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原创 my presentation2
#include#includetypedef int elementtype;struct Node;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode List;typedef PtrToNode Position;typedef struct Node{ int element; struct Node *next;
2017-04-24 18:00:12 287
原创 my presentation2
/*Question3.1:The question is to let us write a program to print out the element in the list*/#include#includetypedef int ElementType;#ifndef _List_H#define _List_Hstruct Node;typedef struc
2017-04-23 16:54:07 326
原创 my preaentation
/*Question3.1:The question is to let us write a program to print out the element in the list*/#include#include#define NULL ((Node *)0)typedef struct Node{ int data; struct Node *next;}
2017-04-23 16:10:00 333
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