(VB.net)分享一个一维数组的冒泡排序QuickSort 程序大家参考


这是一段快速冒泡排序程序,一维数组,按照字符串进行排序StrComp(vTempVal, arrData(lTmpHi), CompareMethod.Text) ,如果需要按照其他方式排序可以去修改这个比较方式.


 ''' <summary>
    ''' Quick Sort
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="arrData">A variant pointing to an array to be sorted.</param>
    ''' <param name="Low">LBounds(arrData) low number of elements in the array. if default Low=0,Low=LBound(arrData)</param>
    ''' <param name="Hi">UBounds(arrData) high number of elements in the array. if default Hi=0,Hi=UBounds(arrData)</param>
    ''' <param name="Descending">Ascending order or descending order</param>
    ''' <remarks></remarks>
    Public Shared Sub _QuickSort(ByRef arrData() As Object, Optional ByVal Low As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal Hi As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal Descending As Boolean = False)

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Syntax:     QuickSort TmpAray(), Low, Hi
        ' Parameters:
        '     arrData - A variant pointing to an array to be sorted.
        '       Low - LBounds(arrData) low number of elements in the array
        '        Hi - UBounds(arrData) high number of elements in the array
        ' NOTE:       I start my arrays with one and not zero.
        '             Make the appropriate changes to suit your code.
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Test to see if an array was passed
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        If Not IsArray(arrData) Then Exit Sub

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Define local variables
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        Dim lTmpLow As Integer
        Dim lTmpHi As Integer
        Dim lTmpMid As Integer
        Dim vTempVal As Object
        Dim vTmpHold As Object

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Initialize local variables
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        Low = IIf(Low = 0, LBound(arrData), Low)
        lTmpLow = Low
        Hi = IIf(Hi = 0, UBound(arrData), Hi)
        lTmpHi = Hi
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Leave if there is nothing to sort
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        If Hi <= Low Then Exit Sub

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Find the middle to start comparing values
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        lTmpMid = (Low + Hi) \ 2

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Move the item in the middle of the array to the
        ' temporary holding area as a point of reference while
        ' sorting.  This will change each time we make a recursive
        ' call to this routine.
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        vTempVal = arrData(lTmpMid)

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' Loop until we eventually meet in the middle
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        If Descending = False Then

            Do While (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi)

                ' Always process the low end first.  Loop as long
                ' the array data element is less than the data in
                ' the temporary holding area and the temporary low
                ' value is less than the maximum number of array
                ' elements.
                'Do While (arrData(lTmpLow).ToString < vTempVal.ToString And lTmpLow < Hi)
                '    lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1

                Do While (StrComp(arrData(lTmpLow), vTempVal, CompareMethod.Text) < 0 And lTmpLow < Hi)
                    lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1
                ' Now, we will process the high end.  Loop as long
                ' the data in the temporary holding area is less
                ' than the array data element and the temporary high
                ' value is greater than the minimum number of array
                ' elements.
                'Do While (vTempVal.ToString < arrData(lTmpHi).ToString And lTmpHi > Low)
                '    lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1

                Do While (StrComp(vTempVal, arrData(lTmpHi), CompareMethod.Text) < 0 And lTmpHi > Low)
                    lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1
                ' if the temp low end is less than or equal
                ' to the temp high end, then swap places
                If (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi) Then
                    vTmpHold = arrData(lTmpLow)           ' Move the Low value to Temp Hold
                    arrData(lTmpLow) = arrData(lTmpHi)     ' Move the high value to the low
                    arrData(lTmpHi) = vTmpHold           ' move the Temp Hod to the High
                    lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1              ' Increment the temp low counter
                    lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1                ' Dcrement the temp high counter
                End If

            Do While (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi)

                ' Always process the low end first.  Loop as long
                ' the array data element is less than the data in
                ' the temporary holding area and the temporary low
                ' value is less than the maximum number of array
                ' elements.
                'Do While (arrData(lTmpLow).ToString > vTempVal And lTmpLow < Hi)
                '    lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1

                Do While (StrComp(arrData(lTmpLow), vTempVal, CompareMethod.Text) > 0 And lTmpLow < Hi)
                    lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1
                ' Now, we will process the high end.  Loop as long
                ' the data in the temporary holding area is less
                ' than the array data element and the temporary high
                ' value is greater than the minimum number of array
                ' elements.
                'Do While (vTempVal > arrData(lTmpHi).ToString And lTmpHi > Low)
                '    lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1

                Do While (StrComp(vTempVal, arrData(lTmpHi), CompareMethod.Text) > 0 And lTmpHi > Low)
                    lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1
                ' if the temp low end is less than or equal
                ' to the temp high end, then swap places
                If (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi) Then
                    vTmpHold = arrData(lTmpLow).ToString          ' Move the Low value to Temp Hold
                    arrData(lTmpLow) = arrData(lTmpHi)     ' Move the high value to the low
                    arrData(lTmpHi) = vTmpHold           ' move the Temp Hod to the High
                    lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1              ' Increment the temp low counter
                    lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1                ' Dcrement the temp high counter
                End If


        End If

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' If the minimum number of elements in the array is
        ' less than the temp high end, then make a recursive
        ' call to this routine.  I always sort the low end
        ' of the array first.
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        If (Low < lTmpHi) Then
            _QuickSort(arrData, Low, lTmpHi, Descending)
        End If

        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        ' If the temp low end is less than the maximum number
        ' of elements in the array, then make a recursive call
        ' to this routine.  The high end is always sorted last.
        ' ---------------------------------------------------------
        If (lTmpLow < Hi) Then
            _QuickSort(arrData, lTmpLow, Hi, Descending)
        End If

    End Sub





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