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原创 Ruby on Rails

最近在学习Ruby on Rails,感觉使用起来很爽,Ruby在网络编程逻辑构成及数据库操作方面非常方便,今天shopping cart代码刚刚过了一遍,运行起来也十分正常,虽然在本地实现过程中遇到了不少难题,但最终还是解决了,建议初学者对于经典教程一定要认真学习,注意每个字,每个句子,我得教材是英文原版:Agile Web Development with Rails 1nd Edition.

2007-07-09 09:10:00 454

原创 郁闷,无奈


2007-05-14 22:43:00 474

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2006-07-16 13:49:00 711

CSS Web Designed Templates (Professional Amazing Designs) Set

CSS Web Designed Templates (Professional Amazing Designs) Set, Good things for you, hope you will like it.



Using Ajax, you can build Web applications with the sophistication and usability of traditional desktop<br/><br/>applications and you can do it using standards and open source software. Now, for the first time,<br/><br/>there's an easy, example-driven guide to Ajax for every Web and open source developer, regardless of<br/><br/>experience.<br/><br/>


The Ruby Way

Ruby is a fully object-oriented, dynamic scripting language which borrows some of the best features from LISP, Smalltalk, Perl, CLU, and other languages, and blends them into a harmonious whole. The design philosophy of Ruby encourages human-oriented design, rapid development, and test-first coding.<br/><br/>Use Ruby where you would use Perl, C++,Smalltalk or Python, but free from special cases, reliance on workspace, and with greater simplicity. Ruby syntax is elegant, fast and powerful making programs that are concise, easy to understand and maintain.<br/><br/>


Ruby for Rails

I can’t learn a language for the sake of it. I need to have a concrete desire to do something<br/>with it—to solve a problem or a task, to create something of value... That’s how<br/>I got into Ruby around the summer of 2003. I wanted to build a Web application and<br/>decided this was the perfect opportunity to learn Ruby. That Web application was<br/>Basecamp, which eventually served as the point of extraction for Rails.


Agile Web Development with Rails Final

Ruby on Rails is a framework that makes it easier to develop, deploy, and<br/>maintain web applications.<br/>Of course, all web frameworks make the same claim. What makes Rails<br/>different? We can answer that question a number of ways.


Pragmatic Ajax

This is a book about developing effective web applications. We’re not<br/>going to dance around this issue. Underneath everything else, this<br/>book is about XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, and standards that have been<br/>around for almost a decade now. Not only do we admit this truth,<br/>we embrace it. Just because these standards have been around for a<br/>while doesn’t mean that we can’t build something new and exciting out<br/>of them. Technology, like Jello, takes a while to solidify into something<br/>tasty and satisfying.


Wrox Professional Ajax

With recent advances in JavaScript, web developers have been able to create an unprecedented user experience in web applications. Breaking free of the "click-and-wait" paradigm that has dominated the web since its inception, developers can now bring features formerly reserved for desktop applications onto the web using a technique called Ajax.



Sometimes your destiny will follow you around for years before you notice it.<br/>Amidst the medley of fascinating new technologies that I was playing—I mean<br/>working—with in the early 1990s was a stunted little scripting language called<br/>JavaScript.



Making Web applications look and feel like desktop applications is what<br/>this book is all about — that’s what Ajax does. Although Web development<br/>is getting more and more popular, users still experience the nasty part<br/>of having to click a button, wait until a new page loads, click another button,<br/>wait until a new page loads, and so on.<br/>That’s where Ajax comes in. With Ajax, you communicate with the server<br/>behind the scenes, grab the data you want and display it instantly in a Web<br/>page — no page refreshes needed, no flickering in the browser, no waiting.<br/>That’s a big deal, because at last it lets Web applications start to look like<br/>desktop applications. With today’s faster connections, grabbing data from<br/>the server is usually a snap, so Web software can have the same look and feel<br/>of software on the user’s desktop.<br/>And that, in a nutshell, is going to be the future of Web programming — now<br/>the applications in your browser can look and work just like the applications<br/>installed on your computer. No wonder Ajax is the hottest topic to come<br/>along in years.



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