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原创 Awesome Android Launchers to help you stay Focused & more Productive
OHome minimal launcher is an amazing distraction-free, minimalist launcher. It is designed to reduce your screen time. It removes all the unwanted distractions and cleans up all the clutter from your phone. It is very helpful for hard-core phone addicts.
2023-01-04 17:14:10 156
转载 解决Google Play商店出现“此设备未经Play保护机制认证”问题
Google Play商店出现“此设备未经Play保护机制认证”问题问题原因一般是厂商或者是自定义 Rom 没有进行 Google play 认证导致的,自己也可以做一下认证问题解决Step 1: 下载 My Device IDs 应用查询 GSFID 酷安点这里 Or Google play 点这里Step 2: 在应用内找到 Google 服务框架 Android ID (GSF ID)点击复制Step 3: 点这里 进入Gogole 认证网站提交 刚才复制的IDStep 3: 等着就好
2022-02-07 21:13:50 72442 27
原创 Android 手机上进行打码图片标注,用这个工具就够了
PicMarker 是一款非常好用的打码和图像标注App,功能丰富操作简单。更新比较活跃,目前软件开发者在酷安免费送Google Play激活码!
2022-02-07 21:10:30 3828
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