
#define DERIVED 0
      bool nullcheck = false;
      if( n->is_MachNullCheck() )
        nullcheck = true;
      if( !nullcheck ) {
        JVMState* jvms = n->jvms();
        uint oopoff = jvms ? jvms->oopoff() : cnt;
        uint old_last = cnt - 1;
        for( inpidx = 1; inpidx < cnt; inpidx++ ) {
          if (inpidx > old_last && ((inpidx - oopoff) & 1) == DERIVED) {
            continue;  // skip derived_debug added below
          uint useidx = _lrg_map.find_id(n->in(inpidx));
          if (useidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() && lrgs(useidx).reg() >= LRG::SPILL_REG) {
            slidx = lrg2reach[useidx];
            Node *def = Reachblock[slidx];
            assert( def != NULL, "Using Undefined Value in Split()\n");
            if ( jvms && jvms->is_monitor_use(inpidx) ) {
              def = clone_node(def, b, C);
              if (def == NULL || C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {
                return 0;
              _lrg_map.extend(def->_idx, 0);
              _cfg.map_node_to_block(def, b);
              n->set_req(inpidx, def);
            if( def->rematerialize() ) {
              int old_size = b->number_of_nodes();
              def = split_Rematerialize( def, b, insidx, maxlrg, splits, slidx, lrg2reach, Reachblock, true );
              if( !def ) return 0; // Bail out
              insidx += b->number_of_nodes()-old_size;
            MachNode *mach = n->is_Mach() ? n->as_Mach() : NULL;
            if ((inpidx >= oopoff) ||
                (mach && mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP && inpidx == AddPNode::Base)) {
              if (def->rematerialize() && lrgs(useidx)._was_spilled2) {
                maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false,splits,slidx);
                if (!maxlrg) {
                  return 0;
                insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
              } else {
                n->set_req(inpidx, def);
              if (inpidx >= oopoff) {
                Node *derived_debug = debug_defs[slidx];
                if( ((inpidx - oopoff) & 1) == DERIVED && // derived vs base?
                    mach && mach->ideal_Opcode() != Op_Halt &&
                    derived_debug != NULL &&
                    derived_debug != def ) { // Actual 2nd value appears
                  uint k;
                  for( k = oopoff; k < cnt; k += 2 )
                    if( n->in(k) == derived_debug )
                      break;      // Found an instance of debug derived
                  if( k == cnt ) {// No instance of debug_defs[slidx]
                    assert(((n->req() - oopoff) & 1) == DERIVED,
                           "must match skip condition above");
                    n->add_req( derived_debug );   // this will be skipped above
                    n->add_req( n->in(inpidx+1) ); // this will be processed
                    cnt += 2;
            if( jvms && b->_freq > BLOCK_FREQUENCY(0.5) ) {
              uint debug_start = jvms->debug_start();
              if ((debug_start <= inpidx) && (debug_defs[slidx] != NULL)) {
                assert(inpidx < oopoff, "handle only debug info here");
                n->set_req(inpidx, debug_defs[slidx]);
            const RegMask &dmask = def->out_RegMask();
            const RegMask &umask = n->in_RegMask(inpidx);
            bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(def->ideal_reg());
            assert(inpidx < oopoff, "cannot use-split oop map info");
            bool dup = UPblock[slidx];
            bool uup = umask.is_UP();
            if( !umask.is_AllStack() &&
                (int)umask.Size() <= lrgs(useidx).num_regs() &&
                (!def->rematerialize() ||
                 !is_vect && umask.is_misaligned_pair())) {
              maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx);
              if (!maxlrg) {
                return 0;
              insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
            if (UseFPUForSpilling && n->is_MachCall() && !uup && !dup ) {
              maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,dup,false, splits,slidx);
              if (!maxlrg) {
                return 0;
              insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
            if( dup == uup ) {
              if( dmask.overlap(umask) ) {
                n->set_req(inpidx, def);
              else {  // Both are either up or down, and there is no overlap
                if( dup ) {  // If UP, reg->reg copy
                  maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
                  if (!maxlrg) {
                    return 0;
                  insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
                else {       // DOWN, mem->mem copy
                  uint def_ideal = def->ideal_reg();
                  const RegMask* tmp_rm = Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal];
                  Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(def, dmask, *tmp_rm);
                  insert_proj( b, insidx, spill, maxlrg );
                  maxlrg = split_USE(spill,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
                  if (!maxlrg) {
                    return 0;
                  insidx += 2;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side splits
              }  // End else no overlap
            }  // End if dup == uup
            else {
              if( dup ) {  // If UP, Split-DOWN and check Debug Info
                if( n->is_SpillCopy() ) {
                  RegMask tmp_rm(umask);
                  if( dmask.overlap(tmp_rm) ) {
                    if( def != n->in(inpidx) ) {
                      n->set_req(inpidx, def);
                maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,false,false, splits,slidx);
                if (!maxlrg) {
                  return 0;
                insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
                if (jvms && jvms->debug_start() <= inpidx && inpidx < oopoff)
                  debug_defs[slidx] = n->in(inpidx);
              else {       // DOWN, Split-UP and check register pressure
                if( is_high_pressure( b, &lrgs(useidx), insidx ) ) {
                  maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,true,true, splits,slidx);
                  if (!maxlrg) {
                    return 0;
                  insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
                } else {                          // LRP
                  maxlrg = split_USE(def,b,n,inpidx,maxlrg,true,false, splits,slidx);
                  if (!maxlrg) {
                    return 0;
                  Reachblock[slidx] = n->in(inpidx);
                  UPblock[slidx] = true;
                  insidx++;  // Reset iterator to skip USE side split
              }  // End else DOWN
            }  // End dup != uup
          }  // End if Spill USE
        }  // End For All Inputs
      }  // End If not nullcheck
      if( deflrg.reg() >= LRG::SPILL_REG ) {    // Spilled?
        uint slidx = lrg2reach[defidx];
        if( !deflrg._direct_conflict )
        assert(!n->is_Phi(),"Cannot insert Phi into DEFS list");
        const RegMask &dmask = n->out_RegMask();
        bool defup = dmask.is_UP();
        uint ireg = n->ideal_reg();
        bool is_vect = RegMask::is_vector(ireg);
        if( !n->rematerialize() &&
            (((dmask.is_bound(ireg) || !is_vect && dmask.is_misaligned_pair()) &&
              (deflrg._direct_conflict || deflrg._must_spill)) ||
             (defup && is_high_pressure(b,&deflrg,insidx) && !n->is_SpillCopy())) ) {
          assert( !n->rematerialize(), "" );
          maxlrg = split_DEF( n, b, insidx, maxlrg, Reachblock, debug_defs, splits, slidx );
          if (!maxlrg) {
            return 0;
          UPblock[slidx] = 0;
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( trace_spilling() ) {
            tty->print("\nNew Split DOWN DEF of Spill Idx ");
            tty->print("%d, UP %d:\n",slidx,false);
        else {                  // Neither bound nor HRP, must be LRP
          Reachblock[slidx] = n;
          UPblock[slidx] = defup;
          debug_defs[slidx] = defup ? NULL : n;
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( trace_spilling() ) {
            tty->print("\nNew DEF of Spill Idx ");
            tty->print("%d, UP %d:\n",slidx,defup);
        }  // End else LRP
      }  // End if spill def
      if (copyidx) {
        Node *use = n->in(copyidx);
        uint useidx = _lrg_map.find_id(use);
        if (useidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id() &&       // This is not a new split
            OptoReg::is_stack(deflrg.reg()) &&
            deflrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG ) { // And DEF is from stack
          LRG &uselrg = lrgs(useidx);
          if( OptoReg::is_stack(uselrg.reg()) &&
              uselrg.reg() < LRG::SPILL_REG && // USE is from stack
              deflrg.reg() != uselrg.reg() ) { // Not trivially removed
            uint def_ideal_reg = n->bottom_type()->ideal_reg();
            const RegMask &def_rm = *Matcher::idealreg2regmask[def_ideal_reg];
            const RegMask &use_rm = n->in_RegMask(copyidx);
            if( def_rm.overlap(use_rm) && n->is_SpillCopy() ) {  // Bug 4707800, 'n' may be a storeSSL
              if (C->check_node_count(NodeLimitFudgeFactor, out_of_nodes)) {  // Check when generating nodes
                return 0;
              Node *spill = new (C) MachSpillCopyNode(use,use_rm,def_rm);
              insert_proj( b, insidx++, spill, maxlrg++ );
    }  // End For All Instructions in Block - Non-PHI Pass
    for( slidx = 0; slidx < spill_cnt; slidx++ ) {
      uint defidx =;
      IndexSet *liveout = _live->live(b);
      if( !liveout->member(defidx) ) {
#ifdef ASSERT
        uint member;
        IndexSetIterator isi(liveout);
        while ((member = != 0) {
          assert(defidx != _lrg_map.find_const(member), "Live out member has not been compressed");
        Reachblock[slidx] = NULL;
      } else {
        assert(Reachblock[slidx] != NULL,"No reaching definition for liveout value");
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if( trace_spilling() )
  }  // End For All Blocks
  for( insidx = 0; insidx < defs->size(); insidx++ ) {
    n1 = defs->at(insidx);
    new_lrg(n1, maxlrg++);
  uint lrgs_before_phi_split = maxlrg;
  for( insidx = 0; insidx < phis->size(); insidx++ ) {
    Node *phi = phis->at(insidx);
    assert(phi->is_Phi(),"This list must only contain Phi Nodes");
    Block *b = _cfg.get_block_for_node(phi);
    uint lidx = _lrg_map.find_id(phi);
    uint slidx = lrg2reach[lidx];
    new_lrg(phi, maxlrg++);
    int phi_up = !!UP_entry[slidx]->test(b->_pre_order);
    if( lrgs(lidx)._was_spilled1 )
      phi_up = false;
    for( uint i = 1; i < b->num_preds(); i++ ) {
      Block *pred = _cfg.get_block_for_node(b->pred(i));
      pidx = pred->_pre_order;
      Node *def = Reaches[pidx][slidx];
      Node** Reachblock = Reaches[pidx];
      assert( def, "must have reaching def" );
      if (def->rematerialize()) {
        int insert = pred->end_idx();
        while (insert >= 1 &&
               pred->get_node(insert - 1)->is_SpillCopy() &&
               _lrg_map.find(pred->get_node(insert - 1)) >= lrgs_before_phi_split) {
        def = split_Rematerialize(def, pred, insert, maxlrg, splits, slidx, lrg2reach, Reachblock, false);
        if (!def) {
          return 0;    // Bail out
      u1 = UP[pidx][slidx];
      if( u1 != (phi_up != 0)) {
        maxlrg = split_USE(def, b, phi, i, maxlrg, !u1, false, splits,slidx);
        if (!maxlrg) {
          return 0;
    }  // End for all inputs to the Phi
  }  // End for all Phi Nodes
  for( insidx = 0; insidx < phis->size(); insidx++ ) {
    Node *phi = phis->at(insidx);
    assert(phi->is_Phi(),"This list must only contain Phi Nodes");
    for( uint i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++ ) {
      Node *n = phi->in(i);
      assert(n, "node should exist");
      uint lidx = _lrg_map.find(n);
      uint pidx = _lrg_map.find(phi);
      if (lidx < pidx) {
        Union(n, phi);
      else if(lidx > pidx) {
        Union(phi, n);
    }  // End for all inputs to the Phi Node
  }  // End for all Phi Nodes
  for (insidx = 0; insidx < defs->size(); insidx++) {
    n1 = defs->at(insidx);
    if (n1->is_Mach() && ((twoidx = n1->as_Mach()->two_adr()) != 0)) {
      assert(_lrg_map.find(n1->in(twoidx)) < maxlrg,"Assigning bad live range index");
      uint lr1 = _lrg_map.find(n1);
      uint lr2 = _lrg_map.find(n1->in(twoidx));
      if (lr1 < lr2) {
        Union(n1, n1->in(twoidx));
      else if (lr1 > lr2) {
        Union(n1->in(twoidx), n1);
    }  // End if two address
  }  // End for all defs
#ifdef ASSERT
  for (bidx = 0; bidx < _cfg.number_of_blocks(); bidx++) {
    b  = _cfg.get_block(bidx);
    for (insidx = 0; insidx <= b->end_idx(); insidx++) {
      Node *n = b->get_node(insidx);
      uint defidx = _lrg_map.find(n);
      assert(defidx < _lrg_map.max_lrg_id(), "Bad live range index in Split");
      assert(defidx < maxlrg,"Bad live range index in Split");
  int noprogress = 0;
  for (slidx = 0; slidx < spill_cnt; slidx++) {
    if (PrintOpto && WizardMode && == 0) {
      tty->print_cr("Failed to split live range %d",;
    else {
  if(!noprogress) {
    tty->print_cr("Failed to make progress in Split");
  return maxlrg;
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/replacednodes.hpp"
void ReplacedNodes::allocate_if_necessary() {
  if (_replaced_nodes == NULL) {
    _replaced_nodes = new GrowableArray<ReplacedNode>();
bool ReplacedNodes::is_empty() const {
  return _replaced_nodes == NULL || _replaced_nodes->length() == 0;
bool ReplacedNodes::has_node(const ReplacedNode& r) const {
  return _replaced_nodes->find(r) != -1;
bool ReplacedNodes::has_target_node(Node* n) const {
  for (int i = 0; i < _replaced_nodes->length(); i++) {
    if (_replaced_nodes->at(i).improved() == n) {
      return true;
  return false;
void ReplacedNodes::record(Node* initial, Node* improved) {
  ReplacedNode r(initial, improved);
  if (!has_node(r)) {
void ReplacedNodes::transfer_from(const ReplacedNodes& other, uint idx) {
  if (other.is_empty()) {
  for (int i = 0; i < other._replaced_nodes->length(); i++) {
    ReplacedNode replaced = other._replaced_nodes->at(i);
    if (!has_node(replaced) && (replaced.initial()->_idx < idx || has_target_node(replaced.initial()))) {
void ReplacedNodes::clone() {
  if (_replaced_nodes != NULL) {
    GrowableArray<ReplacedNode>* replaced_nodes_clone = new GrowableArray<ReplacedNode>();
    _replaced_nodes = replaced_nodes_clone;
void ReplacedNodes::reset() {
  if (_replaced_nodes != NULL) {
void ReplacedNodes::apply(Node* n, uint idx) {
  if (is_empty()) {
  for (int i = 0; i < _replaced_nodes->length(); i++) {
    ReplacedNode replaced = _replaced_nodes->at(i);
    if (replaced.improved()->_idx >= idx) {
      n->replace_edge(replaced.initial(), replaced.improved());
static void enqueue_use(Node* n, Node* use, Unique_Node_List& work) {
  if (use->is_Phi()) {
    Node* r = use->in(0);
    assert(r->is_Region(), "Phi should have Region");
    for (uint i = 1; i < use->req(); i++) {
      if (use->in(i) == n) {
  } else {
void ReplacedNodes::apply(Compile* C, Node* ctl) {
  if (is_empty()) {
  for (int i = 0; i < _replaced_nodes->length(); i++) {
    ReplacedNode replaced = _replaced_nodes->at(i);
    Node* initial = replaced.initial();
    Node* improved = replaced.improved();
    assert (ctl != NULL && !ctl->is_top(), "replaced node should have actual control");
    ResourceMark rm;
    Unique_Node_List work;
    for (DUIterator j = initial->outs(); initial->has_out(j); j++) {
      Node* use = initial->out(j);
      if (use == improved || use->outcnt() == 0) {
      enqueue_use(initial, use, work);
      bool replace = true;
      while (work.size() != 0 && replace) {
        Node* n = work.pop();
        if (use->outcnt() == 0) {
        if (n->is_CFG() || (n->in(0) != NULL && !n->in(0)->is_top())) {
          int depth = 0;
          Node *m = n;
          if (!n->is_CFG()) {
            n = n->in(0);
          assert(n->is_CFG(), "should be CFG now");
          while(n != ctl) {
            n = IfNode::up_one_dom(n);
            if (depth >= 100 || n == NULL) {
              replace = false;
        } else {
          for (DUIterator k = n->outs(); n->has_out(k); k++) {
            enqueue_use(n, n->out(k), work);
      if (replace) {
        bool is_in_table = C->initial_gvn()->hash_delete(use);
        int replaced = use->replace_edge(initial, improved);
        if (is_in_table) {
        assert(replaced > 0, "inconsistent");
void ReplacedNodes::dump(outputStream *st) const {
  if (!is_empty()) {
    st->print("replaced nodes: ");
    for (int i = 0; i < _replaced_nodes->length(); i++) {
      st->print("%d->%d", _replaced_nodes->at(i).initial()->_idx, _replaced_nodes->at(i).improved()->_idx);
      if (i < _replaced_nodes->length()-1) {
void ReplacedNodes::merge_with(const ReplacedNodes& other) {
  if (is_empty()) {
  if (other.is_empty()) {
  int shift = 0;
  int len = _replaced_nodes->length();
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    if (!other.has_node(_replaced_nodes->at(i))) {
    } else if (shift > 0) {
      _replaced_nodes->at_put(i-shift, _replaced_nodes->at(i));
  if (shift > 0) {
    _replaced_nodes->trunc_to(len - shift);
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
class ReplacedNodes VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  class ReplacedNode VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
    Node* _initial;
    Node* _improved;
    ReplacedNode() : _initial(NULL), _improved(NULL) {}
    ReplacedNode(Node* initial, Node* improved) : _initial(initial), _improved(improved) {}
    Node* initial() const  { return _initial; }
    Node* improved() const { return _improved; }
    bool operator==(const ReplacedNode& other) {
      return _initial == other._initial && _improved == other._improved;
  GrowableArray<ReplacedNode>* _replaced_nodes;
  void allocate_if_necessary();
  bool has_node(const ReplacedNode& r) const;
  bool has_target_node(Node* n) const;
    : _replaced_nodes(NULL) {}
  void clone();
  void record(Node* initial, Node* improved);
  void transfer_from(const ReplacedNodes& other, uint idx);
  void reset();
  void apply(Node* n, uint idx);
  void merge_with(const ReplacedNodes& other);
  bool is_empty() const;
  void dump(outputStream *st) const;
  void apply(Compile* C, Node* ctl);
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/regmask.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "opto/type.hpp"
Node *RootNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
  for( uint i = 1; i < req(); i++ ) { // For all inputs
    if( phase->type(in(i)) == Type::TOP ) {
      del_req(i--);             // Delete TOP inputs
  return NULL;                  // No further opportunities exposed
HaltNode::HaltNode( Node *ctrl, Node *frameptr ) : Node(TypeFunc::Parms) {
  Node* top = Compile::current()->top();
  init_req(TypeFunc::Control,  ctrl        );
  init_req(TypeFunc::I_O,      top);
  init_req(TypeFunc::Memory,   top);
  init_req(TypeFunc::FramePtr, frameptr    );
const Type *HaltNode::bottom_type() const { return Type::BOTTOM; }
Node *HaltNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
  return remove_dead_region(phase, can_reshape) ? this : NULL;
const Type *HaltNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  return ( phase->type(in(TypeFunc::Control)) == Type::TOP)
    ? Type::TOP
    : Type::BOTTOM;
const RegMask &HaltNode::out_RegMask() const {
  return RegMask::Empty;
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
class RootNode : public LoopNode {
  RootNode( ) : LoopNode(0,0) {
  virtual int   Opcode() const;
  virtual const Node *is_block_proj() const { return this; }
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::BOTTOM; }
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) { return this; }
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const { return Type::BOTTOM; }
class HaltNode : public Node {
  HaltNode( Node *ctrl, Node *frameptr );
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual bool  pinned() const { return true; };
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const;
  virtual bool  is_CFG() const { return true; }
  virtual uint hash() const { return NO_HASH; }  // CFG nodes do not hash
  virtual bool depends_only_on_test() const { return false; }
  virtual const Node *is_block_proj() const { return this; }
  virtual const RegMask &out_RegMask() const;
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return NotAMachineReg; }
  virtual uint match_edge(uint idx) const { return 0; }
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
#include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
#include "code/icBuffer.hpp"
#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
#include "code/scopeDesc.hpp"
#include "code/vtableStubs.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
#include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/g1SATBCardTableModRefBS.hpp"
#include "gc_implementation/g1/heapRegion.hpp"
#include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.hpp"
#include "interpreter/bytecode.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "interpreter/linkResolver.hpp"
#include "memory/barrierSet.hpp"
#include "memory/gcLocker.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
#include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/graphKit.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/memnode.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "runtime/fprofiler.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
#include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
#include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "runtime/signature.hpp"
#include "runtime/threadCritical.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframeArray.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframe_hp.hpp"
#include "utilities/copy.hpp"
#include "utilities/preserveException.hpp"
#if defined AD_MD_HPP
# include AD_MD_HPP
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_32
# include "adfiles/ad_x86_32.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_x86_64
# include "adfiles/ad_x86_64.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_aarch64
# include "adfiles/ad_aarch64.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_sparc
# include "adfiles/ad_sparc.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_zero
# include "adfiles/ad_zero.hpp"
#elif defined TARGET_ARCH_MODEL_ppc_64
# include "adfiles/ad_ppc_64.hpp"
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::ghash_processBlocks_Type() {
    int argcnt = 4;
    const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
    int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // state
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // subkeyH
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // data
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // blocks
    assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
    const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
    fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
    fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
    const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
    return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
address OptoRuntime::_new_instance_Java                           = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_new_array_Java                              = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_new_array_nozero_Java                       = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_multianewarray2_Java                        = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_multianewarray3_Java                        = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_multianewarray4_Java                        = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_multianewarray5_Java                        = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_multianewarrayN_Java                        = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_g1_wb_pre_Java                              = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_g1_wb_post_Java                             = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_vtable_must_compile_Java                    = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_complete_monitor_locking_Java               = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_rethrow_Java                                = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_slow_arraycopy_Java                         = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_register_finalizer_Java                     = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_zap_dead_Java_locals_Java                   = NULL;
address OptoRuntime::_zap_dead_native_locals_Java                 = NULL;
# endif
ExceptionBlob* OptoRuntime::_exception_blob;
#ifdef ASSERT
static bool check_compiled_frame(JavaThread* thread) {
  assert(thread->last_frame().is_runtime_frame(), "cannot call runtime directly from compiled code");
  RegisterMap map(thread, false);
  frame caller = thread->last_frame().sender(&map);
  assert(caller.is_compiled_frame(), "not being called from compiled like code");
  return true;
#endif // ASSERT
#define gen(env, var, type_func_gen, c_func, fancy_jump, pass_tls, save_arg_regs, return_pc) \
  var = generate_stub(env, type_func_gen, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, c_func), #var, fancy_jump, pass_tls, save_arg_regs, return_pc); \
  if (var == NULL) { return false; }
bool OptoRuntime::generate(ciEnv* env) {
  gen(env, _new_instance_Java              , new_instance_Type            , new_instance_C                  ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _new_array_Java                 , new_array_Type               , new_array_C                     ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _new_array_nozero_Java          , new_array_Type               , new_array_nozero_C              ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _multianewarray2_Java           , multianewarray2_Type         , multianewarray2_C               ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _multianewarray3_Java           , multianewarray3_Type         , multianewarray3_C               ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _multianewarray4_Java           , multianewarray4_Type         , multianewarray4_C               ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _multianewarray5_Java           , multianewarray5_Type         , multianewarray5_C               ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _multianewarrayN_Java           , multianewarrayN_Type         , multianewarrayN_C               ,    0 , true , false, false);
  gen(env, _g1_wb_pre_Java                 , g1_wb_pre_Type               , SharedRuntime::g1_wb_pre        ,    0 , false, false, false);
  gen(env, _g1_wb_post_Java                , g1_wb_post_Type              , SharedRuntime::g1_wb_post       ,    0 , false, false, false);
  gen(env, _complete_monitor_locking_Java  , complete_monitor_enter_Type  , SharedRuntime::complete_monitor_locking_C, 0, false, false, false);
  gen(env, _rethrow_Java                   , rethrow_Type                 , rethrow_C                       ,    2 , true , false, true );
  gen(env, _slow_arraycopy_Java            , slow_arraycopy_Type          , SharedRuntime::slow_arraycopy_C ,    0 , false, false, false);
  gen(env, _register_finalizer_Java        , register_finalizer_Type      , register_finalizer              ,    0 , false, false, false);
  gen(env, _zap_dead_Java_locals_Java      , zap_dead_locals_Type         , zap_dead_Java_locals_C          ,    0 , false, true , false );
  gen(env, _zap_dead_native_locals_Java    , zap_dead_locals_Type         , zap_dead_native_locals_C        ,    0 , false, true , false );
# endif
  return true;
#undef gen
address OptoRuntime::generate_stub( ciEnv* env,
                                    TypeFunc_generator gen, address C_function,
                                    const char *name, int is_fancy_jump,
                                    bool pass_tls,
                                    bool save_argument_registers,
                                    bool return_pc ) {
  ResourceMark rm;
  Compile C( env, gen, C_function, name, is_fancy_jump, pass_tls, save_argument_registers, return_pc );
  return  C.stub_entry_point();
const char* OptoRuntime::stub_name(address entry) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob(entry);
  RuntimeStub* rs =(RuntimeStub *)cb;
  assert(rs != NULL && rs->is_runtime_stub(), "not a runtime stub");
  return rs->name();
  return "runtime stub";
void OptoRuntime::new_store_pre_barrier(JavaThread* thread) {
  oop new_obj = thread->vm_result();
  if (new_obj == NULL)  return;
         "compiler must check this first");
  new_obj = Universe::heap()->new_store_pre_barrier(thread, new_obj);
JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::new_instance_C(Klass* klass, JavaThread* thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_new_instance_ctr++;         // new instance requires GC
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  int lh = klass->layout_helper();
  if (Klass::layout_helper_needs_slow_path(lh) || !InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->is_initialized()) {
    Handle holder(THREAD, klass->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
    klass->check_valid_for_instantiation(false, THREAD);
    Handle holder(THREAD, klass->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
    oop result = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->allocate_instance(THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
  if (GraphKit::use_ReduceInitialCardMarks()) {
JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::new_array_C(Klass* array_type, int len, JavaThread *thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_new_array_ctr++;            // new array requires GC
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  oop result;
  if (array_type->oop_is_typeArray()) {
    BasicType elem_type = TypeArrayKlass::cast(array_type)->element_type();
    result = oopFactory::new_typeArray(elem_type, len, THREAD);
  } else {
    Handle holder(THREAD, array_type->klass_holder()); // keep the array klass alive
    Klass* elem_type = ObjArrayKlass::cast(array_type)->element_klass();
    result = oopFactory::new_objArray(elem_type, len, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
  if (GraphKit::use_ReduceInitialCardMarks()) {
JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::new_array_nozero_C(Klass* array_type, int len, JavaThread *thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_new_array_ctr++;            // new array requires GC
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  oop result;
  assert(array_type->oop_is_typeArray(), "should be called only for type array");
  BasicType elem_type = TypeArrayKlass::cast(array_type)->element_type();
  result = oopFactory::new_typeArray_nozero(elem_type, len, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
  if (GraphKit::use_ReduceInitialCardMarks()) {
  oop result = thread->vm_result();
  if ((len > 0) && (result != NULL) &&
      is_deoptimized_caller_frame(thread)) {
    int size = ((typeArrayOop)result)->object_size();
    BasicType elem_type = TypeArrayKlass::cast(array_type)->element_type();
    const size_t hs = arrayOopDesc::header_size(elem_type);
    const size_t aligned_hs = align_object_offset(hs);
    HeapWord* obj = (HeapWord*)result;
    if (aligned_hs > hs) {
      Copy::zero_to_words(obj+hs, aligned_hs-hs);
    Copy::fill_to_aligned_words(obj+aligned_hs, size-aligned_hs);
JRT_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::multianewarray2_C(Klass* elem_type, int len1, int len2, JavaThread *thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_multi2_ctr++;                // multianewarray for 1 dimension
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  assert(elem_type->is_klass(), "not a class");
  jint dims[2];
  dims[0] = len1;
  dims[1] = len2;
  Handle holder(THREAD, elem_type->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
  oop obj = ArrayKlass::cast(elem_type)->multi_allocate(2, dims, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
JRT_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::multianewarray3_C(Klass* elem_type, int len1, int len2, int len3, JavaThread *thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_multi3_ctr++;                // multianewarray for 1 dimension
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  assert(elem_type->is_klass(), "not a class");
  jint dims[3];
  dims[0] = len1;
  dims[1] = len2;
  dims[2] = len3;
  Handle holder(THREAD, elem_type->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
  oop obj = ArrayKlass::cast(elem_type)->multi_allocate(3, dims, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
JRT_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::multianewarray4_C(Klass* elem_type, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4, JavaThread *thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_multi4_ctr++;                // multianewarray for 1 dimension
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  assert(elem_type->is_klass(), "not a class");
  jint dims[4];
  dims[0] = len1;
  dims[1] = len2;
  dims[2] = len3;
  dims[3] = len4;
  Handle holder(THREAD, elem_type->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
  oop obj = ArrayKlass::cast(elem_type)->multi_allocate(4, dims, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
JRT_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::multianewarray5_C(Klass* elem_type, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4, int len5, JavaThread *thread))
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_multi5_ctr++;                // multianewarray for 1 dimension
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  assert(elem_type->is_klass(), "not a class");
  jint dims[5];
  dims[0] = len1;
  dims[1] = len2;
  dims[2] = len3;
  dims[3] = len4;
  dims[4] = len5;
  Handle holder(THREAD, elem_type->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
  oop obj = ArrayKlass::cast(elem_type)->multi_allocate(5, dims, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
JRT_ENTRY(void, OptoRuntime::multianewarrayN_C(Klass* elem_type, arrayOopDesc* dims, JavaThread *thread))
  assert(check_compiled_frame(thread), "incorrect caller");
  assert(elem_type->is_klass(), "not a class");
  assert(oop(dims)->is_typeArray(), "not an array");
  ResourceMark rm;
  jint len = dims->length();
  assert(len > 0, "Dimensions array should contain data");
  jint *j_dims = typeArrayOop(dims)->int_at_addr(0);
  jint *c_dims = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(jint, len);
  Copy::conjoint_jints_atomic(j_dims, c_dims, len);
  Handle holder(THREAD, elem_type->klass_holder()); // keep the klass alive
  oop obj = ArrayKlass::cast(elem_type)->multi_allocate(len, c_dims, THREAD);
  deoptimize_caller_frame(thread, HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::new_instance_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL; // Klass to be allocated
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL; // Returned oop
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::athrow_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL; // Klass to be allocated
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::new_array_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;   // element klass
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeInt::INT;       // array size
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL; // Returned oop
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::multianewarray_Type(int ndim) {
  const int nargs = ndim + 1;
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(nargs);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;   // element klass
  for( int i = 1; i < nargs; i++ )
    fields[TypeFunc::Parms + i] = TypeInt::INT;       // array size
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+nargs, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL; // Returned oop
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::multianewarray2_Type() {
  return multianewarray_Type(2);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::multianewarray3_Type() {
  return multianewarray_Type(3);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::multianewarray4_Type() {
  return multianewarray_Type(4);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::multianewarray5_Type() {
  return multianewarray_Type(5);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::multianewarrayN_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;   // element klass
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;   // array of dim sizes
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL; // Returned oop
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::g1_wb_pre_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL; // original field value
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL; // thread
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::g1_wb_post_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL;  // Card addr
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeRawPtr::NOTNULL;  // thread
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::uncommon_trap_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInt::INT;
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::zap_dead_locals_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms,fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
# endif
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_enter_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;  // Object to be Locked
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;   // Address of stack location for lock
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0,fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::complete_monitor_exit_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;  // Object to be Locked
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;   // Address of stack location for lock
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0,fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::flush_windows_Type() {
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::l2f_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeLong::LONG;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::HALF;
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::FLOAT;
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::modf_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::FLOAT;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::FLOAT;
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::FLOAT;
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::Math_D_D_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::DOUBLE;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::HALF;
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::DOUBLE;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::HALF;
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::Math_DD_D_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(4);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::DOUBLE;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::HALF;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+2] = Type::DOUBLE;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+3] = Type::HALF;
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+4, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = Type::DOUBLE;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::HALF;
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::void_long_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeLong::LONG;
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = Type::HALF;
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
enum ArrayCopyType {
  ac_fast,                      // void(ptr, ptr, size_t)
  ac_checkcast,                 //  int(ptr, ptr, size_t, size_t, ptr)
  ac_slow,                      // void(ptr, int, ptr, int, int)
  ac_generic                    //  int(ptr, int, ptr, int, int)
static const TypeFunc* make_arraycopy_Type(ArrayCopyType act) {
  int num_args      = (act == ac_fast ? 3 : 5);
  int num_size_args = (act == ac_fast ? 1 : act == ac_checkcast ? 2 : 0);
  int argcnt = num_args;
  LP64_ONLY(argcnt += num_size_args); // halfwords for lengths
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // src
  if (num_size_args == 0) {
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;      // src_pos
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // dest
  if (num_size_args == 0) {
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;      // dest_pos
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;      // length
  while (num_size_args-- > 0) {
    fields[argp++] = TypeX_X;               // size in whatevers (size_t)
    LP64_ONLY(fields[argp++] = Type::HALF); // other half of long length
  if (act == ac_checkcast) {
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;  // super_klass
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding of act");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  int retcnt = (act == ac_checkcast || act == ac_generic ? 1 : 0);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  if (retcnt == 0)
    fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
    fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInt::INT; // status result, if needed
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+retcnt, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::fast_arraycopy_Type() {
  return make_arraycopy_Type(ac_fast);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::checkcast_arraycopy_Type() {
  return make_arraycopy_Type(ac_checkcast);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::slow_arraycopy_Type() {
  return make_arraycopy_Type(ac_slow);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::generic_arraycopy_Type() {
  return make_arraycopy_Type(ac_generic);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::array_fill_Type() {
  const Type** fields;
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    fields = TypeTuple::fields(3 LP64_ONLY( + 2));
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;
    fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
  } else {
    fields = TypeTuple::fields(3 LP64_ONLY( + 1));
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;
  fields[argp++] = TypeX_X;               // size in whatevers (size_t)
  LP64_ONLY(fields[argp++] = Type::HALF); // other half of long length
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(argp, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::aescrypt_block_Type() {
  int num_args      = 3;
  if (Matcher::pass_original_key_for_aes()) {
    num_args = 4;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // src
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // dest
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // k array
  if (Matcher::pass_original_key_for_aes()) {
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // original k array
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::updateBytesCRC32_Type() {
  int num_args = 3;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    argcnt += 2;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;   // crc
    fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // src
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;   // len
    fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
  } else {
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;     // crc
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // src
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;     // len
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInt::INT; // crc result
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::cipherBlockChaining_aescrypt_Type() {
  int num_args      = 5;
  if (Matcher::pass_original_key_for_aes()) {
    num_args = 6;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // src
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // dest
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // k array
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // r array
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // src len
  if (Matcher::pass_original_key_for_aes()) {
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // original k array
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInt::INT;
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::sha_implCompress_Type() {
  int num_args = 2;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // buf
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // state
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::digestBase_implCompressMB_Type() {
  int num_args = 4;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  if(CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    argcnt += 2;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  if(CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // buf
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // state
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;   // ofs
    fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;   // limit
    fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
  } else {
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // buf
    fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL; // state
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;     // ofs
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;     // limit
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInt::INT; // ofs
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::multiplyToLen_Type() {
  int num_args      = 6;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // x
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // xlen
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // y
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // ylen
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // z
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // zlen
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL;
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::squareToLen_Type() {
  int num_args      = 4;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // x
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // len
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // z
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // zlen
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL;
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::mulAdd_Type() {
  int num_args      = 5;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // out
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // in
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // offset
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // len
  fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;        // k
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInt::INT;
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::montgomeryMultiply_Type() {
  int num_args      = 7;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    argcnt++;                           // additional placeholder
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // a
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // b
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // n
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;    // len
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::HALF;    // placeholder
  } else {
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;      // len
  fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;      // inv
  fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // result
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::montgomerySquare_Type() {
  int num_args      = 6;
  int argcnt = num_args;
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    argcnt++;                           // additional placeholder
  const Type** fields = TypeTuple::fields(argcnt);
  int argp = TypeFunc::Parms;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // a
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // n
  if (CCallingConventionRequiresIntsAsLongs) {
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;    // len
    fields[argp++] = TypeLong::HALF;    // placeholder
  } else {
    fields[argp++] = TypeInt::INT;      // len
  fields[argp++] = TypeLong::LONG;      // inv
  fields[argp++] = Type::HALF;
  fields[argp++] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;    // result
  assert(argp == TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, "correct decoding");
  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+argcnt, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypePtr::NOTNULL;
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::osr_end_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; // OSR temp buf
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
const TypeFunc* OptoRuntime::profile_receiver_type_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeAryPtr::NOTNULL;    // methodData pointer
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM;    // receiver oop
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2, fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = NULL; // void
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
JRT_LEAF(void, OptoRuntime::profile_receiver_type_C(DataLayout* data, oopDesc* receiver))
  if (receiver == NULL) return;
  Klass* receiver_klass = receiver->klass();
  intptr_t* mdp = ((intptr_t*)(data)) + DataLayout::header_size_in_cells();
  int empty_row = -1;           // free row, if any is encountered
  for (uint row = 0; row < ReceiverTypeData::row_limit(); row++) {
    int receiver_off = ReceiverTypeData::receiver_cell_index(row);
    intptr_t row_recv = *(mdp + receiver_off);
    if (row_recv == (intptr_t) receiver_klass) {
      int count_off = ReceiverTypeData::receiver_count_cell_index(row);
    } else if (row_recv == 0) {
      empty_row = (int) row;
  if (empty_row != -1) {
    int receiver_off = ReceiverTypeData::receiver_cell_index(empty_row);
    int count_off = ReceiverTypeData::receiver_count_cell_index(empty_row);
  } else {
    intptr_t* count_p = (intptr_t*)(((byte*)(data)) + in_bytes(CounterData::count_offset()));
bool OptoRuntime::is_callee_saved_register(MachRegisterNumbers reg) {
  assert(reg >= 0 && reg < _last_Mach_Reg, "must be a machine register");
  switch (register_save_policy[reg]) {
    case 'C': return false; //SOC
    case 'E': return true ; //SOE
    case 'N': return false; //NS
    case 'A': return false; //AS
  return false;
static void trace_exception(oop exception_oop, address exception_pc, const char* msg) PRODUCT_RETURN;
JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC(address, OptoRuntime::handle_exception_C_helper(JavaThread* thread, nmethod* &nm))
  assert(thread->exception_oop() != NULL, "exception oop is found");
  address handler_address = NULL;
  Handle exception(thread, thread->exception_oop());
  address pc = thread->exception_pc();
  if (TraceExceptions) {
    trace_exception(exception(), pc, "");
#ifdef ASSERT
  if (!(exception->is_a(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()))) {
  nm = CodeCache::find_nmethod(pc);
  assert(nm != NULL, "No NMethod found");
  if (nm->is_native_method()) {
    fatal("Native method should not have path to exception handling");
  } else {
    if (JvmtiExport::can_post_on_exceptions()) {
    bool force_unwind = !thread->reguard_stack();
    bool deopting = false;
    if (nm->is_deopt_pc(pc)) {
      deopting = true;
      RegisterMap map(thread, false);
      frame deoptee = thread->last_frame().sender(&map);
      assert(deoptee.is_deoptimized_frame(), "must be deopted");
      pc = deoptee.pc();
    if (deopting && !force_unwind) {
      handler_address = SharedRuntime::deopt_blob()->unpack_with_exception();
    } else {
      handler_address =
        force_unwind ? NULL : nm->handler_for_exception_and_pc(exception, pc);
      if (handler_address == NULL) {
        bool recursive_exception = false;
        handler_address = SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(nm, pc, exception, force_unwind, true, recursive_exception);
        assert (handler_address != NULL, "must have compiled handler");
        if (!force_unwind && !recursive_exception) {
      } else {
#ifdef ASSERT
        bool recursive_exception = false;
        address computed_address = SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(nm, pc, exception, force_unwind, true, recursive_exception);
        assert(recursive_exception || (handler_address == computed_address), err_msg("Handler address inconsistency: " PTR_FORMAT " != " PTR_FORMAT,
                 p2i(handler_address), p2i(computed_address)));
  return handler_address;
address OptoRuntime::handle_exception_C(JavaThread* thread) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_find_handler_ctr++;          // find exception handler
  debug_only(NoHandleMark __hm;)
  nmethod* nm = NULL;
  address handler_address = NULL;
    ResetNoHandleMark rnhm;
    handler_address = handle_exception_C_helper(thread, nm);
  if (nm != NULL) {
    RegisterMap map(thread, false);
    frame caller = thread->last_frame().sender(&map);
#ifdef ASSERT
    assert(caller.is_compiled_frame(), "must be");
#endif // ASSERT
    if (caller.is_deoptimized_frame()) {
      handler_address = SharedRuntime::deopt_blob()->unpack_with_exception();
  return handler_address;
address OptoRuntime::rethrow_C(oopDesc* exception, JavaThread* thread, address ret_pc) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  SharedRuntime::_rethrow_ctr++;               // count rethrows
  assert (exception != NULL, "should have thrown a NULLPointerException");
#ifdef ASSERT
  if (!(exception->is_a(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()))) {
  return SharedRuntime::raw_exception_handler_for_return_address(thread, ret_pc);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::rethrow_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL; // Exception oop
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL; // Exception oop
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1, fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain, range);
void OptoRuntime::deoptimize_caller_frame(JavaThread *thread, bool doit) {
  if (!StressCompiledExceptionHandlers && doit) {
void OptoRuntime::deoptimize_caller_frame(JavaThread *thread) {
  RegisterMap reg_map(thread);
  frame stub_frame = thread->last_frame();
  assert(stub_frame.is_runtime_frame() || exception_blob()->contains(stub_frame.pc()), "sanity check");
  frame caller_frame = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
bool OptoRuntime::is_deoptimized_caller_frame(JavaThread *thread) {
  RegisterMap reg_map(thread);
  frame stub_frame = thread->last_frame();
  assert(stub_frame.is_runtime_frame() || exception_blob()->contains(stub_frame.pc()), "sanity check");
  frame caller_frame = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
  return caller_frame.is_deoptimized_frame();
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::register_finalizer_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(1);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;  // oop;          Receiver
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+1,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0,fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::dtrace_method_entry_exit_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; // Thread-local storage
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeMetadataPtr::BOTTOM;  // Method*;    Method we are entering
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0,fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
const TypeFunc *OptoRuntime::dtrace_object_alloc_Type() {
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2);
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+0] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; // Thread-local storage
  fields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL;  // oop;    newly allocated object
  const TypeTuple *domain = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+2,fields);
  fields = TypeTuple::fields(0);
  const TypeTuple *range = TypeTuple::make(TypeFunc::Parms+0,fields);
  return TypeFunc::make(domain,range);
JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC(void, OptoRuntime::register_finalizer(oopDesc* obj, JavaThread* thread))
  assert(obj->is_oop(), "must be a valid oop");
  assert(obj->klass()->has_finalizer(), "shouldn't be here otherwise");
  InstanceKlass::register_finalizer(instanceOop(obj), CHECK);
NamedCounter * volatile OptoRuntime::_named_counters = NULL;
void OptoRuntime::print_named_counters() {
  int total_lock_count = 0;
  int eliminated_lock_count = 0;
  NamedCounter* c = _named_counters;
  while (c) {
    if (c->tag() == NamedCounter::LockCounter || c->tag() == NamedCounter::EliminatedLockCounter) {
      int count = c->count();
      if (count > 0) {
        bool eliminated = c->tag() == NamedCounter::EliminatedLockCounter;
        if (Verbose) {
          tty->print_cr("%d %s%s", count, c->name(), eliminated ? " (eliminated)" : "");
        total_lock_count += count;
        if (eliminated) {
          eliminated_lock_count += count;
    } else if (c->tag() == NamedCounter::BiasedLockingCounter) {
      BiasedLockingCounters* blc = ((BiasedLockingNamedCounter*)c)->counters();
      if (blc->nonzero()) {
        tty->print_cr("%s", c->name());
    } else if (c->tag() == NamedCounter::RTMLockingCounter) {
      RTMLockingCounters* rlc = ((RTMLockingNamedCounter*)c)->counters();
      if (rlc->nonzero()) {
        tty->print_cr("%s", c->name());
    c = c->next();
  if (total_lock_count > 0) {
    tty->print_cr("dynamic locks: %d", total_lock_count);
    if (eliminated_lock_count) {
      tty->print_cr("eliminated locks: %d (%d%%)", eliminated_lock_count,
                    (int)(eliminated_lock_count * 100.0 / total_lock_count));
NamedCounter* OptoRuntime::new_named_counter(JVMState* youngest_jvms, NamedCounter::CounterTag tag) {
  int max_depth = youngest_jvms->depth();
  bool first = true;
  stringStream st;
  for (int depth = max_depth; depth >= 1; depth--) {
    JVMState* jvms = youngest_jvms->of_depth(depth);
    ciMethod* m = jvms->has_method() ? jvms->method() : NULL;
    if (!first) {
      st.print(" ");
    } else {
      first = false;
    int bci = jvms->bci();
    if (bci < 0) bci = 0;
    st.print("%s.%s@%d", m->holder()->name()->as_utf8(), m->name()->as_utf8(), bci);
  NamedCounter* c;
  if (tag == NamedCounter::BiasedLockingCounter) {
    c = new BiasedLockingNamedCounter(strdup(st.as_string()));
  } else if (tag == NamedCounter::RTMLockingCounter) {
    c = new RTMLockingNamedCounter(strdup(st.as_string()));
  } else {
    c = new NamedCounter(strdup(st.as_string()), tag);
  NamedCounter* head;
  do {
    head = _named_counters;
  } while (Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(c, &_named_counters, head) != head);
  return c;
#ifndef PRODUCT
int trace_exception_counter = 0;
static void trace_exception(oop exception_oop, address exception_pc, const char* msg) {
  ttyLocker ttyl;
  tty->print("%d [Exception (%s): ", trace_exception_counter, msg);
  tty->print(" in ");
  CodeBlob* blob = CodeCache::find_blob(exception_pc);
  if (blob->is_nmethod()) {
    nmethod* nm = blob->as_nmethod_or_null();
  } else if (blob->is_runtime_stub()) {
  } else {
  tty->print(" at " INTPTR_FORMAT,  p2i(exception_pc));
#endif  // PRODUCT
int OptoRuntime::ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count = 0;
static bool is_java_frame(  frame* f) { return f->is_java_frame();   }
static bool is_native_frame(frame* f) { return f->is_native_frame(); }
void OptoRuntime::zap_dead_java_or_native_locals(JavaThread* thread,
                                                bool (*is_this_the_right_frame_to_zap)(frame*)) {
  assert(JavaThread::current() == thread, "is this needed?");
  if ( !ZapDeadCompiledLocals )  return;
  bool skip = false;
       if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocalsFirst  ==  0  ) ; // nothing special
  else if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocalsFirst  >  ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count )  skip = true;
  else if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocalsFirst  == ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count )
    warning("starting zapping after skipping");
       if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocalsLast  ==  -1  ) ; // nothing special
  else if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocalsLast  <   ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count )  skip = true;
  else if ( ZapDeadCompiledLocalsLast  ==  ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count )
    warning("about to zap last zap");
  ++ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count; // counts skipped zaps, too
  if ( skip )  return;
  for (StackFrameStream sfs(thread);  !sfs.is_done(); {
    if (is_this_the_right_frame_to_zap(sfs.current()) ) {
      sfs.current()->zap_dead_locals(thread, sfs.register_map());
  warning("no frame found to zap in zap_dead_Java_locals_C");
JRT_LEAF(void, OptoRuntime::zap_dead_Java_locals_C(JavaThread* thread))
  zap_dead_java_or_native_locals(thread, is_java_frame);
JRT_LEAF(void, OptoRuntime::zap_dead_native_locals_C(JavaThread* thread))
  zap_dead_java_or_native_locals(thread, is_native_frame);
# endif
#include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
#include "opto/machnode.hpp"
#include "opto/type.hpp"
#include "runtime/biasedLocking.hpp"
#include "runtime/rtmLocking.hpp"
#include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
#include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
class CallInfo;
class NamedCounter : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
    enum CounterTag {
  const char *  _name;
  int           _count;
  CounterTag    _tag;
  NamedCounter* _next;
  NamedCounter(const char *n, CounterTag tag = NoTag):
    _tag(tag) {}
  const char * name() const     { return _name; }
  int count() const             { return _count; }
  address addr()                { return (address)&_count; }
  CounterTag tag() const        { return _tag; }
  void set_tag(CounterTag tag)  { _tag = tag; }
  NamedCounter* next() const    { return _next; }
  void set_next(NamedCounter* next) {
    assert(_next == NULL || next == NULL, "already set");
    _next = next;
class BiasedLockingNamedCounter : public NamedCounter {
  BiasedLockingCounters _counters;
  BiasedLockingNamedCounter(const char *n) :
    NamedCounter(n, BiasedLockingCounter), _counters() {}
  BiasedLockingCounters* counters() { return &_counters; }
class RTMLockingNamedCounter : public NamedCounter {
 RTMLockingCounters _counters;
  RTMLockingNamedCounter(const char *n) :
    NamedCounter(n, RTMLockingCounter), _counters() {}
  RTMLockingCounters* counters() { return &_counters; }
typedef const TypeFunc*(*TypeFunc_generator)();
class OptoRuntime : public AllStatic {
  friend class Matcher;  // allow access to stub names
  static address generate_stub(ciEnv* ci_env, TypeFunc_generator gen, address C_function, const char *name, int is_fancy_jump, bool pass_tls, bool save_arguments, bool return_pc);
  static address _new_instance_Java;
  static address _new_array_Java;
  static address _new_array_nozero_Java;
  static address _multianewarray2_Java;
  static address _multianewarray3_Java;
  static address _multianewarray4_Java;
  static address _multianewarray5_Java;
  static address _multianewarrayN_Java;
  static address _g1_wb_pre_Java;
  static address _g1_wb_post_Java;
  static address _vtable_must_compile_Java;
  static address _complete_monitor_locking_Java;
  static address _rethrow_Java;
  static address _slow_arraycopy_Java;
  static address _register_finalizer_Java;
  static address _zap_dead_Java_locals_Java;
  static address _zap_dead_native_locals_Java;
# endif
  static void new_instance_C(Klass* instance_klass, JavaThread *thread);
  static void new_array_C(Klass* array_klass, int len, JavaThread *thread);
  static void new_array_nozero_C(Klass* array_klass, int len, JavaThread *thread);
  static void new_store_pre_barrier(JavaThread* thread);
  static void multianewarray2_C(Klass* klass, int len1, int len2, JavaThread *thread);
  static void multianewarray3_C(Klass* klass, int len1, int len2, int len3, JavaThread *thread);
  static void multianewarray4_C(Klass* klass, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4, JavaThread *thread);
  static void multianewarray5_C(Klass* klass, int len1, int len2, int len3, int len4, int len5, JavaThread *thread);
  static void multianewarrayN_C(Klass* klass, arrayOopDesc* dims, JavaThread *thread);
  static void g1_wb_pre_C(oopDesc* orig, JavaThread* thread);
  static void g1_wb_post_C(void* card_addr, JavaThread* thread);
  static void complete_monitor_locking_C(oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock, JavaThread* thread);
  static void complete_monitor_unlocking_C(oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock);
  static void throw_null_exception_C(JavaThread* thread);
  static address handle_exception_C       (JavaThread* thread);
  static address handle_exception_C_helper(JavaThread* thread, nmethod*& nm);
  static address rethrow_C                (oopDesc* exception, JavaThread *thread, address return_pc );
  static void deoptimize_caller_frame     (JavaThread *thread);
  static void deoptimize_caller_frame     (JavaThread *thread, bool doit);
  static bool is_deoptimized_caller_frame (JavaThread *thread);
  static ExceptionBlob*       _exception_blob;
  static void generate_exception_blob();
  static void register_finalizer(oopDesc* obj, JavaThread* thread);
  static void zap_dead_Java_locals_C(   JavaThread* thread);
  static void zap_dead_native_locals_C( JavaThread* thread);
  static void zap_dead_java_or_native_locals( JavaThread*, bool (*)(frame*));
   static int ZapDeadCompiledLocals_count;
# endif
  static bool is_callee_saved_register(MachRegisterNumbers reg);
  static bool generate(ciEnv* env);
  static const char* stub_name(address entry);
  static address new_instance_Java()                     { return _new_instance_Java; }
  static address new_array_Java()                        { return _new_array_Java; }
  static address new_array_nozero_Java()                 { return _new_array_nozero_Java; }
  static address multianewarray2_Java()                  { return _multianewarray2_Java; }
  static address multianewarray3_Java()                  { return _multianewarray3_Java; }
  static address multianewarray4_Java()                  { return _multianewarray4_Java; }
  static address multianewarray5_Java()                  { return _multianewarray5_Java; }
  static address multianewarrayN_Java()                  { return _multianewarrayN_Java; }
  static address g1_wb_pre_Java()                        { return _g1_wb_pre_Java; }
  static address g1_wb_post_Java()                       { return _g1_wb_post_Java; }
  static address vtable_must_compile_stub()              { return _vtable_must_compile_Java; }
  static address complete_monitor_locking_Java()         { return _complete_monitor_locking_Java;   }
  static address slow_arraycopy_Java()                   { return _slow_arraycopy_Java; }
  static address register_finalizer_Java()               { return _register_finalizer_Java; }
  static address zap_dead_locals_stub(bool is_native)    { return is_native
                                                                  ? _zap_dead_native_locals_Java
                                                                  : _zap_dead_Java_locals_Java; }
  static MachNode* node_to_call_zap_dead_locals(Node* n, int block_num, bool is_native);
# endif
  static ExceptionBlob*    exception_blob()                      { return _exception_blob; }
  static void profile_receiver_type_C(DataLayout* data, oopDesc* receiver);
  static void throw_div0_exception_C      (JavaThread* thread);
  static void throw_stack_overflow_error_C(JavaThread* thread);
  static address rethrow_stub()             { return _rethrow_Java; }
  static const TypeFunc* new_instance_Type(); // object allocation (slow case)
  static const TypeFunc* new_array_Type ();   // [a]newarray (slow case)
  static const TypeFunc* multianewarray_Type(int ndim); // multianewarray
  static const TypeFunc* multianewarray2_Type(); // multianewarray
  static const TypeFunc* multianewarray3_Type(); // multianewarray
  static const TypeFunc* multianewarray4_Type(); // multianewarray
  static const TypeFunc* multianewarray5_Type(); // multianewarray
  static const TypeFunc* multianewarrayN_Type(); // multianewarray
  static const TypeFunc* g1_wb_pre_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* g1_wb_post_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* complete_monitor_enter_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* complete_monitor_exit_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* uncommon_trap_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* athrow_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* rethrow_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* Math_D_D_Type();  // sin,cos & friends
  static const TypeFunc* Math_DD_D_Type(); // mod,pow & friends
  static const TypeFunc* modf_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* l2f_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* void_long_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* flush_windows_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fast_arraycopy_Type(); // bit-blasters
  static const TypeFunc* checkcast_arraycopy_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* generic_arraycopy_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* slow_arraycopy_Type();   // the full routine
  static const TypeFunc* array_fill_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* aescrypt_block_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* cipherBlockChaining_aescrypt_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* sha_implCompress_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* digestBase_implCompressMB_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* multiplyToLen_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* squareToLen_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* mulAdd_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* montgomeryMultiply_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* montgomerySquare_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* ghash_processBlocks_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* updateBytesCRC32_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* osr_end_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* profile_receiver_type_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fetch_int_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fetch_long_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fetch_float_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fetch_double_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fetch_oop_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* fetch_monitor_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* register_finalizer_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* dtrace_method_entry_exit_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* dtrace_object_alloc_Type();
  static const TypeFunc* zap_dead_locals_Type();
# endif
 static NamedCounter * volatile _named_counters;
 static NamedCounter* new_named_counter(JVMState* jvms, NamedCounter::CounterTag tag);
 static void          print_named_counters();
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_region( Node *n, Node *region ) {
  uint wins = 0;
  assert( n->is_CFG(), "" );
  assert( region->is_Region(), "" );
  Node *r = new (C) RegionNode( region->req() );
  IdealLoopTree *loop = get_loop( n );
  for( uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++ ) {
    Node *x = n->clone();
    Node *in0 = n->in(0);
    if( in0->in(0) == region ) x->set_req( 0, in0->in(i) );
    for( uint j = 1; j < n->req(); j++ ) {
      Node *in = n->in(j);
      if( get_ctrl(in) == region )
        x->set_req( j, in->in(i) );
    set_loop(x, loop);
    set_idom(x, x->in(0), dom_depth(x->in(0))+1);
    r->init_req(i, x);
  r->set_req(0,region);         // Not a TRUE RegionNode
  set_loop(r, loop);
  if( !loop->_child )
  return r;
bool PhaseIdealLoop::split_up( Node *n, Node *blk1, Node *blk2 ) {
  if( n->is_CFG() ) {
    assert( n->in(0) != blk1, "Lousy candidate for split-if" );
    return false;
  if( get_ctrl(n) != blk1 && get_ctrl(n) != blk2 )
    return false;               // Not block local
  if( n->is_Phi() ) return false; // Local PHIs are expected
  for (uint i = 1; i < n->req(); i++) {
    if( split_up( n->in(i), blk1, blk2 ) ) {
      if (n->outcnt() == 0)
      return true;
  if( n->is_Cmp() ) {
    assert(get_ctrl(n) == blk2 || get_ctrl(n) == blk1, "must be in block with IF");
    Node *bol, *cmov;
    if( !(n->outcnt() == 1 && n->unique_out()->is_Bool() &&
          (bol = n->unique_out()->as_Bool()) &&
          (get_ctrl(bol) == blk1 ||
           get_ctrl(bol) == blk2) &&
          bol->outcnt() == 1 &&
          bol->unique_out()->is_CMove() &&
          (cmov = bol->unique_out()->as_CMove()) &&
          (get_ctrl(cmov) == blk1 ||
           get_ctrl(cmov) == blk2) ) ) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if( PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations ) {
        tty->print("Cloning down: ");
      for (DUIterator i = n->outs(); n->has_out(i); i++) {
        Node* bol = n->out(i);
        assert( bol->is_Bool(), "" );
        if (bol->outcnt() == 1) {
          Node* use = bol->unique_out();
          Node *use_c = use->is_If() ? use->in(0) : get_ctrl(use);
          if (use_c == blk1 || use_c == blk2) {
        if (get_ctrl(bol) == blk1 || get_ctrl(bol) == blk2) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if( PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations ) {
            tty->print("Cloning down: ");
          for (DUIterator_Last jmin, j = bol->last_outs(jmin); j >= jmin; --j) {
            Node* iff = bol->last_out(j);
            assert( iff->in(1) == bol, "" );
            Node *iff_ctrl = iff->is_If() ? iff->in(0) : get_ctrl(iff);
            Node *x = bol->clone();
            register_new_node(x, iff_ctrl);
            _igvn.replace_input_of(iff, 1, x);
          _igvn.remove_dead_node( bol );
      for (DUIterator_Last jmin, j = n->last_outs(jmin); j >= jmin; --j) {
        Node* bol = n->last_out(j);
        assert( bol->in(1) == n, "" );
        Node *x = n->clone();
        register_new_node(x, get_ctrl(bol));
        _igvn.replace_input_of(bol, 1, x);
      _igvn.remove_dead_node( n );
      return true;
  if( n->is_Store() && n->in(MemNode::Memory)->in(0) == n->in(0) ) {
    int alias_idx = C->get_alias_index(_igvn.type(n->in(MemNode::Address))->is_ptr());
    Node *memphi = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
    assert( memphi->is_Phi(), "" );
    for (DUIterator_Fast imax,i = memphi->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
      Node *load = memphi->fast_out(i);
      if( load->is_Load() && alias_idx == C->get_alias_index(_igvn.type(load->in(MemNode::Address))->is_ptr()) )
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if( PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations ) {
    tty->print("Cloning up: ");
  const Type* rtype = NULL;
  if (n->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L && n->bottom_type() != TypeLong::INT) {
    rtype = TypeLong::INT;
  Node *phi = PhiNode::make_blank(blk1, n);
  for( uint j = 1; j < blk1->req(); j++ ) {
    Node *x = n->clone();
    if (rtype != NULL) x->as_Type()->set_type(rtype);
    if( n->in(0) && n->in(0) == blk1 )
      x->set_req( 0, blk1->in(j) );
    for( uint i = 1; i < n->req(); i++ ) {
      Node *m = n->in(i);
      if( get_ctrl(m) == blk1 ) {
        assert( m->in(0) == blk1, "" );
        x->set_req( i, m->in(j) );
    register_new_node( x, blk1->in(j) );
    phi->init_req( j, x );
  register_new_node(phi, blk1);
  _igvn.replace_node( n, phi );
  return true;
void PhaseIdealLoop::register_new_node( Node *n, Node *blk ) {
  assert(!n->is_CFG(), "must be data node");
  set_ctrl(n, blk);
  IdealLoopTree *loop = get_loop(blk);
  if( !loop->_child )
struct small_cache : public Dict {
  small_cache() : Dict( cmpkey, hashptr ) {}
  Node *probe( Node *use_blk ) { return (Node*)((*this)[use_blk]); }
  void lru_insert( Node *use_blk, Node *new_def ) { Insert(use_blk,new_def); }
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::spinup( Node *iff_dom, Node *new_false, Node *new_true, Node *use_blk, Node *def, small_cache *cache ) {
  if (use_blk->is_top())        // Handle dead uses
    return use_blk;
  Node *prior_n = (Node*)((intptr_t)0xdeadbeef);
  Node *n = use_blk;            // Get path input
  assert( use_blk != iff_dom, "" );
  while( n != iff_dom ) {       // Found post-dominating point?
    prior_n = n;
    n = idom(n);                // Search higher
    Node *s = cache->probe( prior_n ); // Check cache
    if( s ) return s;           // Cache hit!
  Node *phi_post;
  if( prior_n == new_false || prior_n == new_true ) {
    phi_post = def->clone();
    phi_post->set_req(0, prior_n );
    register_new_node(phi_post, prior_n);
  } else {
    if( def->is_CFG() ) {
      phi_post = prior_n;       // If looking for CFG, return prior
    } else {
      assert( def->is_Phi(), "" );
      assert( prior_n->is_Region(), "must be a post-dominating merge point" );
      phi_post = PhiNode::make_blank(prior_n, def);
      for( uint i = 1; i < phi_post->req(); i++ ) // For all paths
        phi_post->init_req( i, spinup( iff_dom, new_false, new_true, prior_n->in(i), def, cache ) );
      Node *t = _igvn.hash_find_insert(phi_post);
      if( t ) {                 // See if we already have this one
        phi_post = t;
      } else {
        register_new_node( phi_post, prior_n );
  prior_n = (Node*)((intptr_t)0xdeadbeef);  // Reset IDOM walk
  n = use_blk;                  // Get path input
  while( n != iff_dom ) {       // Found post-dominating point?
    prior_n = n;
    n = idom(n);                // Search higher
    cache->lru_insert( prior_n, phi_post ); // Fill cache
  } // End of while not gone high enough
  return phi_post;
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::find_use_block( Node *use, Node *def, Node *old_false, Node *new_false, Node *old_true, Node *new_true ) {
  if( use->is_CFG() )
    return use;
  if( use->is_Phi() ) {         // Phi uses in prior block
    uint j;
    for( j = 1; j < use->req(); j++ )
      if( use->in(j) == def )
    assert( j < use->req(), "def should be among use's inputs" );
    return use->in(0)->in(j);
  Node *use_blk = get_ctrl(use);
  if( use_blk == old_false ) {
    use_blk = new_false;
    set_ctrl(use, new_false);
  if( use_blk == old_true ) {
    use_blk = new_true;
    set_ctrl(use, new_true);
  if (use_blk == NULL) {        // He's dead, Jim
    _igvn.replace_node(use, C->top());
  return use_blk;
void PhaseIdealLoop::handle_use( Node *use, Node *def, small_cache *cache, Node *region_dom, Node *new_false, Node *new_true, Node *old_false, Node *old_true ) {
  Node *use_blk = find_use_block(use,def,old_false,new_false,old_true,new_true);
  if( !use_blk ) return;        // He's dead, Jim
  Node *new_def = spinup( region_dom, new_false, new_true, use_blk, def, cache );
  uint i;
  for( i = 0; i < use->req(); i++ )
    if( use->in(i) == def )
  assert( i < use->req(), "def should be among use's inputs" );
  _igvn.replace_input_of(use, i, new_def);
void PhaseIdealLoop::do_split_if( Node *iff ) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if( PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations )
  if (TraceLoopOpts) {
  Node *region = iff->in(0);
  Node *region_dom = idom(region);
  DUIterator i, j;
  bool progress = true;
  while (progress) {
    progress = false;
    for (i = region->outs(); region->has_out(i); i++) {
      Node* n = region->out(i);
      if( n == region ) continue;
      if( n == iff ) continue;
      if( !n->is_Phi() ) {      // Found pinned memory op or such
        if (split_up(n, region, iff)) {
          i = region->refresh_out_pos(i);
          progress = true;
      assert( n->in(0) == region, "" );
      for (j = n->outs(); n->has_out(j); j++) {
        Node* m = n->out(j);
        if (_nodes[m->_idx] == NULL) {
        else if (m != iff && split_up(m, region, iff)) {
        } else {
        i = region->refresh_out_pos(i);
        j = region->refresh_out_pos(j);
        progress = true;
  Node *new_iff = split_thru_region( iff, region );
  Node *old_false = NULL, *old_true = NULL;
  Node *new_false = NULL, *new_true = NULL;
  for (DUIterator_Last j2min, j2 = iff->last_outs(j2min); j2 >= j2min; --j2) {
    Node *ifp = iff->last_out(j2);
    assert( ifp->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse || ifp->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue, "" );
    ifp->set_req(0, new_iff);
    Node *ifpx = split_thru_region( ifp, region );
    ifpx->set_req(0, ifpx);       // A TRUE RegionNode
    set_idom(ifpx, region_dom, dom_depth(region_dom) + 1);
    if( get_loop(iff)->tail() == ifp )
      get_loop(iff)->_tail = ifpx;
    new_iff->set_req(0, new_iff); // hook self so it does not go dead
    lazy_replace(ifp, ifpx);
    new_iff->set_req(0, region);
    if( ifp->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse ) {
      old_false = ifp;
      new_false = ifpx;
    } else {
      old_true = ifp;
      new_true = ifpx;
  lazy_replace( iff, region_dom );
  small_cache region_cache;
  region_cache.lru_insert( new_false, new_false );
  region_cache.lru_insert( new_true , new_true  );
  for (DUIterator k = region->outs(); region->has_out(k); k++) {
    Node* phi = region->out(k);
    if (!phi->in(0)) {         // Dead phi?  Remove it
    } else if (phi == region) { // Found the self-reference
      continue;                 // No roll-back of DUIterator
    } else if (phi->is_Phi()) { // Expected common case: Phi hanging off of Region
      assert(phi->in(0) == region, "Inconsistent graph");
      small_cache phi_cache;
      for (DUIterator_Last lmin, l = phi->last_outs(lmin); l >= lmin; --l) {
        Node* use = phi->last_out(l);
        handle_use(use, phi, &phi_cache, region_dom, new_false, new_true, old_false, old_true);
      } // End of while phi has uses
      _igvn.remove_dead_node( phi );
    } else {
      assert(phi->in(0) == region, "Inconsistent graph");
      handle_use(phi, region, &region_cache, region_dom, new_false, new_true, old_false, old_true);
  } // End of while merge point has phis
  assert(region->outcnt() == 1, "Only self reference should remain"); // Just Self on the Region
  region->set_req(0, NULL);       // Break the self-cycle
  lazy_replace( region, region_dom );
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callGenerator.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/graphKit.hpp"
#include "opto/idealKit.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
#include "opto/stringopts.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#define __ kit.
class StringConcat : public ResourceObj {
  PhaseStringOpts*    _stringopts;
  Node*               _string_alloc;
  AllocateNode*       _begin;          // The allocation the begins the pattern
  CallStaticJavaNode* _end;            // The final call of the pattern.  Will either be
  bool                _multiple;       // indicates this is a fusion of two or more
  Node*               _arguments;      // The list of arguments to be concatenated
  GrowableArray<int>  _mode;           // into a String along with a mode flag
  Node_List           _constructors;   // List of constructors (many in case of stacked concat)
  Node_List           _control;        // List of control nodes that will be deleted
  Node_List           _uncommon_traps; // Uncommon traps that needs to be rewritten
  enum {
  StringConcat(PhaseStringOpts* stringopts, CallStaticJavaNode* end):
    _stringopts(stringopts) {
    _arguments = new (_stringopts->C) Node(1);
  bool validate_mem_flow();
  bool validate_control_flow();
  void merge_add() {
#if 0
    CallProjections endprojs;
    sc->end()->extract_projections(&endprojs, false);
    if (endprojs.resproj != NULL) {
      for (SimpleDUIterator i(endprojs.resproj); i.has_next(); {
        CallStaticJavaNode *use = i.get()->isa_CallStaticJava();
        if (use != NULL && use->method() != NULL &&
            use->method()->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_String_String &&
            use->in(TypeFunc::Parms + 1) == endprojs.resproj) {
  StringConcat* merge(StringConcat* other, Node* arg);
  void set_allocation(AllocateNode* alloc) {
    _begin = alloc;
  void append(Node* value, int mode) {
  void push(Node* value, int mode) {
    _arguments->ins_req(0, value);
    _mode.insert_before(0, mode);
  void push_string(Node* value) {
    push(value, StringMode);
  void push_string_null_check(Node* value) {
    push(value, StringNullCheckMode);
  void push_int(Node* value) {
    push(value, IntMode);
  void push_char(Node* value) {
    push(value, CharMode);
  static bool is_SB_toString(Node* call) {
    if (call->is_CallStaticJava()) {
      CallStaticJavaNode* csj = call->as_CallStaticJava();
      ciMethod* m = csj->method();
      if (m != NULL &&
          (m->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_StringBuilder_toString ||
           m->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_StringBuffer_toString)) {
        return true;
    return false;
  static Node* skip_string_null_check(Node* value) {
    if (value->is_Phi()) {
      int true_path = value->as_Phi()->is_diamond_phi();
      if (true_path != 0) {
        BoolNode* b = value->in(0)->in(1)->in(0)->in(1)->as_Bool();
        Node* cmp = b->in(1);
        Node* v1 = cmp->in(1);
        Node* v2 = cmp->in(2);
        if (b->_test._test == BoolTest::ne &&
            v2->bottom_type() == TypePtr::NULL_PTR &&
            value->in(true_path)->Opcode() == Op_CastPP &&
            value->in(true_path)->in(1) == v1 &&
            v1->is_Proj() && is_SB_toString(v1->in(0))) {
          return v1;
    return value;
  Node* argument(int i) {
    return _arguments->in(i);
  Node* argument_uncast(int i) {
    Node* arg = argument(i);
    int amode = mode(i);
    if (amode == StringConcat::StringMode ||
        amode == StringConcat::StringNullCheckMode) {
      arg = skip_string_null_check(arg);
    return arg;
  void set_argument(int i, Node* value) {
    _arguments->set_req(i, value);
  int num_arguments() {
    return _mode.length();
  int mode(int i) {
  void add_control(Node* ctrl) {
    assert(!_control.contains(ctrl), "only push once");
  void add_constructor(Node* init) {
    assert(!_constructors.contains(init), "only push once");
  CallStaticJavaNode* end() { return _end; }
  AllocateNode* begin() { return _begin; }
  Node* string_alloc() { return _string_alloc; }
  void eliminate_unneeded_control();
  void eliminate_initialize(InitializeNode* init);
  void eliminate_call(CallNode* call);
  void maybe_log_transform() {
    CompileLog* log = _stringopts->C->log();
    if (log != NULL) {
      log->head("replace_string_concat arguments='%d' string_alloc='%d' multiple='%d'",
                _string_alloc != NULL,
      JVMState* p = _begin->jvms();
      while (p != NULL) {
        log->elem("jvms bci='%d' method='%d'", p->bci(), log->identify(p->method()));
        p = p->caller();
  void convert_uncommon_traps(GraphKit& kit, const JVMState* jvms) {
    for (uint u = 0; u < _uncommon_traps.size(); u++) {
      Node* uct =;
      address call_addr = SharedRuntime::uncommon_trap_blob()->entry_point();
      const TypeFunc* call_type = OptoRuntime::uncommon_trap_Type();
      const TypePtr* no_memory_effects = NULL;
      Compile* C = _stringopts->C;
      CallStaticJavaNode* call = new (C) CallStaticJavaNode(call_type, call_addr, "uncommon_trap",
                                                            jvms->bci(), no_memory_effects);
      for (int e = 0; e < TypeFunc::Parms; e++) {
        call->init_req(e, uct->in(e));
      int trap_request = Deoptimization::make_trap_request(Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic,
      call->init_req(TypeFunc::Parms, __ intcon(trap_request));
      C->gvn_replace_by(uct, call);
      uct->disconnect_inputs(NULL, C);
  void cleanup() {
    _arguments->disconnect_inputs(NULL, _stringopts->C);
void StringConcat::eliminate_unneeded_control() {
  for (uint i = 0; i < _control.size(); i++) {
    Node* n =;
    if (n->is_Allocate()) {
    if (n->is_Call()) {
      if (n != _end) {
    } else if (n->is_IfTrue()) {
      Compile* C = _stringopts->C;
      C->gvn_replace_by(n, n->in(0)->in(0));
      C->gvn_replace_by(n->in(0)->as_If()->proj_out(false), C->top());
StringConcat* StringConcat::merge(StringConcat* other, Node* arg) {
  StringConcat* result = new StringConcat(_stringopts, _end);
  for (uint x = 0; x < _control.size(); x++) {
    Node* n =;
    if (n->is_Call()) {
  for (uint x = 0; x < other->_control.size(); x++) {
    Node* n = other->;
    if (n->is_Call()) {
  assert(result->_control.contains(other->_end), "what?");
  assert(result->_control.contains(_begin), "what?");
  for (int x = 0; x < num_arguments(); x++) {
    Node* argx = argument_uncast(x);
    if (argx == arg) {
      for (int y = 0; y < other->num_arguments(); y++) {
        result->append(other->argument(y), other->mode(y));
    } else {
      result->append(argx, mode(x));
  for (uint i = 0; i < _constructors.size(); i++) {
  for (uint i = 0; i < other->_constructors.size(); i++) {
  result->_multiple = true;
  return result;
void StringConcat::eliminate_call(CallNode* call) {
  Compile* C = _stringopts->C;
  CallProjections projs;
  call->extract_projections(&projs, false);
  if (projs.fallthrough_catchproj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.fallthrough_catchproj, call->in(TypeFunc::Control));
  if (projs.fallthrough_memproj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.fallthrough_memproj, call->in(TypeFunc::Memory));
  if (projs.catchall_memproj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.catchall_memproj, C->top());
  if (projs.fallthrough_ioproj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.fallthrough_ioproj, call->in(TypeFunc::I_O));
  if (projs.catchall_ioproj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.catchall_ioproj, C->top());
  if (projs.catchall_catchproj != NULL) {
    for (SimpleDUIterator i(projs.catchall_catchproj); i.has_next(); {
      Node *use = i.get();
      int opc = use->Opcode();
      if (opc == Op_CreateEx || opc == Op_Region) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.catchall_catchproj, C->top());
  if (projs.resproj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(projs.resproj, C->top());
  C->gvn_replace_by(call, C->top());
void StringConcat::eliminate_initialize(InitializeNode* init) {
  Compile* C = _stringopts->C;
  assert(init->outcnt() <= 2, "only a control and memory projection expected");
  assert(init->req() <= InitializeNode::RawStores, "no pending inits");
  Node *ctrl_proj = init->proj_out(TypeFunc::Control);
  if (ctrl_proj != NULL) {
    C->gvn_replace_by(ctrl_proj, init->in(TypeFunc::Control));
  Node *mem_proj = init->proj_out(TypeFunc::Memory);
  if (mem_proj != NULL) {
    Node *mem = init->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
    C->gvn_replace_by(mem_proj, mem);
  C->gvn_replace_by(init, C->top());
  init->disconnect_inputs(NULL, C);
Node_List PhaseStringOpts::collect_toString_calls() {
  Node_List string_calls;
  Node_List worklist;
  for (uint i = 1; i < C->root()->len(); i++) {
    Node* n = C->root()->in(i);
    if (n != NULL && !_visited.test_set(n->_idx)) {
  while (worklist.size() > 0) {
    Node* ctrl = worklist.pop();
    if (StringConcat::is_SB_toString(ctrl)) {
      CallStaticJavaNode* csj = ctrl->as_CallStaticJava();
    if (ctrl->in(0) != NULL && !_visited.test_set(ctrl->in(0)->_idx)) {
    if (ctrl->is_Region()) {
      for (uint i = 1; i < ctrl->len(); i++) {
        if (ctrl->in(i) != NULL && !_visited.test_set(ctrl->in(i)->_idx)) {
  return string_calls;
StringConcat* PhaseStringOpts::build_candidate(CallStaticJavaNode* call) {
  ciMethod* m = call->method();
  ciSymbol* string_sig;
  ciSymbol* int_sig;
  ciSymbol* char_sig;
  if (m->holder() == C->env()->StringBuilder_klass()) {
    string_sig = ciSymbol::String_StringBuilder_signature();
    int_sig = ciSymbol::int_StringBuilder_signature();
    char_sig = ciSymbol::char_StringBuilder_signature();
  } else if (m->holder() == C->env()->StringBuffer_klass()) {
    string_sig = ciSymbol::String_StringBuffer_signature();
    int_sig = ciSymbol::int_StringBuffer_signature();
    char_sig = ciSymbol::char_StringBuffer_signature();
  } else {
    return NULL;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
    tty->print("considering toString call in ");
    call->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
  StringConcat* sc = new StringConcat(this, call);
  AllocateNode* alloc = NULL;
  InitializeNode* init = NULL;
  CallStaticJavaNode* cnode = call;
  while (cnode) {
    Node* recv = cnode->in(TypeFunc::Parms)->uncast();
    if (recv->is_Proj()) {
      recv = recv->in(0);
    cnode = recv->isa_CallStaticJava();
    if (cnode == NULL) {
      alloc = recv->isa_Allocate();
      if (alloc == NULL) {
      Node* result = alloc->result_cast();
      if (result == NULL || !result->is_CheckCastPP() || alloc->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_top()) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
        if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
          tty->print("giving up because allocation looks strange ");
          alloc->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
      Node* constructor = NULL;
      for (SimpleDUIterator i(result); i.has_next(); {
        CallStaticJavaNode *use = i.get()->isa_CallStaticJava();
        if (use != NULL &&
            use->method() != NULL &&
            !use->method()->is_static() &&
            use->method()->name() == ciSymbol::object_initializer_name() &&
            use->method()->holder() == m->holder()) {
          ciSymbol* sig = use->method()->signature()->as_symbol();
          if (sig == ciSymbol::void_method_signature() ||
              sig == ciSymbol::int_void_signature() ||
              sig == ciSymbol::string_void_signature()) {
            if (sig == ciSymbol::string_void_signature()) {
              assert(use->in(TypeFunc::Parms + 1) != NULL, "what?");
              const Type* type = _gvn->type(use->in(TypeFunc::Parms + 1));
              if (type == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
                if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
                  tty->print("giving up because StringBuilder(null) throws exception");
                  alloc->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
                return NULL;
              sc->push_string_null_check(use->in(TypeFunc::Parms + 1));
            constructor = use;
          } else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
            if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
              tty->print("unexpected constructor signature: %s", sig->as_utf8());
      if (constructor == NULL) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
        if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
          tty->print("giving up because couldn't find constructor ");
          alloc->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
      if (sc->validate_control_flow() && sc->validate_mem_flow()) {
        return sc;
      } else {
        return NULL;
    } else if (cnode->method() == NULL) {
    } else if (!cnode->method()->is_static() &&
               cnode->method()->holder() == m->holder() &&
               cnode->method()->name() == ciSymbol::append_name() &&
               (cnode->method()->signature()->as_symbol() == string_sig ||
                cnode->method()->signature()->as_symbol() == char_sig ||
                cnode->method()->signature()->as_symbol() == int_sig)) {
      Node* arg = cnode->in(TypeFunc::Parms + 1);
      if (cnode->method()->signature()->as_symbol() == int_sig) {
      } else if (cnode->method()->signature()->as_symbol() == char_sig) {
      } else {
        if (arg->is_Proj() && arg->in(0)->is_CallStaticJava()) {
          CallStaticJavaNode* csj = arg->in(0)->as_CallStaticJava();
          if (csj->method() != NULL &&
              csj->method()->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_Integer_toString &&
              arg->outcnt() == 1) {
            assert(arg->unique_out() == cnode, "sanity");
    } else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
        tty->print("giving up because encountered unexpected signature ");
        cnode->tf()->dump(); tty->cr();
        cnode->in(TypeFunc::Parms + 1)->dump();
  return NULL;
PhaseStringOpts::PhaseStringOpts(PhaseGVN* gvn, Unique_Node_List*):
  _visited(Thread::current()->resource_area()) {
  assert(OptimizeStringConcat, "shouldn't be here");
  size_table_field = C->env()->Integer_klass()->get_field_by_name(ciSymbol::make("sizeTable"),
                                                                  ciSymbol::make("[I"), true);
  if (size_table_field == NULL) {
    assert(false, "why can't we find Integer.sizeTable?");
  char_adr_idx = C->get_alias_index(TypeAryPtr::CHARS);
  GrowableArray<StringConcat*> concats;
  Node_List toStrings = collect_toString_calls();
  while (toStrings.size() > 0) {
    StringConcat* sc = build_candidate(toStrings.pop()->as_CallStaticJava());
    if (sc != NULL) {
  for (int c = 0; c < concats.length(); c++) {
    StringConcat* sc =;
    for (int i = 0; i < sc->num_arguments(); i++) {
      Node* arg = sc->argument_uncast(i);
      if (arg->is_Proj() && StringConcat::is_SB_toString(arg->in(0))) {
        CallStaticJavaNode* csj = arg->in(0)->as_CallStaticJava();
        for (int o = 0; o < concats.length(); o++) {
          if (c == o) continue;
          StringConcat* other =;
          if (other->end() == csj) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
            if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
              tty->print_cr("considering stacked concats");
            StringConcat* merged = sc->merge(other, arg);
            if (merged->validate_control_flow() && merged->validate_mem_flow()) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
              if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
                tty->print_cr("stacking would succeed");
              if (c < o) {
                concats.at_put(c, merged);
              } else {
                concats.at_put(o, merged);
              goto restart;
            } else {
#ifndef PRODUCT
              if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
                tty->print_cr("stacking would fail");
  for (int c = 0; c < concats.length(); c++) {
    StringConcat* sc =;
void PhaseStringOpts::record_dead_node(Node* dead) {
void PhaseStringOpts::remove_dead_nodes() {
  while (dead_worklist.size() > 0) {
    Node* use = dead_worklist.pop();
    int opc = use->Opcode();
    switch (opc) {
      case Op_Region: {
        uint i = 1;
        for (i = 1; i < use->req(); i++) {
          if (use->in(i) != C->top()) {
        if (i >= use->req()) {
          for (SimpleDUIterator i(use); i.has_next(); {
            Node* m = i.get();
            if (m->is_Phi()) {
          C->gvn_replace_by(use, C->top());
      case Op_AddP:
      case Op_CreateEx: {
        for (SimpleDUIterator i(use); i.has_next(); {
          Node* m = i.get();
          if (m->is_AddP()) {
        C->gvn_replace_by(use, C->top());
      case Op_Phi:
        if (use->in(0) == C->top()) {
          C->gvn_replace_by(use, C->top());
bool StringConcat::validate_mem_flow() {
  Compile* C = _stringopts->C;
  for (uint i = 0; i < _control.size(); i++) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
    Node_List path;
    Node* curr =;
    if (curr->is_Call() && curr != _begin) { // For all calls except the first allocation
      if (!_constructors.contains(curr)) {
        Node* mem = curr->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
        assert(mem != NULL, "calls should have memory edge");
        assert(!mem->is_Phi(), "should be handled by control flow validation");
        while (mem->is_MergeMem()) {
          for (uint i = 1; i < mem->req(); i++) {
            if (i != Compile::AliasIdxBot && mem->in(i) != C->top()) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
              if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
                tty->print("fusion has incorrect memory flow (side effects) for ");
                _begin->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
              return false;
          mem = mem->in(Compile::AliasIdxBot);
        if (mem->is_Proj()) {
          Node *prev = mem->in(0);
          if (!prev->is_Call() || !_control.contains(prev)) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
            if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
              tty->print("fusion has incorrect memory flow (unknown call) for ");
              _begin->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
            return false;
        } else {
          assert(mem->is_Store() || mem->is_LoadStore(), err_msg_res("unexpected node type: %s", mem->Name()));
#ifndef PRODUCT
          if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
            tty->print("fusion has incorrect memory flow (unexpected source) for ");
            _begin->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
          return false;
      } else {
#ifdef ASSERT
        assert(curr->is_Call(), "constructor should be a call");
        Node* ctrl = curr->in(0);
        IfNode* iff = NULL;
        RegionNode* copy = NULL;
        while (true) {
          if (ctrl->is_Region()) {
            if (ctrl->as_Region()->is_copy()) {
              copy = ctrl->as_Region();
              ctrl = copy->is_copy();
            } else { // a cast
              assert(ctrl->req() == 3 &&
                     ctrl->in(1) != NULL && ctrl->in(1)->is_Proj() &&
                     ctrl->in(2) != NULL && ctrl->in(2)->is_Proj() &&
                     ctrl->in(1)->in(0) == ctrl->in(2)->in(0) &&
                     ctrl->in(1)->in(0) != NULL && ctrl->in(1)->in(0)->is_If(),
                     "must be a simple diamond");
              Node* true_proj = ctrl->in(1)->is_IfTrue() ? ctrl->in(1) : ctrl->in(2);
              for (SimpleDUIterator i(true_proj); i.has_next(); {
                Node* use = i.get();
                assert(use == ctrl || use->is_ConstraintCast(),
                       err_msg_res("unexpected user: %s", use->Name()));
              iff = ctrl->in(1)->in(0)->as_If();
              ctrl = iff->in(0);
          } else if (ctrl->is_IfTrue()) { // null checks, class checks
            iff = ctrl->in(0)->as_If();
            assert(iff->is_If(), "must be if");
            Node* otherproj = iff->proj_out(1 - ctrl->as_Proj()->_con);
            CallStaticJavaNode* call = otherproj->unique_out()->isa_CallStaticJava();
            assert(strcmp(call->_name, "uncommon_trap") == 0, "must be uncommond trap");
            ctrl = iff->in(0);
          } else {
        assert(ctrl->is_Proj(), "must be a projection");
        assert(ctrl->in(0)->is_Initialize(), "should be initialize");
        for (SimpleDUIterator i(ctrl); i.has_next(); {
          Node* use = i.get();
          assert(use == copy || use == iff || use == curr || use->is_CheckCastPP() || use->is_Load(),
                 err_msg_res("unexpected user: %s", use->Name()));
#endif // ASSERT
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
    tty->print("fusion has correct memory flow for ");
    _begin->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
  return true;
bool StringConcat::validate_control_flow() {
  if (Compile::current()->too_many_traps(_begin->jvms()->method(), _begin->jvms()->bci(),
                        Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic)) {
    return false;
  int null_check_count = 0;
  Unique_Node_List ctrl_path;
  assert(_control.contains(_begin), "missing");
  assert(_control.contains(_end), "missing");
  for (uint i = 0; i < _control.size(); i++) {
    Node* n =;
    if (n->is_Allocate()) {
      AllocateNode* an = n->as_Allocate();
      InitializeNode* init = an->initialization();
    if (n->is_Call()) {
      CallNode* cn = n->as_Call();
      Node* catchproj = cn->proj_out(0)->unique_out()->as_Catch()->proj_out(0);
      if (catchproj != NULL) {
    } else {
  Node* ptr = _end;
  bool fail = false;
  while (ptr != _begin) {
    if (ptr->is_Call() && ctrl_path.member(ptr)) {
      ptr = ptr->in(0);
    } else if (ptr->is_CatchProj() && ctrl_path.member(ptr)) {
      ptr = ptr->in(0)->in(0)->in(0);
      assert(ctrl_path.member(ptr), "should be a known piece of control");
    } else if (ptr->is_IfTrue()) {
      IfNode* iff = ptr->in(0)->as_If();
      BoolNode* b = iff->in(1)->isa_Bool();
      if (b == NULL) {
        fail = true;
      Node* cmp = b->in(1);
      Node* v1 = cmp->in(1);
      Node* v2 = cmp->in(2);
      Node* otherproj = iff->proj_out(1 - ptr->as_Proj()->_con);
      if (b->_test._test == BoolTest::ne &&
          v2->bottom_type() == TypePtr::NULL_PTR &&
          v1->is_Proj() && ctrl_path.member(v1->in(0))) {
        if (otherproj->outcnt() == 1) {
          CallStaticJavaNode* call = otherproj->unique_out()->isa_CallStaticJava();
          if (call != NULL && call->_name != NULL && strcmp(call->_name, "uncommon_trap") == 0) {
        ptr = ptr->in(0)->in(0);
      if (otherproj->outcnt() == 1) {
        CallStaticJavaNode* call = otherproj->unique_out()->isa_CallStaticJava();
        if (call != NULL && call->_name != NULL && strcmp(call->_name, "uncommon_trap") == 0) {
          ptr = ptr->in(0)->in(0);
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
        tty->print_cr("failing with unknown test");
      fail = true;
    } else if (ptr->is_Proj() && ptr->in(0)->is_Initialize()) {
      ptr = ptr->in(0)->in(0);
    } else if (ptr->is_Region()) {
      Node* copy = ptr->as_Region()->is_copy();
      if (copy != NULL) {
        ptr = copy;
      if (ptr->req() == 3 &&
          ptr->in(1) != NULL && ptr->in(1)->is_Proj() &&
          ptr->in(2) != NULL && ptr->in(2)->is_Proj() &&
          ptr->in(1)->in(0) == ptr->in(2)->in(0) &&
          ptr->in(1)->in(0) != NULL && ptr->in(1)->in(0)->is_If()) {
        ptr = ptr->in(1)->in(0)->in(0);
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
        tty->print_cr("fusion would fail for region");
      fail = true;
    } else {
      if (!fail) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
        if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
          tty->print_cr("fusion would fail for");
        fail = true;
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
      ptr = ptr->in(0);
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat && fail) {
  if (fail) return !fail;
  Node_List worklist;
  Node* final_result = _end->proj_out(TypeFunc::Parms);
  for (uint i = 0; i < _control.size(); i++) {
    CallNode* cnode =>isa_Call();
    if (cnode != NULL) {
    Node* result = cnode != NULL ? cnode->proj_out(TypeFunc::Parms) : NULL;
    if (result != NULL && result != final_result) {
  Node* last_result = NULL;
  while (worklist.size() > 0) {
    Node* result = worklist.pop();
    if (_stringopts->_visited.test_set(result->_idx))
    for (SimpleDUIterator i(result); i.has_next(); {
      Node *use = i.get();
      if (ctrl_path.member(use)) {
      int opc = use->Opcode();
      if (opc == Op_CmpP || opc == Op_Node) {
      if (opc == Op_CastPP || opc == Op_CheckCastPP) {
        for (SimpleDUIterator j(use); j.has_next(); {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat) {
        if (result != last_result) {
          last_result = result;
          tty->print_cr("extra uses for result:");
      fail = true;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (PrintOptimizeStringConcat && !fail) {
    ttyLocker ttyl;
    tty->print("fusion has correct control flow (%d %d) for ", null_check_count, _uncommon_traps.size());
    _begin->jvms()->dump_spec(tty); tty->cr();
    for (int i = 0; i < num_arguments(); i++) {
  return !fail;
Node* PhaseStringOpts::fetch_static_field(GraphKit& kit, ciField* field) {
  const TypeInstPtr* mirror_type = TypeInstPtr::make(field->holder()->java_mirror());
  Node* klass_node = __ makecon(mirror_type);
  BasicType bt = field->layout_type();
  ciType* field_klass = field->type();
  const Type *type;
  if( bt == T_OBJECT ) {
    if (!field->type()->is_loaded()) {
      type = TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM;
    } else if (field->is_constant()) {
      ciObject* con = field->constant_value().as_object();
      type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_constant(con, true)->isa_oopptr();
      assert(type != NULL, "field singleton type must be consistent");
      return __ makecon(type);
    } else {
      type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass(field_klass->as_klass());
  } else {
    type = Type::get_const_basic_type(bt);
  return kit.make_load(NULL, kit.basic_plus_adr(klass_node, field->offset_in_bytes()),
                       type, T_OBJECT,
Node* PhaseStringOpts::int_stringSize(GraphKit& kit, Node* arg) {
  RegionNode *final_merge = new (C) RegionNode(3);
  kit.gvn().set_type(final_merge, Type::CONTROL);
  Node* final_size = new (C) PhiNode(final_merge, TypeInt::INT);
  kit.gvn().set_type(final_size, TypeInt::INT);
  IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(),
                                      __ Bool(__ CmpI(arg, __ intcon(0x80000000)), BoolTest::ne),
                                      PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  Node* is_min = __ IfFalse(iff);
  final_merge->init_req(1, is_min);
  final_size->init_req(1, __ intcon(11));
  kit.set_control(__ IfTrue(iff));
  if (kit.stopped()) {
    final_merge->init_req(2, C->top());
    final_size->init_req(2, C->top());
  } else {
    RegionNode *r = new (C) RegionNode(3);
    kit.gvn().set_type(r, Type::CONTROL);
    Node *phi = new (C) PhiNode(r, TypeInt::INT);
    kit.gvn().set_type(phi, TypeInt::INT);
    Node *size = new (C) PhiNode(r, TypeInt::INT);
    kit.gvn().set_type(size, TypeInt::INT);
    Node* chk = __ CmpI(arg, __ intcon(0));
    Node* p = __ Bool(chk, BoolTest::lt);
    IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(), p, PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
    Node* lessthan = __ IfTrue(iff);
    Node* greaterequal = __ IfFalse(iff);
    r->init_req(1, lessthan);
    phi->init_req(1, __ SubI(__ intcon(0), arg));
    size->init_req(1, __ intcon(1));
    r->init_req(2, greaterequal);
    phi->init_req(2, arg);
    size->init_req(2, __ intcon(0));
    RegionNode *loop = new (C) RegionNode(3);
    loop->init_req(1, kit.control());
    kit.gvn().set_type(loop, Type::CONTROL);
    Node *index = new (C) PhiNode(loop, TypeInt::INT);
    index->init_req(1, __ intcon(0));
    kit.gvn().set_type(index, TypeInt::INT);
    Node* sizeTable = fetch_static_field(kit, size_table_field);
    Node* value = kit.load_array_element(NULL, sizeTable, index, TypeAryPtr::INTS);
    Node* limit = __ CmpI(phi, value);
    Node* limitb = __ Bool(limit, BoolTest::le);
    IfNode* iff2 = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(), limitb, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
    Node* lessEqual = __ IfTrue(iff2);
    Node* greater = __ IfFalse(iff2);
    loop->init_req(2, greater);
    index->init_req(2, __ AddI(index, __ intcon(1)));
    final_merge->init_req(2, kit.control());
    final_size->init_req(2, __ AddI(__ AddI(index, size), __ intcon(1)));
  return final_size;
void PhaseStringOpts::int_getChars(GraphKit& kit, Node* arg, Node* char_array, Node* start, Node* end) {
  RegionNode *final_merge = new (C) RegionNode(4);
  kit.gvn().set_type(final_merge, Type::CONTROL);
  Node *final_mem = PhiNode::make(final_merge, kit.memory(char_adr_idx), Type::MEMORY, TypeAryPtr::CHARS);
  kit.gvn().set_type(final_mem, Type::MEMORY);
    IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(),
                                        __ Bool(__ CmpI(arg, __ intcon(0x80000000)), BoolTest::ne),
                                        PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
    Node* old_mem = kit.memory(char_adr_idx);
    kit.set_control(__ IfFalse(iff));
    if (kit.stopped()) {
      final_merge->init_req(3, kit.control());
    } else {
      copy_string(kit, __ makecon(TypeInstPtr::make(C->env()->the_min_jint_string())),
                  char_array, start);
      final_merge->init_req(3, kit.control());
      final_mem->init_req(3, kit.memory(char_adr_idx));
    kit.set_control(__ IfTrue(iff));
    kit.set_memory(old_mem, char_adr_idx);
  Node* charPos = end;
  Node* i = arg;
  Node* sign = __ intcon(0);
    IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(),
                                        __ Bool(__ CmpI(arg, __ intcon(0)), BoolTest::lt),
                                        PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
    RegionNode *merge = new (C) RegionNode(3);
    kit.gvn().set_type(merge, Type::CONTROL);
    i = new (C) PhiNode(merge, TypeInt::INT);
    kit.gvn().set_type(i, TypeInt::INT);
    sign = new (C) PhiNode(merge, TypeInt::INT);
    kit.gvn().set_type(sign, TypeInt::INT);
    merge->init_req(1, __ IfTrue(iff));
    i->init_req(1, __ SubI(__ intcon(0), arg));
    sign->init_req(1, __ intcon('-'));
    merge->init_req(2, __ IfFalse(iff));
    i->init_req(2, arg);
    sign->init_req(2, __ intcon(0));
    RegionNode *head = new (C) RegionNode(3);
    head->init_req(1, kit.control());
    kit.gvn().set_type(head, Type::CONTROL);
    Node *i_phi = new (C) PhiNode(head, TypeInt::INT);
    i_phi->init_req(1, i);
    kit.gvn().set_type(i_phi, TypeInt::INT);
    charPos = PhiNode::make(head, charPos);
    kit.gvn().set_type(charPos, TypeInt::INT);
    Node *mem = PhiNode::make(head, kit.memory(char_adr_idx), Type::MEMORY, TypeAryPtr::CHARS);
    kit.gvn().set_type(mem, Type::MEMORY);
    kit.set_memory(mem, char_adr_idx);
    Node* q = __ DivI(NULL, i_phi, __ intcon(10));
    Node* r = __ SubI(i_phi, __ AddI(__ LShiftI(q, __ intcon(3)),
                                     __ LShiftI(q, __ intcon(1))));
    Node* m1 = __ SubI(charPos, __ intcon(1));
    Node* ch = __ AddI(r, __ intcon('0'));
    Node* st = __ store_to_memory(kit.control(), kit.array_element_address(char_array, m1, T_CHAR),
                                  ch, T_CHAR, char_adr_idx, MemNode::unordered);
    IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(head, __ Bool(__ CmpI(q, __ intcon(0)), BoolTest::ne),
                                        PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
    Node* ne = __ IfTrue(iff);
    Node* eq = __ IfFalse(iff);
    head->init_req(2, ne);
    mem->init_req(2, st);
    i_phi->init_req(2, q);
    charPos->init_req(2, m1);
    charPos = m1;
    kit.set_memory(st, char_adr_idx);
    IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(),
                                        __ Bool(__ CmpI(sign, __ intcon(0)), BoolTest::ne),
                                        PROB_FAIR, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
    final_merge->init_req(2, __ IfFalse(iff));
    final_mem->init_req(2, kit.memory(char_adr_idx));
    kit.set_control(__ IfTrue(iff));
    if (kit.stopped()) {
      final_merge->init_req(1, C->top());
      final_mem->init_req(1, C->top());
    } else {
      Node* m1 = __ SubI(charPos, __ intcon(1));
      Node* st = __ store_to_memory(kit.control(), kit.array_element_address(char_array, m1, T_CHAR),
                                    sign, T_CHAR, char_adr_idx, MemNode::unordered);
      final_merge->init_req(1, kit.control());
      final_mem->init_req(1, st);
    kit.set_memory(final_mem, char_adr_idx);
Node* PhaseStringOpts::copy_string(GraphKit& kit, Node* str, Node* char_array, Node* start) {
  Node* string = str;
  Node* offset = kit.load_String_offset(kit.control(), string);
  Node* count  = kit.load_String_length(kit.control(), string);
  Node* value  = kit.load_String_value (kit.control(), string);
  if (offset->is_Con() && count->is_Con() && value->is_Con() && count->get_int() < unroll_string_copy_length) {
    int c = count->get_int();
    int o = offset->get_int();
    const TypeOopPtr* t = kit.gvn().type(value)->isa_oopptr();
    ciTypeArray* value_array = t->const_oop()->as_type_array();
    for (int e = 0; e < c; e++) {
      __ store_to_memory(kit.control(), kit.array_element_address(char_array, start, T_CHAR),
                         __ intcon(value_array->char_at(o + e)), T_CHAR, char_adr_idx,
      start = __ AddI(start, __ intcon(1));
  } else {
    Node* src_ptr = kit.array_element_address(value, offset, T_CHAR);
    Node* dst_ptr = kit.array_element_address(char_array, start, T_CHAR);
    Node* c = count;
    Node* extra = NULL;
#ifdef _LP64
    c = __ ConvI2L(c);
    extra = C->top();
    Node* call = kit.make_runtime_call(GraphKit::RC_LEAF|GraphKit::RC_NO_FP,
                                       CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, StubRoutines::jshort_disjoint_arraycopy()),
                                       "jshort_disjoint_arraycopy", TypeAryPtr::CHARS,
                                       src_ptr, dst_ptr, c, extra);
    start = __ AddI(start, count);
  return start;
void PhaseStringOpts::replace_string_concat(StringConcat* sc) {
  JVMState* jvms     = sc->begin()->jvms()->clone_shallow(C);
  uint size = sc->begin()->req();
  SafePointNode* map = new (C) SafePointNode(size, jvms);
  for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < TypeFunc::Parms; i1++) {
    map->init_req(i1, sc->end()->in(i1));
  for (uint i1 = TypeFunc::Parms; i1 < jvms->debug_start(); i1++) {
    map->init_req(i1, C->top());
  for (uint i1 = jvms->debug_start(); i1 < sc->begin()->req(); i1++) {
    map->init_req(i1, sc->begin()->in(i1));
  if (!map->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
    map->set_req(TypeFunc::Memory, MergeMemNode::make(C, map->in(TypeFunc::Memory)));
  map->ensure_stack(jvms, jvms->method()->max_stack());
  GraphKit kit(jvms);
  sc->convert_uncommon_traps(kit, jvms);
  Node* null_string = __ makecon(TypeInstPtr::make(C->env()->the_null_string()));
  int args = MAX2(sc->num_arguments(), 1);
  RegionNode* overflow = new (C) RegionNode(args);
  kit.gvn().set_type(overflow, Type::CONTROL);
  Node* string_sizes = new (C) Node(args);
  Node* length = __ intcon(0);
  for (int argi = 0; argi < sc->num_arguments(); argi++) {
    Node* arg = sc->argument(argi);
    switch (sc->mode(argi)) {
      case StringConcat::IntMode: {
        Node* string_size = int_stringSize(kit, arg);
        length = __ AddI(length, string_size);
        string_sizes->init_req(argi, string_size);
      case StringConcat::StringNullCheckMode: {
        const Type* type = kit.gvn().type(arg);
        assert(type != TypePtr::NULL_PTR, "missing check");
        if (!type->higher_equal(TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL)) {
          Node* p = __ Bool(__ CmpP(arg, kit.null()), BoolTest::ne);
          IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(), p, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
          overflow->add_req(__ IfFalse(iff));
          Node* notnull = __ IfTrue(iff);
          kit.set_control(notnull); // set control for the cast_not_null
          arg = kit.cast_not_null(arg, false);
          sc->set_argument(argi, arg);
        assert(kit.gvn().type(arg)->higher_equal(TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL), "sanity");
      case StringConcat::StringMode: {
        const Type* type = kit.gvn().type(arg);
        Node* count = NULL;
        if (type == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) {
          arg = null_string;
          sc->set_argument(argi, arg);
          count = kit.load_String_length(kit.control(), arg);
        } else if (!type->higher_equal(TypeInstPtr::NOTNULL)) {
          RegionNode *r = new (C) RegionNode(3);
          kit.gvn().set_type(r, Type::CONTROL);
          Node *phi = new (C) PhiNode(r, type);
          kit.gvn().set_type(phi, phi->bottom_type());
          Node* p = __ Bool(__ CmpP(arg, kit.null()), BoolTest::ne);
          IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(), p, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
          Node* notnull = __ IfTrue(iff);
          Node* isnull =  __ IfFalse(iff);
          kit.set_control(notnull); // set control for the cast_not_null
          r->init_req(1, notnull);
          phi->init_req(1, kit.cast_not_null(arg, false));
          r->init_req(2, isnull);
          phi->init_req(2, null_string);
          arg = phi;
          sc->set_argument(argi, arg);
          count = kit.load_String_length(kit.control(), arg);
        } else {
          count = kit.load_String_length(NULL, arg);
        length = __ AddI(length, count);
        string_sizes->init_req(argi, NULL);
      case StringConcat::CharMode: {
        length = __ AddI(length, __ intcon(1));
    if (argi > 0) {
      IfNode* iff = kit.create_and_map_if(kit.control(),
                                          __ Bool(__ CmpI(length, __ intcon(0)), BoolTest::lt),
                                          PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
      kit.set_control(__ IfFalse(iff));
      overflow->set_req(argi, __ IfTrue(iff));
    PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
  Node* result;
  if (!kit.stopped()) {
    Node* char_array = NULL;
      PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(&kit);
      char_array = kit.new_array(__ makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(ciTypeArrayKlass::make(T_CHAR))),
                                 length, 1);
    AllocateArrayNode* char_alloc = AllocateArrayNode::Ideal_array_allocation(char_array, _gvn);
    Node* start = __ intcon(0);
    for (int argi = 0; argi < sc->num_arguments(); argi++) {
      Node* arg = sc->argument(argi);
      switch (sc->mode(argi)) {
        case StringConcat::IntMode: {
          Node* end = __ AddI(start, string_sizes->in(argi));
          int_getChars(kit, arg, char_array, start, end);
          start = end;
        case StringConcat::StringNullCheckMode:
        case StringConcat::StringMode: {
          start = copy_string(kit, arg, char_array, start);
        case StringConcat::CharMode: {
          __ store_to_memory(kit.control(), kit.array_element_address(char_array, start, T_CHAR),
                             arg, T_CHAR, char_adr_idx, MemNode::unordered);
          start = __ AddI(start, __ intcon(1));
    result = sc->string_alloc();
    if (result == NULL) {
      PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(&kit);
      result = kit.new_instance(__ makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(C->env()->String_klass())));
    if (java_lang_String::has_offset_field()) {
      kit.store_String_offset(kit.control(), result, __ intcon(0));
      kit.store_String_length(kit.control(), result, length);
    kit.store_String_value(kit.control(), result, char_array);
    assert(AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(result, _gvn) != NULL, "should be newly allocated");
    kit.insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarRelease, result);
  } else {
    result = C->top();
  kit.replace_call(sc->end(), result);
  string_sizes->disconnect_inputs(NULL, C);
#include "opto/node.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
class StringConcat;
class PhaseStringOpts : public Phase {
  friend class StringConcat;
  PhaseGVN* _gvn;
  Unique_Node_List dead_worklist;
  int char_adr_idx;
  ciField* size_table_field;
  VectorSet _visited;
  Node_List collect_toString_calls();
  StringConcat* build_candidate(CallStaticJavaNode* call);
  void replace_string_concat(StringConcat* concat);
  Node* fetch_static_field(GraphKit& kit, ciField* field);
  Node* int_stringSize(GraphKit& kit, Node* value);
  void int_getChars(GraphKit& kit, Node* value, Node* char_array, Node* start, Node* end);
  Node* copy_string(GraphKit& kit, Node* str, Node* char_array, Node* start);
  void record_dead_node(Node* node);
  void remove_dead_nodes();
  PhaseGVN* gvn() { return _gvn; }
  enum {
    unroll_string_copy_length = 6
  PhaseStringOpts(PhaseGVN* gvn, Unique_Node_List* worklist);
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"
#include "opto/phaseX.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
#include "math.h"
Node *SubNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
  assert(in(1) != this, "Must already have called Value");
  assert(in(2) != this, "Must already have called Value");
  const Type *zero = add_id();
  if( phase->type( in(1) )->higher_equal( zero ) &&
      in(2)->Opcode() == Opcode() &&
      phase->type( in(2)->in(1) )->higher_equal( zero ) ) {
    return in(2)->in(2);
  if( in(1)->Opcode() == Op_AddI ) {
    if( phase->eqv(in(1)->in(2),in(2)) )
      return in(1)->in(1);
    if (phase->eqv(in(1)->in(1),in(2)))
      return in(1)->in(2);
    if( in(1)->in(2)->Opcode() == Op_Opaque2 &&
        phase->eqv(in(1)->in(2)->in(1),in(2)) )
      return in(1)->in(1);
  return ( phase->type( in(2) )->higher_equal( zero ) ) ? in(1) : this;
const Type* SubNode::Value_common(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
  const Node* in1 = in(1);
  const Node* in2 = in(2);
  const Type* t1 = (in1 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in1);
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  const Type* t2 = (in2 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in2);
  if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if (in1->eqv_uncast(in2))  return add_id();
  if( t1 == Type::BOTTOM || t2 == Type::BOTTOM )
    return bottom_type();
  return NULL;
const Type* SubNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
  const Type* t = Value_common(phase);
  if (t != NULL) {
    return t;
  const Type* t1 = phase->type(in(1));
  const Type* t2 = phase->type(in(2));
  return sub(t1,t2);            // Local flavor of type subtraction
static bool ok_to_convert(Node* inc, Node* iv) {
    const PhiNode *phi;
    if( ( !inc->in(1)->is_Phi() ||
          !(phi=inc->in(1)->as_Phi()) ||
          phi->is_copy() ||
          !phi->region()->is_CountedLoop() ||
          inc != phi->region()->as_CountedLoop()->incr() )
        ( !iv->is_loop_iv() )
      ) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
Node *SubINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape){
  Node *in1 = in(1);
  Node *in2 = in(2);
  uint op1 = in1->Opcode();
  uint op2 = in2->Opcode();
#ifdef ASSERT
  if( phase->eqv( in1, this ) || phase->eqv( in2, this ) ||
      ( op1 == Op_AddI || op1 == Op_SubI ) &&
      ( phase->eqv( in1->in(1), this ) || phase->eqv( in1->in(2), this ) ||
        phase->eqv( in1->in(1), in1  ) || phase->eqv( in1->in(2), in1 ) ) )
    assert(false, "dead loop in SubINode::Ideal");
  const Type *t2 = phase->type( in2 );
  if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
  if( t2->base() == Type::Int ){        // Might be bottom or top...
    const TypeInt *i = t2->is_int();
    if( i->is_con() )
      return new (phase->C) AddINode(in1, phase->intcon(-i->get_con()));
  if( op1 == Op_AddI && ok_to_convert(in1, in2) ) {
    const Type *tadd = phase->type( in1->in(2) );
    if( tadd->singleton() && tadd != Type::TOP ) {
      Node *sub2 = phase->transform( new (phase->C) SubINode( in1->in(1), in2 ));
      return new (phase->C) AddINode( sub2, in1->in(2) );
  if (op2 == Op_AddI && ok_to_convert(in2, in1)) {
    Node* in21 = in2->in(1);
    Node* in22 = in2->in(2);
    const TypeInt* tcon = phase->type(in22)->isa_int();
    if (tcon != NULL && tcon->is_con()) {
      Node* sub2 = phase->transform( new (phase->C) SubINode(in1, in21) );
      Node* neg_c0 = phase->intcon(- tcon->get_con());
      return new (phase->C) AddINode(sub2, neg_c0);
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in1 );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
#ifdef ASSERT
  if( ( op2 == Op_AddI || op2 == Op_SubI ) &&
      ( phase->eqv( in2->in(1), this ) || phase->eqv( in2->in(2), this ) ||
        phase->eqv( in2->in(1), in2  ) || phase->eqv( in2->in(2), in2  ) ) )
    assert(false, "dead loop in SubINode::Ideal");
  if( op2 == Op_AddI &&
      phase->eqv( in1, in2->in(1) ) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( phase->intcon(0),in2->in(2));
  if( op1 == Op_SubI &&
      phase->eqv( in1->in(1), in2 ) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( phase->intcon(0),in1->in(2));
  if( op2 == Op_AddI &&
      phase->eqv( in1, in2->in(2) ) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( phase->intcon(0),in2->in(1));
  if( t1 == TypeInt::ZERO && op2 == Op_SubI )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( in2->in(2), in2->in(1) );
  jint con;
  if( t1 == TypeInt::ZERO && op2 == Op_AddI &&
      (con = in2->in(2)->find_int_con(0)) != 0 )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( phase->intcon(-con), in2->in(1) );
  if( op1 == Op_AddI && op2 == Op_AddI && in1->in(1) == in2->in(1) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( in1->in(2), in2->in(2) );
  if( op1 == Op_AddI && op2 == Op_AddI && in1->in(2) == in2->in(2) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( in1->in(1), in2->in(1) );
  if( op1 == Op_AddI && op2 == Op_AddI && in1->in(2) == in2->in(1) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( in1->in(1), in2->in(2) );
  if( op1 == Op_AddI && op2 == Op_AddI && in1->in(1) == in2->in(2) )
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( in1->in(2), in2->in(1) );
  if( op2 == Op_SubI && in2->outcnt() == 1) {
    Node *add1 = phase->transform( new (phase->C) AddINode( in1, in2->in(2) ) );
    return new (phase->C) SubINode( add1, in2->in(1) );
  return NULL;
const Type *SubINode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  const TypeInt *r0 = t1->is_int(); // Handy access
  const TypeInt *r1 = t2->is_int();
  int32 lo = java_subtract(r0->_lo, r1->_hi);
  int32 hi = java_subtract(r0->_hi, r1->_lo);
  if( (((r0->_lo ^ r1->_hi) >= 0) ||    // lo ends have same signs OR
       ((r0->_lo ^      lo) >= 0)) &&   // lo results have same signs AND
      (((r0->_hi ^ r1->_lo) >= 0) ||    // hi ends have same signs OR
       ((r0->_hi ^      hi) >= 0)) )    // hi results have same signs
    return TypeInt::make(lo,hi,MAX2(r0->_widen,r1->_widen));
  else                          // Overflow; assume all integers
    return TypeInt::INT;
Node *SubLNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
  Node *in1 = in(1);
  Node *in2 = in(2);
  uint op1 = in1->Opcode();
  uint op2 = in2->Opcode();
#ifdef ASSERT
  if( phase->eqv( in1, this ) || phase->eqv( in2, this ) ||
      ( op1 == Op_AddL || op1 == Op_SubL ) &&
      ( phase->eqv( in1->in(1), this ) || phase->eqv( in1->in(2), this ) ||
        phase->eqv( in1->in(1), in1  ) || phase->eqv( in1->in(2), in1  ) ) )
    assert(false, "dead loop in SubLNode::Ideal");
  if( phase->type( in2 ) == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
  const TypeLong *i = phase->type( in2 )->isa_long();
  if( i &&                      // Might be bottom or top...
      i->is_con() )
    return new (phase->C) AddLNode(in1, phase->longcon(-i->get_con()));
  if( op1 == Op_AddL && ok_to_convert(in1, in2) ) {
    Node *in11 = in1->in(1);
    const Type *tadd = phase->type( in1->in(2) );
    if( tadd->singleton() && tadd != Type::TOP ) {
      Node *sub2 = phase->transform( new (phase->C) SubLNode( in11, in2 ));
      return new (phase->C) AddLNode( sub2, in1->in(2) );
  if (op2 == Op_AddL && ok_to_convert(in2, in1)) {
    Node* in21 = in2->in(1);
    Node* in22 = in2->in(2);
    const TypeLong* tcon = phase->type(in22)->isa_long();
    if (tcon != NULL && tcon->is_con()) {
      Node* sub2 = phase->transform( new (phase->C) SubLNode(in1, in21) );
      Node* neg_c0 = phase->longcon(- tcon->get_con());
      return new (phase->C) AddLNode(sub2, neg_c0);
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in1 );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return NULL;
#ifdef ASSERT
  if( ( op2 == Op_AddL || op2 == Op_SubL ) &&
      ( phase->eqv( in2->in(1), this ) || phase->eqv( in2->in(2), this ) ||
        phase->eqv( in2->in(1), in2  ) || phase->eqv( in2->in(2), in2  ) ) )
    assert(false, "dead loop in SubLNode::Ideal");
  if( op2 == Op_AddL &&
      phase->eqv( in1, in2->in(1) ) )
    return new (phase->C) SubLNode( phase->makecon(TypeLong::ZERO), in2->in(2));
  if( op2 == Op_AddL &&
      phase->eqv( in1, in2->in(2) ) )
    return new (phase->C) SubLNode( phase->makecon(TypeLong::ZERO),in2->in(1));
  if( phase->type( in1 ) == TypeLong::ZERO && op2 == Op_SubL )
    return new (phase->C) SubLNode( in2->in(2), in2->in(1) );
  if( op1 == Op_AddL && op2 == Op_AddL && in1->in(1) == in2->in(1) )
    return new (phase->C) SubLNode( in1->in(2), in2->in(2) );
  if( op1 == Op_AddL && op2 == Op_AddL && in1->in(2) == in2->in(2) )
    return new (phase->C) SubLNode( in1->in(1), in2->in(1) );
  if( op2 == Op_SubL && in2->outcnt() == 1) {
    Node *add1 = phase->transform( new (phase->C) AddLNode( in1, in2->in(2) ) );
    return new (phase->C) SubLNode( add1, in2->in(1) );
  return NULL;
const Type *SubLNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  const TypeLong *r0 = t1->is_long(); // Handy access
  const TypeLong *r1 = t2->is_long();
  jlong lo = java_subtract(r0->_lo, r1->_hi);
  jlong hi = java_subtract(r0->_hi, r1->_lo);
  if( (((r0->_lo ^ r1->_hi) >= 0) ||    // lo ends have same signs OR
       ((r0->_lo ^      lo) >= 0)) &&   // lo results have same signs AND
      (((r0->_hi ^ r1->_lo) >= 0) ||    // hi ends have same signs OR
       ((r0->_hi ^      hi) >= 0)) )    // hi results have same signs
    return TypeLong::make(lo,hi,MAX2(r0->_widen,r1->_widen));
  else                          // Overflow; assume all integers
    return TypeLong::LONG;
const Type *SubFPNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Node* in1 = in(1);
  const Node* in2 = in(2);
  const Type* t1 = (in1 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in1);
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  const Type* t2 = (in2 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in2);
  if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( (t1->is_finite() && t2->is_finite()) ) {
    if( phase->eqv(in1, in2) ) return add_id();
  const Type *bot = bottom_type();
  if( (t1 == bot) || (t2 == bot) ||
      (t1 == Type::BOTTOM) || (t2 == Type::BOTTOM) )
    return bot;
  return sub(t1,t2);            // Local flavor of type subtraction
Node *SubFNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
  const Type *t2 = phase->type( in(2) );
  if( t2->base() == Type::FloatCon ) {  // Might be bottom or top...
  if( IdealizedNumerics && !phase->C->method()->is_strict() ) {
    if( in(2)->is_Add() &&
        phase->eqv(in(1),in(2)->in(1) ) )
      return new (phase->C) SubFNode( phase->makecon(TypeF::ZERO),in(2)->in(2));
  return NULL;
const Type *SubFNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  if( g_isfinite(t1->getf()) && g_isfinite(t2->getf()) ) {
    return TypeF::make( t1->getf() - t2->getf() );
  else if( g_isnan(t1->getf()) ) {
    return t1;
  else if( g_isnan(t2->getf()) ) {
    return t2;
  else {
    return Type::FLOAT;
Node *SubDNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape){
  const Type *t2 = phase->type( in(2) );
  if( t2->base() == Type::DoubleCon ) { // Might be bottom or top...
  if( IdealizedNumerics && !phase->C->method()->is_strict() ) {
    if( in(2)->is_Add() &&
        phase->eqv(in(1),in(2)->in(1) ) )
      return new (phase->C) SubDNode( phase->makecon(TypeD::ZERO),in(2)->in(2));
  return NULL;
const Type *SubDNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  if( g_isfinite(t1->getd()) && g_isfinite(t2->getd()) ) {
    return TypeD::make( t1->getd() - t2->getd() );
  else if( g_isnan(t1->getd()) ) {
    return t1;
  else if( g_isnan(t2->getd()) ) {
    return t2;
  else {
    return Type::DOUBLE;
Node *CmpNode::Identity( PhaseTransform *phase ) {
  return this;
const Type *CmpINode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  const TypeInt *r0 = t1->is_int(); // Handy access
  const TypeInt *r1 = t2->is_int();
  if( r0->_hi < r1->_lo )       // Range is always low?
    return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  else if( r0->_lo > r1->_hi )  // Range is always high?
    return TypeInt::CC_GT;
  else if( r0->is_con() && r1->is_con() ) { // comparing constants?
    assert(r0->get_con() == r1->get_con(), "must be equal");
    return TypeInt::CC_EQ;      // Equal results.
  } else if( r0->_hi == r1->_lo ) // Range is never high?
    return TypeInt::CC_LE;
  else if( r0->_lo == r1->_hi ) // Range is never low?
    return TypeInt::CC_GE;
  return TypeInt::CC;           // else use worst case results
const Type *CmpUNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  assert(!t1->isa_ptr(), "obsolete usage of CmpU");
  const TypeInt *r0 = t1->is_int();   // Handy access
  const TypeInt *r1 = t2->is_int();
  juint lo0 = r0->_lo;
  juint hi0 = r0->_hi;
  juint lo1 = r1->_lo;
  juint hi1 = r1->_hi;
  bool bot0 = ((jint)(lo0 ^ hi0) < 0);
  bool bot1 = ((jint)(lo1 ^ hi1) < 0);
  if (bot0 || bot1) {
    if (lo0 == 0 && hi0 == 0) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LE;            //   0 <= bot
    } else if ((jint)lo0 == -1 && (jint)hi0 == -1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GE;            // -1 >= bot
    } else if (lo1 == 0 && hi1 == 0) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GE;            // bot >= 0
    } else if ((jint)lo1 == -1 && (jint)hi1 == -1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LE;            // bot <= -1
  } else {
    assert(lo0 <= hi0 && lo1 <= hi1, "unsigned ranges are valid");
    if (hi0 < lo1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LT;            // smaller
    } else if (lo0 > hi1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GT;            // greater
    } else if (hi0 == lo1 && lo0 == hi1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_EQ;            // Equal results
    } else if (lo0 >= hi1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GE;
    } else if (hi0 <= lo1) {
      if ((jint)lo0 >= 0 && (jint)lo1 >= 0 && is_index_range_check())
        return TypeInt::CC_LT;
      return TypeInt::CC_LE;
  if ((jint)lo0 >= 0 && (jint)lo1 >= 0 && is_index_range_check())
    return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  return TypeInt::CC;                   // else use worst case results
const Type* CmpUNode::Value(PhaseTransform *phase) const {
  const Type* t = SubNode::Value_common(phase);
  if (t != NULL) {
    return t;
  const Node* in1 = in(1);
  const Node* in2 = in(2);
  const Type* t1 = phase->type(in1);
  const Type* t2 = phase->type(in2);
  assert(t1->isa_int(), "CmpU has only Int type inputs");
  if (t2 == TypeInt::INT) { // Compare to bottom?
    return bottom_type();
  uint in1_op = in1->Opcode();
  if (in1_op == Op_AddI || in1_op == Op_SubI) {
    const Node* in11 = in1->in(1);
    const Node* in12 = in1->in(2);
    const Type* t11 = (in11 == in1) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in11);
    const Type* t12 = (in12 == in1) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in12);
    if ((t11 != Type::TOP) && (t11 != TypeInt::INT) &&
        (t12 != Type::TOP) && (t12 != TypeInt::INT)) {
      const TypeInt *r0 = t11->is_int();
      const TypeInt *r1 = t12->is_int();
      jlong lo_r0 = r0->_lo;
      jlong hi_r0 = r0->_hi;
      jlong lo_r1 = r1->_lo;
      jlong hi_r1 = r1->_hi;
      if (in1_op == Op_SubI) {
        jlong tmp = hi_r1;
        hi_r1 = -lo_r1;
        lo_r1 = -tmp;
      jlong lo_long = lo_r0 + lo_r1;
      jlong hi_long = hi_r0 + hi_r1;
      int lo_tr1 = min_jint;
      int hi_tr1 = (int)hi_long;
      int lo_tr2 = (int)lo_long;
      int hi_tr2 = max_jint;
      bool underflow = lo_long != (jlong)lo_tr2;
      bool overflow  = hi_long != (jlong)hi_tr1;
      if ((underflow != overflow) && (hi_tr1 < lo_tr2)) {
        int w = MAX2(r0->_widen, r1->_widen); // _widen does not matter here
        const TypeInt* tr1 = TypeInt::make(lo_tr1, hi_tr1, w);
        const TypeInt* tr2 = TypeInt::make(lo_tr2, hi_tr2, w);
        const Type* cmp1 = sub(tr1, t2);
        const Type* cmp2 = sub(tr2, t2);
        if (cmp1 == cmp2) {
          return cmp1; // Hit!
  return sub(t1, t2);            // Local flavor of type subtraction
bool CmpUNode::is_index_range_check() const {
  return (in(1)->Opcode() == Op_ModI &&
Node *CmpINode::Ideal( PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape ) {
  if (phase->type(in(2))->higher_equal(TypeInt::ZERO)) {
    switch (in(1)->Opcode()) {
    case Op_CmpL3:              // Collapse a CmpL3/CmpI into a CmpL
      return new (phase->C) CmpLNode(in(1)->in(1),in(1)->in(2));
    case Op_CmpF3:              // Collapse a CmpF3/CmpI into a CmpF
      return new (phase->C) CmpFNode(in(1)->in(1),in(1)->in(2));
    case Op_CmpD3:              // Collapse a CmpD3/CmpI into a CmpD
      return new (phase->C) CmpDNode(in(1)->in(1),in(1)->in(2));
  return NULL;                  // No change
const Type *CmpLNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  const TypeLong *r0 = t1->is_long(); // Handy access
  const TypeLong *r1 = t2->is_long();
  if( r0->_hi < r1->_lo )       // Range is always low?
    return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  else if( r0->_lo > r1->_hi )  // Range is always high?
    return TypeInt::CC_GT;
  else if( r0->is_con() && r1->is_con() ) { // comparing constants?
    assert(r0->get_con() == r1->get_con(), "must be equal");
    return TypeInt::CC_EQ;      // Equal results.
  } else if( r0->_hi == r1->_lo ) // Range is never high?
    return TypeInt::CC_LE;
  else if( r0->_lo == r1->_hi ) // Range is never low?
    return TypeInt::CC_GE;
  return TypeInt::CC;           // else use worst case results
const Type* CmpULNode::sub(const Type* t1, const Type* t2) const {
  assert(!t1->isa_ptr(), "obsolete usage of CmpUL");
  const TypeLong* r0 = t1->is_long();   // Handy access
  const TypeLong* r1 = t2->is_long();
  julong lo0 = r0->_lo;
  julong hi0 = r0->_hi;
  julong lo1 = r1->_lo;
  julong hi1 = r1->_hi;
  bool bot0 = ((jlong)(lo0 ^ hi0) < 0);
  bool bot1 = ((jlong)(lo1 ^ hi1) < 0);
  if (bot0 || bot1) {
    if (lo0 == 0 && hi0 == 0) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LE;            //   0 <= bot
    } else if ((jlong)lo0 == -1 && (jlong)hi0 == -1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GE;            // -1 >= bot
    } else if (lo1 == 0 && hi1 == 0) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GE;            // bot >= 0
    } else if ((jlong)lo1 == -1 && (jlong)hi1 == -1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LE;            // bot <= -1
  } else {
    assert(lo0 <= hi0 && lo1 <= hi1, "unsigned ranges are valid");
    if (hi0 < lo1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LT;            // smaller
    } else if (lo0 > hi1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GT;            // greater
    } else if (hi0 == lo1 && lo0 == hi1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_EQ;            // Equal results
    } else if (lo0 >= hi1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GE;
    } else if (hi0 <= lo1) {
      return TypeInt::CC_LE;
  return TypeInt::CC;                   // else use worst case results
const Type *CmpPNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  const TypePtr *r0 = t1->is_ptr(); // Handy access
  const TypePtr *r1 = t2->is_ptr();
  if( TypePtr::above_centerline(r0->_ptr) ||
      TypePtr::above_centerline(r1->_ptr) )
    return Type::TOP;
  if (r0 == r1 && r0->singleton()) {
    return TypeInt::CC_EQ;
  const TypeOopPtr* p0 = r0->isa_oopptr();
  const TypeOopPtr* p1 = r1->isa_oopptr();
  if (p0 && p1) {
    Node* in1 = in(1)->uncast();
    Node* in2 = in(2)->uncast();
    AllocateNode* alloc1 = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(in1, NULL);
    AllocateNode* alloc2 = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(in2, NULL);
    if (MemNode::detect_ptr_independence(in1, alloc1, in2, alloc2, NULL)) {
      return TypeInt::CC_GT;  // different pointers
    ciKlass* klass0 = p0->klass();
    bool    xklass0 = p0->klass_is_exact();
    ciKlass* klass1 = p1->klass();
    bool    xklass1 = p1->klass_is_exact();
    int kps = (p0->isa_klassptr()?1:0) + (p1->isa_klassptr()?1:0);
    if (klass0 && klass1 &&
        kps != 1 &&             // both or neither are klass pointers
        klass0->is_loaded() && !klass0->is_interface() && // do not trust interfaces
        klass1->is_loaded() && !klass1->is_interface() &&
        (!klass0->is_obj_array_klass() ||
         !klass0->as_obj_array_klass()->base_element_klass()->is_interface()) &&
        (!klass1->is_obj_array_klass() ||
         !klass1->as_obj_array_klass()->base_element_klass()->is_interface())) {
      bool unrelated_classes = false;
      if (klass0->equals(klass1)) {  // if types are unequal but klasses are equal
      } else if (klass0->is_subtype_of(klass1)) {
        unrelated_classes = xklass1;
      } else if (klass1->is_subtype_of(klass0)) {
        unrelated_classes = xklass0;
      } else {                  // Neither subtypes the other
        unrelated_classes = true;
      if (unrelated_classes) {
        TypePtr::PTR jp = r0->join_ptr(r1->_ptr);
        if (jp != TypePtr::Null && jp != TypePtr::BotPTR) {
          return TypeInt::CC_GT;
  if( r0->singleton() ) {
    intptr_t bits0 = r0->get_con();
    if( r1->singleton() )
      return bits0 == r1->get_con() ? TypeInt::CC_EQ : TypeInt::CC_GT;
    return ( r1->_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull && bits0==0 ) ? TypeInt::CC_GT : TypeInt::CC;
  } else if( r1->singleton() ) {
    intptr_t bits1 = r1->get_con();
    return ( r0->_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull && bits1==0 ) ? TypeInt::CC_GT : TypeInt::CC;
  } else
    return TypeInt::CC;
static inline Node* isa_java_mirror_load(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n) {
  if (n->Opcode() != Op_LoadP) return NULL;
  const TypeInstPtr* tp = phase->type(n)->isa_instptr();
  if (!tp || tp->klass() != phase->C->env()->Class_klass()) return NULL;
  Node* adr = n->in(MemNode::Address);
  intptr_t off = 0;
  Node* k = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(adr, phase, off);
  if (k == NULL)  return NULL;
  const TypeKlassPtr* tkp = phase->type(k)->isa_klassptr();
  if (!tkp || off != in_bytes(Klass::java_mirror_offset())) return NULL;
  return k;
static inline Node* isa_const_java_mirror(PhaseGVN* phase, Node* n) {
  if (!n->is_Con()) return NULL;
  const TypeInstPtr* tp = phase->type(n)->isa_instptr();
  if (!tp) return NULL;
  ciType* mirror_type = tp->java_mirror_type();
  if (!mirror_type) return NULL;
  if (mirror_type->is_classless()) {
    return phase->makecon(TypePtr::NULL_PTR);
  assert(mirror_type->is_klass(), "mirror_type should represent a Klass*");
  return phase->makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(mirror_type->as_klass()));
Node *CmpPNode::Ideal( PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape ) {
    Node* k1 = isa_java_mirror_load(phase, in(1));
    Node* k2 = isa_java_mirror_load(phase, in(2));
    Node* conk2 = isa_const_java_mirror(phase, in(2));
    if (k1 && (k2 || conk2)) {
      Node* lhs = k1;
      Node* rhs = (k2 != NULL) ? k2 : conk2;
      this->set_req(1, lhs);
      this->set_req(2, rhs);
      return this;
  const TypeKlassPtr* t2 = phase->type(in(2))->isa_klassptr();
  if (t2 == NULL || !t2->klass_is_exact())
    return NULL;
  ciKlass* superklass = t2->klass();
  Node* ldk1 = in(1);
  if (ldk1->is_DecodeNKlass()) {
    ldk1 = ldk1->in(1);
    if (ldk1->Opcode() != Op_LoadNKlass )
      return NULL;
  } else if (ldk1->Opcode() != Op_LoadKlass )
    return NULL;
  Node* adr1 = ldk1->in(MemNode::Address);
  intptr_t con2 = 0;
  Node* ldk2 = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(adr1, phase, con2);
  if (ldk2 == NULL)
    return NULL;
  if (con2 == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()) {
    if (superklass->is_interface() ||
        superklass->is_abstract()) {
      this->set_req(2, phase->makecon(TypePtr::NULL_PTR));
      return this;
  if (ldk2->is_DecodeNKlass()) {
    if (ldk2->in(1)->Opcode() != Op_LoadNKlass )
      return NULL;
  } else if (ldk2->Opcode() != Op_LoadKlass)
    return NULL;
  if (con2 != (intptr_t) superklass->super_check_offset())
    return NULL;                // Might be element-klass loading from array klass
  while (superklass->is_obj_array_klass()) {
    ciType* elem = superklass->as_obj_array_klass()->element_type();
    superklass = elem->as_klass();
  if (superklass->is_instance_klass()) {
    ciInstanceKlass* ik = superklass->as_instance_klass();
    if (ik->has_subklass() || ik->is_interface())  return NULL;
    if (!ik->is_final()) {
  return this;
const Type *CmpNNode::sub( const Type *t1, const Type *t2 ) const {
  const TypePtr *r0 = t1->make_ptr(); // Handy access
  const TypePtr *r1 = t2->make_ptr();
  if ((r0 == NULL) || (r1 == NULL) ||
      TypePtr::above_centerline(r0->_ptr) ||
      TypePtr::above_centerline(r1->_ptr)) {
    return Type::TOP;
  if (r0 == r1 && r0->singleton()) {
    return TypeInt::CC_EQ;
  const TypeOopPtr* p0 = r0->isa_oopptr();
  const TypeOopPtr* p1 = r1->isa_oopptr();
  if (p0 && p1) {
    ciKlass* klass0 = p0->klass();
    bool    xklass0 = p0->klass_is_exact();
    ciKlass* klass1 = p1->klass();
    bool    xklass1 = p1->klass_is_exact();
    int kps = (p0->isa_klassptr()?1:0) + (p1->isa_klassptr()?1:0);
    if (klass0 && klass1 &&
        kps != 1 &&             // both or neither are klass pointers
        !klass0->is_interface() && // do not trust interfaces
        !klass1->is_interface()) {
      bool unrelated_classes = false;
      if (klass0->equals(klass1)) { // if types are unequal but klasses are equal
      } else if (klass0->is_subtype_of(klass1)) {
        unrelated_classes = xklass1;
      } else if (klass1->is_subtype_of(klass0)) {
        unrelated_classes = xklass0;
      } else {                  // Neither subtypes the other
        unrelated_classes = true;
      if (unrelated_classes) {
        TypePtr::PTR jp = r0->join_ptr(r1->_ptr);
        if (jp != TypePtr::Null && jp != TypePtr::BotPTR) {
          return TypeInt::CC_GT;
  if( r0->singleton() ) {
    intptr_t bits0 = r0->get_con();
    if( r1->singleton() )
      return bits0 == r1->get_con() ? TypeInt::CC_EQ : TypeInt::CC_GT;
    return ( r1->_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull && bits0==0 ) ? TypeInt::CC_GT : TypeInt::CC;
  } else if( r1->singleton() ) {
    intptr_t bits1 = r1->get_con();
    return ( r0->_ptr == TypePtr::NotNull && bits1==0 ) ? TypeInt::CC_GT : TypeInt::CC;
  } else
    return TypeInt::CC;
Node *CmpNNode::Ideal( PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape ) {
  return NULL;
const Type *CmpFNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Node* in1 = in(1);
  const Node* in2 = in(2);
  const Type* t1 = (in1 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in1);
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  const Type* t2 = (in2 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in2);
  if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  const TypeF *tf1 = t1->isa_float_constant();
  const TypeF *tf2 = t2->isa_float_constant();
  if( !tf1 || !tf2 ) return TypeInt::CC;
  if( tf1->is_nan() || tf2->is_nan() )
    return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  if( tf1->_f < tf2->_f ) return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  if( tf1->_f > tf2->_f ) return TypeInt::CC_GT;
  assert( tf1->_f == tf2->_f, "do not understand FP behavior" );
  return TypeInt::CC_EQ;
const Type *CmpDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Node* in1 = in(1);
  const Node* in2 = in(2);
  const Type* t1 = (in1 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in1);
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  const Type* t2 = (in2 == this) ? Type::TOP : phase->type(in2);
  if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  const TypeD *td1 = t1->isa_double_constant();
  const TypeD *td2 = t2->isa_double_constant();
  if( !td1 || !td2 ) return TypeInt::CC;
  if( td1->is_nan() || td2->is_nan() )
    return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  if( td1->_d < td2->_d ) return TypeInt::CC_LT;
  if( td1->_d > td2->_d ) return TypeInt::CC_GT;
  assert( td1->_d == td2->_d, "do not understand FP behavior" );
  return TypeInt::CC_EQ;
Node *CmpDNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape){
  int idx_f2d = 1;              // ConvF2D on left side?
  if( in(idx_f2d)->Opcode() != Op_ConvF2D )
    idx_f2d = 2;                // No, swap to check for reversed args
  int idx_con = 3-idx_f2d;      // Check for the constant on other input
  if( ConvertCmpD2CmpF &&
      in(idx_f2d)->Opcode() == Op_ConvF2D &&
      in(idx_con)->Opcode() == Op_ConD ) {
    const TypeD *t2 = in(idx_con)->bottom_type()->is_double_constant();
    double t2_value_as_double = t2->_d;
    float  t2_value_as_float  = (float)t2_value_as_double;
    if( t2_value_as_double == (double)t2_value_as_float ) {
      Node *new_in1 = in(idx_f2d)->in(1);
      Node *new_in2 = phase->makecon( TypeF::make(t2_value_as_float) );
      if( idx_f2d != 1 ) {      // Must flip args to match original order
        Node *tmp = new_in1;
        new_in1 = new_in2;
        new_in2 = tmp;
      CmpFNode *new_cmp = (Opcode() == Op_CmpD3)
        ? new (phase->C) CmpF3Node( new_in1, new_in2 )
        : new (phase->C) CmpFNode ( new_in1, new_in2 ) ;
      return new_cmp;           // Changed to CmpFNode
  return NULL;                  // No change
const Type *BoolTest::cc2logical( const Type *CC ) const {
  if( CC == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( CC->base() != Type::Int ) return TypeInt::BOOL; // Bottom or worse
  const TypeInt *ti = CC->is_int();
  if( ti->is_con() ) {          // Only 1 kind of condition codes set?
    int tmp = ((ti->get_con()&3) == (_test&3)) ? 1 : 0;
    if( _test & 4 ) tmp = 1-tmp;     // Optionally complement result
    return TypeInt::make(tmp);       // Boolean result
  if( CC == TypeInt::CC_GE ) {
    if( _test == ge ) return TypeInt::ONE;
    if( _test == lt ) return TypeInt::ZERO;
  if( CC == TypeInt::CC_LE ) {
    if( _test == le ) return TypeInt::ONE;
    if( _test == gt ) return TypeInt::ZERO;
  return TypeInt::BOOL;
void BoolTest::dump_on(outputStream *st) const {
  const char *msg[] = {"eq","gt","of","lt","ne","le","nof","ge"};
  st->print("%s", msg[_test]);
uint BoolNode::hash() const { return (Node::hash() << 3)|(_test._test+1); }
uint BoolNode::size_of() const { return sizeof(BoolNode); }
uint BoolNode::cmp( const Node &n ) const {
  const BoolNode *b = (const BoolNode *)&n; // Cast up
  return (_test._test == b->_test._test);
Node* BoolNode::make_predicate(Node* test_value, PhaseGVN* phase) {
  if (test_value->is_Con())   return test_value;
  if (test_value->is_Bool())  return test_value;
  Compile* C = phase->C;
  if (test_value->is_CMove() &&
      test_value->in(CMoveNode::Condition)->is_Bool()) {
    BoolNode*   bol   = test_value->in(CMoveNode::Condition)->as_Bool();
    const Type* ftype = phase->type(test_value->in(CMoveNode::IfFalse));
    const Type* ttype = phase->type(test_value->in(CMoveNode::IfTrue));
    if (ftype == TypeInt::ZERO && !TypeInt::ZERO->higher_equal(ttype)) {
      return bol;
    } else if (ttype == TypeInt::ZERO && !TypeInt::ZERO->higher_equal(ftype)) {
      return phase->transform( bol->negate(phase) );
  Node* cmp = new (C) CmpINode(test_value, phase->intcon(0));
  cmp = phase->transform(cmp);
  Node* bol = new (C) BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::ne);
  return phase->transform(bol);
Node* BoolNode::as_int_value(PhaseGVN* phase) {
  Node* cmov = CMoveNode::make(phase->C, NULL, this,
                               phase->intcon(0), phase->intcon(1),
  return phase->transform(cmov);
BoolNode* BoolNode::negate(PhaseGVN* phase) {
  Compile* C = phase->C;
  return new (C) BoolNode(in(1), _test.negate());
Node *BoolNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape) {
  Node *cmp = in(1);
  if( !cmp->is_Sub() ) return NULL;
  int cop = cmp->Opcode();
  if( cop == Op_FastLock || cop == Op_FastUnlock) return NULL;
  Node *cmp1 = cmp->in(1);
  Node *cmp2 = cmp->in(2);
  if( !cmp1 ) return NULL;
  if (_test._test == BoolTest::overflow || _test._test == BoolTest::no_overflow) {
    return NULL;
  Node *con = cmp1;
  uint op2 = cmp2->Opcode();
  if( con->is_Con() && !cmp2->is_Con() && op2 != Op_Opaque1 &&
      cop != Op_CmpD && cop != Op_CmpF &&
      !is_counted_loop_exit_test() ) {
    cmp = cmp->clone();
    cmp->swap_edges(1, 2);
    cmp = phase->transform( cmp );
    return new (phase->C) BoolNode( cmp, _test.commute() );
  int cmp1_op = cmp1->Opcode();
  const TypeInt* cmp2_type = phase->type(cmp2)->isa_int();
  if (cmp2_type == NULL)  return NULL;
  Node* j_xor = cmp1;
  if( cmp2_type == TypeInt::ZERO &&
      cmp1_op == Op_XorI &&
      j_xor->in(1) != j_xor &&          // An xor of itself is dead
      phase->type( j_xor->in(1) ) == TypeInt::BOOL &&
      phase->type( j_xor->in(2) ) == TypeInt::ONE &&
      (_test._test == BoolTest::eq ||
       _test._test == BoolTest::ne) ) {
    Node *ncmp = phase->transform(new (phase->C) CmpINode(j_xor->in(1),cmp2));
    return new (phase->C) BoolNode( ncmp, _test.negate() );
  Node *c2b = cmp1;
  if( cmp2_type == TypeInt::ZERO &&
      cmp1_op == Op_Conv2B &&
      (_test._test == BoolTest::eq ||
       _test._test == BoolTest::ne) ) {
    Node *ncmp = phase->transform(phase->type(c2b->in(1))->isa_int()
       ? (Node*)new (phase->C) CmpINode(c2b->in(1),cmp2)
       : (Node*)new (phase->C) CmpPNode(c2b->in(1),phase->makecon(TypePtr::NULL_PTR))
    return new (phase->C) BoolNode( ncmp, _test._test );
  if ((_test._test == BoolTest::eq || _test._test == BoolTest::ne) &&
        (cop == Op_CmpI) &&
        (cmp1->Opcode() == Op_SubI) &&
        ( cmp2_type == TypeInt::ZERO ) ) {
    Node *ncmp = phase->transform( new (phase->C) CmpINode(cmp1->in(1),cmp1->in(2)));
    return new (phase->C) BoolNode( ncmp, _test._test );
  if( cop == Op_CmpI &&
      cmp1->Opcode() == Op_SubI &&
      cmp2_type == TypeInt::ZERO &&
      phase->type( cmp1->in(1) ) == TypeInt::ZERO &&
      phase->type( cmp1->in(2) )->higher_equal(TypeInt::SYMINT) ) {
    Node *ncmp = phase->transform( new (phase->C) CmpINode(cmp1->in(2),cmp2));
    return new (phase->C) BoolNode( ncmp, _test.commute() );
  return NULL;
const Type *BoolNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  return _test.cc2logical( phase->type( in(1) ) );
#ifndef PRODUCT
void BoolNode::dump_spec(outputStream *st) const {
bool BoolNode::is_counted_loop_exit_test() {
  for( DUIterator_Fast imax, i = fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++ ) {
    Node* use = fast_out(i);
    if (use->is_CountedLoopEnd()) {
      return true;
  return false;
const Type *SqrtDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  if( d < 0.0 ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  return TypeD::make( sqrt( d ) );
const Type *CosDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_cos( d ) );
const Type *SinDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_sin( d ) );
const Type *TanDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_tan( d ) );
const Type *LogDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_log( d ) );
const Type *Log10DNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_log10( d ) );
const Type *ExpDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d = t1->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_exp( d ) );
const Type *PowDNode::Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const {
  const Type *t1 = phase->type( in(1) );
  if( t1 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t1->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  const Type *t2 = phase->type( in(2) );
  if( t2 == Type::TOP ) return Type::TOP;
  if( t2->base() != Type::DoubleCon ) return Type::DOUBLE;
  double d1 = t1->getd();
  double d2 = t2->getd();
  return TypeD::make( StubRoutines::intrinsic_pow( d1, d2 ) );
#include "opto/node.hpp"
#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"
#include "opto/type.hpp"
class SubNode : public Node {
  SubNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : Node(0,in1,in2) {
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  const Type* Value_common( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const = 0;
  virtual const Type *add_id() const = 0;
class SubINode : public SubNode {
  SubINode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : SubNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
  const Type *add_id() const { return TypeInt::ZERO; }
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::INT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class SubLNode : public SubNode {
  SubLNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : SubNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
  const Type *add_id() const { return TypeLong::ZERO; }
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeLong::LONG; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegL; }
class SubFPNode : public SubNode {
  SubFPNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : SubNode(in1,in2) {}
  const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class SubFNode : public SubFPNode {
  SubFNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : SubFPNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
  const Type   *add_id() const { return TypeF::ZERO; }
  const Type   *bottom_type() const { return Type::FLOAT; }
  virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegF; }
class SubDNode : public SubFPNode {
  SubDNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : SubFPNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
  const Type   *add_id() const { return TypeD::ZERO; }
  const Type   *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint  ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
class CmpNode : public SubNode {
  CmpNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : SubNode(in1,in2) {
  virtual Node *Identity( PhaseTransform *phase );
  const Type *add_id() const { return TypeInt::ZERO; }
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::CC; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegFlags; }
class CmpINode : public CmpNode {
  CmpINode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
class CmpUNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpUNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
  const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  bool is_index_range_check() const;
class CmpPNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpPNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
class CmpNNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpNNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
class CmpLNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpLNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int    Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const;
class CmpULNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpULNode(Node* in1, Node* in2) : CmpNode(in1, in2) { }
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type* sub(const Type*, const Type*) const;
class CmpL3Node : public CmpLNode {
  CmpL3Node( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpLNode(in1,in2) {
  virtual int    Opcode() const;
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class CmpFNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpFNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return NULL; }
  const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class CmpF3Node : public CmpFNode {
  CmpF3Node( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpFNode(in1,in2) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class CmpDNode : public CmpNode {
  CmpDNode( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpNode(in1,in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual const Type *sub( const Type *, const Type * ) const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return NULL; }
  const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual Node  *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
class CmpD3Node : public CmpDNode {
  CmpD3Node( Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : CmpDNode(in1,in2) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
struct BoolTest VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
  enum mask { eq = 0, ne = 4, le = 5, ge = 7, lt = 3, gt = 1, overflow = 2, no_overflow = 6, illegal = 8 };
  mask _test;
  BoolTest( mask btm ) : _test(btm) {}
  const Type *cc2logical( const Type *CC ) const;
  mask commute( ) const { return mask("032147658"[_test]-'0'); }
  mask negate( ) const { return mask(_test^4); }
  bool is_canonical( ) const { return (_test == BoolTest::ne || _test == BoolTest::lt || _test == BoolTest::le || _test == BoolTest::overflow); }
  void dump_on(outputStream *st) const;
class BoolNode : public Node {
  virtual uint hash() const;
  virtual uint cmp( const Node &n ) const;
  virtual uint size_of() const;
  const BoolTest _test;
  BoolNode( Node *cc, BoolTest::mask t): _test(t), Node(0,cc) {
  static Node* make_predicate(Node* test_value, PhaseGVN* phase);
  Node* as_int_value(PhaseGVN* phase);
  BoolNode* negate(PhaseGVN* phase);
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  virtual Node *Ideal(PhaseGVN *phase, bool can_reshape);
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
  virtual const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::BOOL; }
  uint match_edge(uint idx) const { return 0; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
  bool is_counted_loop_exit_test();
#ifndef PRODUCT
  virtual void dump_spec(outputStream *st) const;
class AbsNode : public Node {
  AbsNode( Node *value ) : Node(0,value) {}
class AbsINode : public AbsNode {
  AbsINode( Node *in1 ) : AbsNode(in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::INT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class AbsFNode : public AbsNode {
  AbsFNode( Node *in1 ) : AbsNode(in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::FLOAT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegF; }
class AbsDNode : public AbsNode {
  AbsDNode( Node *in1 ) : AbsNode(in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
class CmpLTMaskNode : public Node {
  CmpLTMaskNode( Node *p, Node *q ) : Node(0, p, q) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::INT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class NegNode : public Node {
  NegNode( Node *in1 ) : Node(0,in1) {}
class NegFNode : public NegNode {
  NegFNode( Node *in1 ) : NegNode(in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::FLOAT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegF; }
class NegDNode : public NegNode {
  NegDNode( Node *in1 ) : NegNode(in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
class CosDNode : public Node {
  CosDNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class SinDNode : public Node {
  SinDNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class TanDNode : public Node {
  TanDNode(Compile* C, Node *c,Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class AtanDNode : public Node {
  AtanDNode(Node *c, Node *in1, Node *in2  ) : Node(c, in1, in2) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
class SqrtDNode : public Node {
  SqrtDNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class ExpDNode : public Node {
  ExpDNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class LogDNode : public Node {
  LogDNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class Log10DNode : public Node {
  Log10DNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class PowDNode : public Node {
  PowDNode(Compile* C, Node *c, Node *in1, Node *in2 ) : Node(c, in1, in2) {
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return Type::DOUBLE; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegD; }
  virtual const Type *Value( PhaseTransform *phase ) const;
class ReverseBytesINode : public Node {
  ReverseBytesINode(Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::INT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class ReverseBytesLNode : public Node {
  ReverseBytesLNode(Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeLong::LONG; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegL; }
class ReverseBytesUSNode : public Node {
  ReverseBytesUSNode(Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::CHAR; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
class ReverseBytesSNode : public Node {
  ReverseBytesSNode(Node *c, Node *in1) : Node(c, in1) {}
  virtual int Opcode() const;
  const Type *bottom_type() const { return TypeInt::SHORT; }
  virtual uint ideal_reg() const { return Op_RegI; }
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
#include "libadt/vectset.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/memnode.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/opcodes.hpp"
#include "opto/superword.hpp"
#include "opto/vectornode.hpp"
SuperWord::SuperWord(PhaseIdealLoop* phase) :
  _packset(arena(), 8,  0, NULL),         // packs for the current block
  _bb_idx(arena(), (int)(1.10 * phase->C->unique()), 0, 0), // node idx to index in bb
  _block(arena(), 8,  0, NULL),           // nodes in current block
  _data_entry(arena(), 8,  0, NULL),      // nodes with all inputs from outside
  _mem_slice_head(arena(), 8,  0, NULL),  // memory slice heads
  _mem_slice_tail(arena(), 8,  0, NULL),  // memory slice tails
  _node_info(arena(), 8,  0, SWNodeInfo::initial), // info needed per node
  _align_to_ref(NULL),                    // memory reference to align vectors to
  _disjoint_ptrs(arena(), 8,  0, OrderedPair::initial), // runtime disambiguated pointer pairs
  _dg(_arena),                            // dependence graph
  _visited(arena()),                      // visited node set
  _post_visited(arena()),                 // post visited node set
  _n_idx_list(arena(), 8),                // scratch list of (node,index) pairs
  _stk(arena(), 8, 0, NULL),              // scratch stack of nodes
  _nlist(arena(), 8, 0, NULL),            // scratch list of nodes
  _lpt(NULL),                             // loop tree node
  _lp(NULL),                              // LoopNode
  _bb(NULL),                              // basic block
  _iv(NULL)                               // induction var
void SuperWord::transform_loop(IdealLoopTree* lpt) {
  assert(UseSuperWord, "should be");
  if (Matcher::vector_width_in_bytes(T_BYTE) < 2) return;
  assert(lpt->_head->is_CountedLoop(), "must be");
  CountedLoopNode *cl = lpt->_head->as_CountedLoop();
  if (!cl->is_valid_counted_loop()) return; // skip malformed counted loop
  if (!cl->is_main_loop() ) return; // skip normal, pre, and post loops
  Node *cl_exit = cl->loopexit();
  if (cl_exit->in(0) != lpt->_head) return;
  if (cl->back_control()->outcnt() != 1) {
  CountedLoopEndNode* pre_end = get_pre_loop_end(cl);
  if (pre_end == NULL) return;
  Node *pre_opaq1 = pre_end->limit();
  if (pre_opaq1->Opcode() != Op_Opaque1) return;
  init(); // initialize data structures
  assert(_packset.length() == 0, "packset must be empty");
void SuperWord::SLP_extract() {
  if (!construct_bb())
    return; // Exit if no interesting nodes or complex graph.
void SuperWord::find_adjacent_refs() {
  Node_List memops;
  for (int i = 0; i < _block.length(); i++) {
    Node* n =;
    if (n->is_Mem() && !n->is_LoadStore() && in_bb(n) &&
        is_java_primitive(n->as_Mem()->memory_type())) {
      int align = memory_alignment(n->as_Mem(), 0);
      if (align != bottom_align) {
  Node_List align_to_refs;
  int best_iv_adjustment = 0;
  MemNode* best_align_to_mem_ref = NULL;
  while (memops.size() != 0) {
    MemNode* mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops);
    if (mem_ref == NULL) break;
    int iv_adjustment = get_iv_adjustment(mem_ref);
    if (best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL) {
      best_align_to_mem_ref = mem_ref;
      best_iv_adjustment = iv_adjustment;
    SWPointer align_to_ref_p(mem_ref, this);
    for (int i = memops.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      MemNode* s =>as_Mem();
      if (isomorphic(s, mem_ref)) {
        SWPointer p2(s, this);
        if (p2.comparable(align_to_ref_p)) {
          int align = memory_alignment(s, iv_adjustment);
          set_alignment(s, align);
    bool create_pack = true;
    if (memory_alignment(mem_ref, best_iv_adjustment) == 0) {
      if (!Matcher::misaligned_vectors_ok()) {
        int vw = vector_width(mem_ref);
        int vw_best = vector_width(best_align_to_mem_ref);
        if (vw > vw_best) {
          create_pack = false;
        } else {
          SWPointer p2(best_align_to_mem_ref, this);
          if (align_to_ref_p.invar() != p2.invar()) {
            create_pack = false;
    } else {
      if (same_velt_type(mem_ref, best_align_to_mem_ref)) {
        create_pack = false;
      } else {
        if (!Matcher::misaligned_vectors_ok()) {
          create_pack = false;
        } else {
          for (uint i = 0; i < align_to_refs.size(); i++) {
            MemNode* mr =>as_Mem();
            if (same_velt_type(mr, mem_ref) &&
                memory_alignment(mr, iv_adjustment) != 0)
              create_pack = false;
    if (create_pack) {
      for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
        Node* s1 =;
        int align = alignment(s1);
        if (align == top_align) continue;
        for (uint j = 0; j < memops.size(); j++) {
          Node* s2 =;
          if (alignment(s2) == top_align) continue;
          if (s1 != s2 && are_adjacent_refs(s1, s2)) {
            if (stmts_can_pack(s1, s2, align)) {
              Node_List* pair = new Node_List();
    } else { // Don't create unaligned pack
      for (int i = memops.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        MemNode* s =>as_Mem();
        if (same_velt_type(s, mem_ref)) {
      for (int i = _packset.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Node_List* p =;
        MemNode* s = p->at(0)->as_Mem();
        if (same_velt_type(s, mem_ref)) {
      if (same_velt_type(mem_ref, best_align_to_mem_ref)) {
        uint orig_msize = memops.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
          Node_List* p =;
          MemNode* s = p->at(0)->as_Mem();
          assert(!same_velt_type(s, mem_ref), "sanity");
        MemNode* best_align_to_mem_ref = find_align_to_ref(memops);
        if (best_align_to_mem_ref == NULL) break;
        best_iv_adjustment = get_iv_adjustment(best_align_to_mem_ref);
        while (memops.size() > orig_msize)
    } // unaligned memory accesses
    for (int i = memops.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      MemNode* m =>as_Mem();
      if (alignment(m) != top_align) {
  } // while (memops.size() != 0
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceSuperWord) {
    tty->print_cr("\nAfter find_adjacent_refs");
MemNode* SuperWord::find_align_to_ref(Node_List &memops) {
  GrowableArray<int> cmp_ct(arena(), memops.size(), memops.size(), 0);
  for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
    MemNode* s1 =>as_Mem();
    SWPointer p1(s1, this);
    if (!ref_is_alignable(p1)) {
    for (uint j = i+1; j < memops.size(); j++) {
      MemNode* s2 =>as_Mem();
      if (isomorphic(s1, s2)) {
        SWPointer p2(s2, this);
        if (p1.comparable(p2)) {
  int max_ct        = 0;
  int max_vw        = 0;
  int max_idx       = -1;
  int min_size      = max_jint;
  int min_iv_offset = max_jint;
  for (uint j = 0; j < memops.size(); j++) {
    MemNode* s =>as_Mem();
    if (s->is_Store()) {
      int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(s);
      assert(vw > 1, "sanity");
      SWPointer p(s, this);
      if ( >  max_ct ||
 == max_ct &&
            (vw >  max_vw ||
             vw == max_vw &&
              (data_size(s) <  min_size ||
               data_size(s) == min_size &&
                 (p.offset_in_bytes() < min_iv_offset)))) {
        max_ct =;
        max_vw = vw;
        max_idx = j;
        min_size = data_size(s);
        min_iv_offset = p.offset_in_bytes();
  if (max_ct == 0) {
    for (uint j = 0; j < memops.size(); j++) {
      MemNode* s =>as_Mem();
      if (s->is_Load()) {
        int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(s);
        assert(vw > 1, "sanity");
        SWPointer p(s, this);
        if ( >  max_ct ||
   == max_ct &&
              (vw >  max_vw ||
               vw == max_vw &&
                (data_size(s) <  min_size ||
                 data_size(s) == min_size &&
                   (p.offset_in_bytes() < min_iv_offset)))) {
          max_ct =;
          max_vw = vw;
          max_idx = j;
          min_size = data_size(s);
          min_iv_offset = p.offset_in_bytes();
#ifdef ASSERT
  if (TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
    tty->print_cr("\nVector memops after find_align_to_refs");
    for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
      MemNode* s =>as_Mem();
  if (max_ct > 0) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    if (TraceSuperWord) {
      tty->print("\nVector align to node: ");>as_Mem()->dump();
  return NULL;
bool SuperWord::ref_is_alignable(SWPointer& p) {
  if (!p.has_iv()) {
    return true;   // no induction variable
  CountedLoopEndNode* pre_end = get_pre_loop_end(lp()->as_CountedLoop());
  assert(pre_end != NULL, "we must have a correct pre-loop");
  assert(pre_end->stride_is_con(), "pre loop stride is constant");
  int preloop_stride = pre_end->stride_con();
  int span = preloop_stride * p.scale_in_bytes();
  int mem_size = p.memory_size();
  int offset   = p.offset_in_bytes();
  if (ABS(span) == mem_size && (ABS(offset) % mem_size) == 0) {
    return true;
  int vw = vector_width_in_bytes(p.mem());
  assert(vw > 1, "sanity");
  Node* init_nd = pre_end->init_trip();
  if (init_nd->is_Con() && p.invar() == NULL) {
    int init = init_nd->bottom_type()->is_int()->get_con();
    int init_offset = init * p.scale_in_bytes() + offset;
    if (init_offset < 0) { // negative offset from object start?
      return false;        // may happen in dead loop
    if (vw % span == 0) {
      if (span > 0) {
        return (vw - (init_offset % vw)) % span == 0;
      } else {
        assert(span < 0, "nonzero stride * scale");
        return (init_offset % vw) % -span == 0;
    } else if (span % vw == 0) {
      return (init_offset % vw) == 0;
  return false;
int SuperWord::get_iv_adjustment(MemNode* mem_ref) {
  SWPointer align_to_ref_p(mem_ref, this);
  int offset = align_to_ref_p.offset_in_bytes();
  int scale  = align_to_ref_p.scale_in_bytes();
  int elt_size = align_to_ref_p.memory_size();
  int vw       = vector_width_in_bytes(mem_ref);
  assert(vw > 1, "sanity");
  int iv_adjustment;
  if (scale != 0) {
    int stride_sign = (scale * iv_stride()) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
    int iv_adjustment_in_bytes = (stride_sign * vw - (offset % vw));
    assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0),
           err_msg_res("(%d) should be divisible by (%d)", iv_adjustment_in_bytes, elt_size));
    iv_adjustment = iv_adjustment_in_bytes/elt_size;
  } else {
    iv_adjustment = 0;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceSuperWord)
    tty->print_cr("\noffset = %d iv_adjust = %d elt_size = %d scale = %d iv_stride = %d vect_size %d",
                  offset, iv_adjustment, elt_size, scale, iv_stride(), vw);
  return iv_adjustment;
void SuperWord::dependence_graph() {
  for (int i = 0; i < _block.length(); i++ ) {
    Node *n =;
    if (n->is_Mem() || n->is_Phi() && n->bottom_type() == Type::MEMORY) {
  for (int i = 0; i < _mem_slice_head.length(); i++) {
    Node* n      =;
    Node* n_tail =;
    mem_slice_preds(n_tail, n, _nlist);
    DepMem* slice = _dg.dep(n);
    _dg.make_edge(_dg.root(), slice);
    DepMem* slice_sink = _dg.make_node(NULL);
    _dg.make_edge(slice_sink, _dg.tail());
    for (int j = _nlist.length() - 1; j >= 0 ; j--) {
      Node* s1 =;
      if (_dg.dep(s1)->in_cnt() == 0) {
        _dg.make_edge(slice, s1);
      SWPointer p1(s1->as_Mem(), this);
      bool sink_dependent = true;
      for (int k = j - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
        Node* s2 =;
        if (s1->is_Load() && s2->is_Load())
        SWPointer p2(s2->as_Mem(), this);
        int cmp = p1.cmp(p2);
        if (SuperWordRTDepCheck &&
            p1.base() != p2.base() && p1.valid() && p2.valid()) {
          OrderedPair pp(p1.base(), p2.base());
        } else if (!SWPointer::not_equal(cmp)) {
          _dg.make_edge(s1, s2);
          sink_dependent = false;
      if (sink_dependent) {
        _dg.make_edge(s1, slice_sink);
#ifndef PRODUCT
    if (TraceSuperWord) {
      tty->print_cr("\nDependence graph for slice: %d", n->_idx);
      for (int q = 0; q < _nlist.length(); q++) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceSuperWord) {
    tty->print_cr("\ndisjoint_ptrs: %s", _disjoint_ptrs.length() > 0 ? "" : "NONE");
    for (int r = 0; r < _disjoint_ptrs.length(); r++) {;
void SuperWord::mem_slice_preds(Node* start, Node* stop, GrowableArray<Node*> &preds) {
  assert(preds.length() == 0, "start empty");
  Node* n = start;
  Node* prev = NULL;
  while (true) {
    assert(in_bb(n), "must be in block");
    for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
      Node* out = n->fast_out(i);
      if (out->is_Load()) {
        if (in_bb(out)) {
      } else {
        if (out->is_MergeMem() && !in_bb(out)) {
        } else if (out->is_Phi() && out->bottom_type() == Type::MEMORY && !in_bb(out)) {
        } else if (out->Opcode() == Op_StoreCM && out->in(MemNode::OopStore) == n) {
        } else {
          assert(out == prev || prev == NULL, "no branches off of store slice");
    if (n == stop) break;
    prev = n;
    assert(n->is_Mem(), err_msg_res("unexpected node %s", n->Name()));
    n = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
bool SuperWord::stmts_can_pack(Node* s1, Node* s2, int align) {
  BasicType bt1 = velt_basic_type(s1);
  BasicType bt2 = velt_basic_type(s2);
  if(!is_java_primitive(bt1) || !is_java_primitive(bt2))
    return false;
  if (Matcher::max_vector_size(bt1) < 2) {
    return false; // No vectors for this type
  if (isomorphic(s1, s2)) {
    if (independent(s1, s2)) {
      if (!exists_at(s1, 0) && !exists_at(s2, 1)) {
        if (!s1->is_Mem() || are_adjacent_refs(s1, s2)) {
          int s1_align = alignment(s1);
          int s2_align = alignment(s2);
          if (s1_align == top_align || s1_align == align) {
            if (s2_align == top_align || s2_align == align + data_size(s1)) {
              return true;
  return false;
bool SuperWord::exists_at(Node* s, uint pos) {
  for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
    Node_List* p =;
    if (p->at(pos) == s) {
      return true;
  return false;
bool SuperWord::are_adjacent_refs(Node* s1, Node* s2) {
  if (!s1->is_Mem() || !s2->is_Mem()) return false;
  if (!in_bb(s1)    || !in_bb(s2))    return false;
  if (!is_java_primitive(s1->as_Mem()->memory_type()) ||
      !is_java_primitive(s2->as_Mem()->memory_type())) {
    return false;
  if (_phase->C->get_alias_index(s1->as_Mem()->adr_type()) !=
    return false;
  SWPointer p1(s1->as_Mem(), this);
  SWPointer p2(s2->as_Mem(), this);
  if (p1.base() != p2.base() || !p1.comparable(p2)) return false;
  int diff = p2.offset_in_bytes() - p1.offset_in_bytes();
  return diff == data_size(s1);
bool SuperWord::isomorphic(Node* s1, Node* s2) {
  if (s1->Opcode() != s2->Opcode()) return false;
  if (s1->req() != s2->req()) return false;
  if (s1->in(0) != s2->in(0)) return false;
  if (!same_velt_type(s1, s2)) return false;
  return true;
bool SuperWord::independent(Node* s1, Node* s2) {
  int d1 = depth(s1);
  int d2 = depth(s2);
  if (d1 == d2) return s1 != s2;
  Node* deep    = d1 > d2 ? s1 : s2;
  Node* shallow = d1 > d2 ? s2 : s1;
  return independent_path(shallow, deep);
bool SuperWord::independent_path(Node* shallow, Node* deep, uint dp) {
  if (dp >= 1000) return false; // stop deep recursion
  int shal_depth = depth(shallow);
  assert(shal_depth <= depth(deep), "must be");
  for (DepPreds preds(deep, _dg); !preds.done(); {
    Node* pred = preds.current();
    if (in_bb(pred) && !visited_test(pred)) {
      if (shallow == pred) {
        return false;
      if (shal_depth < depth(pred) && !independent_path(shallow, pred, dp+1)) {
        return false;
  return true;
void SuperWord::set_alignment(Node* s1, Node* s2, int align) {
  set_alignment(s1, align);
  if (align == top_align || align == bottom_align) {
    set_alignment(s2, align);
  } else {
    set_alignment(s2, align + data_size(s1));
int SuperWord::data_size(Node* s) {
  int bsize = type2aelembytes(velt_basic_type(s));
  assert(bsize != 0, "valid size");
  return bsize;
void SuperWord::extend_packlist() {
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
      Node_List* p =;
      changed |= follow_use_defs(p);
      changed |= follow_def_uses(p);
  } while (changed);
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceSuperWord) {
    tty->print_cr("\nAfter extend_packlist");
bool SuperWord::follow_use_defs(Node_List* p) {
  assert(p->size() == 2, "just checking");
  Node* s1 = p->at(0);
  Node* s2 = p->at(1);
  assert(s1->req() == s2->req(), "just checking");
  assert(alignment(s1) + data_size(s1) == alignment(s2), "just checking");
  if (s1->is_Load()) return false;
  int align = alignment(s1);
  bool changed = false;
  int start = s1->is_Store() ? MemNode::ValueIn   : 1;
  int end   = s1->is_Store() ? MemNode::ValueIn+1 : s1->req();
  for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
    Node* t1 = s1->in(j);
    Node* t2 = s2->in(j);
    if (!in_bb(t1) || !in_bb(t2))
    if (stmts_can_pack(t1, t2, align)) {
      if (est_savings(t1, t2) >= 0) {
        Node_List* pair = new Node_List();
        set_alignment(t1, t2, align);
        changed = true;
  return changed;
bool SuperWord::follow_def_uses(Node_List* p) {
  bool changed = false;
  Node* s1 = p->at(0);
  Node* s2 = p->at(1);
  assert(p->size() == 2, "just checking");
  assert(s1->req() == s2->req(), "just checking");
  assert(alignment(s1) + data_size(s1) == alignment(s2), "just checking");
  if (s1->is_Store()) return false;
  int align = alignment(s1);
  int savings = -1;
  Node* u1 = NULL;
  Node* u2 = NULL;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s1->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* t1 = s1->fast_out(i);
    if (!in_bb(t1)) continue;
    for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = s2->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
      Node* t2 = s2->fast_out(j);
      if (!in_bb(t2)) continue;
      if (!opnd_positions_match(s1, t1, s2, t2))
      if (stmts_can_pack(t1, t2, align)) {
        int my_savings = est_savings(t1, t2);
        if (my_savings > savings) {
          savings = my_savings;
          u1 = t1;
          u2 = t2;
  if (savings >= 0) {
    Node_List* pair = new Node_List();
    set_alignment(u1, u2, align);
    changed = true;
  return changed;
bool SuperWord::opnd_positions_match(Node* d1, Node* u1, Node* d2, Node* u2) {
  uint ct = u1->req();
  if (ct != u2->req()) return false;
  uint i1 = 0;
  uint i2 = 0;
  do {
    for (i1++; i1 < ct; i1++) if (u1->in(i1) == d1) break;
    for (i2++; i2 < ct; i2++) if (u2->in(i2) == d2) break;
    if (i1 != i2) {
      if ((i1 == (3-i2)) && (u2->is_Add() || u2->is_Mul())) {
        u2->swap_edges(i1, i2);
      } else {
        return false;
  } while (i1 < ct);
  return true;
int SuperWord::est_savings(Node* s1, Node* s2) {
  int save_in = 2 - 1; // 2 operations per instruction in packed form
  for (uint i = 1; i < s1->req(); i++) {
    Node* x1 = s1->in(i);
    Node* x2 = s2->in(i);
    if (x1 != x2) {
      if (are_adjacent_refs(x1, x2)) {
        save_in += adjacent_profit(x1, x2);
      } else if (!in_packset(x1, x2)) {
        save_in -= pack_cost(2);
      } else {
        save_in += unpack_cost(2);
  uint ct = 0;
  int save_use = 0;
  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = s1->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    Node* s1_use = s1->fast_out(i);
    for (int j = 0; j < _packset.length(); j++) {
      Node_List* p =;
      if (p->at(0) == s1_use) {
        for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = s2->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
          Node* s2_use = s2->fast_out(k);
          if (p->at(p->size()-1) == s2_use) {
            if (are_adjacent_refs(s1_use, s2_use)) {
              save_use += adjacent_profit(s1_use, s2_use);
  if (ct < s1->outcnt()) save_use += unpack_cost(1);
  if (ct < s2->outcnt()) save_use += unpack_cost(1);
  return MAX2(save_in, save_use);
int SuperWord::adjacent_profit(Node* s1, Node* s2) { return 2; }
int SuperWord::pack_cost(int ct)   { return ct; }
int SuperWord::unpack_cost(int ct) { return ct; }
void SuperWord::combine_packs() {
  bool changed = true;
  while (changed) {
    changed = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
      Node_List* p1 =;
      if (p1 == NULL) continue;
      for (int j = 0; j < _packset.length(); j++) {
        Node_List* p2 =;
        if (p2 == NULL) continue;
        if (i == j) continue;
        if (p1->at(p1->size()-1) == p2->at(0)) {
          for (uint k = 1; k < p2->size(); k++) {
          _packset.at_put(j, NULL);
          changed = true;
  for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
    Node_List* p1 =;
    if (p1 != NULL) {
      BasicType bt = velt_basic_type(p1->at(0));
      uint max_vlen = Matcher::max_vector_size(bt); // Max elements in vector
      assert(is_power_of_2(max_vlen), "sanity");
      uint psize = p1->size();
      if (!is_power_of_2(psize)) {
        _packset.at_put(i, NULL);
      if (psize > max_vlen) {
        Node_List* pack = new Node_List();
        for (uint j = 0; j < psize; j++) {
          if (pack->size() >= max_vlen) {
            assert(is_power_of_2(pack->size()), "sanity");
            pack = new Node_List();
        _packset.at_put(i, NULL);
  for (int i = _packset.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Node_List* p1 =;
    if (p1 == NULL) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceSuperWord) {
    tty->print_cr("\nAfter combine_packs");
void SuperWord::construct_my_pack_map() {
  Node_List* rslt = NULL;
  for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
    Node_List* p =;
    for (uint j = 0; j < p->size(); j++) {
      Node* s = p->at(j);
      assert(my_pack(s) == NULL, "only in one pack");
      set_my_pack(s, p);
void SuperWord::filter_packs() {
  for (int i = _packset.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    Node_List* pk =;
    bool impl = implemented(pk);
    if (!impl) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
      if (TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
  bool changed;
  do {
    changed = false;
    for (int i = _packset.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      Node_List* pk =;
      bool prof = profitable(pk);
      if (!prof) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
        if (TraceSuperWord && Verbose) {
        changed = true;
  } while (changed);
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceSuperWord) {
    tty->print_cr("\nAfter filter_packs");
bool SuperWord::implemented(Node_List* p) {
  Node* p0 = p->at(0);
  return VectorNode::implemented(p0->Opcode(), p->size(), velt_basic_type(p0));
static bool same_inputs(Node_List* p, int idx) {
  Node* p0 = p->at(0);
  uint vlen = p->size();
  Node* p0_def = p0->in(idx);
  for (uint i = 1; i < vlen; i++) {
    Node* pi = p->at(i);
    Node* pi_def = pi->in(idx);
    if (p0_def != pi_def)
      return false;
  return true;
bool SuperWord::profitable(Node_List* p) {
  Node* p0 = p->at(0);
  uint start, end;
  VectorNode::vector_operands(p0, &start, &end);
  for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
    if (!is_vector_use(p0, i))
      return false;
  if (VectorNode::is_shift(p0)) {
    Node* cnt = p0->in(2);
    Node_List* cnt_pk = my_pack(cnt);
    if (cnt_pk != NULL)
      return false;
    if (!same_inputs(p, 2))
      return false;
  if (!p0->is_Store()) {
    for (uint i = 0; i < p->size(); i++) {
      Node* def = p->at(i);
      for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = def->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
        Node* use = def->fast_out(j);
        for (uint k = 0; k < use->req(); k++) {
          Node* n = use->in(k);
          if (def == n) {
            if (!is_vector_use(use, k)) {
              return false;
  return true;
void SuperWord::schedule() {
  for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
void SuperWord::remove_and_insert(MemNode *current, MemNode *prev, MemNode *lip,
                                  Node *uip, Unique_Node_List &sched_before) {
  Node* my_mem = current->in(MemNode::Memory);
  bool sched_up = sched_before.member(current);
  for (DUIterator i = current->outs(); current->has_out(i); i++) {
    Node* use = current->out(i);
    if (use->is_Mem()) {
      assert(use->in(MemNode::Memory) == current, "must be");
      if (use == prev) { // connect prev to my_mem
          _igvn.replace_input_of(use, MemNode::Memory, my_mem);
          --i; //deleted this edge; rescan position
      } else if (sched_before.member(use)) {
        if (!sched_up) { // Will be moved together with current
          _igvn.replace_input_of(use, MemNode::Memory, uip);
          --i; //deleted this edge; rescan position
      } else {
        if (sched_up) { // Will be moved together with current
          _igvn.replace_input_of(use, MemNode::Memory, lip);
          --i; //deleted this edge; rescan position
  Node *insert_pt =  sched_up ?  uip : lip;
  for (DUIterator i = insert_pt->outs(); insert_pt->has_out(i); i++) {
    Node* use = insert_pt->out(i);
    if (use->is_Mem()) {
      assert(use->in(MemNode::Memory) == insert_pt, "must be");
      _igvn.replace_input_of(use, MemNode::Memory, current);
      --i; //deleted this edge; rescan position
    } else if (!sched_up && use->is_Phi() && use->bottom_type() == Type::MEMORY) {
      uint pos; //lip (lower insert point) must be the last one in the memory slice
      for (pos=1; pos < use->req(); pos++) {
        if (use->in(pos) == insert_pt) break;
      _igvn.replace_input_of(use, pos, current);
  _igvn.replace_input_of(current, MemNode::Memory, insert_pt);
void SuperWord::co_locate_pack(Node_List* pk) {
  if (pk->at(0)->is_Store()) {
    MemNode* first     = executed_first(pk)->as_Mem();
    MemNode* last      = executed_last(pk)->as_Mem();
    Unique_Node_List schedule_before_pack;
    Unique_Node_List memops;
    MemNode* current   = last->in(MemNode::Memory)->as_Mem();
    MemNode* previous  = last;
    while (true) {
      assert(in_bb(current), "stay in block");
      for (DUIterator i = current->outs(); current->has_out(i); i++) {
        Node* use = current->out(i);
        if (use->is_Mem() && use != previous)
      if (current == first) break;
      previous = current;
      current  = current->in(MemNode::Memory)->as_Mem();
    for (uint i = 1; i < memops.size(); i++) {
      Node *s1 =;
      if (!in_pack(s1, pk) && !schedule_before_pack.member(s1)) {
        for (uint j = 0; j< i; j++) {
          Node *s2 =;
          if (!independent(s1, s2)) {
            if (in_pack(s2, pk) || schedule_before_pack.member(s2)) {
              schedule_before_pack.push(s1); // s1 must be scheduled before
              Node_List* mem_pk = my_pack(s1);
              if (mem_pk != NULL) {
                for (uint ii = 0; ii < mem_pk->size(); ii++) {
                  Node* s = mem_pk->at(ii);  // follow partner
                  if (memops.member(s) && !schedule_before_pack.member(s))
    Node*    upper_insert_pt = first->in(MemNode::Memory);
    for (DUIterator i = upper_insert_pt->outs(); upper_insert_pt->has_out(i); i++) {
      Node* use = upper_insert_pt->out(i);
      if (use->is_Mem() && !use->is_Store()) {
    MemNode* lower_insert_pt = last;
    previous                 = last; //previous store in pk
    current                  = last->in(MemNode::Memory)->as_Mem();
    while (true) {
      assert(in_bb(current), "stay in block");
      assert(in_pack(previous, pk), "previous stays in pack");
      Node* my_mem = current->in(MemNode::Memory);
      if (in_pack(current, pk)) {
        for (DUIterator i = current->outs(); current->has_out(i); i++) {
          Node* use = current->out(i);
          if (use->is_Mem() && use != previous) {
            assert(use->in(MemNode::Memory) == current, "must be");
            if (schedule_before_pack.member(use)) {
              _igvn.replace_input_of(use, MemNode::Memory, upper_insert_pt);
            } else {
              _igvn.replace_input_of(use, MemNode::Memory, lower_insert_pt);
            --i; // deleted this edge; rescan position
        previous = current;
      } else { // !in_pack(current, pk) ==> a sandwiched store
        remove_and_insert(current, previous, lower_insert_pt, upper_insert_pt, schedule_before_pack);
      if (current == first) break;
      current = my_mem->as_Mem();
    } // end while
    for (uint i = 0; i < memops.size(); i++) {
      Node *ld =;
      if (ld->in(MemNode::Memory) != upper_insert_pt) {
        _igvn.replace_input_of(ld, MemNode::Memory, upper_insert_pt);
  } else if (pk->at(0)->is_Load()) { //load
    Node* last_mem  = executed_last(pk)->in(MemNode::Memory);
    Node* first_mem = executed_first(pk)->in(MemNode::Memory);
    bool schedule_last = true;
    for (uint i = 0; i < pk->size(); i++) {
      Node* ld = pk->at(i);
      for (Node* current = last_mem; current != ld->in(MemNode::Memory);
           current=current->in(MemNode::Memory)) {
        assert(current != first_mem, "corrupted memory graph");
        if(current->is_Mem() && !independent(current, ld)){
          schedule_last = false; // a later store depends on this load
    Node* mem_input = schedule_last ? last_mem : first_mem;
    for (uint i = 0; i < pk->size(); i++) {
      LoadNode* ld = pk->at(i)->as_Load();
      _igvn.replace_input_of(ld, MemNode::Memory, mem_input);
void SuperWord::output() {
  if (_packset.length() == 0) return;
#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLoopOpts) {
    tty->print("SuperWord    ");
  for (int i = 0; i < _packset.length(); i++) {
  Compile* C = _phase->C;
  uint max_vlen_in_bytes = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < _block.length(); i++) {
    Node* n =;
    Node_List* p = my_pack(n);
    if (p && n == executed_last(p)) {
      uint vlen = p->size();
      uint vlen_in_bytes = 0;
      Node* vn = NULL;
      Node* low_adr = p->at(0);
      Node* first   = executed_first(p);
      int   opc = n->Opcode();
      if (n->is_Load()) {
        Node* ctl = n->in(MemNode::Control);
        Node* mem = first->in(MemNode::Memory);
        SWPointer p1(n->as_Mem(), this);
        while (mem->is_StoreVector()) {
          SWPointer p2(mem->as_Mem(), this);
          int cmp = p1.cmp(p2);
          if (SWPointer::not_equal(cmp) || !SWPointer::comparable(cmp)) {
            mem = mem->in(MemNode::Memory);
          } else {
            break; // dependent memory
        Node* adr = low_adr->in(MemNode::Address);
        const TypePtr* atyp = n->adr_type();
        vn = LoadVectorNode::make(C, opc, ctl, mem, adr, atyp, vlen, velt_basic_type(n), control_dependency(p));
        vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_LoadVector()->memory_size();
      } else if (n->is_Store()) {
        Node* val = vector_opd(p, MemNode::ValueIn);
        Node* ctl = n->in(MemNode::Control);
        Node* mem = first->in(MemNode::Memory);
        Node* adr = low_adr->in(MemNode::Address);
        const TypePtr* atyp = n->adr_type();
        vn = StoreVectorNode::make(C, opc, ctl, mem, adr, atyp, val, vlen);
        vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_StoreVector()->memory_size();
      } else if (n->req() == 3) {
        Node* in1 = vector_opd(p, 1);
        Node* in2 = vector_opd(p, 2);
        if (VectorNode::is_invariant_vector(in1) && (n->is_Add() || n->is_Mul())) {
          Node* tmp = in1;
          in1 = in2;
          in2 = tmp;
        vn = VectorNode::make(C, opc, in1, in2, vlen, velt_basic_type(n));
        vlen_in_bytes = vn->as_Vector()->length_in_bytes();
      } else {
      assert(vn != NULL, "sanity");
      _phase->set_ctrl(vn, _phase->get_ctrl(p->at(0)));
      for (uint j = 0; j < p->size(); j++) {
        Node* pm = p->at(j);
        _igvn.replace_node(pm, vn);
      if (vlen_in_bytes > max_vlen_in_bytes) {
        max_vlen_in_bytes = vlen_in_bytes;
#ifdef ASSERT
      if (TraceNewVectors) {
        tty->print("new Vector node: ");

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