Indy Plenum - 请求处理


To handler requests sent by client, the node has a several managers:
节点有不同的 managers 来处理由客户端发送的请求:

  • write_manager
  • read_manager
  • action_manager All of this managers have a 2 type of handlers:
    所有的这个 managers 都有 2 种类型的 handlers:
  • request handlers (WriteRequestHandler, ReadRequestHandler and ActionRequestHandler)
  • batch handlers (Pool/Domain/Config/Audit BatchHandler) Request handler needs to making static and dynamic validation and updating state. Batch handlers perform a batch-related functions, like apply_batch, commit_batch and reject_batch. All of managers have an API method for registering request and batch handlers, that’s called register_req_handler and register_batch_handler correspondingly. During static or dynamic validation all of handlers which associated with required transaction type will be called and performed. It means, that we can divide some specific validations into different request handlers. Also, this logic is suitable for batch’s handlers too.
    batch handlers (Pool/Domain/Config/Audit BatchHandler) 请求 handler 需要进行静态地以及动态的校验并且更新 state。Batch handlers 执行的是 batch 相关的功能,比如 apply_batch, commit_batch and reject_batch。所有的 managers 都有一个 API 方法来注册请求以及 batch handlers,方法名字分别是 register_req_handler and register_batch_handler。在进行静态或者动态的校验过程中,所有跟请求的交易类型相关联的 handlers 会被调用和执行。这意味着,我们可以将一些特定的验证拆分到不同的 request handlers 来处理。这个逻辑对于 batch 的 handlers 也是适用的。

There are 3 types of requests a client can send:
客户端可以发送 3 种类型的请求:

  • Query: Here the client is requesting transactions or some state variables from the node(s). The client can either send a GET_TXN to get any transaction with a sequence number from any ledger. Or it can send specific GET_* transactions for queries. read_manager will be used for this request type.
    Query:客户端在请求从节点获取交易信息或者一些 state 变量。客户端可以发送一个 GET_TXN 从账本上获得带有一个顺序编号的任何一个交易信息。或者它也可以发送指定的 GET_* 来查询交易。read_manager 会用来处理这种类型的请求。
  • Write: Here the client is asking the nodes to write a new transaction to the ledger and change some state variable. This requires the nodes to run a consensus protocol (currently RBFT). If the protocol run is successful, then the client’s proposed changes are written. write_manager will be used for this request type.
    Write:客户端会请求节点向账本种写入一个新的交易并且改变一些 state 变量值。这个需要节点运行一个共识协议 (当前是 RBFT)。如果节点运行成功,那么客户端提出的这个改动就会被写入。write_manager 会用来处理这种类型的请求。


Below is a description of how a request is processed. A node on receiving a client request in validateClientMsg:
下边描述了一个请求是如何被处理的。当节点在 validateClientMsg 中接收到了一个客户端的请求的时候:

  • The node performs static validation checks (validation that does not require any state, like mandatory fields are present, etc), it uses ClientMessageValidator and static_validation from associated manager.
    节点会进行静态校验 (静态校验不需要任何的 state,比如一些展示的必填的字段,等等),它会使用来自于相应的 manager 的 ClientMessageValidatorstatic_validation
  • If the static validation passes, it checks if the signature check is required (not required for queries) and does that if needed in verifySignature. More on this later.
    如果静态验证通过的话,它会检查是否需要验证签名 (这个对所有查询不是必须的),如果需要的话,它会在 verifySignature 中来验证签名。稍后会详细说明。
  • Checks if it’s a generic transaction query (GET_TXN). If it is then query the ledger for that particular sequence number and return the result. A REQNACK might be sent if the query is not correctly constructed.
    检查这个是不是一个通用的交易查询 (GET_TXN)。如果是的话,那么就从账本上查询那个指定的顺序编号然后返回结果。如果查询没有被正确的构建的话,一个 REQNACK 可能会被发送。
  • Checks if it’s a specific query, then corresponded request_handler from read_manager return a result. A REQNACK might be sent if the query is not correctly constructed.
    如果是一个特定的查询,那么来自于 read_manager 的对应的 request_handler 会返回结果。如果查询没有被正确的构建的话,一个 REQNACK 可能会被发送。
  • If it is a write, then node checks if it has already processed the request before by checking the uniqueness of identifier and reqId fields of the Request.
    如果是一个写入请求的话,节点会通过检查请求的 identifier 以及 reqId 字段的唯一性来检查这个请求之前是已经被处理了。
    • If it has already processed the request, then it sends the corresponding Reply to the client
      如果请求已经被处理过了,那么就会将对应的 Reply 发送给客户端
    • If the Request is already in process, then it sends an acknowledgement to the client as a REQACK
      如果 Request 已经在处理,它会向客户端发送一个 REQACK 作为一个确认。
    • If the node has not seen the Request before it broadcasts the Request to all nodes in a PROPAGATE.
      如果节点以前没有见过这个 Request,它会使用一个 PROPAGATE 将这个 Request 广播给所有节点。
    • Once a node receives sufficient (Quorums.propagate) PROPAGATEs for a request, it forwards the request to its replicas.
      对于一个请求,当一个节点接收到足够多的 (Quorums.propagate) PROPAGATE 的时候,它会将这个请求转发给它的副本 replicas。
    • A primary replica on receiving a forwarded request does dynamic validation (requiring state, like if violating some unique constraint or doing an unauthorised action) on the request calling dynamic_validation of write_manager which choose a specific request handlers. If the validation succeeds then apply_request method of write_manager is called which optimistically applies the changes to ledger and state. If the validation fails, the primary sends a REJECT to the client. Then the primary sends a PRE-PREPARE to other nodes which contains the merkle roots and some other information for all such requests.
      当一个 primary 副本接受到一个被转发过来的请求的时候,它会通过调用 write_managerdynamic_validation,选择一个指定的请求 handler,对请求进行静态校验 (请求 state,比如判断是否违反了一些唯一性约束或者是否在进行一个没有被授权的动作)。如果校验通过,write_managerapply_request 方法会被调用,这会很好地将这些改动更新到账本和 state。如果校验失败了,primary 副本会向客户端发送一个 REJECT。然后这个 primary 副本会向其他的节点发送一个 PRE-PREPARE,其中包含了 merkle 根以及一些这种类型的请求的其他信息。
    • The non-primary replicas on receiving the PRE-PREPARE performs the same dynamic validation that the primary performed on each request. It also checks if the merkle roots match. If all checks pass the replicas send a PREPARE otherwise they reject the PRE-PREPARE
      当非 primary 的副本接收到 PRE-PREPARE 的时候,会对每个请求跟 primary 副本执行相同的静态校验。它也会检查 merkle 根是否匹配。如果所有的检查都通过了,那么这个副本就会发送一个 PREPARE,否则它们会拒绝这个 PRE-PREPARE
    • Once the consensus protocol is successfully executed on the request, the replicas send ORDERED message to its node and the node updates the monitor.
      当对于这个请求的共识协议成功执行之后,副本们会向它的节点发送 ORDERD 消息,然后节点会更新 monitor。
    • If the ORDERED message above was sent by the master replica then the node executes the request; meaning they commit any changes made to the ledger and state by that request by calling commit_batch method of write_manager and send a Reply back to client.
      如果上边的这个 ORDER 消息由 master 副本发送出来的话,那么节点会执行这个请求,也就是说它们会通过调用 write_managercommit_batch 方法将该请求的所有的改动更新到账本和 state,然后发送一个 Reply 给客户端。
    • The node also tracks the request’s identifier and reqId in a key value database in updateSeqNoMap.
      节点也会跟踪存储在 updateSeqNoMap 中的一个 key value 数据库里的,关于请求的 identifierreqId


Each node has a ReqAuthenticator object which allows to register ClientAuthNr objects using register_authenticator method. During signature verification, a node runs each registered authenticator over the request and if any authenticator results in an exception then signature verification is considered failed. A node has at least 1 authenticator called CoreAuthNr whose authenticate method is called over the serialised request data to verify signature.

每个节点都有个 ReqAuthenticator 对象,它允许使用 register_authenticator 方法注册 ClientAuthNr 对象。在签名校验的过程中,一个节点会针对这个请求运行每个注册的 authenticator,如果任何 authenticator 的结果有问题的话,那么签名的校验就被认为是失败的。一个节点至少有一个名为 CorAuthNr 的 authenticator,它的 authenticate 方法会针对序列化的请求数据来调用,用来验证签名。

Relevant code:

  • Node: plenum/server/
  • Replica: plenum/server/
  • Propagator: plenum/server/
  • Request: plenum/common/
  • Request structure validation: plenum/common/messages/
  • WriteRequestManager: plenum/server/request_managers/
  • ReadRequestManager: plenum/server/request_managers/
  • ActionRequestManager: plenum/server/request_managers/
  • WriteRequestHandler: plenum/server/request_handlers/handler_interfaces/
  • ReadRequestHandler: plenum/server/request_handlers/handler_interfaces/
  • ActionRequestHandler: plenum/server/request_handlers/handler_interfaces/
  • Base RequestHandlers: plenum/server/request_handlers/
  • Request Authenticator: plenum/server/
  • Core Authenticator: plenum/server/
  • Quorums: plenum/server/
  • 0
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