class TicTacToe(object):
def __init__(self, n):
Initialize your data structure here.
:type n: int
self.board = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]
self.n = n
def move(self, row, col, player):
Player {player} makes a move at ({row}, {col}).
@param row The row of the board.
@param col The column of the board.
@param player The player, can be either 1 or 2.
@return The current winning condition, can be either:
0: No one wins.
1: Player 1 wins.
2: Player 2 wins.
:type row: int
:type col: int
:type player: int
:rtype: int
# I forget this step!!
self.board[row][col] = player
# basically, once a move is placed, check 4 possibilities of winning the game.
# checking the row, horizontally
winning = True
for j in range(self.n):
if self.board[row][j] != player:
winning = False
if winning:
return player
# checking the col, vertically
winning = True
for i in range(self.n):
if self.board[i][col] != player:
winning = False
if winning:
return player
# checking the diagnol
winning = True
if row == col:
for i in range(self.n):
if self.board[i][i] != player: # Bug: self.baord[i][j]!! should be both index = i
winning = False
if winning:
return player
# checking the anti diagnal
winning = True
if row + col == self.n-1:
for i in range(self.n):
if self.board[i][self.n-1-i] != player: # Bug: self.baord[i][self.n-1-j]!! should be both index should related to i
winning = False
if winning:
return player
return 0
# Your TicTacToe object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = TicTacToe(n)
# param_1 = obj.move(row,col,player)
优化版本,线性空间来存储信息。原因,题目明确说了 每一步都是 guaranteed to be valid,所以就 不需要 用 2D arary 来记录 board了
class TicTocToe(object):
def __init__(self, n: int):
self.row, self.col, self.diag, self.antidiag, self.n = [0] * n, [0] * n, 0, 0, n
def move(self, row: int, col: int, player: int) -> int:
# transform player id to -1/1, which will be easy to do result checking
# player 1 --> 1*2 - 3 = -1
# player 2 --> 2*2 - 3 = 1
offset = player * 2 - 3
self.row[row] += offset
self.col[col] += offset
if row == col:
self.diag += offset
# Bug: the move in the center of the board would satisy both diag and antidiag conditions
# elif row + col == self.n-1:
if row + col == self.n - 1:
self.antidiag += offset
# nice trick to do multiple checking
if self.n in (self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag, self.antidiag):
# The player can play consecutive moves
# it is not neccessarily following the order of {player1, player2, player1, player2} <-- some test cases
return player
# Bug: I forgot this checking!!
elif -self.n in (self.row[row], self.col[col], self.diag, self.antidiag):
return player
return 0
def main():
# test1
game = TicTocToe(3)
assert(game.move(0, 0, 1), 0)
assert(game.move(0, 2, 2), 0)
assert(game.move(2, 2, 1), 0)
assert(game.move(1, 1, 2), 0)
assert(game.move(2, 0, 1), 0)
assert(game.move(1, 0, 2), 0)
assert(game.move(2, 1, 1), 1)
if __name__ == "__main__":