



  1. You and your friends have an idea for an Alexa ability: to order food through voice input. The user only needs to name the desired food and confirm the ordering process. Which of your friends’ statements are functional requirements? (2 answers)
  • The app should temporarily save the spoken words as text
  • The app should select the best restaurant for a specific dish

The app should recognise the customer’s voice correctly in at least 95% of the cases
The app should reach the largest market share for food ordering
The app should make the food ordering process more exciting

  1. Which important requirements engineering activity is not explicitly mentioned in the inquiry cycle for achieving a shared understanding? (1 answer)
  • Requirements management

Requirements elicitation
Requirements negotiation 谈判协商
Requirements documentation

  1. Requirements engineering is success-critical for a software development project. Which two of the following success factors are the most important ones, according to the CHAOS reports? (2 answers)
  • Involve users
  • Have clear requirements

Test program code
Design GUI prototypes
Perform interviews

  1. Which two of the following are creativity techniques? (2 answers)
  • 6-3-5 method
  • Change of perspective

System archaeology
Field observation

  1. You have received the task to elaborate the vision for a product that uses GPS location data to guide a car driver to a parking space. Does it make sense to specify the car driver’s trust in the product? (2 answers)
  • Trust can be used as a criterion to evaluate the success of your product
  • Trust can be used as a criterion to compare alternative products

Trust should not be specified because it is a goal and not an attribute of the product
Trust should not be specified because it cannot be expressed in a measurable way
Trust is a constraint that is important to be considered by the development team

  1. Which of the following are elicitation techniques(获取需求?)? (2 answers)
  • Co-design workshop
  • System archaeology

Stakeholder analysis (attitude, influence)
Customer acquisition
UML diagrams

  1. Which of the following are needed to transform an idea into a requirement? (2 answers)
  • The development team agrees with the idea.
  • A stakeholder agrees with the idea.

The trainer of the users agrees with the idea.
The requirements engineer agrees with the idea.
A maintainer of the system agrees with the idea.

  1. Which two of the following are correct examples of process reasoning? (2 answers)
  • An iterative process can be used to keep a goal achieved.
  • An event-based gateway can be used to wait for a trigger to execute a task.

A parallel gateway can be replaced by a series of two exclusive gateways.
The process pursued in a collaboration must end by when a goal has been achieved.
A start event can follow an end event provided that the corresponding goal has not been achieved yet.

  1. What is a wireframe? (1 answer)
  • a simple visualisation of the user interface at low fidelity.
  1. Which of the following are criteria that are useful to check the quality of the requirements content? (number of answers not disclosed)
  • Correctness: is the specified system one that the users want?
  • Necessity: given the project budget limitations, can the implementation of some of the requirements be postponed?

Traceable: is each requirement fully clear to the developers?
Randomised: have the user representatives been selected according to a random selection strategy from the large pool of users?
Non-redundant: is each requirement specified just once?

  1. Assume you are specifying the requirements for a new air traffic control system at Skyguide. As of today, Skyguide employs 560 flight controllers. These flight controllers will be the end-users of the new system. For ensuring that the new system will be adequate, what are the best-suited approaches for sampling end-users to be involved in requirements engineering? (2 answers)
  • I would create a reference end-user team with 80 flight controllers providing feedback on the requirements. These flight controllers would be randomly picked from all employees.
  • I would seek to find out how flight controllers differ in terms of domain (military, civil), experience, and other important factors that affect the way they work. I would select one flight controllers per extreme value of each of these factors (e.g., the most experienced, the least experienced, etc.).

As soon as the Covid-19 pandemic is over, I will try to maximise the use of workshops. For that reason, I will work together with all flight controllers that are located at the Skyguide site that is closest to the office of my company.
To minimise the risk for the adoption of the system I specify, I will work together ex-clusively with those flight controllers that were against the introduction of the previous unsuccessful system.
I would select three flight controllers that have been personally recommended to me by a person I trust. The personal recommendation by a trusted person will allow me to trust those selected end-users. I would consult them for the important decisions that will shape the solution concept.

  1. How do you best deal with requirements that are not atomic and, when looked at closely, are composed of several requirements? (1 answer)
  • All contained requirements are retained and given new, individual identifiers.

The composed requirement is marked as “TBD”.
The most important contained requirement is retained; the others are deleted.
The composed requirement is deleted without replacement.
The first contained requirement is retained, the others are deleted.

  1. You are inventing a system called “Power Saver” that helps house owners to save energy. According to your system concept, all devices used in a household should log their power usage. Which of the following statements reflect the correct usage of shall sentence template? (number of answers not disclosed)
  • When a device has been used for 24 hours without interruption, the system “Power Saver” should be able to switch the device off.
  • The system “Power Saver“ should provide the house owner with the ability to retrieve a device’s usage log.

The system “Power Saver“ has to enable the house owner to switch a device off remotely.
A house owner can be notified when a device is used.

  1. How do you best deal with redundant requirements that are duplicated or appear multiple times when looked at closely? (1 answer)
  • I trace each redundant requirement to the other equivalent redundant requirements.

I change the identifiers so that they clearly show which requirements are redundant.
I keep the first concerned requirement and delete the other(s) without replacement.
I mark the redundant requirements with TBD.
With one exception, I mark all redundant requirements as already implemented.

  1. Assume you are invited to moderate a creativity workshop for generating ideas for your country’s next space mission. Who should be invited with preference to that workshop? (2 answers)
  • An engineer with experience in the construction of satellites
  • An expert in analysing satellite pictures

A randomly chosen citizen with the responsibility of representing the public
An investor with sufficient funds for a space mission
An experienced requirements engineer

  1. Which of the following are correct statements of goal reasoning? (number of answers not disclosed)
  • A capability can explain how an already fulfilled goal may be maintained
  • Different tactics have always different assignments of responsibilities

Viewpoints tell how responsibility assignments can be avoided
A value proposition can be kept separate from a feature
An AND-refined may resolve negative side-effects

17 Which of the following characterise a good value proposition best? (2 answers)

  • The product’s gain creators address the viewpoint’s needs well.
  • The number of the product’s features are minimised.

Each stakeholder’s pains are addressed by a separate pain reliver.
The product features preferably create gains, rather than relieve pains.
The product minimises the jobs to be done by the stakeholders.

  1. Which of the following statements about features are correct? (number of answers not disclosed)
  • The goals must explain why the requirements are needed
  • The constraints can be derived from the viewpoints’ backgrounds

The requirements must be reflected in the name of the feature
The negative side effects prevent the achievement of the goals
The assumptions must describe whether there are still open issues

  1. Which of the following are correct characteristics of a good storyboard? (number of answers not disclosed)
  • The end of the storyboard shows a goal a goal being achieved

The photo story format of a story board has been created with a professional camera
The sequence of figures shown in the storyboard alternates between depicting a human and software
Dynamic processes require the video format of a storyboard
The beginning of the storyboard introduces all viewpoints involved in the pro-cess

20.Requirements can be represented in a model. Which of the following are criteria commonly used for evaluating the quality of a use case diagram? (2 answers)

  • Syntax 语法
  • Semantics 语义


  1. Which elements are used in Use Case diagrams? (1 answer)
  • Actors, Use Cases, and Usage

    1. You are looking at the following Use Case diagram

Which of the following statements regarding the sequence within the given Use Case diagram is correct? (number of answers not disclosed)

  • In Use Case diagrams there is no given process sequence. Therefore, we cannot make any assumptions about the sequence of Use Cases A, B, and C.
  1. What does a use case diagram NOT show? (2 answers)
  • The quality of a system
  • The data access of a system

The functionality of a system
The actors of a system
The system boundary of a system





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