ActiveMQ - Message Dispatching Feautres - Message Cursors

Message Cousors 消息指针(消息游标)

A common problem in previous versions of ActiveMQ was running out of RAM buffer when using non-persistent messaging.


Beginning with ActiveMQ 5.0.0, there is a new memory model that allows messages to be paged in from storage when space is available (using Store cursors for persistent messages).

从ActiveMQ 5.0.0开始,有一个新的内存模型,它允许在空间可用时从存储中分页加载消息(对于持久消息使用存储游标)。

Releases prior to 5.0 kept references in memory for all the messages that could be dispatched to an active Durable Topic Consumer or a Queue. While a reference itself is not large, it does impose a limit on the maximum number of messages that can be pending delivery.


A typical approach for messaging systems dispatching persistent messages is to pull them in batches from long term storage when a client is ready to consume them, using a cursor to maintain the next to dispatch position. This is a robust and very scalable approach, but not the most performant for cases when the consumer(s) can keep up with the producer(s) of messages.


ActiveMQ 5.0 takes a hybrid approach, allowing messages to pass from producer to consumer directly (after the messages have been persisted), but switches back to using cursors if the consumer(s) fall behind.

ActiveMQ 5.0采用了一种混合方法,允许消息直接从生产者传递到消费者(在消息被持久化后),但如果消费者落后,则回转使用游标。

When Message Consumers are both active and fast - keeping up with the Message Producer(s) - messages are stored and then passed to a dispatch queue in the broker associated with the Consumer: 


If a Consumer becomes active after messages are pending from the store for it, or it's slower than the producer, then messages are paged in to the dispatch queue from a pending cursor: 


Types of Cursor 游标类型

The default message cursor type in ActiveMQ 5.0 is Store based.  It behaves as above. There are two additional types of cursor that could be used: VM Cursor and File based Cursor, described below.

ActiveMQ 5.0中的默认消息游标类型是基于存储的。它的行为如上所示。还有两种可以使用的游标类型:VM游标和基于文件的游标,如下所述。

VM Cursor 内存游标

The VM Cursor is how ActiveMQ 4.x works: references to a message are held in memory, and passed to the dispatch queue when needed. This can be very fast, but also has the downside of not being able to handle very slow consumers or consumers that have been inactive for a long time: 


File based Cursor 基于文件的游标

The File based Cursor is dervied from the VM Cursor.  When memory in the broker reaches its limit, it can page messages to temporary files on disk. This type of cursor can be used when the message store might be relatively slow, but consumers are generally fast. By buffering to disk, it allows the message broker to handle message bursts from producers without resorting to paging in from slow storage: 

基于文件的游标是由内存游标衍生出来的。当代理中的内存达到极限时,它可以将消息分页到磁盘上的临时文件。当消息存储可能相对较慢,但使用者通常比较快时,可以使用这种类型的游标。通过缓冲到磁盘,它允许message broker处理来自生产者的消息突发,而无需求助于慢存储的分页:

Paging for Non-Persistent Messages 对非持久消息进行分页

The store based cursor also handles cursors for non-persistent messages, which are not stored in the message store. Non-persistent messages are passed directly to the cursor, so the store based cursor embeds a file based cursor just for these types of messages: 


Configuring Cursors 配置游标

By default, Store based cursors are used, but it is possible to configure different cursors depending on the destination.


Topic subscribers Topic订阅者

For Topics there is a dispatch queue and pending cursor for every subscriber.  It's possible to configure different policies for durable subscribers and transient subscribers - e.g:


          <policyEntry topic="org.apache.>" producerFlowControl="false" memoryLimit="1mb">
              <strictOrderDispatchPolicy />
              <individualDeadLetterStrategy  topicPrefix="Test.DLQ." />
                <vmCursor />

Valid Subscriber types are vmCursor and fileCursor. The default is the store based cursor.


Valid Durable Subscriber cursor types are storeDurableSubscriberCursorvmDurableCursor and fileDurableSubscriberCursor. The default is the store based cursor


Queues 队列

For Queues there is a single dispatch Queue and pending Queue for every destination, so configuration is slightly different:


      <policyEntry queue="org.apache.>">
          <individualDeadLetterStrategy queuePrefix="Test.DLQ."/>
          <vmQueueCursor />

Valid Queue cursor types are storeCursorvmQueueCursor and fileQueueCursor. The default is the store based cursor


See Also 另请参阅





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