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原创 暑期训练第四周


2020-07-31 23:24:12 253

原创 树状数组总结


2020-07-31 18:08:30 254

原创 P6278 [USACO20OPEN]Haircut G

题目描述Farmer John 由于对整理他难以整平的头发感到疲惫,于是决定去理发。他有一排 N 缕头发,第 i缕头发初始时长度为 Ai​微米(0≤Ai​≤N)。理想情况下,他想要他的头发在长度上单调递增,所以他定义他的头发的“不良度”为逆序对的数量:满足 i < j 及 Ai​>Aj​ 的二元对 (i,j)。对于每一个 j=0,1,…,N−1,Farmer John 想要知道他所有长度大于 j 的头发的长度均减少到 j 时他的头发的不良度。(有趣的事实:人类平均确实有大约 105根头发

2020-07-30 23:54:25 579

原创 P5094 [USACO04OPEN]MooFest

题目描述每一年,约翰的N只奶牛参加奶牛狂欢节。这是一个全世界奶牛都参加的大联欢。狂欢节包括很多有趣的活动,比如干草堆叠大赛、跳牛栏大赛,奶牛之间有时还相互扎屁股取乐。当然,她们会排成一列嚎叫,来欢庆她们的节日。奶牛们的叫声实在刺耳,以致于每只奶牛的听力都受到不同程度的损伤。现在告诉你奶牛i的听力为vi ,这表示如果奶牛j想说点什么让她听到,必须用高于vi​×dis(i,j) 的音量。因此,如果奶牛i和j想相互交谈,她们的音量必须不小于max(vi​,vj​)×dis(i,j)。其中 dis(i,j) 表

2020-07-30 22:34:34 505

原创 P2880 [USACO07JAN]Balanced Lineup G(树状数组维护序列最值)

题目描述For the daily milking, Farmer John’s N cows (1 ≤ N ≤ 50,000) always line up in the same order. One day Farmer John decides to organize a game of Ultimate Frisbee with some of the cows. To keep things simple, he will take a contiguous range of cows fr

2020-07-30 21:49:44 583

原创 P4868 Preprefix sum

题目描述输入格式第一行给出两个整数N,M。分别表示序列长度和操作个数接下来一行有N个数,即给定的序列a1,a2,…an接下来M行,每行对应一个操作,格式见题目描述输出格式对于每个询问操作,输出一行,表示所询问的SSi的值。样例输入5 31 2 3 4 5Query 5Modify 3 2Query 5输出3532说明/提示1<=N,M<=100000,且在任意时刻0<=Ai<=100000题目分析这也是一道比较典型的用树状

2020-07-30 21:09:51 312

原创 你能回答这些问题吗

题目描述给定长度为N的数列A,以及M条指令,每条指令可能是以下两种之一:1、“1 x y”,查询区间 [x,y] 中的最大连续子段和,即 maxx≤l≤r≤y{∑ri=lA[i]}。2、“2 x y”,把 A[x] 改成 y。对于每个查询指令,输出一个整数表示答案。输入格式第一行两个整数N,M。第二行N个整数A[i]。接下来M行每行3个整数k,x,y,k=1表示查询(此时如果x>y,请交换x,y),k=2表示修改。输出格式对于每个查询指令输出一个整数表示答案。每个答案占

2020-07-26 23:45:36 614

原创 最大数

题目描述给定一个正整数数列 a1,a2,…,an,每一个数都在 0∼p−1 之间。可以对这列数进行两种操作:添加操作:向序列后添加一个数,序列长度变成 n+1;询问操作:询问这个序列中最后 L 个数中最大的数是多少。程序运行的最开始,整数序列为空。写一个程序,读入操作的序列,并输出询问操作的答案。输入格式第一行有两个正整数 m,p,意义如题目描述;接下来 m 行,每一行表示一个操作。如果该行的内容是 Q L,则表示这个操作是询问序列中最后 L 个数的最大数是多少;如果是 A t,

2020-07-26 22:49:05 611

原创 #659 (Div. 2) B. Koa and the Beach (Easy Version DP&&Hard Version 贪心)

题目描述The only difference between easy and hard versions is on constraints. In this version constraints are higher. You can make hacks only if all versions of the problem are solved.Koa the Koala is at the beach!The beach consists (from left to right) of

2020-07-25 11:45:31 1403

原创 #659 (Div. 2) C. String Transformation 1(贪心)

题目描述Note that the only difference between String Transformation 1 and String Transformation 2 is in the move Koa does. In this version the letter y Koa selects must be strictly greater alphabetically than x (read statement for better understanding). You

2020-07-25 10:17:40 681

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 72 C.The Number Of Good Substrings

题目描述You are given a binary string s (recall that a string is binary if each character is either 0 or 1).Let f(t) be the decimal representation of integer t written in binary form (possibly with leading zeroes). For example f(011)=3,f(00101)=5,f(00001)=1

2020-07-24 22:32:35 247

原创 #582 (Div. 3) D.Equalizing by Division

题目描述The only difference between easy and hard versions is the number of elements in the array.You are given an array a consisting of n integers. In one move you can choose any ai and divide it by 2 rounding down (in other words, in one move you can set

2020-07-24 21:34:31 231

原创 暑期训练第三周第五天


2020-07-24 21:07:24 227

原创 STL函数总结

unique()unique() 位于<algorithm>头文件中,其作用是元素去重,即删除序列中所有相邻的重复元素。其删除元素,只是一个伪去除,只是重新排列了序列中的元素,将相邻的重复元素添加到容器末尾。简单来说,使用 unique() 后,容器的长度没有变,只是元素顺序改变了。其返回值是去重之后的尾地址,减去数组 a 的起始地址后所得到的就是 a 中去重后的元素个数。int a[12]={1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,6};int len=unique(a,a+12

2020-07-23 22:53:20 394

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 73 D.Make The Fence Great Again(dp)

题目描述You have a fence consisting of n vertical boards. The width of each board is 1. The height of the i-th board is ai. You think that the fence is great if there is no pair of adjacent boards having the same height. More formally, the fence is great if

2020-07-23 18:44:15 254

原创 暑期训练第三周第四天


2020-07-23 17:59:21 239

原创 #658 (Div. 2)D.Unmerge(分块+01背包问题)

题目描述Let a and b be two arrays of lengths n and m, respectively, with no elements in common. We can define a new array merge(a,b) of length n+m recursively as follows:If one of the arrays is empty, the result is the other array. That is, merge(∅,b)=b and

2020-07-23 16:52:54 508

原创 #658 (Div. 2) C2.Prefix Flip (Hard Version)

题目描述This is the hard version of the problem. The difference between the versions is the constraint on n and the required number of operations. You can make hacks only if all versions of the problem are solved.There are two binary strings a and b of leng

2020-07-22 22:34:54 439

原创 谜一样的牛

题目描述有n头奶牛,已知它们的身高为 1~n 且各不相同,但不知道每头奶牛的具体身高。现在这n头奶牛站成一列,已知第i头牛前面有Ai头牛比它低,求每头奶牛的身高。输入格式第1行:输入整数n。第2…n行:每行输入一个整数Ai,第i行表示第i头牛前面有Ai头牛比它低。(注意:因为第1头牛前面没有牛,所以并没有将它列出)输出格式输出包含n行,每行输出一个整数表示牛的身高。第i行输出第i头牛的身高。数据范围1≤n≤105输入样例:51210输出样例:245

2020-07-22 18:16:29 483

原创 一个简单的整数问题2(树状数组&&线段树)

题目描述给定一个长度为N的数列A,以及M条指令,每条指令可能是以下两种之一:1、“C l r d”,表示把 A[l],A[l+1],…,A[r] 都加上 d。2、“Q l r”,表示询问 数列中第 l~r 个数的和。对于每个询问,输出一个整数表示答案。输入格式第一行两个整数N,M。第二行N个整数A[i]。接下来M行表示M条指令,每条指令的格式如题目描述所示。输出格式对于每个询问,输出一个整数表示答案。每个答案占一行。数据范围1≤N,M≤105,|d|≤10000,

2020-07-22 16:44:37 444

原创 一个简单的整数问题

题目描述给定长度为N的数列A,然后输入M行操作指令。第一类指令形如“C l r d”,表示把数列中第l~r个数都加d。第二类指令形如“Q X”,表示询问数列中第x个数的值。对于每个询问,输出一个整数表示答案。输入格式第一行包含两个整数N和M。第二行包含N个整数A[i]。接下来M行表示M条指令,每条指令的格式如题目描述所示。输出格式对于每个询问,输出一个整数表示答案。每个答案占一行。数据范围1≤N,M≤105,|d|≤10000,|A[i]|≤1000000000

2020-07-22 15:55:06 992

原创 楼兰图腾


2020-07-22 15:44:19 666 4

原创 #590 (Div. 3) D.Distinct Characters Queries (树状数组)

题目描述You are given a string s consisting of lowercase Latin letters and q queries for this string.Recall that the substring s[l;r] of the string s is the string slsl+1…sr. For example, the substrings of “codeforces” are “code”, “force”, “f”, “for”, but n

2020-07-22 10:51:29 359

原创 [#590 (Div. 3)]暑期训练第三周第二天

A你有1-6号六种模型:给你一个只包含上述六种模型的图,长度为n,宽为2,问你能否通过旋转图转的一些模型,使得这些模型连成一条线从左上角到右下角。如:Bpi(n)是一个 [i,1,2…,i-1,i+1,…,n] 序列,给你一个包含m个数的数组a[]。pos(p,x)为x在p数组中的位置,如pos(p2(4),2)=1。f( p )=sum| pos(p,a[i])-pos(p,a[i+1]) |。求f(p1(n)),f(p2(n)),…,f(pn(n))。CDEF感想...

2020-07-21 16:54:30 922

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 74 D.AB-string(思维+找规律)

题目描述The string t1t2…tk is good if each letter of this string belongs to at least one palindrome of length greater than 1.A palindrome is a string that reads the same backward as forward. For example, the strings A, BAB, ABBA, BAABBBAAB are palindromes,

2020-07-20 20:59:25 385

原创 [Educational Codeforces Round 74]暑期训练第三周第一天


2020-07-20 18:07:51 256

原创 #656 (Div. 3)F. Removing Leaves(贪心)

题目描述You are given a tree (connected graph without cycles) consisting of n vertices. The tree is unrooted — it is just a connected undirected graph without cycles.In one move, you can choose exactly k leaves (leaf is such a vertex that is connected to on

2020-07-19 16:26:23 439

原创 #656 (Div. 3)E. Directing Edges(拓扑序列)

题目描述You are given a graph consisting of n vertices and m edges. It is not guaranteed that the given graph is connected. Some edges are already directed and you can’t change their direction. Other edges are undirected and you have to choose some direction

2020-07-19 15:57:30 777 3

原创 暑期训练第二周第三天


2020-07-16 08:11:25 268

原创 暑期训练第二周第二天

A给你一个数为x,你可以进行两个操作:让x减一,如果x为偶数,那么让x乘3/2.问x能否通过操作变为y。这个题比较水,不写思路了。过程: 这个题虽然水,但一开始我用的方法是错的,这就导致错了几次。最后我换了个方法才过的。B给你一个数组,数组中包含1-n这n个数(但没有顺序)。你可以进行如下操作:交换两个相邻位置的数。但交换过的位置不能再次交换。问如何操作才能使得该序列字典序最小。B. Minimize the Permutation这个题做了三遍了,都快背过了。。。C给出一个路径(由UDR

2020-07-14 23:31:38 286

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 91 D. Berserk And Fireball

题目描述There are n warriors in a row. The power of the i-th warrior is ai. All powers are pairwise distinct.You have two types of spells which you may cast:Fireball: you spend x mana and destroy exactly k consecutive warriors;Berserk: you spend y mana, c

2020-07-13 10:49:14 577

原创 #598 (Div. 3) F.Equalizing Two Strings

题目描述You are given two strings s and t both of length n and both consisting of lowercase Latin letters.In one move, you can choose any length len from 1 to n and perform the following operation:Choose any contiguous substring of the string s of length l

2020-07-12 22:16:32 565 2

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 75 E2. Voting(堆)

题目描述The only difference between easy and hard versions is constraints.Now elections are held in Berland and you want to win them. More precisely, you want everyone to vote for you.There are n voters, and two ways to convince each of them to vote for yo

2020-07-12 21:08:49 341

原创 #598 (Div. 3) E.Yet Another Division Into Teams(dp)

题目描述There are n students at your university. The programming skill of the i-th student is ai. As a coach, you want to divide them into teams to prepare them for the upcoming ICPC finals. Just imagine how good this university is if it has 2⋅105 students r

2020-07-12 20:10:27 357

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 77 E.Tournament

题目描述You are organizing a boxing tournament, where n boxers will participate (n is a power of 2), and your friend is one of them. All boxers have different strength from 1 to n, and boxer i wins in the match against boxer j if and only if i is stronger th

2020-07-12 11:17:01 363

原创 #595 (Div. 3) D2.Too Many Segments (hard version)(数据结构:set的应用)

题目描述The only difference between easy and hard versions is constraints.You are given n segments on the coordinate axis OX. Segments can intersect, lie inside each other and even coincide. The i-th segment is [li;ri] (li≤ri) and it covers all integer poin

2020-07-11 23:40:11 417

原创 #595 (Div. 3) C2.Good Numbers (hard version)(三进制)

题目描述The only difference between easy and hard versions is the maximum value of n.You are given a positive integer number n. You really love good numbers so you want to find the smallest good number greater than or equal to n.The positive integer is cal

2020-07-11 21:54:41 328

原创 #595 (Div. 3) B2.Books Exchange (hard version)(模拟+找规律)

题目描述The only difference between easy and hard versions is constraints.There are n kids, each of them is reading a unique book. At the end of any day, the i-th kid will give his book to the pi-th kid (in case of i=pi the kid will give his book to himself

2020-07-11 21:04:10 399

原创 [#595 (Div. 3)]暑期训练第六天

A给你一个整数n,要求你找到一个大于等于n的最小的好数m。好数:一个数是好数如果这个数能拆成多个3n相加(所有的n不能两两相等)。B有n个人,每个人的能力为a[i],你想将这n个人分成好几队。分组的规则如下:如果有两个人的能力值的差的绝对值等于1(| a[j]-a[i] |==1),那么这两个人不能在同一队中。问最小能分成多少队。C在x轴上给出n条线段,每条线段都给出了左右端点l[i]和r[i]。如果有某个点上覆盖了多于k条线段,那么这个点就是一个坏点。问:我们最少要删除多少条线段,使得x轴

2020-07-11 20:41:36 365

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 75 D. Salary Changing(二分)

题目描述You are the head of a large enterprise. n people work at you, and n is odd (i. e. n is not divisible by 2).You have to distribute salaries to your employees. Initially, you have s dollars for it, and the i-th employee should get a salary from li to

2020-07-10 23:08:30 332



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