ON PRIMARY( --PRIMARY 可选指定主文件组中的文件
NAME = 'StudyDB1_data', --主数据文件的逻辑名
FILENAME = 'D:\tools\StudyDB1_data.mdf' , --主数据文件的物理名
SIZE = 3MB, --主数据文件初始大小
MAXSIZE = 5MB, --主数据文件最大大小
FILEGROWTH = 20% --主数据文件的增长率
), --注意","号分隔
NAME = 'StudyDB2_data', --主数据文件的逻辑名
FILENAME = 'D:\tools\StudyDB2_data.ndf' , --主数据文件的物理名
SIZE = 512 KB, --主数据文件初始大小
MAXSIZE = 5MB, --主数据文件最大大小
NAME = 'StudyDB1_log',
FILENAME = 'D:\tools\StudyDB_log1.ldf' ,
SIZE = 512KB,
), --注意","号分隔
NAME = 'StudyDB2_log',
FILENAME = 'D:\tools\StudyDB_log2.ldf' ,
SIZE = 512KB,
use StudyDB
create table Student
(Sno char(8) primary key ,
Sname char(20) unique ,--取唯一值
Sex char(2),
Sage smallint,
Sdept char(20)
drop table Course
create Table Course(
Cno char(4) primary key,
Cname char(40) ,
Cpno char(4) foreign key references Course(Cno),
Ccredit smallint
create table SC(
Sno char(8),
Cno char(4),
Grade smallint,
primary key (Sno,Cno),
foreign key(Sno) references Student(Sno),
foreign key(Cno) references Course(Cno)
/*alter table <表名>
[add <新列名><数据类型>[完整性约束]]
[drop <完整性约束名>]
[alter column<列名><数据类型>]
alter table Student add S_entrance datetime;
select * from Student/*查询*/
alter table Student alter column Sage int;
alter table Course add unique(Cname)
select * from Course]
drop table Student--受外键约束删除表及结构(有外键则不能删除)
delete Student---不受外键约束删除表里的内容
--若表上建有视图,选择restrict 时表不能删除,cascade时可以删除表,视图也自动被删除--
create view IS_Student /*Student 表上建立视图*/
as select Sno,Sname,Sage from Student
where Sdept = 'IS';
drop table Student /*有(外键约束)约束条件删除不了*/
select * from IS_Student;
聚集索引在一个表中只能有一个,默认情况下在主键建立的时候创建,它是规定数据在表中的物理存储顺序,对其最常用的一个字段或者多个字段建立聚集索引或者组合的聚集索引,它就是SQL Server会在物理上按升序(默认)或者降序重排数据列,这样就可以迅速的找到被查询的数据。
1) 对表建立主键时,就会为主键自动添加了聚集索引,如自动编号字段,而我们没有必要把聚集索引浪费在主键上,除非你只按主键查询,所以会把聚集索引设置在按条件查询频率最高的那个字段或者组合的字段。
2) 索引的建立要根据实际应用的需求来进行,并非是在任何字段上建立索引就能提高查询速度。聚集索引建立遵循下面几个原则:
- 包含大量非重复值的列。
- 使用下列运算符返回一个范围值的查询:BETWEEN、>、>=、< 和 <=。
- 被连续访问的列。
- 返回大型结果集的查询。
--为学生-课程数据库中的student course,sc3个表建立索引------------------------------student表按学号升序建唯一索引--------------------------------------------------
create unique index Stusno on Student(Sno);
--course 表课程号升序建立索引
create unique index Coucno on Course(Cno);
create unique index Scno on SC(Sno ASC,Cno desc);
--select 灵活查询--
/*select * <目标列表达式>
from student <表名>
where <条件表达式>
groub by <列名> 分组查询
having 条件表达式
order by <列名> [asc|desc]
select Sno ,Sname from Student
insert into student(Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept)
select * from dbo.Course
select Sname,2004-Sage from Student;--目标列表达式不仅可以是算术表达式,还可以是函数,字符串常量等。
select Sname,'Year of Birth:',2004-Sage,LOWER(Sdept)
from Student;
select Sname NAME,'Year of Birth:' BIRTH,2004-Sage BIRTHDAY,LOWER(Sdept) DEPARTMENT
from Student;-----起用别名,可以用 as 或者 直接 空格接别名
select Sno from SC--从选课表中查询选了课的学生学号
select distinct Sno from SC--distinct 消除重复的行
select all Sno from SC---查询全部,一般为默认
delete Student--删除student
select * from Student
insert into Course(Cno,Cname,Cpno,Ccredit)
1 比较 |=,>,<,>=,<=,!=,!>,!<,not+上述比较运算符
2确定范围 |between and ,not between and 值是升序放置1 and 10;
3确定集合 |in ,not in
4字符匹配 |like ,not like
5 空值 |is null, is not null
6多重条件 |and ,or, not
select Sname from Student where Sdept ='cs'
select Sname,Sage from Student where Sage<20
select distinct Sno from SC where Grade <60;
select Sname,Ssex from Student where Sdept in ('cs','ma','is')
select * from Student where Sdept not in ('ma','is');
select * from Student where Sno like '200215121'
select * from Student where Sname like '欧阳_'
select * from Student where Sname like '_阳%';
select * from Course where Cname like 'DB\_design'ESCAPE'\';
select * from Course where Cname like 'DB\_%i__'escape'\';
select Sno ,Cno from SC where Grade is null\
select count(*)from student
select count (distinct Sno) from sc
select avg(grade) from sc where Cno ='1'
select max(Grade) from sc where Cno='1'
select sum(Ccredit) from sc , Course where Course.Cno='200215121' and sc.Cno=Course.Cno;
--group by----将查询结果按某一列或多列的值分组,值相等的为一组---------------------
select Cno,count(Sno) as count from sc
group by Cno--对各个课程的选课进行统计
having count(*)>2--对各个课程选课大于2个的课程进行统计
select Student.*,SC.*
from Student ,SC
where Student.Sno=SC.Sno
select first.Cno,second.Cpno
from Course first,Course second
where first.Cpno=second.Cno
select Student.Sno,Sname,Ssex,Sage,Sdept,Cno,Grade
from Student
left outer join SC
on Student.Sno=SC.Sno;
select student.sno,sname ,ssex,sage,sdept,cno,grade
from student
right outer join sc
on (student.sno=sc.sno);
select Student.Sno,Sname,Cname,Grade
from Student,SC,Course
where Student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=Course.Cno;
--- 选修了全部课程的学生------------------------------------------------------
select Sname
from student
where not exists
(select * from Course
where not exists
(select * from SC
where Sno=Student.Sno
and Cno= Course.Cno));
select Sname
from student
where not exists
(select *
from sc
where sno=student.sno and cno='1')
select *
from student
where exists
(select * from sc
where sno=student.sno and cno='1' )
select cno, count(Sno) as total
from sc
group by cno
having count(*)>3
select First.cno,Second.cpno ----
from course First,course Second ----
where First.cpno=Second.cno ----
--SQL语言允许多层嵌套查询,子查询的select 语句中不能使用order by子句,order by 只能对最终查询结果排序
select Sno ,Sname,Sdept ----------
from Student ----------
where Sdept in ----------
(select Sdept ----------
from Student ----------
where Sname='刘晨') ---------
select s1.sno,s1.sname,s1.sdept
from student s1,student s2
where s1.sdept=s2.sdept and
select sno ,cno
from sc x
where grade >=(select avg(grade)
from sc y
where y.sno=x.sno)
--返回多值时要用any,使用any或all 谓词时则必须同时使用比较运算符
--- > any 大于查询结果中的某个值
--- > all 大于子查询结果中的所有值
--- < any 小于子查询结果中的某个值
--- < all 小于子查询结果中的所有值
--- >= any 大于等于子查询结果中某个值
--- >= all 大于等于子查询结果中所有值
--- <= any 小于等于子查询结果中某个值
--- <= all
-- = any
--- = all
--- <> any 不等于查询结果中的某个值
select sname,sage
from student
where sage <
(select max(sage)
from student
where sdept ='cs')
and sdept <> 'cs'
select *
from student
where sdept = 'cs'
select *
from student
where sage <='19'
select *
from student
where sdept = 'cs'
select *
from student
where sage <= '19'
select *
from student
where sdept = 'cs'
select *
from student
where sage <= '19'
select Sno
from SC
where Cno='1'
intersect --也可以用and
select Sno
from SC
where Cno='2'
insert into student
insert into sc
create table Dept_age
(Sdept char(15),
Avg_age smallint);
insert into
select sdept,avg(sage)
from student
group by sdept;
update sc
set grade=''--设置为0
where 'cs' =
(select sdept
from student
where student.sno=sc.sno);
--create view <视图名>[(<列名>[,<列名>].....)]
--as <子查询>
--[with check option]
--子查询可以是任意复杂的select 语句,但通常不允许含有order by 子句和distinct短语
--with check option 表示对视图进行update;insert;delete;操作时要保证更新,插入,删除
drop view IS_Student--删除view
create view IS_Student--建立信息系学生的视图
select sno,sname,sage
from student
where sdept='is'
with check option
--由于定义在view 上的视图加上了with view option 子句,以后对该视图执行增删改操作时,
--称这类视图为行列子集视图。视图可以建立在多个基本表上,分组视图(带有group by聚集函数的)
create view bt_s(sno,sname,sbirth)
select sno,sname,2004-sage
from student;
create view S_G(Sno,Gavg)
select Sno,avg(Grade)
from sc
group by Sno
select *
from S_G
where Gavg >=90;
select sno, avg(grade) as avg
from sc
group by sno
--where 子句中不能用聚集函数
select sno,avg(grade)
from sc
group by sno
having avg(grade)>=90
-- 含有group by 。
-- 含有distinct 短语。
--视图定义中有嵌套查询,并且内层查询的from 子句中设计的表也是导出该视图的基本表