
  • 二维数组中的查找
  • public class Solution {
        public boolean Find(int target, int [][] array) {
            boolean flag = false;
    		int row = 0;
    		if (array == null || array.length == 0 || array[0].length == 0) {
    			return flag;
    		int rows = array.length-1;
    		int columns = array[0].length-1;
    		// 注意判断条件
    		while (row>=0 && row<=rows && columns>=0 && columns<=array[0].length-1) {
    			if (array[row][columns]==target) {
    				flag = true;
    			} else {
    				// 从右上角开始查找
    				if (array[row][columns]>target)
    					// 比target值大,则列减一
    					columns = columns - 1;
    					// 比target值小,则行加一
    					row = row + 1;
    		return flag;


  • 替换空格
  • public class Solution {
        public String replaceSpace(StringBuffer str) {
        	if (str.equals(null) || str.length()<=0) {
    			return "";
    		String string = new String();
    		string = str.toString();
    		int count = 0;
    		int originLen = str.length();
    		// StringBuffer判断字符用法
    		for (int i=0;i<originLen;i++) {
    			if (str.charAt(i)==' ') {
    		// 扩充StringBuffer长度
    		int newchLen = str.length() + count*2;
    		// StringBuffer扩展长度用法
    		// 长度为 newchLen, 索引最大调用为 newchLen - 1
    		newchLen = newchLen - 1;
    		for (int j=originLen-1;j>=0;j--) {
    			if (str.charAt(j)==' ') {
    				// setCharAt 设置
    				str.setCharAt(newchLen--, '0');
    				str.setCharAt(newchLen--, '2');
    				str.setCharAt(newchLen--, '%');				
    			} else {
    				str.setCharAt(newchLen--, str.charAt(j));			
    		return str.toString();


  • 从尾到头打印链表
  • /**
    *    public class ListNode {
    *        int val;
    *        ListNode next = null;
    *        ListNode(int val) {
    *            this.val = val;
    *        }
    *    }
    import java.util.Stack;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<Integer> printListFromTailToHead(ListNode listNode) {
            // 建立一个栈,把链表存进去,先进后出
        	Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
        	while (listNode!=null) {
        		listNode = listNode.next;
        	// 建立一个链表,从栈里把元素一个一个取出来
        	ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        	while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
    		return list;    


  • 重建二叉树
  • /**
     * Definition for binary tree
     * public class TreeNode {
     *     int val;
     *     TreeNode left;
     *     TreeNode right;
     *     TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
     * }
    public class Solution {
        public TreeNode reConstructBinaryTree(int [] preArr,int [] inArr) {
            if (preArr == null || inArr == null) {
    			return null;
    		TreeNode root = reConstruce(preArr, 0, preArr.length-1, inArr, 0, inArr.length-1);
    		return root;
    	public TreeNode reConstruce(int[] preArr, int preS, int preE, int[] inArr, int inS, int inE) {
    		if (preS>preE || inS>inE) {
    			return null;
    		TreeNode root = new TreeNode(preArr[preS]);
    		for (int i=inS; i<=inE; i++) {
    			if (inArr[i]==preArr[preS]) {
    				// 记录 len,用于递归时确定 前序遍历序列的截取长度
    				int len = i - inS;
    				// preS+1 除去根结点
    				// 以i为中间递归左右子树
    				// 注意序列索引起止
    				root.left = reConstruce(preArr, preS+1, preS+len, inArr, inS, i-1);
    				root.right = reConstruce(preArr, preS+len+1, preE, inArr, i+1, inE);
    		System.out.print(root.val+" ");
    		return root;


  • 用两个栈实现队列
  • import java.util.Stack;
    public class Solution {
        Stack<Integer> stack1 = new Stack<Integer>();
    	Stack<Integer> stack2 = new Stack<Integer>();
    	public void push(int node) {
    	public int pop() {
    		if (stack1.size()<=0 && stack2.size()<=0) {
    			 throw new RuntimeException("Queue is empty!");
    		if (stack2.size()!=0) {
    			return stack2.pop();
    		} else {
    			while (stack1.size()>0) {
    			return stack2.pop();


  • 旋转数组的最小数字
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Solution {
        public int minNumberInRotateArray(int [] array) {
            int left = 0;
    		int right = array.length-1;
    		if ( left > right || array == null) {
    			return -1;
    		int mid = 0;
    		while (left<right) {
    			// 取中间点
    			mid = (left+right)/2;
    			if (array[mid]==array[left]&&array[mid]==array[right]) {
    				return array[right];
    			if (right-left==1)
    				return array[right];
    			if (array[mid]>=array[left]) {
    			} else {
    		return array[right];


  • 斐波那契数列
  • public class Solution {
        public int Fibonacci(int n) {
            int f_1 = 1;
            int f_2 = 0;
            if (n == 0)
                return f_2;
            else if (n == 1)
                return f_1;
                return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2);


  • 跳台阶
  • public class Solution {
        public int JumpFloor(int target) {
            int f_2 = 1;
            int f_1 = 2;
            int f_n = 0;
            if (target == 1)
                return f_2;
            else if (target == 2)
                return f_1;
            else {
                for (int i=3; i<=target; i++) {
                    f_n = f_1 + f_2;
                    f_2 = f_1;
                    f_1 = f_n;
                return f_n;


  • 变态跳台阶
  • public class Solution {
        public int JumpFloorII(int target) {
            if (target < 0)
                return -1;
            else if (target == 1)
                return 1;
                return 2*JumpFloorII(target-1);


  • 矩形覆盖
  • public class Solution {
        public int RectCover(int target) {
            if (target <= 0)
                return 0;
            else if (target == 1)
                return 1;
            else if (target == 2)
                return 2;
                return RectCover(target-1)+RectCover(target-2);


  • 二进制中1的个数
  • public class Solution {
        public int NumberOf1(int n) {
            int count = 0;
            int flag = 1;
            while (flag!=0) {
                if ((n & flag)!=0) 
                    count = count + 1;
                flag = flag << 1;
            return count;


  • 数值的整数次方
  • public class Solution {
    public double Power(double base, int exponent) {
    		double result = 0.0;
            if (base == 0 && exponent == 0)
            	return -1;
            if (exponent<0) {
            	result = PowerWithUnsignedExponent(base,-exponent);
            	result = 1.0/result;
            } else {
            	result = PowerWithUnsignedExponent(base,exponent);
            return result;
    	public double PowerWithUnsignedExponent(double base, int exponent) {
    		// 注意 double 
    		double result = 1.0;
    		for (int i=1;i<=exponent;i++)
    			// 连乘
    			result = base*result;
    		return result;


  • 调整数组顺序使奇数位于偶数前面
  • public class Solution {
    public void reOrderArray(int [] array) {
            // 边界判断
    		if (array.length < 1)
    	    for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++) {
                if ( (array[i]&1)==1 ) {
                    int temp = array[i];
                    int j=i-1;
                    while (j>=0 && (array[j]&1)==0) {
                        array[j+1] = array[j];
                    array[j+1]= temp;
    	// 函数判断是否n是偶数
    	public boolean isEven(int n) {
    		Boolean flag = false;
    		if ((n & 1) == 0)
    			flag = true;
    		return flag;
    	public static void printArray(int[] array) {
    		for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++)


  • 链表中倒数第k个结点
  • /*
    public class ListNode {
        int val;
        ListNode next = null;
        ListNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public ListNode FindKthToTail(ListNode head,int k) {
            // 边界判断
    		if (k < 1 || head == null) 
    			return null;
    		ListNode headFirst = head;
    		// k 判断
    		for (int i=1; i<k; i++) {
    			if (headFirst.next!=null)
    				headFirst = headFirst.next;
    				return null;
    		// 倒数第k个,即n-k+1个,不知道n的情况下,可以设置两个指针
    		// 第一个先走到 k-1处,第二个再走,这样的话当第一个走到结尾时,即n,第一个和第二个相差 k-1个
    		// 即第二个在 n-k+1处
    		while (headFirst.next!=null) {
    			headFirst = headFirst.next;
    			head = head.next;
    		return head;


  • 反转链表
  • /*
    public class ListNode {
        int val;
        ListNode next = null;
        ListNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public ListNode ReverseList(ListNode head) {
            if (head == null) {
    			 return null;
    		 // 定义三个节点,用于链表反转
    		 ListNode pReverseHead = null;
    		 ListNode pNode = head;
    		 ListNode pPreNode = null;
    		 ListNode pNext = null;
    		 while (pNode != null) {
    			 pNext = pNode.next;
    			 if (pNode.next == null)
    				 pReverseHead = pNode;
    			 // 链表指向箭头反转
    			 pNode.next = pPreNode;
    			 // 链表移动
    			 pPreNode = pNode;
    			 pNode = pNext;
    		 return pReverseHead;


  • 合并两个排序的链表
  • /*
    public class ListNode {
        int val;
        ListNode next = null;
        ListNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public ListNode Merge(ListNode list1,ListNode list2) {
            if (list1 == null)
            	return list2;
            else if (list2 == null)
            	return list1;
            // 定义合并链表
            ListNode ListMerge = null;
            if (list1.val < list2.val) {
            	ListMerge = list1;
            	ListMerge.next = Merge(list1.next, list2);
            } else {
            	ListMerge = list2;
            	ListMerge.next = Merge(list1, list2.next);
            return ListMerge;


  • 树的子结构
  • /**
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public boolean HasSubtree(TreeNode root1,TreeNode root2) {
            boolean result = false;
    		if (root1 == null)
    			return false;
    		if (root2 == null)
    			return false;
    		if (root1 != null && root2 != null) {
    			if (root1.val == root2.val) 
    				result = DoesTree1HaveTree2(root1, root2);
    			if (!result)
    				result = HasSubtree(root1.left, root2);
    			if (!result)
    				result = HasSubtree(root1.right, root2);
    			return result;
    		return false;
        public static boolean DoesTree1HaveTree2(TreeNode root1,TreeNode root2) {
    		if (root2 == null)
    			return true;
    		if (root1 == null)
    			return false;
    		if (root1.val != root2.val)
    			return false;
    		return DoesTree1HaveTree2(root1.left,root2.left)&&DoesTree1HaveTree2(root1.right,root2.right);


  • 二叉树的镜像
  • /**
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public void Mirror(TreeNode root) {
              if (root != null) {
            	TreeNode tempNode = root.left;
            	root.left = root.right;
            	root.right = tempNode;
            	if (root.left != null)
            	if (root.right != null)


  • 顺时针打印矩阵
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Solution {
        ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
        public ArrayList<Integer> printMatrix(int [][] matrix) {
           if (matrix == null || matrix.length<=0 || matrix[0].length<=0)
        		return null;
        	int start = 0;
        	int rows = matrix.length;
        	int columns = matrix[0].length;
        	while (columns > start*2 && rows > start*2) {
        		PrintMatrixInCircle(matrix, columns, rows, start);
        	return list;
        public void PrintMatrixInCircle(int [][] matrix, int columns, int rows, int start) {
        	// 终止列
        	int endX = columns - 1 - start;
        	// 终止行
        	int endY = rows -1 - start;
        	// 从左到右
        	for (int i = start; i <= endX; i++) {
        		// 行不变(初始行start),列递增
        		System.out.print(matrix[start][i] + " ");
        	// 从下到上
        	for (int i = start+1; i <= endY; i++) {
        		// 行递增,列不变(终止列 endX)
        		System.out.print(matrix[i][endX] + " ");
        	// 从右往左
        	// 至少要有两行两列
        	if ( start < endX && start < endY) {
    	    	for (int i = endX - 1; i >= start; i--) {
    	    		// 行不变(终止行endY),列递减
    	    		System.out.print(matrix[endY][i] + " ");
        	// 从下往上
        	// 至少要有三行两列
        	if (start < endX && start < endY - 1) {
    	    	for (int i = endY - 1; i >= start + 1; i--) {
    	    		// 行递减,列不变(初始列start)
    	    		System.out.print(matrix[i][start] + " ");


  • 包含min函数的栈
  • import java.util.Stack;
    public class Solution {
    Stack<Integer> dataStack = new Stack<Integer>();
    	Stack<Integer> minStack = new Stack<Integer>();
    	public void push(int node) {
            // dataStack 直接放入数值
    		// 如果node比Min值小, 则放入当前 node值;否则,放入Min值
    		if (minStack.isEmpty() || node < minStack.peek()) {
    		} else {
        public void pop() {
            // 同时取出
        public int top() {
            return dataStack.peek();
        public int min() {
            return minStack.peek();


  • 栈的压入、弹出序列
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class Solution {
        public boolean IsPopOrder(int [] pushA,int [] popA) {
          if (pushA == null || popA == null || pushA.length < 0 || popA.length < 0)
    			return false;
    		// 设置初始位,用于pop移动
    		int pos = 0;
    		Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>();
    		for (int i = 0; i<pushA.length; i++) {
    			// 如果栈非空,并且栈顶的数等于取出来的数
    			while (!s.isEmpty() && s.peek() == popA[pos]) {
    				pos ++ ;
    		return s.empty();


  • 从上往下打印二叉树
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<Integer> PrintFromTopToBottom(TreeNode root) {
            // 列表
            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
            // 队列
            ArrayList<TreeNode> queue = new ArrayList<>();
            if (root == null)
                return list;
            // 先进
            while (queue.size()!=0) {
                // 先出
                TreeNode temp = queue.remove(0);
                // 找左右节点
                if (temp.left!=null)
                if (temp.right!=null)
                // 将值添加到list
            return list;


  • 二叉搜索树的后序遍历序列
  • public class Solution {
        public static boolean VerifySquenceOfBST(int [] sequence) {
            if (sequence.length <= 0 || sequence == null) {
            	return false;
            return VerifySquenceOfBST(sequence, 0, sequence.length - 1);
    	public static boolean VerifySquenceOfBST(int[] sequence, int start, int end) {
    		// 如果对应要处理的数据只有一个或者已经没有数据要处理(start>end)就返回true
    		if (start >= end) {
    			return true;
    		// 找到root节点
    		int root = sequence[end];
    		// 左子树和右子树的分割点
    		int index = start;
    		for (; index< end-1; index++) {
    			// 左子树找是否有大于根节点的值
    			if (sequence[index]>root)
    		int right = index;
    		for (; index<end-1; index++) {
    			// 右子树找是否有小于根节点的根
    			if (sequence[index]<root)
    		if (index!=end-1)
    			return false;
    		index = right;
    		// 递归查找该数组是不是某二叉搜索树的后序遍历结果
    		return VerifySquenceOfBST(sequence, start, index-1)&&VerifySquenceOfBST(sequence, index, end-1);


  • 二叉树中和为某一值的路径
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
     public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> FindPath(TreeNode root,int target) {
        	ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> listAll = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
    		if (root == null) {
    			return listAll;
    		} else {			
    			return FindPath(listAll, root, 0, target, new ArrayList<Integer>());
    	public static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> FindPath(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> listAll, TreeNode root, int curSum, int target, ArrayList<Integer> list) {
    		if (root != null) {
    			// 值累加
    			curSum += root.val;
    			// 将节点加入list
    			// 如果curSum小于target,递归左右节点
    			if (curSum < target) {
    				FindPath(listAll, root.left, curSum, target, list);
    				FindPath(listAll, root.right, curSum, target, list);
    			// 如果curSum等于target,输出路径
    			else if (curSum == target && root.left == null && root.right == null) {
    				//注意:这里不能用 lists.add(list);
    				listAll.add(new ArrayList<Integer>(list));
    			// 其它情况,移除节点
    		return listAll;


  • 复杂链表的复制
  • /*
    public class RandomListNode {
        int label;
        RandomListNode next = null;
        RandomListNode random = null;
        RandomListNode(int label) {
            this.label = label;
    public class Solution {
    public RandomListNode Clone(RandomListNode pHead) {
            // 边界判断
    		if (pHead == null)
    			return null;
    		// 复制普通节点
    		RandomListNode pCur = pHead;
    		while (pCur!=null) {
    			// 复制节点的值
    			RandomListNode node = new RandomListNode(pCur.label);
    			node.next = pCur.next;
    			// 指向新复制出来的节点
    			pCur.next = node;
    			// 指向下一个原节点
    			pCur = node.next;
    		// 重置到头节点
    		pCur = pHead;
    		// 复制随机节点
    		while (pCur!=null) {
    			if (pCur.random!=null) {
    				// pCur.next即复制节点,复制节点的随机节点,即当前节点的随机节点的下一节点
    				pCur.next.random = pCur.random.next;
    			pCur = pCur.next.next;
    		// 拆分
    		// 定义复制链表的头节点。
    		RandomListNode head = pHead.next;
    		RandomListNode cur = head;
    		// 重置到头节点
    		pCur = pHead;
    		while (pCur!=null) {
    			pCur.next = pCur.next.next;
    			if (cur.next!=null) {
    				cur.next = cur.next.next;
    			// 前移
    			pCur = pCur.next;
    			cur = cur.next;
    		return head;


  • 二叉搜索树与双向链表
  • /**
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
    public static TreeNode Convert(TreeNode pRootOfTree) {
    		// 用于保存处理过程中的双向链表的尾节点
    		TreeNode[] endNode = new TreeNode[1];
    		Convert(pRootOfTree, endNode);
    		TreeNode headNode = endNode[0];
    		while (headNode!=null && headNode.left!=null) {
    			headNode = headNode.left;
    		return headNode;
    	public static void Convert(TreeNode pRootOfTree, TreeNode[] endNode) {
    		if (pRootOfTree == null)
    		// 从根节点出发
    		TreeNode pNode = pRootOfTree;
    		if (pNode.left != null) {
    			Convert(pNode.left, endNode);
    		// 当前节点的前驱指向尾节点
    		pNode.left = endNode[0];
    		// 如果尾节点不为空
    		if (endNode[0]!=null) {
    			endNode[0].right = pNode;
    		// 当前节点为尾节点
    		endNode[0] = pNode;
    		// 遍历右子树
    		if (pNode.right != null) {
    			Convert(pNode.right, endNode);


  • 字符串的排列
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    public class Solution {
     public static ArrayList<String> Permutation(String str) {
        	ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        	char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
    		if (chars == null || chars.length <= 0) {
    		permutation(chars, 0, list);
    		// 字典顺序
    		return list;
    	public static void permutation(char[] chars, int begin, ArrayList<String> list) {
    		if (chars.length -1 == begin) {
    			//System.out.print(new String(chars)+" ");
    			list.add(new String(chars));
    		} else {
    			char tmp;
    			int i = begin;
    			for (; i<chars.length; i++) {
    				if (i!=begin && chars[i] == chars[begin])
    				tmp = chars[i];
    				chars[i] = chars[begin];
    				chars[begin] = tmp;
    				// 处理 begin+1
    				permutation(chars, begin+1, list);
    				// 对调后恢复
    				tmp = chars[i];
    				chars[i] = chars[begin];
    				chars[begin] = tmp;


  • 数组中出现次数超过一半的数字
  • public class Solution {
        public int MoreThanHalfNum_Solution(int [] array) {
            if (array == null || array.length <= 0) {
            	return 0;
            int result = array[0];
            int times = 1;
            for (int i=1; i<array.length; i++) {
            	if (times == 0) {
            		result = array[i];
            		times = 1;
            	} else if (result == array[i]) {
            	} else {
            int count = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
            	if (result == array[i]) {
            if (count > array.length/2) {
            	return result;
            } else {
            	return 0;


  • 最小的K个数
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.PriorityQueue;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<Integer> GetLeastNumbers_Solution(int [] input, int k) {
            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
            if (input == null || input.length<=0 || k>input.length || k<=0)
                return list;
            PriorityQueue<Integer> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(k, new Comparator<Integer>(){
    			public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
    				// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    				return o2.compareTo(o1);
            for (int i=0; i<input.length; i++) {
                if (maxHeap.size()!=k) {
                } else if (maxHeap.peek()>input[i]) {
                    Integer tmp = maxHeap.poll();
                    tmp = null;
            for (Integer integer:maxHeap) {
            return list;


  • 连续子数组的最大和
  • public class Solution {
        public int FindGreatestSumOfSubArray(int[] array) {
            if (array == null || array.length <= 0)
                return 0;
            int nCurSum = 0;
            int nMaxSum = 0x80000000;
            for (int i=0; i< array.length; i++) {
                if (nCurSum <= 0)
                    nCurSum = array[i];
                    nCurSum = nCurSum + array[i];
                if (nCurSum > nMaxSum) {
                    nMaxSum = nCurSum;
            return nMaxSum;


  • 整数中1出现的次数(从1到n整数中1出现的次数)
  • public class Solution {
        public int NumberOf1Between1AndN_Solution(int n) {
            if (n < 0)
                return 0;
            int count = 0, weight = 0, round = n, base = 1;
            while (round > 0) {
                weight = round % 10;
                round = round / 10;
                count = count + round * base;
                if (weight == 1)
                    count = count + (n % base) + 1;
                else if (weight > 1)
                    count = count + base;
                base = base * 10;
            return count;


  • 把数组排成最小的数
  • import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class Solution {
        public String PrintMinNumber(int [] numbers) {
            if (numbers == null || numbers.length <= 0)
                return "";
            String[] str = new String[numbers.length];
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
                str[i] = String.valueOf(numbers[i]);
            // 重写一下排序的方法
            Arrays.sort(str, new Comparator<String>(){
                public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
                    String str1 = s1 + s2;
                    String str2 = s2 + s1;
                    return str1.compareTo(str2);
            for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
            return sb.toString();


  • 丑数
  • public class Solution {
        public static int GetUglyNumber_Solution(int index) {
    		if (index <= 0)
                return 0;
            int[] arrUglyNumber = new int[index];
            arrUglyNumber[0] = 1;
            int nextUglyNumber = 1;
            int multiply2 = 0;
            int multiply3 = 0;
            int multiply5 = 0;
            while (nextUglyNumber < index) {
                int min = Min(arrUglyNumber[multiply2]*2, arrUglyNumber[multiply3]*3, arrUglyNumber[multiply5]*5);
                arrUglyNumber[nextUglyNumber] = min;
                while (arrUglyNumber[multiply2]*2 <= arrUglyNumber[nextUglyNumber]) {
                while (arrUglyNumber[multiply3]*3 <= arrUglyNumber[nextUglyNumber]) {
                while (arrUglyNumber[multiply5]*5 <= arrUglyNumber[nextUglyNumber]) {
            return arrUglyNumber[nextUglyNumber - 1];
    	public static int Min(int int1, int int2, int int3) {
            int tmp = (int1 <= int2)?int1:int2;
            return (tmp <= int3)?tmp:int3;


  • 第一个只出现一次的字符位置
  • import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    public class Solution {
        public int FirstNotRepeatingChar(String str) {
            if ( str == null || str.length() <= 0)
                return -1;
            LinkedHashMap<Character, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
                if (map.containsKey(str.charAt(i))) {
                    int time = map.get(str.charAt(i));
                    map.put(str.charAt(i), time);
                } else {
                    map.put(str.charAt(i), 1);
            int pos = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
                if (map.get(str.charAt(i)) == 1)
                    return i;
            return pos;


  • 数组中的逆序对
  • public class Solution {
    public static int InversePairs(int[] array) {
    		if (array == null || array.length <= 0)
    			return 0;
    		return (mergeSort(array, 0, array.length - 1));
    	public static int mergeSort(int[] array, int left, int right) {
    		if (left == right)
    			return 0;
    		int mid = (left + right)/2;
    		int leftNum = mergeSort(array, left, mid);
    		int rightNum = mergeSort(array, mid+1, right);
    		return (Sort(array, left, mid, right) + leftNum + rightNum)% 1000000007;
    	public static int Sort(int[] array, int left, int middle, int right) {
    		int len = right - left;
    		int middleVal = middle;
    		int rightVal = right;
    		int[] temp = new int[len+1];
    		int nums = 0;
    		while (middleVal >= left && rightVal >= middle+1) {
    			if (array[middleVal] > array[rightVal]) {
    				temp[len--] = array[middleVal--];
    				nums = nums + rightVal - (middle+1) + 1;
    				if (nums > 1000000007) {
    					nums %= 1000000007;
    			} else {
    				temp[len--] = array[rightVal--];
    		while (middleVal >= left)
    			temp[len--] = array[middleVal--];
    		while (rightVal >= middle+1)
    			temp[len--] = array[rightVal--];
    		int i = 0;
    		while (left <= right) {
    			array[left++] = temp[i++];
    		return nums;


  • 两个链表的第一个公共结点
  • /*
    public class ListNode {
        int val;
        ListNode next = null;
        ListNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
    public static ListNode FindFirstCommonNode(ListNode pHead1, ListNode pHead2) {
    		if (pHead1 == null || pHead2 == null)
    			return null;
    		int len1 = GetLength(pHead1);
    		int len2 = GetLength(pHead2);
    		ListNode pHeadLong = null;
    		ListNode pHeadShort = null;
    		int d = 0;
    		if (len1 > len2) {
    			pHeadLong = pHead1;
    			pHeadShort = pHead2;
    			d = len1 - len2;
    		} else {
    			pHeadLong = pHead2;
    			pHeadShort = pHead1;
    			d = len2 - len1;
    		for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
    			pHeadLong = pHeadLong.next;
    		while (pHeadLong != null && pHeadShort != null && pHeadLong != pHeadShort) {
    			pHeadLong = pHeadLong.next;
    			pHeadShort = pHeadShort.next;
    		return pHeadLong;
    	public static int GetLength(ListNode pHead) {
    		int len = 0;
    		if (pHead == null)
    			return 0;
    		while (pHead != null) {
    			pHead = pHead.next;
    		return len;


  • 数字在排序数组中出现的次数
  • public class Solution {
        public static int GetNumberOfK(int [] array , int k) {
        	if (array == null || array.length <= 0 || k < 0)
        		return 0;
        	int number = 0;
        	int start = 0, end = array.length - 1;
        	start = GetFirstK(array, start, end, k);
        	end = GetEndK(array, start, end, k);
        	if (start > -1 && end > -1) {
        		number = end - start + 1;
        	return number;
        public static int GetFirstK(int[] array, int start, int end, int k) {
        	if (start > end)
        		return -1;
        	int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
        	if (mid < 0)
        		return -1;
        	if (mid - 1 >= 0 && array[mid] > k )
        		return GetFirstK(array, start, mid - 1, k);
        	else if (mid + 1 <= array.length - 1 && array[mid] < k)
        		return GetFirstK(array, mid + 1, end, k);
        	else if (mid - 1 >= 0 && array[mid - 1] == k) 
        		return GetFirstK(array, start, mid - 1, k);
        	else {
        		if (array[mid] == k) 
            		return mid;
        			return -1;
        public static int GetEndK(int[] array, int start, int end, int k) {
        	if (start > end)
        		return -1;
        	int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
        	if (mid < 0)
        		return -1;
        	if (mid - 1 >= 0 && array[mid] > k )
        		return GetEndK(array, start, mid - 1, k);
        	else if (mid + 1 <= array.length - 1 && array[mid] < k)
        		return GetEndK(array, mid + 1, end, k);
        	else if (mid + 1 <= array.length - 1 && mid + 1 >= 0 && array[mid + 1] == k) 
        		return GetEndK(array, mid + 1, end, k);
        	else {
        		if (array[mid] == k) 
            		return mid;
        			return -1;


  • 二叉树的深度
  • /**
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public int TreeDepth(TreeNode root) {
            if (root == null)
                return 0;
            int nLeft = TreeDepth(root.left);
            int nRight = TreeDepth(root.right);
            return (nLeft > nRight)?(nLeft + 1):(nRight + 1);


  • 平衡二叉树
  • public class Solution {
        public boolean IsBalanced_Solution(TreeNode root) {
            if (root == null)
                return true;
            int left = GetDepth(root.left);
            int right = GetDepth(root.right);
            if (Math.abs(left - right) > 1)
                return false;
            return (IsBalanced_Solution(root.left)&&IsBalanced_Solution(root.right));
        public int GetDepth(TreeNode root) {
            if (root == null)
                return 0;
            int leftN = GetDepth(root.left) + 1;
            int rightN = GetDepth(root.right) + 1;
            return (leftN > rightN)?leftN:rightN;


  • 数组中只出现一次的数字
  • //num1,num2分别为长度为1的数组。传出参数
    public class Solution {
     public void FindNumsAppearOnce(int [] array,int num1[] , int num2[]) {
    	//public static int[] FindNumsAppearOnce(int[] array) {
    //		int[] result = {0, 0};
    //		if (array == null || array.length < 2)
    //			return result;
    		int xor = 0;
    		for (int i:array) {
    			xor^= i;
    		int indexOf1 = FindFirstBit1(xor);
    		for (int i:array) {
    			if (IsBit1(i,indexOf1)) {
    			} else {
    	private static int FindFirstBit1(int num) {
    		int indexBit = 0;
    		while ((num & 1) == 0 && (indexBit < 4*8)) {
    			num = num >> 1;
    			++ indexBit;
    		return indexBit;
    	private static boolean IsBit1(int num, int indexBit) {
    		num = num >> indexBit;
    		return (num & 1) == 1;


  • 和为S的连续正数序列
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > FindContinuousSequence(int sum) {
           ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> listAll = new ArrayList<>();
    		if (sum < 3)
    			return listAll;
    		int start = 1;
    		int end = 2;
    		int mid = (1 + sum)/2;
    		int curSum = start + end;
    		while (start < mid) {
    			ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
    			if (curSum == sum) {
    				for (int i = start; i <=end; i++)
    			while (curSum > sum && start < mid) {
    				curSum -=start;
    				if (curSum == sum) {
    					for (int i = start; i <=end; i++)
    			curSum +=end;
    		return listAll;


  • 和为S的两个数字
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<Integer> FindNumbersWithSum(int [] array,int sum) {
            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
            if (array == null || array.length <= 0 )
            	return list;
            int curSum = 0;
            int start = 0;
            int end = array.length - 1;
            while (start < end) {
            	curSum = array[start] + array[end];
            	if (curSum == sum) {
            	} else if (curSum > sum) {
            	} else {
            return list;


  • 左旋转字符串
  • public class Solution {
        public static String LeftRotateString(String str,int n) {
            if (str == null || str.length() < 1 || n < 0)
            	return str;
            char[] strChar = str.toCharArray();
            Reverse(strChar, 0, n - 1);
            Reverse(strChar, n, strChar.length - 1);
            Reverse(strChar, 0, strChar.length - 1);
            return new String(strChar);
        public static void Reverse(char[] strChar, int start, int end) {
            while (start < end) {
                char tmp = strChar[start];
                strChar[start] = strChar[end];
                strChar[end] = tmp;


  • 翻转单词顺序列
  • public class Solution {
        public String ReverseSentence(String str) {
            if (str == null || str.length() < 1)
                return str;
            char[] strChar = str.toCharArray();
            Reverse(strChar, 0, strChar.length-1);
            int start = 0, end = 0;
            while (start < strChar.length) {
                if (strChar[start] == ' ') {
                } else if (end == strChar.length || strChar[end] == ' ') {
                    Reverse(strChar, start, end-1);
                    start = end;
                } else {
            return new String(strChar);
        public void Reverse(char[] strChar, int start, int end) {
            while (start < end) {
                char tmp = strChar[start];
                strChar[start] = strChar[end];
                strChar[end] = tmp;


  • 扑克牌顺子
  • import java.util.Arrays;
    public class Solution {
        public boolean isContinuous(int [] numbers) {
            if (numbers == null || numbers.length <= 0)
    			return false;
    		int spaceNumber = 0;
    		int gapNumber = 0;
    		for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
    			if (numbers[i] == 0)
    		int small = spaceNumber;
    		int big = small+1;
    		while (big < numbers.length) {
    			if (numbers[small] == numbers[big])
    				return false;
    			gapNumber += numbers[big] - numbers[small] - 1;
    			small = big;
    		if (spaceNumber >= gapNumber)
    			return true;
    			return false;


  • 孩子们的游戏(圆圈中最后剩下的数)
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class Solution {
        public int LastRemaining_Solution(int n, int m) {
            if (n < 1 || m < 1)
        		return -1;
            LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            int index = 0;
            while (list.size()>1) {
            	// 移动m-1步到达m
            	for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
            		index = (index + 1)%list.size();
            return list.get(0);  


  • 求1+2+3+...+n
  • public class Solution {
        public int Sum_Solution(int n) {
            int val = (int)(Math.pow(n,2)+n) >> 1;
            return val;


  • 不用加减乘除做加法
  • public class Solution {
        public int Add(int num1,int num2) {
            while (num2 != 0) {
                int temp = num1^num2;
                num2 = (num1&num2)<<1;
                num1 = temp;
            return num1;


  • 把字符串转换成整数
  • public class Solution {
        public static boolean flag;
    	public static int StrToInt(String str) {
            if (str == null  || str.length() < 1) {
            	flag = false;
            	return 0;
            int[] strToIntArr = new int[str.length()];
            char symbol =str.charAt(0);
            boolean symbolFlag = true;
            int start = 0;
            if (symbol == '+') {
            	symbolFlag = true;
            	start = 1;
            } else if (symbol == '-') {
            	symbolFlag = false;
            	start = 1;
            int sum = 0;
            for (int i = start; i < str.length(); i++) {
            	if (str.charAt(i) >= '0' && str.charAt(i)<='9')
            		sum = sum*10+str.charAt(i) - '0';
            	else {
            		flag = true;
            		return 0;
            if (symbolFlag) {
        		if (sum >= 0x8000_0000L) {
        			flag = true;
        			return 0;
        		} else {
        			sum = (int)sum;
        	} else {
        		if (sum == 0x8000_0000L) {
        			sum = 0x8000_0000;
    			} else {
    				sum = (int)-sum;
            if (sum == 0) {
            	flag = true;
    		return sum;


  • 数组中重复的数字
  • public class Solution {
        // Parameters:
        //    numbers:     an array of integers
        //    length:      the length of array numbers
        //    duplication: (Output) the duplicated number in the array number,length of duplication array is 1,so using duplication[0] = ? in implementation;
        //                  Here duplication like pointor in C/C++, duplication[0] equal *duplication in C/C++
        //    这里要特别注意~返回任意重复的一个,赋值duplication[0]
        // Return value:       true if the input is valid, and there are some duplications in the array number
        //                     otherwise false
        public boolean duplicate(int numbers[],int length,int [] duplication) {
            if (numbers == null || length<=0)
    			return false;
    		int tempVal = 0;
    		for (int i=0;i<numbers.length;i++) {
    			while (numbers[i]!=i) {
    				if (numbers[i]==numbers[numbers[i]]) {
    					duplication[0] = numbers[i];
    					return true;
    				tempVal = numbers[i];
    				numbers[i] = numbers[tempVal];
    				numbers[tempVal] = tempVal;
    		return false;


  • 构建乘积数组
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Solution {
        public int[] multiply(int[] A) {
            int len = A.length;
            int[] left = new int[len];
            int[] right = new int[len];
            // 注意这行
            left[0] = left[len-1] = right[0] = right[len-1]=1;
            for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
                left[i] = left[i-1]*A[i-1];
            for (int i = len - 2; i>=0; i--) {
                right[i] = right[i+1]*A[i+1];
            int[] B = new int[len];
            while (len > 0) {
                B[len] = left[len]*right[len];
            return B;


  • 正则表达式匹配
  • public class Solution {
    public boolean match(char[] str, char[] pattern) {
        if (str == null || pattern == null || str.length<0 || pattern.length<0)
             if (str == null || pattern == null )
            	return false;
            // 递归调用
    		return matchCore(str, 0, pattern, 0 );
        // strIndex和patternIndex是索引
    	public boolean matchCore(char[] str, int strIndex, char[] pattern, int patternIndex) {
    		// 都到达末尾,  取 str.length、pattern.length
    		if (strIndex == str.length && patternIndex == pattern.length)
    			return true;
    		// 只有模式串到达结尾,说明匹配失败
    		if (strIndex != str.length && patternIndex == pattern.length)
    			return false;
    		// 模式第2个是*,且字符串第1个跟模式第1个匹配,分3种匹配模式;如不匹配,模式后移2位
    		if (patternIndex + 1 < pattern.length && pattern[patternIndex+1] == '*') {
    			if ((strIndex!=str.length && str[strIndex]==pattern[patternIndex]) || (strIndex!=str.length && pattern[patternIndex] == '.')) {
    				return ((matchCore(str, strIndex, pattern, patternIndex+2)) ||
    					   (matchCore(str, strIndex+1, pattern, patternIndex)) ||
    					   (matchCore(str, strIndex+1, pattern, patternIndex+2)));
    			} else {
    				return matchCore(str, strIndex, pattern, patternIndex+2);
    		// 模式第2个不是*,且字符串第1个跟模式第1个匹配,则都后移1位,否则直接返回false		
    		if ((strIndex!=str.length && str[strIndex]==pattern[patternIndex]) || (strIndex!=str.length && pattern[patternIndex] == '.')) {
    			return matchCore(str, strIndex+1, pattern, patternIndex+1);
    		return false;


  • 表示数值的字符串
  • public class Solution {
      private int index = 0;
    	public boolean isNumeric(char[] str) {
    		if (str.length < 1)
    			return false;
    		boolean flag = scanInteger(str);
    		if (index < str.length && str[index] == '.') {
    			flag =   scanUnsignedInteger(str) || flag;
    		if (index < str.length && (str[index] == 'e' || str[index] == 'E')) {
    			flag = flag && scanInteger(str);
            return flag && index == str.length;
    	public boolean scanInteger(char[] str) {
    		if (index < str.length && (str[index]=='+'||str[index]=='-')) {
    		return scanUnsignedInteger(str);
    	public boolean scanUnsignedInteger(char[] str) {
    		int temp = index;
    		while (index < str.length && (str[index]>='0'&& str[index]<='9')) {
    		return temp<index;


  • 字符流中第一个不重复的字符
  • import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class Solution {
        LinkedHashMap<Character, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        //Insert one char from stringstream
        public void Insert(char ch)
            if (map.containsKey(ch)) {
                int time = map.get(ch);
                map.put(ch, time);
            } else {
                map.put(ch, 1);
      //return the first appearence once char in current stringstream
        public char FirstAppearingOnce()
            for (Map.Entry<Character, Integer> set:map.entrySet()) {
                if (set.getValue() == 1)
                    return set.getKey();
            return '#';


  • 链表中环的入口结点
  • /*
     public class ListNode {
        int val;
        ListNode next = null;
        ListNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
     public ListNode MeetingNode(ListNode pHead){
            if (pHead == null)
            	return null;
            // nodeSlow 走一步
            ListNode nodeSlow = pHead.next;
            if (nodeSlow == null)
            	return null;
            // nodeFast 走两步
            ListNode nodeFast = nodeSlow.next;
            while (nodeSlow != null && nodeFast != null) {
            	if (nodeSlow == nodeFast) {
            		return nodeFast;
            	nodeSlow = nodeSlow.next;
            	nodeFast = nodeFast.next;
            	if (nodeFast != null) {
            		nodeFast = nodeFast.next;
            return null;
        public ListNode EntryNodeOfLoop(ListNode pHead){
        	if (pHead == null)
            	return null;
        	// 找到相遇的节点
        	ListNode meetingNode = MeetingNode(pHead);
        	if (meetingNode == null)
            	return null;
        	// 找到环的节点数
        	ListNode Node = meetingNode;
        	int count = 1;
        	// 绕一圈
        	while (Node.next != meetingNode) {
        		Node = Node.next;
        	// 定义两个节点,前者比后者快n个节点,当它们相遇时,即得到环的入口
        	ListNode node1 = pHead;
        	ListNode node2 = pHead;
        	for (int i=1;i<=count;i++) {
        		node1 = node1.next;
        	while (node1 != node2) {
        		node1 = node1.next;
        		node2 = node2.next;
        	return node1; 	


  • 删除链表中重复的结点
  • /*
     public class ListNode {
        int val;
        ListNode next = null;
        ListNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public ListNode deleteDuplication(ListNode pHead)
            if (pHead == null)
    			return pHead;
    		ListNode pPreNode = null;
    		ListNode pNode = pHead;
    		while (pNode!=null) {
    			ListNode pNextNode = pNode.next;
    			boolean flag = false;
    			if (pNextNode!=null && pNode.val == pNextNode.val) 
    				flag = true;
    				// 当前节点和下一节点不同。链表向前走一步,pPreNode重新赋值
    			if(!flag) {
    				// 没有值相同的,向前移动一步
    				pPreNode = pNode;
    				pNode = pNode.next;
    			} else {
    				// 删除 vaule 值相等的节点
    				int val = pNode.val;
    				ListNode toBeDelNode = pNode;
    				while (toBeDelNode!=null && toBeDelNode.val == val) {
    					// 链表删除某个节点
    					pNextNode = toBeDelNode.next;
    					toBeDelNode = pNextNode;
    				// 前面没有节点
    				if (pPreNode == null)
    					pHead = pNextNode;
    					pPreNode.next = pNextNode;
    				pNode = pNextNode;
    		return pHead;    


  • 二叉树的下一个结点
  • /*
    public class TreeLinkNode {
        int val;
        TreeLinkNode left = null;
        TreeLinkNode right = null;
        TreeLinkNode next = null;
        TreeLinkNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public TreeLinkNode GetNext(TreeLinkNode pNode)
            // 如果 pNode为空,返回 null
    		if (pNode == null) {
    			return null;
    		// 如果 pNode存在右子树,找右子树最左的节点
    		if (pNode.right != null) {
    			// 不存在左节点
    			pNode = pNode.right;
    			// 存在左节点,找最左的节点
    			while (pNode.left != null) {
    				// 遍历寻找
    				pNode = pNode.left;
    			return pNode;
    		// 如果 pNode不存在右子树,节点父节点的左子节点等于 pNode
    		} else if (pNode.next != null && pNode.right == null && pNode.next.left == pNode) {
    			return pNode.next;
    		// 如果 pNode不存在右子树,节点父节点的右子节点等于 pNode
    		} else if (pNode.next != null && pNode.right == null && pNode.next.right == pNode) {
    			//  是否存在父节点有左子节点
    			while (pNode.next != null && pNode.next.left != pNode) {
    					// 遍历寻找
    					pNode = pNode.next;
    			return pNode.next;
    		} else {
    			return pNode.next;


  • 对称的二叉树
  • /*
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot)
            return isSymmetrical(pRoot, pRoot);
        boolean isSymmetrical(TreeNode pRoot1, TreeNode pRoot2){
            if (pRoot1 == null && pRoot2 == null)
                return true;
            if (pRoot1 == null || pRoot2 == null)
                return false;
            if (pRoot1.val != pRoot2.val)
                return false;
            return isSymmetrical(pRoot1.left, pRoot2.right) && isSymmetrical(pRoot1.right, pRoot2.left);


  • 按之字形顺序打印二叉树
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > Print(TreeNode pRoot) {
            int layer = 1;
            Stack<TreeNode> stackOdd = new Stack<>();
            Stack<TreeNode> stackEven = new Stack<>();
            ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
            if (pRoot == null) {
            	return list;
            } else {
                while (!stackOdd.isEmpty() || !stackEven.isEmpty()) {
                	// 奇数层
                	if (layer%2 != 0) {
                		ArrayList<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                		while (!stackOdd.isEmpty()) {
                			TreeNode node = stackOdd.pop();
                			if (node.left!=null)
                			if (node.right!=null)
                		if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
                	} else {
                		ArrayList<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                		while (!stackEven.isEmpty()) {
                			TreeNode node = stackEven.pop();
                			if (node.right!=null)
                			if (node.left!=null)
                		if (!temp.isEmpty()) {
            return list;


  • 把二叉树打印成多行
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
       static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer> > Print(TreeNode pRoot) {
    		ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> llist = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
            // 列表
            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
            // 队列
            ArrayList<TreeNode> queue = new ArrayList<>();
            if (pRoot == null) {
            	return llist;
            } else {
    	        // 先进
    	        // 定义当前打印节点数和下层打印节点数
    	        int curPrintNode = 1;
    	        int nextPrintNode = 0;
    	        while (queue.size()!=0) {
    	            // 先出
    	            TreeNode temp = queue.remove(0);
    	            // 找左右节点
    	            if (temp.left!=null) {
    	            if (temp.right!=null) {
    	            // 将值添加到list
    	            if (curPrintNode == 0) {
    	                list = new ArrayList<>();
    	            	curPrintNode = nextPrintNode;
    	            	nextPrintNode = 0;
    	        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
    		return llist;


  • 序列化二叉树
  • /*
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
    public int index = -1;
    	String Serialize(TreeNode root) {
    		StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    		if (root == null) {
    			return sb.toString();
    		sb.append(root.val + ",");
    		return sb.toString();
    	TreeNode Deserialize(String str) {
    	    // 记录字符串长度,并判断
    	    int len = str.length();
    	    if (index > len) {
    	    	return null;
    	    // 重建二叉树
    	    TreeNode node = null;
    	    // 将字符串分割
    	    String[] strr = str.split(",");
    	    if (!strr[index].endsWith("#")) {
    	    	node = new TreeNode(Integer.valueOf(strr[index]));
    	    	node.left = Deserialize(str);
    	    	node.right = Deserialize(str);
    	    return node;	   


  • 二叉搜索树的第k个结点
  • /*
    public class TreeNode {
        int val = 0;
        TreeNode left = null;
        TreeNode right = null;
        public TreeNode(int val) {
            this.val = val;
    public class Solution {
    public int count = 0;
        TreeNode KthNode(TreeNode pRoot, int k)   {
            if (pRoot != null) {
            	TreeNode left = KthNode(pRoot.left, k);
            	if (left != null) {
            		return left;
            	if (++count == k) 
            		return pRoot;
            	TreeNode right = KthNode(pRoot.right, k);
            	if (right != null)
            		return right;
            return null;


  • 数据流中的中位数
  • import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.PriorityQueue;
    public class Solution {
        PriorityQueue<Integer> minHead = new PriorityQueue<>();
    	// 优先队列默认是最小堆,反转实现最大堆
    	PriorityQueue<Integer> maxHead = new PriorityQueue<>(15, new Comparator<Integer>() {
    		public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
    			// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    			return o2.compareTo(o1);
    	int count = 0;
        public void Insert(Integer num) {
            // 如果是偶数时插入最小堆
        	if (count%2 == 0) {
        		Integer temp = maxHead.poll();
        	} else {
        		Integer temp = minHead.poll();
        public Double GetMedian() {
        	if (count%2 == 0) {
        		return (maxHead.peek() + minHead.peek())/2.0;
        	} else {
        		return new Double(minHead.peek());


  • 滑动窗口的最大值
  • import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class Solution {
        public ArrayList<Integer> maxInWindows(int [] num, int size)
            ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
            if (num == null || num.length < 0 || size < 1 || size > num.length)
                return list;
            LinkedList<Integer> index = new LinkedList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                while (!index.isEmpty() && num[i] > num[index.getLast()])
            for (int i = size - 1; i < num.length; i++) {
                while (!index.isEmpty() && num[i] > num[index.getLast()]) 
                if (i - index.getFirst() + 1 > size)
            return list;


  • 矩阵中的路径
  • public class Solution {
        public boolean hasPath(char[] matrix, int rows, int cols, char[] str) {
    		if (matrix==null || matrix.length<=0 || rows<0 || cols<0 || str == null || str.length<0) {
    			return false;
    		// 新建一个用于判断是否已经 visited 过的 boolean 数组
    		boolean[] visited = new boolean[matrix.length];
    		// 定义路径长度
    		int pathLen = 0;
    		// 循环起始点
    		for (int row=0; row<rows; row++) 
    			for (int col=0; col<cols; col++) {
    				// 如果方法 hasPathCore能找到指定路径,返回 True
    				if (hasPathCore(matrix, rows, cols, str, row, col, pathLen, visited)) {
    					return true;
    		return false;
    	public boolean hasPathCore(char[] matrix, int rows, int cols, char[] str, int row, int col, int pathLen, boolean[] visited) {
    		boolean hasPathFlag = false;
    		if (pathLen == str.length) {
    			return true;	
    		if (row>=0&&col>=0&&row<rows&&col<cols&&matrix[row*cols+col]==str[pathLen]&&!visited[row*cols+col]) {
    			visited[row*cols+col] = true;
    			hasPathFlag = hasPathCore(matrix,rows,cols,str,row,col+1,pathLen,visited)||
    			if (!hasPathFlag) {
    				visited[row*cols+col] = false;
    		// 返回 hasPath
    		return hasPathFlag;


  • 机器人的运动范围
  • public class Solution {
    public int movingCount(int threshold, int rows, int cols)    {
            // 边界判断
    		if (threshold<=0 && rows<=0 && cols<=0)
    			return 0;
    		//初始 visited 矩阵
    		boolean[] visited = new boolean[rows*cols];
    		 for (int i = 0; i < visited.length; i++) {
    	            visited[i] = false;
    		// 调用 movingCountCore判断
    		int	count = movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, 0, 0, visited);
    		// 返回 count
    		return count;
    	public int movingCountCore(int threshold, int rows, int cols, int row, int col, boolean[] visited)    {
    		// 边界判断
    		if (threshold<=0 && rows<=0 && cols<=0 && row>rows && col>cols)
    			return 0;
    		int count = 0;
    		// 先判断是否会超过 threshold 值
    		if (check(threshold, rows, cols, row, col, visited)) {
    			// 标记 visited, 注意是 row*cols+col
    			visited[row*cols+col] = true;
    			// 回溯调用
    			count = 1 + movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row+1, col, visited)
    					  + movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row-1, col, visited)
    					  + movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row, col+1, visited)
    					  + movingCountCore(threshold, rows, cols, row, col-1, visited);
    		return count;
    	boolean check(int threshold, int rows, int cols, int row, int col, boolean[] visited) {
    		// 判断当前位置每个数累积之和
    		int max = getDigitSum(row)+getDigitSum(col);
    		// 边界判断、最大值判断和 visited判断
    		if (threshold>0 && row>=0 && col>=0 && row<rows && col<cols && max<=threshold && !visited[row*cols+col] )
    			return true;
    		return false;
    	int getDigitSum(int number) {
    		int sum = 0;
    		while (number>0) {
    			// 求每一位的数,累加
    			sum = sum + number%10;
    			number = number/10;				
    		return sum;






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