strip leading bug from _hashCode, etc.
  const char* kname = vmSymbols::name_for(vmIntrinsics::class_for(x->id()));
  if (strchr(name, '_') == NULL) {
    kname = NULL;
  } else {
    const char* kptr = strrchr(kname, '/');
    if (kptr != NULL)  kname = kptr + 1;
  if (kname == NULL)
    output()->print("%s(", name);
    output()->print("%s.%s(", kname, name);
  for (int i = 0; i < x->number_of_arguments(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_BlockBegin(BlockBegin* x) {
  BlockEnd* end = x->end();
  output()->print("B%d ", x->block_id());
  bool printed_flag = false;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::std_entry_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("S"); printed_flag = true;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::osr_entry_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("O"); printed_flag = true;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("E"); printed_flag = true;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::subroutine_entry_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("s"); printed_flag = true;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::parser_loop_header_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("LH"); printed_flag = true;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::backward_branch_target_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("b"); printed_flag = true;
  if (x->is_set(BlockBegin::was_visited_flag)) {
    if (!printed_flag) output()->print("(");
    output()->print("V"); printed_flag = true;
  if (printed_flag) output()->print(") ");
  output()->print("[%d, %d]", x->bci(), (end == NULL ? -1 : end->printable_bci()));
  if (end != NULL && end->number_of_sux() > 0) {
    output()->print(" ->");
    for (int i = 0; i < end->number_of_sux(); i++) {
      output()->print(" B%d", end->sux_at(i)->block_id());
  if (x->number_of_exception_handlers() > 0) {
    output()->print(" (xhandlers ");
    for (int i = 0; i < x->number_of_exception_handlers();  i++) {
      if (i > 0) output()->print(" ");
      output()->print("B%d", x->exception_handler_at(i)->block_id());
  if (x->dominator() != NULL) {
    output()->print(" dom B%d", x->dominator()->block_id());
  if (x->successors()->length() > 0) {
    output()->print(" sux:");
    for (int i = 0; i < x->successors()->length(); i ++) {
      output()->print(" B%d", x->successors()->at(i)->block_id());
  if (x->number_of_preds() > 0) {
    output()->print(" pred:");
    for (int i = 0; i < x->number_of_preds(); i ++) {
      output()->print(" B%d", x->pred_at(i)->block_id());
  if (!_print_phis) {
  bool has_phis_in_locals = false;
  bool has_phis_on_stack = false;
  if (x->end() && x->end()->state()) {
    ValueStack* state = x->state();
    int i = 0;
    while (!has_phis_on_stack && i < state->stack_size()) {
      Value v = state->stack_at_inc(i);
      has_phis_on_stack = is_phi_of_block(v, x);
    do {
      for (i = 0; !has_phis_in_locals && i < state->locals_size();) {
        Value v = state->local_at(i);
        has_phis_in_locals = is_phi_of_block(v, x);
        if (v && !v->type()->is_illegal()) i += v->type()->size(); else i ++;
      state = state->caller_state();
    } while (state != NULL);
  if (has_phis_in_locals) {
    output()->cr(); output()->print_cr("Locals:");
    ValueStack* state = x->state();
    do {
      for (int i = 0; i < state->locals_size();) {
        Value v = state->local_at(i);
        if (v) {
          print_phi(i, v, x); output()->cr();
          i += (v->type()->is_illegal() ? 1 : v->type()->size());
        } else {
          i ++;
      state = state->caller_state();
    } while (state != NULL);
  if (has_phis_on_stack) {
    int i = 0;
    while (i < x->state()->stack_size()) {
      int o = i;
      Value v = x->state()->stack_at_inc(i);
      if (v) {
        print_phi(o, v, x); output()->cr();
void InstructionPrinter::do_CheckCast(CheckCast* x) {
  output()->print(") ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_InstanceOf(InstanceOf* x) {
  output()->print(") ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_Goto(Goto* x) {
  output()->print("goto B%d", x->default_sux()->block_id());
  if (x->is_safepoint()) output()->print(" (safepoint)");
void InstructionPrinter::do_If(If* x) {
  output()->print("if ");
  output()->print(" %s ", cond_name(x->cond()));
  output()->print(" then B%d else B%d", x->sux_at(0)->block_id(), x->sux_at(1)->block_id());
  if (x->is_safepoint()) output()->print(" (safepoint)");
void InstructionPrinter::do_IfInstanceOf(IfInstanceOf* x) {
void InstructionPrinter::do_TableSwitch(TableSwitch* x) {
  output()->print("tableswitch ");
  if (x->is_safepoint()) output()->print("(safepoint) ");
  int l = x->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    output()->print_cr("case %5d: B%d", x->lo_key() + i, x->sux_at(i)->block_id());
  output()->print("default   : B%d", x->default_sux()->block_id());
void InstructionPrinter::do_LookupSwitch(LookupSwitch* x) {
  output()->print("lookupswitch ");
  if (x->is_safepoint()) output()->print("(safepoint) ");
  int l = x->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    output()->print_cr("case %5d: B%d", x->key_at(i), x->sux_at(i)->block_id());
  output()->print("default   : B%d", x->default_sux()->block_id());
void InstructionPrinter::do_Return(Return* x) {
  if (x->result() == NULL) {
  } else {
    output()->print("%creturn ", x->type()->tchar());
void InstructionPrinter::do_Throw(Throw* x) {
  output()->print("throw ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_Base(Base* x) {
  output()->print("std entry B%d", x->std_entry()->block_id());
  if (x->number_of_sux() > 1) {
    output()->print(" osr entry B%d", x->osr_entry()->block_id());
void InstructionPrinter::do_OsrEntry(OsrEntry* x) {
  output()->print("osr entry");
void InstructionPrinter::do_ExceptionObject(ExceptionObject* x) {
  output()->print("incoming exception");
void InstructionPrinter::do_RoundFP(RoundFP* x) {
  output()->print("round_fp ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafeGetRaw(UnsafeGetRaw* x) {
  print_unsafe_raw_op(x, "UnsafeGetRaw");
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafePutRaw(UnsafePutRaw* x) {
  print_unsafe_raw_op(x, "UnsafePutRaw");
  output()->print(", value ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafeGetObject(UnsafeGetObject* x) {
  print_unsafe_object_op(x, "UnsafeGetObject");
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafePutObject(UnsafePutObject* x) {
  print_unsafe_object_op(x, "UnsafePutObject");
  output()->print(", value ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafeGetAndSetObject(UnsafeGetAndSetObject* x) {
  print_unsafe_object_op(x, x->is_add()?"UnsafeGetAndSetObject (add)":"UnsafeGetAndSetObject");
  output()->print(", value ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafePrefetchRead(UnsafePrefetchRead* x) {
  print_unsafe_object_op(x, "UnsafePrefetchRead");
void InstructionPrinter::do_RangeCheckPredicate(RangeCheckPredicate* x) {
  if (x->x() != NULL && x->y() != NULL) {
    output()->print("if ");
    output()->print(" %s ", cond_name(x->cond()));
    output()->print(" then deoptimize!");
  } else {
    output()->print("always deoptimize!");
#ifdef ASSERT
void InstructionPrinter::do_Assert(Assert* x) {
  output()->print("assert ");
  output()->print(" %s ", cond_name(x->cond()));
void InstructionPrinter::do_UnsafePrefetchWrite(UnsafePrefetchWrite* x) {
  print_unsafe_object_op(x, "UnsafePrefetchWrite");
void InstructionPrinter::do_ProfileCall(ProfileCall* x) {
  output()->print("profile ");
  output()->print(" %s.%s", x->method()->holder()->name()->as_utf8(), x->method()->name()->as_utf8());
  if (x->known_holder() != NULL) {
    output()->print(", ");
    output()->print(" ");
  for (int i = 0; i < x->nb_profiled_args(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
    if (x->arg_needs_null_check(i)) {
      output()->print(" [NC]");
void InstructionPrinter::do_ProfileReturnType(ProfileReturnType* x) {
  output()->print("profile ret type ");
  output()->print(" %s.%s", x->method()->holder()->name()->as_utf8(), x->method()->name()->as_utf8());
void InstructionPrinter::do_ProfileInvoke(ProfileInvoke* x) {
  output()->print("profile_invoke ");
  output()->print(" %s.%s", x->inlinee()->holder()->name()->as_utf8(), x->inlinee()->name()->as_utf8());
void InstructionPrinter::do_RuntimeCall(RuntimeCall* x) {
  output()->print("call_rt %s(", x->entry_name());
  for (int i = 0; i < x->number_of_arguments(); i++) {
    if (i > 0) output()->print(", ");
void InstructionPrinter::do_MemBar(MemBar* x) {
  if (os::is_MP()) {
    LIR_Code code = x->code();
    switch (code) {
      case lir_membar_acquire   : output()->print("membar_acquire"); break;
      case lir_membar_release   : output()->print("membar_release"); break;
      case lir_membar           : output()->print("membar"); break;
      case lir_membar_loadload  : output()->print("membar_loadload"); break;
      case lir_membar_storestore: output()->print("membar_storestore"); break;
      case lir_membar_loadstore : output()->print("membar_loadstore"); break;
      case lir_membar_storeload : output()->print("membar_storeload"); break;
      default                   : ShouldNotReachHere(); break;
#endif // PRODUCT
#include "c1/c1_IR.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_Instruction.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_Runtime1.hpp"
#ifndef PRODUCT
class InstructionPrinter: public InstructionVisitor {
  outputStream* _output;
  bool _print_phis;
  enum LayoutConstants {
    bci_pos   =  2,
    use_pos   =  7,
    temp_pos  = 12,
    instr_pos = 19,
    end_pos   = 60
  bool is_illegal_phi(Value v);
  InstructionPrinter(bool print_phis = true, outputStream* output = tty)
    : _print_phis(print_phis)
    , _output(output)
  outputStream* output() { return _output; }
  static const char* basic_type_name(BasicType type);
  static const char* cond_name(If::Condition cond);
  static const char* op_name(Bytecodes::Code op);
  bool is_phi_of_block(Value v, BlockBegin* b);
  void print_klass(ciKlass* klass);
  void print_object(Value obj);
  void print_temp(Value value);
  void print_field(AccessField* field);
  void print_indexed(AccessIndexed* indexed);
  void print_monitor(AccessMonitor* monitor);
  void print_op2(Op2* instr);
  void print_value(Value value);
  void print_instr(Instruction* instr);
  void print_stack(ValueStack* stack);
  void print_inline_level(BlockBegin* block);
  void print_unsafe_op(UnsafeOp* op, const char* name);
  void print_unsafe_raw_op(UnsafeRawOp* op, const char* name);
  void print_unsafe_object_op(UnsafeObjectOp* op, const char* name);
  void print_phi(int i, Value v, BlockBegin* b);
  void print_alias(Value v);
  void fill_to(int pos, char filler = ' ');
  void print_head();
  void print_line(Instruction* instr);
  virtual void do_Phi            (Phi*             x);
  virtual void do_Local          (Local*           x);
  virtual void do_Constant       (Constant*        x);
  virtual void do_LoadField      (LoadField*       x);
  virtual void do_StoreField     (StoreField*      x);
  virtual void do_ArrayLength    (ArrayLength*     x);
  virtual void do_LoadIndexed    (LoadIndexed*     x);
  virtual void do_StoreIndexed   (StoreIndexed*    x);
  virtual void do_NegateOp       (NegateOp*        x);
  virtual void do_ArithmeticOp   (ArithmeticOp*    x);
  virtual void do_ShiftOp        (ShiftOp*         x);
  virtual void do_LogicOp        (LogicOp*         x);
  virtual void do_CompareOp      (CompareOp*       x);
  virtual void do_IfOp           (IfOp*            x);
  virtual void do_Convert        (Convert*         x);
  virtual void do_NullCheck      (NullCheck*       x);
  virtual void do_TypeCast       (TypeCast*        x);
  virtual void do_Invoke         (Invoke*          x);
  virtual void do_NewInstance    (NewInstance*     x);
  virtual void do_NewTypeArray   (NewTypeArray*    x);
  virtual void do_NewObjectArray (NewObjectArray*  x);
  virtual void do_NewMultiArray  (NewMultiArray*   x);
  virtual void do_CheckCast      (CheckCast*       x);
  virtual void do_InstanceOf     (InstanceOf*      x);
  virtual void do_MonitorEnter   (MonitorEnter*    x);
  virtual void do_MonitorExit    (MonitorExit*     x);
  virtual void do_Intrinsic      (Intrinsic*       x);
  virtual void do_BlockBegin     (BlockBegin*      x);
  virtual void do_Goto           (Goto*            x);
  virtual void do_If             (If*              x);
  virtual void do_IfInstanceOf   (IfInstanceOf*    x);
  virtual void do_TableSwitch    (TableSwitch*     x);
  virtual void do_LookupSwitch   (LookupSwitch*    x);
  virtual void do_Return         (Return*          x);
  virtual void do_Throw          (Throw*           x);
  virtual void do_Base           (Base*            x);
  virtual void do_OsrEntry       (OsrEntry*        x);
  virtual void do_ExceptionObject(ExceptionObject* x);
  virtual void do_RoundFP        (RoundFP*         x);
  virtual void do_UnsafeGetRaw   (UnsafeGetRaw*    x);
  virtual void do_UnsafePutRaw   (UnsafePutRaw*    x);
  virtual void do_UnsafeGetObject(UnsafeGetObject* x);
  virtual void do_UnsafePutObject(UnsafePutObject* x);
  virtual void do_UnsafeGetAndSetObject(UnsafeGetAndSetObject* x);
  virtual void do_UnsafePrefetchRead (UnsafePrefetchRead*  x);
  virtual void do_UnsafePrefetchWrite(UnsafePrefetchWrite* x);
  virtual void do_ProfileCall    (ProfileCall*     x);
  virtual void do_ProfileReturnType (ProfileReturnType*  x);
  virtual void do_ProfileInvoke  (ProfileInvoke*   x);
  virtual void do_RuntimeCall    (RuntimeCall*     x);
  virtual void do_MemBar         (MemBar*          x);
  virtual void do_RangeCheckPredicate(RangeCheckPredicate* x);
#ifdef ASSERT
  virtual void do_Assert         (Assert*          x);
#endif // PRODUCT
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_Compilation.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_GraphBuilder.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_IR.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_InstructionPrinter.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_Optimizer.hpp"
#include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
XHandlers::XHandlers(ciMethod* method) : _list(method->exception_table_length()) {
  ciExceptionHandlerStream s(method);
  while (!s.is_done()) {
    _list.append(new XHandler(s.handler()));;
  assert(s.count() == method->exception_table_length(), "exception table lengths inconsistent");
XHandlers::XHandlers(XHandlers* other) :
  for (int i = 0; i < other->length(); i++) {
    _list.append(new XHandler(other->handler_at(i)));
bool XHandlers::could_catch(ciInstanceKlass* klass, bool type_is_exact) const {
  if (!klass->is_loaded()) {
    return true;
  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
    XHandler* handler = handler_at(i);
    if (handler->is_catch_all()) {
      return true;
    ciInstanceKlass* handler_klass = handler->catch_klass();
    if (!handler_klass->is_loaded()) {
      return true;
    if (klass->is_subtype_of(handler_klass)) {
      return true;
    if (!type_is_exact) {
      if (handler_klass->is_subtype_of(klass)) {
        return true;
  return false;
bool XHandlers::equals(XHandlers* others) const {
  if (others == NULL) return false;
  if (length() != others->length()) return false;
  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
    if (!handler_at(i)->equals(others->handler_at(i))) return false;
  return true;
bool XHandler::equals(XHandler* other) const {
  assert(entry_pco() != -1 && other->entry_pco() != -1, "must have entry_pco");
  if (entry_pco() != other->entry_pco()) return false;
  if (scope_count() != other->scope_count()) return false;
  if (_desc != other->_desc) return false;
  assert(entry_block() == other->entry_block(), "entry_block must be equal when entry_pco is equal");
  return true;
BlockBegin* IRScope::build_graph(Compilation* compilation, int osr_bci) {
  GraphBuilder gm(compilation, this);
  NOT_PRODUCT(if (PrintValueNumbering && Verbose) gm.print_stats());
  if (compilation->bailed_out()) return NULL;
  return gm.start();
IRScope::IRScope(Compilation* compilation, IRScope* caller, int caller_bci, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci, bool create_graph)
: _callees(2)
, _compilation(compilation)
, _requires_phi_function(method->max_locals())
  _caller             = caller;
  _level              = caller == NULL ?  0 : caller->level() + 1;
  _method             = method;
  _xhandlers          = new XHandlers(method);
  _number_of_locks    = 0;
  _monitor_pairing_ok = method->has_balanced_monitors();
  _wrote_final        = false;
  _start              = NULL;
  if (osr_bci == -1) {
  } else {
    _requires_phi_function.set_range(0, method->max_locals());
  assert(method->holder()->is_loaded() , "method holder must be loaded");
  if (create_graph && monitor_pairing_ok()) _start = build_graph(compilation, osr_bci);
int IRScope::max_stack() const {
  int my_max = method()->max_stack();
  int callee_max = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_callees(); i++) {
    callee_max = MAX2(callee_max, callee_no(i)->max_stack());
  return my_max + callee_max;
bool IRScopeDebugInfo::should_reexecute() {
  ciMethod* cur_method = scope()->method();
  int       cur_bci    = bci();
  if (cur_method != NULL && cur_bci != SynchronizationEntryBCI) {
    Bytecodes::Code code = cur_method->java_code_at_bci(cur_bci);
    return Interpreter::bytecode_should_reexecute(code);
  } else
    return false;
CodeEmitInfo::CodeEmitInfo(ValueStack* stack, XHandlers* exception_handlers, bool deoptimize_on_exception)
  : _scope(stack->scope())
  , _scope_debug_info(NULL)
  , _oop_map(NULL)
  , _stack(stack)
  , _exception_handlers(exception_handlers)
  , _is_method_handle_invoke(false)
  , _deoptimize_on_exception(deoptimize_on_exception) {
  assert(_stack != NULL, "must be non null");
CodeEmitInfo::CodeEmitInfo(CodeEmitInfo* info, ValueStack* stack)
  : _scope(info->_scope)
  , _exception_handlers(NULL)
  , _scope_debug_info(NULL)
  , _oop_map(NULL)
  , _stack(stack == NULL ? info->_stack : stack)
  , _is_method_handle_invoke(info->_is_method_handle_invoke)
  , _deoptimize_on_exception(info->_deoptimize_on_exception) {
  if (info->_exception_handlers != NULL) {
    _exception_handlers = new XHandlers(info->_exception_handlers);
void CodeEmitInfo::record_debug_info(DebugInformationRecorder* recorder, int pc_offset) {
  recorder->add_safepoint(pc_offset, _oop_map->deep_copy());
  _scope_debug_info->record_debug_info(recorder, pc_offset, true/*topmost*/, _is_method_handle_invoke);
void CodeEmitInfo::add_register_oop(LIR_Opr opr) {
  assert(_oop_map != NULL, "oop map must already exist");
  assert(opr->is_single_cpu(), "should not call otherwise");
  VMReg name = frame_map()->regname(opr);
int CodeEmitInfo::interpreter_frame_size() const {
  ValueStack* state = _stack;
  int size = 0;
  int callee_parameters = 0;
  int callee_locals = 0;
  int extra_args = state->scope()->method()->max_stack() - state->stack_size();
  while (state != NULL) {
    int locks = state->locks_size();
    int temps = state->stack_size();
    bool is_top_frame = (state == _stack);
    ciMethod* method = state->scope()->method();
    int frame_size = BytesPerWord * Interpreter::size_activation(method->max_stack(),
                                                                 temps + callee_parameters,
    size += frame_size;
    callee_parameters = method->size_of_parameters();
    callee_locals = method->max_locals();
    extra_args = 0;
    state = state->caller_state();
  return size + Deoptimization::last_frame_adjust(0, callee_locals) * BytesPerWord;
IR::IR(Compilation* compilation, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci) :
  , _num_loops(0) {
  _compilation = compilation;
  _top_scope   = new IRScope(compilation, NULL, -1, method, osr_bci, true);
  _code        = NULL;
void IR::optimize_blocks() {
  Optimizer opt(this);
  if (!compilation()->profile_branches()) {
    if (DoCEE) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintCFG || PrintCFG1) { tty->print_cr("CFG after CEE"); print(true); }
      if (PrintIR  || PrintIR1 ) { tty->print_cr("IR after CEE"); print(false); }
    if (EliminateBlocks) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintCFG || PrintCFG1) { tty->print_cr("CFG after block elimination"); print(true); }
      if (PrintIR  || PrintIR1 ) { tty->print_cr("IR after block elimination"); print(false); }
void IR::eliminate_null_checks() {
  Optimizer opt(this);
  if (EliminateNullChecks) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (PrintCFG || PrintCFG1) { tty->print_cr("CFG after null check elimination"); print(true); }
    if (PrintIR  || PrintIR1 ) { tty->print_cr("IR after null check elimination"); print(false); }
static int sort_pairs(BlockPair** a, BlockPair** b) {
  if ((*a)->from() == (*b)->from()) {
    return (*a)->to()->block_id() - (*b)->to()->block_id();
  } else {
    return (*a)->from()->block_id() - (*b)->from()->block_id();
class CriticalEdgeFinder: public BlockClosure {
  BlockPairList blocks;
  IR*       _ir;
  CriticalEdgeFinder(IR* ir): _ir(ir) {}
  void block_do(BlockBegin* bb) {
    BlockEnd* be = bb->end();
    int nos = be->number_of_sux();
    if (nos >= 2) {
      for (int i = 0; i < nos; i++) {
        BlockBegin* sux = be->sux_at(i);
        if (sux->number_of_preds() >= 2) {
          blocks.append(new BlockPair(bb, sux));
  void split_edges() {
    BlockPair* last_pair = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length(); i++) {
      BlockPair* pair =;
      if (last_pair != NULL && pair->is_same(last_pair)) continue;
      BlockBegin* from = pair->from();
      BlockBegin* to = pair->to();
      BlockBegin* split = from->insert_block_between(to);
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if ((PrintIR || PrintIR1) && Verbose) {
        tty->print_cr("Split critical edge B%d -> B%d (new block B%d)",
                      from->block_id(), to->block_id(), split->block_id());
      last_pair = pair;
void IR::split_critical_edges() {
  CriticalEdgeFinder cef(this);
class UseCountComputer: public ValueVisitor, BlockClosure {
  void visit(Value* n) {
    if (!(*n)->is_linked() && (*n)->can_be_linked()) {
      assert(false, "a node was not appended to the graph");
      Compilation::current()->bailout("a node was not appended to the graph");
    if (!(*n)->is_pinned() && !(*n)->has_uses()) {
  Values* worklist;
  int depth;
  enum {
    max_recurse_depth = 20
  void uses_do(Value* n) {
    if (depth > max_recurse_depth) {
    } else {
      if ((*n)->as_BlockEnd() != NULL) {
  void block_do(BlockBegin* b) {
    depth = 0;
    for (Instruction* n = b; n != NULL; n = n->next()) {
      if (n->is_pinned()) uses_do(&n);
    assert(depth == 0, "should have counted back down");
    while (worklist->length() > 0) {
      Value t = worklist->pop();
      if (!t->is_pinned()) {
    assert(depth == 0, "should have counted back down");
  UseCountComputer() {
    worklist = new Values();
    depth = 0;
  static void compute(BlockList* blocks) {
    UseCountComputer ucc;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  #define TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(level, code)       \
    if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= level) {       \
      code;                                    \
  #define TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(level, code)
class ComputeLinearScanOrder : public StackObj {
  int        _max_block_id;        // the highest block_id of a block
  int        _num_blocks;          // total number of blocks (smaller than _max_block_id)
  int        _num_loops;           // total number of loops
  bool       _iterative_dominators;// method requires iterative computation of dominatiors
  BlockList* _linear_scan_order;   // the resulting list of blocks in correct order
  BitMap     _visited_blocks;      // used for recursive processing of blocks
  BitMap     _active_blocks;       // used for recursive processing of blocks
  BitMap     _dominator_blocks;    // temproary BitMap used for computation of dominator
  intArray   _forward_branches;    // number of incoming forward branches for each block
  BlockList  _loop_end_blocks;     // list of all loop end blocks collected during count_edges
  BitMap2D   _loop_map;            // two-dimensional bit set: a bit is set if a block is contained in a loop
  BlockList  _work_list;           // temporary list (used in mark_loops and compute_order)
  BlockList  _loop_headers;
  Compilation* _compilation;
  void init_visited()                     { _active_blocks.clear(); _visited_blocks.clear(); }
  bool is_visited(BlockBegin* b) const    { return>block_id()); }
  bool is_active(BlockBegin* b) const     { return>block_id()); }
  void set_visited(BlockBegin* b)         { assert(!is_visited(b), "already set"); _visited_blocks.set_bit(b->block_id()); }
  void set_active(BlockBegin* b)          { assert(!is_active(b), "already set");  _active_blocks.set_bit(b->block_id()); }
  void clear_active(BlockBegin* b)        { assert(is_active(b), "not already");   _active_blocks.clear_bit(b->block_id()); }
  void inc_forward_branches(BlockBegin* b) { _forward_branches.at_put(b->block_id(),>block_id()) + 1); }
  int  dec_forward_branches(BlockBegin* b) { _forward_branches.at_put(b->block_id(),>block_id()) - 1); return>block_id()); }
  bool is_block_in_loop   (int loop_idx, BlockBegin* b) const { return, b->block_id()); }
  void set_block_in_loop  (int loop_idx, BlockBegin* b)       { _loop_map.set_bit(loop_idx, b->block_id()); }
  void clear_block_in_loop(int loop_idx, int block_id)        { _loop_map.clear_bit(loop_idx, block_id); }
  void count_edges(BlockBegin* cur, BlockBegin* parent);
  void mark_loops();
  void clear_non_natural_loops(BlockBegin* start_block);
  void assign_loop_depth(BlockBegin* start_block);
  BlockBegin* common_dominator(BlockBegin* a, BlockBegin* b);
  void compute_dominator(BlockBegin* cur, BlockBegin* parent);
  int  compute_weight(BlockBegin* cur);
  bool ready_for_processing(BlockBegin* cur);
  void sort_into_work_list(BlockBegin* b);
  void append_block(BlockBegin* cur);
  void compute_order(BlockBegin* start_block);
  bool compute_dominators_iter();
  void compute_dominators();
  NOT_PRODUCT(void print_blocks();)
  DEBUG_ONLY(void verify();)
  Compilation* compilation() const { return _compilation; }
  ComputeLinearScanOrder(Compilation* c, BlockBegin* start_block);
  BlockList* linear_scan_order() const    { return _linear_scan_order; }
  int        num_loops() const            { return _num_loops; }
ComputeLinearScanOrder::ComputeLinearScanOrder(Compilation* c, BlockBegin* start_block) :
  _forward_branches(_max_block_id, 0),
  _linear_scan_order(NULL), // initialized later with correct size
  _loop_map(0, 0),          // initialized later with correct size
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("***** computing linear-scan block order"));
  count_edges(start_block, NULL);
  if (compilation()->is_profiling()) {
    ciMethod *method = compilation()->method();
    if (!method->is_accessor()) {
      ciMethodData* md = method->method_data_or_null();
      assert(md != NULL, "Sanity");
      md->set_compilation_stats(_num_loops, _num_blocks);
  if (_num_loops > 0) {
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::count_edges(BlockBegin* cur, BlockBegin* parent) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("Enter count_edges for block B%d coming from B%d", cur->block_id(), parent != NULL ? parent->block_id() : -1));
  assert(cur->dominator() == NULL, "dominator already initialized");
  if (is_active(cur)) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("backward branch"));
    assert(is_visited(cur), "block must be visisted when block is active");
    assert(parent != NULL, "must have parent");
    if (cur->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag)) {
      _iterative_dominators = true;
    assert(parent->number_of_sux() == 1 && parent->sux_at(0) == cur,
           "loop end blocks must have one successor (critical edges are split)");
  if (is_visited(cur)) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("block already visited"));
  int i;
  for (i = cur->number_of_sux() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    count_edges(cur->sux_at(i), cur);
  for (i = cur->number_of_exception_handlers() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    count_edges(cur->exception_handler_at(i), cur);
  if (cur->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag)) {
    assert(cur->loop_index() == -1, "cannot set loop-index twice");
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("Block B%d is loop header of loop %d", cur->block_id(), _num_loops));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("Finished count_edges for block B%d", cur->block_id()));
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::mark_loops() {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("----- marking loops"));
  _loop_map = BitMap2D(_num_loops, _max_block_id);
  for (int i = _loop_end_blocks.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    BlockBegin* loop_end   =;
    BlockBegin* loop_start = loop_end->sux_at(0);
    int         loop_idx   = loop_start->loop_index();
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("Processing loop from B%d to B%d (loop %d):", loop_start->block_id(), loop_end->block_id(), loop_idx));
    assert(loop_end->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_end_flag), "loop end flag must be set");
    assert(loop_end->number_of_sux() == 1, "incorrect number of successors");
    assert(loop_start->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag), "loop header flag must be set");
    assert(loop_idx >= 0 && loop_idx < _num_loops, "loop index not set");
    assert(_work_list.is_empty(), "work list must be empty before processing");
    set_block_in_loop(loop_idx, loop_end);
    do {
      BlockBegin* cur = _work_list.pop();
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("    processing B%d", cur->block_id()));
      assert(is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, cur), "bit in loop map must be set when block is in work list");
      if (cur != loop_start && !cur->is_set(BlockBegin::osr_entry_flag)) {
        for (int j = cur->number_of_preds() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          BlockBegin* pred = cur->pred_at(j);
          if (!is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, pred) /*&& !pred->is_set(BlockBeginosr_entry_flag)*/) {
            TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("    pushing B%d", pred->block_id()));
            set_block_in_loop(loop_idx, pred);
    } while (!_work_list.is_empty());
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::clear_non_natural_loops(BlockBegin* start_block) {
  for (int i = _num_loops - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (is_block_in_loop(i, start_block)) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("Loop %d is non-natural, so it is ignored", i));
      BlockBegin *loop_header =;
      assert(loop_header->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag), "Must be loop header");
      for (int j = 0; j < loop_header->number_of_preds(); j++) {
        BlockBegin *pred = loop_header->pred_at(j);
      for (int block_id = _max_block_id - 1; block_id >= 0; block_id--) {
        clear_block_in_loop(i, block_id);
      _iterative_dominators = true;
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::assign_loop_depth(BlockBegin* start_block) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("----- computing loop-depth and weight"));
  assert(_work_list.is_empty(), "work list must be empty before processing");
  do {
    BlockBegin* cur = _work_list.pop();
    if (!is_visited(cur)) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("Computing loop depth for block B%d", cur->block_id()));
      assert(cur->loop_depth() == 0, "cannot set loop-depth twice");
      int i;
      int loop_depth = 0;
      int min_loop_idx = -1;
      for (i = _num_loops - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (is_block_in_loop(i, cur)) {
          min_loop_idx = i;
      for (i = cur->number_of_sux() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      for (i = cur->number_of_exception_handlers() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  } while (!_work_list.is_empty());
BlockBegin* ComputeLinearScanOrder::common_dominator(BlockBegin* a, BlockBegin* b) {
  assert(a != NULL && b != NULL, "must have input blocks");
  while (a != NULL) {
    assert(a->dominator() != NULL || a == _linear_scan_order->at(0), "dominator must be initialized");
    a = a->dominator();
  while (b != NULL && !>block_id())) {
    assert(b->dominator() != NULL || b == _linear_scan_order->at(0), "dominator must be initialized");
    b = b->dominator();
  assert(b != NULL, "could not find dominator");
  return b;
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::compute_dominator(BlockBegin* cur, BlockBegin* parent) {
  if (cur->dominator() == NULL) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("DOM: initializing dominator of B%d to B%d", cur->block_id(), parent->block_id()));
  } else if (!(cur->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag) && parent->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_end_flag))) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("DOM: computing dominator of B%d: common dominator of B%d and B%d is B%d", cur->block_id(), parent->block_id(), cur->dominator()->block_id(), common_dominator(cur->dominator(), parent)->block_id()));
    assert(cur->number_of_preds() > 1 || cur->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "");
    cur->set_dominator(common_dominator(cur->dominator(), parent));
  int num_cur_xhandler = cur->number_of_exception_handlers();
  for (int j = 0; j < num_cur_xhandler; j++) {
    BlockBegin* xhandler = cur->exception_handler_at(j);
    compute_dominator(xhandler, parent);
int ComputeLinearScanOrder::compute_weight(BlockBegin* cur) {
  BlockBegin* single_sux = NULL;
  if (cur->number_of_sux() == 1) {
    single_sux = cur->sux_at(0);
  int weight = (cur->loop_depth() & 0x7FFF) << 16;
  int cur_bit = 15;
  #define INC_WEIGHT_IF(condition) if ((condition)) { weight |= (1 << cur_bit); } cur_bit--;
  INC_WEIGHT_IF(cur->end()->as_Throw() == NULL  && (single_sux == NULL || single_sux->end()->as_Throw()  == NULL));
  INC_WEIGHT_IF(cur->end()->as_Return() == NULL && (single_sux == NULL || single_sux->end()->as_Return() == NULL));
  weight |= 1;
  #undef INC_WEIGHT_IF
  assert(cur_bit >= 0, "too many flags");
  assert(weight > 0, "weight cannot become negative");
  return weight;
bool ComputeLinearScanOrder::ready_for_processing(BlockBegin* cur) {
  if (dec_forward_branches(cur) != 0) {
    return false;
  assert(_linear_scan_order->index_of(cur) == -1, "block already processed (block can be ready only once)");
  assert(_work_list.index_of(cur) == -1, "block already in work-list (block can be ready only once)");
  return true;
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::sort_into_work_list(BlockBegin* cur) {
  assert(_work_list.index_of(cur) == -1, "block already in work list");
  int cur_weight = compute_weight(cur);
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (StressLinearScan) {
    _work_list.insert_before(0, cur);
  _work_list.append(NULL); // provide space for new element
  int insert_idx = _work_list.length() - 1;
  while (insert_idx > 0 && - 1)->linear_scan_number() > cur_weight) {
    _work_list.at_put(insert_idx, - 1));
  _work_list.at_put(insert_idx, cur);
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("Sorted B%d into worklist. new worklist:", cur->block_id()));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, for (int i = 0; i < _work_list.length(); i++) tty->print_cr("%8d B%2d  weight:%6x", i,>block_id(),>linear_scan_number()));
#ifdef ASSERT
  for (int i = 0; i < _work_list.length(); i++) {
    assert(>linear_scan_number() > 0, "weight not set");
    assert(i == 0 || - 1)->linear_scan_number() <=>linear_scan_number(), "incorrect order in worklist");
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::append_block(BlockBegin* cur) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("appending block B%d (weight 0x%6x) to linear-scan order", cur->block_id(), cur->linear_scan_number()));
  assert(_linear_scan_order->index_of(cur) == -1, "cannot add the same block twice");
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::compute_order(BlockBegin* start_block) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("----- computing final block order"));
  _linear_scan_order = new BlockList(_num_blocks);
  assert(start_block->end()->as_Base() != NULL, "start block must end with Base-instruction");
  BlockBegin* std_entry = ((Base*)start_block->end())->std_entry();
  BlockBegin* osr_entry = ((Base*)start_block->end())->osr_entry();
  BlockBegin* sux_of_osr_entry = NULL;
  if (osr_entry != NULL) {
    assert(osr_entry->number_of_sux() == 1, "osr entry must have exactly one successor");
    assert(osr_entry->sux_at(0)->number_of_preds() >= 2, "sucessor of osr entry must have two predecessors (otherwise it is not present in normal control flow");
    sux_of_osr_entry = osr_entry->sux_at(0);
    compute_dominator(osr_entry, start_block);
    _iterative_dominators = true;
  compute_dominator(std_entry, start_block);
  assert(_work_list.is_empty(), "list must be empty before processing");
  if (ready_for_processing(std_entry)) {
  } else {
    assert(false, "the std_entry must be ready for processing (otherwise, the method has no start block)");
  do {
    BlockBegin* cur = _work_list.pop();
    if (cur == sux_of_osr_entry) {
      compute_dominator(cur, osr_entry);
    int i;
    int num_sux = cur->number_of_sux();
    for (i = 0; i < num_sux; i++) {
      BlockBegin* sux = cur->sux_at(i);
      compute_dominator(sux, cur);
      if (ready_for_processing(sux)) {
    num_sux = cur->number_of_exception_handlers();
    for (i = 0; i < num_sux; i++) {
      BlockBegin* sux = cur->exception_handler_at(i);
      if (ready_for_processing(sux)) {
  } while (_work_list.length() > 0);
bool ComputeLinearScanOrder::compute_dominators_iter() {
  bool changed = false;
  int num_blocks = _linear_scan_order->length();
  assert(_linear_scan_order->at(0)->dominator() == NULL, "must not have dominator");
  assert(_linear_scan_order->at(0)->number_of_preds() == 0, "must not have predecessors");
  for (int i = 1; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = _linear_scan_order->at(i);
    BlockBegin* dominator = block->pred_at(0);
    int num_preds = block->number_of_preds();
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("DOM: Processing B%d", block->block_id()));
    for (int j = 0; j < num_preds; j++) {
      BlockBegin *pred = block->pred_at(j);
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("   DOM: Subrocessing B%d", pred->block_id()));
      if (block->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag)) {
        dominator = common_dominator(dominator, pred);
        int num_pred_preds = pred->number_of_preds();
        for (int k = 0; k < num_pred_preds; k++) {
          dominator = common_dominator(dominator, pred->pred_at(k));
      } else {
        dominator = common_dominator(dominator, pred);
    if (dominator != block->dominator()) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("DOM: updating dominator of B%d from B%d to B%d", block->block_id(), block->dominator()->block_id(), dominator->block_id()));
      changed = true;
  return changed;
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::compute_dominators() {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("----- computing dominators (iterative computation reqired: %d)", _iterative_dominators));
  if (_iterative_dominators) {
    do {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(1, tty->print_cr("DOM: next iteration of fix-point calculation"));
    } while (compute_dominators_iter());
  assert(!compute_dominators_iter(), "fix point not reached");
  int num_blocks = _linear_scan_order->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = _linear_scan_order->at(i);
    BlockBegin *dom = block->dominator();
    if (dom) {
      assert(dom->dominator_depth() != -1, "Dominator must have been visited before");
      block->set_dominator_depth(dom->dominator_depth() + 1);
    } else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::print_blocks() {
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 2) {
    tty->print_cr("----- loop information:");
    for (int block_idx = 0; block_idx < _linear_scan_order->length(); block_idx++) {
      BlockBegin* cur = _linear_scan_order->at(block_idx);
      tty->print("%4d: B%2d: ", cur->linear_scan_number(), cur->block_id());
      for (int loop_idx = 0; loop_idx < _num_loops; loop_idx++) {
        tty->print ("%d ", is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, cur));
      tty->print_cr(" -> loop_index: %2d, loop_depth: %2d", cur->loop_index(), cur->loop_depth());
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 1) {
    tty->print_cr("----- linear-scan block order:");
    for (int block_idx = 0; block_idx < _linear_scan_order->length(); block_idx++) {
      BlockBegin* cur = _linear_scan_order->at(block_idx);
      tty->print("%4d: B%2d    loop: %2d  depth: %2d", cur->linear_scan_number(), cur->block_id(), cur->loop_index(), cur->loop_depth());
      tty->print(cur->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag)         ? " ex" : "   ");
      tty->print(cur->is_set(BlockBegin::critical_edge_split_flag)     ? " ce" : "   ");
      tty->print(cur->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag) ? " lh" : "   ");
      tty->print(cur->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_end_flag)    ? " le" : "   ");
      if (cur->dominator() != NULL) {
        tty->print("    dom: B%d ", cur->dominator()->block_id());
      } else {
        tty->print("    dom: NULL ");
      if (cur->number_of_preds() > 0) {
        tty->print("    preds: ");
        for (int j = 0; j < cur->number_of_preds(); j++) {
          BlockBegin* pred = cur->pred_at(j);
          tty->print("B%d ", pred->block_id());
      if (cur->number_of_sux() > 0) {
        tty->print("    sux: ");
        for (int j = 0; j < cur->number_of_sux(); j++) {
          BlockBegin* sux = cur->sux_at(j);
          tty->print("B%d ", sux->block_id());
      if (cur->number_of_exception_handlers() > 0) {
        tty->print("    ex: ");
        for (int j = 0; j < cur->number_of_exception_handlers(); j++) {
          BlockBegin* ex = cur->exception_handler_at(j);
          tty->print("B%d ", ex->block_id());
#ifdef ASSERT
void ComputeLinearScanOrder::verify() {
  assert(_linear_scan_order->length() == _num_blocks, "wrong number of blocks in list");
  if (StressLinearScan) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < _linear_scan_order->length(); i++) {
    BlockBegin* cur = _linear_scan_order->at(i);
    assert(cur->linear_scan_number() == i, "incorrect linear_scan_number");
    assert(cur->linear_scan_number() >= 0 && cur->linear_scan_number() == _linear_scan_order->index_of(cur), "incorrect linear_scan_number");
    int j;
    for (j = cur->number_of_sux() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
      BlockBegin* sux = cur->sux_at(j);
      assert(sux->linear_scan_number() >= 0 && sux->linear_scan_number() == _linear_scan_order->index_of(sux), "incorrect linear_scan_number");
      if (!sux->is_set(BlockBegin::backward_branch_target_flag)) {
        assert(cur->linear_scan_number() < sux->linear_scan_number(), "invalid order");
      if (cur->loop_depth() == sux->loop_depth()) {
        assert(cur->loop_index() == sux->loop_index() || sux->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag), "successing blocks with same loop depth must have same loop index");
    for (j = cur->number_of_preds() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
      BlockBegin* pred = cur->pred_at(j);
      assert(pred->linear_scan_number() >= 0 && pred->linear_scan_number() == _linear_scan_order->index_of(pred), "incorrect linear_scan_number");
      if (!cur->is_set(BlockBegin::backward_branch_target_flag)) {
        assert(cur->linear_scan_number() > pred->linear_scan_number(), "invalid order");
      if (cur->loop_depth() == pred->loop_depth()) {
        assert(cur->loop_index() == pred->loop_index() || cur->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_header_flag), "successing blocks with same loop depth must have same loop index");
      assert(cur->dominator()->linear_scan_number() <= cur->pred_at(j)->linear_scan_number(), "dominator must be before predecessors");
    if (i == 0) {
      assert(cur->dominator() == NULL, "first block has no dominator");
    } else {
      assert(cur->dominator() != NULL, "all but first block must have dominator");
    assert(cur->number_of_preds() != 1 || cur->dominator() == cur->pred_at(0) || cur->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "Single predecessor must also be dominator");
  for (int loop_idx = 0; loop_idx < _num_loops; loop_idx++) {
    int block_idx = 0;
    assert(!is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, _linear_scan_order->at(block_idx)), "the first block must not be present in any loop");
    while (block_idx < _num_blocks && !is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, _linear_scan_order->at(block_idx))) {
    while (block_idx < _num_blocks && is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, _linear_scan_order->at(block_idx))) {
    while (block_idx < _num_blocks) {
      assert(!is_block_in_loop(loop_idx, _linear_scan_order->at(block_idx)), "loop not continuous in linear-scan order");
void IR::compute_code() {
  assert(is_valid(), "IR must be valid");
  ComputeLinearScanOrder compute_order(compilation(), start());
  _num_loops = compute_order.num_loops();
  _code = compute_order.linear_scan_order();
void IR::compute_use_counts() {
  int num_blocks = _code->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
void IR::iterate_preorder(BlockClosure* closure) {
  assert(is_valid(), "IR must be valid");
void IR::iterate_postorder(BlockClosure* closure) {
  assert(is_valid(), "IR must be valid");
void IR::iterate_linear_scan_order(BlockClosure* closure) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
class BlockPrinter: public BlockClosure {
  InstructionPrinter* _ip;
  bool                _cfg_only;
  bool                _live_only;
  BlockPrinter(InstructionPrinter* ip, bool cfg_only, bool live_only = false) {
    _ip       = ip;
    _cfg_only = cfg_only;
    _live_only = live_only;
  virtual void block_do(BlockBegin* block) {
    if (_cfg_only) {
      _ip->print_instr(block); tty->cr();
    } else {
      block->print_block(*_ip, _live_only);
void IR::print(BlockBegin* start, bool cfg_only, bool live_only) {
  ttyLocker ttyl;
  InstructionPrinter ip(!cfg_only);
  BlockPrinter bp(&ip, cfg_only, live_only);
void IR::print(bool cfg_only, bool live_only) {
  if (is_valid()) {
    print(start(), cfg_only, live_only);
  } else {
    tty->print_cr("invalid IR");
define_array(BlockListArray, BlockList*)
define_stack(BlockListList, BlockListArray)
class PredecessorValidator : public BlockClosure {
  BlockListList* _predecessors;
  BlockList*     _blocks;
  static int cmp(BlockBegin** a, BlockBegin** b) {
    return (*a)->block_id() - (*b)->block_id();
  PredecessorValidator(IR* hir) {
    ResourceMark rm;
    _predecessors = new BlockListList(BlockBegin::number_of_blocks(), NULL);
    _blocks = new BlockList();
    int i;
    if (hir->code() != NULL) {
      assert(hir->code()->length() == _blocks->length(), "must match");
      for (i = 0; i < _blocks->length(); i++) {
        assert(hir->code()->contains(_blocks->at(i)), "should be in both lists");
    for (i = 0; i < _blocks->length(); i++) {
      BlockBegin* block = _blocks->at(i);
      BlockList* preds = _predecessors->at(block->block_id());
      if (preds == NULL) {
        assert(block->number_of_preds() == 0, "should be the same");
      BlockList* pred_copy = new BlockList();
      int j;
      for (j = 0; j < block->number_of_preds(); j++) {
      int length = MIN2(preds->length(), block->number_of_preds());
      for (j = 0; j < block->number_of_preds(); j++) {
        assert(preds->at(j) == pred_copy->at(j), "must match");
      assert(preds->length() == block->number_of_preds(), "should be the same");
  virtual void block_do(BlockBegin* block) {
    BlockEnd* be = block->end();
    int n = be->number_of_sux();
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      BlockBegin* sux = be->sux_at(i);
      assert(!sux->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "must not be xhandler");
      BlockList* preds = _predecessors->at_grow(sux->block_id(), NULL);
      if (preds == NULL) {
        preds = new BlockList();
        _predecessors->at_put(sux->block_id(), preds);
    n = block->number_of_exception_handlers();
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      BlockBegin* sux = block->exception_handler_at(i);
      assert(sux->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "must be xhandler");
      BlockList* preds = _predecessors->at_grow(sux->block_id(), NULL);
      if (preds == NULL) {
        preds = new BlockList();
        _predecessors->at_put(sux->block_id(), preds);
class VerifyBlockBeginField : public BlockClosure {
  virtual void block_do(BlockBegin *block) {
    for ( Instruction *cur = block; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next()) {
      assert(cur->block() == block, "Block begin is not correct");
void IR::verify() {
#ifdef ASSERT
  PredecessorValidator pv(this);
  VerifyBlockBeginField verifier;
#endif // PRODUCT
void SubstitutionResolver::visit(Value* v) {
  Value v0 = *v;
  if (v0) {
    Value vs = v0->subst();
    if (vs != v0) {
#ifdef ASSERT
class SubstitutionChecker: public ValueVisitor {
  void visit(Value* v) {
    Value v0 = *v;
    if (v0) {
      Value vs = v0->subst();
      assert(vs == v0, "missed substitution");
void SubstitutionResolver::block_do(BlockBegin* block) {
  Instruction* last = NULL;
  for (Instruction* n = block; n != NULL;) {
    if (n->subst() != n) {
      assert(last != NULL, "must have last");
    } else {
      last = n;
    n = last->next();
#ifdef ASSERT
  SubstitutionChecker check_substitute;
  if (block->state()) block->state()->values_do(&check_substitute);
  if (block->end() && block->end()->state()) block->end()->state()->values_do(&check_substitute);
#ifndef SHARE_VM_C1_C1_IR_HPP
#define SHARE_VM_C1_C1_IR_HPP
#include "c1/c1_Instruction.hpp"
#include "ci/ciExceptionHandler.hpp"
#include "ci/ciMethod.hpp"
#include "ci/ciStreams.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
class XHandler: public CompilationResourceObj {
  ciExceptionHandler* _desc;
  BlockBegin*         _entry_block;  // Entry block of xhandler
  LIR_List*           _entry_code;   // LIR-operations that must be executed before jumping to entry_block
  int                 _entry_pco;    // pco where entry_code (or entry_block if no entry_code) starts
  int                 _phi_operand;  // For resolving of phi functions at begin of entry_block
  int                 _scope_count;  // for filling ExceptionRangeEntry::scope_count
#ifdef ASSERT
  int                 _lir_op_id;    // op_id of the LIR-operation throwing to this handler
  XHandler(ciExceptionHandler* desc)
    : _desc(desc)
    , _entry_block(NULL)
    , _entry_code(NULL)
    , _entry_pco(-1)
    , _phi_operand(-1)
    , _scope_count(-1)
#ifdef ASSERT
    , _lir_op_id(-1)
  { }
  XHandler(XHandler* other)
    : _desc(other->_desc)
    , _entry_block(other->_entry_block)
    , _entry_code(other->_entry_code)
    , _entry_pco(other->_entry_pco)
    , _phi_operand(other->_phi_operand)
    , _scope_count(other->_scope_count)
#ifdef ASSERT
    , _lir_op_id(other->_lir_op_id)
  { }
  int  beg_bci() const                           { return _desc->start(); }
  int  end_bci() const                           { return _desc->limit(); }
  int  handler_bci() const                       { return _desc->handler_bci(); }
  bool is_catch_all() const                      { return _desc->is_catch_all(); }
  int  catch_type() const                        { return _desc->catch_klass_index(); }
  ciInstanceKlass* catch_klass() const           { return _desc->catch_klass(); }
  bool covers(int bci) const                     { return beg_bci() <= bci && bci < end_bci(); }
  BlockBegin* entry_block() const                { return _entry_block; }
  LIR_List*   entry_code() const                 { return _entry_code; }
  int         entry_pco() const                  { return _entry_pco; }
  int         phi_operand() const                { assert(_phi_operand != -1, "not set"); return _phi_operand; }
  int         scope_count() const                { assert(_scope_count != -1, "not set"); return _scope_count; }
  DEBUG_ONLY(int lir_op_id() const               { return _lir_op_id; });
  void set_entry_block(BlockBegin* entry_block) {
    assert(entry_block->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "must be an exception handler entry");
    assert(entry_block->bci() == handler_bci(), "bci's must correspond");
    _entry_block = entry_block;
  void set_entry_code(LIR_List* entry_code)      { _entry_code = entry_code; }
  void set_entry_pco(int entry_pco)              { _entry_pco = entry_pco; }
  void set_phi_operand(int phi_operand)          { _phi_operand = phi_operand; }
  void set_scope_count(int scope_count)          { _scope_count = scope_count; }
  DEBUG_ONLY(void set_lir_op_id(int lir_op_id)   { _lir_op_id = lir_op_id; });
  bool equals(XHandler* other) const;
define_array(_XHandlerArray, XHandler*)
define_stack(_XHandlerList, _XHandlerArray)
class XHandlers: public CompilationResourceObj {
  _XHandlerList    _list;
  XHandlers() : _list()                          { }
  XHandlers(ciMethod* method);
  XHandlers(XHandlers* other);
  int       length() const                       { return _list.length(); }
  XHandler* handler_at(int i) const              { return; }
  bool      has_handlers() const                 { return _list.length() > 0; }
  void      append(XHandler* h)                  { _list.append(h); }
  XHandler* remove_last()                        { return _list.pop(); }
  bool      could_catch(ciInstanceKlass* klass, bool type_is_exact) const;
  bool      equals(XHandlers* others) const;
class IRScope;
define_array(IRScopeArray, IRScope*)
define_stack(IRScopeList, IRScopeArray)
class Compilation;
class IRScope: public CompilationResourceObj {
  Compilation*  _compilation;                    // the current compilation
  IRScope*      _caller;                         // the caller scope, or NULL
  int           _level;                          // the inlining level
  ciMethod*     _method;                         // the corresponding method
  IRScopeList   _callees;                        // the inlined method scopes
  XHandlers*    _xhandlers;                      // the exception handlers
  int           _number_of_locks;                // the number of monitor lock slots needed
  bool          _monitor_pairing_ok;             // the monitor pairing info
  bool          _wrote_final;                    // has written final field
  BlockBegin*   _start;                          // the start block, successsors are method entries
  BitMap        _requires_phi_function;          // bit is set if phi functions at loop headers are necessary for a local variable
  BlockBegin* build_graph(Compilation* compilation, int osr_bci);
  IRScope(Compilation* compilation, IRScope* caller, int caller_bci, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci, bool create_graph = false);
  Compilation*  compilation() const              { return _compilation; }
  IRScope*      caller() const                   { return _caller; }
  int           level() const                    { return _level; }
  ciMethod*     method() const                   { return _method; }
  int           max_stack() const;               // NOTE: expensive
  BitMap&       requires_phi_function()          { return _requires_phi_function; }
  bool          is_top_scope() const             { return _caller == NULL; }
  void          add_callee(IRScope* callee)      { _callees.append(callee); }
  int           number_of_callees() const        { return _callees.length(); }
  IRScope*      callee_no(int i) const           { return; }
  bool          is_valid() const                 { return start() != NULL; }
  XHandlers*    xhandlers() const                { return _xhandlers; }
  int           number_of_locks() const          { return _number_of_locks; }
  void          set_min_number_of_locks(int n)   { if (n > _number_of_locks) _number_of_locks = n; }
  bool          monitor_pairing_ok() const       { return _monitor_pairing_ok; }
  BlockBegin*   start() const                    { return _start; }
  void          set_wrote_final()                { _wrote_final = true; }
  bool          wrote_final    () const          { return _wrote_final; }
class IRScopeDebugInfo: public CompilationResourceObj {
  IRScope*                      _scope;
  int                           _bci;
  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   _locals;
  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   _expressions;
  GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* _monitors;
  IRScopeDebugInfo*             _caller;
  IRScopeDebugInfo(IRScope*                      scope,
                   int                           bci,
                   GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   locals,
                   GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   expressions,
                   GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* monitors,
                   IRScopeDebugInfo*             caller):
    , _locals(locals)
    , _bci(bci)
    , _expressions(expressions)
    , _monitors(monitors)
    , _caller(caller) {}
  IRScope*                      scope()       { return _scope;       }
  int                           bci()         { return _bci;         }
  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   locals()      { return _locals;      }
  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   expressions() { return _expressions; }
  GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* monitors()    { return _monitors;    }
  IRScopeDebugInfo*             caller()      { return _caller;      }
  bool should_reexecute();
  void record_debug_info(DebugInformationRecorder* recorder, int pc_offset, bool topmost, bool is_method_handle_invoke = false) {
    if (caller() != NULL) {
      caller()->record_debug_info(recorder, pc_offset, false/*topmost*/);
    DebugToken* locvals = recorder->create_scope_values(locals());
    DebugToken* expvals = recorder->create_scope_values(expressions());
    DebugToken* monvals = recorder->create_monitor_values(monitors());
    bool reexecute = topmost ? should_reexecute() : false;
    bool return_oop = false; // This flag will be ignored since it used only for C2 with escape analysis.
    recorder->describe_scope(pc_offset, scope()->method(), bci(), reexecute, is_method_handle_invoke, return_oop, locvals, expvals, monvals);
class CodeEmitInfo: public CompilationResourceObj {
  friend class LinearScan;
  IRScopeDebugInfo* _scope_debug_info;
  IRScope*          _scope;
  XHandlers*        _exception_handlers;
  OopMap*           _oop_map;
  ValueStack*       _stack;                      // used by deoptimization (contains also monitors
  bool              _is_method_handle_invoke;    // true if the associated call site is a MethodHandle call site.
  bool              _deoptimize_on_exception;
  FrameMap*     frame_map() const                { return scope()->compilation()->frame_map(); }
  Compilation*  compilation() const              { return scope()->compilation(); }
  CodeEmitInfo(ValueStack* stack, XHandlers* exception_handlers, bool deoptimize_on_exception = false);
  CodeEmitInfo(CodeEmitInfo* info, ValueStack* stack = NULL);
  OopMap* oop_map()                              { return _oop_map; }
  ciMethod* method() const                       { return _scope->method(); }
  IRScope* scope() const                         { return _scope; }
  XHandlers* exception_handlers() const          { return _exception_handlers; }
  ValueStack* stack() const                      { return _stack; }
  bool deoptimize_on_exception() const           { return _deoptimize_on_exception; }
  void add_register_oop(LIR_Opr opr);
  void record_debug_info(DebugInformationRecorder* recorder, int pc_offset);
  bool     is_method_handle_invoke() const { return _is_method_handle_invoke;     }
  void set_is_method_handle_invoke(bool x) {        _is_method_handle_invoke = x; }
  int interpreter_frame_size() const;
class IR: public CompilationResourceObj {
  Compilation*     _compilation;                 // the current compilation
  IRScope*         _top_scope;                   // the root of the scope hierarchy
  WordSize         _locals_size;                 // the space required for all locals
  int              _num_loops;                   // Total number of loops
  BlockList*       _code;                        // the blocks in code generation order w/ use counts
  IR(Compilation* compilation, ciMethod* method, int osr_bci);
  bool             is_valid() const              { return top_scope()->is_valid(); }
  Compilation*     compilation() const           { return _compilation; }
  IRScope*         top_scope() const             { return _top_scope; }
  int              number_of_locks() const       { return top_scope()->number_of_locks(); }
  ciMethod*        method() const                { return top_scope()->method(); }
  BlockBegin*      start() const                 { return top_scope()->start(); }
  BlockBegin*      std_entry() const             { return start()->end()->as_Base()->std_entry(); }
  BlockBegin*      osr_entry() const             { return start()->end()->as_Base()->osr_entry(); }
  WordSize         locals_size() const           { return _locals_size; }
  int              locals_size_in_words() const  { return in_words(_locals_size); }
  BlockList*       code() const                  { return _code; }
  int              num_loops() const             { return _num_loops; }
  int              max_stack() const             { return top_scope()->max_stack(); } // expensive
  void optimize_blocks();
  void eliminate_null_checks();
  void compute_predecessors();
  void split_critical_edges();
  void compute_code();
  void compute_use_counts();
  BlockList* linear_scan_order() {  assert(_code != NULL, "not computed"); return _code; }
  void iterate_preorder   (BlockClosure* closure);
  void iterate_postorder  (BlockClosure* closure);
  void iterate_linear_scan_order(BlockClosure* closure);
  static void print(BlockBegin* start, bool cfg_only, bool live_only = false) PRODUCT_RETURN;
  void print(bool cfg_only, bool live_only = false)                           PRODUCT_RETURN;
  void verify()                                                               PRODUCT_RETURN;
class SubstitutionResolver: public BlockClosure, ValueVisitor {
  virtual void visit(Value* v);
  SubstitutionResolver(IR* hir) {
  SubstitutionResolver(BlockBegin* block) {
  virtual void block_do(BlockBegin* block);
#endif // SHARE_VM_C1_C1_IR_HPP
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_CFGPrinter.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_CodeStubs.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_Compilation.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_IR.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_LIRGenerator.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_LinearScan.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_ValueStack.hpp"
#include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_x86
# include "vmreg_x86.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_aarch64
# include "vmreg_aarch64.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_sparc
# include "vmreg_sparc.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_zero
# include "vmreg_zero.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_arm
# include "vmreg_arm.inline.hpp"
#ifdef TARGET_ARCH_ppc
# include "vmreg_ppc.inline.hpp"
#ifndef PRODUCT
  static LinearScanStatistic _stat_before_alloc;
  static LinearScanStatistic _stat_after_asign;
  static LinearScanStatistic _stat_final;
  static LinearScanTimers _total_timer;
  #define TIME_LINEAR_SCAN(timer_name)  TraceTime _block_timer("", _total_timer.timer(LinearScanTimers::timer_name), TimeLinearScan || TimeEachLinearScan, Verbose);
  #define TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(level, code)       \
    if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= level) {       \
      code;                                    \
  #define TIME_LINEAR_SCAN(timer_name)
  #define TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(level, code)
#ifdef _LP64
static int type2spill_size[T_CONFLICT+1]={ -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2,  1, 2, 1, -1};
static int type2spill_size[T_CONFLICT+1]={ -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1};
LinearScan::LinearScan(IR* ir, LIRGenerator* gen, FrameMap* frame_map)
 : _compilation(ir->compilation())
 , _ir(ir)
 , _gen(gen)
 , _frame_map(frame_map)
 , _num_virtual_regs(gen->max_virtual_register_number())
 , _has_fpu_registers(false)
 , _num_calls(-1)
 , _max_spills(0)
 , _unused_spill_slot(-1)
 , _intervals(0)   // initialized later with correct length
 , _new_intervals_from_allocation(new IntervalList())
 , _sorted_intervals(NULL)
 , _needs_full_resort(false)
 , _lir_ops(0)     // initialized later with correct length
 , _block_of_op(0) // initialized later with correct length
 , _has_info(0)
 , _has_call(0)
 , _scope_value_cache(0) // initialized later with correct length
 , _interval_in_loop(0, 0) // initialized later with correct length
 , _cached_blocks(*ir->linear_scan_order())
#ifdef X86
 , _fpu_stack_allocator(NULL)
  assert(this->ir() != NULL,          "check if valid");
  assert(this->compilation() != NULL, "check if valid");
  assert(this->gen() != NULL,         "check if valid");
  assert(this->frame_map() != NULL,   "check if valid");
int LinearScan::reg_num(LIR_Opr opr) {
  assert(opr->is_register(), "should not call this otherwise");
  if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
    assert(opr->vreg_number() >= nof_regs, "found a virtual register with a fixed-register number");
    return opr->vreg_number();
  } else if (opr->is_single_cpu()) {
    return opr->cpu_regnr();
  } else if (opr->is_double_cpu()) {
    return opr->cpu_regnrLo();
#ifdef X86
  } else if (opr->is_single_xmm()) {
    return opr->fpu_regnr() + pd_first_xmm_reg;
  } else if (opr->is_double_xmm()) {
    return opr->fpu_regnrLo() + pd_first_xmm_reg;
  } else if (opr->is_single_fpu()) {
    return opr->fpu_regnr() + pd_first_fpu_reg;
  } else if (opr->is_double_fpu()) {
    return opr->fpu_regnrLo() + pd_first_fpu_reg;
  } else {
    return -1;
int LinearScan::reg_numHi(LIR_Opr opr) {
  assert(opr->is_register(), "should not call this otherwise");
  if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
    return -1;
  } else if (opr->is_single_cpu()) {
    return -1;
  } else if (opr->is_double_cpu()) {
    return opr->cpu_regnrHi();
#ifdef X86
  } else if (opr->is_single_xmm()) {
    return -1;
  } else if (opr->is_double_xmm()) {
    return -1;
  } else if (opr->is_single_fpu()) {
    return -1;
  } else if (opr->is_double_fpu()) {
    return opr->fpu_regnrHi() + pd_first_fpu_reg;
  } else {
    return -1;
bool LinearScan::is_precolored_interval(const Interval* i) {
  return i->reg_num() < LinearScan::nof_regs;
bool LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(const Interval* i) {
  return i->reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base;
bool LinearScan::is_precolored_cpu_interval(const Interval* i) {
  return i->reg_num() < LinearScan::nof_cpu_regs;
bool LinearScan::is_virtual_cpu_interval(const Interval* i) {
#if defined(__SOFTFP__) || defined(E500V2)
  return i->reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base;
  return i->reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base && (i->type() != T_FLOAT && i->type() != T_DOUBLE);
#endif // __SOFTFP__ or E500V2
bool LinearScan::is_precolored_fpu_interval(const Interval* i) {
  return i->reg_num() >= LinearScan::nof_cpu_regs && i->reg_num() < LinearScan::nof_regs;
bool LinearScan::is_virtual_fpu_interval(const Interval* i) {
#if defined(__SOFTFP__) || defined(E500V2)
  return false;
  return i->reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base && (i->type() == T_FLOAT || i->type() == T_DOUBLE);
#endif // __SOFTFP__ or E500V2
bool LinearScan::is_in_fpu_register(const Interval* i) {
  return i->reg_num() >= nof_regs && pd_first_fpu_reg <= i->assigned_reg() && i->assigned_reg() <= pd_last_fpu_reg;
bool LinearScan::is_oop_interval(const Interval* i) {
  return i->reg_num() >= nof_regs && i->type() == T_OBJECT;
int LinearScan::allocate_spill_slot(bool double_word) {
  int spill_slot;
  if (double_word) {
    if ((_max_spills & 1) == 1) {
      assert(_unused_spill_slot == -1, "wasting a spill slot");
      _unused_spill_slot = _max_spills;
    spill_slot = _max_spills;
    _max_spills += 2;
  } else if (_unused_spill_slot != -1) {
    spill_slot = _unused_spill_slot;
    _unused_spill_slot = -1;
  } else {
    spill_slot = _max_spills;
  int result = spill_slot + LinearScan::nof_regs + frame_map()->argcount();
  if (result > 2000) {
    bailout("too many stack slots used");
  return result;
void LinearScan::assign_spill_slot(Interval* it) {
  if (it->canonical_spill_slot() >= 0) {
  } else {
    int spill = allocate_spill_slot(type2spill_size[it->type()] == 2);
void LinearScan::propagate_spill_slots() {
  if (!frame_map()->finalize_frame(max_spills())) {
    bailout("frame too large");
Interval* LinearScan::create_interval(int reg_num) {
  assert( == NULL, "overwriting exisiting interval");
  Interval* interval = new Interval(reg_num);
  _intervals.at_put(reg_num, interval);
  if (reg_num < LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base) {
  return interval;
void LinearScan::append_interval(Interval* it) {
void LinearScan::copy_register_flags(Interval* from, Interval* to) {
  if (gen()->is_vreg_flag_set(from->reg_num(), LIRGenerator::byte_reg)) {
    gen()->set_vreg_flag(to->reg_num(), LIRGenerator::byte_reg);
  if (gen()->is_vreg_flag_set(from->reg_num(), LIRGenerator::callee_saved)) {
    gen()->set_vreg_flag(to->reg_num(), LIRGenerator::callee_saved);
void LinearScan::change_spill_definition_pos(Interval* interval, int def_pos) {
  assert(interval->is_split_parent(), "can only be called for split parents");
  switch (interval->spill_state()) {
    case noDefinitionFound:
      assert(interval->spill_definition_pos() == -1, "must no be set before");
    case oneDefinitionFound:
      assert(def_pos <= interval->spill_definition_pos(), "positions are processed in reverse order when intervals are created");
      if (def_pos < interval->spill_definition_pos() - 2) {
      } else {
        assert(block_of_op_with_id(def_pos) == block_of_op_with_id(interval->spill_definition_pos()), "block must be equal");
    case noOptimization:
      assert(false, "other states not allowed at this time");
void LinearScan::change_spill_state(Interval* interval, int spill_pos) {
  switch (interval->spill_state()) {
    case oneDefinitionFound: {
      int def_loop_depth = block_of_op_with_id(interval->spill_definition_pos())->loop_depth();
      int spill_loop_depth = block_of_op_with_id(spill_pos)->loop_depth();
      if (def_loop_depth < spill_loop_depth) {
      } else {
    case oneMoveInserted: {
    case storeAtDefinition:
    case startInMemory:
    case noOptimization:
    case noDefinitionFound:
      assert(false, "other states not allowed at this time");
bool LinearScan::must_store_at_definition(const Interval* i) {
  return i->is_split_parent() && i->spill_state() == storeAtDefinition;
void LinearScan::eliminate_spill_moves() {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("***** Eliminating unnecessary spill moves"));
  Interval* interval;
  Interval* temp_list;
  create_unhandled_lists(&interval, &temp_list, must_store_at_definition, NULL);
#ifdef ASSERT
  Interval* prev = NULL;
  Interval* temp = interval;
  while (temp != Interval::end()) {
    assert(temp->spill_definition_pos() > 0, "invalid spill definition pos");
    if (prev != NULL) {
      assert(temp->from() >= prev->from(), "intervals not sorted");
      assert(temp->spill_definition_pos() >= prev->spill_definition_pos(), "when intervals are sorted by from, then they must also be sorted by spill_definition_pos");
    assert(temp->canonical_spill_slot() >= LinearScan::nof_regs, "interval has no spill slot assigned");
    assert(temp->spill_definition_pos() >= temp->from(), "invalid order");
    assert(temp->spill_definition_pos() <= temp->from() + 2, "only intervals defined once at their start-pos can be optimized");
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("interval %d (from %d to %d) must be stored at %d", temp->reg_num(), temp->from(), temp->to(), temp->spill_definition_pos()));
    temp = temp->next();
  LIR_InsertionBuffer insertion_buffer;
  int num_blocks = block_count();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    LIR_OpList* instructions = block->lir()->instructions_list();
    int         num_inst = instructions->length();
    bool        has_new = false;
    for (int j = 1; j < num_inst; j++) {
      LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
      int op_id = op->id();
      if (op_id == -1) {
        assert(op->code() == lir_move, "only moves can have a op_id of -1");
        assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "move must be LIR_Op1");
        assert(op->as_Op1()->result_opr()->is_virtual(), "LinearScan inserts only moves to virtual registers");
        LIR_Op1* op1 = (LIR_Op1*)op;
        Interval* interval = interval_at(op1->result_opr()->vreg_number());
        if (interval->assigned_reg() >= LinearScan::nof_regs && interval->always_in_memory()) {
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("eliminating move from interval %d to %d", op1->in_opr()->vreg_number(), op1->result_opr()->vreg_number()));
          instructions->at_put(j, NULL); // NULL-instructions are deleted by assign_reg_num
      } else {
        assert(interval == Interval::end() || interval->spill_definition_pos() >= op_id, "invalid order");
        assert(interval == Interval::end() || (interval->is_split_parent() && interval->spill_state() == storeAtDefinition), "invalid interval");
        while (interval != Interval::end() && interval->spill_definition_pos() == op_id) {
          if (!has_new) {
            has_new = true;
          LIR_Opr from_opr = operand_for_interval(interval);
          LIR_Opr to_opr = canonical_spill_opr(interval);
          assert(from_opr->is_fixed_cpu() || from_opr->is_fixed_fpu(), "from operand must be a register");
          assert(to_opr->is_stack(), "to operand must be a stack slot");
          insertion_buffer.move(j, from_opr, to_opr);
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("inserting move after definition of interval %d to stack slot %d at op_id %d", interval->reg_num(), interval->canonical_spill_slot() - LinearScan::nof_regs, op_id));
          interval = interval->next();
    } // end of instruction iteration
    if (has_new) {
  } // end of block iteration
  assert(interval == Interval::end(), "missed an interval");
void LinearScan::number_instructions() {
  int num_blocks = block_count();
  int num_instructions = 0;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    num_instructions += block_at(i)->lir()->instructions_list()->length();
  _lir_ops = LIR_OpArray(num_instructions);
  _block_of_op = BlockBeginArray(num_instructions);
  int op_id = 0;
  int idx = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    LIR_OpList* instructions = block->lir()->instructions_list();
    int num_inst = instructions->length();
    for (int j = 0; j < num_inst; j++) {
      LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
      _lir_ops.at_put(idx, op);
      _block_of_op.at_put(idx, block);
      assert(lir_op_with_id(op_id) == op, "must match");
      op_id += 2; // numbering of lir_ops by two
    block->set_last_lir_instruction_id(op_id - 2);
  assert(idx == num_instructions, "must match");
  assert(idx * 2 == op_id, "must match");
  _has_call = BitMap(num_instructions); _has_call.clear();
  _has_info = BitMap(num_instructions); _has_info.clear();
void LinearScan::set_live_gen_kill(Value value, LIR_Op* op, BitMap& live_gen, BitMap& live_kill) {
  LIR_Opr opr = value->operand();
  Constant* con = value->as_Constant();
  assert(!value->type()->is_illegal(), "if this local is used by the interpreter it shouldn't be of indeterminate type");
  assert(con == NULL || opr->is_virtual() || opr->is_constant() || opr->is_illegal(), "asumption: Constant instructions have only constant operands");
  assert(con != NULL || opr->is_virtual(), "asumption: non-Constant instructions have only virtual operands");
  if ((con == NULL || con->is_pinned()) && opr->is_register()) {
    assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
    int reg = opr->vreg_number();
    if (! {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("  Setting live_gen for value %c%d, LIR op_id %d, register number %d", value->type()->tchar(), value->id(), op->id(), reg));
void LinearScan::compute_local_live_sets() {
  int  num_blocks = block_count();
  int  live_size = live_set_size();
  bool local_has_fpu_registers = false;
  int  local_num_calls = 0;
  LIR_OpVisitState visitor;
  BitMap2D local_interval_in_loop = BitMap2D(_num_virtual_regs, num_loops());
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    BitMap live_gen(live_size);  live_gen.clear();
    BitMap live_kill(live_size); live_kill.clear();
    if (block->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag)) {
      for_each_phi_fun(block, phi,
    LIR_OpList* instructions = block->lir()->instructions_list();
    int num_inst = instructions->length();
    assert(visitor.no_operands(instructions->at(0)), "first operation must always be a label");
    for (int j = 1; j < num_inst; j++) {
      LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
      if (visitor.has_call()) {
        _has_call.set_bit(op->id() >> 1);
      if (visitor.info_count() > 0) {
        _has_info.set_bit(op->id() >> 1);
      int k, n, reg;
      n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode);
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode, k);
        assert(opr->is_register(), "visitor should only return register operands");
        if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
          assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
          reg = opr->vreg_number();
          if (! {
            TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("  Setting live_gen for register %d at instruction %d", reg, op->id()));
          if (block->loop_index() >= 0) {
            local_interval_in_loop.set_bit(reg, block->loop_index());
          local_has_fpu_registers = local_has_fpu_registers || opr->is_virtual_fpu();
#ifdef ASSERT
        if (!opr->is_virtual_register() && block != ir()->start()) {
          reg = reg_num(opr);
          if (is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
            assert(, "using fixed register that is not defined in this block");
          reg = reg_numHi(opr);
          if (is_valid_reg_num(reg) && is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
            assert(, "using fixed register that is not defined in this block");
      n = visitor.info_count();
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        CodeEmitInfo* info = visitor.info_at(k);
        ValueStack* stack = info->stack();
        for_each_state_value(stack, value,
          set_live_gen_kill(value, op, live_gen, live_kill)
      n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode);
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode, k);
        assert(opr->is_register(), "visitor should only return register operands");
        if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
          assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
          reg = opr->vreg_number();
          if (block->loop_index() >= 0) {
            local_interval_in_loop.set_bit(reg, block->loop_index());
          local_has_fpu_registers = local_has_fpu_registers || opr->is_virtual_fpu();
#ifdef ASSERT
        if (!opr->is_virtual_register()) {
          reg = reg_num(opr);
          if (is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
          reg = reg_numHi(opr);
          if (is_valid_reg_num(reg) && is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode);
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode, k);
        assert(opr->is_register(), "visitor should only return register operands");
        if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
          assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
          reg = opr->vreg_number();
          if (block->loop_index() >= 0) {
            local_interval_in_loop.set_bit(reg, block->loop_index());
          local_has_fpu_registers = local_has_fpu_registers || opr->is_virtual_fpu();
#ifdef ASSERT
        if (!opr->is_virtual_register()) {
          reg = reg_num(opr);
          if (is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
          reg = reg_numHi(opr);
          if (is_valid_reg_num(reg) && is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
    } // end of instruction iteration
    block->set_live_gen (live_gen);
    block->set_live_in  (BitMap(live_size)); block->live_in().clear();
    block->set_live_out (BitMap(live_size)); block->live_out().clear();
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print("live_gen  B%d ", block->block_id()); print_bitmap(block->live_gen()));
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print("live_kill B%d ", block->block_id()); print_bitmap(block->live_kill()));
  } // end of block iteration
  _has_fpu_registers = local_has_fpu_registers;
  _num_calls = local_num_calls;
  _interval_in_loop = local_interval_in_loop;
void LinearScan::compute_global_live_sets() {
  int  num_blocks = block_count();
  bool change_occurred;
  bool change_occurred_in_block;
  int  iteration_count = 0;
  BitMap live_out(live_set_size()); live_out.clear(); // scratch set for calculations
  do {
    change_occurred = false;
    for (int i = num_blocks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
      change_occurred_in_block = false;
      int n = block->number_of_sux();
      int e = block->number_of_exception_handlers();
      if (n + e > 0) {
        if (n > 0) {
          for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
        } else {
        for (int j = 0; j < e; j++) {
        if (!block->live_out().is_same(live_out)) {
          BitMap temp = block->live_out();
          live_out = temp;
          change_occurred = true;
          change_occurred_in_block = true;
      if (iteration_count == 0 || change_occurred_in_block) {
        BitMap live_in = block->live_in();
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 4) {
        char c = ' ';
        if (iteration_count == 0 || change_occurred_in_block) {
          c = '*';
        tty->print("(%d) live_in%c  B%d ", iteration_count, c, block->block_id()); print_bitmap(block->live_in());
        tty->print("(%d) live_out%c B%d ", iteration_count, c, block->block_id()); print_bitmap(block->live_out());
    if (change_occurred && iteration_count > 50) {
      BAILOUT("too many iterations in compute_global_live_sets");
  } while (change_occurred);
#ifdef ASSERT
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    for (int j = 0; j < LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base; j++) {
      assert(block->live_in().at(j)  == false, "live_in  set of fixed register must be empty");
      assert(block->live_out().at(j) == false, "live_out set of fixed register must be empty");
      assert(block->live_gen().at(j) == false, "live_gen set of fixed register must be empty");
  BitMap live_in_args(ir()->start()->live_in().size());
  if (!ir()->start()->live_in().is_same(live_in_args)) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    tty->print_cr("Error: live_in set of first block must be empty (when this fails, virtual registers are used before they are defined)");
    tty->print_cr("affected registers:");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ir()->start()->live_in().size(); i++) {
      if (ir()->start()->live_in().at(i)) {
        Instruction* instr = gen()->instruction_for_vreg(i);
        tty->print_cr("* vreg %d (HIR instruction %c%d)", i, instr == NULL ? ' ' : instr->type()->tchar(), instr == NULL ? 0 : instr->id());
        for (int j = 0; j < num_blocks; j++) {
          BlockBegin* block = block_at(j);
          if (block->live_gen().at(i)) {
            tty->print_cr("  used in block B%d", block->block_id());
          if (block->live_kill().at(i)) {
            tty->print_cr("  defined in block B%d", block->block_id());
    assert(false, "live_in set of first block must be empty");
    bailout("live_in set of first block not empty");
void LinearScan::add_use(Value value, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind) {
  assert(!value->type()->is_illegal(), "if this value is used by the interpreter it shouldn't be of indeterminate type");
  LIR_Opr opr = value->operand();
  Constant* con = value->as_Constant();
  if ((con == NULL || con->is_pinned()) && opr->is_register()) {
    assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
    add_use(opr, from, to, use_kind);
void LinearScan::add_def(LIR_Opr opr, int def_pos, IntervalUseKind use_kind) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print(" def "); opr->print(tty); tty->print_cr(" def_pos %d (%d)", def_pos, use_kind));
  assert(opr->is_register(), "should not be called otherwise");
  if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
    assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
    add_def(opr->vreg_number(), def_pos, use_kind, opr->type_register());
  } else {
    int reg = reg_num(opr);
    if (is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      add_def(reg, def_pos, use_kind, opr->type_register());
    reg = reg_numHi(opr);
    if (is_valid_reg_num(reg) && is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      add_def(reg, def_pos, use_kind, opr->type_register());
void LinearScan::add_use(LIR_Opr opr, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print(" use "); opr->print(tty); tty->print_cr(" from %d to %d (%d)", from, to, use_kind));
  assert(opr->is_register(), "should not be called otherwise");
  if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
    assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
    add_use(opr->vreg_number(), from, to, use_kind, opr->type_register());
  } else {
    int reg = reg_num(opr);
    if (is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      add_use(reg, from, to, use_kind, opr->type_register());
    reg = reg_numHi(opr);
    if (is_valid_reg_num(reg) && is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      add_use(reg, from, to, use_kind, opr->type_register());
void LinearScan::add_temp(LIR_Opr opr, int temp_pos, IntervalUseKind use_kind) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print(" temp "); opr->print(tty); tty->print_cr(" temp_pos %d (%d)", temp_pos, use_kind));
  assert(opr->is_register(), "should not be called otherwise");
  if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
    assert(reg_num(opr) == opr->vreg_number() && !is_valid_reg_num(reg_numHi(opr)), "invalid optimization below");
    add_temp(opr->vreg_number(), temp_pos, use_kind, opr->type_register());
  } else {
    int reg = reg_num(opr);
    if (is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      add_temp(reg, temp_pos, use_kind, opr->type_register());
    reg = reg_numHi(opr);
    if (is_valid_reg_num(reg) && is_processed_reg_num(reg)) {
      add_temp(reg, temp_pos, use_kind, opr->type_register());
void LinearScan::add_def(int reg_num, int def_pos, IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type) {
  Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num);
  if (interval != NULL) {
    assert(interval->reg_num() == reg_num, "wrong interval");
    if (type != T_ILLEGAL) {
    Range* r = interval->first();
    if (r->from() <= def_pos) {
      interval->add_use_pos(def_pos, use_kind);
    } else {
      interval->add_range(def_pos, def_pos + 1);
      interval->add_use_pos(def_pos, use_kind);
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("Warning: def of reg %d at %d occurs without use", reg_num, def_pos));
  } else {
    interval = create_interval(reg_num);
    if (type != T_ILLEGAL) {
    interval->add_range(def_pos, def_pos + 1);
    interval->add_use_pos(def_pos, use_kind);
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("Warning: dead value %d at %d in live intervals", reg_num, def_pos));
  change_spill_definition_pos(interval, def_pos);
  if (use_kind == noUse && interval->spill_state() <= startInMemory) {
void LinearScan::add_use(int reg_num, int from, int to, IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type) {
  Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num);
  if (interval == NULL) {
    interval = create_interval(reg_num);
  assert(interval->reg_num() == reg_num, "wrong interval");
  if (type != T_ILLEGAL) {
  interval->add_range(from, to);
  interval->add_use_pos(to, use_kind);
void LinearScan::add_temp(int reg_num, int temp_pos, IntervalUseKind use_kind, BasicType type) {
  Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num);
  if (interval == NULL) {
    interval = create_interval(reg_num);
  assert(interval->reg_num() == reg_num, "wrong interval");
  if (type != T_ILLEGAL) {
  interval->add_range(temp_pos, temp_pos + 1);
  interval->add_use_pos(temp_pos, use_kind);
IntervalUseKind LinearScan::use_kind_of_output_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr) {
  if (op->code() == lir_move) {
    assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "lir_move must be LIR_Op1");
    LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
    LIR_Opr res = move->result_opr();
    bool result_in_memory = res->is_virtual() && gen()->is_vreg_flag_set(res->vreg_number(), LIRGenerator::must_start_in_memory);
    if (result_in_memory) {
      return noUse;
    } else if (move->in_opr()->is_stack()) {
      return noUse;
    } else if (move->in_opr()->is_register() && move->result_opr()->is_register()) {
      if (block_of_op_with_id(op->id())->is_set(BlockBegin::osr_entry_flag)) {
        return shouldHaveRegister;
  if (opr->is_virtual() &&
      gen()->is_vreg_flag_set(opr->vreg_number(), LIRGenerator::must_start_in_memory)) {
    return noUse;
  return mustHaveRegister;
IntervalUseKind LinearScan::use_kind_of_input_operand(LIR_Op* op, LIR_Opr opr) {
  if (op->code() == lir_move) {
    assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "lir_move must be LIR_Op1");
    LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
    LIR_Opr res = move->result_opr();
    bool result_in_memory = res->is_virtual() && gen()->is_vreg_flag_set(res->vreg_number(), LIRGenerator::must_start_in_memory);
    if (result_in_memory) {
      return mustHaveRegister;
    } else if (move->in_opr()->is_register() && move->result_opr()->is_register()) {
      if (block_of_op_with_id(op->id())->is_set(BlockBegin::osr_entry_flag)) {
        return mustHaveRegister;
      return shouldHaveRegister;
#if defined(X86)
  if (op->code() == lir_cmove) {
    assert(op->result_opr()->is_register(), "result must always be in a register");
    return shouldHaveRegister;
  BasicType opr_type = opr->type_register();
  if (opr_type == T_FLOAT || opr_type == T_DOUBLE) {
    if ((UseSSE == 1 && opr_type == T_FLOAT) || UseSSE >= 2) {
      switch (op->code()) {
        case lir_cmp:
        case lir_add:
        case lir_sub:
        case lir_mul:
        case lir_div:
          assert(op->as_Op2() != NULL, "must be LIR_Op2");
          LIR_Op2* op2 = (LIR_Op2*)op;
          if (op2->in_opr1() != op2->in_opr2() && op2->in_opr2() == opr) {
            assert((op2->result_opr()->is_register() || op->code() == lir_cmp) && op2->in_opr1()->is_register(), "cannot mark second operand as stack if others are not in register");
            return shouldHaveRegister;
    } else {
      switch (op->code()) {
        case lir_add:
        case lir_sub:
        case lir_mul:
        case lir_div:
          assert(op->as_Op2() != NULL, "must be LIR_Op2");
          LIR_Op2* op2 = (LIR_Op2*)op;
          if (op2->in_opr1() != op2->in_opr2() && op2->in_opr2() == opr) {
            assert((op2->result_opr()->is_register() || op->code() == lir_cmp) && op2->in_opr1()->is_register(), "cannot mark second operand as stack if others are not in register");
            return shouldHaveRegister;
  } else if (opr_type != T_LONG LP64_ONLY(&& opr_type != T_OBJECT)) {
    switch (op->code()) {
      case lir_cmp:
      case lir_add:
      case lir_sub:
      case lir_logic_and:
      case lir_logic_or:
      case lir_logic_xor:
        assert(op->as_Op2() != NULL, "must be LIR_Op2");
        LIR_Op2* op2 = (LIR_Op2*)op;
        if (op2->in_opr1() != op2->in_opr2() && op2->in_opr2() == opr) {
          assert((op2->result_opr()->is_register() || op->code() == lir_cmp) && op2->in_opr1()->is_register(), "cannot mark second operand as stack if others are not in register");
          return shouldHaveRegister;
#endif // X86
  return mustHaveRegister;
void LinearScan::handle_method_arguments(LIR_Op* op) {
  if (op->code() == lir_move) {
    assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "must be LIR_Op1");
    LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
    if (move->in_opr()->is_stack()) {
#ifdef ASSERT
      int arg_size = compilation()->method()->arg_size();
      LIR_Opr o = move->in_opr();
      if (o->is_single_stack()) {
        assert(o->single_stack_ix() >= 0 && o->single_stack_ix() < arg_size, "out of range");
      } else if (o->is_double_stack()) {
        assert(o->double_stack_ix() >= 0 && o->double_stack_ix() < arg_size, "out of range");
      } else {
      assert(move->id() > 0, "invalid id");
      assert(block_of_op_with_id(move->id())->number_of_preds() == 0, "move from stack must be in first block");
      assert(move->result_opr()->is_virtual(), "result of move must be a virtual register");
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("found move from stack slot %d to vreg %d", o->is_single_stack() ? o->single_stack_ix() : o->double_stack_ix(), reg_num(move->result_opr())));
      Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num(move->result_opr()));
      int stack_slot = LinearScan::nof_regs + (move->in_opr()->is_single_stack() ? move->in_opr()->single_stack_ix() : move->in_opr()->double_stack_ix());
void LinearScan::handle_doubleword_moves(LIR_Op* op) {
  if (op->code() == lir_move) {
    assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "must be LIR_Op1");
    LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
    if (move->result_opr()->is_double_cpu() && move->in_opr()->is_pointer()) {
      LIR_Address* address = move->in_opr()->as_address_ptr();
      if (address != NULL) {
        if (address->base()->is_valid()) {
          add_temp(address->base(), op->id(), noUse);
        if (address->index()->is_valid()) {
          add_temp(address->index(), op->id(), noUse);
void LinearScan::add_register_hints(LIR_Op* op) {
  switch (op->code()) {
    case lir_move:      // fall through
    case lir_convert: {
      assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "lir_move, lir_convert must be LIR_Op1");
      LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
      LIR_Opr move_from = move->in_opr();
      LIR_Opr move_to = move->result_opr();
      if (move_to->is_register() && move_from->is_register()) {
        Interval* from = interval_at(reg_num(move_from));
        Interval* to = interval_at(reg_num(move_to));
        if (from != NULL && to != NULL) {
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("operation at op_id %d: added hint from interval %d to %d", move->id(), from->reg_num(), to->reg_num()));
    case lir_cmove: {
      assert(op->as_Op2() != NULL, "lir_cmove must be LIR_Op2");
      LIR_Op2* cmove = (LIR_Op2*)op;
      LIR_Opr move_from = cmove->in_opr1();
      LIR_Opr move_to = cmove->result_opr();
      if (move_to->is_register() && move_from->is_register()) {
        Interval* from = interval_at(reg_num(move_from));
        Interval* to = interval_at(reg_num(move_to));
        if (from != NULL && to != NULL) {
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("operation at op_id %d: added hint from interval %d to %d", cmove->id(), from->reg_num(), to->reg_num()));
void LinearScan::build_intervals() {
  _intervals = IntervalList(num_virtual_regs() + 32);
  _intervals.at_put_grow(num_virtual_regs() - 1, NULL, NULL);
  int num_caller_save_registers = 0;
  int caller_save_registers[LinearScan::nof_regs];
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < FrameMap::nof_caller_save_cpu_regs(); i++) {
    LIR_Opr opr = FrameMap::caller_save_cpu_reg_at(i);
    assert(opr->is_valid() && opr->is_register(), "FrameMap should not return invalid operands");
    assert(reg_numHi(opr) == -1, "missing addition of range for hi-register");
    caller_save_registers[num_caller_save_registers++] = reg_num(opr);
  if (has_fpu_registers()) {
#ifdef X86
    if (UseSSE < 2) {
      for (i = 0; i < FrameMap::nof_caller_save_fpu_regs; i++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = FrameMap::caller_save_fpu_reg_at(i);
        assert(opr->is_valid() && opr->is_register(), "FrameMap should not return invalid operands");
        assert(reg_numHi(opr) == -1, "missing addition of range for hi-register");
        caller_save_registers[num_caller_save_registers++] = reg_num(opr);
#ifdef X86
    if (UseSSE > 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < FrameMap::nof_caller_save_xmm_regs; i++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = FrameMap::caller_save_xmm_reg_at(i);
        assert(opr->is_valid() && opr->is_register(), "FrameMap should not return invalid operands");
        assert(reg_numHi(opr) == -1, "missing addition of range for hi-register");
        caller_save_registers[num_caller_save_registers++] = reg_num(opr);
  assert(num_caller_save_registers <= LinearScan::nof_regs, "out of bounds");
  LIR_OpVisitState visitor;
  for (i = block_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    LIR_OpList* instructions = block->lir()->instructions_list();
    int         block_from =   block->first_lir_instruction_id();
    int         block_to =     block->last_lir_instruction_id();
    assert(block_from == instructions->at(0)->id(), "must be");
    assert(block_to   == instructions->at(instructions->length() - 1)->id(), "must be");
    BitMap live = block->live_out();
    int size = (int)live.size();
    for (int number = (int)live.get_next_one_offset(0, size); number < size; number = (int)live.get_next_one_offset(number + 1, size)) {
      assert(, "should not stop here otherwise");
      assert(number >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base, "fixed intervals must not be live on block bounds");
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("live in %d to %d", number, block_to + 2));
      add_use(number, block_from, block_to + 2, noUse, T_ILLEGAL);
      if (block->is_set(BlockBegin::linear_scan_loop_end_flag) &&
          block->loop_index() != -1 &&
          is_interval_in_loop(number, block->loop_index())) {
        interval_at(number)->add_use_pos(block_to + 1, loopEndMarker);
    assert(visitor.no_operands(instructions->at(0)), "first operation must always be a label");
    for (int j = instructions->length() - 1; j >= 1; j--) {
      LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
      int op_id = op->id();
      if (visitor.has_call()) {
        for (int k = 0; k < num_caller_save_registers; k++) {
          add_temp(caller_save_registers[k], op_id, noUse, T_ILLEGAL);
        TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("operation destroys all caller-save registers"));
      int k, n;
      n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode);
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode, k);
        assert(opr->is_register(), "visitor should only return register operands");
        add_def(opr, op_id, use_kind_of_output_operand(op, opr));
      n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode);
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode, k);
        assert(opr->is_register(), "visitor should only return register operands");
        add_temp(opr, op_id, mustHaveRegister);
      n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode);
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode, k);
        assert(opr->is_register(), "visitor should only return register operands");
        add_use(opr, block_from, op_id, use_kind_of_input_operand(op, opr));
      n = visitor.info_count();
      for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        CodeEmitInfo* info = visitor.info_at(k);
        ValueStack* stack = info->stack();
        for_each_state_value(stack, value,
          add_use(value, block_from, op_id + 1, noUse);
    } // end of instruction iteration
  } // end of block iteration
  for (int n = 0; n < LinearScan::nof_regs; n++) {
    Interval* interval = interval_at(n);
    if (interval != NULL) {
      interval->add_range(0, 1);
int LinearScan::interval_cmp(Interval** a, Interval** b) {
  if (*a != NULL) {
    if (*b != NULL) {
      return (*a)->from() - (*b)->from();
    } else {
      return -1;
  } else {
    if (*b != NULL) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;
#ifndef PRODUCT
bool LinearScan::is_sorted(IntervalArray* intervals) {
  int from = -1;
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < intervals->length(); i ++) {
    Interval* it = intervals->at(i);
    if (it != NULL) {
      if (from > it->from()) {
        assert(false, "");
        return false;
      from = it->from();
  for (i = 0; i < interval_count(); i++) {
    if (interval_at(i) != NULL) {
      int num_found = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < intervals->length(); j++) {
        if (interval_at(i) == intervals->at(j)) {
      assert(num_found == 1, "lists do not contain same intervals");
  for (j = 0; j < intervals->length(); j++) {
    int num_found = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < interval_count(); i++) {
      if (interval_at(i) == intervals->at(j)) {
    assert(num_found == 1, "lists do not contain same intervals");
  return true;
void LinearScan::add_to_list(Interval** first, Interval** prev, Interval* interval) {
  if (*prev != NULL) {
  } else {
void LinearScan::create_unhandled_lists(Interval** list1, Interval** list2, bool (is_list1)(const Interval* i), bool (is_list2)(const Interval* i)) {
  assert(is_sorted(_sorted_intervals), "interval list is not sorted");
  Interval* list1_prev = NULL;
  Interval* list2_prev = NULL;
  Interval* v;
  const int n = _sorted_intervals->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    v = _sorted_intervals->at(i);
    if (v == NULL) continue;
    if (is_list1(v)) {
      add_to_list(list1, &list1_prev, v);
    } else if (is_list2 == NULL || is_list2(v)) {
      add_to_list(list2, &list2_prev, v);
  if (list1_prev != NULL) list1_prev->set_next(Interval::end());
  if (list2_prev != NULL) list2_prev->set_next(Interval::end());
  assert(list1_prev == NULL || list1_prev->next() == Interval::end(), "linear list ends not with sentinel");
  assert(list2_prev == NULL || list2_prev->next() == Interval::end(), "linear list ends not with sentinel");
void LinearScan::sort_intervals_before_allocation() {
  if (_needs_full_resort) {
    assert(false, "should never occur");
    _needs_full_resort = false;
  IntervalList* unsorted_list = &_intervals;
  int unsorted_len = unsorted_list->length();
  int sorted_len = 0;
  int unsorted_idx;
  int sorted_idx = 0;
  int sorted_from_max = -1;
  for (unsorted_idx = 0; unsorted_idx < unsorted_len; unsorted_idx++) {
    if (unsorted_list->at(unsorted_idx) != NULL) {
  IntervalArray* sorted_list = new IntervalArray(sorted_len);
  for (unsorted_idx = 0; unsorted_idx < unsorted_len; unsorted_idx++) {
    Interval* cur_interval = unsorted_list->at(unsorted_idx);
    if (cur_interval != NULL) {
      int cur_from = cur_interval->from();
      if (sorted_from_max <= cur_from) {
        sorted_list->at_put(sorted_idx++, cur_interval);
        sorted_from_max = cur_interval->from();
      } else {
        int j;
        for (j = sorted_idx - 1; j >= 0 && cur_from < sorted_list->at(j)->from(); j--) {
          sorted_list->at_put(j + 1, sorted_list->at(j));
        sorted_list->at_put(j + 1, cur_interval);
  _sorted_intervals = sorted_list;
  assert(is_sorted(_sorted_intervals), "intervals unsorted");
void LinearScan::sort_intervals_after_allocation() {
  if (_needs_full_resort) {
    _needs_full_resort = false;
  IntervalArray* old_list      = _sorted_intervals;
  IntervalList*  new_list      = _new_intervals_from_allocation;
  int old_len = old_list->length();
  int new_len = new_list->length();
  if (new_len == 0) {
    assert(is_sorted(_sorted_intervals), "intervals unsorted");
  IntervalArray* combined_list = new IntervalArray(old_len + new_len);
  int old_idx = 0;
  int new_idx = 0;
  while (old_idx + new_idx < old_len + new_len) {
    if (new_idx >= new_len || (old_idx < old_len && old_list->at(old_idx)->from() <= new_list->at(new_idx)->from())) {
      combined_list->at_put(old_idx + new_idx, old_list->at(old_idx));
    } else {
      combined_list->at_put(old_idx + new_idx, new_list->at(new_idx));
  _sorted_intervals = combined_list;
  assert(is_sorted(_sorted_intervals), "intervals unsorted");
void LinearScan::allocate_registers() {
  Interval* precolored_cpu_intervals, *not_precolored_cpu_intervals;
  Interval* precolored_fpu_intervals, *not_precolored_fpu_intervals;
  create_unhandled_lists(&precolored_cpu_intervals, &not_precolored_cpu_intervals,
                         is_precolored_cpu_interval, is_virtual_cpu_interval);
  create_unhandled_lists(&precolored_fpu_intervals, &not_precolored_fpu_intervals,
                         is_precolored_fpu_interval, is_virtual_fpu_interval);
  LinearScanWalker cpu_lsw(this, precolored_cpu_intervals, not_precolored_cpu_intervals);
  if (has_fpu_registers()) {
    LinearScanWalker fpu_lsw(this, precolored_fpu_intervals, not_precolored_fpu_intervals);
Interval* LinearScan::split_child_at_op_id(Interval* interval, int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode) {
  Interval* result = interval->split_child_at_op_id(op_id, mode);
  if (result != NULL) {
    return result;
  assert(false, "must find an interval, but do a clean bailout in product mode");
  result = new Interval(LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base);
  BAILOUT_("LinearScan: interval is NULL", result);
Interval* LinearScan::interval_at_block_begin(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num) {
  assert(LinearScan::nof_regs <= reg_num && reg_num < num_virtual_regs(), "register number out of bounds");
  assert(interval_at(reg_num) != NULL, "no interval found");
  return split_child_at_op_id(interval_at(reg_num), block->first_lir_instruction_id(), LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode);
Interval* LinearScan::interval_at_block_end(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num) {
  assert(LinearScan::nof_regs <= reg_num && reg_num < num_virtual_regs(), "register number out of bounds");
  assert(interval_at(reg_num) != NULL, "no interval found");
  return split_child_at_op_id(interval_at(reg_num), block->last_lir_instruction_id() + 1, LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode);
Interval* LinearScan::interval_at_op_id(int reg_num, int op_id) {
  assert(LinearScan::nof_regs <= reg_num && reg_num < num_virtual_regs(), "register number out of bounds");
  assert(interval_at(reg_num) != NULL, "no interval found");
  return split_child_at_op_id(interval_at(reg_num), op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode);
void LinearScan::resolve_collect_mappings(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver) {
  const int num_regs = num_virtual_regs();
  const int size = live_set_size();
  const BitMap live_at_edge = to_block->live_in();
  for (int r = (int)live_at_edge.get_next_one_offset(0, size); r < size; r = (int)live_at_edge.get_next_one_offset(r + 1, size)) {
    assert(r < num_regs, "live information set for not exisiting interval");
    assert(from_block->live_out().at(r) && to_block->live_in().at(r), "interval not live at this edge");
    Interval* from_interval = interval_at_block_end(from_block, r);
    Interval* to_interval = interval_at_block_begin(to_block, r);
    if (from_interval != to_interval && (from_interval->assigned_reg() != to_interval->assigned_reg() || from_interval->assigned_regHi() != to_interval->assigned_regHi())) {
      move_resolver.add_mapping(from_interval, to_interval);
void LinearScan::resolve_find_insert_pos(BlockBegin* from_block, BlockBegin* to_block, MoveResolver &move_resolver) {
  if (from_block->number_of_sux() <= 1) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("inserting moves at end of from_block B%d", from_block->block_id()));
    LIR_OpList* instructions = from_block->lir()->instructions_list();
    LIR_OpBranch* branch = instructions->last()->as_OpBranch();
    if (branch != NULL) {
      assert(branch->cond() == lir_cond_always, "block does not end with an unconditional jump");
      move_resolver.set_insert_position(from_block->lir(), instructions->length() - 2);
    } else {
      move_resolver.set_insert_position(from_block->lir(), instructions->length() - 1);
  } else {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("inserting moves at beginning of to_block B%d", to_block->block_id()));
#ifdef ASSERT
    assert(from_block->lir()->instructions_list()->at(0)->as_OpLabel() != NULL, "block does not start with a label");
    for (int i = 0; i < to_block->number_of_preds(); i++) {
      assert(from_block == to_block->pred_at(i), "all critical edges must be broken");
    move_resolver.set_insert_position(to_block->lir(), 0);
void LinearScan::resolve_data_flow() {
  int num_blocks = block_count();
  MoveResolver move_resolver(this);
  BitMap block_completed(num_blocks);  block_completed.clear();
  BitMap already_resolved(num_blocks); already_resolved.clear();
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    if (block->number_of_preds() == 1 && block->number_of_sux() == 1 && block->number_of_exception_handlers() == 0) {
      LIR_OpList* instructions = block->lir()->instructions_list();
      assert(instructions->at(0)->code() == lir_label, "block must start with label");
      assert(instructions->last()->code() == lir_branch, "block with successors must end with branch");
      assert(instructions->last()->as_OpBranch()->cond() == lir_cond_always, "block with successor must end with unconditional branch");
      if (instructions->length() == 2) {
        BlockBegin* pred = block->pred_at(0);
        BlockBegin* sux = block->sux_at(0);
        if (!>linear_scan_number()) && !>linear_scan_number())) {
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("**** optimizing empty block B%d (pred: B%d, sux: B%d)", block->block_id(), pred->block_id(), sux->block_id()));
          resolve_collect_mappings(pred, sux, move_resolver);
          if (move_resolver.has_mappings()) {
            move_resolver.set_insert_position(block->lir(), 0);
  for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    if (! {
      BlockBegin* from_block = block_at(i);
      int num_sux = from_block->number_of_sux();
      for (int s = 0; s < num_sux; s++) {
        BlockBegin* to_block = from_block->sux_at(s);
        if (!>linear_scan_number())) {
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("**** processing edge between B%d and B%d", from_block->block_id(), to_block->block_id()));
          resolve_collect_mappings(from_block, to_block, move_resolver);
          if (move_resolver.has_mappings()) {
            resolve_find_insert_pos(from_block, to_block, move_resolver);
void LinearScan::resolve_exception_entry(BlockBegin* block, int reg_num, MoveResolver &move_resolver) {
  if (interval_at(reg_num) == NULL) {
  Interval* interval = interval_at_block_begin(block, reg_num);
  int reg = interval->assigned_reg();
  int regHi = interval->assigned_regHi();
  if ((reg < nof_regs && interval->always_in_memory()) ||
      (use_fpu_stack_allocation() && reg >= pd_first_fpu_reg && reg <= pd_last_fpu_reg)) {
    int from_op_id = block->first_lir_instruction_id();
    int to_op_id = from_op_id + 1;  // short live range of length 1
    assert(interval->from() <= from_op_id && interval->to() >= to_op_id,
           "no split allowed between exception entry and first instruction");
    if (interval->from() != from_op_id) {
      interval = interval->split(from_op_id);
      interval->assign_reg(reg, regHi);
    } else {
      _needs_full_resort = true;
    assert(interval->from() == from_op_id, "must be true now");
    Interval* spilled_part = interval;
    if (interval->to() != to_op_id) {
      spilled_part = interval->split_from_start(to_op_id);
      move_resolver.add_mapping(spilled_part, interval);
    assert(spilled_part->from() == from_op_id && spilled_part->to() == to_op_id, "just checking");
void LinearScan::resolve_exception_entry(BlockBegin* block, MoveResolver &move_resolver) {
  assert(block->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag), "should not call otherwise");
  int size = live_set_size();
  for (int r = (int)block->live_in().get_next_one_offset(0, size); r < size; r = (int)block->live_in().get_next_one_offset(r + 1, size)) {
    resolve_exception_entry(block, r, move_resolver);
  for_each_phi_fun(block, phi,
    resolve_exception_entry(block, phi->operand()->vreg_number(), move_resolver)
  if (move_resolver.has_mappings()) {
    move_resolver.set_insert_position(block->lir(), 0);
void LinearScan::resolve_exception_edge(XHandler* handler, int throwing_op_id, int reg_num, Phi* phi, MoveResolver &move_resolver) {
  if (interval_at(reg_num) == NULL) {
  BlockBegin* to_block = handler->entry_block();
  Interval* to_interval = interval_at_block_begin(to_block, reg_num);
  if (phi != NULL) {
    Value from_value = phi->operand_at(handler->phi_operand());
    Constant* con = from_value->as_Constant();
    if (con != NULL && !con->is_pinned()) {
      move_resolver.add_mapping(LIR_OprFact::value_type(con->type()), to_interval);
    } else {
      Interval* from_interval = interval_at_op_id(from_value->operand()->vreg_number(), throwing_op_id);
      move_resolver.add_mapping(from_interval, to_interval);
  } else {
    Interval* from_interval = interval_at_op_id(reg_num, throwing_op_id);
    if (from_interval != to_interval) {
      if (!from_interval->always_in_memory() || from_interval->canonical_spill_slot() != to_interval->assigned_reg()) {
        move_resolver.add_mapping(from_interval, to_interval);
void LinearScan::resolve_exception_edge(XHandler* handler, int throwing_op_id, MoveResolver &move_resolver) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("resolving exception handler B%d: throwing_op_id=%d", handler->entry_block()->block_id(), throwing_op_id));
  assert(handler->lir_op_id() == -1, "already processed this xhandler");
  assert(handler->entry_code() == NULL, "code already present");
  BlockBegin* block = handler->entry_block();
  int size = live_set_size();
  for (int r = (int)block->live_in().get_next_one_offset(0, size); r < size; r = (int)block->live_in().get_next_one_offset(r + 1, size)) {
    resolve_exception_edge(handler, throwing_op_id, r, NULL, move_resolver);
  for_each_phi_fun(block, phi,
    resolve_exception_edge(handler, throwing_op_id, phi->operand()->vreg_number(), phi, move_resolver)
  if (move_resolver.has_mappings()) {
    LIR_List* entry_code = new LIR_List(compilation());
    move_resolver.set_insert_position(entry_code, 0);
void LinearScan::resolve_exception_handlers() {
  MoveResolver move_resolver(this);
  LIR_OpVisitState visitor;
  int num_blocks = block_count();
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    if (block->is_set(BlockBegin::exception_entry_flag)) {
      resolve_exception_entry(block, move_resolver);
  for (i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    LIR_List* ops = block->lir();
    int num_ops = ops->length();
    assert(visitor.no_operands(ops->at(0)), "first operation must always be a label");
    for (int j = 1; j < num_ops; j++) {
      LIR_Op* op = ops->at(j);
      int op_id = op->id();
      if (op_id != -1 && has_info(op_id)) {
        assert(visitor.info_count() > 0, "should not visit otherwise");
        XHandlers* xhandlers = visitor.all_xhandler();
        int n = xhandlers->length();
        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
          resolve_exception_edge(xhandlers->handler_at(k), op_id, move_resolver);
#ifdef ASSERT
      } else {
        assert(visitor.all_xhandler()->length() == 0, "missed exception handler");
VMReg LinearScan::vm_reg_for_interval(Interval* interval) {
  VMReg reg = interval->cached_vm_reg();
  if (!reg->is_valid() ) {
    reg = vm_reg_for_operand(operand_for_interval(interval));
  assert(reg == vm_reg_for_operand(operand_for_interval(interval)), "wrong cached value");
  return reg;
VMReg LinearScan::vm_reg_for_operand(LIR_Opr opr) {
  assert(opr->is_oop(), "currently only implemented for oop operands");
  return frame_map()->regname(opr);
LIR_Opr LinearScan::operand_for_interval(Interval* interval) {
  LIR_Opr opr = interval->cached_opr();
  if (opr->is_illegal()) {
    opr = calc_operand_for_interval(interval);
  assert(opr == calc_operand_for_interval(interval), "wrong cached value");
  return opr;
LIR_Opr LinearScan::calc_operand_for_interval(const Interval* interval) {
  int assigned_reg = interval->assigned_reg();
  BasicType type = interval->type();
  if (assigned_reg >= nof_regs) {
    assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
    return LIR_OprFact::stack(assigned_reg - nof_regs, type);
  } else {
    switch (type) {
      case T_OBJECT: {
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_cpu_reg, "no cpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
        return LIR_OprFact::single_cpu_oop(assigned_reg);
      case T_ADDRESS: {
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_cpu_reg, "no cpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
        return LIR_OprFact::single_cpu_address(assigned_reg);
      case T_METADATA: {
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_cpu_reg, "no cpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
        return LIR_OprFact::single_cpu_metadata(assigned_reg);
#ifdef __SOFTFP__
      case T_FLOAT:  // fall through
#endif // __SOFTFP__
      case T_INT: {
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_cpu_reg, "no cpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
        return LIR_OprFact::single_cpu(assigned_reg);
#ifdef __SOFTFP__
      case T_DOUBLE:  // fall through
#endif // __SOFTFP__
      case T_LONG: {
        int assigned_regHi = interval->assigned_regHi();
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_cpu_reg, "no cpu register");
        assert(num_physical_regs(T_LONG) == 1 ||
               (assigned_regHi >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_regHi <= pd_last_cpu_reg), "no cpu register");
        assert(assigned_reg != assigned_regHi, "invalid allocation");
        assert(num_physical_regs(T_LONG) == 1 || assigned_reg < assigned_regHi,
               "register numbers must be sorted (ensure that e.g. a move from eax,ebx to ebx,eax can not occur)");
        assert((assigned_regHi != any_reg) ^ (num_physical_regs(T_LONG) == 1), "must be match");
        if (requires_adjacent_regs(T_LONG)) {
          assert(assigned_reg % 2 == 0 && assigned_reg + 1 == assigned_regHi, "must be sequential and even");
#ifdef _LP64
        return LIR_OprFact::double_cpu(assigned_reg, assigned_reg);
#if defined(SPARC) || defined(PPC)
        return LIR_OprFact::double_cpu(assigned_regHi, assigned_reg);
        return LIR_OprFact::double_cpu(assigned_reg, assigned_regHi);
#endif // SPARC
#endif // LP64
#ifndef __SOFTFP__
      case T_FLOAT: {
#ifdef X86
        if (UseSSE >= 1) {
          assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_xmm_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_xmm_reg, "no xmm register");
          assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
          return LIR_OprFact::single_xmm(assigned_reg - pd_first_xmm_reg);
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_fpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_fpu_reg, "no fpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register");
        return LIR_OprFact::single_fpu(assigned_reg - pd_first_fpu_reg);
      case T_DOUBLE: {
#ifdef X86
        if (UseSSE >= 2) {
          assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_xmm_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_xmm_reg, "no xmm register");
          assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register (double xmm values are stored in one register)");
          return LIR_OprFact::double_xmm(assigned_reg - pd_first_xmm_reg);
#ifdef SPARC
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_fpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_fpu_reg, "no fpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() >= pd_first_fpu_reg && interval->assigned_regHi() <= pd_last_fpu_reg, "no fpu register");
        assert(assigned_reg % 2 == 0 && assigned_reg + 1 == interval->assigned_regHi(), "must be sequential and even");
        LIR_Opr result = LIR_OprFact::double_fpu(interval->assigned_regHi() - pd_first_fpu_reg, assigned_reg - pd_first_fpu_reg);
#elif defined(ARM32)
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_fpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_fpu_reg, "no fpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() >= pd_first_fpu_reg && interval->assigned_regHi() <= pd_last_fpu_reg, "no fpu register");
        assert(assigned_reg % 2 == 0 && assigned_reg + 1 == interval->assigned_regHi(), "must be sequential and even");
        LIR_Opr result = LIR_OprFact::double_fpu(assigned_reg - pd_first_fpu_reg, interval->assigned_regHi() - pd_first_fpu_reg);
        assert(assigned_reg >= pd_first_fpu_reg && assigned_reg <= pd_last_fpu_reg, "no fpu register");
        assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "must not have hi register (double fpu values are stored in one register on Intel)");
        LIR_Opr result = LIR_OprFact::double_fpu(assigned_reg - pd_first_fpu_reg);
        return result;
#endif // __SOFTFP__
      default: {
        return LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr;
LIR_Opr LinearScan::canonical_spill_opr(Interval* interval) {
  assert(interval->canonical_spill_slot() >= nof_regs, "canonical spill slot not set");
  return LIR_OprFact::stack(interval->canonical_spill_slot() - nof_regs, interval->type());
LIR_Opr LinearScan::color_lir_opr(LIR_Opr opr, int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode) {
  assert(opr->is_virtual(), "should not call this otherwise");
  Interval* interval = interval_at(opr->vreg_number());
  assert(interval != NULL, "interval must exist");
  if (op_id != -1) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    BlockBegin* block = block_of_op_with_id(op_id);
    if (block->number_of_sux() <= 1 && op_id == block->last_lir_instruction_id()) {
      LIR_OpBranch* branch = block->lir()->instructions_list()->last()->as_OpBranch();
      if (branch != NULL) {
        if (block->live_out().at(opr->vreg_number())) {
          assert(branch->cond() == lir_cond_always, "block does not end with an unconditional jump");
          assert(false, "can't get split child for the last branch of a block because the information would be incorrect (moves are inserted before the branch in resolve_data_flow)");
    interval = split_child_at_op_id(interval, op_id, mode);
  LIR_Opr res = operand_for_interval(interval);
#if defined(X86) || defined(AARCH64)
  if (res->is_fpu_register()) {
    if (opr->is_last_use() || op_id == interval->to() || (op_id != -1 && interval->has_hole_between(op_id, op_id + 1))) {
      assert(op_id == -1 || !is_block_begin(op_id), "holes at begin of block may also result from control flow");
      res = res->make_last_use();
  assert(!gen()->is_vreg_flag_set(opr->vreg_number(), LIRGenerator::callee_saved) || !FrameMap::is_caller_save_register(res), "bad allocation");
  return res;
#ifdef ASSERT
void assert_no_register_values(GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* values) {
  if (values == NULL) {
  for (int i = 0; i < values->length(); i++) {
    ScopeValue* value = values->at(i);
    if (value->is_location()) {
      Location location = ((LocationValue*)value)->location();
      assert(location.where() == Location::on_stack, "value is in register");
void assert_no_register_values(GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* values) {
  if (values == NULL) {
  for (int i = 0; i < values->length(); i++) {
    MonitorValue* value = values->at(i);
    if (value->owner()->is_location()) {
      Location location = ((LocationValue*)value->owner())->location();
      assert(location.where() == Location::on_stack, "owner is in register");
    assert(value->basic_lock().where() == Location::on_stack, "basic_lock is in register");
void assert_equal(Location l1, Location l2) {
  assert(l1.where() == l2.where() && l1.type() == l2.type() && l1.offset() == l2.offset(), "");
void assert_equal(ScopeValue* v1, ScopeValue* v2) {
  if (v1->is_location()) {
    assert(v2->is_location(), "");
    assert_equal(((LocationValue*)v1)->location(), ((LocationValue*)v2)->location());
  } else if (v1->is_constant_int()) {
    assert(v2->is_constant_int(), "");
    assert(((ConstantIntValue*)v1)->value() == ((ConstantIntValue*)v2)->value(), "");
  } else if (v1->is_constant_double()) {
    assert(v2->is_constant_double(), "");
    assert(((ConstantDoubleValue*)v1)->value() == ((ConstantDoubleValue*)v2)->value(), "");
  } else if (v1->is_constant_long()) {
    assert(v2->is_constant_long(), "");
    assert(((ConstantLongValue*)v1)->value() == ((ConstantLongValue*)v2)->value(), "");
  } else if (v1->is_constant_oop()) {
    assert(v2->is_constant_oop(), "");
    assert(((ConstantOopWriteValue*)v1)->value() == ((ConstantOopWriteValue*)v2)->value(), "");
  } else {
void assert_equal(MonitorValue* m1, MonitorValue* m2) {
  assert_equal(m1->owner(), m2->owner());
  assert_equal(m1->basic_lock(), m2->basic_lock());
void assert_equal(IRScopeDebugInfo* d1, IRScopeDebugInfo* d2) {
  assert(d1->scope() == d2->scope(), "not equal");
  assert(d1->bci() == d2->bci(), "not equal");
  if (d1->locals() != NULL) {
    assert(d1->locals() != NULL && d2->locals() != NULL, "not equal");
    assert(d1->locals()->length() == d2->locals()->length(), "not equal");
    for (int i = 0; i < d1->locals()->length(); i++) {
      assert_equal(d1->locals()->at(i), d2->locals()->at(i));
  } else {
    assert(d1->locals() == NULL && d2->locals() == NULL, "not equal");
  if (d1->expressions() != NULL) {
    assert(d1->expressions() != NULL && d2->expressions() != NULL, "not equal");
    assert(d1->expressions()->length() == d2->expressions()->length(), "not equal");
    for (int i = 0; i < d1->expressions()->length(); i++) {
      assert_equal(d1->expressions()->at(i), d2->expressions()->at(i));
  } else {
    assert(d1->expressions() == NULL && d2->expressions() == NULL, "not equal");
  if (d1->monitors() != NULL) {
    assert(d1->monitors() != NULL && d2->monitors() != NULL, "not equal");
    assert(d1->monitors()->length() == d2->monitors()->length(), "not equal");
    for (int i = 0; i < d1->monitors()->length(); i++) {
      assert_equal(d1->monitors()->at(i), d2->monitors()->at(i));
  } else {
    assert(d1->monitors() == NULL && d2->monitors() == NULL, "not equal");
  if (d1->caller() != NULL) {
    assert(d1->caller() != NULL && d2->caller() != NULL, "not equal");
    assert_equal(d1->caller(), d2->caller());
  } else {
    assert(d1->caller() == NULL && d2->caller() == NULL, "not equal");
void check_stack_depth(CodeEmitInfo* info, int stack_end) {
  if (info->stack()->bci() != SynchronizationEntryBCI && !info->scope()->method()->is_native()) {
    Bytecodes::Code code = info->scope()->method()->java_code_at_bci(info->stack()->bci());
    switch (code) {
      case Bytecodes::_ifnull    : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_ifnonnull : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_ifeq      : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_ifne      : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_iflt      : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_ifge      : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_ifgt      : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_ifle      : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_icmpeq : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_icmpne : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_icmplt : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_icmpge : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_icmpgt : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_icmple : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq : // fall through
      case Bytecodes::_if_acmpne :
        assert(stack_end >= -Bytecodes::depth(code), "must have non-empty expression stack at if bytecode");
#endif // ASSERT
IntervalWalker* LinearScan::init_compute_oop_maps() {
  Interval* oop_intervals;
  Interval* non_oop_intervals;
  create_unhandled_lists(&oop_intervals, &non_oop_intervals, is_oop_interval, NULL);
  non_oop_intervals = new Interval(any_reg);
  non_oop_intervals->add_range(max_jint - 2, max_jint - 1);
  return new IntervalWalker(this, oop_intervals, non_oop_intervals);
OopMap* LinearScan::compute_oop_map(IntervalWalker* iw, LIR_Op* op, CodeEmitInfo* info, bool is_call_site) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("creating oop map at op_id %d", op->id()));
  int frame_size = frame_map()->framesize();
  int arg_count = frame_map()->oop_map_arg_count();
  OopMap* map = new OopMap(frame_size, arg_count);
  for (Interval* interval = iw->active_first(fixedKind); interval != Interval::end(); interval = interval->next()) {
    int assigned_reg = interval->assigned_reg();
    assert(interval->current_from() <= op->id() && op->id() <= interval->current_to(), "interval should not be active otherwise");
    assert(interval->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "oop must be single word");
    assert(interval->reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base, "fixed interval found");
    if (op->is_patching() || op->id() < interval->current_to()) {
      assert(!is_call_site || assigned_reg >= nof_regs || !is_caller_save(assigned_reg), "interval is in a caller-save register at a call -> register will be overwritten");
      VMReg name = vm_reg_for_interval(interval);
      set_oop(map, name);
      if (interval->always_in_memory() &&
          op->id() > interval->spill_definition_pos() &&
          interval->assigned_reg() != interval->canonical_spill_slot()) {
        assert(interval->spill_definition_pos() > 0, "position not set correctly");
        assert(interval->canonical_spill_slot() >= LinearScan::nof_regs, "no spill slot assigned");
        assert(interval->assigned_reg() < LinearScan::nof_regs, "interval is on stack, so stack slot is registered twice");
        set_oop(map, frame_map()->slot_regname(interval->canonical_spill_slot() - LinearScan::nof_regs));
  assert(info->stack() != NULL, "CodeEmitInfo must always have a stack");
  int locks_count = info->stack()->total_locks_size();
  for (int i = 0; i < locks_count; i++) {
    set_oop(map, frame_map()->monitor_object_regname(i));
  return map;
void LinearScan::compute_oop_map(IntervalWalker* iw, const LIR_OpVisitState &visitor, LIR_Op* op) {
  assert(visitor.info_count() > 0, "no oop map needed");
  CodeEmitInfo* first_info = visitor.info_at(0);
  OopMap* first_oop_map = compute_oop_map(iw, op, first_info, visitor.has_call());
  for (int i = 0; i < visitor.info_count(); i++) {
    CodeEmitInfo* info = visitor.info_at(i);
    OopMap* oop_map = first_oop_map;
    if (info->stack()->locks_size() != first_info->stack()->locks_size()) {
      oop_map = compute_oop_map(iw, op, info, visitor.has_call());
    if (info->_oop_map == NULL) {
      info->_oop_map = oop_map;
    } else {
      assert(info->_oop_map == oop_map, "same CodeEmitInfo used for multiple LIR instructions");
ConstantOopWriteValue* LinearScan::_oop_null_scope_value = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) ConstantOopWriteValue(NULL);
ConstantIntValue*      LinearScan::_int_m1_scope_value = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) ConstantIntValue(-1);
ConstantIntValue*      LinearScan::_int_0_scope_value =  new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) ConstantIntValue(0);
ConstantIntValue*      LinearScan::_int_1_scope_value =  new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) ConstantIntValue(1);
ConstantIntValue*      LinearScan::_int_2_scope_value =  new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) ConstantIntValue(2);
LocationValue*         _illegal_value = new (ResourceObj::C_HEAP, mtCompiler) LocationValue(Location());
void LinearScan::init_compute_debug_info() {
  _scope_value_cache = ScopeValueArray((LinearScan::nof_cpu_regs + frame_map()->argcount() + max_spills()) * 2, NULL);
MonitorValue* LinearScan::location_for_monitor_index(int monitor_index) {
  Location loc;
  if (!frame_map()->location_for_monitor_object(monitor_index, &loc)) {
    bailout("too large frame");
  ScopeValue* object_scope_value = new LocationValue(loc);
  if (!frame_map()->location_for_monitor_lock(monitor_index, &loc)) {
    bailout("too large frame");
  return new MonitorValue(object_scope_value, loc);
LocationValue* LinearScan::location_for_name(int name, Location::Type loc_type) {
  Location loc;
  if (!frame_map()->locations_for_slot(name, loc_type, &loc)) {
    bailout("too large frame");
  return new LocationValue(loc);
int LinearScan::append_scope_value_for_constant(LIR_Opr opr, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scope_values) {
  assert(opr->is_constant(), "should not be called otherwise");
  LIR_Const* c = opr->as_constant_ptr();
  BasicType t = c->type();
  switch (t) {
    case T_OBJECT: {
      jobject value = c->as_jobject();
      if (value == NULL) {
      } else {
        scope_values->append(new ConstantOopWriteValue(c->as_jobject()));
      return 1;
    case T_INT: // fall through
    case T_FLOAT: {
      int value = c->as_jint_bits();
      switch (value) {
        case -1: scope_values->append(_int_m1_scope_value); break;
        case 0:  scope_values->append(_int_0_scope_value); break;
        case 1:  scope_values->append(_int_1_scope_value); break;
        case 2:  scope_values->append(_int_2_scope_value); break;
        default: scope_values->append(new ConstantIntValue(c->as_jint_bits())); break;
      return 1;
    case T_LONG: // fall through
    case T_DOUBLE: {
#ifdef _LP64
      scope_values->append(new ConstantLongValue(c->as_jlong_bits()));
      if (hi_word_offset_in_bytes > lo_word_offset_in_bytes) {
        scope_values->append(new ConstantIntValue(c->as_jint_hi_bits()));
        scope_values->append(new ConstantIntValue(c->as_jint_lo_bits()));
      } else {
        scope_values->append(new ConstantIntValue(c->as_jint_lo_bits()));
        scope_values->append(new ConstantIntValue(c->as_jint_hi_bits()));
      return 2;
    case T_ADDRESS: {
#ifdef _LP64
      scope_values->append(new ConstantLongValue(c->as_jint()));
      scope_values->append(new ConstantIntValue(c->as_jint()));
      return 1;
      return -1;
int LinearScan::append_scope_value_for_operand(LIR_Opr opr, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scope_values) {
  if (opr->is_single_stack()) {
    int stack_idx = opr->single_stack_ix();
    bool is_oop = opr->is_oop_register();
    int cache_idx = (stack_idx + LinearScan::nof_cpu_regs) * 2 + (is_oop ? 1 : 0);
    ScopeValue* sv =;
    if (sv == NULL) {
      Location::Type loc_type = is_oop ? Location::oop : Location::normal;
      sv = location_for_name(stack_idx, loc_type);
      _scope_value_cache.at_put(cache_idx, sv);
    DEBUG_ONLY(assert_equal(sv, location_for_name(stack_idx, is_oop ? Location::oop : Location::normal)));
    return 1;
  } else if (opr->is_single_cpu()) {
    bool is_oop = opr->is_oop_register();
    int cache_idx = opr->cpu_regnr() * 2 + (is_oop ? 1 : 0);
    Location::Type int_loc_type = NOT_LP64(Location::normal) LP64_ONLY(Location::int_in_long);
    ScopeValue* sv =;
    if (sv == NULL) {
      Location::Type loc_type = is_oop ? Location::oop : int_loc_type;
      VMReg rname = frame_map()->regname(opr);
      sv = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(loc_type, rname));
      _scope_value_cache.at_put(cache_idx, sv);
    DEBUG_ONLY(assert_equal(sv, new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(is_oop ? Location::oop : int_loc_type, frame_map()->regname(opr)))));
    return 1;
#ifdef X86
  } else if (opr->is_single_xmm()) {
    VMReg rname = opr->as_xmm_float_reg()->as_VMReg();
    LocationValue* sv = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname));
    return 1;
  } else if (opr->is_single_fpu()) {
#ifdef X86
    assert(use_fpu_stack_allocation(), "should not have float stack values without fpu stack allocation (all floats must be SSE2)");
    assert(_fpu_stack_allocator != NULL, "must be present");
    opr = _fpu_stack_allocator->to_fpu_stack(opr);
    Location::Type loc_type = float_saved_as_double ? Location::float_in_dbl : Location::normal;
    VMReg rname = frame_map()->fpu_regname(opr->fpu_regnr());
#ifndef __SOFTFP__
    if (! float_saved_as_double) {
      VMReg next = VMRegImpl::as_VMReg(1+rname->value());
      if (next->is_reg() &&
          (next->as_FloatRegister() == rname->as_FloatRegister())) {
        rname = next; // VMReg for the low bits, e.g. the real VMReg for the float
    LocationValue* sv = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(loc_type, rname));
    return 1;
  } else {
    ScopeValue* first;
    ScopeValue* second;
    if (opr->is_double_stack()) {
#ifdef _LP64
      Location loc1;
      Location::Type loc_type = opr->type() == T_LONG ? Location::lng : Location::dbl;
      if (!frame_map()->locations_for_slot(opr->double_stack_ix(), loc_type, &loc1, NULL)) {
        bailout("too large frame");
      first =  new LocationValue(loc1);
      second = _int_0_scope_value;
      Location loc1, loc2;
      if (!frame_map()->locations_for_slot(opr->double_stack_ix(), Location::normal, &loc1, &loc2)) {
        bailout("too large frame");
      first =  new LocationValue(loc1);
      second = new LocationValue(loc2);
#endif // _LP64
    } else if (opr->is_double_cpu()) {
#ifdef _LP64
      VMReg rname_first = opr->as_register_lo()->as_VMReg();
      first = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::lng, rname_first));
      second = _int_0_scope_value;
      VMReg rname_first = opr->as_register_lo()->as_VMReg();
      VMReg rname_second = opr->as_register_hi()->as_VMReg();
      if (hi_word_offset_in_bytes < lo_word_offset_in_bytes) {
        VMReg tmp = rname_first;
        rname_first = rname_second;
        rname_second = tmp;
      first = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname_first));
      second = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname_second));
#endif //_LP64
#ifdef X86
    } else if (opr->is_double_xmm()) {
      assert(opr->fpu_regnrLo() == opr->fpu_regnrHi(), "assumed in calculation");
      VMReg rname_first  = opr->as_xmm_double_reg()->as_VMReg();
#  ifdef _LP64
      first = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::dbl, rname_first));
      second = _int_0_scope_value;
#  else
      first = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname_first));
      if (true) {
        VMReg rname_second = rname_first->next();
        second = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname_second));
#  endif
    } else if (opr->is_double_fpu()) {
#ifdef X86
      assert(use_fpu_stack_allocation(), "should not have float stack values without fpu stack allocation (all floats must be SSE2)");
      assert(_fpu_stack_allocator != NULL, "must be present");
      opr = _fpu_stack_allocator->to_fpu_stack(opr);
      assert(opr->fpu_regnrLo() == opr->fpu_regnrHi(), "assumed in calculation (only fpu_regnrLo is used)");
#ifdef SPARC
      assert(opr->fpu_regnrLo() == opr->fpu_regnrHi() + 1, "assumed in calculation (only fpu_regnrHi is used)");
#ifdef ARM32
      assert(opr->fpu_regnrHi() == opr->fpu_regnrLo() + 1, "assumed in calculation (only fpu_regnrLo is used)");
#ifdef PPC
      assert(opr->fpu_regnrLo() == opr->fpu_regnrHi(), "assumed in calculation (only fpu_regnrHi is used)");
      VMReg rname_first = frame_map()->fpu_regname(opr->fpu_regnrLo());
      VMReg rname_first = frame_map()->fpu_regname(opr->fpu_regnrHi());
#ifdef _LP64
      first = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::dbl, rname_first));
      second = _int_0_scope_value;
      first = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname_first));
      if (true) {
        VMReg rname_second = rname_first->next();
        second = new LocationValue(Location::new_reg_loc(Location::normal, rname_second));
    } else {
      first = NULL;
      second = NULL;
    assert(first != NULL && second != NULL, "must be set");
    return 2;
int LinearScan::append_scope_value(int op_id, Value value, GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>* scope_values) {
  if (value != NULL) {
    LIR_Opr opr = value->operand();
    Constant* con = value->as_Constant();
    assert(con == NULL || opr->is_virtual() || opr->is_constant() || opr->is_illegal(), "asumption: Constant instructions have only constant operands (or illegal if constant is optimized away)");
    assert(con != NULL || opr->is_virtual(), "asumption: non-Constant instructions have only virtual operands");
    if (con != NULL && !con->is_pinned() && !opr->is_constant()) {
      opr = LIR_OprFact::value_type(con->type());
    assert(opr->is_virtual() || opr->is_constant(), "other cases not allowed here");
    if (opr->is_virtual()) {
      LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode = LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode;
      BlockBegin* block = block_of_op_with_id(op_id);
      if (block->number_of_sux() == 1 && op_id == block->last_lir_instruction_id()) {
        if (block->lir()->instructions_list()->last()->as_OpBranch() != NULL) {
          if (block->live_out().at(opr->vreg_number())) {
            op_id = block->sux_at(0)->first_lir_instruction_id();
            mode = LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode;
      opr = color_lir_opr(opr, op_id, mode);
      assert(!has_call(op_id) || opr->is_stack() || !is_caller_save(reg_num(opr)), "can not have caller-save register operands at calls");
      return append_scope_value_for_operand(opr, scope_values);
    } else {
      assert(value->as_Constant() != NULL, "all other instructions have only virtual operands");
      assert(opr->is_constant(), "operand must be constant");
      return append_scope_value_for_constant(opr, scope_values);
  } else {
    return 1;
IRScopeDebugInfo* LinearScan::compute_debug_info_for_scope(int op_id, IRScope* cur_scope, ValueStack* cur_state, ValueStack* innermost_state) {
  IRScopeDebugInfo* caller_debug_info = NULL;
  ValueStack* caller_state = cur_state->caller_state();
  if (caller_state != NULL) {
    caller_debug_info = compute_debug_info_for_scope(op_id, cur_scope->caller(), caller_state, innermost_state);
  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   locals      = NULL;
  GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>*   expressions = NULL;
  GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>* monitors    = NULL;
  int nof_locals = cur_state->locals_size();
  if (nof_locals > 0) {
    locals = new GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>(nof_locals);
    int pos = 0;
    while (pos < nof_locals) {
      assert(pos < cur_state->locals_size(), "why not?");
      Value local = cur_state->local_at(pos);
      pos += append_scope_value(op_id, local, locals);
      assert(locals->length() == pos, "must match");
    assert(locals->length() == cur_scope->method()->max_locals(), "wrong number of locals");
    assert(locals->length() == cur_state->locals_size(), "wrong number of locals");
  } else if (cur_scope->method()->max_locals() > 0) {
    assert(cur_state->kind() == ValueStack::EmptyExceptionState, "should be");
    nof_locals = cur_scope->method()->max_locals();
    locals = new GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>(nof_locals);
    for(int i = 0; i < nof_locals; i++) {
  int nof_stack = cur_state->stack_size();
  if (nof_stack > 0) {
    expressions = new GrowableArray<ScopeValue*>(nof_stack);
    int pos = 0;
    while (pos < nof_stack) {
      Value expression = cur_state->stack_at_inc(pos);
      append_scope_value(op_id, expression, expressions);
      assert(expressions->length() == pos, "must match");
    assert(expressions->length() == cur_state->stack_size(), "wrong number of stack entries");
  int nof_locks = cur_state->locks_size();
  if (nof_locks > 0) {
    int lock_offset = cur_state->caller_state() != NULL ? cur_state->caller_state()->total_locks_size() : 0;
    monitors = new GrowableArray<MonitorValue*>(nof_locks);
    for (int i = 0; i < nof_locks; i++) {
      monitors->append(location_for_monitor_index(lock_offset + i));
  return new IRScopeDebugInfo(cur_scope, cur_state->bci(), locals, expressions, monitors, caller_debug_info);
void LinearScan::compute_debug_info(CodeEmitInfo* info, int op_id) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(3, tty->print_cr("creating debug information at op_id %d", op_id));
  IRScope* innermost_scope = info->scope();
  ValueStack* innermost_state = info->stack();
  assert(innermost_scope != NULL && innermost_state != NULL, "why is it missing?");
  DEBUG_ONLY(check_stack_depth(info, innermost_state->stack_size()));
  if (info->_scope_debug_info == NULL) {
    info->_scope_debug_info = compute_debug_info_for_scope(op_id, innermost_scope, innermost_state, innermost_state);
  } else {
    DEBUG_ONLY(assert_equal(info->_scope_debug_info, compute_debug_info_for_scope(op_id, innermost_scope, innermost_state, innermost_state)));
void LinearScan::assign_reg_num(LIR_OpList* instructions, IntervalWalker* iw) {
  LIR_OpVisitState visitor;
  int num_inst = instructions->length();
  bool has_dead = false;
  for (int j = 0; j < num_inst; j++) {
    LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
    if (op == NULL) {  // this can happen when spill-moves are removed in eliminate_spill_moves
      has_dead = true;
    int op_id = op->id();
    for_each_visitor_mode(mode) {
      int n = visitor.opr_count(mode);
      for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(mode, k);
        if (opr->is_virtual_register()) {
          visitor.set_opr_at(mode, k, color_lir_opr(opr, op_id, mode));
    if (visitor.info_count() > 0) {
      if (compilation()->has_exception_handlers()) {
        XHandlers* xhandlers = visitor.all_xhandler();
        int n = xhandlers->length();
        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
          XHandler* handler = xhandlers->handler_at(k);
          if (handler->entry_code() != NULL) {
            assign_reg_num(handler->entry_code()->instructions_list(), NULL);
      } else {
        assert(visitor.all_xhandler()->length() == 0, "missed exception handler");
      assert(iw != NULL, "needed for compute_oop_map");
      compute_oop_map(iw, visitor, op);
      if (!use_fpu_stack_allocation()) {
        int n = visitor.info_count();
        for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
          compute_debug_info(visitor.info_at(k), op_id);
#ifdef ASSERT
    if (op->code() == lir_move) {
      assert(op->as_Op1() != NULL, "move must be LIR_Op1");
      LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
      LIR_Opr src = move->in_opr();
      LIR_Opr dst = move->result_opr();
      if (dst == src ||
          !dst->is_pointer() && !src->is_pointer() &&
          src->is_same_register(dst)) {
        instructions->at_put(j, NULL);
        has_dead = true;
  if (has_dead) {
    int insert_point = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < num_inst; j++) {
      LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
      if (op != NULL) {
        if (insert_point != j) {
          instructions->at_put(insert_point, op);
void LinearScan::assign_reg_num() {
  IntervalWalker* iw = init_compute_oop_maps();
  int num_blocks = block_count();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    assign_reg_num(block->lir()->instructions_list(), iw);
void LinearScan::do_linear_scan() {
  NOT_PRODUCT(print_lir(1, "Before Register Allocation"));
  NOT_PRODUCT(print_intervals("Before Register Allocation"));
  NOT_PRODUCT(LinearScanStatistic::compute(this, _stat_before_alloc));
  if (compilation()->has_exception_handlers()) {
  NOT_PRODUCT(print_intervals("After Register Allocation"));
  NOT_PRODUCT(print_lir(2, "LIR after register allocation:"));
  NOT_PRODUCT(print_lir(2, "LIR after assignment of register numbers:"));
  NOT_PRODUCT(LinearScanStatistic::compute(this, _stat_after_asign));
  { TIME_LINEAR_SCAN(timer_allocate_fpu_stack);
    if (use_fpu_stack_allocation()) {
      allocate_fpu_stack(); // Only has effect on Intel
      NOT_PRODUCT(print_lir(2, "LIR after FPU stack allocation:"));
  { TIME_LINEAR_SCAN(timer_optimize_lir);
  NOT_PRODUCT(print_lir(1, "Before Code Generation", false));
  NOT_PRODUCT(LinearScanStatistic::compute(this, _stat_final));
#ifndef PRODUCT
void LinearScan::print_timers(double total) {
void LinearScan::print_statistics() {
  _stat_before_alloc.print("before allocation");
  _stat_after_asign.print("after assignment of register");
  _stat_final.print("after optimization");
void LinearScan::print_bitmap(BitMap& b) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
    if ( tty->print("%d ", i);
void LinearScan::print_intervals(const char* label) {
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 1) {
    int i;
    tty->print_cr("%s", label);
    for (i = 0; i < interval_count(); i++) {
      Interval* interval = interval_at(i);
      if (interval != NULL) {
    tty->print_cr("--- Basic Blocks ---");
    for (i = 0; i < block_count(); i++) {
      BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
      tty->print("B%d [%d, %d, %d, %d] ", block->block_id(), block->first_lir_instruction_id(), block->last_lir_instruction_id(), block->loop_index(), block->loop_depth());
  if (PrintCFGToFile) {
    CFGPrinter::print_intervals(&_intervals, label);
void LinearScan::print_lir(int level, const char* label, bool hir_valid) {
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= level) {
    tty->print_cr("%s", label);
  if (level == 1 && PrintCFGToFile) {
    CFGPrinter::print_cfg(ir()->linear_scan_order(), label, hir_valid, true);
#endif //PRODUCT
#ifdef ASSERT
void LinearScan::verify() {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("********* verifying intervals ******************************************"));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("********* verifying that no oops are in fixed intervals ****************"));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("********* verifying that unpinned constants are not alive across block boundaries"));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("********* verifying register allocation ********************************"));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("********* no errors found **********************************************"));
void LinearScan::verify_intervals() {
  int len = interval_count();
  bool has_error = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    Interval* i1 = interval_at(i);
    if (i1 == NULL) continue;
    if (i1->reg_num() != i) {
      tty->print_cr("Interval %d is on position %d in list", i1->reg_num(), i); i1->print(); tty->cr();
      has_error = true;
    if (i1->reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base && i1->type() == T_ILLEGAL) {
      tty->print_cr("Interval %d has no type assigned", i1->reg_num()); i1->print(); tty->cr();
      has_error = true;
    if (i1->assigned_reg() == any_reg) {
      tty->print_cr("Interval %d has no register assigned", i1->reg_num()); i1->print(); tty->cr();
      has_error = true;
    if (i1->assigned_reg() == i1->assigned_regHi()) {
      tty->print_cr("Interval %d: low and high register equal", i1->reg_num()); i1->print(); tty->cr();
      has_error = true;
    if (!is_processed_reg_num(i1->assigned_reg())) {
      tty->print_cr("Can not have an Interval for an ignored register"); i1->print(); tty->cr();
      has_error = true;
    if (i1->first() == Range::end()) {
      tty->print_cr("Interval %d has no Range", i1->reg_num()); i1->print(); tty->cr();
      has_error = true;
    for (Range* r = i1->first(); r != Range::end(); r = r->next()) {
      if (r->from() >= r->to()) {
        tty->print_cr("Interval %d has zero length range", i1->reg_num()); i1->print(); tty->cr();
        has_error = true;
    for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++) {
      Interval* i2 = interval_at(j);
      if (i2 == NULL) continue;
      if (i1->from() == 1 && i1->to() == 2) continue;
      if (i2->from() == 1 && i2->to() == 2) continue;
      int r1 = i1->assigned_reg();
      int r1Hi = i1->assigned_regHi();
      int r2 = i2->assigned_reg();
      int r2Hi = i2->assigned_regHi();
      if (i1->intersects(i2) && (r1 == r2 || r1 == r2Hi || (r1Hi != any_reg && (r1Hi == r2 || r1Hi == r2Hi)))) {
        tty->print_cr("Intervals %d and %d overlap and have the same register assigned", i1->reg_num(), i2->reg_num());
        i1->print(); tty->cr();
        i2->print(); tty->cr();
        has_error = true;
  assert(has_error == false, "register allocation invalid");
void LinearScan::verify_no_oops_in_fixed_intervals() {
  Interval* fixed_intervals;
  Interval* other_intervals;
  create_unhandled_lists(&fixed_intervals, &other_intervals, is_precolored_cpu_interval, NULL);
  other_intervals = new Interval(any_reg);
  other_intervals->add_range(max_jint - 2, max_jint - 1);
  IntervalWalker* iw = new IntervalWalker(this, fixed_intervals, other_intervals);
  LIR_OpVisitState visitor;
  for (int i = 0; i < block_count(); i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    LIR_OpList* instructions = block->lir()->instructions_list();
    for (int j = 0; j < instructions->length(); j++) {
      LIR_Op* op = instructions->at(j);
      int op_id = op->id();
      if (visitor.info_count() > 0) {
        bool check_live = true;
        if (op->code() == lir_move) {
          LIR_Op1* move = (LIR_Op1*)op;
          check_live = (move->patch_code() == lir_patch_none);
        LIR_OpBranch* branch = op->as_OpBranch();
        if (branch != NULL && branch->stub() != NULL && branch->stub()->is_exception_throw_stub()) {
          check_live = false;
        if (check_live) {
          for (Interval* interval = iw->active_first(fixedKind);
               interval != Interval::end();
               interval = interval->next()) {
            if (interval->current_to() > op->id() + 1) {
              bool ok = false;
              for_each_visitor_mode(mode) {
                int n = visitor.opr_count(mode);
                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
                  LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(mode, k);
                  if (opr->is_fixed_cpu()) {
                    if (interval_at(reg_num(opr)) == interval) {
                      ok = true;
                    int hi = reg_numHi(opr);
                    if (hi != -1 && interval_at(hi) == interval) {
                      ok = true;
              assert(ok, "fixed intervals should never be live across an oopmap point");
      if (!visitor.has_call()) {
        for_each_visitor_mode(mode) {
          int n = visitor.opr_count(mode);
          for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
            LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(mode, k);
            if (opr->is_fixed_cpu() && opr->is_oop()) {
              TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, op->print_on(tty); tty->print("checking operand "); opr->print(); tty->cr());
              Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num(opr));
              assert(interval != NULL, "no interval");
              if (mode == LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode) {
                if (interval->to() >= op_id + 1) {
                  assert(interval->to() < op_id + 2 ||
                         interval->has_hole_between(op_id, op_id + 2),
                         "oop input operand live after instruction");
              } else if (mode == LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode) {
                if (interval->from() <= op_id - 1) {
                  assert(interval->has_hole_between(op_id - 1, op_id),
                         "oop input operand live after instruction");
void LinearScan::verify_constants() {
  int num_regs = num_virtual_regs();
  int size = live_set_size();
  int num_blocks = block_count();
  for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
    BlockBegin* block = block_at(i);
    BitMap live_at_edge = block->live_in();
    for (int r = (int)live_at_edge.get_next_one_offset(0, size); r < size; r = (int)live_at_edge.get_next_one_offset(r + 1, size)) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print("checking interval %d of block B%d", r, block->block_id()));
      Value value = gen()->instruction_for_vreg(r);
      assert(value != NULL, "all intervals live across block boundaries must have Value");
      assert(value->operand()->is_register() && value->operand()->is_virtual(), "value must have virtual operand");
      assert(value->operand()->vreg_number() == r, "register number must match");
class RegisterVerifier: public StackObj {
  LinearScan*   _allocator;
  BlockList     _work_list;      // all blocks that must be processed
  IntervalsList _saved_states;   // saved information of previous check
  Compilation*  compilation() const              { return _allocator->compilation(); }
  Interval*     interval_at(int reg_num) const   { return _allocator->interval_at(reg_num); }
  int           reg_num(LIR_Opr opr) const       { return _allocator->reg_num(opr); }
  int           state_size()                     { return LinearScan::nof_regs; }
  IntervalList* state_for_block(BlockBegin* block) { return>block_id()); }
  void          set_state_for_block(BlockBegin* block, IntervalList* saved_state) { _saved_states.at_put(block->block_id(), saved_state); }
  void          add_to_work_list(BlockBegin* block) { if (!_work_list.contains(block)) _work_list.append(block); }
  IntervalList* copy(IntervalList* input_state);
  void          state_put(IntervalList* input_state, int reg, Interval* interval);
  bool          check_state(IntervalList* input_state, int reg, Interval* interval);
  void process_block(BlockBegin* block);
  void process_xhandler(XHandler* xhandler, IntervalList* input_state);
  void process_successor(BlockBegin* block, IntervalList* input_state);
  void process_operations(LIR_List* ops, IntervalList* input_state);
  RegisterVerifier(LinearScan* allocator)
    : _allocator(allocator)
    , _work_list(16)
    , _saved_states(BlockBegin::number_of_blocks(), NULL)
  { }
  void verify(BlockBegin* start);
void LinearScan::verify_registers() {
  RegisterVerifier verifier(this);
void RegisterVerifier::verify(BlockBegin* start) {
  IntervalList* input_state = new IntervalList(state_size(), NULL);
  CallingConvention* args = compilation()->frame_map()->incoming_arguments();
  for (int n = 0; n < args->length(); n++) {
    LIR_Opr opr = args->at(n);
    if (opr->is_register()) {
      Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num(opr));
      if (interval->assigned_reg() < state_size()) {
        input_state->at_put(interval->assigned_reg(), interval);
      if (interval->assigned_regHi() != LinearScan::any_reg && interval->assigned_regHi() < state_size()) {
        input_state->at_put(interval->assigned_regHi(), interval);
  set_state_for_block(start, input_state);
  do {
    BlockBegin* block =;
  } while (!_work_list.is_empty());
void RegisterVerifier::process_block(BlockBegin* block) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->cr(); tty->print_cr("process_block B%d", block->block_id()));
  IntervalList* input_state = copy(state_for_block(block));
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 4) {
    tty->print_cr("Input-State of intervals:");
    tty->print("    ");
    for (int i = 0; i < state_size(); i++) {
      if (input_state->at(i) != NULL) {
        tty->print(" %4d", input_state->at(i)->reg_num());
      } else {
        tty->print("   __");
  process_operations(block->lir(), input_state);
  for (int i = 0; i < block->number_of_sux(); i++) {
    process_successor(block->sux_at(i), input_state);
void RegisterVerifier::process_xhandler(XHandler* xhandler, IntervalList* input_state) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("process_xhandler B%d", xhandler->entry_block()->block_id()));
  input_state = copy(input_state);
  if (xhandler->entry_code() != NULL) {
    process_operations(xhandler->entry_code(), input_state);
  process_successor(xhandler->entry_block(), input_state);
void RegisterVerifier::process_successor(BlockBegin* block, IntervalList* input_state) {
  IntervalList* saved_state = state_for_block(block);
  if (saved_state != NULL) {
    bool saved_state_correct = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < state_size(); i++) {
      if (input_state->at(i) != saved_state->at(i)) {
        if (saved_state->at(i) != NULL) {
          saved_state_correct = false;
          saved_state->at_put(i, NULL);
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("process_successor B%d: invalidating slot %d", block->block_id(), i));
    if (saved_state_correct) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("process_successor B%d: previous visit already correct", block->block_id()));
    } else {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("process_successor B%d: must re-visit because input state changed", block->block_id()));
  } else {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("process_successor B%d: initial visit", block->block_id()));
    set_state_for_block(block, copy(input_state));
IntervalList* RegisterVerifier::copy(IntervalList* input_state) {
  IntervalList* copy_state = new IntervalList(input_state->length());
  return copy_state;
void RegisterVerifier::state_put(IntervalList* input_state, int reg, Interval* interval) {
  if (reg != LinearScan::any_reg && reg < state_size()) {
    if (interval != NULL) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("        reg[%d] = %d", reg, interval->reg_num()));
    } else if (input_state->at(reg) != NULL) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("        reg[%d] = NULL", reg));
    input_state->at_put(reg, interval);
bool RegisterVerifier::check_state(IntervalList* input_state, int reg, Interval* interval) {
  if (reg != LinearScan::any_reg && reg < state_size()) {
    if (input_state->at(reg) != interval) {
      tty->print_cr("!! Error in register allocation: register %d does not contain interval %d", reg, interval->reg_num());
      return true;
  return false;
void RegisterVerifier::process_operations(LIR_List* ops, IntervalList* input_state) {
  LIR_OpVisitState visitor;
  bool has_error = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < ops->length(); i++) {
    LIR_Op* op = ops->at(i);
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, op->print_on(tty));
    int j;
    int n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode);
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode, j);
      if (opr->is_register() && LinearScan::is_processed_reg_num(reg_num(opr))) {
        Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num(opr));
        if (op->id() != -1) {
          interval = interval->split_child_at_op_id(op->id(), LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode);
        has_error |= check_state(input_state, interval->assigned_reg(),   interval->split_parent());
        has_error |= check_state(input_state, interval->assigned_regHi(), interval->split_parent());
        if (opr->is_last_use()) {
          state_put(input_state, interval->assigned_reg(),   NULL);
          state_put(input_state, interval->assigned_regHi(), NULL);
    if (visitor.has_call()) {
      for (j = 0; j < FrameMap::nof_caller_save_cpu_regs(); j++) {
        state_put(input_state, reg_num(FrameMap::caller_save_cpu_reg_at(j)), NULL);
      for (j = 0; j < FrameMap::nof_caller_save_fpu_regs; j++) {
        state_put(input_state, reg_num(FrameMap::caller_save_fpu_reg_at(j)), NULL);
#ifdef X86
      for (j = 0; j < FrameMap::nof_caller_save_xmm_regs; j++) {
        state_put(input_state, reg_num(FrameMap::caller_save_xmm_reg_at(j)), NULL);
    XHandlers* xhandlers = visitor.all_xhandler();
    n = xhandlers->length();
    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
      process_xhandler(xhandlers->handler_at(k), input_state);
    n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode);
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode, j);
      if (opr->is_register() && LinearScan::is_processed_reg_num(reg_num(opr))) {
        Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num(opr));
        if (op->id() != -1) {
          interval = interval->split_child_at_op_id(op->id(), LIR_OpVisitState::tempMode);
        state_put(input_state, interval->assigned_reg(),   interval->split_parent());
        state_put(input_state, interval->assigned_regHi(), interval->split_parent());
    n = visitor.opr_count(LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode);
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      LIR_Opr opr = visitor.opr_at(LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode, j);
      if (opr->is_register() && LinearScan::is_processed_reg_num(reg_num(opr))) {
        Interval* interval = interval_at(reg_num(opr));
        if (op->id() != -1) {
          interval = interval->split_child_at_op_id(op->id(), LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode);
        state_put(input_state, interval->assigned_reg(),   interval->split_parent());
        state_put(input_state, interval->assigned_regHi(), interval->split_parent());
  assert(has_error == false, "Error in register allocation");
#endif // ASSERT
MoveResolver::MoveResolver(LinearScan* allocator) :
  for (int i = 0; i < LinearScan::nof_regs; i++) {
    _register_blocked[i] = 0;
#ifdef ASSERT
void MoveResolver::check_empty() {
  assert(_mapping_from.length() == 0 && _mapping_from_opr.length() == 0 && _mapping_to.length() == 0, "list must be empty before and after processing");
  for (int i = 0; i < LinearScan::nof_regs; i++) {
    assert(register_blocked(i) == 0, "register map must be empty before and after processing");
  assert(_multiple_reads_allowed == false, "must have default value");
void MoveResolver::verify_before_resolve() {
  assert(_mapping_from.length() == _mapping_from_opr.length(), "length must be equal");
  assert(_mapping_from.length() == _mapping_to.length(), "length must be equal");
  assert(_insert_list != NULL && _insert_idx != -1, "insert position not set");
  int i, j;
  if (!_multiple_reads_allowed) {
    for (i = 0; i < _mapping_from.length(); i++) {
      for (j = i + 1; j < _mapping_from.length(); j++) {
        assert( == NULL || !=, "cannot read from same interval twice");
  for (i = 0; i < _mapping_to.length(); i++) {
    for (j = i + 1; j < _mapping_to.length(); j++) {
      assert( !=, "cannot write to same interval twice");
  BitMap used_regs(LinearScan::nof_regs + allocator()->frame_map()->argcount() + allocator()->max_spills());
  if (!_multiple_reads_allowed) {
    for (i = 0; i < _mapping_from.length(); i++) {
      Interval* it =;
      if (it != NULL) {
        assert(!>assigned_reg()), "cannot read from same register twice");
        if (it->assigned_regHi() != LinearScan::any_reg) {
          assert(!>assigned_regHi()), "cannot read from same register twice");
  for (i = 0; i < _mapping_to.length(); i++) {
    Interval* it =;
    assert(!>assigned_reg()), "cannot write to same register twice");
    if (it->assigned_regHi() != LinearScan::any_reg) {
      assert(!>assigned_regHi()), "cannot write to same register twice");
  for (i = 0; i < _mapping_from.length(); i++) {
    Interval* it =;
    if (it != NULL && it->assigned_reg() >= LinearScan::nof_regs) {
  for (i = 0; i < _mapping_to.length(); i++) {
    Interval* it =;
    assert(!>assigned_reg()) || it->assigned_reg() ==>assigned_reg(), "stack slots used in _mapping_from must be disjoint to _mapping_to");
#endif // ASSERT
void MoveResolver::block_registers(Interval* it) {
  int reg = it->assigned_reg();
  if (reg < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
    assert(_multiple_reads_allowed || register_blocked(reg) == 0, "register already marked as used");
    set_register_blocked(reg, 1);
  reg = it->assigned_regHi();
  if (reg != LinearScan::any_reg && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
    assert(_multiple_reads_allowed || register_blocked(reg) == 0, "register already marked as used");
    set_register_blocked(reg, 1);
void MoveResolver::unblock_registers(Interval* it) {
  int reg = it->assigned_reg();
  if (reg < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
    assert(register_blocked(reg) > 0, "register already marked as unused");
    set_register_blocked(reg, -1);
  reg = it->assigned_regHi();
  if (reg != LinearScan::any_reg && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
    assert(register_blocked(reg) > 0, "register already marked as unused");
    set_register_blocked(reg, -1);
bool MoveResolver::save_to_process_move(Interval* from, Interval* to) {
  int from_reg = -1;
  int from_regHi = -1;
  if (from != NULL) {
    from_reg = from->assigned_reg();
    from_regHi = from->assigned_regHi();
  int reg = to->assigned_reg();
  if (reg < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
    if (register_blocked(reg) > 1 || (register_blocked(reg) == 1 && reg != from_reg && reg != from_regHi)) {
      return false;
  reg = to->assigned_regHi();
  if (reg != LinearScan::any_reg && reg < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
    if (register_blocked(reg) > 1 || (register_blocked(reg) == 1 && reg != from_reg && reg != from_regHi)) {
      return false;
  return true;
void MoveResolver::create_insertion_buffer(LIR_List* list) {
  assert(!_insertion_buffer.initialized(), "overwriting existing buffer");
void MoveResolver::append_insertion_buffer() {
  if (_insertion_buffer.initialized()) {
  assert(!_insertion_buffer.initialized(), "must be uninitialized now");
  _insert_list = NULL;
  _insert_idx = -1;
void MoveResolver::insert_move(Interval* from_interval, Interval* to_interval) {
  assert(from_interval->reg_num() != to_interval->reg_num(), "from and to interval equal");
  assert(from_interval->type() == to_interval->type(), "move between different types");
  assert(_insert_list != NULL && _insert_idx != -1, "must setup insert position first");
  assert(_insertion_buffer.lir_list() == _insert_list, "wrong insertion buffer");
  LIR_Opr from_opr = LIR_OprFact::virtual_register(from_interval->reg_num(), from_interval->type());
  LIR_Opr to_opr = LIR_OprFact::virtual_register(to_interval->reg_num(), to_interval->type());
  if (!_multiple_reads_allowed) {
    from_opr = from_opr->make_last_use();
  _insertion_buffer.move(_insert_idx, from_opr, to_opr);
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("MoveResolver: inserted move from register %d (%d, %d) to %d (%d, %d)", from_interval->reg_num(), from_interval->assigned_reg(), from_interval->assigned_regHi(), to_interval->reg_num(), to_interval->assigned_reg(), to_interval->assigned_regHi()));
void MoveResolver::insert_move(LIR_Opr from_opr, Interval* to_interval) {
  assert(from_opr->type() == to_interval->type(), "move between different types");
  assert(_insert_list != NULL && _insert_idx != -1, "must setup insert position first");
  assert(_insertion_buffer.lir_list() == _insert_list, "wrong insertion buffer");
  LIR_Opr to_opr = LIR_OprFact::virtual_register(to_interval->reg_num(), to_interval->type());
  _insertion_buffer.move(_insert_idx, from_opr, to_opr);
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print("MoveResolver: inserted move from constant "); from_opr->print(); tty->print_cr("  to %d (%d, %d)", to_interval->reg_num(), to_interval->assigned_reg(), to_interval->assigned_regHi()));
void MoveResolver::resolve_mappings() {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("MoveResolver: resolving mappings for Block B%d, index %d", _insert_list->block() != NULL ? _insert_list->block()->block_id() : -1, _insert_idx));
  int i;
  for (i = _mapping_from.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Interval* from_interval =;
    if (from_interval != NULL) {
  int spill_candidate = -1;
  while (_mapping_from.length() > 0) {
    bool processed_interval = false;
    for (i = _mapping_from.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Interval* from_interval =;
      Interval* to_interval =;
      if (save_to_process_move(from_interval, to_interval)) {
        if (from_interval != NULL) {
          insert_move(from_interval, to_interval);
        } else {
          insert_move(, to_interval);
        processed_interval = true;
      } else if (from_interval != NULL && from_interval->assigned_reg() < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
        spill_candidate = i;
    if (!processed_interval) {
      assert(spill_candidate != -1, "no interval in register for spilling found");
      Interval* from_interval =;
      Interval* spill_interval = new Interval(-1);
      spill_interval->add_range(1, 2);
      int spill_slot = from_interval->canonical_spill_slot();
      if (spill_slot < 0) {
        spill_slot = allocator()->allocate_spill_slot(type2spill_size[spill_interval->type()] == 2);
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("created new Interval %d for spilling", spill_interval->reg_num()));
      insert_move(from_interval, spill_interval);
      _mapping_from.at_put(spill_candidate, spill_interval);
  _multiple_reads_allowed = false;
void MoveResolver::set_insert_position(LIR_List* insert_list, int insert_idx) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("MoveResolver: setting insert position to Block B%d, index %d", insert_list->block() != NULL ? insert_list->block()->block_id() : -1, insert_idx));
  assert(_insert_list == NULL && _insert_idx == -1, "use move_insert_position instead of set_insert_position when data already set");
  _insert_list = insert_list;
  _insert_idx = insert_idx;
void MoveResolver::move_insert_position(LIR_List* insert_list, int insert_idx) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("MoveResolver: moving insert position to Block B%d, index %d", insert_list->block() != NULL ? insert_list->block()->block_id() : -1, insert_idx));
  if (_insert_list != NULL && (insert_list != _insert_list || insert_idx != _insert_idx)) {
  if (insert_list != _insert_list) {
  _insert_list = insert_list;
  _insert_idx = insert_idx;
void MoveResolver::add_mapping(Interval* from_interval, Interval* to_interval) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("MoveResolver: adding mapping from %d (%d, %d) to %d (%d, %d)", from_interval->reg_num(), from_interval->assigned_reg(), from_interval->assigned_regHi(), to_interval->reg_num(), to_interval->assigned_reg(), to_interval->assigned_regHi()));
void MoveResolver::add_mapping(LIR_Opr from_opr, Interval* to_interval) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print("MoveResolver: adding mapping from "); from_opr->print(); tty->print_cr(" to %d (%d, %d)", to_interval->reg_num(), to_interval->assigned_reg(), to_interval->assigned_regHi()));
  assert(from_opr->is_constant(), "only for constants");
void MoveResolver::resolve_and_append_moves() {
  if (has_mappings()) {
Range::Range(int from, int to, Range* next) :
Range* Range::_end = NULL;
void Range::initialize(Arena* arena) {
  _end = new (arena) Range(max_jint, max_jint, NULL);
int Range::intersects_at(Range* r2) const {
  const Range* r1 = this;
  assert(r1 != NULL && r2 != NULL, "null ranges not allowed");
  assert(r1 != _end && r2 != _end, "empty ranges not allowed");
  do {
    if (r1->from() < r2->from()) {
      if (r1->to() <= r2->from()) {
        r1 = r1->next(); if (r1 == _end) return -1;
      } else {
        return r2->from();
    } else if (r2->from() < r1->from()) {
      if (r2->to() <= r1->from()) {
        r2 = r2->next(); if (r2 == _end) return -1;
      } else {
        return r1->from();
    } else { // r1->from() == r2->from()
      if (r1->from() == r1->to()) {
        r1 = r1->next(); if (r1 == _end) return -1;
      } else if (r2->from() == r2->to()) {
        r2 = r2->next(); if (r2 == _end) return -1;
      } else {
        return r1->from();
  } while (true);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void Range::print(outputStream* out) const {
  out->print("[%d, %d[ ", _from, _to);
Interval* Interval::_end = NULL;
void Interval::initialize(Arena* arena) {
  _end = new (arena) Interval(-1);
Interval::Interval(int reg_num) :
  _split_parent = this;
  _current_split_child = this;
int Interval::calc_to() {
  assert(_first != Range::end(), "interval has no range");
  Range* r = _first;
  while (r->next() != Range::end()) {
    r = r->next();
  return r->to();
#ifdef ASSERT
void Interval::check_split_children() {
  if (_split_children.length() > 0) {
    assert(is_split_parent(), "only split parents can have children");
    for (int i = 0; i < _split_children.length(); i++) {
      Interval* i1 =;
      assert(i1->split_parent() == this, "not a split child of this interval");
      assert(i1->type() == type(), "must be equal for all split children");
      assert(i1->canonical_spill_slot() == canonical_spill_slot(), "must be equal for all split children");
      for (int j = i + 1; j < _split_children.length(); j++) {
        Interval* i2 =;
        assert(i1->reg_num() != i2->reg_num(), "same register number");
        if (i1->from() < i2->from()) {
          assert(i1->to() <= i2->from() && i1->to() < i2->to(), "intervals overlapping");
        } else {
          assert(i2->from() < i1->from(), "intervals start at same op_id");
          assert(i2->to() <= i1->from() && i2->to() < i1->to(), "intervals overlapping");
#endif // ASSERT
Interval* Interval::register_hint(bool search_split_child) const {
  if (!search_split_child) {
    return _register_hint;
  if (_register_hint != NULL) {
    assert(_register_hint->is_split_parent(), "ony split parents are valid hint registers");
    if (_register_hint->assigned_reg() >= 0 && _register_hint->assigned_reg() < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
      return _register_hint;
    } else if (_register_hint->_split_children.length() > 0) {
      int len = _register_hint->_split_children.length();
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        Interval* cur = _register_hint->;
        if (cur->assigned_reg() >= 0 && cur->assigned_reg() < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
          return cur;
  return NULL;
Interval* Interval::split_child_at_op_id(int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode) {
  assert(is_split_parent(), "can only be called for split parents");
  assert(op_id >= 0, "invalid op_id (method can not be called for spill moves)");
  Interval* result;
  if (_split_children.length() == 0) {
    result = this;
  } else {
    result = NULL;
    int len = _split_children.length();
    int to_offset = (mode == LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode ? 0 : 1);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      Interval* cur =;
      if (cur->from() <= op_id && op_id < cur->to() + to_offset) {
        if (i > 0) {
          _split_children.at_put(0, cur);
        result = cur;
#ifdef ASSERT
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      Interval* tmp =;
      if (tmp != result && tmp->from() <= op_id && op_id < tmp->to() + to_offset) {
        tty->print_cr("two valid result intervals found for op_id %d: %d and %d", op_id, result->reg_num(), tmp->reg_num());
        assert(false, "two valid result intervals found");
  assert(result != NULL, "no matching interval found");
  assert(result->covers(op_id, mode), "op_id not covered by interval");
  return result;
Interval* Interval::split_child_before_op_id(int op_id) {
  assert(op_id >= 0, "invalid op_id");
  Interval* parent = split_parent();
  Interval* result = NULL;
  int len = parent->_split_children.length();
  assert(len > 0, "no split children available");
  for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Interval* cur = parent->;
    if (cur->to() <= op_id && (result == NULL || result->to() < cur->to())) {
      result = cur;
  assert(result != NULL, "no split child found");
  return result;
bool Interval::split_child_covers(int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode) {
  assert(is_split_parent(), "can only be called for split parents");
  assert(op_id >= 0, "invalid op_id (method can not be called for spill moves)");
  if (_split_children.length() == 0) {
    return covers(op_id, mode);
  } else {
    int len = _split_children.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      Interval* cur =;
      if (cur->covers(op_id, mode)) {
        return true;
    return false;
int Interval::first_usage(IntervalUseKind min_use_kind) const {
  assert(LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(this), "cannot access use positions for fixed intervals");
  for (int i = _use_pos_and_kinds.length() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
    if ( + 1) >= min_use_kind) {
  return max_jint;
int Interval::next_usage(IntervalUseKind min_use_kind, int from) const {
  assert(LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(this), "cannot access use positions for fixed intervals");
  for (int i = _use_pos_and_kinds.length() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
    if ( >= from && + 1) >= min_use_kind) {
  return max_jint;
int Interval::next_usage_exact(IntervalUseKind exact_use_kind, int from) const {
  assert(LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(this), "cannot access use positions for fixed intervals");
  for (int i = _use_pos_and_kinds.length() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
    if ( >= from && + 1) == exact_use_kind) {
  return max_jint;
int Interval::previous_usage(IntervalUseKind min_use_kind, int from) const {
  assert(LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(this), "cannot access use positions for fixed intervals");
  int prev = 0;
  for (int i = _use_pos_and_kinds.length() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
    if ( > from) {
      return prev;
    if ( + 1) >= min_use_kind) {
      prev =;
  return prev;
void Interval::add_use_pos(int pos, IntervalUseKind use_kind) {
  assert(covers(pos, LIR_OpVisitState::inputMode), "use position not covered by live range");
  if (use_kind != noUse && reg_num() >= LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    assert(_use_pos_and_kinds.length() % 2 == 0, "must be");
    for (int i = 0; i < _use_pos_and_kinds.length(); i += 2) {
      assert(pos <=, "already added a use-position with lower position");
      assert( + 1) >= firstValidKind && + 1) <= lastValidKind, "invalid use kind");
      if (i > 0) {
        assert( < - 2), "not sorted descending");
    int len = _use_pos_and_kinds.length();
    if (len == 0 || - 2) > pos) {
    } else if ( - 1) < use_kind) {
      assert( - 2) == pos, "list not sorted correctly");
      _use_pos_and_kinds.at_put(len - 1, use_kind);
void Interval::add_range(int from, int to) {
  assert(from < to, "invalid range");
  assert(first() == Range::end() || to < first()->next()->from(), "not inserting at begin of interval");
  assert(from <= first()->to(), "not inserting at begin of interval");
  if (first()->from() <= to) {
    first()->set_from(MIN2(from, first()->from()));
    first()->set_to  (MAX2(to,   first()->to()));
  } else {
    _first = new Range(from, to, first());
Interval* Interval::new_split_child() {
  Interval* result = new Interval(-1);
  Interval* parent = split_parent();
  result->_split_parent = parent;
  if (parent->_split_children.length() == 0) {
    assert(is_split_parent(), "list must be initialized at first split");
    parent->_split_children = IntervalList(4);
  return result;
Interval* Interval::split(int split_pos) {
  assert(LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(this), "cannot split fixed intervals");
  Interval* result = new_split_child();
  Range* prev = NULL;
  Range* cur = _first;
  while (cur != Range::end() && cur->to() <= split_pos) {
    prev = cur;
    cur = cur->next();
  assert(cur != Range::end(), "split interval after end of last range");
  if (cur->from() < split_pos) {
    result->_first = new Range(split_pos, cur->to(), cur->next());
  } else {
    assert(prev != NULL, "split before start of first range");
    result->_first = cur;
  result->_current = result->_first;
  _cached_to = -1; // clear cached value
  int total_len = _use_pos_and_kinds.length();
  int start_idx = total_len - 2;
  while (start_idx >= 0 && < split_pos) {
    start_idx -= 2;
  intStack new_use_pos_and_kinds(total_len - start_idx);
  int i;
  for (i = start_idx + 2; i < total_len; i++) {
  _use_pos_and_kinds.truncate(start_idx + 2);
  result->_use_pos_and_kinds = _use_pos_and_kinds;
  _use_pos_and_kinds = new_use_pos_and_kinds;
#ifdef ASSERT
  assert(_use_pos_and_kinds.length() % 2 == 0, "must have use kind for each use pos");
  assert(result->_use_pos_and_kinds.length() % 2 == 0, "must have use kind for each use pos");
  assert(_use_pos_and_kinds.length() + result->_use_pos_and_kinds.length() == total_len, "missed some entries");
  for (i = 0; i < _use_pos_and_kinds.length(); i += 2) {
    assert( < split_pos, "must be");
    assert( + 1) >= firstValidKind && + 1) <= lastValidKind, "invalid use kind");
  for (i = 0; i < result->_use_pos_and_kinds.length(); i += 2) {
    assert(result-> >= split_pos, "must be");
    assert(result-> + 1) >= firstValidKind && result-> + 1) <= lastValidKind, "invalid use kind");
  return result;
Interval* Interval::split_from_start(int split_pos) {
  assert(LinearScan::is_virtual_interval(this), "cannot split fixed intervals");
  assert(split_pos > from() && split_pos < to(), "can only split inside interval");
  assert(split_pos > _first->from() && split_pos <= _first->to(), "can only split inside first range");
  assert(first_usage(noUse) > split_pos, "can not split when use positions are present");
  Interval* result = new_split_child();
  result->add_range(_first->from(), split_pos);
  if (split_pos == _first->to()) {
    assert(_first->next() != Range::end(), "must not be at end");
    _first = _first->next();
  } else {
  return result;
bool Interval::covers(int op_id, LIR_OpVisitState::OprMode mode) const {
  Range* cur  = _first;
  while (cur != Range::end() && cur->to() < op_id) {
    cur = cur->next();
  if (cur != Range::end()) {
    assert(cur->to() != cur->next()->from(), "ranges not separated");
    if (mode == LIR_OpVisitState::outputMode) {
      return cur->from() <= op_id && op_id < cur->to();
    } else {
      return cur->from() <= op_id && op_id <= cur->to();
  return false;
bool Interval::has_hole_between(int hole_from, int hole_to) {
  assert(hole_from < hole_to, "check");
  assert(from() <= hole_from && hole_to <= to(), "index out of interval");
  Range* cur  = _first;
  while (cur != Range::end()) {
    assert(cur->to() < cur->next()->from(), "no space between ranges");
    if (hole_from < cur->from()) {
      return true;
    } else if (hole_to <= cur->to()) {
      return false;
    } else if (hole_from <= cur->to()) {
      return true;
    cur = cur->next();
  return false;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void Interval::print(outputStream* out) const {
  const char* SpillState2Name[] = { "no definition", "no spill store", "one spill store", "store at definition", "start in memory", "no optimization" };
  const char* UseKind2Name[] = { "N", "L", "S", "M" };
  const char* type_name;
  LIR_Opr opr = LIR_OprFact::illegal();
  if (reg_num() < LIR_OprDesc::vreg_base) {
    type_name = "fixed";
    if (assigned_reg() >= pd_first_cpu_reg && assigned_reg() <= pd_last_cpu_reg) {
      opr = LIR_OprFact::single_cpu(assigned_reg());
    } else if (assigned_reg() >= pd_first_fpu_reg && assigned_reg() <= pd_last_fpu_reg) {
      opr = LIR_OprFact::single_fpu(assigned_reg() - pd_first_fpu_reg);
#ifdef X86
    } else if (assigned_reg() >= pd_first_xmm_reg && assigned_reg() <= pd_last_xmm_reg) {
      opr = LIR_OprFact::single_xmm(assigned_reg() - pd_first_xmm_reg);
    } else {
#if !defined(AARCH64)
  } else {
    type_name = type2name(type());
    if (assigned_reg() != -1 &&
        (LinearScan::num_physical_regs(type()) == 1 || assigned_regHi() != -1)) {
      opr = LinearScan::calc_operand_for_interval(this);
  out->print("%d %s ", reg_num(), type_name);
  if (opr->is_valid()) {
    out->print("\" ");
  out->print("%d %d ", split_parent()->reg_num(), (register_hint(false) != NULL ? register_hint(false)->reg_num() : -1));
  Range* cur = _first;
  while (cur != Range::end()) {
    cur = cur->next();
    assert(cur != NULL, "range list not closed with range sentinel");
  int prev = 0;
  assert(_use_pos_and_kinds.length() % 2 == 0, "must be");
  for (int i =_use_pos_and_kinds.length() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
    assert( + 1) >= firstValidKind && + 1) <= lastValidKind, "invalid use kind");
    assert(prev <, "use positions not sorted");
    out->print("%d %s ",, UseKind2Name[ + 1)]);
    prev =;
  out->print(" \"%s\"", SpillState2Name[spill_state()]);
IntervalWalker::IntervalWalker(LinearScan* allocator, Interval* unhandled_fixed_first, Interval* unhandled_any_first)
 : _compilation(allocator->compilation())
 , _allocator(allocator)
  _unhandled_first[fixedKind] = unhandled_fixed_first;
  _unhandled_first[anyKind]   = unhandled_any_first;
  _active_first[fixedKind]    = Interval::end();
  _inactive_first[fixedKind]  = Interval::end();
  _active_first[anyKind]      = Interval::end();
  _inactive_first[anyKind]    = Interval::end();
  _current_position = -1;
  _current = NULL;
void IntervalWalker::append_unsorted(Interval** list, Interval* interval) {
  interval->set_next(*list); *list = interval;
void IntervalWalker::append_sorted(Interval** list, Interval* interval) {
  Interval* prev = NULL;
  Interval* cur  = *list;
  while (cur->current_from() < interval->current_from()) {
    prev = cur; cur = cur->next();
  if (prev == NULL) {
  } else {
void IntervalWalker::append_to_unhandled(Interval** list, Interval* interval) {
  assert(interval->from() >= current()->current_from(), "cannot append new interval before current walk position");
  Interval* prev = NULL;
  Interval* cur  = *list;
  while (cur->from() < interval->from() || (cur->from() == interval->from() && cur->first_usage(noUse) < interval->first_usage(noUse))) {
    prev = cur; cur = cur->next();
  if (prev == NULL) {
  } else {
inline bool IntervalWalker::remove_from_list(Interval** list, Interval* i) {
  while (*list != Interval::end() && *list != i) {
    list = (*list)->next_addr();
  if (*list != Interval::end()) {
    assert(*list == i, "check");
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
void IntervalWalker::remove_from_list(Interval* i) {
  bool deleted;
  if (i->state() == activeState) {
    deleted = remove_from_list(active_first_addr(anyKind), i);
  } else {
    assert(i->state() == inactiveState, "invalid state");
    deleted = remove_from_list(inactive_first_addr(anyKind), i);
  assert(deleted, "interval has not been found in list");
void IntervalWalker::walk_to(IntervalState state, int from) {
  assert (state == activeState || state == inactiveState, "wrong state");
  for_each_interval_kind(kind) {
    Interval** prev = state == activeState ? active_first_addr(kind) : inactive_first_addr(kind);
    Interval* next   = *prev;
    while (next->current_from() <= from) {
      Interval* cur = next;
      next = cur->next();
      bool range_has_changed = false;
      while (cur->current_to() <= from) {
        range_has_changed = true;
      range_has_changed = range_has_changed || (state == inactiveState && cur->current_from() <= from);
      if (range_has_changed) {
        if (cur->current_at_end()) {
          interval_moved(cur, kind, state, handledState);
        } else if (cur->current_from() <= from){
          append_sorted(active_first_addr(kind), cur);
          if (*prev == cur) {
            assert(state == activeState, "check");
            prev = cur->next_addr();
          interval_moved(cur, kind, state, activeState);
        } else {
          append_sorted(inactive_first_addr(kind), cur);
          if (*prev == cur) {
            assert(state == inactiveState, "check");
            prev = cur->next_addr();
          interval_moved(cur, kind, state, inactiveState);
      } else {
        prev = cur->next_addr();
void IntervalWalker::next_interval() {
  IntervalKind kind;
  Interval* any   = _unhandled_first[anyKind];
  Interval* fixed = _unhandled_first[fixedKind];
  if (any != Interval::end()) {
    kind = fixed != Interval::end() && fixed->from() <= any->from() ? fixedKind : anyKind;
    assert (kind == fixedKind && fixed->from() <= any->from() ||
            kind == anyKind   && any->from() <= fixed->from(), "wrong interval!!!");
    assert(any == Interval::end() || fixed == Interval::end() || any->from() != fixed->from() || kind == fixedKind, "if fixed and any-Interval start at same position, fixed must be processed first");
  } else if (fixed != Interval::end()) {
    kind = fixedKind;
  } else {
    _current = NULL; return;
  _current_kind = kind;
  _current = _unhandled_first[kind];
  _unhandled_first[kind] = _current->next();
void IntervalWalker::walk_to(int lir_op_id) {
  assert(_current_position <= lir_op_id, "can not walk backwards");
  while (current() != NULL) {
    bool is_active = current()->from() <= lir_op_id;
    int id = is_active ? current()->from() : lir_op_id;
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, if (_current_position < id) { tty->cr(); tty->print_cr("walk_to(%d) **************************************************************", id); })
    _current_position = id;
    walk_to(activeState, id);
    walk_to(inactiveState, id);
    if (is_active) {
      if (activate_current()) {
        append_sorted(active_first_addr(current_kind()), current());
        interval_moved(current(), current_kind(), unhandledState, activeState);
    } else {
void IntervalWalker::interval_moved(Interval* interval, IntervalKind kind, IntervalState from, IntervalState to) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 4) {
    #define print_state(state) \
    switch(state) {\
      case unhandledState: tty->print("unhandled"); break;\
      case activeState: tty->print("active"); break;\
      case inactiveState: tty->print("inactive"); break;\
      case handledState: tty->print("handled"); break;\
      default: ShouldNotReachHere(); \
    print_state(from); tty->print(" to "); print_state(to);
    #undef print_state
LinearScanWalker::LinearScanWalker(LinearScan* allocator, Interval* unhandled_fixed_first, Interval* unhandled_any_first)
  : IntervalWalker(allocator, unhandled_fixed_first, unhandled_any_first)
  , _move_resolver(allocator)
  for (int i = 0; i < LinearScan::nof_regs; i++) {
    _spill_intervals[i] = new IntervalList(2);
inline void LinearScanWalker::init_use_lists(bool only_process_use_pos) {
  for (int i = _first_reg; i <= _last_reg; i++) {
    _use_pos[i] = max_jint;
    if (!only_process_use_pos) {
      _block_pos[i] = max_jint;
inline void LinearScanWalker::exclude_from_use(int reg) {
  assert(reg < LinearScan::nof_regs, "interval must have a register assigned (stack slots not allowed)");
  if (reg >= _first_reg && reg <= _last_reg) {
    _use_pos[reg] = 0;
inline void LinearScanWalker::exclude_from_use(Interval* i) {
  assert(i->assigned_reg() != any_reg, "interval has no register assigned");
inline void LinearScanWalker::set_use_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos) {
  assert(use_pos != 0, "must use exclude_from_use to set use_pos to 0");
  if (reg >= _first_reg && reg <= _last_reg) {
    if (_use_pos[reg] > use_pos) {
      _use_pos[reg] = use_pos;
    if (!only_process_use_pos) {
inline void LinearScanWalker::set_use_pos(Interval* i, int use_pos, bool only_process_use_pos) {
  assert(i->assigned_reg() != any_reg, "interval has no register assigned");
  if (use_pos != -1) {
    set_use_pos(i->assigned_reg(), i, use_pos, only_process_use_pos);
    set_use_pos(i->assigned_regHi(), i, use_pos, only_process_use_pos);
inline void LinearScanWalker::set_block_pos(int reg, Interval* i, int block_pos) {
  if (reg >= _first_reg && reg <= _last_reg) {
    if (_block_pos[reg] > block_pos) {
      _block_pos[reg] = block_pos;
    if (_use_pos[reg] > block_pos) {
      _use_pos[reg] = block_pos;
inline void LinearScanWalker::set_block_pos(Interval* i, int block_pos) {
  assert(i->assigned_reg() != any_reg, "interval has no register assigned");
  if (block_pos != -1) {
    set_block_pos(i->assigned_reg(), i, block_pos);
    set_block_pos(i->assigned_regHi(), i, block_pos);
void LinearScanWalker::free_exclude_active_fixed() {
  Interval* list = active_first(fixedKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    assert(list->assigned_reg() < LinearScan::nof_regs, "active interval must have a register assigned");
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::free_exclude_active_any() {
  Interval* list = active_first(anyKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::free_collect_inactive_fixed(Interval* cur) {
  Interval* list = inactive_first(fixedKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    if (cur->to() <= list->current_from()) {
      assert(list->current_intersects_at(cur) == -1, "must not intersect");
      set_use_pos(list, list->current_from(), true);
    } else {
      set_use_pos(list, list->current_intersects_at(cur), true);
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::free_collect_inactive_any(Interval* cur) {
  Interval* list = inactive_first(anyKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    set_use_pos(list, list->current_intersects_at(cur), true);
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::free_collect_unhandled(IntervalKind kind, Interval* cur) {
  Interval* list = unhandled_first(kind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    set_use_pos(list, list->intersects_at(cur), true);
    if (kind == fixedKind && cur->to() <= list->from()) {
      set_use_pos(list, list->from(), true);
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::spill_exclude_active_fixed() {
  Interval* list = active_first(fixedKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::spill_block_unhandled_fixed(Interval* cur) {
  Interval* list = unhandled_first(fixedKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    set_block_pos(list, list->intersects_at(cur));
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::spill_block_inactive_fixed(Interval* cur) {
  Interval* list = inactive_first(fixedKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    if (cur->to() > list->current_from()) {
      set_block_pos(list, list->current_intersects_at(cur));
    } else {
      assert(list->current_intersects_at(cur) == -1, "invalid optimization: intervals intersect");
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::spill_collect_active_any() {
  Interval* list = active_first(anyKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    set_use_pos(list, MIN2(list->next_usage(loopEndMarker, _current_position), list->to()), false);
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::spill_collect_inactive_any(Interval* cur) {
  Interval* list = inactive_first(anyKind);
  while (list != Interval::end()) {
    if (list->current_intersects(cur)) {
      set_use_pos(list, MIN2(list->next_usage(loopEndMarker, _current_position), list->to()), false);
    list = list->next();
void LinearScanWalker::insert_move(int op_id, Interval* src_it, Interval* dst_it) {
  op_id = (op_id + 1) & ~1;
  BlockBegin* op_block = allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(op_id);
  assert(op_id > 0 && allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(op_id - 2) == op_block, "cannot insert move at block boundary");
  LIR_OpList* list = op_block->lir()->instructions_list();
  int index = (op_id - list->at(0)->id()) / 2;
  assert(list->at(index)->id() <= op_id, "error in calculation");
  while (list->at(index)->id() != op_id) {
    assert(0 <= index && index < list->length(), "index out of bounds");
  assert(1 <= index && index < list->length(), "index out of bounds");
  assert(list->at(index)->id() == op_id, "error in calculation");
  _move_resolver.move_insert_position(op_block->lir(), index - 1);
  _move_resolver.add_mapping(src_it, dst_it);
int LinearScanWalker::find_optimal_split_pos(BlockBegin* min_block, BlockBegin* max_block, int max_split_pos) {
  int from_block_nr = min_block->linear_scan_number();
  int to_block_nr = max_block->linear_scan_number();
  assert(0 <= from_block_nr && from_block_nr < block_count(), "out of range");
  assert(0 <= to_block_nr && to_block_nr < block_count(), "out of range");
  assert(from_block_nr < to_block_nr, "must cross block boundary");
  int optimal_split_pos = max_block->last_lir_instruction_id() + 2;
  if (optimal_split_pos > max_split_pos) {
    optimal_split_pos = max_block->first_lir_instruction_id();
  int min_loop_depth = max_block->loop_depth();
  for (int i = to_block_nr - 1; i >= from_block_nr; i--) {
    BlockBegin* cur = block_at(i);
    if (cur->loop_depth() < min_loop_depth) {
      min_loop_depth = cur->loop_depth();
      optimal_split_pos = cur->last_lir_instruction_id() + 2;
  assert(optimal_split_pos > allocator()->max_lir_op_id() || allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos), "algorithm must move split pos to block boundary");
  return optimal_split_pos;
int LinearScanWalker::find_optimal_split_pos(Interval* it, int min_split_pos, int max_split_pos, bool do_loop_optimization) {
  int optimal_split_pos = -1;
  if (min_split_pos == max_split_pos) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      min-pos and max-pos are equal, no optimization possible"));
    optimal_split_pos = min_split_pos;
  } else {
    assert(min_split_pos < max_split_pos, "must be true then");
    assert(min_split_pos > 0, "cannot access min_split_pos - 1 otherwise");
    BlockBegin* min_block = allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(min_split_pos - 1);
    BlockBegin* max_block = allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(max_split_pos - 1);
    assert(min_block->linear_scan_number() <= max_block->linear_scan_number(), "invalid order");
    if (min_block == max_block) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      cannot move split pos to block boundary because min_pos and max_pos are in same block"));
      optimal_split_pos = max_split_pos;
    } else if (it->has_hole_between(max_split_pos - 1, max_split_pos) && !allocator()->is_block_begin(max_split_pos)) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      interval has hole just before max_split_pos, so splitting at max_split_pos"));
      optimal_split_pos = max_split_pos;
    } else {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      moving split pos to optimal block boundary between block B%d and B%d", min_block->block_id(), max_block->block_id()));
      if (do_loop_optimization) {
        int loop_end_pos = it->next_usage_exact(loopEndMarker, min_block->last_lir_instruction_id() + 2);
        TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      loop optimization: loop end found at pos %d", loop_end_pos));
        assert(loop_end_pos > min_split_pos, "invalid order");
        if (loop_end_pos < max_split_pos) {
          BlockBegin* loop_block = allocator()->block_of_op_with_id(loop_end_pos);
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      interval is used in loop that ends in block B%d, so trying to move max_block back from B%d to B%d", loop_block->block_id(), max_block->block_id(), loop_block->block_id()));
          assert(loop_block != min_block, "loop_block and min_block must be different because block boundary is needed between");
          optimal_split_pos = find_optimal_split_pos(min_block, loop_block, loop_block->last_lir_instruction_id() + 2);
          if (optimal_split_pos == loop_block->last_lir_instruction_id() + 2) {
            optimal_split_pos = -1;
            TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      loop optimization not necessary"));
          } else {
            TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      loop optimization successful"));
      if (optimal_split_pos == -1) {
        optimal_split_pos = find_optimal_split_pos(min_block, max_block, max_split_pos);
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      optimal split position: %d", optimal_split_pos));
  return optimal_split_pos;
  split an interval at the optimal position between min_split_pos and
  max_split_pos in two parts:
  1) the left part has already a location assigned
  2) the right part is sorted into to the unhandled-list
void LinearScanWalker::split_before_usage(Interval* it, int min_split_pos, int max_split_pos) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print   ("----- splitting interval: "); it->print());
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("      between %d and %d", min_split_pos, max_split_pos));
  assert(it->from() < min_split_pos,         "cannot split at start of interval");
  assert(current_position() < min_split_pos, "cannot split before current position");
  assert(min_split_pos <= max_split_pos,     "invalid order");
  assert(max_split_pos <= it->to(),          "cannot split after end of interval");
  int optimal_split_pos = find_optimal_split_pos(it, min_split_pos, max_split_pos, true);
  assert(min_split_pos <= optimal_split_pos && optimal_split_pos <= max_split_pos, "out of range");
  assert(optimal_split_pos <= it->to(),  "cannot split after end of interval");
  assert(optimal_split_pos > it->from(), "cannot split at start of interval");
  if (optimal_split_pos == it->to() && it->next_usage(mustHaveRegister, min_split_pos) == max_jint) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      no split necessary because optimal split position is at end of interval"));
  bool move_necessary = !allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos) && !it->has_hole_between(optimal_split_pos - 1, optimal_split_pos);
  if (!allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos)) {
    optimal_split_pos = (optimal_split_pos - 1) | 1;
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      splitting at position %d", optimal_split_pos));
  assert(allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos) || (optimal_split_pos % 2 == 1), "split pos must be odd when not on block boundary");
  assert(!allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos) || (optimal_split_pos % 2 == 0), "split pos must be even on block boundary");
  Interval* split_part = it->split(optimal_split_pos);
  allocator()->copy_register_flags(it, split_part);
  append_to_unhandled(unhandled_first_addr(anyKind), split_part);
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("      split interval in two parts (insert_move_when_activated: %d)", move_necessary));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print   ("      "); it->print());
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print   ("      "); split_part->print());
  split an interval at the optimal position between min_split_pos and
  max_split_pos in two parts:
  1) the left part has already a location assigned
  2) the right part is always on the stack and therefore ignored in further processing
void LinearScanWalker::split_for_spilling(Interval* it) {
  int max_split_pos = current_position();
  int min_split_pos = MAX2(it->previous_usage(shouldHaveRegister, max_split_pos) + 1, it->from());
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print   ("----- splitting and spilling interval: "); it->print());
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("      between %d and %d", min_split_pos, max_split_pos));
  assert(it->state() == activeState,     "why spill interval that is not active?");
  assert(it->from() <= min_split_pos,    "cannot split before start of interval");
  assert(min_split_pos <= max_split_pos, "invalid order");
  assert(max_split_pos < it->to(),       "cannot split at end end of interval");
  assert(current_position() < it->to(),  "interval must not end before current position");
  if (min_split_pos == it->from()) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("      spilling entire interval because split pos is at beginning of interval"));
    assert(it->first_usage(shouldHaveRegister) > current_position(), "interval must not have use position before current_position");
    allocator()->change_spill_state(it, min_split_pos);
    Interval* parent = it;
    while (parent != NULL && parent->is_split_child()) {
      parent = parent->split_child_before_op_id(parent->from());
      if (parent->assigned_reg() < LinearScan::nof_regs) {
        if (parent->first_usage(shouldHaveRegister) == max_jint) {
          TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      kicking out interval %d out of its register because it is never used", parent->reg_num()));
        } else {
          parent = NULL;
  } else {
    int optimal_split_pos = find_optimal_split_pos(it, min_split_pos, max_split_pos, false);
    assert(min_split_pos <= optimal_split_pos && optimal_split_pos <= max_split_pos, "out of range");
    assert(optimal_split_pos < it->to(), "cannot split at end of interval");
    assert(optimal_split_pos >= it->from(), "cannot split before start of interval");
    if (!allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos)) {
      optimal_split_pos = (optimal_split_pos - 1) | 1;
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      splitting at position %d", optimal_split_pos));
    assert(allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos)  || (optimal_split_pos % 2 == 1), "split pos must be odd when not on block boundary");
    assert(!allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos) || (optimal_split_pos % 2 == 0), "split pos must be even on block boundary");
    Interval* spilled_part = it->split(optimal_split_pos);
    allocator()->change_spill_state(spilled_part, optimal_split_pos);
    if (!allocator()->is_block_begin(optimal_split_pos)) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      inserting move from interval %d to %d", it->reg_num(), spilled_part->reg_num()));
      insert_move(optimal_split_pos, it, spilled_part);
    assert(spilled_part->current_split_child() == it, "overwriting wrong current_split_child");
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("      split interval in two parts"));
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print   ("      "); it->print());
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print   ("      "); spilled_part->print());
void LinearScanWalker::split_stack_interval(Interval* it) {
  int min_split_pos = current_position() + 1;
  int max_split_pos = MIN2(it->first_usage(shouldHaveRegister), it->to());
  split_before_usage(it, min_split_pos, max_split_pos);
void LinearScanWalker::split_when_partial_register_available(Interval* it, int register_available_until) {
  int min_split_pos = MAX2(it->previous_usage(shouldHaveRegister, register_available_until), it->from() + 1);
  int max_split_pos = register_available_until;
  split_before_usage(it, min_split_pos, max_split_pos);
void LinearScanWalker::split_and_spill_interval(Interval* it) {
  assert(it->state() == activeState || it->state() == inactiveState, "other states not allowed");
  int current_pos = current_position();
  if (it->state() == inactiveState) {
    assert(it->has_hole_between(current_pos - 1, current_pos + 1), "interval can not be inactive otherwise");
    split_before_usage(it, current_pos + 1, current_pos + 1);
  } else {
    int min_split_pos = current_pos + 1;
    int max_split_pos = MIN2(it->next_usage(mustHaveRegister, min_split_pos), it->to());
    split_before_usage(it, min_split_pos, max_split_pos);
    assert(it->next_usage(mustHaveRegister, current_pos) == max_jint, "the remaining part is spilled to stack and therefore has no register");
int LinearScanWalker::find_free_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int hint_reg, int ignore_reg, bool* need_split) {
  int min_full_reg = any_reg;
  int max_partial_reg = any_reg;
  for (int i = _first_reg; i <= _last_reg; i++) {
    if (i == ignore_reg) {
    } else if (_use_pos[i] >= interval_to) {
      if (min_full_reg == any_reg || i == hint_reg || (_use_pos[i] < _use_pos[min_full_reg] && min_full_reg != hint_reg)) {
        min_full_reg = i;
    } else if (_use_pos[i] > reg_needed_until) {
      if (max_partial_reg == any_reg || i == hint_reg || (_use_pos[i] > _use_pos[max_partial_reg] && max_partial_reg != hint_reg)) {
        max_partial_reg = i;
  if (min_full_reg != any_reg) {
    return min_full_reg;
  } else if (max_partial_reg != any_reg) {
    return max_partial_reg;
  } else {
    return any_reg;
int LinearScanWalker::find_free_double_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int hint_reg, bool* need_split) {
  assert((_last_reg - _first_reg + 1) % 2 == 0, "adjust algorithm");
  int min_full_reg = any_reg;
  int max_partial_reg = any_reg;
  for (int i = _first_reg; i < _last_reg; i+=2) {
    if (_use_pos[i] >= interval_to && _use_pos[i + 1] >= interval_to) {
      if (min_full_reg == any_reg || i == hint_reg || (_use_pos[i] < _use_pos[min_full_reg] && min_full_reg != hint_reg)) {
        min_full_reg = i;
    } else if (_use_pos[i] > reg_needed_until && _use_pos[i + 1] > reg_needed_until) {
      if (max_partial_reg == any_reg || i == hint_reg || (_use_pos[i] > _use_pos[max_partial_reg] && max_partial_reg != hint_reg)) {
        max_partial_reg = i;
  if (min_full_reg != any_reg) {
    return min_full_reg;
  } else if (max_partial_reg != any_reg) {
    return max_partial_reg;
  } else {
    return any_reg;
bool LinearScanWalker::alloc_free_reg(Interval* cur) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print("trying to find free register for "); cur->print());
  assert(unhandled_first(fixedKind) == Interval::end(), "must not have unhandled fixed intervals because all fixed intervals have a use at position 0");
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      state of registers:"));
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, for (int i = _first_reg; i <= _last_reg; i++) tty->print_cr("      reg %d: use_pos: %d", i, _use_pos[i]));
  int hint_reg, hint_regHi;
  Interval* register_hint = cur->register_hint();
  if (register_hint != NULL) {
    hint_reg = register_hint->assigned_reg();
    hint_regHi = register_hint->assigned_regHi();
    if (allocator()->is_precolored_cpu_interval(register_hint)) {
      assert(hint_reg != any_reg && hint_regHi == any_reg, "must be for fixed intervals");
      hint_regHi = hint_reg + 1;  // connect e.g. eax-edx
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print("      hint registers %d, %d from interval ", hint_reg, hint_regHi); register_hint->print());
  } else {
    hint_reg = any_reg;
    hint_regHi = any_reg;
  assert(hint_reg == any_reg || hint_reg != hint_regHi, "hint reg and regHi equal");
  assert(cur->assigned_reg() == any_reg && cur->assigned_regHi() == any_reg, "register already assigned to interval");
  int reg_needed_until = cur->from() + 1;
  int interval_to = cur->to();
  bool need_split = false;
  int split_pos = -1;
  int reg = any_reg;
  int regHi = any_reg;
  if (_adjacent_regs) {
    reg = find_free_double_reg(reg_needed_until, interval_to, hint_reg, &need_split);
    regHi = reg + 1;
    if (reg == any_reg) {
      return false;
    split_pos = MIN2(_use_pos[reg], _use_pos[regHi]);
  } else {
    reg = find_free_reg(reg_needed_until, interval_to, hint_reg, any_reg, &need_split);
    if (reg == any_reg) {
      return false;
    split_pos = _use_pos[reg];
    if (_num_phys_regs == 2) {
      regHi = find_free_reg(reg_needed_until, interval_to, hint_regHi, reg, &need_split);
      if (_use_pos[reg] < interval_to && regHi == any_reg) {
        return false;
      } else if (regHi != any_reg) {
        split_pos = MIN2(split_pos, _use_pos[regHi]);
        if (reg > regHi) {
          int temp = reg;
          reg = regHi;
          regHi = temp;
  cur->assign_reg(reg, regHi);
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print_cr("selected register %d, %d", reg, regHi));
  assert(split_pos > 0, "invalid split_pos");
  if (need_split) {
    split_when_partial_register_available(cur, split_pos);
  return _num_phys_regs == 1 || regHi != any_reg;
int LinearScanWalker::find_locked_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int hint_reg, int ignore_reg, bool* need_split) {
  int max_reg = any_reg;
  for (int i = _first_reg; i <= _last_reg; i++) {
    if (i == ignore_reg) {
    } else if (_use_pos[i] > reg_needed_until) {
      if (max_reg == any_reg || i == hint_reg || (_use_pos[i] > _use_pos[max_reg] && max_reg != hint_reg)) {
        max_reg = i;
  if (max_reg != any_reg && _block_pos[max_reg] <= interval_to) {
  return max_reg;
int LinearScanWalker::find_locked_double_reg(int reg_needed_until, int interval_to, int hint_reg, bool* need_split) {
  assert((_last_reg - _first_reg + 1) % 2 == 0, "adjust algorithm");
  int max_reg = any_reg;
  for (int i = _first_reg; i < _last_reg; i+=2) {
    if (_use_pos[i] > reg_needed_until && _use_pos[i + 1] > reg_needed_until) {
      if (max_reg == any_reg || _use_pos[i] > _use_pos[max_reg]) {
        max_reg = i;
  if (_block_pos[max_reg] <= interval_to || _block_pos[max_reg + 1] <= interval_to) {
  return max_reg;
void LinearScanWalker::split_and_spill_intersecting_intervals(int reg, int regHi) {
  assert(reg != any_reg, "no register assigned");
  for (int i = 0; i < _spill_intervals[reg]->length(); i++) {
    Interval* it = _spill_intervals[reg]->at(i);
  if (regHi != any_reg) {
    IntervalList* processed = _spill_intervals[reg];
    for (int i = 0; i < _spill_intervals[regHi]->length(); i++) {
      Interval* it = _spill_intervals[regHi]->at(i);
      if (processed->index_of(it) == -1) {
void LinearScanWalker::alloc_locked_reg(Interval* cur) {
  TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(2, tty->print("need to split and spill to get register for "); cur->print());
  assert(unhandled_first(fixedKind) == Interval::end(), "must not have unhandled fixed intervals because all fixed intervals have a use at position 0");
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLinearScanLevel >= 4) {
    tty->print_cr("      state of registers:");
    for (int i = _first_reg; i <= _last_reg; i++) {
      tty->print("      reg %d: use_pos: %d, block_pos: %d, intervals: ", i, _use_pos[i], _block_pos[i]);
      for (int j = 0; j < _spill_intervals[i]->length(); j++) {
        tty->print("%d ", _spill_intervals[i]->at(j)->reg_num());
  int reg_needed_until = MIN2(cur->first_usage(mustHaveRegister), cur->from() + 1);
  int interval_to = cur->to();
  assert (reg_needed_until > 0 && reg_needed_until < max_jint, "interval has no use");
  int split_pos = 0;
  int use_pos = 0;
  bool need_split = false;
  int reg, regHi;
  if (_adjacent_regs) {
    reg = find_locked_double_reg(reg_needed_until, interval_to, any_reg, &need_split);
    regHi = reg + 1;
    if (reg != any_reg) {
      use_pos = MIN2(_use_pos[reg], _use_pos[regHi]);
      split_pos = MIN2(_block_pos[reg], _block_pos[regHi]);
  } else {
    reg = find_locked_reg(reg_needed_until, interval_to, any_reg, cur->assigned_reg(), &need_split);
    regHi = any_reg;
    if (reg != any_reg) {
      use_pos = _use_pos[reg];
      split_pos = _block_pos[reg];
      if (_num_phys_regs == 2) {
        if (cur->assigned_reg() != any_reg) {
          regHi = reg;
          reg = cur->assigned_reg();
        } else {
          regHi = find_locked_reg(reg_needed_until, interval_to, any_reg, reg, &need_split);
          if (regHi != any_reg) {
            use_pos = MIN2(use_pos, _use_pos[regHi]);
            split_pos = MIN2(split_pos, _block_pos[regHi]);
        if (regHi != any_reg && reg > regHi) {
          int temp = reg;
          reg = regHi;
          regHi = temp;
  if (reg == any_reg || (_num_phys_regs == 2 && regHi == any_reg) || use_pos <= cur->first_usage(mustHaveRegister)) {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("able to spill current interval. first_usage(register): %d, use_pos: %d", cur->first_usage(mustHaveRegister), use_pos));
    if (cur->first_usage(mustHaveRegister) <= cur->from() + 1) {
      assert(false, "cannot spill interval that is used in first instruction (possible reason: no register found)");
      BAILOUT("LinearScan: no register found");
  } else {
    TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("decided to use register %d, %d", reg, regHi));
    assert(reg != any_reg && (_num_phys_regs == 1 || regHi != any_reg), "no register found");
    assert(split_pos > 0, "invalid split_pos");
    assert(need_split == false || split_pos > cur->from(), "splitting interval at from");
    cur->assign_reg(reg, regHi);
    if (need_split) {
      split_when_partial_register_available(cur, split_pos);
    split_and_spill_intersecting_intervals(reg, regHi);
bool LinearScanWalker::no_allocation_possible(Interval* cur) {
#if defined(X86)
  int pos = cur->from();
  if ((pos & 1) == 1) {
    if (pos < allocator()->max_lir_op_id() && allocator()->has_call(pos + 1)) {
      TRACE_LINEAR_SCAN(4, tty->print_cr("      free register cannot be available because all registers blocked by following call"));
      assert(alloc_free_reg(cur) == false, "found a register for this interval");
      return true;
  return false;

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