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ZipForge 6.40 Commercial Edition Full Source D4-XE6

ZipForge is a fast and powerful VCL Zip component, written in Delphi. It lets you easily create ZIP archives, extract files from zip files to hard drive or memory, add files to a zip archive from disk or memory, replace, move and delete files in zip archives. Also it creates and reads self-extracting (SFX) zip archives, AES encrypted and multi-volume zip files. ZipForge main features: Opens and creates archives encrypted with strong AES encryption algorithm Zip64 supports - lets you create ZIP files over 4 GB Unicode file names support Includes transaction system which allows you to rollback changes if archive update failed Adds compressed data directly from streams and extracts archived files to streams without creating temp files Lets you store full path with drive for each file Allows to search for files inside archive by mask Progress indication Full Delphi source code is available



The IDA Pro Disassembler and Debugger is an interactive, programmable, extendible, multi-processor disassembler hosted on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X. IDA Pro has become the de-facto standard for the analysis of hostile code, vulnerability research and COTS validation. See this executive overview for a summary of its features and uses.


Delphi / C++Builder XE2 Beta 8 Build 16.0.4223.41907

Beta Build Eight Notes There is a known issue where unselecting certain product features will cause cross platform development problems. We're working on it, but in the meantime we recommend installing all product features. There is a startup error reported for C++Builder-only installs. C++Builder Beta Testers should install the full RAD Studio. Before downloading this build you will need to have a product serial number, and you can request that via the serial number link on the Resources menu. If you've already created a serial number for a previous build you do not need to create another. You will need to re-register Beta Seven. You can use your existing serial number to do so. Please uninstall any previous Pulsar builds before installing this build. When prompted where to download the additional setup files please choose an empty folder. File Attachments: FmiForFpc.zip: Used for FireMonkey iOS development on the Mac. See the What's New doc for details. Look for the Installing FMI Sources on Your Mac section. Pulsar_Beta_8_Bug_Fixes.html: This lists the Quality Central bugs fixed since the release of Beta Seven. PulsarSamples.zip: Sample applications that demonstrate FireMonkey, DataSnap, and Databinding capabilities. The samples provided with the previous beta build will not work with build 16.0.4223.41907, so you'll need to download this zip file. What's New in Pulsar Beta 8.htm: Latest features and release notes. RenameFmxEnums.exe: A tool to scan through your project files and update them to reflect the changes in FireMonkey Enums in Beta 8. See the What's New doc for details. Select the link below to download the setup.exe file : Announcement:We are not intend to do harm to Embarcadero, just wanna share the product with delphi fans proudly, especially for those one dont have a good net! 声明:公开下载地址并不表明对Embarcadero的恶意,只是为分享delphi,特别是那些网络不好的同学。 Apply For Beta Serial Key(点此申请测试版密钥) https://beta.embarcadero.com/callout/apply.html?callid=%7bFA7D2619-0CFA-4AF5-9A55-E9C23DBC763D%7d



FastReport ® 4 VCL is a component suite for reporting, is a combination of the designer for the generator and Preview reports. FastReport is written in 100% Object Pascal, and can be installed in the CodeGear ® (exBorland ®) Delphi 4-XE, CodeGear ® (exBorland ®), C ++ Builder 4-XE.


F-IN-BOX v3.54 + plus Adobe flash.ocx DXE - Cracked

F-IN-BOX is a Delphi / Builder / VCL component to enhance Macromedia / Adobe Flash Player ActiveX features. It does not use its own engine to display movies but provide a wrapper around official swflash.ocx/flash.ocx code instead. Thus it is possible to avoid certain Macromedia / Adobe Flash Player ActiveX limitations. Delphi 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, XE and Builder 3, 4, 5, 6, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, XE are supported. Macromedia / Adobe Flash Player ActiveX 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are supported.



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