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原创 Constantinople Ethereum Hard Fork

Delayedhttps://blog.ethereum.org/2019/01/15/security-alert-ethereum-constantinople-postponement/ Recommended Articles:(1)https://coinswitch.co/news/ethereum-hard-fork-jan-19-know-everything-ab...

2019-01-08 20:10:34 421

转载 Detail the scenes of Syncing Ethereum

Syncing Ethereum is a pain point for many people, so I'll try to detail what's happening behind the scenes so there might be a bit less confusion.eth.syncing{currentBlock: 5199256,highestBlock: 5...

2018-10-11 14:26:42 213

原创 Check the Ethereum wallet syncing state

1.) open a new geth instance and type in geth.exe attach 2.) now type in eth.syncingThis shows you the "currentBlock" and the "highestBlock".{  currentBlock: 3929244,  highestBlock: 6481189, ...

2018-10-09 14:56:21 269

转载 Ethereum Wallet Syncing Problems

From:https://theethereum.wiki/w/index.php/Ethereum_Wallet_Syncing_Problems One of the most common problems with the Ethereum Wallet application is keeping the blockchain in sync with the Ethereum ...

2018-10-09 14:32:54 806

原创 自定义BTC找零地址

使用命令 fundrawtransaction 设置changeAddressfundrawtransaction "hexstring" ( options )Add inputs to a transaction until it has enough in value to meet its out value.This will not modify existing inpu...

2018-09-27 15:11:51 3742

转载 Difference between sendTransaction and sendRawTransaction in web3.py

w3.eth.sendTransaction() only supports sending unsigned transactions. In order to use it, your node must be managing your private key. Since the node must manage your key, you must not use it with a h...

2018-09-13 14:26:44 527

转载 Sending ether using geth

The basic way of sending a simple transaction of ether with the console is as follows:> eth.sendTransaction({from:sender, to:receiver, value: amount})Using the built-in JavaScript, you can ea...

2018-09-07 17:25:33 128

原创 Transfer ERC20 tokens using geth

Step 0: Install geth, start geth (with "--unlock 0xYOURACCOUNT"), sync the blockchain, open up a geth terminal in another window with "geth attach".Or using personal.unlockAccount to unlock your aco...

2018-09-06 17:02:26 418

转载 How to build your own Ethereum based ERC20 Token and launch an ICO in next 20 minutes

原文出处:https://hashnode.com/post/how-to-build-your-own-ethereum-based-erc20-token-and-launch-an-ico-in-next-20-minutes-cjbcpwzec01c93awtbij90uzn This article aims to give you an overview of how sm...

2018-07-20 16:07:58 520

转载 Cancel pending transactions on Ethereum

原文出处:https://jakubstefanski.com/post/2017/10/ethereum-cancel-pending-transaction/ Transactions modelEthereum transactions model is vastly different from Bitcoin. Instead of using UTXO (unspent...

2018-07-17 12:01:38 900

原创 区块链技术相关官方文档

Solidity Develop Docs英文版:http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/index.html中文版:http://solidity-cn.readthedocs.io/zh/develop/ ERC-20 Token Standardhttps://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/mast...

2018-07-17 11:59:04 1134

转载 以太坊智能合约 —— 最佳安全开发指南


2018-07-17 11:54:53 1537

原创 flash builder|adobe air支持iphone5,及上传到appstore时报Invalid Launch Image的问题

1.adobe air支持iphone5(去掉上下两条黑边)http://blogs.adobe.com/airodynamics/2012/11/07/deploying-air-apps-on-iphone-5/How to make existing applications compatible with iPhone 5?One does not need to write

2013-10-10 16:07:19 1866

转载 MongoDB开启权限认证下配置Master和Slave模式


2012-08-28 17:49:26 1801

原创 rabbitmq windows集群

两台windows机器ip:一、在两台机器上分别安装erlang、rabbitmq。      1.配置erlang环境。        http://www.erlang.org/download.html,选择Windows Binary File下载。并安装。       本文安装在 D:\erl5.9.1。设置环

2012-06-05 15:14:49 1744 2

转载 CENTOS 6.0 iptables 开放端口80 3306 22端口

转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c4a24db0100vb0h.html#/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT#/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT#/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp

2011-12-21 09:45:21 1889

转载 windows2003II6下php5.2.17安装

转自:http://hi.baidu.com/kumotobi/blog/item/880498518a54c60d367abee6.html这里用的服务器操作系统是x86版本的,所以以下程序均为在Windows x86环境下使用的版本。首先我们要下载两个工具,FastCGI和php1,FastCGIfcgisetup32.msi(FastCGI Extension

2011-12-20 14:11:52 1446

转载 shell 命令

删除文件及文件夹删除文件file.xx : rm file.xx删除空文件夹file: rmdir file删除非空文件夹: rm –rf file查看apache有没有开启[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q httpd[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa|grep httpd1.里面的rpm全名是”RedHat Pa

2011-12-15 11:29:13 281

转载 Apache在Linux下的安装

转自:http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/14650042在Ubuntu系统下成功实践了Apache的安装配置,其实这个步骤在模块应用中是非常重要的操作,直接影响到模块的加载列表以及使用权限,所以在此介绍一下我的操作流程,上课也会演示 :(一些路径以我自己的系统为例)1.获取安装源代码:  下载地址:http://www.apache

2011-12-15 11:25:37 863

转载 Linux shell下创建用户帐号

要在 shell 提示下创建用户帐号:  打开 shell 提示。  如果你没有登录为根用户,键入命令 su - 然后输入根口令。  在命令行中键入useradd,随后一个空格和你创建的新用户的用户名(譬如,useradd zhangsan)。按 [Enter] 键。通常,用户名是按用户的姓名变化得来的,如 Zhang San 的用户名是 zhangsan。用户帐号名可以从

2011-12-14 14:31:35 1686

转载 C#实现Windows 服务的制作安装和删除

C#实现Windows 服务的制作安装和删除2007-10-30 07:00作者:佚名出处:中国自学编程网责任编辑:幽灵<br />今天为大家整理一篇关于C#实现windows服务的制作与安装还有删除的文章,希望能帮助学习C#的同学进一步提高学习水平。<br />  运行Visual Studio.NET,建立一个C#的Windows服务项目。<br />  主程序代码:<br />以下是引用片段:<br />  using System; <br />  using System.Collections;

2010-11-18 16:26:00 330

转载 VS2005 错误 不能从const char *转换为LPCWSTR

转自http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5c2e95f10100doi9.htmlVS2005默认是Unicode的,在VC 6.0中编译成功的项目在VS2005中常会出现类型错误。<br />经常出现的错误是:不能从const char *转换为LPCWSTR<br />如使用CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL)就会报错,如果使用强制转换(LPCWSTR)"DISPLAY",虽然能够通过,但是编码会出错。<br />可行的办法是使用TEXT("DI

2010-09-03 16:44:00 388

原创 vc中截取字符串

<br />int i=0;char *p[50];char *buff = buffer; //buffer 以“,”为分隔符while((p[i]=strtok(buff,","))!=NULL) { i++; buff=NULL; }

2010-09-03 16:42:00 462

原创 Silverlight项目 调用VC的dll

MainPage.xaml.csSynchronizationContext syn;private void MyDemo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ syn = SynchronizationContext.Current; testIndex="1"; testValue="test"; Uri endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:19341/TestHandler.as

2010-09-03 15:17:00 1662 2

原创 silverlight 子窗口退出后,更新主窗口


2010-09-03 14:16:00 607



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