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原创 利用Photoshop javascript 给图片添加拍摄日期(creation date)

简单的自动化脚本,方便批量作业。// This script is used to add creation date of each .jpg// in folder specified as workDir and save it to another// folder specified as saveDir.var workDir = 'C:/Users/ABC/Pictures/

2017-08-04 21:37:10 2433

原创 How to send Email through external SMTP server on Ubuntu 14.04

How to send Email through external SMTP server on Ubuntu 14.04Getting startedGet an account from SMTP server, e.g. smtp.163.com.Install sendmail on Ubuntu 14.04.Steps 1. Add the domain name(

2016-05-19 17:57:43 917

原创 Android下通过HOOK修改IMEI(基于Cydia substrate)

准备Motorola MB525 Android 4.0.4 (CyanogenMod version 9-20121116-NIGHTLY-jordan)Android Studio 1.4.1Android SDK Manager - Android 4.0.3(API15) - Extras    - Cydia Substrate APIInst

2015-11-17 11:22:21 5298

原创 uCOS-ii 如何获取最高优先级的Task

uCOS_ii在进行Task Switch时,会选择当前Ready队列里优先级最高的Task来运行。那么uCOS_ii是如何找到优先级最高的Task的呢?首先从以下代码片段入手进行分析,#define OS_LOWEST_PRIO 63u /* Defines the lowest priority that can be assigned ...

2014-12-10 16:08:19 1258

原创 使用命令行对 ARM DS5 的工程进行编译

打开Windows Prompt,输入SET path=C:\PROGRA~1\DS-5\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot% && "C:\PROGRA~1\DS-5\bin\eclipsec.exe" --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -application "org.eclipse.cdt.managedbu

2014-10-10 13:07:36 4399

原创 简单的Makefile

编写一个简单的 Makefile 模板,用于了解并熟悉 Make 的工作原理。Step1. 建立目录结构.├── Makefile├── obj└── src ├── app │   └── app.c └── common └── common.cStep2. 编写 MakefileSOURCES :=SOURCES

2013-11-29 22:29:07 584

转载 2010年计算语言最新排名

1 Java 20.025%<br />2 C 15.967%<br />3 C++ 11.118%<br />4 (Visual) Basic 9.332%<br />5 PHP 8.871%<br />6 Perl 6.177%<br />7 C# 3.483%<br />8 Python 3.161%<br />9 JavaScript 2.616%<br />10 Ruby 2.132%<br />11 PL/SQL 2.015%<br />12 SAS

2011-04-24 10:48:00 566

原创 Linux源码规模(代码行数)研究

  <!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }-->本文针对不同版本的Linux源码包,统计了其总代码量(代码行数)以及各个目录所含有的代码量(代码行数),总结了Linux源码的发展过程和趋势。现将各个版本源码包所含代码量统计结果列出: 图 1 Linux各个版本源码规模发展历

2009-04-18 23:51:00 5490

原创 配置Fedora Core8.0

配置Fedora Core8.0Fedora 8.0里面已经装有scim中文输入法,但是,由于我在安装的时候所选择的语言是English,所以在安装完毕后输入法未能直接调出来。解决方案:英文locale下要使用中文输入法,必须修改scim的配置文件:找到文件/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xinput.sh中的一行如此的代码_language_list="as bn gu hi

2008-04-15 17:43:00 765

原创 在Windows XP下安装FedoraCore 8.0

在Windows XP下安装Fedora Core 8.0准备工作下载grub_for_dos-0.4.2,将其中的所有文件拷入C:/下(其实没有必要,保险起见的做法);修改C:/下的boot.ini文件,在最后一行加上c:/grldr="GRUB FOR DOS";下载Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso,并放到FAT32分区;在该分区下建立文件夹/boot,提取Fedora-8-

2008-04-08 18:08:00 1158

原创 linux&unix程序开发基础教程之web资源

 Web资源 Chapter 8 程序开发过程 编号 URL 说明

2007-06-07 21:11:00 880

原创 DOS内存布局


2007-04-10 09:47:00 2235

原创 Microsoft公司的PC操作系统发展历程

  分类 发布时间 产品 主要特点

2007-04-10 08:57:00 1739

Dive into Python

《深入 Python 3》 的内容涵盖了 Python 3 及其与 Python 2 的区别。相对《深入 Python》而言,它 20% 的内容进行了修订,80% 的内容是全新的。这本书现在已经完成了,但随时欢迎反馈意见。


A Byte of Python



Learning Perl (6th Edition)

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Questions and Answers 1 Is This the Right Book for You? 1 Why Are There So Many Footnotes? 2 What About the Exercises and Their Answers? 3 What Do Those Numbers Mean at the Start of the Exercise? 4 What If I’m a Perl Course Instructor? 4 What Does “Perl” Stand For? 4 Why Did Larry Create Perl? 5 Why Didn’t Larry Just Use Some Other Language? 5 Is Perl Easy or Hard? 6 How Did Perl Get to Be So Popular? 7 What’s Happening with Perl Now? 7 What’s Perl Really Good For? 8 What Is Perl Not Good For? 8 How Can I Get Perl? 9 What Is CPAN? 10 How Can I Get Support for Perl? 10 Are There Any Other Kinds of Support? 10 What If I Find a Bug in Perl? 12 How Do I Make a Perl Program? 12 A Simple Program 13 What’s Inside That Program? 15 How Do I Compile My Perl Program? 16 A Whirlwind Tour of Perl 17 Exercises 18 2. Scalar Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Numbers 21



Learning PHP 5 is the ideal tutorial for graphic designers, bloggers, and other web crafters who want a thorough but non-intimidating way to understand the code that makes web sites dynamic. The book begins with an introduction to PHP, then moves to more advanced features: language basics, arrays and functions, web forms, connecting to databases, and much more. Complete with exercises to make sure the lessons stick, this book offers the ideal classroom learning experience whether you're in a classroom or on your own.



Perl is a versatile, powerful programming language used in a variety of disciplines, ranging from system administration to web programming to database manipulation. One slogan of Perl is that it makes easy things easy and hard things possible. Intermediate Perl is about making the leap from the easy things to the hard ones.



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