MySQL 日期函数、时间函数总结(MySQL 5.X)

MySQL 获得当前日期时间 函数

获得当前日期+时间(date + time)函数:now()


mysql> select now();

| now() |
| 2008-08-08 22:20:46 |


获得当前日期+时间(date + time)函数:sysdate()
sysdate() 日期时间函数跟 now() 类似,不同之处在于:now() 在执行开始时值就得到了, sysdate() 在函数执行时动态得到值。看下面的例子就明白了:


mysql> select now(), sleep(3), now();

| now() | sleep(3) | now() |
| 2008-08-08 22:28:21 | 0 | 2008-08-08 22:28:21 |


sysdate() 日期时间函数,一般情况下很少用到。


MySQL 获得当前时间戳函数:current_timestamp, current_timestamp()


mysql> select current_timestamp, current_timestamp();

| current_timestamp | current_timestamp() |
| 2008-08-09 23:22:24 | 2008-08-09 23:22:24 |



MySQL 日期转换函数、时间转换函数

MySQL Date/Time to Str(日期/时间转换为字符串)函数:date_format(date,format), time_format(time,format)


mysql> select date_format('2008-08-08 22:23:01', '%Y%m%d%H%i%s');

| date_format('2008-08-08 22:23:01', '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') |
| 20080808222301 |


MySQL 日期、时间转换函数:date_format(date,format), time_format(time,format) 能够把一个日期/时间转换成各种各样的字符串格式。它是 str_to_date(str,format) 函数的 一个逆转换。


MySQL Str to Date (字符串转换为日期)函数:str_to_date(str, format)

select str_to_date('08/09/2008', '%m/%d/%Y'); -- 2008-08-09
select str_to_date('08/09/08' , '%m/%d/%y'); -- 2008-08-09
select str_to_date('08.09.2008', '%m.%d.%Y'); -- 2008-08-09
select str_to_date('08:09:30', '%h:%i:%s'); -- 08:09:30
select str_to_date('08.09.2008 08:09:30', '%m.%d.%Y %h:%i:%s'); -- 2008-08-09 08:09:30

可以看到,str_to_date(str,format) 转换函数,可以把一些杂乱无章的字符串转换为日期格式。另外,它也可以转换为时间。“format” 可以参看 MySQL 手册。


MySQL (日期、天数)转换函数:to_days(date), from_days(days)

select to_days('0000-00-00'); -- 0
select to_days('2008-08-08'); -- 733627


MySQL (时间、秒)转换函数:time_to_sec(time), sec_to_time(seconds)

select time_to_sec('01:00:05'); -- 3605
select sec_to_time(3605); -- '01:00:05'


MySQL 拼凑日期、时间函数:makdedate(year,dayofyear), maketime(hour,minute,second)

select makedate(2001,31); -- '2001-01-31'
select makedate(2001,32); -- '2001-02-01'
select maketime(12,15,30); -- '12:15:30'


MySQL (Unix 时间戳、日期)转换函数




select unix_timestamp(); -- 1218290027
select unix_timestamp('2008-08-08'); -- 1218124800
select unix_timestamp('2008-08-08 12:30:00'); -- 1218169800

select from_unixtime(1218290027); -- '2008-08-09 21:53:47'
select from_unixtime(1218124800); -- '2008-08-08 00:00:00'
select from_unixtime(1218169800); -- '2008-08-08 12:30:00'

select from_unixtime(1218169800, '%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s %x'); -- '2008 8th August 12:30:00 2008'




MySQL 日期时间计算函数


MySQL 为日期增加一个时间间隔:date_add()


set @dt = now();

select date_add(@dt, interval 1 day); -- add 1 day
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 hour); -- add 1 hour
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 minute); -- ...
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 second);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 microsecond);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 week);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 month);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 quarter);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 year);

select date_add(@dt, interval -1 day); -- sub 1 day



MySQL adddate(), addtime()函数,可以用 date_add() 来替代。下面是 date_add() 实现 addtime() 功能示例:


mysql> set @dt = '2008-08-09 12:12:33';

mysql> select date_add(@dt, interval '01:15:30' hour_second);

| date_add(@dt, interval '01:15:30' hour_second) |
| 2008-08-09 13:28:03 |

mysql> select date_add(@dt, interval '1 01:15:30' day_second);

| date_add(@dt, interval '1 01:15:30' day_second) |
| 2008-08-10 13:28:03 |



MySQL 为日期减去一个时间间隔:date_sub()


mysql> select date_sub('1998-01-01 00:00:00', interval '1 1:1:1' day_second);

| date_sub('1998-01-01 00:00:00', interval '1 1:1:1' day_second) |
| 1997-12-30 22:58:59 |


MySQL date_sub() 日期时间函数 和 date_add() 用法一致,不再赘述。


MySQL 日期、时间相减函数:datediff(date1,date2), timediff(time1,time2)

MySQL datediff(date1,date2):两个日期相减 date1 - date2,返回天数。
select datediff('2008-08-08', '2008-08-01'); -- 7
select datediff('2008-08-01', '2008-08-08'); -- -7

MySQL timediff(time1,time2):两个日期相减 time1 - time2,返回 time 差值。

select timediff('2008-08-08 08:08:08', '2008-08-08 00:00:00'); -- 08:08:08
select timediff('08:08:08', '00:00:00'); -- 08:08:08

注意:timediff(time1,time2) 函数的两个参数类型必须相同。


MySQL 时间戳(timestamp)转换、增、减函数:

timestamp(date) -- date to timestamp
timestamp(dt,time) -- dt + time
timestampadd(unit,interval,datetime_expr) --
timestampdiff(unit,datetime_expr1,datetime_expr2) --



select timestamp('2008-08-08'); -- 2008-08-08 00:00:00
select timestamp('2008-08-08 08:00:00', '01:01:01'); -- 2008-08-08 09:01:01
select timestamp('2008-08-08 08:00:00', '10 01:01:01'); -- 2008-08-18 09:01:01

select timestampadd(day, 1, '2008-08-08 08:00:00'); -- 2008-08-09 08:00:00
select date_add('2008-08-08 08:00:00', interval 1 day); -- 2008-08-09 08:00:00

MySQL timestampadd() 函数类似于 date_add()。
select timestampdiff(year,'2002-05-01','2001-01-01'); -- -1
select timestampdiff(day ,'2002-05-01','2001-01-01'); -- -485
select timestampdiff(hour,'2008-08-08 12:00:00','2008-08-08 00:00:00'); -- -12

select datediff('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '2008-08-01 00:00:00'); -- 7


MySQL timestampdiff() 函数就比 datediff() 功能强多了,datediff() 只能计算两个日期(date)之间相差的天数。


MySQL 时区(timezone)转换函数


select convert_tz('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '+08:00', '+00:00'); -- 2008-08-08 04:00:00

时区转换也可以通过 date_add, date_sub, timestampadd 来实现。

select date_add('2008-08-08 12:00:00', interval -8 hour); -- 2008-08-08 04:00:00
select date_sub('2008-08-08 12:00:00', interval 8 hour); -- 2008-08-08 04:00:00
select timestampadd(hour, -8, '2008-08-08 12:00:00'); -- 2008-08-08 04:00:00

select curdate();                       -- 获取当前日期
select DATE_ADD(curdate(),interval -day(curdate())+1 day)   -- 获取本月第一天
select last_day(curdate());   -- 获取当月最后一天
select date_add(curdate()-day(curdate())+1,interval 1 month ) -- 获取下个月的第一天
select DATEDIFF(date_add(curdate()-day(curdate())+1,interval 1 month ),DATE_ADD(curdate(),interval -day(curdate())+1 day)) from dual -- 获取当前月的天数


select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, '%Y');
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney, count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, '%Y-%m');
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by concat(date_format(col, '%Y'),FLOOR((date_format(col, '%m')+2)/3)); 
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by concat(date_format(col, '%Y'),FLOOR((date_format(col, '%m')+2)/3));
select sum(mymoney) as totalmoney,count(*) as sheets from mytable group by date_format(col, '%Y-%m-%d %H ');
查询 本年度的数据:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE year(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = year(curdate())
SELECT id, quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) FROM mytable;
查询 本季度的数据:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE quarter(FROM_UNIXTIME(my_time)) = quarter(curdate());
select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and year(my_time2) = year(curdate())
select * from mytable where month(my_time1) = month(curdate()) and week(my_time2) = week(curdate())


-- 全站时段统计
SELECT tch.hourlist as hourStr,
  IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
  IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
  IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
  IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount 
(SELECT hourlist from t_calendar_hour) as tch 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tv 
 ON tv.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as ts 
  ON ts.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tl 
  ON tl.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where 1=1 and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tc 
  ON tc.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY tch.hourlist ASC;
create procedure myproc()
declare num int; 
set num=1; 
while num <= 24 do 
insert into t_calendar_hour(hourlist) values(num);
set num=num+1;
end while;
CALL myproc();
-- 文章按时段统计
SELECT tch.hourlist as hourStr,
  IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
  IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
  IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
  IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount 
(SELECT hourlist from t_calendar_hour) as tch 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tv 
 ON tv.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as ts 
  ON ts.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tl 
  ON tl.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 LEFT JOIN (select  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where 1=1 and ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H')) as tc 
  ON tc.hourStr = tch.hourlist 
 WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY tch.hourlist ASC;
SELECT hourlist from t_calendar_hour;
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr, DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%H') as hourStr, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-20 00:00:00' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-06-20 23:59:59' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d %H');
    SPECIAL_ID="4028813d54851a470154855335040012" -- 频道
    CREATOR="e548fdc054f170770154f17f55dc0008"  -- 编辑
    AUTHOR="4028813d54084b6a015408a303f1003a"  -- 作者
 and TITLE LIKE "%陷贿选门%"
SELECT t.ID as articleId, t.title as title,t.SPECIAL_ID as specialId,t.CREATOR as createId, as authorId,t.FACT_TIME as factTime,
  IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
  IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
  IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
  IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount
    (select ID,TITLE,SPECIAL_ID,CREATOR,AUTHOR,FACT_TIME from t_article WHERE  1=1 and SPECIAL_ID='e548fdc054f188670154f1b6366c000b' ORDER BY FACT_TIME DESC LIMIT 0,1000) as t 
   LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45 and numStr<=87) as tv 
        on t.ID = tv.ARTICLE_ID 
   LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as ts 
        on t.ID = ts.ARTICLE_ID
   LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tl 
        on t.ID = tl.ARTICLE_ID
   LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tc 
        on t.ID = tc.ARTICLE_ID 
   where 1=1 ;
    SELECT t.ID as articleId, t.title as title,t.SPECIAL_ID as specialId,t.CREATOR as createId, as authorId,t.FACT_TIME as factTime,IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount FROM  (select ID,TITLE,SPECIAL_ID,CREATOR,AUTHOR,FACT_TIME from t_article WHERE 1=1  ORDER BY FACT_TIME DESC ) as t  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12'  GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tv on t.ID = tv.ARTICLE_ID  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as ts on t.ID = ts.ARTICLE_ID  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tl on t.ID = tl.ARTICLE_ID  LEFT JOIN (SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where 1=1  and CREATE_TIME>='2016-06-28' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-12'  GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID) as tc on t.ID = tc.ARTICLE_ID where 1=1  ORDER BY viewCount DESC  LIMIT 0,20;
SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45 and numStr<=87;
SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45;
SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45;
SELECT ARTICLE_ID,CREATE_TIME, count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where CREATE_TIME>='2016-9-16' and CREATE_TIME<='2016-10-16' GROUP BY ARTICLE_ID having numStr>=45;
SELECT de.datelist as timeStr, 
IFNULL(tv.numStr,0) as viewCount,
IFNULL(ts.numStr,0) as shareCount,
IFNULL(tl.numStr,0) as likesCount,
IFNULL(tc.numStr,0) as collectCount FROM
(SELECT * from t_calendar where datelist<'2016-07-01' ORDER BY datelist DESC LIMIT 0,100) as de 
  LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS tv
 on tv.dateStr = de.datelist 
 LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS ts
    on ts.dateStr = de.datelist  
 LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS tl
    on tl.dateStr = de.datelist 
 LEFT JOIN (select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d')) AS tc
    on tc.dateStr = de.datelist 
 ORDER BY de.datelist DESC;
-- 按日统计 
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_view_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_likes_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
select DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d') as dateStr,count(ID) as numStr from t_article_collection_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005" GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME,'%Y-%m-%d');
select * from t_article_share_record where ARTICLE_ID="e548fdc0556bb01a01556bc6723b0005";


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