html5 server-sent event 使用教程-翻译

HTML5 Features
Stream Updates with Server-Sent Events
By Eric Bidelman
Published Nov. 30, 2010 Updated June 16, 2011
Supported browsers:
Opera supported IE unsupported Safari supported Firefox supported Chrome supported
Table of Contents

Introduction 介绍
Server-Sent Events vs. WebSockets SSE 和 WebSockets
JavaScript API JS API
Event Stream Format SSE流格式
Multiline Data 多行数据
Send JSON Data 发送JSON格式的数据
Associating an ID with an Event 给一个SSE绑定一个ID
Controlling the Reconnection-timeout 控制重连时间
Specifying an event name 指定事件名称
Server Examples 服务器端举例
Cancel an Event Stream 取消一个事件流
A Word on Security 关于安全的一点建议
Demo 示例
References 参考


I wouldn't be surprised if you've stumbled on this article wondering, "What the heck are Server-Sent Events (SSEs)?" Many people have never heard of them, and rightfully so.
我一点也不会奇怪,如果你困在这篇文章上,疑惑“Server-Sent Events到底是什么鬼东西?”。很多人从来没有听说过SSEs,还觉得这很正常。
Over the years, the specification has seen significant changes, and the API has taken somewhat of a backseat to newer, ***ier communication protocols such as the WebSocket API.
这些年来,术语发生过很多显著的变化,相比于新的,性感的通讯协议比如WebSocket API,这个API的重要性有些淡化了。
The idea behind SSEs may be familiar: a web app "subscribes" to a stream of updates generated by a server and, whenever a new event occurs, a notification is sent to the client.
But to really understand Server-Sent Events, we need to understand the limitations of its AJAX predecessors, which includes:

Polling is a traditional technique used by the vast majority of AJAX applications. The basic idea is that the application repeatedly polls a server for data. If you're familiar with the HTTP protocol, you know that fetching data revolves around a request/response format. The client makes a request and waits for the server to respond with data. If none is available, an empty response is returned. So what's the big deal with polling? Extra polling creates greater HTTP overhead.

Long polling (Hanging GET / COMET) is a slight variation on polling. In long polling, if the server does not have data available, the server holds the request open until new data is made available. Hence, this technique is often referred to as a "Hanging GET". When information becomes available, the server responds, closes the connection, and the process is repeated. The effect is that the server is constantly responding with new data as it becomes available. The shortcoming is that the implementation of such a procedure typically involves hacks such as appending script tags to an 'infinite' iframe. We can do better than hacks!
(unfinishword)长轮询(Hanging GET / COMET)是轮询的一个轻微变形。在长轮询中,如果服务器没有数据要传输,服务器将不回关掉这个请求,直到有需要传输的数据出现。这个技术因此被称为"Hanging GEt"。当有数据需要返回时,服务器才响应,然后关掉连接,双方重复这个过程。它的效果是服务器总是在新数据可用时将其返回。缺点是要实现这样的过程一般需要一些hacks如appending script tags to an 'infinite' iframe 来实现。我们可以不用hacks而做的更好。

Server-Sent Events on the other hand, have been designed from the ground up to be efficient. When communicating using SSEs, a server can push data to your app whenever it wants, without the need to make an initial request. In other words, updates can be streamed from server to client as they happen. SSEs open a single unidirectional channel between server and client.

The main difference between Server-Sent Events and long-polling is that SSEs are handled directly by the browser and the user simply has to listen for messages.

Server-Sent Events vs. WebSockets

Why would you choose Server-Sent Events over WebSockets? Good question.
为什么不选用WebSockets而要用Server-Sent Event呢?好问题。

One reason SSEs have been kept in the shadow is because later APIs like WebSockets provide a richer protocol to perform bi-directional, full-duplex communication.
Having a two-way channel is more attractive for things like games, messaging apps, and for cases where you need near real-time updates in both directions.
However, in some scenarios data doesn't need to be sent from the client. You simply need updates from some server action. A few examples would be friends' status updates, stock tickers, news feeds, or other automated data push mechanisms (e.g. updating a client-side Web SQL Database or IndexedDB object store).
然而,在一些场景中,客户端不需要发送数据。你仅仅需要用服务器端的某些动作来产生更新。一小部分例子有朋友状态的更新,股票,新闻速递或者其他一些数据自动推送机制(如,更新一个客户端的Web SQL 数据库或者 IndexedDB对象存储)。
If you'll need to send data to a server, XMLHttpRequest is always a friend.

SSEs are sent over traditional HTTP. That means they do not require a special protocol or server implementation to get working. WebSockets on the other hand, require full-duplex connections and new Web Socket servers to handle the protocol. In addition, Server-Sent Events have a variety of features that WebSockets lack by design such as automatic reconnection, event IDs, and the ability to send arbitrary events.
SSEs依然是通过传统的HTTP传送的。这意味着他们不需要一个特定的协议或者服务器端的实现来工作。而WebSockets却需要全双工的连接和新的Web Socket服务器来使用这个协议。另外,SSEs有很多特性是WebSockets在设计上所不具有的,如自动重连,事件ID和发送任意事件的能力。

JavaScript API

To subscribe to an event stream, create an EventSource object and pass it the URL of your stream:

if (!!window.EventSource) { // 如果浏览器支持EventSource对象
  var source = new EventSource('stream.php');
} else {
  // Result to xhr polling :( // 使用XMLHttpRequest轮询
Note: If the URL passed to the EventSource constructor is an absolute URL, its origin (scheme, domain, port) must match that of the calling page.

Next, set up a handler for the message event. You can optionally listen for open and error:

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);

source.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
  // Connection was opened.
}, false);

source.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
  if (e.readyState == EventSource.CLOSED) {
    // Connection was closed.
}, false);
When updates are pushed from the server, the onmessage handler fires and new data is be available in its property. The magical part is that whenever the connection is closed, the browser will automatically reconnect to the source after ~3 seconds. Your server implementation can even have control over this reconnection timeout. See Controlling the reconnection-timeout in the next section.

That's it. Your client is now ready to process events from stream.php.

Event Stream Format

Sending an event stream from the source is a matter of constructing a plaintext response, served with a text/event-stream Content-Type, that follows the SSE format. In its basic form, the response should contain a "data:" line, followed by your message, followed by two "\n" characters to end the stream:

data: My message\n\n
Multiline Data

If your message is longer, you can break it up by using multiple "data:" lines. Two or more consecutive lines beginning with "data:" will be treated as a single piece of data, meaning only one message event will be fired. Each line should end in a single "\n" (except for the last, which should end with two). The result passed to your message handler is a single string concatenated by newline characters. For example:

data: first line\n
data: second line\n\n
will produce "first line\nsecond line" in One could then use'\n').join('') to reconstruct the message sans "\n" characters.
将在e.data中产生“first line\nsecond line”。此时你可以使用'\n').join('')来重构一条没有换行符的消息。

Send JSON Data

Using multiple lines makes it easy to send JSON without breaking syntax:

data: {\n
data: "msg": "hello world",\n
data: "id": 12345\n
data: }\n\n
and possible client-side code to handle that stream:

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  var data = JSON.parse(;
  console.log(, data.msg);
}, false);

Associating an ID with an Event
You can send a unique id with an stream event by including a line starting with "id:":

id: 12345\n
data: GOOG\n
data: 556\n\n
Setting an ID lets the browser keep track of the last event fired so that if, the connection to the server is dropped, a special HTTP header (Last-Event-ID) is set with the new request. This lets the browser determine which event is appropriate to fire. The message event contains a e.lastEventId property.
设定ID可以让浏览器跟踪上次的事件ID,如果和服务器的连接已经断开,一个特定的HTTP header(Last-Event-ID)将和新的请求一起发出。这让浏览器可以决定处理哪个事件。消息事件有e.lastEvent-ID属性。

Controlling the Reconnection-timeout

The browser attempts to reconnect to the source roughly 3 seconds after each connection is closed. You can change that timeout by including a line beginning with "retry:", followed by the number of milliseconds to wait before trying to reconnect.

The following example attempts a reconnect after 10 seconds:

retry: 10000\n
data: hello world\n\n
Specifying an event name

A single event source can generate different types events by including an event name. If a line beginning with "event:" is present, followed by a unique name for the event, the event is associated with that name. On the client, an event listener can be setup to listen to that particular event.

For example, the following server output sends three types of events, a generic 'message' event, 'userlogon', and 'update' event:

data: {"msg": "First message"}\n\n
event: userlogon\n
data: {"username": "John123"}\n\n
event: update\n
data: {"username": "John123", "emotion": "happy"}\n\n
With event listeners setup on the client:

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  var data = JSON.parse(;
}, false);

source.addEventListener('userlogon', function(e) {
  var data = JSON.parse(;
  console.log('User login:' + data.username);
}, false);

source.addEventListener('update', function(e) {
  var data = JSON.parse(;
  console.log(data.username + ' is now ' + data.emotion);
}, false);
Server Examples

A simple server implementation in PHP:

header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // recommended to prevent caching of event data.

 * Constructs the SSE data format and flushes that data to the client.
 * @param string $id Timestamp/id of this connection.
 * @param string $msg Line of text that should be transmitted.
function sendMsg($id, $msg) {
  echo "id: $id" . PHP_EOL;
  echo "data: $msg" . PHP_EOL;
  echo PHP_EOL;

$serverTime = time();

sendMsg($serverTime, 'server time: ' . date("h:i:s", time()));

Here's a similiar implementation using Node JS:
还有一个相似的实现,用的是Node JS:

var http = require('http');
var sys = require('sys');
var fs = require('fs');

http.createServer(function(req, res) {

  if (req.headers.accept && req.headers.accept == 'text/event-stream') {
    if (req.url == '/events') {
      sendSSE(req, res);
    } else {
  } else {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
    res.write(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/sse-node.html'));

function sendSSE(req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {
    'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream',
    'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
    'Connection': 'keep-alive'

  var id = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString();

  // Sends a SSE every 5 seconds on a single connection.
  setInterval(function() {
    constructSSE(res, id, (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString());
  }, 5000);

  constructSSE(res, id, (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString());

function constructSSE(res, id, data) {
  res.write('id: ' + id + '\n');
  res.write("data: " + data + '\n\n');

function debugHeaders(req) {
  sys.puts('URL: ' + req.url);
  for (var key in req.headers) {
    sys.puts(key + ': ' + req.headers[key]);


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
    var source = new EventSource('/events');
    source.onmessage = function(e) {
      document.body.innerHTML += + '

Cancel an Event Stream

Normally, the browser auto-reconnects to the event source when the connection is closed, but that behavior can be canceled from either the client or server.

To cancel a stream from the client, simply call:
To cancel a stream from the server, respond with a non "text/event-stream" Content-Type or return an HTTP status other than 200 OK (e.g. 404 Not Found).
要从服务器端取消一个流,用一个非"text/event-stream"的Content-Type响应客户端或者返回一个非200OK的状态码(如404 Not Found)给客户端。

Both methods will prevent the browser from re-establishing the connection.

A Word on Security

From the WHATWG's section on Cross-document messaging security:

Authors should check the origin attribute to ensure that messages are only accepted from domains that they expect to receive messages from. Otherwise, bugs in the author's message handling code could be exploited by hostile sites.
So, as an extra level of precaution, be sure to verify e.origin in your message handler matches your app's origin:

source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
  if (e.origin != '') {
    alert('Origin was not');
}, false);


Server-Sent Events specification
Cross-document messaging security
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