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翻译 How to Write High-Performance C# Code

编写快的代码和快的编写代码有时是冲突的。 计算机科学权威人士兼快速排序算法的发现者C.A.R. Hoare, 曾经说过这样一段著名的话: "不成熟的优化是一切罪恶的源头." 极限编程的设计原理之"You Arent Gonna Need It" (YAGNI) 反对实现任何不必要的功能,包括性能优化,除非它们真的需要.编写不需要的代码毫无疑问会降低工作效率. 然而,重要的是我们需要认识到不同

2009-04-19 21:57:00 1312

转载 逃离x86架构-----CPU体系结构CISC与RISC之争

  x86架构诞生    早在1981年,IBM公司推出了基于Intel 8088处理器的个人电脑;和不久后的8086处理器相比,它是一台低价格,低性能的处理器。尽管在当时Motorola MC69000处理器的性能也相当不错,但是IBM这样选择的理由是因为8088处理器已经能够对地址总线进行“复用”,并且总线宽度达到8位,和以往相比,大大减少了整个系统的开销。由于当时没有芯片组这一概念,

2009-04-07 12:26:00 4751 1

转载 十年磨一剑 - 优秀程序员养成之道

By Peter Norvig 为何每个人都如此心急?走进书店,我们会看到许许多多像《教你7天学会Java》(Teach Yourself Java in 7 Days)这样的书,还有其他的书声称能在几天之内甚至几小时之内教会你Visual Basic, Windows, Internet等等。 我在Amazon.com上做了如下的搜索:      1992年以后发行;

2009-04-07 11:25:00 1131

原创 关于控件的事件穿透

回答问题 http://topic.csdn.net/u/20090429/14/b5fc3df8-3e14-4439-af86-786ed7b135db.html?seed=1434478337 时实现。 第一步:定义接口   public interface IMyControls { void MyOnClick(EventArgs e);

2009-04-29 15:26:00 985

转载 Building a LINQ IQueryable provider - Part XIV (IQToolkit v3)

 This is the fourteenth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you might request a weeks vacation, sit back, relax with a mochacin

2009-04-27 12:44:00 1808

转载 Building a LINQ IQueryable Provider - Part XIII

 This is the thirteenth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you probably have a life beyond the keyboard, but if you dont then

2009-04-27 12:43:00 1155

转载 Building a LINQ IQueryable Provider - Part XII

 This is the twelfth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you probably were born yesterday. How could you possibly make sense of

2009-04-27 12:42:00 1029

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part XI

 This is the eleventh in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you’ll want to do so before proceeding, or at least before proceeding

2009-04-27 12:40:00 759

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part X

 This is the tenth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts youll want to find a nice shady tree, relax and meditate on why your wo

2009-04-27 12:38:00 1225

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part IX

 This is the nineth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts heres a handy list of all the fun youve been missing. Complete list

2009-04-27 12:37:00 1075

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part VIII

 This is the eighth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you might want to shut off the Halo 3 and get crackin. Complete list

2009-04-27 12:36:00 920

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable provider - Part VII

 This is the seventh in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you might want to rethink your place in the universe. :-) Complete l

2009-04-27 12:35:00 872

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part VI

 This is the sixth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts you might want to file for a government grant and take sabbatical becaus

2009-04-27 12:32:00 891

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part V

 This is the fifth in a series of posts on how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider.  If you have not read the previous posts please take a look before proceeding, or if you are daring dig right in

2009-04-27 12:31:00 1067

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part IV

 This post is the fourth in a series of posts covering how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts, please do so before proceeding.Complete list of posts in

2009-04-27 12:30:00 624

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part III

 This post is the third in a series of posts covering how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider. If you have not read the previous posts, please do so before proceeding.Complete list of posts in t

2009-04-27 12:28:00 767

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part II

 This is the second post in a multi-post series on building LINQ providers using the IQueryable interface. If you are new to this series please read the following post before proceeding.Complete

2009-04-27 12:25:00 1124

转载 LINQ: Building an IQueryable Provider - Part I

 This is the first in a series of posts on  how to build a LINQ IQueryable provider.  Each post builds on the last one.Complete list of posts in the Building an IQueryable Provider series  I

2009-04-27 12:24:00 1006

转载 LINQ Books

 Books on LINQLINQ in Action by Fabrice Marguerie, Steve Eichert, Jim Wooley, and Matt Warren Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 by Joseph C. Rattz Professional LINQ (Programmer to

2009-04-27 12:17:00 687

转载 Dynamic in C# VII: Phantom Method Semantics

 By now, my hope is that you all have a well-rounded view of dynamic. We started this series by introducing dynamic and talking about the basics of the feature, and have just finished talking abou

2009-04-26 23:56:00 818

转载 The C# Programming Language Version 4.0

 By Doug Holland (Intel) (193 posts) on March 30, 2009 at 10:02 am Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.0 will soon be in beta and there are some excellent new features that we can all get

2009-04-26 23:53:00 1066

翻译 C# 文档与注释

Introduction我们中的大部分人都经历过不时地更新文档的痛苦。C# 和 Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET)使我们能够将代码和文档写在一个文件里,从而是维护文档的过程变得更加简单。 VS.NET通过从代码文件里提取特殊标记过的结构化的注释,并将他们生成到XML文件里做到这一点的。 这种 XML文件可以被用来生成人们可读(human-readable )的格式的文档,包

2009-04-24 12:58:00 2987

转载 C# 2008 新特性

26. Overview of C# 3.0C# 3.0 (“C# Orcas”) introduces several language extensions that build on C# 2.0 to support the creation and use of higher order, functional style class libraries. The extension

2009-04-20 16:12:00 732

转载 [转] C/C++术语中英对照

以下是侯捷个人收集到的 C/C++ 编程方面的术语对照。请大陆朋友给我一些意见,尤其是标示 ? 之栏位。谢谢。两岸朋友,如果您想到哪些术语尚未列入本表,请提示我,谢谢。新书写作时,我会以此表为叁考。●英中繁简编程术语对照英文                    台湾惯用术语                            大陆惯用术语------------------------

2009-04-07 13:12:00 660

转载 Events In C#

 By Sanju From:http://www.csharphelp.com/archives/archive253.htmlAn event is defined in C# as a member that enables an object or class to provide notifications. Now, let us see in detail what

2009-04-06 22:30:00 637

编程 - 贪心算法.pdf

贪心算法一般来说是解决“最优问题”,具有编程简单、运行效率高、空间 复杂度低等特点。是信息学竞赛中的一个有为武器,受到广大同学们的青睐。本 讲就贪心算法的特点作些概念上的总结。


C# 操作系统音量代码

C# 对于系统音量的完全操作包括: int GetVolume(); void SetVolume(int volumeLevel); bool SetMixer(int i, VolumeStructs.Mixer mixerControl, int volumeLevel); bool GetMixer(int i, int type, int ctrlType, out VolumeStructs.Mixer mixerControl, out int currVolume); 可以直接使用,也可以当作学习对象:)


An axiomatic basis for computer programming .pdf

Tony Hoare名下的公理化语义(Axiomatic Semantics)。著名的Hoare Triples, P{C}Q, 就是从这里来的。论文不长,双列6页。前辈们就是这样的,6页纸就能开宗立派。不像俺,6页纸连介绍部分都写不周全。哪位老大想知道怎么证明程序正确。前置条件,不变条件,后置条件的妙用,可以用这篇论文开牙。


Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2).pdf

Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2)


A Practical FlowSensitive and ContextSensitive C and C++ Memory Leak Detector

A Practical FlowSensitive and ContextSensitive C and C++ Memory Leak Detector


The C++ Preprocessor

The C++ Preprocessor File Inclusion Macro Substitution Conditional Compilation Header Files


ECMA-335: Common LanguageInfrastructure (CLI) Partitions I to VI

ECMA-335 standard: Common LanguageInfrastructure (CLI) Partitions I to VI


C++ 函数库参考.chm

C++ 函数库参考 基本C/C++ 预处理命令 操作符优先级 转义字符 ASCII码表 基本数据类型 关键字 标准 C 库: Standard C I/O Standard C String & Character Standard C Math Standard C Time & Date Standard C Memory Other standard C functions C++ C++ I/O C++ Strings C++ 标准模板库 C++ Bitsets C++ Double-Ended Queues C++ Lists C++ Maps C++ Multimaps C++ Multisets C++ Priority Queues C++ Queues C++ Sets C++ Stacks C++ Vectors Iterators 全部的 C 函数 全部的 C++ 函数


Preprocessing CC++ Code in CDT

Preprocessing CC++ Code in CDT


Ecma 334 - C# Language Specification

Ecma Standard about C# Language Specification


MSIL Instruction Set Specification

MSIL Instruction Set Specification


Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual

Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual


Opening Up The C/C++ Preprocessor Black Box

Opening Up The CC++ Preprocessor Black Box


编译器构造 Compilor Construction

Theory and Techniques of Compiler Construction 介绍编译器相关理论和技术 Contents Preface 1. Introduction 2. Language and Syntax 2.1. Exercises 3. Regular Languages 4. Analysis of Context-free Languages 4.1. The method of recursive descent 4.2. Table-driven top-down parsing 4.3. Bottom-up parsing 4.4. Exercises 5. Attributed Grammars and Semantics 5.1. Type rules 5.2. Evaluation rules 5.3. Translation rules 5.4. Exercises 6. The Programming Language Oberon-0 7. A Parser for Oberon-0 7.1. The scanner 7.2. The parser 7.3. Coping with syntactic errors 7.4. Exercises 8. Consideration of Context Specified by Declarations 8.1. Declarations 8.2. Entries for data types 8.3. Data representation at run-time 8.4. Exercises 9. A RISC Architecture as Target 10. Expressions and Assignments 10.1. Straight code generation according to the stack principle 10.2. Delayed code generation 10.3. Indexed variables and record fields 10.4. Exercises 11. Conditional and Repeated Statements and Boolean Epressions 11.1. Comparisons and jumps 11.2. Conditional and repeated statements 11.3. Boolean operations 11.4. Assignments to Boolean variables 11.5. Exercises 12. Procedures and the Concept of Locality 12.1. Run-time organization of the store 12.2. Addressing of variables 12.3. Parameters 12.4. Procedure declarations and calls 12.5. Standard procedures 12.6. Function procedures 12.7. Exercises 13. Elementary Data Types 13.1. The types REAL and LONGREAL 13.2. Compatibility between numeric data types 13.3. The data type SET 13.4. Exercises 14. Open Arrays, Pointers and Procedure Types 14.1. Open arrays 14.2. Dynamic data structures and pointers 14.3. Procedure types 14.5. Exercises 15. Modules and Separate Compilation 15.1. The principle of information hiding 15.2. Separate compilation 15.3. Implementation of symbol files 15.4. Addressing external objects 15.5. Checking configuration consistency 15.6. Exercises 16. Code Optimizations and the Frontend/backend Structure 16.1. General considerations 16.2. Simple optimizations 16.3. Avoiding repeated evaluations 16.4. Register allocation 16.5. The frontend/backend compiler structure 16.6. Exercises Appendix A: Syntax A.1. Oberon-0 A.2. Oberon A.3. Symbol files Appendix B: The ASCII character set Appendix C: The Oberon-0 compiler C.1. The scanner C.2. The parser C.3. The code generator References


Encyclopedia of Learning & Memory

[Gale] Encyclopedia of Learning & Memory


ISO C++ Standards

ISO C++ Standards. Usually refered when design compilors.











The Cognitive Neuroscience Of Sleep - Neuronal Systems, Counsciousness And Learning

Dealing with sleep! What happened in sleep?


Pro Android 3

What you'll learn Use Android to build Java-based mobile applications for Google phones with a touch screen or keyboard Design and architect using Google’s Android SDK Use the Android SDK to write mobile applications for embedded devices Create 3D graphics with OpenGL and custom components Cuild multimedia and game apps using Android’s Media APIs and OpenGL Use Android’s location-based services, networking (Wi-Fi APIs), and security Create and allow for more integrated local and web searches Build handwriting gesture UIs Incorporate Google Translate into your Android applications


Perl最佳实践 中文版

Perl最佳实践 如何成为优秀的Perl程序员



[Perl.by.Example(4th.Edition)] Perl 实例精解,很有帮助



Perl语言入门(第五版)英文原版 简单的入门书籍


Perl Cookbook 2nd Edition

Perl程序员必备. Perl Cookbook is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for anyone programming in Perl. The book contains hundreds of rigorously reviewed Perl "recipes" and thousands of examples ranging from brief one-liners to complete applications. The second edition of Perl Cookbook has been fully updated for Perl 5.8, with extensive changes for Unicode support, I/O layers, mod_perl, and new technologies that have emerged since the previous edition of the book. Recipes have been updated to include the latest modules. New recipes have been added to every chapter of the book, and some chapters have almost doubled in size.



如此经典的书就不用多说了。 Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein ISBN:0262032937 The MIT Press © 2001 (1180 pages) A course in computer algorithms, suitable for use as a field reference for working software developers.


Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Introduction+to+the+Theory+of+Computation 计算理论的基础


HPL: Vol. IV: Functional and Logic Programming Languages

HPL: Vol. IV: Functional and Logic Programming Languages by Peter Salus Macmillan Technical Publishing, Macmillan Computer Publishing ISBN: 1578700116 Pub Date: 06/11/98 Foreword to the Handbook of Programming Languages About the Authors Part 1—Lisp Chapter 1—The LISP Language Chapter 2—Emacs Lisp: A Short Description 2.1. GNU Emacs and Emacs Lisp 2.2. Lisp Lists 2.2.1. Parts of Lisp 2.3. Example: Two Plus Two 2.4. Evaluation 2.5. A Function Definition 2.5.1. An Example of a Search Within a Buffer 2.5.2. An Example: multiply-by-seven 2.6. Variables 2.7. A Chest of Drawers 2.8. Functions 2.9. The read-eval-print Loop and Side Effects 2.10. Types of Variables 2.10.1. defvar and defconst 2.10.2. setq 2.10.3. Passing an Argument 2.10.4. A let Expression 2.10.5. Buffer-Local Variables 2.11. Sequencing 2.12. Conditionals 2.12.1. and, or, and not 2.13. while Loops and Recursion 2.13.1. while 2.13.2. car, cdr, cons: Fundamental Functions 2.13.3. while, Continued 2.13.4. Recursion 2.14. Macros 2.14.1. The list Built-in Function 2.14.2. Backquote 2.15. Property Lists 2.16. Keymaps 2.17. Editing Lisp 2.18. Help 2.19. Debugging 2.19.1. The Built-in Debugger 2.19.2. Edebug 2.20. Backups and Auto-Saving 2.21. Evaluating or Loading a Whole File 2.22. Byte Compilation 2.23. Your .emacs Initialization File Part II—Scheme Chapter 3—Scheme 3.1. Who Uses Scheme? 3.2. Scheme as a Dialect of Lisp 3.2.1. Expressions 3.2.2. Uniform Syntax 3.2.3. Automatic Storage Management 3.2.4. High-Level Data Types 3.2.5. Untyped Variables 3.3. Scheme as a Dialect of Algol 3.3.1. Internal Definitions 3.3.2. Lexical Scope 3.4. Innovations in Scheme 3.4.1. First-Class Data 3.4.2. Tail Call Elimination 3.4.3. First-Class Continuations 3.4.4. Lexical Scoping Rules for Macros 3.5. Functional Programming in Scheme 3.6. Object-Oriented Programming in Scheme 3.7. Common Problems for Beginning Scheme Programmers 3.7.1. Function Comp


artificial intelligence thru prolog

Artificial intelligence through prolog


Lisp in a Box for Windows - Lisp 编译器

Lisp in a Box for Windows Lisp in a Box on Windows has been modularized! •First, download the base installer and run it. This gives you GNU Emacs 21.3 and SLIME 2004-06-26. •Next, choose an implementation's module, and install it: ◦CLISP module. Includes CLISP 2.33. ◦Allegro Trial Edition 6.2 module. You must first install the trial edition from Franz's website. ◦Allegro 6.2 module. For people who have Allegro Common Lisp Enterprise Edition 6.2 already. •More than one implementation module can be installed.


习题答案 - 人工智能 一种现代方法

Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach Solution Manual


.Net Prolog 扩展

Logic programming for .NET Prolog.NET is a full featured Prolog programming environment for the .NET Framework. It includes an enhanced compiler with language extensions and a code generator targeting Microsoft's Intermediate Language (MSIL) and integration with Visual Studio .NET Integrated development environment. The purpsoe of this project is to provide seamless integration between .NET and Prolog by compiling Prolog code into reusable .NET objects that leverage the rich feature set provided by the .NET framework. This makes it easy to develop applications that combine the powerful features of both imperative and logic programming paradigms, as well as use logic programming as a meta-language to reason about object-oriented programs.


Pro C# With 3.0, Special Edition - 2007-01 Apress.pdf

Pro C# With 3.0, Special Edition - 2007-01 Apress.pdf 很好的排版~~



[计算机系统结构-量化研究方法].John.L.Hennessy,.David.A.Patterson.-.Computer.Architecture.-.A.Quantitative.Approach.pdf 最好的排版~~


汇编语言全接触 Win32 Odbc Vxd PE

Iczelion的Win32汇编教程 Iczelion的Odbc教程 Iczelion的Vxd教程 Iczelion的PE教程 罗云彬的Win32汇编教程 Win32ASM经验点滴 X86汇编语言编程 加密解密 病毒的分析和防治



FastReport.Net is a full-featured reporting solution for Windows Forms and ASP.NET. It can be used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and 2008.


各个算法的介绍, 详见资源描述

BLOWFISH B-P算法(二) B-P算法(三) DES数据加密标准 DES算法 DSA算法 ElGamal算法 Kohonen的SOFM(自组织特征映射) LAM(线性联想记忆)算法 LZW 压缩算法 MD5算法 PGP的安全性(一) PKCS #7 RSA算法 SSL是怎样工作的? Ternary Search Trees 产生组合的非递归算法 大整数的乘法 对LZW算法的改进及其在图象无损压缩中的应用 复数快速傅立叶变换算法 加密算法与密钥管理 经典加密算法在VB中的实现(1)- Rsa 经典加密算法在VB中的实现(2)- MD5 经典加密算法在VB中的实现(3)- RC4 经典加密算法在VB中的实现(4)- DES 经典字符串HASH函数测试 离散的Hopfield算法 秘密天窗加密方法C++源程序 浅谈图像压缩算法 求全排列的非递归算法 如何实现DES算法 神经元网络 LVQ(学习矢量量化)算法 神经元网络的经典B-P算法1 神经元网络的经典B-P算法2 神经元网络的经典B-P算法3 实数快速fft变换算法 实数快速fft算法二 使用ASP加密算法加密你的数据 手写体数据变换成像素位图的算法 算法网站 图形图像压缩存储技术 我的毕业论文的一部分算法 线性规划的单纯型算法vb实现 行程编码算法RCL 一个堆栈模块(C++实现) 一个关于网络路由选择的算法 一个圆周率的算法 有监督学习的前馈网络 自适应共振理论(ART) 最短路径算法 2^(67)的算法(转载) 16色BMP格式图像的压缩算法的改进 2002年考题之二



This booklet contains a collection of sorting and searching algorithms. While many books on data structures describe sorting and searching algorithms, most assume a background in calculus and probability theory. Although a formal presentation and proof of asymptotic behavior is important, a more intuitive explanation is often possible. The way each algorithm works is described in easy-to-understand terms. It is assumed that you have the knowledge equivalent to an introductory course in C or Pascal. In particular, you should be familiar with arrays and have a basic understanding of pointers. The material is presented in an orderly fashion, beginning with easy concepts and progressing to more complex ideas. Even though this collection is intended for beginners, more advanced users may benefit from some of the insights offered. In particular, the sections on hash tables and skip lists should prove interesting.


遗传 算法 的 数学 基础.pdf

遗传 算法 的 数学 基础 西安交通大学出版社



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