推荐一本好书《Professional C++》

Professional C++
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
10475 Crosspoint Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published simultaneously in Canada
Printed in the United States of America

Who This Book Is For
Even if you have used the language for years, you might still be unfamiliar with the more advanced features
of C++ or might not be using the full capabilities of the language. Perhaps you write competent
C++ code, but would like to learn more about design in C++ and good programming style. Or maybe
you’re relatively new to C++, but want to learn the “right” way to program from the start. This book will
bring your C++ skills to the professional level.
Because this book focuses on advancing from basic or intermediate knowledge of C++ to becoming a
professional C++ programmer, it assumes some knowledge of the language. Chapter 1 covers the basics
of C++ as a refresher, but it is not a substitute for actual training and use of the language. If you are just
starting with C++, but you have significant experience in C, you should be able to pick up most of what
you need from Chapter 1. In any case, you should have a solid foundation in programming fundamentals.
You should know about loops, functions, and variables. You should know how to structure a program,
and you should be familiar with fundamental techniques like recursion. You should have some
knowledge of common data structures like hash tables and queues, and useful algorithms such as sorting
and searching. You don’t need to know about object-oriented programming just yet—that is covered
in Chapter 3.
You will also need to be familiar with the compiler you will be using to develop your code. This book
does not provide directions for using individual compilers. Refer to the documentation that came with
your compiler for a refresher.

What This Book Covers
Professional C++ is an approach to C++ programming that will both increase the quality of your code and
improve your programming efficiency. Professional C++ teaches more than just the syntax and language
features of C++. It also emphasizes programming methodologies, reusable design patterns, and good programming style. The Professional C++ methodology incorporates the entire software development
process—from designing and writing code to testing, debugging, and working in groups. This approach
will enable you to master the C++ language and its idiosyncrasies, as well as take advantage of its powerful
capabilities for large-scale software development.
Imagine someone who has learned all of the syntax of C++ without seeing a single example of its use.
He knows just enough to be dangerous! Without examples, he might assume that all code should go in
the main() function of the program or that all variables should be global—practices that are generally
not considered hallmarks of good programming.
Professional C++ programmers understand the correct way to use the language, in addition to the syntax.
They recognize the importance of good design, the theories of object-oriented programming, and the
best ways to use existing libraries. They have also developed an arsenal of useful code and reusable
By reading this book, you will become a professional C++ programmer. You will expand your knowledge
of C++ to cover lesser-known and often misunderstood language features. You will gain an appreciation
for object-oriented design and acquire top-notch debugging skills. Perhaps most importantly, you
will finish this book armed with a wealth of reusable ideas that can be applied to your actual daily work.
There are many good reasons to make the effort to be a professional C++ programmer, as opposed to a
programmer who knows C++. Understanding the true workings of the language will improve the quality
of your code. Learning about different programming methodologies and processes will help you to
work better with your team. Discovering reusable libraries and common design patterns will improve
your daily efficiency and help you stop reinventing the wheel. All of these lessons will make you a better
programmer and a more valuable employee. While this book can’t guarantee you a promotion, it certainly
won’t hurt!


 Part 1:introduction to professional c++
1.a crash course in c++
2.designing professional c++ programs
3.designing with objects
4.designing with libraries and patterns
5.designing for reuse
6.maximizing software-engineering methods
Part 2:c++coding the professional way
7.coding with style
8.gaining proficiency with classes and objects
9.mastering classes and objects
10.discovering inheritance techniques
11.writing generic code with templates
12.understanding c++ quirks and oddities
Part 3:mastering advanced features of c++
13.effective memory management
14.demystifying c++ I/O
15.handling errors
Part 4:ensuring bug-free code
16.overloading c++ operators
17.writing efficient c++
18.developing cross-platform and cross-language
19.becoming adept at testing
20.conquering debugging
21.delving into the STL:containers and iterators
Part 5:using libraries and patterns
22.mastering STL algorithms and function objects
23.customizing and extending the STL
24.exploring distributed objects
25.incorporating techniques and frameworks
26.applying design patters
Appendix A: c++ interviews
Appendix B: annotated bibliography





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