记一次驱动在win10 1903 x64下的蓝屏调试过程



但这次收到用户反馈在1903的系统上会蓝屏,然后我们搭建了两个测试环境,系统都是 win10 x64 1903,I7 CPU的系统会重现蓝屏,另一台E系列的cpu的系统运行正常。








这时开始怀疑是cpu寄存器状态的问题,比如页寄存器、比如中断位这些。通过比较异常和正常时的寄存器差异,发现正常时eflags寄存器的第19位是1,而异常时是0。通过写测试程序验证,最后定位下来是vm壳对eflags的这个标志位处理有问题,而之前的系统一直是没有使用eflags的高位的,从win10 1903开始才使用,这个问题才暴露。



第19位是VIF位,查询intel手册,这个位是否启用受到CR4寄存器PVI (Protected-Mode Virtual Interrupts)位的控制,大概作用是一个保护模式策略。对这个标记位网站的介绍如下:

20.4 PROTECTED-MODE VIRTUAL INTERRUPTSThe IA-32 processors (beginning with the Pentium processor) also support the VIF and VIP flags in the EFLAGS
register in protected mode by setting the PVI (protected-mode virtual interrupt) flag in the CR4 register. Setting
the PVI flag allows applications running at privilege level 3 to execute the CLI and STI instructions without causing
a general-protection exception (#GP) or affecting hardware interrupts.
When the PVI flag is set to 1, the CPL is 3, and the IOPL is less than 3, the STI and CLI instructions set and clear
the VIF flag in the EFLAGS register, leaving IF unaffected. In this mode of operation, an application running in
protected mode and at a CPL of 3 can inhibit interrupts in the same manner as is described in Section 20.3.2, “Class
2—Maskable Hardware Interrupt Handling in Virtual-8086 Mode Using the Virtual Interrupt Mechanism”, for a
virtual-8086 mode task. When the application executes the CLI instruction, the processor clears the VIF flag. If the
processor receives a maskable hardware interrupt, the processor invokes the protected-mode interrupt handler.
This handler checks the state of the VIF flag in the EFLAGS register. If the VIF flag is clear (indicating that the active
task does not want to have interrupts handled now), the handler sets the VIP flag in the EFLAGS image on the stack
and returns to the privilege-level 3 application, which continues program execution. When the application executes
a STI instruction to set the VIF flag, the processor automatically invokes the general-protection exception handler,
which can then handle the pending interrupt. After handing the pending interrupt, the handler typically sets the VIF
flag and clears the VIP flag in the EFLAGS image on the stack and executes a return to the application program. The
next time the processor receives a maskable hardware interrupt, the processor will handle it in the normal manner
for interrupts received while the processor is operating at a CPL of 3.
As with the virtual mode extension (enabled with the VME flag in the CR4 register), the protected-mode virtual
interrupt extension only affects maskable hardware interrupts (interrupt vectors 32 through 255). NMI interrupts
and exceptions are handled in the normal manner.
When protected-mode virtual interrupts are disabled (that is, when the PVI flag in control register CR4 is set to 0,
the CPL is less than 3, or the IOPL value is 3), then the CLI and STI instructions execute in a manner compatible
with the Intel486 processor. That is, if the CPL is greater (less privileged) than the I/O privilege level (IOPL), a
general-protection exception occurs. If the IOPL value is 3, CLI and STI clear or set the IF flag, respectively.
PUSHF, POPF, IRET and INT are executed like in the Intel486 processor, regardless of whether protected-mode
virtual interrupts are enabled.
It is only possible to enter virtual-8086 mode through a task switch or the execution of an IRET instruction, and it
is only possible to leave virtual-8086 mode by faulting to a protected-mode interrupt handler (typically the general-
protection exception handler, which in turn calls the virtual 8086-mode monitor). In both cases, the EFLAGS
register is saved and restored. This is not true, however, in protected mode when the PVI flag is set and the
processor is not in virtual-8086 mode. Here, it is possible to call a procedure at a different privilege level, in which
case the EFLAGS register is not saved or modified. However, the states of VIF and VIP flags are never examined by
the processor when the CPL is not 3.
参考文献: https://xem.github.io/minix86/manual/intel-x86-and-64-manual-vol3/o_fe12b1e2a880e0ce-996.html

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