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原创 pgpool-II+Hot_standby+Streaming replication环境搭建
1、实验环境说明1.1 操作系统1. # cat /etc/issue1) CentOS release 5.5 (Final)2) Kernel \r on an \m 2. # uname -a1) Linux pgpool 2.6.18-194.el5 #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 14:58:
2014-09-01 17:18:59 1636
原创 PostgreSQL data同步工具【pg_rewind】
pg_rewind is a tool for synchronizing a PostgreSQL data directory with another PostgreSQL data directory that was forked from the first one. The result is equivalent to rsyncing the first data directory with the second one. The advantage of pg_rewind over
2014-09-01 16:59:17 4202
原创 PostgreSQL对象重组工具【pg_reorg】
Description:pg_reorg is an utility program toreorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases. Unlike clusterdb, it doesn't blockany selections and updates during reorganization. You can choose o
2014-09-01 16:38:17 1964
原创 搭建CloudStack
How to install CloudStack 4.2 on CentOS 6.4http://www.itsprite.com/how-to-install-cloudstack-4-2-on-centos-6-4/ 在 CentOS 6.4上安装 CloudStack 4.2(中文)http://www.vpsee.com/2013/11/install-cl
2014-09-01 16:11:19 1081
原创 check_postgres脚本集
一、简介check_postgres is a script for monitoring various attributes of your database. It is designed to work with Nagios, MRTG, or in standalone scripts. 二、安装2.1 编译安装[root@check_postgres ~]
2014-09-01 15:30:12 1038
原创 Ora2Pg安装配置
2014-09-01 15:22:00 7395
原创 pg_bulkload批量载入工具(初探)
安装:# tar -zxvf pg_bulkload-3.1.6.tar.gz# cd pg_bulkload-3.1.6# . /home/postgres/.bash_profile# make# make install引入扩展:$ psql psql (9.3.4)Type "help" for help.postgres=# create
2014-09-01 15:07:49 3158
原创 pgsi
一、简介pgsi is the Postgres System Impact report,a script that analyzes Postgres log files and reports on which queries have thehighest overall impact on the server. The impact is computed by
2014-09-01 14:36:59 8274
原创 PITRTools
pitrtools is a Python + PostgreSQL application that assists in the provisioning of Hot Standby, Warm Standby, Cold Standby, Streaming Replication clusters and multiple standbys (slaves). It supp
2014-09-01 14:33:53 539
原创 Postgres-XL测试
GTM-Proxy的作用:GTM-Proxy is not a mandatory component of Postgres-XL cluster but it can be used to group messages between GTM and cluster nodes, reducing workload and the number of packages ex
2014-09-01 14:24:46 5116 2
原创 SuSE上设置本地yast / zypper源
例如要将系统镜像作为一个本地源:# mount -o loop SLES-11-SP3-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso /cdrom# zypper ar file:///cdrom local-slesAdding repository 'local-sles' [done]Repository 'local-sles' successfully addedEnable
2014-09-01 14:00:19 6559
原创 TPC-H Benchmark
关于TCP-H benchmarkThe TPC-H Benchmark is a popular one for comparing database vendors. It's possible to run the TPC-H data set on PostgreSQL without having a formal testing kit (although there is D
2014-09-01 13:50:49 1768
原创 flashcache在SLES 11 SP3上的编译错误
最近在SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3上编译flashcache模块时遇到如下的错误:linux-qzdm:~/facebook-flashcache-9b26cb1 # make KERNEL_TREE=/usr/src/linux-3.0.76-0.11/fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the pare
2014-08-29 14:08:13 853
原创 BenchmarkSQL安装使用介绍
BenchmarkSQL安装使用介绍 --连顺科 2014/05/13一、简介An easy to use JDBC benchmark that closely resembles the TPC-C standard for OLTP. RDBMS's presently supported include PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB and
2014-07-07 16:48:13 4024
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