ubuntu 搭建Hadoop,hive,zookeeper详细步骤

Hadoop install

Standalone operation

Step #1, install

1.      Install VMWare ESXi 6.0,vSphere Client.

2.      Install Ubuntu 16.04 (ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso)

3.      Install rsync, openssh-server,x11vnc

4.      Download Hadoop (hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz)and JDK (jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz).

5.      Install java and set the javaEnvs.

$ sudo mkdir –p /opt/java

$ sudo tar xzvf /home/jiguoh/Downloads/jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz–C /opt/java



6.      Add Hadoop group and user.

$ sudo addgroupHadoop

$ sudo adduser--ingroup hadoop Hadoop

$ sudo vi/etc/sudoers

7.      Login with Hadoop user

8.      Setup ssh to localhost withpassword .

$ ssh-keygen

$ ssh-copy-id localhost

$ ssh localhost    $ test

$ exit           $ exittest

9.      Install Hadoop

$ mkdir –p /home/hadoop/Hadoop

$ tar xzvf /home/jiguoh/Downloads/hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz –C /opt/hadoop

$ sudo vi /etc/profile.d/Hadoop-path.sh

$ sudo vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh

Step #2, testing

1.	Reboot and login with hadoop.
2.	$ mkdir –p ~/input
3.	$ rm –rf ~/output
4.	$ cp xxx ~/input
5.	$ hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/sources/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.3-sources.jar org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount ~/input ~/output

Pseudo-Distributed Operation

Hadoop can also be run on a single-node in a pseudo-distributedmode where each Hadoop daemon runs in a separate Java process.

Step #1, Configure hadoop without yarn

1.      Based on the Standaloneoperation.

2.      Login as user: hadoop

3.      Add the host

$ vi /etc/hosts

$ ssh hadoop@hadoop-master

4.      Configure the Hadoop

$ vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

$ vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml

5.      Format the hdfs node

$ hdfs namenode -format

6.      Start the dfs

$ start-dfs.sh

Step #2, Checking and testing

1.      Checking the WEBUI:


2.      Checking the hadoop-mapreduce-exampleson hdfs

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp

$ hdfs dfs -put ~/input /tmp

$ hdfs dfs -rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /tmp/output

$ hadoop jar$HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/sources/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.3-sources.jarorg.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount /tmp/input /tmp/output

$ rm –rf ~/output

$ hdfs dfs -get /tmp/output ~/output

$ cat ~/output/part-r-00000

3.      Checking the Hadoop on WEBUI:

Step #3, Configure Hadoop with yarn

1.      Stop last started Hadoop

$ stop-dfs.sh

2.      Configure the Hadoop with yarn

$ cp/opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml.template/opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

$ vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml

$ vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml

3.      Start dfs and yarn

$ start-dfs.sh

$ start-yarn.sh

4.      Checking the Hadoop (yarn) onWEBUI:



5.      Checking the hadoop-mapreduce-examples

$ hdfs dfs -rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /tmp/output

$ hadoop jar$HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/sources/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.3-sources.jarorg.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount /tmp/input /tmp/output

$ rm –rf ~/output

$ hdfs dfs -get /tmp/output ~/output

$ cat ~/output/part-r-00000

6.      Checking on the WEBUI, FinishedApplications:

7.      Checking the hadoop defaultlist ports.

Step #4, How to load hadoop after reboot

1.      Reboot the system.

2.      Re-format the hdfs data node. (defaultdata node is on the /tmp directory, after the OS reboot, it will be cleared.)

$ hdfs namenode -format

3.      Start the services.

$ start-dfs.sh

$ start-yarn.sh

4.      Before shutdown the OS, stopthe service.

$ stop-yarn.sh

$ stop-dfs.sh

Step #5, Configure the long-term, stable HDFS

1.      Reboot the system, and do notstart Hadoop.

2.      Reconfigure the Hadoop.

a)        Change the Hadoop tmpdirectory.

$ vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/Hadoop/core-site.xml

b)       Change the name node and datanode directory.

c)        $ vi /opt/hadoop/hadoop-2.7.3/etc/Hadoop/hdfs-site.xml

3.      Format the hdfs.

$ hdfs namenode –format


4.      Start the Hadoop

$ start-dfs.sh


$ start-yarn.sh

5.      Testing

$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp

$ hdfs dfs -put ~/input /tmp

$ hdfs dfs -rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /tmp/output

$ hadoop jar$HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/sources/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.3-sources.jarorg.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount /tmp/input /tmp/output

$ rm –rf ~/output

$ hdfs dfs -get /tmp/output ~/output

$ cat ~/output/part-r-00000

#shutdown the Hadoop servers and reboot the system, afterthe system startup, check the hdfs again.

$ hdfs dfs -ls /tmp

Mysql & Hive install

Step #1, Start Hadoop

1.      Start Hadoop service

$ start-dfs.sh

$ start-yarn.sh

Step #2, Install mysql & Hive

1.      Login with user hadoop;

2.      Install mysql packages. (mysqlroot account password: 123456)

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client

$ sudo apt-get install php-mysql

3.      Testing mysql

$ mysql -uroot -p123456

4.      Download Hive package (apache-hive-2.1.0-bin.tar.gz)and mysql connect jar (mysql-connector-java-5.1.39.tar.gz).

5.      Install hive

$ mkdir –p /opt/hive

$ sudo chown hadoop:hadoop /opt/hive –R

$ tar xzvf /home/jiguoh/Downloads/apache-hive-2.1.0-bin.tar.gz-C /opt/hive

6.      Set the hive env and libs

a)        Copy mysql connect jar to hive.

$ cp/home/jiguoh/Downloads/tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar/opt/hive/apache-hive-2.1.0-bin/lib/

b)       /etc/profile.d/hive-path.sh

Step #3, Configure the Mysql & Hive.

1.      Configure the mysql.

a)        Create mysql user ‘hive’;

hadoop@jiguoh-cloud:~$ mysql -uroot -p123456
mysql> CREATE USER 'hive' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql';
mysql> flush privileges;

hadoop@jiguoh-cloud:~$ mysql -uroot -p123456
mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR hive=PASSWORD('123456');
mysql> flush privileges;

b)       Login the mysql with ‘hive’account

$ mysql -uhive -p123456

c)        Create the new database ‘hive’with ‘hive’ account.

mysql> create database hive;

d)       Allow connect to the mysqlanywhere, not only from local PC.

e)        Restart the mysql service;

$ server mysql restart

2.      Configure the Hive

a)        Init the hdfs for hive.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp

$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse

$ hadoop fs -chmod g+w /tmp

$ hadoop fs -chmod g+w /user/hive/wareouse

b)       Set the hive conf

$ cd /opt/hive/apache-hive-2.1.0-bin/conf

$ cp hive-default.xml.template hive-default.xml

$ vi hive-site.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
    <description>JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore</description>
    <description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>
    <description>username to use against metastore database</description>
    <description>password to use against metastore database</description>
    <!-- base hdfs path -->
    <description>location of default database for the warehouse</description>

c)        Create and initialize the Hivemetastore database.

$ schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema

Step #4, Testing and checking hive

1.        Create table using hive andchecking the data;

2.        Checking from mysql;

$mysql -uhive -p123456

Zookeeper Install

Standalone operation

Step #1, install

1.      change to root user

$ su -

2.      Install zookeeper.

$ mkdir –p /opt/zookeeper

$ tar xzvf /home/jiguoh/Downloads/zookeeper-3.4.9.tar.gz –C/opt/zookeeper

$ mkdir –p /opt/zookeeper/zkdata

$ mkdir –p /opt/zookeeper/zkdatalog

$ vi /etc/profile.d/zookeeper-path.sh

3.      Configure the zookeeper

$ cd /opt/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.9/conf/

$ cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg

$ vi zoo.cfg


4.      Reboot the OS

Step #2, testing

1.      Start the zookeeper service

$ su –

$ zkServer.sh start



2.      Testing

$ jps

$ zkServer.sh status

$ zkServer.sh stop


$ zkServer.sh restart


Pseudo-Distributed Operation

Step #1, install

1.      Stop the zookeeper server fist.

2.      Prepare zookeeper files.

$ cd /opt/zookeeper

$ mkdir zkdata1 zkdata2 zkdata3

$ echo “1” zkdata1/myid

$ echo “2” zkdata2/myid

$ echo “3” zkdata3/myid

3.      Configure the zookeeper.

$ cd /opt/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.9/

$ cp zoo.cfg zoo1.cfg

$ vi zoo1.cfg

$ cp zoo1.cfg zoo2.cfg

$ cp zoo1.cfg zoo3.cfg



Step #2, testing

1.      Start the zookeeper

$ zkServer.sh start zoo1.cfg

$ zkServer.sh start zoo2.cfg

$ zkServer.sh start zoo3.cfg


2.      Checkings

$ jps


$ zkServer status zooX.cfg




Distributed Operation

Step #1, install

1.      Copy from the internet, youcould follow the following steps when deploying it.

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