下列演示了Agera的某些功能。该Wiki内容和Java文档说了Agera 各部分工作机制
public class AgeraActivity extends Activity implements Receiver<Bitmap>, Updatable {
private static final ExecutorService NETWORK_EXECUTOR = newSingleThreadExecutor();
private static final ExecutorService DECODE_EXECUTOR = newSingleThreadExecutor();
private Repository<Result<Bitmap>> background;
private ImageView backgroundView;
protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Set the content view
// Find the background view
backgroundView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
// Create a repository containing the result of a bitmap request. Initially absent, but
// configured to fetch the bitmap over the network based on display size.
background = repositoryWithInitialValue(Result.<Bitmap>absent())
.observe() // Optionally refresh the bitmap on events. In this case, never
.onUpdatesPerLoop() // Refresh per Looper thread loop. In this case, never
.getFrom(new Supplier<HttpRequest>() {
public HttpRequest get() {
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int size = Math.max(displayMetrics.heightPixels, displayMetrics.widthPixels);
return httpGetRequest(
"" + size)
}) // Supply an HttpRequest based on the display size
.goTo(NETWORK_EXECUTOR) // Change execution to the network executor
.orSkip() // Make the actual http request, skip on failure
.goTo(DECODE_EXECUTOR) // Change execution to the decode executor
.thenTransform(new Function<HttpResponse, Result<Bitmap>>() {
public Result<Bitmap> apply(@NonNull HttpResponse response) {
byte[] body = response.getBody();
return absentIfNull(decodeByteArray(body, 0, body.length));
}) // Decode the successful http response to the result of a bitmap, absent on failure
.onDeactivation(SEND_INTERRUPT) // Interrupt http request/decode on deactivation
.compile(); // Create the repository
protected void onResume() {
background.addUpdatable(this); // Start listening to the repository, triggering the flow
protected void onPause() {
background.removeUpdatable(this); // Stop listening to the repository, deactivating it
public void update() {
// Called as the repository is updated
background.get().ifSucceededSendTo(this); // If containing a valid bitmap, send to accept below
public void accept(@NonNull Bitmap background) {
backgroundView.setImageBitmap(background); // Set the background bitmap to the background view