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转载 职业规划之电脑程序员的蘑菇定律

 职业规划之电脑程序员的蘑菇定律leonade 转贴     电脑程序员意外的发现20世纪70年代,一批刚从学校毕业的“天之骄子”参加了工作,这些天马行空、独来独往的年轻人面对令人窒息的工作环境很难适应。于是,一批年轻的电脑程序员经过探索,发现了一段“蘑菇定律”。    这条定律是指,许多用人单位对待职业新手的一种管理方法,初学者被置于阴暗的角落(不受重视的部门或打杂跑腿的工作),浇上

2006-03-30 22:15:00 1019

转载 做你的红颜知己好吗?

这个世界上,男人最需要的,除了一个老婆,还有一个红颜知己。     做红颜知己最重要的是恪守界限。     当你卧病在床与痛苦激战的时候,拉着你的手慌张无措泪流满面的那个人必是老婆。她怕你痛,怕你死,恨不得替你痛,替你死。她哭哭啼啼。痴痴缠缠,让你感动,让你心灵难安。而红颜知己不。红颜知己不哭,她只是站在床头,静静地凝望着你,阅读你的心灵,然后用她的口她的眼她的心告诉你她知道你痛在何处,她理解你,

2006-03-10 00:11:00 1351

转载 心态好吗?


2006-03-03 20:40:00 1031

快速软件开发 有效控制和完成进度计划

快速 软件 开发 有效控制和完成进度计划





Best Android Apps.pdf

Best Android Apps.pdf


Solving Everyday Problems With the Scientific Method Thinking Like a Scientist

Solving Everyday Problems With the Scientific Method Thinking Like a Scientist.pdf


Improve Your Written English.pdf

Improve Your Written English.pdf


Hello, Android 3rd Edition.pdf

Hello, Android 3rd Edition.pdf


Moodle 1.9 English Teacher's Cookbook

Moodle 1.9 English Teacher's Cookbook.pdf






Lucene-in-Action-2nd-Edition---Manning.pdf 英文版



droiddraw-r1b13.zip 通过这个工具不仅可以布局应用程序的界面,而且对我们学习应用程序的布局也是个很好的教材,其对操作的描述完全是按照Android SDK中关于界面布局的解析 http://www.moandroid.com/?p=390






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property visual map property 的api概览图


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jquery visual map jquery 的api概览图



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apache-roller-src-4.0.1 源代码

apache-roller-src-4.0.1 源代码


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apache- roller-4.0.1


批处理 环境变量设置

环境设置 直接批处理,只用于 win下,xp是成功的,vista 和win7没试过



PortableGit- 使用eclipse的插件egit http://download.csdn.net/source/2819827



eclipse 3.5以上版本最好, 应该支持3.6, 3.7没试,可能支持 应该还是比较好用 感觉可以直接在本地保存,而不必要连到服务器上,设置都比较简单 按照eclipse的插件方式安装, 如果要用link方式安装的话,把这个解压到一个目录,写个link文件放到dropins目录下 windows下的 git, http://download.csdn.net/source/2819852



Part I: What is Android—The Big Picture Chapter 1: Targeting Android Chapter 2: Development environment Part II: Learning Android’s Key Technologies Chapter 3: User Interfaces Chapter 4: Intents and Services Chapter 5: Storing and Retrieving Data Chapter 6: Networking Chapter 7: Telephony Chapter 8: Notification and Alarms Chapter 9: Graphics and Animation Chapter 10: Multimedia Chapter 11: Location Based Services Part III: Android applications for the Real Device Chapter 12: Putting it all together: A Field Service Application Chapter 13: Hacking Android Appendix: Installing the Android SDK


ProgrammingInScala --draft june 13,2007

I Rationale 1 II Scala by Example 7 1 A First Example 11 2 Programming with Actors andMessages 15 3 Expressions and Simple Functions 19 3.1 Expressions And Simple Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.2 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.3 Conditional Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.4 Example: Square Roots by Newton’sMethod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.5 Nested Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.6 Tail Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4 First-Class Functions 29 4.1 Anonymous Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.2 Currying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.3 Example: Finding Fixed Points of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.5 Language Elements Seen So Far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5 Classes and Objects 39 6 Case Classes and PatternMatching 51 6.1 Case Classes and Case Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 6.2 PatternMatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


checkstyle_eclipse5.3插件 及最sun_check.rar

checkstyle_eclipse 支持eclipse3.5 有一份eclipse的格式化模板 



Lesson 1. Getting to Know PHP PHP Basics Your First Script Summary Lesson 2. Variables Understanding Variables Data Types Summary Lesson 3. Flow Control Conditional Statements Loops Summary Lesson 4. Functions Using Functions Arguments and Return Values Using Library Files Summary Lesson 5. Working with Numbers Arithmetic Numeric Data Types Numeric Functions Summary Lesson 6. Working with Strings Anatomy of a String Formatting Strings String Functions Summary Lesson 7. Working with Arrays What Is an Array? Array Functions Multidimensional Arrays Summary Lesson 8. Regular Expressions Introducing Regular Expressions Using ereg Summary Lesson 9. Working with Dates and Times Date Formats Working with Timestamps Summary Lesson 10. Using Classes Object-Oriented PHP What Is a Class? Creating and Using Objects Summary Lesson 11. Processing HTML Forms Submitting a Form to PHP Processing a Form with PHP Creating a Form Mail Script Summary Lesson 12. Generating Dynamic HTML Setting Default Values Creating Form Elements Summary Lesson 13. Form Validation Enforcing Required Fields Displaying Validation Warnings Enforcing Data Rules Highlighting Fields That Require Attention Summary Lesson 14. Cookies and Sessions Cookies Sessions Summary Lesson 15. User Authentication Types of Authentication Building an Authentication System Summary Lesson 16. Communicating with the Web Server HTTP Headers Server Environment Variables Summary Lesson 17. Filesystem Access Managing Files Reading and Writing Files Summary Lesson 18. Host Program Execution Executing Host Programs The Host Environment Security Considerations Summary Lesson 19. Using a MySQL Database Using MySQL Executing SQL Statements Debugging SQL Summary Lesson 20. Database Abstraction The PEAR DB Class Database Portability Issues Summary Lesson 21. Running PHP on the Command Line The Command-Line Environment Writing Scripts for the Command Line Summary Lesson 22. Error Handling Error Reporting Summary Lesson 23. PHP Configuration Configuration Settings Configuration Directives Loadable Modules Summary Lesson 24. PHP Security Safe Mode Other Security Features Summary Lesson 25. Using PEAR Introducing PEAR Using PEAR Summary Appendix A. Installing PHP Linux/Unix Installation Windows Installation Troubleshooting Index



入门指引 简介 简明教程 安装与配置 安装前需要考虑的事项 Unix 系统下的安装 Mac OS X 系统下的安装 Windows 系统下的安装 FastCGI 进程管理器 (FPM) PECL 扩展库安装 还有问题? 运行时配置 语言参考 基本语法 类型 变量 常量 表达式 运算符 控制结构 函数 类与对象 命名空间 异常处理 引用的解释 Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces Context options and parameters


Structure and Interpretation .chm

1 Building Abstractions with Procedures 1.1 The Elements of Programming 1.1.1 Expressions 1.1.2 Naming and the Environment 1.1.3 Evaluating Combinations 1.1.4 Compound Procedures 1.1.5 The Substitution Model for Procedure Application 1.1.6 Conditional Expressions and Predicates 1.1.7 Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method 1.1.8 Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions 1.2 Procedures and the Processes They Generate 1.2.1 Linear Recursion and Iteration 1.2.2 Tree Recursion 1.2.3 Orders of Growth 1.2.4 Exponentiation 1.2.5 Greatest Common Divisors 1.2.6 Example: Testing for Primality 1.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures 1.3.1 Procedures as Arguments 1.3.2 Constructing Procedures Using Lambda 1.3.3 Procedures as General Methods 1.3.4 Procedures as Returned Values


Agile Web Application Development with Yii 1.1 and PHP5.pdf

Preface 1 Chapter 1: Meet Yii 7 Yii is easy 8 Yii is efficient 8 Yii is extensible 9 MVC architecture 9 The model 10 The view 10 The controller 10 Stitching these together: Yii request routing 11 Blog posting example 11 Object-relational mapping and Active Record 13 Active Record 14 The view and controller 14 Summary 15 Chapter 2: Getting Started 17 Installing Yii 17 Installing a database 19 Creating a new application 19 Hello, World! 22 Creating the controller 22 One final step 26 Reviewing our request routing 27 Adding dynamic content 28 Adding the date and time 28 Adding the date and time, a better approach 29 Moving the data creation to the controller 29 Have you been paying attention? 30


PHP Hacks -Jack Herrington -December 2005

Chapter 1. Installation and Basics Section 1.1. Hacks 12: Introduction Hack 1. Install PHP Hack 2. Install PEAR Modules Chapter 2. Web Design Section 2.1. Hacks 310: Introduction Hack 3. Create a Skinnable Interface Hack 4. Build a Breadcrumb Trail Hack 5. Create HTML Boxes Hack 6. Add Tabs to Your Web Interface Hack 7. Give Your Customers Formatting Control with XSL Hack 8. Build Lightweight HTML Graphs Hack 9. Properly Size Image Tags Hack 10. Send HTML Email Chapter 3. DHTML Section 3.1. Hacks 1126: Introduction Hack 11. Put an Interactive Spreadsheet on Your Page Hack 12. Create Pop-Up Hints Hack 13. Create Drag-and-Drop Lists Hack 14. Build Dynamic HTML Graphs Hack 15. Section Your Content with Spinners Hack 16. Create Drop-Down Stickies Hack 17. Create Dynamic Navigation Menus Hack 18. Obscure JavaScript Dynamically Hack 19. Build a DHTML Binary Clock Hack 20. Tame Ajax with JSON Hack 21. Make a DHTML Slideshow Hack 22. Add Vector Graphics with PHP Hack 23. Build a Color Selector Hack 24. Create Link Graphs Hack 25. Create an Interactive Calendar Hack 26. Create the Google Maps Scrolling Effect Chapter 4. Graphics



Part 1: The Art of Getting Things Done 1 Chapter 1 A New Practice for a New Reality 3 Chapter 2 Getting Control of Your Life: The Five Stages of Mastering Workflow 24 Chapter 3 Getting Projects Creatively Under Way: The Five Phases of Project Planning 54 Part 2: Practicing Stress-Free Productivity 83 Chapter 4 Getting Started: Setting Up the Time, Space, and Tools 85 Chapter 5 Collection: Corralling Your "Stuff" 104 Chapter 6 Processing: Getting "In" to Empty 119 Chapter 7 Organizing: Setting Up the Right Buckets 138



第一部分 通向从容之道 6 第一章 新情况,新做法 7 像实干家一样思考问题,像思想家一样付诸行动。 第二章 横向管理工作进程的5个阶段 23 我们应该使任何事物都变得越简单越好,而不是比较简单。 第三章 纵向管理:巧妙制定工作计划 47 当着手处理平凡琐事的时候,必须着眼于大局,这样一来,所有的烦琐小事才能够沿着正确的方向发展。 第二部分 远离压力,提高效率 69 第四章 确定时间、空间和工具 70 提升个人工作效率的最佳手段之一,就是拥有你乐于使用的管理工具。 第五章 收集阶段:填充工作篮 83 训练自己发现那些没有到位的事情。 第六章 处理阶段:清空工作篮 97 工作篮是一个处理问题的站点,而不是一个存储容器。 第七章 管理阶段:建立好清单 112 在从局部管理向全局总揽的转化过程中,一个完整和同步的工作清单堪称为一个主要的运作手段。 第八章 检查阶段:回过头看看 142 只要你保证在适当的时间查阅适当的资料,每天几秒钟也就是回顾检查所需要的全部时间。 第九章 行动阶段:选最佳方案 149 你的工作是发现你的工作,然后全身心地投入到其中去。 第十章 创造性地思考工作 163 准备行动、创造条件,对工作进行一些创造性的思考。然后,你就把大多数人远远地抛在后面了。 第三部分 事半功倍的几个窍门 171 第十一章 窍门1:养成收集和自省的习惯 172 焦虑感和内疚感并非是由于承担太多的工作而造成的,这是由于你撕毁了同自己签订的协议而自然导致的后果。 第十二章 窍门2:下一步行动 180 无论问题有多么大、多么严峻,你总可以向解决它们的方向迈出小小的一步,来根除掉束手无策的感觉。行动起来吧。 第十三章 窍门3:关注结果 190 没有明确任务的展望充其量只是一个梦想,而缺乏前景的任务只是痛苦和艰辛的劳作。同时拥有前景和任务才是世界的希望。 第四部分 结论 195


Getting StartED with Dojo.pdf

Contents at a Glance ........ iv Contents .........v About the Author............. xi About the Technical Reviewer .......... xii Acknowledgments .......... xiii Introduction ...xiv Chapter 1: JavaScript Fundamentals.....1 Chapter 2: Digging Deeper 29 Chapter 3: Enhancing with Dojo ........ 49 Chapter 4: Dojo DOM Basics.............. 87 Chapter 5: Managing User Interaction with Dojo . 119 Chapter 6: Make It Rich .. 141 Chapter 7: Dynamic Data 171 Chapter 8: Widgets ....... 193 Chapter 9: Where to Go from Here... 233 Appendix A: Setting Up a Local Web Server ....... 265 Appendix B: Dojo Base Quick Reference ........... 281 Appendix C: Plug-ins...... 289 Index.......... 317


Mastering Dojo-JavaScript and Ajax Tools for Great Web Experiences

1 Introduction 9 1.1 Key Aspects of Dojo . 12 1.2 Using the Book . . . 15 1.3 Acknowledgments . . 17 I Ajax the Dojo Way 19 2 Powerful Web Forms Made Easy 20 2.1 What Customers Are Saying About Your Form 21 2.2 Installing Dojo on Your Own Server . . 21 2.3 Adding Dojo and Dijit to a Page . . . . 22 2.4 Laying Out the Form 26 2.5 Improved Form Controls . . . 31 2.6 Wrapping It Up . . . 34 3 Connecting to Outside Services 37 3.1 Dojo Remote Scripting . . . . 37 3.2 JavaScript Idioms for Calling XHR . . 39 3.3 A Wish List with dojo.data and dojox.grid.Grid . 46 3.4 Researching Cigars Using JSONP . . . 56 3.5 Reviews with dojo.xhrGet . . 63 3.6 Errors and Debugging . . . . 67 II The Dojo APIs 70 4 Dojo In Depth 71 4.1 Modularizing JavaScript . . . 71 4.2 Dojo Source Code Organization . . . . 75 4.3 Loading Dojo 78


Dojo中文手册-- 简单的体验

内容目录 1 简介.. 3 2 Dojo工具包:JavaScript开发的水槽(Kitchen Sink)....3 3 设置和配置Dojo. 4 3.1 选择正确的Dojo创建4 3.2 动态加载package...5 3.3 定制的创建.. 5 4 应用:旅行路线编辑器 6 5 DOM和HTML效果 6 5.1 处理DOM.... 7 5.2 Dojo的HTML效果....8 6 使用dojo.io.bind()的Ajax远程调用8 6.1.1 淡出和移除9 6.1.2 使用XMLHttpRequest来告诉服务器发生了什么.. 9 7 拖放操作.. 10 7.1.1 连接所有的天....11 7.1.2 连接单个的天....11 7.1.3 onLoad 11 8 结论 12


HTML5 for Web Designers.pdf

HTML5 for Web Designers.pdf


Smart SVN

Smart SVN


android book

android book


heidiSQL mysql gui

HeidiSQL_5.1_Portable mysql gui


精通Apache Velocity

精通Apache Velocity.pdf 这个可能比较老了,我看了下,似乎是 1.3左右的,



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