Kafka 副本管理模块(一):AbstractFetcherThread

Follower 副本从 Leader 副本拉取数据是在ReplicaFetcherThread 线程完成的,现在先看看他的抽象基类AbstractFetcherThread的定义。

 abstract class AbstractFetcherThread(name: String,  // 线程名称
                                     clientId: String, // Client Id,用于日志输出
                                     val sourceBroker: BrokerEndPoint, // 数据源Broker地址,即分区的leader是在哪个节点
                                     failedPartitions: FailedPartitions,// 处理过程中出现失败的分区
                                     fetchBackOffMs: Int = 0,// 当获取分区数据出错后的等待重试间隔,默认是 Broker 端参数 replica.fetch.backoff.ms 值。
                                     isInterruptible: Boolean = true)// 线程是否允许被中断
  extends ShutdownableThread(name, isInterruptible) {
  // 定义FetchData类型表示获取的消息数据
  type FetchData = FetchResponse.PartitionData[Records]
  // 定义EpochData类型表示Leader Epoch数据
  type EpochData = OffsetsForLeaderEpochRequest.PartitionData
  // 源码会不断地调整那些不需要推迟的分区的读取顺序,以保证读取的公平性。
  // 这个公平性,其实就是在 partitionStates 字段的类型 PartitionStates 类中实现的。这个类是在 clients 工程中定义的。
  // 它本质上会接收一组要读取的主题分区,然后以轮询的方式依次读取这些分区以确保公平性。
  // PartitionStates里面的moveToEnd方法,就是把当前的拉的分区,放到最后一个,保证顺序公平性
  private val partitionStates = new PartitionStates[PartitionFetchState]

其中FetchData 定义里的 PartitionData 类型,是客户端 clients 工程中 FetchResponse 类定义的嵌套类。FetchResponse 类封装的是 FETCH 请求的 Response 对象,而里面的 PartitionData 类保存的是 Response 中单个分区数据拉取的各项数据,包括从该分区的 Leader 副本拉取回来的消息、该分区的高水位值和日志起始位移值等。

  public static final class PartitionData<T extends BaseRecords> {
        public final Errors error; // 错误码
        public final long highWatermark;// 高水位值
        public final long lastStableOffset;// 最新LSO值
        public final long logStartOffset;// 最新Log Start Offset值
        public final Optional<Integer> preferredReadReplica; // 用于指定可对外提供读服务的 Follower 副本;KAFKA 2.4之后支持部分Follower副本可以对外提供读服务
        public final List<AbortedTransaction> abortedTransactions; // 该分区对应的已终止事务列表
    public final T records; // 消息集合,最重要的字段!


case class PartitionFetchState(fetchOffset: Long,
                               currentLeaderEpoch: Int,
                               delay: DelayedItem,
                               state: ReplicaState) {
  // 分区读取状态有 3 个,分别是:
  // 可获取,表明副本获取线程当前能够读取数据。
  def isReadyForFetch: Boolean = state == Fetching && !isDelayed
  // 截断中,表明分区副本正在执行截断操作(比如该副本刚刚成为 Follower 副本)。
  def isTruncating: Boolean = state == Truncating && !isDelayed
  // 被推迟,表明副本获取线程获取数据时出现错误,需要等待一段时间后重试。
  def isDelayed: Boolean = delay.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) > 0


    public void updateAndMoveToEnd(TopicPartition topicPartition, S state) {
        map.put(topicPartition, state);




  protected def processPartitionData( topicPartition: TopicPartition,  // 读取哪个分区的数据
                                      fetchOffset: Long,               // 读取到的最新位移值
                                      partitionData: FetchData         // 读取到的分区消息数据
                                    ): Option[LogAppendInfo]           // 写入已读取消息数据前的元数据

 truncate 方法

protected def truncate(
  topicPartition: TopicPartition, // 要对哪个分区下副本执行截断操作
  truncationState: OffsetTruncationState  // Offset + 截断状态
): Unit

buildFetch 方法

        为指定分区构建对应的 FetchRequest.Builder 对象,而该对象是构建 FetchRequest 的核心组件。Kafka 中任何类型的消息读取,都是通过给指定 Broker 发送 FetchRequest 请求来完成的。需要子类实现它的逻辑。

  protected def buildFetch(  // 一组要读取的分区列表
                             // 分区是否可读取取决于PartitionFetchState中的状态
                            partitionMap: Map[TopicPartition, PartitionFetchState]):
                             // 封装FetchRequest.Builder对象

doWork 线程主方法

   override def doWork(): Unit = {
    maybeTruncate() // 执行副本截断操作
    maybeFetch() // 执行消息获取操作

         maybeTruncate()执行阶段操作。AbstractFetcherThread 线程总要不断尝试去做截断的原因是,分区的 Leader 可能会随时发生变化。每当有新 Leader 产生时,Follower 副本就必须主动执行截断操作,将自己的本地日志裁剪成与 Leader 一模一样的消息序列,甚至,Leader 副本本身也需要执行截断操作,将 LEO 调整到分区高水位处。

  private def maybeTruncate(): Unit = {
    // 将所有处于截断中状态的分区依据有无Leader Epoch值进行分组
    val (partitionsWithEpochs, partitionsWithoutEpochs) = fetchTruncatingPartitions()
    // 对于有Leader Epoch值的分区,将日志截断到Leader Epoch值对应的位移值处
    if (partitionsWithEpochs.nonEmpty) {
    // 对于没有Leader Epoch值的分区,将日志截断到高水位值处
    if (partitionsWithoutEpochs.nonEmpty) {


  private[server] def truncateToHighWatermark(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): Unit = inLock(partitionMapLock) {
    val fetchOffsets = mutable.HashMap.empty[TopicPartition, OffsetTruncationState]
    // 遍历每个要执行截断操作的分区对象
    for (tp <- partitions) {
      // 获取分区的分区读取状态
      val partitionState = partitionStates.stateValue(tp)
      if (partitionState != null) {
        // 取出高水位值。分区的最大可读取位移值就是高水位值
        val highWatermark = partitionState.fetchOffset
        val truncationState = OffsetTruncationState(highWatermark, truncationCompleted = true)

        info(s"Truncating partition $tp to local high watermark $highWatermark")
        // 执行截断到高水位值
        if (doTruncate(tp, truncationState))
          fetchOffsets.put(tp, truncationState)
    // 更新这组分区的分区读取状态


  private def maybeFetch(): Unit = {
    val (fetchStates, fetchRequestOpt) = inLock(partitionMapLock) {
      // 为partitionStates中的分区构造FetchRequest
      // partitionStates中保存的是要去获取消息的分区以及对应的状态
      val fetchStates = partitionStates.partitionStateMap.asScala
      val ResultWithPartitions(fetchRequestOpt, partitionsWithError) = buildFetch(fetchStates)
      // 处理出错的分区,处理方式主要是将这个分区加入到有序Map末尾
      // 等待后续重试
      handlePartitionsWithErrors(partitionsWithError, "maybeFetch")
      // 如果当前没有可读取的分区,则等待fetchBackOffMs时间等候后续重试
      if (fetchRequestOpt.isEmpty) {
        trace(s"There are no active partitions. Back off for $fetchBackOffMs ms before sending a fetch request")
        partitionMapCond.await(fetchBackOffMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

      (fetchStates, fetchRequestOpt)
    // 发送FETCH请求给Leader副本,并处理Response
    fetchRequestOpt.foreach { fetchRequest =>
      processFetchRequest(fetchStates, fetchRequest)


  private def processFetchRequest(fetchStates: Map[TopicPartition, PartitionFetchState],
                                  fetchRequest: FetchRequest.Builder): Unit = {
    val partitionsWithError = mutable.Set[TopicPartition]()
    var responseData: Seq[(TopicPartition, FetchData)] = Seq.empty

    try {
      trace(s"Sending fetch request $fetchRequest")
      // 给Leader发送FETCH请求
      responseData = fetchFromLeader(fetchRequest)
    } catch {
      case t: Throwable =>
        if (isRunning) {
          warn(s"Error in response for fetch request $fetchRequest", t)
          inLock(partitionMapLock) {
            partitionsWithError ++= partitionStates.partitionSet.asScala
            // there is an error occurred while fetching partitions, sleep a while
            // note that `ReplicaFetcherThread.handlePartitionsWithError` will also introduce the same delay for every
            // partition with error effectively doubling the delay. It would be good to improve this.
            partitionMapCond.await(fetchBackOffMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    // 更新请求发送速率指标
    // 处理响应
    if (responseData.nonEmpty) {
      // process fetched data
      inLock(partitionMapLock) {
        responseData.foreach { case (topicPartition, partitionData) =>
          Option(partitionStates.stateValue(topicPartition)).foreach { currentFetchState =>
            // It's possible that a partition is removed and re-added or truncated when there is a pending fetch request.
            // In this case, we only want to process the fetch response if the partition state is ready for fetch and
            // the current offset is the same as the offset requested.
            // 获取分区核心信息
            val fetchState = fetchStates(topicPartition)
            // 处理Response的条件:
            // 1. fetch请求中要获取的位移值和之前已保存的下一条待获取位移值相等
            // 2. 当前分区处于可获取状态
            if (fetchState.fetchOffset == currentFetchState.fetchOffset && currentFetchState.isReadyForFetch) {
              // 提取Response中的Leader Epoch值
              val requestEpoch = if (fetchState.currentLeaderEpoch >= 0)
              partitionData.error match {
                // 如果没有错误
                case Errors.NONE =>
                  try {
                    // Once we hand off the partition data to the subclass, we can't mess with it any more in this thread
                    // 交由子类完成Response的处理,即给ReplicaFetcherThread的processPartitionData处理,这个稍后会介绍
                    val logAppendInfoOpt = processPartitionData(topicPartition, currentFetchState.fetchOffset,

                    logAppendInfoOpt.foreach { logAppendInfo =>
                      val validBytes = logAppendInfo.validBytes
                      // 获取返回的最后一条消息的 offset 值
                      val nextOffset = if (validBytes > 0) logAppendInfo.lastOffset + 1 else currentFetchState.fetchOffset
                      // 更新lag
                      fetcherLagStats.getAndMaybePut(topicPartition).lag = Math.max(0L, partitionData.highWatermark - nextOffset)

                      // ReplicaDirAlterThread may have removed topicPartition from the partitionStates after processing the partition data
                      if (validBytes > 0 && partitionStates.contains(topicPartition)) {
                        // Update partitionStates only if there is no exception during processPartitionData
                        val newFetchState = PartitionFetchState(nextOffset, fetchState.currentLeaderEpoch,
                          state = Fetching)
                        // 将该分区放置在有序Map读取顺序的末尾,保证公平性
                        partitionStates.updateAndMoveToEnd(topicPartition, newFetchState)
                  } catch {
                    case ime@( _: CorruptRecordException | _: InvalidRecordException) =>
                      // we log the error and continue. This ensures two things
                      // 1. If there is a corrupt message in a topic partition, it does not bring the fetcher thread
                      //    down and cause other topic partition to also lag
                      // 2. If the message is corrupt due to a transient state in the log (truncation, partial writes
                      //    can cause this), we simply continue and should get fixed in the subsequent fetches
                      error(s"Found invalid messages during fetch for partition $topicPartition " +
                        s"offset ${currentFetchState.fetchOffset}", ime)
                      partitionsWithError += topicPartition
                    case e: KafkaStorageException =>
                      error(s"Error while processing data for partition $topicPartition " +
                        s"at offset ${currentFetchState.fetchOffset}", e)
                    case t: Throwable =>
                      // stop monitoring this partition and add it to the set of failed partitions
                      error(s"Unexpected error occurred while processing data for partition $topicPartition " +
                        s"at offset ${currentFetchState.fetchOffset}", t)
                // 如果读取位移值越界,通常是因为Leader发生变更
                case Errors.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE =>
                  // 调整越界,主要办法是做截断
                  if (handleOutOfRangeError(topicPartition, currentFetchState, requestEpoch))
                     // 如果依然不能成功,加入到出错分区列表
                    partitionsWithError += topicPartition
                // 如果Leader Epoch值比Leader所在Broker上的Epoch值要新
                case Errors.UNKNOWN_LEADER_EPOCH =>
                  debug(s"Remote broker has a smaller leader epoch for partition $topicPartition than " +
                    s"this replica's current leader epoch of ${fetchState.currentLeaderEpoch}.")
                  // 加入到出错分区列表
                  partitionsWithError += topicPartition
                // 如果Leader Epoch值比Leader所在Broker上的Epoch值要旧
                case Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH =>
                  if (onPartitionFenced(topicPartition, requestEpoch)) partitionsWithError += topicPartition
                // 如果Leader发生变更
                case Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION =>
                  debug(s"Remote broker is not the leader for partition $topicPartition, which could indicate " +
                    "that the partition is being moved")
                  // 加入到出错分区列表
                  partitionsWithError += topicPartition

                case _ =>
                  error(s"Error for partition $topicPartition at offset ${currentFetchState.fetchOffset}",
                  // 加入到出错分区列表
                  partitionsWithError += topicPartition

    if (partitionsWithError.nonEmpty) {
      // 处理出错分区列表
      // 对于操作存在异常的 topic 分区,暂停发送 FetchRequest 请求,休息一会儿
      handlePartitionsWithErrors(partitionsWithError, "processFetchRequest")

        其中当出现越界时,调用handleOutOfRangeError方法,此方法主要是调用fetchOffsetAndTruncate进行截断,最终调用子类ReplicaFetcherThread的truncate 方法

  protected def fetchOffsetAndTruncate(topicPartition: TopicPartition, currentLeaderEpoch: Int): Long = {
    val replicaEndOffset = logEndOffset(topicPartition)

     * Unclean leader election: A follower goes down, in the meanwhile the leader keeps appending messages. The follower comes back up
     * and before it has completely caught up with the leader's logs, all replicas in the ISR go down. The follower is now uncleanly
     * elected as the new leader, and it starts appending messages from the client. The old leader comes back up, becomes a follower
     * and it may discover that the current leader's end offset is behind its own end offset.
     * In such a case, truncate the current follower's log to the current leader's end offset and continue fetching.
     * There is a potential for a mismatch between the logs of the two replicas here. We don't fix this mismatch as of now.
    // 发送 ListOffsetRequest 请求,获取 leader 副本的 LEO 值
    val leaderEndOffset = fetchLatestOffsetFromLeader(topicPartition, currentLeaderEpoch)
    // 如果 leader 副本的 LEO 值落后于 follower 副本的 LEO 值
    if (leaderEndOffset < replicaEndOffset) {
      warn(s"Reset fetch offset for partition $topicPartition from $replicaEndOffset to current " +
        s"leader's latest offset $leaderEndOffset")
      // 将分区对应的 Log 截断到 leader 副本的 LEO 位置,从该位置开始重新与 leader 副本进行同步
      truncate(topicPartition, OffsetTruncationState(leaderEndOffset, truncationCompleted = true))
    } else {
      // 可能场景:follower 副本长时间失效,期间 leader 副本不断在追加新的数据,等到 follower 再次上线时,leader 副本对应 offset 位置的日志数据已被定时任务清除。
       * If the leader's log end offset is greater than the follower's log end offset, there are two possibilities:
       * 1. The follower could have been down for a long time and when it starts up, its end offset could be smaller than the leader's
       * start offset because the leader has deleted old logs (log.logEndOffset < leaderStartOffset).
       * 2. When unclean leader election occurs, it is possible that the old leader's high watermark is greater than
       * the new leader's log end offset. So when the old leader truncates its offset to its high watermark and starts
       * to fetch from the new leader, an OffsetOutOfRangeException will be thrown. After that some more messages are
       * produced to the new leader. While the old leader is trying to handle the OffsetOutOfRangeException and query
       * the log end offset of the new leader, the new leader's log end offset becomes higher than the follower's log end offset.
       * In the first case, the follower's current log end offset is smaller than the leader's log start offset. So the
       * follower should truncate all its logs, roll out a new segment and start to fetch from the current leader's log
       * start offset.
       * In the second case, the follower should just keep the current log segments and retry the fetch. In the second
       * case, there will be some inconsistency of data between old and new leader. We are not solving it here.
       * If users want to have strong consistency guarantees, appropriate configurations needs to be set for both
       * brokers and producers.
       * Putting the two cases together, the follower should fetch from the higher one of its replica log end offset
       * and the current leader's log start offset.
      // 发送 ListOffsetRequest 请求,获取 leader 副本的 startOffset 值
      val leaderStartOffset = fetchEarliestOffsetFromLeader(topicPartition, currentLeaderEpoch)
      warn(s"Reset fetch offset for partition $topicPartition from $replicaEndOffset to current " +
        s"leader's start offset $leaderStartOffset")
      // 选择下次获取消息的起始 offset 值
      val offsetToFetch = Math.max(leaderStartOffset, replicaEndOffset)
      // Only truncate log when current leader's log start offset is greater than follower's log end offset.
      // 如果当前 leader 的 startOffset 大于对应副本的 LEO 值,则将该副本的 Log 全部截断,并创建新的 activeSegment 对象
      if (leaderStartOffset > replicaEndOffset)
        truncateFullyAndStartAt(topicPartition, leaderStartOffset)
      // 返回下次获取消息的 offset 位置






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