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原创 Swift 协议详解
protocol OutputStreamType `文本输出流`{ mutating func write(_ string: String)}protocol Streamable `可以被输出`{ func writeTo<Target : OutputStreamType>(inout _ target: Target)}struc
2016-05-22 20:55:33 865
原创 Swift 标准库文档
结构体AnyBidirectionalCollection A type-erased wrapper over any collection with indices that support bidirectional traversal.AnyBidirectionalIndex A wrapper over an underlying BidirectionalIndexType t
2016-05-21 18:46:58 852
原创 Swift 原始指针
UnsafePointer 常量, 原始指针 (C表达法 Type const*) UnsafePointer<U> 原始指针 (C表达法 Type *) UnsafeMutablePointer<U>init() 空参数init(COpaquePointer) 不确定类型init(UnsafeMutablePointer<>) 原始指针init
2016-05-19 20:25:50 1026
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