Doug Cutting 访谈录 -- 关于搜索引擎的开发

Doug Cutting Interview


Doug Cutting is primary developer of the Lucene and Nutch open source search projects. He has worked in the search technology field for nearly two decades, including five years at Xerox PARC, three years at Apple, and four years at Excite.


What do you do for a living, and how are you involved in search engine development?

I work from home on Lucene & Nutch, two open source search projects. I get paid by various contracts related to these projects. I have an ongoing relationship with Yahoo! Labs that funds me to work part-time on Nutch. I take other short-term contract work related to both projects.

Could you briefly tell us about Nutch, and where you are trying to take it?

First, let me say what Lucene is, to provide context. Lucene is a software library for full full-text search. It's not an application, but rather technology that can be incorporated in applications. It's an Apache project and is widely used. A small subset of folks using Lucene are listed at jakarta-lucene/PoweredBy.

Nutch builds on Lucene to implement web search. Nutch is an application: you can download it and run it. It adds a crawler and other web-specific stuff to Lucene. Nutch aims to scale from simple intranet searching to search of the entire web, like Google and Yahoo!. To rival these guys you need a lot of tricks. We've demoed it on over 100M pages, and it's designed to scale to over 1B pages. But it also works well on a single machine, searching just a few servers.

From your perspective, what are the core principles of search engine architecture? What are the main things to consider and the big modules search engine software can be broken up into?

Let's see, the major bits are:

  • fetching – downloading lists of pages that have been referenced.

  • database – keeping track of what pages you've fetched, when you fetched them, what they've linked to, etc.

  • link analysis – analyzing the database to assign a priori scores to pages (e.g., PageRank & WebRank) and to prioritize fetching. The value of this is somewhat overrated. Indexing anchor text is probably more important (that's what makes, e.g., Google Bombing so effective).

  • indexing – combines content from the fetcher, incoming links from the database, and link analysis scores into a datastructure that's quickly searchable.

  • searching – ranks pages against a query using an index.

To scale to billions of pages, all of these must be distributable, i.e., each must be able to run in parallel on multiple machines.

You are saying people can download Nutch to run on their machines. Is there a possibility for small time webmasters who don't have full control over their Apache servers to make use of Nutch?

Unfortunately, most of them probably won't. Nutch requires a Java servlet container, which some ISPs support, but most do not.

Can I combine Lucene and the Google Web API, or Lucene and some other application I wrote?

A couple of folks have contributed Google-like APIs for Nutch, but none has yet made it into the system. We should have something like this soon, however.

What do you think is the biggest hurdle to overcome when implementing a search engine – is it the hardware and storage barrier, or the ranking algorithms? Also, how much space do you need to assure the search engine makes some sense, say, by writing an engine restricted to search a million RSS feeds?

Nutch requires around a total of 10kb per web page. RSS feeds tend to point to small pages, so you'd probably do better than that. Nutch doesn't yet have specific support for RSS.

Is it easy to get funded by Yahoo! Labs? Who can apply, and what do you need to give back in return?

I was invited, I didn't apply. I have no idea what the process is.

Did Google Inc. ever show interest in Nutch?

I've talked with folks there, including Larry Page. The'd like to help, but they can't see a way to do that without also helping their competitors.

In Nutch, do you implement your own PageRank or WebRank system? What considerations go into ranking?

Yes, Nutch has a link analysis module. Use of it is optional. For intranet search we find that it's really not needed.

I guess you heard it before, but doesn't an open-source search engine open itself up for blackhat Search Engine Optimization?


Let's say it takes spammers six weeks to reverse engineer a closed-source search engines latest spam detecting algorithm. With an open source engine, this can be done much faster. But in either case, the spammers will eventually figure out how it works; the only difference is how quickly. So the best anti-spam techniques, open or closed source, are those that continue to work even when their mechanism is known.

Also, if you, e.g., remove detected spammers from the index for six months, then there's not much they can do, once detected, to change their sites to elude detection. And if your spam detectors are based on statistical analyses of good and bad example sites, then you can, overnight, notice new patterns and remove the spammers before they have a chance to respond.

So open source can make it a little harder to stop spam, but it doesn't make it impossible. And closed-source search engines have not been able to use secrecy to solve this problem. I think the closed-source advantage here is not as great as folks imagine it to be.

How does Nutch relate to distributed Web crawler Grub, and what do you think of it?

As far as I can tell, Grub is a project that lets folks donate their hardware and bandwidth to LookSmart's crawling effort. Only the client is open source, not the server, so folks can neither deploy their own version of Grub, nor can they access the data that Grub gathers.

What about distributed crawling more generally? When a search engine gets big, crawl-related expenses are dwarfed by search-related expenses. So a distributed crawler doesn't significantly improve costs, rather it makes more complicated something that is already relatively inexpensive. That's not a good tradeoff.

Widely distributed search is interesting, but I'm not sure it can yet be done and keep things as fast as they need to be. A faster search engine is a better search engine. When folks can quickly revise queries then they more frequently find what they're looking for before they get impatient. But building a widely distributed search system that can search billions of pages in a fraction of a second is difficult, since network latencies are high. Most of the half-second or so that Google takes to perform a search is network latency within a single datacenter. If you were to spread that same system over a bunch of PCs in people's houses, even connected by DSL and cable modems, the latencies are much higher and searches would probably take several seconds or longer. And hence it wouldn't be as good of a search engine.

You are emphasizing the importance of speed in a search engine. I'm often puzzled by how fast Google returns a result. Do you have an idea how they do it, and what are your experience with Nutch?

I believe Google does roughly what Nutch does: they broadcast queries to a number of nodes, each which returns the top-results over a set of pages. With a couple of million pages per node then disk accesses can be avoided for most queries and each node can process tens to hundreds of queries per second. If you want to search billions of pages then you have to broadcast each query to thousands of nodes. That's a lot of network traffic.

Some of this is described in micro/mi2003/ m2022.pdf

When you mention spam, do you have any spam-fighting algorithms in Nutch? How can one differentiate between spam patterns like linkfarms, and sites which just happen to be very popular?

We haven't yet had time to start working on this, but it's obviously an important area. Before we get to link farms we need to do the simple stuff: look for word stuffing, white-on-white text, etc.

I think the key to search quality in general (of which spam detection is a sub-problem) is to have a trusted supply of hand-evaluated search results. With this, one can train a ranking algorithm to generate better results. (Spammy results are just one kind of bad results.) Commercial search engines get trusted evaluations by hiring folks. It remains to be seen how Nutch will do this. We obviously cannot just accept all evaluations donated, or else spammers will spam the evaluations. So we need a means of establishing the trustability of volunteer evaluators. I think a peer-review system, perhaps something like Slashdots's karma system, could work here.

Where do you see search engines heading in the near and far future, and what do you think are the biggest hurdles to overcome from a developer's perspective?

Sorry, I'm not very imaginative here. My prediction is that the web search in the coming decade is going to look more-or-less like web search of today. It's a safe bet. Web search evolved quickly for the first few years. It started in 1994 with WebCrawler, using standard information retrieval methods. The development of more web-specific methods took a few years, culminating in Google's 1998 launch. Since then, the introduction of new methods has slowed dramatically. The low-hanging fruit has been harvested. Innovation is easy when an area is young, and becomes more difficult as it field matures. Web search grew up in the 1990s, is now a cash cow, and will soon be a commodity.

As far as development challenges, I think operational reliability is a big one. We're working on developing something like GFS, the Google Filesystem. Stuff like this is essential to large-scale web search: you cannot let a failure of any single component cause a major hiccough; you must be able to easily scale by throwing more hardware into the pool, without massive reconfiguration; and you can't require an army of operators – things should largely fix themselves.

译文 /Dedian

作为LuceneNutch两大Apach Open Source Project的始创人(其实还有Lucy, Lucene4C 和Hadoop等相关子项目),Doug Cutting 一直为搜索引擎的开发人员所关注。他终于在为Yahoo以Contractor的身份工作4年后,于今年正式以Employee的身份加入Yahoo

下面是笔者在工作之余,翻译其一篇2年前的访谈录,原文(Doug Cutting Interview)在网上Google一下就容易找到。希望对搜索引擎开发的初学者起到一个抛砖引玉的效果。



我主要在家从事两个与搜索有关的开源项目的开发: Lucene和Nutch. 钱主要来自于一些与这些项目相关的一些合同中。目前Yahoo! Labs 有一部分赞助在Nutch上。这两个项目还有一些其他的短期合同 。






 -- 攫取(fetching):就是把被指向的网页下载下来。
 -- 数据库:保存攫取的网页信息,比如那些网页已经被攫取,什么时候被攫取的以及他们又有哪些链接的网页等等。
 -- 链接分析:对刚才数据库的信息进行分析,给每个网页加上一些权值(比如PageRank,WebRank什么的),以便对每个网页的重要性有所估计。不过,在我看来,索引那些网页标记(Anchor)里面的内容更为重要。(这也是为什么诸如Google Bombing如此高效的原因)
 -- 索引(Indexing): 就是对攫取的网页内容,以及链入链接,链接分析权值等信息进行索引以便迅速查询。
 -- 搜索(Searching): 就是通过一个索引进行查询然后按照网页排名显示。



很不幸,估计他们大都没戏。因为Nutch还是需要一个Java servlet的容器(笔者注:比如Tomcat)。而这个有些ISP支持,但大都不支持。(笔者注: 只有对Apache服务器有掌控权,你才能在上面安装一个Tomcat之类的东东)

5。我可以把Lucene和Google Web API结合起来吗?或者和其他的一些我先前写过的应用程序结合起来?

有那么一帮人已经为Nutch写了一些类似Google的API, 但还没有一个融入现在的系统。估计不久的将来就行了。

6。你认为目前实现一个搜索引擎最大的障碍在哪里?是硬件,存储障碍还是排名算法?还有,你能不能告诉我大概需要多大的空间搜索引擎才能正常工作,就说我只想写一个针对搜索成千上百万的RSS feeds的一个搜索引擎吧。

Nutch大概一个网页总共需要10kb的空间吧。Rss feeds的网页一般都比较小(笔者注: Rss feeds都是基于xml的文本网页,所以不会很大),所以应该更好处理吧。当然Nutch目前还没有针对RSS的支持。(笔者注:实际上,API里面有针对RSS的数据结构和解析)

7。从Yahoo! Labs拿到资金容易吗?哪些人可以申请?你又要为之做出些什么作为回报?



我和那边的一些家伙谈过,包括Larry Page(笔者注: Google两个创始人之一)。他们都很愿意提供一些帮助,但是他们也无法找到一种不会帮助到他们竞争对手的合适方式。













具体的在这篇文章 micro/mi2003/ m2022.pdf)中有所描述。


这个,我们还没有腾出时间做这块。不过,很显然这是一个很重要的领域。在我们进入链接场之前,我们需要做一些简单的事情:察看词汇填充(Word stuffing)(笔者注:就是在网页里嵌入一些特殊的词汇,并且出现很多的次,甚至上百次,有些是人眼看不到的,比如白板写白字等伎俩,这也是Spamdexing方法的一种),白板写白字(White-on-white text),等等。

我想在一般意义上来说(垃圾信息检测是其中的一个子问题),搜索质量的关键在于拥有一个对查询结果手工可靠评估的辅助措施。这样,我们可以训练一个排名算法从而产生更好的查询结果(垃圾信息的查询结果是一种坏的查询结果)。商业的搜索引擎往往会雇佣一些人进行可靠评估。Nutch也会这样做,但很显然我们不能只接受那些友情赞助的评估,因为那些垃圾信息制造者很容易会防止那些评估。因此我们需要一种手段去建立一套自愿评估者的信任体制。我认为一个平等评论系统(peer-review system),有点像Slashdot的karma系统, 应该在这里很有帮助。








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