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原创 The differences in select,poll and epool, include reasons
2011-01-09 20:30:00 257
原创 Other ref
<br />Some books:<br />http://blog.csdn.net/uniorg/archive/2010/03/31/5439230.aspx
2010-12-09 14:59:00 228
原创 Reference
Windows Scokect Error codes:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740668(VS.85).aspxhttp://www.sockets.com/err_lst1.htm Windows Security Collection(For 2003):http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc784886(WS.10).aspx Service Security and Access Ri
2010-12-07 10:31:00 217
原创 Something about openssh
<br />My target is to make this material readable, comprehensible and friendly.<br />First, you should refer <<Pro OpenSSH>>, I recommend it much. It's fabulous, you can find many configuration advices and tips.<br />For a glance, you can read <<OpenSSH_ A
2010-12-02 11:26:00 212
原创 iptables summary
1、Tables: for -t table. NAT(SNAT, DNAT, MASQERADE etc), filter(default table), mangle2、Hook points:for -A/-I. PREROUTE, FORWARD, INPUT, OUTPUT, POSTROUTE in a chain.3、Target:for -j target. (ACCEPT, DROJ, RETURN etc)4、Match:for -m match. Too much, have sub
2010-11-23 06:28:00 288
原创 Nmap summary
1、Time consumption: sP 2、Accuracy:sP 3、Useful tips:-S source IP: forge a faked source IP.4、-v option should be always selected
2010-11-23 06:24:00 221
原创 Flush shell command to .bash_history
<br /> The command in current shell will not save to .bash_history unless you exit the shell. But when you type "history -w", you will flush it in .bash_history.<br /> To earse the history, you should type"history -c", the command will clean all records
2010-11-20 22:40:00 464
原创 How to add an account to administrator group, and get root privilege.
/etc/sudoerscommand for root: visudo (ie "vim /etc/sudoers")Move the cursor to the last line, and add "your_user_name ALL=(ALL)"if you think input password is trivial :your_user_name ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL.
2010-11-17 20:22:00 329
原创 Set IDA Pro symbol file path
You can set M$ symbol files path in cfg/pdb.cfg at PDBSYM_DOWNLOAD_PATH = "c://symbols";Tips:1)Make sure to uncomment it at the beginning of line.2)Double backslash: "//".
2010-11-17 20:17:00 1554
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