使用 donut 将 exe 转成 shellcode

donut可以将C语言编写的EXE 转成shellcode,免杀shellcode比免杀exe简单得多。

donut 可以在github上下载,下面直接给出命令,将一个32位EXE转成shellcode。

.\donut -f .\Sharphound.exe -a1


Shellcode Helper v1.62 Coded by TeLeMan (c) 2008-2013 Usage: schelper.exe [options] Options: -i [input file] input file (Default: stdin) -o [output file] output file (Default: stdout) -s input file format (Default: Auto-Detection) -sb input file format is Binary -sp the input file format's parameters -d output file format (Default: C format) -db output file format is Binary -dp the output file format's parameters -search get the start offset by the pattern: e.g. PK\x03\x04 -soff fix the match offset after searching (Default: 0) -off convert the input file from the offset (Default: 0) -len convert the input file with the length (Default: 0 - MAX) -en [encoder] encode shellcode (Default: XorDword) -de [encoder] decode shellcode (Default: Auto-Detection) -ex exclude characters: e.g. 0x00,0x01-0x1F,0xFF (Default: 0x00) -in incude characters only -ep the encoder's parameters -t [pid] execute or inject shellcode into process for testing -td [pid] execute or inject shellcode into process for debugging -stack put shellcode into stack and execute it (ESP is the shellcode start) -noinfo display no normal messages except error messages Available formats: 0 - C 1 - C(HexArray) 2 - Perl 3 - Python 4 - Ruby 5 - JavaScript(Escape) 6 - VBScript(Escape) 7 - Pascal 8 - MASM(Data) 9 - HexDump 10 - BitString 11 - HexString 12 - HexArray(C like) 13 - Base64 14 - Binary 15 - HexString(C like) 16 - HexString(Escape) 17 - HexString(JavaScript,UNICODE) 18 - URI(ISO-8859-1) 19 - XML(PCDATA) 20 - BigNumber 21 - BigNumber(Hex) 22 - BigNumber(BaseX) 23 - FloatPoint 24 - UnixTimestamp 25 - GUID 26 - MASM(ASM) 27 - NASM 28 - YASM(ASM) 29 - FASM(ASM) 30 - JWASM(ASM) 31 - POASM(ASM) 32 - GOASM(ASM) 33 - GNU ASM Available encoders:
将COCO数据集换为YOLO数据集可以通过以下步骤完成: 1. 下载COCO数据集并解压缩。 2. 安装COCO API和OpenCV。 3. 创建一个新的文件夹,用于存储换后的YOLO数据集。 4. 读取COCO中的图像和注释。 5. 将每个图像换为YOLO格式(.txt文件)。 6. 将所有的YOLO格式文件和图像放入新的文件夹中。 以下是一个将COCO数据集换为YOLO数据集的Python代码示例: ```python import os import json import cv2 # COCO类别对应的YOLO类别 class_id = { "person": 0, "bicycle": 1, "car": 2, "motorcycle": 3, "airplane": 4, "bus": 5, "train": 6, "truck": 7, "boat": 8, "traffic light": 9, "fire hydrant": 10, "stop sign": 11, "parking meter": 12, "bench": 13, "bird": 14, "cat": 15, "dog": 16, "horse": 17, "sheep": 18, "cow": 19, "elephant": 20, "bear": 21, "zebra": 22, "giraffe": 23, "backpack": 24, "umbrella": 25, "handbag": 26, "tie": 27, "suitcase": 28, "frisbee": 29, "skis": 30, "snowboard": 31, "sports ball": 32, "kite": 33, "baseball bat": 34, "baseball glove": 35, "skateboard": 36, "surfboard": 37, "tennis racket": 38, "bottle": 39, "wine glass": 40, "cup": 41, "fork": 42, "knife": 43, "spoon": 44, "bowl": 45, "banana": 46, "apple": 47, "sandwich": 48, "orange": 49, "broccoli": 50, "carrot": 51, "hot dog": 52, "pizza": 53, "donut": 54, "cake": 55, "chair": 56, "couch": 57, "potted plant": 58, "bed": 59, "dining table": 60, "toilet": 61, "tv": 62, "laptop": 63, "mouse": 64, "remote": 65, "keyboard": 66, "cell phone": 67, "microwave": 68, "oven": 69, "toaster": 70, "sink": 71, "refrigerator": 72, "book": 73, "clock": 74, "vase": 75, "scissors": 76, "teddy bear": 77, "hair drier": 78, "toothbrush": 79 } # 将COCO注释换为YOLO格式 def convert_annotation(image_id, coco_annotation, file): for annotation in coco_annotation: x, y, w, h = annotation['bbox'] x_center = x + w / 2 y_center = y + h / 2 x_center /= width y_center /= height w /= width h /= height class_name = coco_classes[annotation["category_id"]] class_num = class_id[class_name] file.write("%s %s %s %s %s\n" % (class_num, x_center, y_center, w, h)) # COCO数据集文件夹路径 coco_folder = "/path/to/coco/folder" # 用于存储YOLO数据集的文件夹路径 yolo_folder = "/path/to/yolo/folder" # COCO数据集注释文件 coco_annotation_file = os.path.join(coco_folder, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") # COCO数据集图像文件夹 coco_image_folder = os.path.join(coco_folder, "val2017") # 创建一个新的文件夹,用于存储换后的YOLO数据集 if not os.path.exists(yolo_folder): os.makedirs(yolo_folder) # 读取COCO注释文件 with open(coco_annotation_file) as f: coco_data = json.load(f) # COCO类别列表 coco_classes = [] for category in coco_data['categories']: coco_classes.append(category['name']) # 遍历COCO数据集中的每个图像 for image_data in coco_data['images']: # 获取图像文件名和路径 image_name = image_data['file_name'] image_path = os.path.join(coco_image_folder, image_name) # 读取图像 image = cv2.imread(image_path) height, width, channels = image.shape # 创建YOLO格式的注释文件 yolo_annotation_file = os.path.join(yolo_folder, os.path.splitext(image_name)[0] + ".txt") with open(yolo_annotation_file, "w") as f: # 获取图像中的每个注释 for annotation in coco_data['annotations']: # 如果注释属于当前图像,则将其换为YOLO格式 if annotation['image_id'] == image_data['id']: convert_annotation(image_data['id'], [annotation], f) # 将图像复制到YOLO数据集文件夹中 yolo_image_path = os.path.join(yolo_folder, image_name) cv2.imwrite(yolo_image_path, image) ``` 在运行完上述代码后,YOLO数据集文件夹中应该包括所有换后的图像和注释文件。
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