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转载 eclipse中如何写一个测试私有方法的junit?

eclipse中如何写一个测试私有方法的junit?假设类Summer定义如下:public class Summer{   private int methodone(String argsone){      //method code      .......      return 4;   }}测试如下:public class SummerTest extends TestCase {

2006-08-03 16:49:00 1187

转载 Java 虚拟主机装载过程

 Java 虚拟主机装载过程简述    众所周知java.exe是java class文件的执行程序,但实际上java.exe程序只是一个执行的外壳,它会装载jvm.dll(windows下,下皆以windows平台为例,linux下和solaris下其实类似,为:libjvm.so),这个动态连接库才是java虚拟机的实际操作处理所在。文探究java.exe程序是如何查找和装载jvm

2006-06-21 17:28:00 956

转载 tech talk 2

Geir Magnusson: I was very excited to see that the…I am a MAC user. I used to be, but they are now up to 83 Ghz. You know, they talk about a little bit of a performance increase when they switched fro

2006-06-16 10:37:00 1049

转载 tech talk

Gregor Hohpe: All right, well, thanks everybody for coming bright and early. It’s 9 o’clock in Las Vegas and I actually have to get up even earlier, because I have to finish my talk for today. But at

2006-06-16 10:26:00 1743

转载 Java bytecode

Java bytecode: Understanding bytecode makes you a better programmer

2006-03-01 13:41:00 1083

转载 Classworking toolkit: Generics with ASM

Classworking toolkit: Generics with ASM Find out how to access generic type information from Java 5 code using the ASM bytecode framework

2006-02-28 13:46:00 1155

转载 AOP@Work: AOP myths and realities

AOP@Work: AOP myths and realities Beyond hype and misunderstandings

2006-02-28 13:19:00 1314

转载 uncover the hood of j2ee clustering (TSS)

Preface More and more mission-critical and large scale applications are now running on Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Those mission-critical applications such as banking and billing ask for more

2006-02-15 09:31:00 1197

转载 Java名人录

Adrian Colyer AspectJ leader,AJDJ leader,IBM    Ben Galbraith 活跃人士  

2006-02-13 17:56:00 1242

转载 Eclipse快捷键

Eclipse快捷键document.title="Eclipse快捷键 - "+document.title编辑作用域 功能 快捷键全局 查找并替换 Ctrl+F文本编辑器 查找上一个 Ctrl+Shift+K文本编辑器 查找下一个 Ctrl+K全局 撤销 Ctrl+Z全局 复制 Ctrl+C全局 恢复上一个选择 Alt+Shift+↓全局 剪切 Ctrl+X全局 快速修正 Ctrl

2006-02-13 14:54:00 1198 1

转载 Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern ---- Martin Fowler

Contents Components and Services A Naive Example Inversion of Control Forms of Dependency Injection Constructor Injection with PicoContainer Setter

2006-02-13 09:36:00 1441

原创 java 的 Proxy

一 代理类 1.代理类实例和java.lang.reflect.Proxy 代理类一种在运行期创建的,实现指定的一组接口的类可以通过如下方法来获得代理类实例: java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h) Object proxyInstan

2006-02-10 14:26:00 1251 2

原创 在Eclipse中安装javaJad 反编译class文件

在网上下载javajad(反编译工具),jadclipse (反编译工具的eclipse插件),配置Eclipse 1 menu->windows-->references-->java-->JadClipse见图     restart  

2006-02-10 10:16:00 1299

原创 用于将Oracle外键屏蔽的SQL

   在JUnit时,一般不需要考虑外键。但目前数据库生成过程中已经将外键建好,这样在增删改数据时,比较麻烦。按以下方法执行,可以根据自己的需要使外键失效或者生效。 先执行以下SQL SELECT ALTER TABLE || TABLE_NAME || || disable CONSTRAINT || CONSTRAINT_NAME || ; F

2006-02-10 09:34:00 1924

原创 oracle 中查询某表的主外键依赖关系的SQL

select               A.TABLE_NAME as OWN

2006-02-10 09:01:00 3106 2

转载 An introduction to class loading and debugging tools

Demystifying class loading problems, Part 1: An introduction to class loading and debugging tools Learn how class loading works and how your JV

2006-02-08 18:05:00 1399

原创 为你的j2ee应用增加AOP 特性

   你不需要修改现有的代码或者它的接口,应用Gang of Four (GoF) Decorator 模式提供了一种添加AOP的途径。  假设我们有一个简单的接口:public interface IMyBusinessObject {   public String doExecute(String in);}        下面是这个接口的实现类public class My

2006-02-06 15:34:00 900

转载 Generically chain dynamic proxies

Generically chain dynamic proxiesAdd AOP concepts to your application  Summary-->SummaryMost developers already know how to decorate a business object and add additional behavior to it at runtim

2006-02-06 14:24:00 1076

原创 实现你自己的AOP 框架

  AOP 是一种先进的编程理念,可以用在 日志, 安全,事务处理 方面 ,AOP 是对 OOP 的补充,是一种更通用和强大的编程思想,它可以使代码更加 简洁, 紧凑,减少重复代码。   AOP 框架可以分为两类: Class-weaving-based, such as AspectJ and JBoss AOP. Core and crosscutting concern

2006-01-26 09:47:00 2721

转载 Implement Your Own Proxy-Based AOP Framework

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is well-suited to managing application crosscutting concerns, such as logging, security, and transaction management. AOP provides a complement to object-oriented prog

2006-01-26 09:13:00 1029

转载 Classes and class loading

Java programming dynamics, Part 1: Classes and class loading A look at classes and what goes on as theyre loaded by a JVM

2006-01-25 17:27:00 1075

转载 Java validation with dynamic proxies(IBM)

Java validation with dynamic proxies Decouple validation processes from your business object implementations

2006-01-25 16:23:00 1017

转载 Spring load Observer Pattern

September 2005 DiscussionThis article describes an easy process of implementing the observer pattern in the Spring framework (Spring Core). Also discussed in this article are a few of the Spring

2006-01-20 09:37:00 855

转载 uncover the hood of j2ee cluster

Preface More and more mission-critical and large scale applications are now running on Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). Those mission-critical applications such as banking and billing ask for more

2006-01-20 09:17:00 923

转载 Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern

Home Blog Articles Books About Me Contact Me ThoughtWorks

2006-01-17 09:11:00 987

转载 An Exception Handling Framework for J2EE Applications(onjava)

 An Exception Handling Framework for J2EE Applicationsby ShriKant Vashishtha01/11/2006 In most Java projects, a large percentage of the code is boilerplate code. Exception handling comes und

2006-01-16 11:50:00 1382

原创 关于 java 中 Double 型 用于计算产生的误差举例 ,应该用BigDecimal代替Double

乘法use             Double                                            BigDecimal1.4×1.5=  2.0999999999999996                   2.10 1.4×1.6=  2.2399999999999998                   2.24 1.4×1.9=  2.65

2006-01-11 14:13:00 3323

转载 The role of JNDI in J2EE(FROM IBM)

The role of JNDI in J2EEDecoupling yourself from troubleDocument options<!--document.write(Print this page);//-->Print this page<!--document.write(E-mail this page);//-->E-mail thi

2005-12-30 15:24:00 1033

转载 How Java Web Servers Work

How Java Web Servers Workby Budi Kurniawan04/23/2003 Editors Note: this article is adapted from Budis self-published book on Tomcat internals. You can find more information on his web site.A web ser

2005-12-30 10:22:00 714

转载 using JMX to Manage Web Applications (from tts)

IntroductionThe Java Management Extensions (JMX) standard is gaining adoption within the J2EE community for the management of applications, as well as application servers and other infrastructure soft

2005-12-30 09:34:00 861

转载 Introducing reflection

Java programming dynamics, Part 2: Introducing reflectionUse run-time class information to limber up your programmingDocument options<!--document.write(<tr valign="top"><td width="8"&

2005-12-26 14:17:00 939

转载 java多线程设计模式

java多线程设计模式 java语言已经内置了多线程支持,所有实现Runnable接口的类都可被启动一个新线程,新线程会执行该实例的run()方法,当run()方法执行完毕后,线程就结束了。一旦一个线程执行完毕,这个实例就不能再重新启动,只能重新生成一个新实例,再启动一个新线程。Thread类是实现了Runnable接口的一个实例,它代表一个线程的实例,并且,启动线程的唯一方法就是通过Thread

2005-12-23 16:39:00 1004

原创 今天开始研究jetty .发现一个jetty 的 source 中 有一个 threadPool 研究一下

// ========================================================================// $Id: LifeCycle.java,v 1.5 2004/05/09 20:32:49 gregwilkins Exp $// Copyright 1999-2004 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.// ----

2005-12-23 13:36:00 1323

FIX protocol

FIX protocol document FIXimulator is a Java implementation of a trading application used to communicate transactions with trading partners through a widely used protocol called FIX. When running in an automated mode, the application generates random trading responses thereby simulating actions of trading partners. When used in a manual mode FIXimulator serves as a regular trading tool. FIXimulator is very flexible in the formation of FIX messages and supports the actions in many different sell-side trading situations. The target audience for this application is anyone interested in the development and testing of trading applications that make use of the FIX protocol.



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