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 装修。。。学习。。。转变。。。one book one life2006-8-7 

2006-08-07 10:16:00 853

Web性能权威指南(英文版) High performance browser networking

怎么才能让Web应用速度快、效率高?本书为所有关心这个问题的人提供了必须知道的网络知识,既包括影响性能的最基本因素,也包括那些能让我们创造更强大Web应用的重要技术革新,比如HTTP 2.0、XHR的改进、服务器发送事件(SSE)、WebSocket和WebRTC等。   《web性能权威指南》是谷歌公司高性能团队核心成员的权威之作,堪称实战经验与规范解读完美结合的产物。本书目标是涵盖web 开发者技术体系中应该掌握的所有网络及性能优化知识。全书以性能优化为主线,从tcp、udp 和tls 协议讲起,解释了如何针对这几种协议和基础设施来优化应用。然后深入探讨了无线和移动网络的工作机制。最后,揭示了http 协议的底层细节,同时详细介绍了http 2.0、 xhr、sse、websocket、webrtc 和datachannel 等现代浏览器新增的具有革命性的新能力。    《web性能权威指南》适合所有web 应用及站点开发人员阅读,包括但不限于前端、后端、运维、大数据分析、ui/ux、存储、视频、实时消息,以及性能工程师。


实例化需求:团队如何交付正确的软件 Specification by Example

  《实例化需求:团队如何交付正确的软件》是在世界各地调查了多个团队软件交付过程后的经验总结。书中介绍了这些团队如何在很短的周期内说明需求、开发软件,并交付正确的、无缺陷的产品;为团队在实施实例化需求说明时使用的模式、想法和工件创建了一致的语言;展示了案例中的团队用来实现实例化需求说明原则的关键性实践;并在案例分析部分展示了一些团队实施实例化需求说明的历程。    《实例化需求:团队如何交付正确的软件》适合与项目管理、开发、测试、交付有关的人员阅读。


node即学即用 (英文版) Node: Up and Running, Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript

《node即学即用》讲解如何用node 构建可扩展因特网应用,是全面的实用指南,除了详细介绍node 提供的api 外,还用大量篇幅介绍了服务器事件驱动开发的重要概念。内容涉及跨服务器的并发连接、非阻塞i/o 和事件驱动的编程、如何支持各种数据库和数据存储工具、node api 的使用示例等。 《node即学即用》适合对javascript 及编程有一定程度了解的读者阅读。


Continuous Delivery & Continuous Integration

Winner of the 2011 Jolt Excellence Award! Getting software released to users is often a painful, risky, and time-consuming process. This groundbreaking new book sets out the principles and technical practices that enable rapid, incremental delivery of high quality, valuable new functionality to users. Through automation of the build, deployment, and testing process, and improved collaboration between developers, testers, and operations, delivery teams can get changes released in a matter of hours— sometimes even minutes–no matter what the size of a project or the complexity of its code base. Jez Humble and David Farley begin by presenting the foundations of a rapid, reliable, low-risk delivery process. Next, they introduce the “deployment pipeline,” an automated process for managing all changes, from check-in to release. Finally, they discuss the “ecosystem” needed to support continuous delivery, from infrastructure, data and configuration management to governance. The authors introduce state-of-the-art techniques, including automated infrastructure management and data migration, and the use of virtualization. For each, they review key issues, identify best practices, and demonstrate how to mitigate risks. Coverage includes • Automating all facets of building, integrating, testing, and deploying software • Implementing deployment pipelines at team and organizational levels • Improving collaboration between developers, testers, and operations • Developing features incrementally on large and distributed teams • Implementing an effective configuration management strategy • Automating acceptance testing, from analysis to implementation • Testing capacity and other non-functional requirements • Implementing continuous deployment and zero-downtime releases • Managing infrastructure, data, components and dependencies • Navigating risk management, compliance, and auditing Whether you’re a developer, systems administrator, tester, or manager, this book will help your organization move from idea to release faster than ever—so you can deliver value to your business rapidly and reliably. -------------------------------------------- For any software developer who has spent days in “integration hell,” cobbling together myriad software components, Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk illustrates how to transform integration from a necessary evil into an everyday part of the development process. The key, as the authors show, is to integrate regularly and often using continuous integration (CI) practices and techniques. The authors first examine the concept of CI and its practices from the ground up and then move on to explore other effective processes performed by CI systems, such as database integration, testing, inspection, deployment, and feedback. Through more than forty CI-related practices using application examples in different languages, readers learn that CI leads to more rapid software development, produces deployable software at every step in the development lifecycle, and reduces the time between defect introduction and detection, saving time and lowering costs. With successful implementation of CI, developers reduce risks and repetitive manual processes, and teams receive better project visibility.


UNIX环境高级编程 第二版 + UNIX 网络编程 第一卷第3版 源代码.

源代码打包: UNIX环境高级编程第二版 UNIX 网络编程第一卷第3版 不用多说,传世经典!


Python Essential Reference (4rd Edition) (Amazon 5 Stars) (strong recommendation!)

Python Essential Reference is the definitive reference guide to the Python programming language — the one authoritative handbook that reliably untangles and explains both the core Python language and the most essential parts of the Python library. Designed for the professional programmer, the book is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. It also includes detailed information on the Python library and many advanced subjects that is not available in either the official Python documentation or any other single reference source. Thoroughly updated to reflect the significant new programming language features and library modules that have been introduced in Python 2.6 and Python 3, the fourth edition of Python Essential Reference is the definitive guide for programmers who need to modernize existing Python code or who are planning an eventual migration to Python 3. Programmers starting a new Python project will find detailed coverage of contemporary Python programming idioms. This fourth edition of Python Essential Reference features numerous improvements, additions, and updates: Coverage of new language features, libraries, and modules Practical coverage of Python's more advanced features including generators, coroutines, closures, metaclasses, and decorators Expanded coverage of library modules related to concurrent programming including threads, subprocesses, and the new multiprocessing module Up-to-the-minute coverage of how to use Python 2.6’s forward compatibility mode to evaluate code for Python 3 compatibility Improved organization for even faster answers and better usability Updates to reflect modern Python programming style and idioms Updated and improved example code Deep coverage of low-level system and networking library modules — including options not covered in the standard documentation http://www.amazon.com/Python-Essential-Reference-David-Beazley/dp/0672329786/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262927846&sr=1-3


UNIX shell范例精解 第4版 (UNIX Shells by Example, Fourth Edition )

The best thing in this new edition is that the author presents short, effective examples of using basic commands and utilities for each of the three major Unix shells. This comparative approach means that you can use this book on different flavors of Unix and even migrate scripts between different shells. For each shell, the author provides fundamentals, like accessing profiles, command-line histories, and shell programming. "Lab sections" let you develop your skills with short, hands-on exercises for each shell. As in the earlier edition, the author's short examples show you how to perform basic tasks quickly with common switches and options. Other sections here cover three major Unix utilities: grep (for searching), sed (for editing), and awk (for scripting and reporting). (The reference and tutorial on AWK programming is a notable feature here. There is also good coverage of regular expressions.) Instead of hunting down information in countless man pages, this book will save you valuable time every day with its efficient format and comparative approach--truly useful features for the beginning and intermediate Unix user. --Richard Dragan Topics covered: C, Bourne, and Korn Unix shells; grep, sed, and awk utilities; regular expressions; and shell programming. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


学习OpenCV(Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library )

本书由OpenCV发起人所写,站在一线开发人员的角度用通俗易懂的语言解释了OpenCV的缘起和计算机视觉基础结构,演示了如何用OpenCV和现有的自由代码为各种各样的机器进行编程 计算机视觉是在图像处理的基础上发展起来的新兴学科。OpenCV是一个开源的计算机视觉库,是英特尔公司资助的两大图像处理利器之一。它为图像处理、模式识别、三维重建、物体跟踪、机器学习和线性代数提供了各种各样的算法。. 本书由OpenCV发起人所写,站在一线开发人员的角度用通俗易懂的语言解释了OpenCV的缘起和计算机视觉基础结构,演示了如何用OpenCV和现有的自由代码为各种各样的机器进行编程,这些都有助于读者迅速入门并渐入佳境,兴趣盎然地深入探索计算机视觉领域。 本书可作为信息处理、计算机、机器人、人工智能、遥感图像处理、认知神经科学等有关专业的高年级学生或研究生的教学用书,也可供相关领域的研究工作者参考。 透过本书,您将置身于迅速发展的计算机视觉领域。本书由自由开源OpenCV的发起人所著,介绍了计算机视觉,并通过实例演示了如何快速生成这样的应用——能使计算机“看到”并根据由此获取的数据做出决策。 计算机视觉无处不在,安全系统、制造检验系统、医学图像分析、无人机等都可以见到它的踪影。它与Google Map和Google Earth紧密结合,它检查LCD屏幕上的像素,它确保衬衫上的每个针脚都能完全缝合。OpenCV提供了一个简易好用的计算机视觉框架和一个丰富的库,后者包含500多个可实时运行视觉代码的函数。.. 透过各章提供的练习,任何一个开发人员或爱好者都可以迅速掌握如何使用这个框架。本书特色主题如下: 透彻介绍OpenCV 从摄像机获取输入 图像的变换 图像的分割和形状的匹配 模式识别,包括人脸检测 二维和三维场景中的跟踪监测 根据立体视觉进行三维重构 机器学习算法 “让机器来看”是一个富有挑战但也很有意思的目标。不管是想构建简单的视觉应用,还是复杂的视觉应用,都离不开这本入门必备参考,拿起它,开始愉快的学习之旅吧!... "This library is useful for practitioners, and is an excellent tool for those entering the field: it is a set of computer vision algorithms that work as advertised." -William T. Freeman, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Learning OpenCV puts you in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of the free open source OpenCV library, this book introduces you to computer vision and demonstrates how you can quickly build applications that enable computers to "see" and make decisions based on that data. Computer vision is everywhere-in security systems, manufacturing inspection systems, medical image analysis, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and more. It stitches Google maps and Google Earth together, checks the pixels on LCD screens, and makes sure the stitches in your shirt are sewn properly. OpenCV provides an easy-to-use computer vision framework and a comprehensive library with more than 500 functions that can run vision code in real time. Learning OpenCV will teach any developer or hobbyist to use the framework quickly with the help of hands-on exercises in each chapter. This book includes: A thorough introduction to OpenCV Getting input from cameras Transforming images Segmenting images and shape matching Pattern recognition, including face detection Tracking and motion in 2 and 3 dimensions 3D reconstruction from stereo vision Machine learning algorithms Getting machines to see is a challenging but entertaining goal. Whether you want to build simple or sophisticated vision applications, Learning OpenCV is the book you need to get started.


领域驱动设计与模式实战 (Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET )

Martin Fowler和Eric Evans两位大师联袂推荐. .NET开发人员必读之作.. 《企业应用架构模式》与《领域驱动设计》两大名著精髓的实战演练 教你穿越业务层、数据层和UI层之间重重障碍,打通任督二脉... 模式、领域驱动设计和测试驱动开发赋予架构师和开发人员前所未有的能力,使他们能够创建功能强大、健壮且可维护的系统。但是,如何在实际项目中充分发挥这些利器的潜力呢?. 本书中,作者将Martin Fowler《企业应用架构模式》和Eric Evans《领域驱动设计》两部经典名著中的思想精髓以及重构、测试驱动开发等技术融会贯通,并通过大量C#实例加以阐释,跨越了领域模型、数据库与UI 层之间的障碍,真实展示了创建高质量的企业级应用架构的全部过程。.. 本书就像是精彩纷呈的旅行见闻,每一处的所思所想都闪耀着智慧的光芒,生动诠释了作者对面向对象开发中各种设计选择的深刻理解。... Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns is the first complete, practical guide to leveraging patterns, domain-driven design, and test-driven development in .NET environments. Drawing on seminal work by Martin Fowler and Eric Evans, Jimmy Nilsson shows how to customize real-world architectures for any .NET application. You'll learn how to prepare domain models for application infrastructure; support business rules; provide persistence support; plan for the presentation layer and UI testing; and design for service orientation or aspect orientation. Nilsson illuminates each principle with clear, well-annotated code examples based on C# 2.0, .NET 2.0, and SQL Server 2005. His examples will be valuable both to C# developers and those working with other .NET languages and databases -- or even with other platforms, such as J2EE. Thanks for : ylncepu ylncepu发表的评论 顺便补充下楼主遗漏的提示:下载后如果打开发现看不了内容,可以尝试将文件重命名,压缩包中的文件名特殊字符好像有影响 时间:2010-03-13 22:12:31



一本揭示高效程序员的思考模式,一本告诉你如何缩短你与优秀程序员的差距   Anyone who develops software for a living needs a proven way to produce it better, faster, and cheaper. The Productive Programmer offers critical timesaving and productivity tools that you can adopt right away, no matter what platform you use. Master developer Neal Ford not only offers advice on the mechanics of productivity--how to work smarter, spurn interruptions, get the most out your computer, and avoid repetition--he also details valuable practices that will help you elude common traps, improve your code, and become more valuable to your team. You'll learn to: * Write the test before you write the code * Manage the lifecycle of your objects fastidiously * Build only what you need now, not what you might need later * Apply ancient philosophies to software development * Question authority, rather than blindly adhere to standards * Make hard things easier and impossible things possible through meta-programming * Be sure all code within a method is at the same level of abstraction * Pick the right editor and assemble the best tools for the job This isn't theory, but the fruits of Ford's real-world experience as an Application Architect at the global IT consultancy ThoughtWorks. Whether you're a beginner or a pro with years of experience, you'll improve your work and your career with the simple and straightforward principles in The Productive Programmer.


深入理解Linux内核(第三版) (英文版) Understanding the Linux Kernel

为了透彻理解Linux的工作机理,以及为何它在各种系统上能顺畅运行,你需要深入到内核的心脏。cPu与外部世界的所有交互活动都是由内核处理的,哪些程序会分享处理器的时间,以什么样的顺序来分享。内核不遗余力地管理有限的内存,以使数以千计的进程有效地共享系统资源。内核还精心组织数据传送,使得 cPu不再受限于慢速硬盘。 《深入理解Linux内核》第三版将引领你畅游内核中用到的最主要数据结构、算法和编程技巧。如果你的确想了解计算机内部的实现机理,那么作者透过现象探寻本质,提供了颇有价值的深入分析。本书针对具体的Intel平台,讨论了其重要特征,逐行剖析了相关的代码片段。但是,本书涵盖的内容不仅仅局限于代码的机理,还解释了Linux运作方式的理论支撑。 本书第三版涵盖Linux 2.6,从中可以看到几乎内核每个子系统都有相当大的变化,首当其冲的是内存管理和块设备部分。本书集中讨论了如下内容: 内存管理,包括文件缓冲、进程交换以及直接内存访问(DMA) 虚拟文件系统层和第二及第三扩展文件系统 进程创建及调度   信号、中断及设备驱动程序的主要接口   定时   内核中的同步   进程间通信(IPC)   程序执行   本书将使你熟悉Linux所有的内在工作机理,但本书不仅仅是一种学术演练。你将了解到什么条件会促使Linux产生最佳性能,你还会看到,Linux 在各种环境下如何满足进程调度、文件访问及内存管理期间系统提出的快速响应要求。本书有助于你充分展现Linux系统的魅力。


面向对象分析与设计(第3版) Object Oriented Analysis And Design With Applications 3Rd Edition

本书是UML创始人Grady Booch的代表作之一,书中介绍的概念都基于牢固的理论基础。同时,本书又是一本注重实效的书,面向架构师和软件开发者等软件工程实践者的实际需要。本书通过大量例子说明了基本概念,解释了方法,并展示了在不同领域的成功应用。全书分为理论和应用两部分。理论部分深刻剖析了面向对象分析与设计 (OOAD)的概念和方法。应用部分连续列出了5个不同类型、不同领域的应用,描述如何从初始阶段到移交阶段将OOAD理论和方法应用到项目中。应用部分所涉及的领域包括系统架构、数据获取、密码分析、控制系统和Web开发,还给出了一些关于重要问题的有效建议,包括分类、实现策略和高性价比的项目管理。 Amazon.com Review In this eagerly awaited second edition, Grady Booch draws upon the rich and varied results of those projects and offers improved methods for object development and a new, unified notation. With numerous examples implemented in C++, Booch illustrates essential concepts, explains the method, and shows successful applications in a variety of fields. Booch also gives pragmatic advice on a host of issues, including classification, implementation strategies, and cost-effective project management. A two-time winner of Software Development's coveted Jolt Cola Product Excellence Award! --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Product Description Object-Oriented Design with Applications has long been the essential reference to object-oriented technology, which, in turn, has evolved to join the mainstream of industrial-strength software development. In this third edition--the first revision in 13 years--readers can learn to apply object-oriented methods using new paradigms such as Java, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.0, and .NET. The authors draw upon their rich and varied experience to offer improved methods for object development and numerous examples that tackle the complex problems faced by software engineers, including systems architecture, data acquisition, cryptoanalysis, control systems, and Web development. They illustrate essential concepts, explain the method, and show successful applications in a variety of fields. You'll also find pragmatic advice on a host of issues, including classification, implementation strategies, and cost-effective project management. New to this new edition are * An introduction to the new UML 2.0, from the notation's most fundamental and advanced elements with an emphasis on key changes * New domains and contexts * A greatly enhanced focus on modeling--as eagerly requested by readers--with five chapters that each delve into one phase of the overall development lifecycle. * Fresh approaches to reasoning about complex systems * An examination of the conceptual foundation of the widely misunderstood fundamental elements of the object model, such as abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, and hierarchy * How to allocate the resources of a team of developers and mange the risks associated with developing complex software systems * An appendix on object-oriented programming languages This is the seminal text for anyone who wishes to use object-oriented technology to manage the complexity inherent in many kinds of systems.



"…a well-written and practical reference guide to these standards, and the author's fluid style turns what might be a complex subject into enjoyable reading…" (IEEE Multimedia, January-March 2005) "...a fascinating attempt to explain the fundamentals of MPEG-4 video technologies...highly recommended for broadcast engineers..." (EBU Technical Review, 2004) Product Description Following on from the successful MPEG-2 standard, MPEG-4 Visual is enabling a new wave of multimedia applications from Internet video streaming to mobile video conferencing. The new H.264 ‘Advanced Video Coding’ standard promises impressive compression performance and is gaining support from developers and manufacturers. The first book to cover H.264 in technical detail, this unique resource takes an application-based approach to the two standards and the coding concepts that underpin them. * Presents a practical, step-by-step, guide to the MPEG-4 Visual and H.264 standards for video compression. * Introduces the basic concepts of digital video and covers essential background material required for an understanding of both standards. * Provides side-by-side performance comparisons of MPEG-4 Visual and H.264 and advice on how to approach and interpret them to ensure conformance. * Examines the way that the standards have been shaped and developed, discussing the composition and procedures of the VCEG and MPEG standardisation groups. Focussing on compression tools and profiles for practical multimedia applications, this book ‘decodes’ the standards, enabling developers, researchers, engineers and students to rapidly get to grips with both H.264 and MPEG-4 Visual. Dr Iain Richardson leads the Image Communication Technology research group at the Robert Gordon University in Scotland and is the author of over 40 research papers and two previous books on video compression technology.



本书以机器学习与计算统计为主题背景,专门讲述如何挖掘和分析Web上的数据和资源,如何分析用户体验、市场营销、个人品味等诸多信息,并得出有用的结论,通过复杂的算法来从Web网站获取、收集并分析用户的数据和反馈信息,以便创造新的用户价值和商业价值。全书内容翔实,包括协作过滤技术(实现关联产品推荐功能)、集群数据分析(在大规模数据集中发掘相似的数据子集)、搜索引擎核心技术(爬虫、索引、查询引擎、PageRank算法等)、搜索海量信息并进行分析统计得出结论的优化算法、贝叶斯过滤技术(垃圾邮件过滤、文本过滤)、用决策树技术实现预测和决策建模功能、社交网络的信息匹配技术、机器学习和人工智能应用等。 本书是Web开发者、架构师、应用工程师等的绝佳选择。


RTP Audio and Video for the Internet

Addison-Wesley, 2003. ISBN 0-672-32249-8 This book describes the protocols, standards, and architecture of systems that deliver real-time voice, music, and video over IP networks, such as the Internet. Relevant applications include voice-over-IP, telephony, teleconferencing, streaming video, and web-casting. The focus of the book is media transport: how to reliably deliver audio and video across an IP network, how to ensure high quality in the face of network problems, and how to ensure that the system is secure. The book adopts a standards-based approach, based around the Real-time Transport Protocol, RTP, and its associated profiles and payload formats. It describes the RTP framework, how to build a system that uses that framework, and extensions to RTP for security and reliability.


软件工程实践者的研究方法 (中文版)

本书自1982年发行第1版以来,一直受到软件工程界的高度重视,成为高等院校计算机相关专业软件工程课的重要教学参考书。20多年来,它的各个后继版本一直都是软件专业人土熟悉的读物,在国际软件工程界享有无可质疑的权威地位。它在全面而系统、概括而清晰地介绍软件工程的有关概念、原则、方法和工具方面获得了广大读者的好评。此外,本书在给出传统的、对学科发展具有深刻影响的方法时,又适当地介绍了当前正在发展的、具有生命力的新技术。 本书第6版在结构和内容上均有不少调整、更新和充实。第6版更加突出了软件过程,增加了敏捷开发方法,更便于阅读。全书包括软件过程、软件工程实践、应用web工程、管理软件项目及软件工程高级课题五个部分。 本书可作为计算机相关专业本科生和研究生的教材,同时也是软件工程领域专业人员的优秀参考读物。.. 20多年以来,《软件工程:实践者的研究方法》一书是最受学生和行业专业人员欢迎的软件工程指南。它在全面而系统、概括而清晰地介绍软件工程的有关概念、原则、方法和工具方面获得了广大读者的好评,在国际软件工程界享有无可质疑的权威地位。. 本书第6版在结构和内容上均有不少调整、更新和充实。第6版更加突出了软件过程,增加了敏捷开发方法,论述了很多人们称之为“21世纪工程学科”的重要主题。 对第6版的内容做了如下划分,更便于课堂教学及自学使用: ●第一部分 软件过程,介绍了惯例模型和敏捷过程模型。 ●第二部分 软件工程实践,介绍了现代分析、设计和测试方法,新的重点放在基于UML的建模方面。 ●第三部分 应用Web工程,是第6版中新增的内容,描述了如何使软件工程实践适应WebApp 工程。 ●第四部分 管理软件项目,介绍与计划、管理和控制软件项目有关的主题。 ●第五部分 软件工程高级课题,专门讲述了形式化方法、净室软件工程、基于构件的方法及再工程。..



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