Understanding PHP's internal function definitions (PHP's Source Code for PHP Developers - Part 2)

Welcome to the second part of the “PHP’s Source Code For PHP Developers” series.

In the previous part ircmaxell explained where you can find the PHP source code and how it is basically structured and also gave a small introduction to C (as that’s the language PHP is written in). If you missed that post, you probably should read it before starting with this one.

What we’ll cover in this article is locating the definitions of internal functions in the PHP codebase, as well as understanding them.

How to find function definitions

For a start, let’s try to find out how the strpos function is defined.

The first thing to try, is to go to the PHP 5.4 source code root and type strpos into the search box at the top of the page. The result will be a huge listing of strpos occurrences in the PHP source code.

As this doesn’t really help us much, we use a little trick: Instead of searching for just strpos, we search for "PHP_FUNCTION strpos" instead (don’t forget the quotes, they are important).

Now we are left with only two entries:

    php_string.h 48   PHP_FUNCTION(strpos);
    string.c     1789 PHP_FUNCTION(strpos)

First thing to notice is that both occurrences are in the ext/standard folder. This is exactly where one would expect to find them, as the strpos function (together with pretty much all other string, array and file functions) is part of the standard extension.

Now open both links in new tabs and see what code hides behind them.

You’ll find that the first link leads you to the php_string.h file, which is full of code looking like this:

// ...
// ...

This is exactly how a typical header file (a file ending in .h) looks like: A plain list of functions which are defined elsewhere. We aren’t really interested in this, as we already know what we’re looking for.

The second link is much more interesting: It leads to the string.c file, which contains the actual source code of the function.

Before I’ll walk you through the code step by step, I’d recommend you to try and understand the function by yourself. It’s a really simple function and most things should be clear even if you don’t know the exact details.

The skeleton of a PHP function

All PHP functions share the same basic structure. At the top there are a few variable declarations, then there is a zend_parse_parameters call, then comes the main logic, with RETURN_*** andphp_error_docref calls intermixed.

So, let’s start with the variable declarations:

zval *needle;
char *haystack;
char *found = NULL;
char  needle_char[2];
long  offset = 0;
int   haystack_len;

The first line declares needle as being a pointer to a zval. A zval is PHP’s internal representation of an arbitrary PHP value. How exactly it looks will be the subject of the next post.

The second line declares haystack as a pointer to a character. At this point you’ll have to remember that in C, arrays are represented by pointers to their first value. I.e. the haystack will point to the first character of the $haystack string you passed in. Then haystack + 1 will point to the second character, haystack + 2 to the third, and so on. So one could read in the whole string by always incrementing the pointer by one.

The problem arising here is that PHP has to know when the string ends. Otherwise it would always keep incrementing the pointer without ever stopping. In order to deal with this, PHP also stores an explicit length, here in the haystack_len variable.

The last declaration of interest to us at this point is the offset variable, which will be used to store the third parameter of the function: the offset to start searching at. It is declared as a long, which is an integer datatype, just like int. The difference between those two is not of importance here, but you should know that PHP integers are stored in longs and string lengths are stored in ints.

Now let’s look at the next three lines:

if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sz|l", &haystack, &haystack_len, &needle, &offset) == FAILURE) {

What these lines basically do, is take the parameters that were passed to the function and put them into the variables which were declared above.

The first argument to the function is the number of arguments passed. This number is provided by theZEND_NUM_ARGS() macro.

The next argument is the TSRMLS_CC macro, which is kind of an idiosyncrasy of PHP. You’ll find this strange macro scattered across pretty much the whole PHP code base. It is part of the Thread Safe Resource Mananger (TSRM), which ensures that PHP doesn’t mix up variables between multiple threads. This is unimportant to us, so whenever you see TSRMLS_CC (or TSRMLS_DC) in the code, just ignore it. (A strangeness which you might have noticed, is that there is no comma before this “argument”. This has to do with the fact that depending on whether or not you are using a thread-safe build, the macro will either evaluate to nothing or to , tsrm_ls. So basically the comma is part of the macro.)

Now comes the important stuff: The "sz|l" string specifies which parameters the function accepts:

s  // first parameter is a *s*tring
z  // second parameter is a *z*val (an arbitrary value)
|  // the following parameters (here just one) are optional
l  // third parameter is a *l*ong (an integer)

There are more type specifiers than sz and l, but most should be clear from the character. For example bis a boolean, d is a double (floating point number), a is an array, f is a callback (function) and o is anobject.

The remaining arguments &haystack, &haystack_len, &needle, &offset specify the variables to put the values of the arguments into. As you can see, they are all passed by reference (&), which means that not the variables themselves are passed, but pointers to them.

After this call haystack will contain the haystack string, haystack_len the length of that string,needle the needle value and offset the starting offset.

Additionally the function is checked for FAILURE (which happens if you try to pass invalid arguments to the function, e.g an array to a string parameter). In this case zend_parse_parameters will throw a warning and the code of the function just returns (which will eventually return null to the userland PHP code).

So after the parameters are parsed, the main function body starts:

if (offset < 0 || offset > haystack_len) {
    php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Offset not contained in string");

What this code does is pretty obvious. If the offset is out of bounds an E_WARNING level error is thrown through php_error_docref and then false is returned using the RETURN_FALSE macro.

php_error_docref is the error function you’ll mainly find in extensions (i.e. the ext folder). The name comes from the fact that it emits a reference to the documentation in the error message (you know, the one that never works…). Additionally there is the zend_error function, which is mainly used by the Zend Engine, but also occurs in extension code from time to time.

Both functions use sprintf-like formatting, thus error messages can contain placeholders, which are then filled using the following arguments. Here is an example:

php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Failed to write %d bytes to %s", Z_STRLEN_PP(tmp), filename);
// %d is filled with Z_STRLEN_PP(tmp)
// %s is filled with filename

Let’s proceed in the code:

if (Z_TYPE_P(needle) == IS_STRING) {
    if (!Z_STRLEN_P(needle)) {
        php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Empty delimiter");

    found = php_memnstr(haystack + offset,
                        haystack + haystack_len);

The first five lines should be clear: This branch is only executed if the needle is a string and an error is thrown if it is empty. Then comes the interesting part: php_memnstr is called, which is the function doing the main work. As always you can click on the function name to see its source code.

php_memnstr returns the pointer to the first occurrence of the needle in the haystack (that’s why thefound variable is declared as char *, i.e. a pointer to character). From this the offset can be easily computed by subtracting the two pointers, as can be seen at the end of the function:

 RETURN_LONG(found - haystack);

Finally, let’s look at the branch which is taken when the needle is not a string:

else {
    if (php_needle_char(needle, needle_char TSRMLS_CC) != SUCCESS) {
    needle_char[1] = 0;

    found = php_memnstr(haystack + offset,
                        haystack + haystack_len);

I’ll just quote what this does from the manual: “If needle is not a string, it is converted to an integer and applied as the ordinal value of a character.” This basically means that instead of writing strpos($str, 'A') you could also write strpos($str, 65), because the ordinal value of A is 65.

If you look up at the variable declarations, you’ll see that needle_char is declared as char needle_char[2], i.e. a string with two characters. php_needle_char will put the actual character (in our example the A) into needle_char[0]. Then the strpos code will set needle_char[1] to0. The reason behind this is that in C, strings are zero-terminated, i.e. the last character is set to NUL (the character with the ordinal value 0). In the context of PHP this doesn’t make much sense, as PHP stores an explicit length for all strings (so it does not need zero-termination to find the end of a string), but this still is done in order to ensure compatibility with the C functions used internally by PHP.

Zend functions

I’m getting tired of strpos, so lets try to find another function: strlen. We’ll do this using our usual approach:

Starting from the PHP 5.4 source code root try to search for strlen.

You’ll see lots of unrelated uses of the function, so instead search for "PHP_FUNCTION strlen". While doing so, you’ll notice something strange though: There won’t be any results.

The reason is that strlen is one of the few functions, which is not defined by an extension, but by the Zend Engine itself. In such cases the function is not defined as PHP_FUNCTION(strlen), but asZEND_FUNCTION(strlen). Thus we also have to search for "ZEND_FUNCTION strlen" instead.

As we already know, we have to click on the entry without a semicolon ; at the end to get to the source code. This leads us to the following definition in Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c:

    char *s1;
    int s1_len;

    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &s1, &s1_len) == FAILURE) {


I don’t think that I have to further comment on this, as the function is so simple.


We’ll cover how classes and objects work in more detail in a different post, but as a small peek ahead: You can search for class methods by typing ClassName::methodName into the search. As an example, try to search for SplFixedArray::getSize.

In the next part

The next part will again be published on ircmaxell’s blog. It will cover what zvals are, how they work and how they are used in the source code (all those Z_*** macros…)





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