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翻译 GNU Make 手册第二章节

GNU Make 手册第二章节2 An Introduction to Makefiles2.1 What a Rule Looks Like2 An Introduction to MakefilesYou need a file called a makefile to tell make what to do. Most often, the makefile tells make how to compile and link a program.您需要一个名为 makefile 的文件来告

2020-07-01 18:02:55 257

翻译 The GNU Build System

2. The GNU Build SystemAutoconf solves an important problem —reliable discovery of system-specifc build and runtime information —but this is only one piece of the puzzle for the development of portab

2017-05-18 15:03:16 572

翻译 GNU Autoconf Introduction

下载地址:https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/autoconf.pdfAutoconf is a tool for producing shell scripts that automatically configure software source code packages to adapt to many kinds of Po

2017-05-15 15:35:24 413

翻译 What is COM, COM+? (什么是COM, COM+?)

What is COM?什么是COM?Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) technology in the Microsoft Windows-family of Operating Systems enables software components to communicate. Microsoft Windows系列操作系统中的 Micros

2017-05-11 11:59:22 1177

翻译 Options Controlling the Kind of Output ( 控制输出种类的选项 )

翻译这篇文章时明显感觉到难度加大,个别句子暂时无法理解,已用大号字体标出,希望以后能够补上Using the GNU Compiler CollectionGCC Command OptionsOptions Controlling the Kind of Output控制输出种类的选项Compilation can involve up to four stages: preprocessing

2017-05-08 09:38:39 488

原创 编译php7.1.4出现 undefined reference to isfinite

我在 CentOS5.5 上编译 php7.1.4 出现错误:ext/standard/.libs/var.o: In function `php_var_export_ex':/PHP/32/source/php7.1.4_zts/ext/standard/var.c:473: undefined reference to `isfinite'

2017-05-04 11:32:16 4228 1

翻译 Option Summary ( GCC 选项概要 )

Using the GNU Compiler Collection3 GCC Command OptionsGCC 选项概要

2017-04-28 17:58:13 3399

翻译 GCC Command Options ( GCC 命令行选项 )

Using the GNU Compiler Collection3 GCC Command OptionsWhen you invoke GCC, it normally does preprocessing, compilation, assembly and linking. 当您调用GCC时,通常会进行预处理,编译,汇编和链接。

2017-04-28 16:08:44 2528

翻译 Go HSAIL and Other Language Standards Supported by GCC ( GCC 支持的Go HSAIL和其他语言标准 )

Using the GNU Compiler CollectionLanguage Standards Supported by GCCGCC 支持的语言标准2.4 Go Language2.5 HSA Intermediate Language2.6 References for Other Language

2017-04-28 10:46:37 356

翻译 Objective-C Objective-C++ Language Standards Supported by GCC ( GCC 支持的Objective-C Objective-C++标准 )

Using the GNU Compiler CollectionLanguage Standards Supported by GCCGCC支持的语言标准2.3 Objective-C and Objective-C++ LanguagesGCC supports“traditional”Objective-C(also known as“Objective-C 1.0”) and contain

2017-04-27 11:28:46 798

翻译 C++ Language Standards Supported by GCC ( GCC 支持的C++语言标准 )

Using the GNU Compiler CollectionC++ Language Standards Supported by GCCC++ LanguageGCC supports the original ISO C++ standard published in 1998, and the 2011 and 2014 revisions.GCC支持1998年出版的原始 ISO

2017-04-26 17:31:07 1227

翻译 C Language Standards Supported by GCC (GCC 支持的C语言标准)

C Language Standards Supported by GCC (GCC 支持的C语言标准)For each language compiled by GCC for which there is a standard, 对于由GCC编制的每种语言都有一个标准

2017-04-25 19:39:08 891

翻译 Programming Languages Supported by GCC(GCC 支持的编程语言)

Programming Languages Supported by GCCGCC 支持的编程语言GCC stands for “GNU Compiler Collection”. GCC 全称 “GNU Compiler Collection ( GNU 编译器工具集 )”

2017-04-24 14:57:07 1420

翻译 Using the GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Compiler Collection Internals Introduction

推荐两本 GCC 手册Using the GNU Compiler Collection ( PDF)GNU Compiler Collection Internals ( PDF )

2017-04-21 17:21:55 662

原创 C语言各类型在x86与x64环境下的长度

struct T { char a; int b; char c;}printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct T)); //x64 12 x86 12printf("%d\n", sizeof(long long)); //x64 8 x86 8printf("%d\n", sizeof(long)); //x64 8

2017-04-14 11:53:01 5985 1

翻译 XHProf Documentation (XHProf 中文手册)

XHProf Documentation (译)

2016-05-16 12:03:52 4502

原创 PHP 大小写转换函数 lcfirst ucfirst ucwords strtolower strtoupper

PHP 大小写转换函数 lcfirst ucfirst ucwords strtolower strtoupperlcfirst -- 将字符串的首字母转换为小写ucfirst -- 将字符串的首字母转换为大写ucwords -- 将字符串中每个单词的首字母转换为大写strtolower -- 将字符串转化为小写strtoupper -- 将字符串转化为大写

2016-02-19 17:17:54 888 1

原创 PHP字符串函数之 trim ltrim rtrim chop

PHP字符串函数之 trim ltrim rtrim chop trim – 去除字符串首尾处的空白字符(或者其他字符) ltrim – 删除字符串开头的空白字符(或其他字符) rtrim – 删除字符串末端的空白字符(或者其他字符) chop -- rtrim() 函数别名

2016-01-22 17:15:16 1702

原创 PHP字符串函数之 sscanf echo print sprintf vsprintf printf vprintf fprintf vfprintf

PHP字符串函数之 sscanf echo print sprintf vsprintf printf vprintf fprintf vfprintf标签:PHP字符函数 PHP字符串输入输出 sscanf – 根据指定格式解析输入的字符 echo – 输出一个或多个字符串 print – 输出字符串 sprintf – 返回格式化字符串 vsprintf – 返回格式化

2016-01-15 17:31:52 899

原创 PHP字符串函数之 strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp strnatcmp strnatcasecmp

PHP字符串函数之 strcmp strncmp strcasecmp strncasecmp strnatcmp strnatcasecmp strcmp – 二进制安全字符串比较 strncmp – 二进制安全比较字符串开头的若干个字符 strcasecmp – 二进制安全比较字符串(不区分大小写) strncasecmp – 二进制安全比较字符串开头的若干个字符(不区分大

2015-12-25 13:23:43 1182

原创 PHP字符串函数之 strpos stripos strrpos strripos

PHP字符串函数之 strpos stripos strrpos strripos strpos – 查找字符串首次出现的位置stripos – 查找字符串首次出现的位置(不区分大小写)strrpos – 计算指定字符串在目标字符串中最后一次出现的位置strripos –计算指定字符串在目标字符串中最后一次出现的位置(不区分大小写)

2015-12-18 20:57:28 1473

原创 PHP字符串函数之 strstr stristr strchr strrchr

PHP字符串函数之 strstr stristr strchr strrchr strstr – 查找字符串的首次出现,返回字符串从第一次出现的位置开始到该字符串的结尾或开始。stristr – strstr 函数的忽略大小写版本strchr – strstr 函数的别名strrchr – 查找字符串的最后一次出现,返回字符串从最后一次出现的位置开始到该字符串的结尾。

2015-12-18 20:53:54 584

翻译 PHP 源码编码标准

PHP Coding StandardsPHP 源码编码标准

2015-11-22 22:53:14 1025

原创 Windows 7 x64 下 VS2012/VS2013 编译 PHP5.6

资源下载php-sdk-binary-tools-20110915.zipdeps-5.6-vc11-x64.7zphp-5.6.8-src.zip请自行下载安装VS2012或VS2013开始编译1. 创建文件夹 D:\php-sdk2. 解压php-sdk-binary-tools-20110915.zip到D:\php-sdk D:\php-sdk

2015-05-13 23:00:48 1815



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