emerge -k(小写) foo => same as -K but downloads source and compiles if binary is not available
emerge foo => downloads and compiles source。-k(小写) = --usepkg,小写一般用于GRP
emerge -K(大写) foo => installs package foo from binary package, fails if not available。-K(大写) = --usepkgonly,大写一般用于自己下载的包
emerge -k(小写) foo => same as -K but downloads source and compiles if binary is not available
emerge foo => downloads and compiles source。-k(小写) = --usepkg,小写一般用于GRP
emerge -K(大写) foo => installs package foo from binary package, fails if not available。-K(大写) = --usepkgonly,大写一般用于自己下载的包