

class ReplicaManager(val config: KafkaConfig,
                     metrics: Metrics,
                     time: Time,
                     jTime: JTime,
                     val zkUtils: ZkUtils,
                     scheduler: Scheduler,
                     val logManager: LogManager,
                     val isShuttingDown: AtomicBoolean,
                     threadNamePrefix: Option[String] = None) extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {
  /* epoch of the controller that last changed the leader */
  //KafkaController的年代信息,当重新选举出Controller Leader时字段值会递增。之后,在ReplicaManager处理来自KafkaContoller的请求时,会先检测请求中携带的年代信息是否等于controllerEpoch字段的值。
  // 避免接受旧的controller leader发送的请求。
  @volatile var controllerEpoch: Int = KafkaController.InitialControllerEpoch - 1
  // broker的ID
  private val localBrokerId = config.brokerId
  private val allPartitions = new Pool[(String, Int), Partition](valueFactory = Some { case (t, p) =>
    new Partition(t, p, time, this)
  private val replicaStateChangeLock = new Object
  // 在replicaFetcherManager中管理多个ReplicaFetcherThread线程,ReplicaFetcherThread线程会向leader副本发送FetchRequest请求来获取消息,实现Follower副本与leader副本同步。
  val replicaFetcherManager = new ReplicaFetcherManager(config, this, metrics, jTime, threadNamePrefix)
  private val highWatermarkCheckPointThreadStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false)
  // 缓存每个log和offsetcheckpoint之间的对应关系,OffsetCheckPoint记录了每个log目录下的replication-offset-checkpoint文件,这个文件记录每个分区的hw。ReplicaManager中的hw-checkpoint任务会定时更新replication-offset-checkpoint文件的内容
  val highWatermarkCheckpoints = config.logDirs.map(dir => (new File(dir).getAbsolutePath, new OffsetCheckpoint(new File(dir, ReplicaManager.HighWatermarkFilename)))).toMap
  private var hwThreadInitialized = false
  this.logIdent = "[Replica Manager on Broker " + localBrokerId + "]: "
  val stateChangeLogger = KafkaController.stateChangeLogger
  // isr集合发生变化的分区信息
  private val isrChangeSet: mutable.Set[TopicAndPartition] = new mutable.HashSet[TopicAndPartition]()
  private val lastIsrChangeMs = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis())
  private val lastIsrPropagationMs = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis())
  // 用于管理DelayedProduce和DelayedFetch
  val delayedProducePurgatory = DelayedOperationPurgatory[DelayedProduce](
    purgatoryName = "Produce", config.brokerId, config.producerPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests)
  val delayedFetchPurgatory = DelayedOperationPurgatory[DelayedFetch](
    purgatoryName = "Fetch", config.brokerId, config.fetchPurgatoryPurgeIntervalRequests)

在kafka集群中会选举一个Broker成为KafkaController的Leader,它负责管理整个kafka集群。Controller Leader根据分区的leader副本和follower副本的状态向对应的Broker节点发送LeaderAndISRRequest,这个请求主要用来副本的角色切换,指导Broker把上面的哪些分区的副本切换成leader或者follower。

def becomeLeaderOrFollower(correlationId: Int,leaderAndISRRequest: LeaderAndIsrRequest,
                             metadataCache: MetadataCache,
                             onLeadershipChange: (Iterable[Partition], Iterable[Partition]) => Unit): BecomeLeaderOrFollowerResult = {
    leaderAndISRRequest.partitionStates.asScala.foreach { case (topicPartition, stateInfo) =>
      stateChangeLogger.trace("Broker %d received LeaderAndIsr request %s correlation id %d from controller %d epoch %d for partition [%s,%d]"
                                .format(localBrokerId, stateInfo, correlationId,
                                        leaderAndISRRequest.controllerId, leaderAndISRRequest.controllerEpoch, topicPartition.topic, topicPartition.partition))
    replicaStateChangeLock synchronized {
      val responseMap = new mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Short]
      if (leaderAndISRRequest.controllerEpoch < controllerEpoch) {
        leaderAndISRRequest.partitionStates.asScala.foreach { case (topicPartition, stateInfo) =>
        stateChangeLogger.warn(("Broker %d ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller %d with correlation id %d since " +
          "its controller epoch %d is old. Latest known controller epoch is %d").format(localBrokerId, leaderAndISRRequest.controllerId,
          correlationId, leaderAndISRRequest.controllerEpoch, controllerEpoch))
        BecomeLeaderOrFollowerResult(responseMap, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH.code)
      } else {
        val controllerId = leaderAndISRRequest.controllerId
        controllerEpoch = leaderAndISRRequest.controllerEpoch

        // First check partition's leader epoch
        val partitionState = new mutable.HashMap[Partition, PartitionState]()
        leaderAndISRRequest.partitionStates.asScala.foreach { 
          case (topicPartition, stateInfo) =>
          val partition = getOrCreatePartition(topicPartition.topic, topicPartition.partition)
          val partitionLeaderEpoch = partition.getLeaderEpoch()
          // If the leader epoch is valid record the epoch of the controller that made the leadership decision.
          // This is useful while updating the isr to maintain the decision maker controller's epoch in the zookeeper path
          // 检测leaderEpoch
          if (partitionLeaderEpoch < stateInfo.leaderEpoch) {
            // 判断这个分区的副本是否被分配到了当前的broker
              partitionState.put(partition, stateInfo)
            else {
              stateChangeLogger.warn(("Broker %d ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller %d with correlation id %d " +
                "epoch %d for partition [%s,%d] as itself is not in assigned replica list %s")
                .format(localBrokerId, controllerId, correlationId, leaderAndISRRequest.controllerEpoch,
                  topicPartition.topic, topicPartition.partition, stateInfo.replicas.asScala.mkString(",")))
              responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION.code)
          } else {
            // Otherwise record the error code in response
            stateChangeLogger.warn(("Broker %d ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller %d with correlation id %d " +
              "epoch %d for partition [%s,%d] since its associated leader epoch %d is old. Current leader epoch is %d")
              .format(localBrokerId, controllerId, correlationId, leaderAndISRRequest.controllerEpoch,
                topicPartition.topic, topicPartition.partition, stateInfo.leaderEpoch, partitionLeaderEpoch))
            responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH.code)
        val partitionsTobeLeader = partitionState.filter { case (partition, stateInfo) =>
          stateInfo.leader == config.brokerId
        val partitionsToBeFollower = (partitionState -- partitionsTobeLeader.keys)
        val partitionsBecomeLeader = if (!partitionsTobeLeader.isEmpty)
          makeLeaders(controllerId, controllerEpoch, partitionsTobeLeader, correlationId, responseMap)
        val partitionsBecomeFollower = if (!partitionsToBeFollower.isEmpty)
          makeFollowers(controllerId, controllerEpoch, partitionsToBeFollower, correlationId, responseMap, metadataCache)

        // we initialize highwatermark thread after the first leaderisrrequest. This ensures that all the partitions
        // have been completely populated before starting the checkpointing there by avoiding weird race conditions
        // 启动hw-checkpoint任务
        if (!hwThreadInitialized) {
          hwThreadInitialized = true

        onLeadershipChange(partitionsBecomeLeader, partitionsBecomeFollower)
        BecomeLeaderOrFollowerResult(responseMap, Errors.NONE.code)


private def makeLeaders(controllerId: Int,
                      epoch: Int,
                      partitionState: Map[Partition, PartitionState],
                      correlationId: Int,
                      responseMap: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Short]): Set[Partition] = {
partitionState.foreach(state =>
      stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId %d from controller %d epoch %d " +
        "starting the become-leader transition for partition %s")
        .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch, TopicAndPartition(state._1.topic, state._1.partitionId))))
    // 初始化每个分区对应的错误码为Errors.NONE.code
    for (partition <- partitionState.keys)
      responseMap.put(new TopicPartition(partition.topic, partition.partitionId), Errors.NONE.code)
    val partitionsToMakeLeaders: mutable.Set[Partition] = mutable.Set()

    try {
      // First stop fetchers for all the partitions
      // 在此broker上的副本之前可能是follower,那么要暂停这些副本的fetch操作
      replicaFetcherManager.removeFetcherForPartitions(partitionState.keySet.map(new TopicAndPartition(_)))
      // Update the partition information to be the leader
      // 调用Partition.makeLeader方法,把分区的localreplica切换成leader
      partitionState.foreach{ case (partition, partitionStateInfo) =>
        if (partition.makeLeader(controllerId, partitionStateInfo, correlationId))
          // 记录成功切换成leader的分区
          partitionsToMakeLeaders += partition
          stateChangeLogger.info(("Broker %d skipped the become-leader state change after marking its partition as leader with correlation id %d from " +
            "controller %d epoch %d for partition %s since it is already the leader for the partition.")
            .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch, TopicAndPartition(partition.topic, partition.partitionId)));
      partitionsToMakeLeaders.foreach { partition =>
        stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d stopped fetchers as part of become-leader request from controller " +
          "%d epoch %d with correlation id %d for partition %s")
          .format(localBrokerId, controllerId, epoch, correlationId, TopicAndPartition(partition.topic, partition.partitionId)))
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable =>
        partitionState.foreach { state =>
          val errorMsg = ("Error on broker %d while processing LeaderAndIsr request correlationId %d received from controller %d" +
            " epoch %d for partition %s").format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch,
                                                TopicAndPartition(state._1.topic, state._1.partitionId))
          stateChangeLogger.error(errorMsg, e)
        // Re-throw the exception for it to be caught in KafkaApis
        throw e

    partitionState.foreach { state =>
      stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d completed LeaderAndIsr request correlationId %d from controller %d epoch %d " +
        "for the become-leader transition for partition %s")
        .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch, TopicAndPartition(state._1.topic, state._1.partitionId)))


makeFollowers方法把分区的local Replica切换为Follower副本,如果从leader副本切换成follower副本,需要首先检测新的leader副本是否存活,然后决定是否进行切换。

private def makeFollowers(controllerId: Int,
                        epoch: Int,
                        partitionState: Map[Partition, PartitionState],
                        correlationId: Int,
                        responseMap: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Short],
                        metadataCache: MetadataCache) : Set[Partition] = {
    partitionState.foreach { state =>
      stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d handling LeaderAndIsr request correlationId %d from controller %d epoch %d " +
        "starting the become-follower transition for partition %s")
        .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch, TopicAndPartition(state._1.topic, state._1.partitionId)))

    for (partition <- partitionState.keys)
      responseMap.put(new TopicPartition(partition.topic, partition.partitionId), Errors.NONE.code)

    val partitionsToMakeFollower: mutable.Set[Partition] = mutable.Set()

    try {

      // TODO: Delete leaders from LeaderAndIsrRequest
      partitionState.foreach{ case (partition, partitionStateInfo) =>
        // 检测新的leader所在的broker是否存活
        val newLeaderBrokerId = partitionStateInfo.leader
        metadataCache.getAliveBrokers.find(_.id == newLeaderBrokerId) match {
          // Only change partition state when the leader is available
          case Some(leaderBroker) =>
            // 调用Partition.makeFollower方法,把分区的localreplica切换成follower
            if (partition.makeFollower(controllerId, partitionStateInfo, correlationId))
              partitionsToMakeFollower += partition
              stateChangeLogger.info(("Broker %d skipped the become-follower state change after marking its partition as follower with correlation id %d from " +
                "controller %d epoch %d for partition [%s,%d] since the new leader %d is the same as the old leader")
                .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, partitionStateInfo.controllerEpoch,
                partition.topic, partition.partitionId, newLeaderBrokerId))
          case None =>
            // The leader broker should always be present in the metadata cache.
            // If not, we should record the error message and abort the transition process for this partition
            stateChangeLogger.error(("Broker %d received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id %d from controller" +
              " %d epoch %d for partition [%s,%d] but cannot become follower since the new leader %d is unavailable.")
              .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, partitionStateInfo.controllerEpoch,
              partition.topic, partition.partitionId, newLeaderBrokerId))
            // Create the local replica even if the leader is unavailable. This is required to ensure that we include
            // the partition's high watermark in the checkpoint file (see KAFKA-1647)
            // 即使是Leader副本所在的Broker不可用,也要创建Local Replica,主要是为了在checkpoint文件中记录这个分区的HW
      // 停止与旧leader同步的fetch线程
      replicaFetcherManager.removeFetcherForPartitions(partitionsToMakeFollower.map(new TopicAndPartition(_)))
      partitionsToMakeFollower.foreach { partition =>
        stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d stopped fetchers as part of become-follower request from controller " +
          "%d epoch %d with correlation id %d for partition %s")
          .format(localBrokerId, controllerId, epoch, correlationId, TopicAndPartition(partition.topic, partition.partitionId)))
      // 由于leader副本已经发生变化,所以新旧leader副本在HW~LEO之间的消息可能是不一致的,但是HW之前的消息是一致的,所以把消息截取到HW
      logManager.truncateTo(partitionsToMakeFollower.map(partition => (new TopicAndPartition(partition), partition.getOrCreateReplica().highWatermark.messageOffset)).toMap)
      // 完成分区相关的DelayedOperation
      partitionsToMakeFollower.foreach { partition =>
        val topicPartitionOperationKey = new TopicPartitionOperationKey(partition.topic, partition.partitionId)
      partitionsToMakeFollower.foreach { partition =>
        stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d truncated logs and checkpointed recovery boundaries for partition [%s,%d] as part of " +
          "become-follower request with correlation id %d from controller %d epoch %d").format(localBrokerId,
          partition.topic, partition.partitionId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch))

      if (isShuttingDown.get()) { // 检测ReplicaManager的运行状态
        partitionsToMakeFollower.foreach { partition =>
          stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d skipped the adding-fetcher step of the become-follower state change with correlation id %d from " +
            "controller %d epoch %d for partition [%s,%d] since it is shutting down").format(localBrokerId, correlationId,
            controllerId, epoch, partition.topic, partition.partitionId))
      else {
        // we do not need to check if the leader exists again since this has been done at the beginning of this process
        // 重新开启与新leader副本同步的fetcher线程
        val partitionsToMakeFollowerWithLeaderAndOffset = partitionsToMakeFollower.map(partition =>
          new TopicAndPartition(partition) -> BrokerAndInitialOffset(
            metadataCache.getAliveBrokers.find(_.id == partition.leaderReplicaIdOpt.get).get.getBrokerEndPoint(config.interBrokerSecurityProtocol),

        partitionsToMakeFollower.foreach { partition =>
          stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d started fetcher to new leader as part of become-follower request from controller " +
            "%d epoch %d with correlation id %d for partition [%s,%d]")
            .format(localBrokerId, controllerId, epoch, correlationId, partition.topic, partition.partitionId))
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable =>
        val errorMsg = ("Error on broker %d while processing LeaderAndIsr request with correlationId %d received from controller %d " +
          "epoch %d").format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch)
        stateChangeLogger.error(errorMsg, e)
        // Re-throw the exception for it to be caught in KafkaApis
        throw e

    partitionState.foreach { state =>
      stateChangeLogger.trace(("Broker %d completed LeaderAndIsr request correlationId %d from controller %d epoch %d " +
        "for the become-follower transition for partition %s")
        .format(localBrokerId, correlationId, controllerId, epoch, TopicAndPartition(state._1.topic, state._1.partitionId)))







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