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原创 I'll leave XX gracefully...

Yes, Im gonna ressign...It is said that you join the company because of the company and you leave the company because of the manager.I do not wish to critisize anyone in the back. However, I do not

2007-11-08 23:32:00 556

原创 Aspects of Evolutionary Design by Computers---Peter Bentley

  Intelligent Systems Group, Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower St., London WC1E 6BT, UK.Tel. +44 (0)171 391 1329 Fax. +44 (0)171 387 1397E-mail: P.Bentley@cs.ucl

2004-08-14 02:27:00 2108

原创 Visualisation of Genetic Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem in Java --by Johannes Sarg

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)Find the shortest trip through n towns where each town must be visited exactly once.In the following we define that from each town all other towns can be

2004-08-14 02:20:00 1494

原创 Common Control Fundamentals

Common Control FundamentalsMFC provides classes to wrap the common controls just as it provides classes to wrap the core control types implemented in User.exe. The following table shows the 20 types

2001-06-03 01:32:00 1574

原创 Palettes

PalettesHave you ever written a Windows application that makes generous use of color only to find that the output looks crummy on 16-color and 256-color video adapters? Theres not a whole lot you c

2001-06-02 09:45:00 1630

原创 Bitmaps

BitmapsThe bitmapped image, or simply bitmap, is a staple of modern computer graphics because it allows computers to store complex images in the form of 1s and 0s. In Windows, bitmaps are GDI object

2001-06-02 09:40:00 2221

原创 Servlet

1. Basic Servlet StructureHeres the outline of a basic servlet that handles GET requests. GET requests, for those unfamiliar with HTTP, are requests made by browsers when the user types in a URL on t

2001-05-30 22:58:00 1040

原创 Introduction to CGI Variables

1. Introduction to CGI VariablesIf you come to Java servlets from traditional CGI, you are probably used to the idea of "CGI Variables". These are a somewhat eclectic collection of information ab

2001-05-30 22:47:00 1043

原创 JSP

. Syntax SummaryJSP Element Syntax Interpretation Notes JSP Expression Expression is evaluated and placed in output. XML equivalent isexpression. Predefined variables are reque

2001-05-30 22:43:00 1689

原创 Idle Processing

Idle ProcessingBecause MFCs application class, CWinApp, provides the message loop that retrieves and dispatches messages, its a simple matter for CWinApp to call a function in your application whe

2001-05-30 02:19:00 1327

原创 The Clock Application

The Clock ApplicationThe Clock application shown in Figure 14-1 uses a timer set to fire at 1-second intervals to periodically redraw a set of clock hands simulating an analog clock. Clock isnt a d

2001-05-30 02:13:00 1537

原创 Timers

TimersYou only need to know about two functions to use timers. CWnd::SetTimer programs a timer to fire at specified intervals, and CWnd::KillTimer stops a running timer. Depending on the parameters

2001-05-30 01:53:00 1213

原创 Printing Tips and Tricks

Printing Tips and TricksHere are a few tips, tricks, and answers to frequently asked questions to help you write better printing code and resolve problems that arent addressed in this chapters sam

2001-05-30 01:45:00 1126

原创 A Bare-Bones Printing Application

A Bare-Bones Printing ApplicationThe EZPrint application shown in Figure 13-2 demonstrates the minimum amount of work a document/view application must do to support printing and print previewing.

2001-05-28 20:06:00 1100

原创 Printing with Documents and Views

Printing with Documents and ViewsMFCs print architecture is built around a kernel formed by GDI printing functions and virtual CView member functions. To understand whats on the outside, it helps

2001-05-28 20:01:00 1826 1

原创 The MyWord Application

Putting It All Together: The MyWord ApplicationThe sample program shown in Figure 12-8 demonstrates many of the principles discussed in the preceding sections. MyWord is a miniature word processor b

2001-05-28 19:56:00 1290

原创 Status Bars

Status BarsIt has become common, even expected, for Windows applications to include status bars that display context-sensitive help for toolbar buttons and menu items. SDK-style Windows applications

2001-05-28 19:52:00 1364

原创 Toolbars

ToolbarsA toolbars purpose is to provide one-click access to commonly used commands. Toolbar buttons typically serve as shortcuts for menu commands, but they can also implement commands that dont

2001-05-28 19:45:00 1177

原创 Menu Basics

Menu BasicsLets start by defining a few terms. The menu bar that appears at the top of a window is an applications top-level menu, and the commands in it are called top-level menu items. The menu

2001-05-23 01:00:00 1031

原创 CSA

 1.1 Aim of this Assignment To show how the inputs to an adder circuit may be modified to make the resulting circuit perform other useful functions. 1.2Outline Circuit of the Device The

2001-05-22 07:48:00 1085

原创 Getting Input from the Keyboard

Getting Input from the KeyboardA Windows application learns of keyboard events the same way it learns about mouse events: through messages. A program receives a message whenever a key is pressed or

2001-05-22 06:45:00 1723

原创 The WM_NCHITTEST Message

 The WM_NCHITTEST MessageBefore a window receives a client-area or nonclient-area mouse message, it receives a WM_NCHITTEST message accompanied by the cursors screen coordinates. Most application

2001-05-22 06:43:00 2306

原创 Getting Input from the Mouse

Getting Input from the MouseWindows uses a number of different messages—more than 20 in all—to report input events involving the mouse. These messages fall into two rather broad categories: client-a

2001-05-22 06:09:00 1507

原创 The Mouse and the Keyboard

 The Mouse and the KeyboardIf life were like the movies, traditional input devices would have given way long ago to speech-recognition units, 3D headsets, and other human-machine interface gadgets

2001-05-22 05:59:00 1034

原创 The Accel Application

 The Accel ApplicationLets put this newfound knowledge to work by writing an application that scrolls. Accel draws a window that resembles Microsoft Excel. (See Figure 2-13.) The spreadsheet depi

2001-05-22 05:53:00 759

原创 Seeing What You've Drawn

Seeing What Youve DrawnUnfortunately, there is one small problem with Rulers output: Unless youre running the program on a very high resolution video adapter, you cant see everything it draws. E

2001-05-22 05:43:00 859

原创 The Brush Origin

 The Brush OriginOne attribute of a device context that you should be aware of when using dithered brush colors or hatch brushes is the brush origin. When Windows fills an area with a hatched or d

2001-05-22 05:02:00 1543

原创 Moving the Origin

 Moving the OriginBy default, a device contexts origin is in the upper left corner of the display surface. Even if you change the mapping mode, the origin remains in the upper left corner. But ju

2001-05-22 04:50:00 883

原创 MFC Application---The Frame Window Object

 The Frame Window ObjectMFCs CWnd class and its derivatives provide object-oriented interfaces to the window or windows an application creates. Hellos window class, CMainWindow, is derived from

2001-05-22 04:41:00 1154

原创 MFC Application

Your First MFC ApplicationIts time to build your first MFC application. And what better place to start than with one that displays "Hello, MFC" in a window? Based on the classic "Hello, world" prog

2001-05-22 04:39:00 3399

原创 Introducing MFC

Introducing MFCMFC is the C++ class library Microsoft provides to place an object-oriented wrapper around the Windows API. Version 6 contains about 200 classes, some of which youll use directly and

2001-05-22 04:36:00 844

原创 The Windows Programming Model-----messages

 Messages, Messages, and More MessagesWhere do messages come from, and what kinds of information do they convey? Windows defines hundreds of different message types. Most messages have names that

2001-05-22 04:31:00 626

原创 The Windows Programming Model

The Windows Programming ModelPrograms written for traditional operating environments use a procedural programming model in which programs execute from top to bottom in an orderly fashion. The path t

2001-05-22 04:23:00 840



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