HBITMAP GetRotatedBitmapNT( HBITMAP hBitmap, float radians, COLORREF clrBack )
可是返回的是HBitmap ,我要把他转为CBitmap来使用,网上搜索CBitmap和HBitmap的转换方法,编写代码如下
CBitmap bit;
HBITMAP hbitmap=GetRotatedBitmapNT(bit,30,pDC->GetBkColor());
结果运行一直报错 wingdi.cpp Line:1120 错误 跟踪是
ASSERT(m_hObject == NULL); // only attach once, detach on destroy 1120行
可是监视发现m_hObject不为NULL,不知道为啥么 ,这句"only attach once, detach on destroy " 是关键,可是刚开始我没读懂。后面看了别人的一篇文章明白了。
见: http://hi.baidu.com/chen_liluo/item/1bd03e0428c306db75cd3cfa
意识到可能是我的 bit 没有detach,果然在GetRotatedBitmapNT 函数中发现有对 bit 进行 selectobject 操作,
参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/CBDoctor/archive/2013/01/21/2869480.html 意识到selectobject 可能 会进行attach。
所以想出解决办法是:在 bit.Attach(hbitmap); 前面加上一句bit.Detach(); 即可。
CBitmap 不支持 =操作,所以赋值的话, 要通过其他途径。
CBitmap和 HBitmap 的转换
CBitmap* pcBmp = CBitmap::FromHandle(hBmp);
CBitmap bmp;
// GetRotatedBitmapNT - Create a new bitmap with rotated image
// Returns - Returns new bitmap with rotated image
// hBitmap - Bitmap to rotate
// radians - Angle of rotation in radians
// clrBack - Color of pixels in the resulting bitmap that do
// not get covered by source pixels
HBITMAP GetRotatedBitmapNT( HBITMAP hBitmap, float radians, COLORREF clrBack )
// Create a memory DC compatible with the display
CDC sourceDC, destDC;
sourceDC.CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
destDC.CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
// Get logical coordinates
::GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bm), &bm);
float cosine = (float)cos(radians);
float sine = (float)sin(radians);
// Compute dimensions of the resulting bitmap
// First get the coordinates of the 3 corners other than origin
int x1 = (int)(bm.bmHeight * sine);
int y1 = (int)(bm.bmHeight * cosine);
int x2 = (int)(bm.bmWidth * cosine + bm.bmHeight * sine);
int y2 = (int)(bm.bmHeight * cosine - bm.bmWidth * sine);
int x3 = (int)(bm.bmWidth * cosine);
int y3 = (int)(-bm.bmWidth * sine);
int minx = min(0,min(x1, min(x2,x3)));
int miny = min(0,min(y1, min(y2,y3)));
int maxx = max(0,max(x1, max(x2,x3)));
int maxy = max(0,max(y1, max(y2,y3)));
int w = maxx - minx;
int h = maxy - miny;
// Create a bitmap to hold the result
HBITMAP hbmResult = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(CClientDC(NULL), w, h);
HBITMAP hbmOldSource = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject( sourceDC.m_hDC, hBitmap );
HBITMAP hbmOldDest = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject( destDC.m_hDC, hbmResult );
// Draw the background color before we change mapping mode
HBRUSH hbrBack = CreateSolidBrush( clrBack );
HBRUSH hbrOld = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject( destDC.m_hDC, hbrBack );
destDC.PatBlt( 0, 0, w, h, PATCOPY );
::DeleteObject( ::SelectObject( destDC.m_hDC, hbrOld ) );
// We will use world transform to rotate the bitmap
SetGraphicsMode(destDC.m_hDC, GM_ADVANCED);
XFORM xform;
xform.eM11 = cosine;
xform.eM12 = -sine;
xform.eM21 = sine;
xform.eM22 = cosine;
xform.eDx = (float)-minx;
xform.eDy = (float)-miny;
SetWorldTransform( destDC.m_hDC, &xform );
// Now do the actual rotating - a pixel at a time
destDC.BitBlt(0,0,bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, &sourceDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );
// Restore DCs
::SelectObject( sourceDC.m_hDC, hbmOldSource );
::SelectObject( destDC.m_hDC, hbmOldDest );
return hbmResult;