android pop自定义弹出窗口实现


package lian.test.androidtest.pop;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.view.animation.Animation.AnimationListener;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
 * 名称 
 * 描述:提示框
public class MyPopView extends RelativeLayout implements OnTouchListener{
	 * AbPopoverView的监听器
	public static interface PopoverViewListener{
		 * Called when the popover is going to show
		 * @param view The whole popover view
		void popoverViewWillShow(MyPopView view);
		 * Called when the popover did show
		 * @param view The whole popover view
		void popoverViewDidShow(MyPopView view);
		 * Called when the popover is going to be dismissed
		 * @param view The whole popover view
		void popoverViewWillDismiss(MyPopView view);
		 * Called when the popover was dismissed
		 * @param view The whole popover view
		void popoverViewDidDismiss(MyPopView view);
	 * Popover arrow points up. Integer to use with bit operators to tell the popover where the arrow should appear and from where the popover should appear
	public final static int PopoverArrowDirectionUp    = 0x00000001;
	 * Popover arrow points down. Integer to use with bit operators to tell the popover where the arrow should appear and from where the popover should appear
	public final static int PopoverArrowDirectionDown  = 0x00000002;
	 * Popover arrow points left. Integer to use with bit operators to tell the popover where the arrow should appear and from where the popover should appear
	public final static int PopoverArrowDirectionLeft  = 0x00000004;
	 * Popover arrow points right. Integer to use with bit operators to tell the popover where the arrow should appear and from where the popover should appear
	public final static int PopoverArrowDirectionRight = 0x00000008;
	 * Popover arrow points any direction. Integer to use with bit operators to tell the popover where the arrow should appear and from where the popover should appear
	public final static int PopoverArrowDirectionAny = PopoverArrowDirectionUp|PopoverArrowDirectionDown|PopoverArrowDirectionLeft|PopoverArrowDirectionRight;
	 * The delegate of the view
	private PopoverViewListener popoverViewListener;
	 * The main popover containing the view we want to show
	private RelativeLayout popoverView;
	 * The view group storing this popover. We need this so, when we dismiss the popover, we remove it from the view group
	private ViewGroup superview;
	 * The content size for the view in the popover
	private Point contentSizeForViewInPopover = new Point(0, 0);
	 * The real content size we will use (it considers the padding)
	private Point realContentSize = new Point(0, 0);
	 * A hash containing
	private Map<Integer, Rect> possibleRects;
	 * Whether the view is animating or not
	private boolean isAnimating = false;
	 * The fade animation time in milliseconds
	private int fadeAnimationTime = 300;
	 * The layout Rect, is the same as the superview rect
	private Rect popoverLayoutRect;
	 * The popover background drawable
	private Drawable backgroundDrawable;
	 * The popover arrow up drawable
	private Drawable arrowUpDrawable;
	 * The popover arrow down drawable
	private Drawable arrowDownDrawable;
	 * The popover arrow left drawable
	private Drawable arrowLeftDrawable;
	 * The popover arrow down drawable
	private Drawable arrowRightDrawable;
	 * 当前显示的箭头图标
	private ImageView arrowImageView = null;
	 * 当前显示的提示的View
	private View popoverContentView = null;
	 * Constructor to create a popover with a popover view
	 * @param context The context where we should create the popover view
	public MyPopView(Context context) {

	 * Constructor to create a popover with a popover view
	 * @param context The context where we should create the popover view
	 * @param attrs Attribute set to init the view
	public MyPopView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
		super(context, attrs);
	 * Constructor to create a popover with a popover view
	 * @param context The context where we should create the popover view
	 * @param attrs Attribute set to init the view
	 * @param defStyle The default style for this view
	public MyPopView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
		super(context, attrs, defStyle);
	 * Init the popover view
	 * @param viewToEnclose The view we wan to insert inside the popover
	private void initPopoverView(){
		//Init the relative layout
		popoverView = new RelativeLayout(getContext());
	 * Get the Rect frame for a view (relative to the Window of the application)
	 * @param v The view to get the rect from
	 * @return The rect of the view, relative to the application window
	public static Rect getFrameForView(View v){
		int location [] = new int [2];
		Rect viewRect = new Rect(location[0], location[1], location[0]+v.getWidth(), location[1]+v.getHeight());
		return viewRect;
	 * Add the popover to the view with a defined rect inside the popover
	 * @param insertRect The rect we want to insert the view
	private void addPopoverInRect(Rect insertRect){
		//Set layout params
		LayoutParams insertParams = new LayoutParams(insertRect.width(), insertRect.height());
		insertParams.leftMargin = insertRect.left;
		insertParams.topMargin =;
		//Add the view
		addView(popoverView, insertParams);
	private void initArrow(Rect originRect, Integer arrowDirection){
		if(arrowImageView != null){
		//Add arrow drawable
		arrowImageView = new ImageView(getContext());
		Drawable arrowDrawable = null;
		int xPos = 0;
		int arrowWidth = 0;
		int yPos = 0;
		int arrowHeight = 0;
		//Get correct drawable, and get Width, Height, Xpos and yPos depending on the selected arrow direction
		if (arrowDirection == MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionUp){
			arrowDrawable = arrowUpDrawable;
			arrowWidth = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
			arrowHeight = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
			xPos = originRect.centerX() - (arrowWidth/2) - popoverLayoutRect.left;
			yPos = originRect.bottom -;
		else if (arrowDirection == MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionDown){
			arrowDrawable = arrowDownDrawable;
			arrowWidth = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
			arrowHeight = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
			xPos = originRect.centerX() - (arrowWidth/2) - popoverLayoutRect.left;
			yPos = - arrowHeight -;
		else if (arrowDirection == MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionLeft){
			arrowDrawable = arrowLeftDrawable;
			arrowWidth = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
			arrowHeight = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
			xPos = originRect.right - popoverLayoutRect.left;
			yPos = originRect.centerY() - (arrowHeight/2) -;
		else if (arrowDirection == MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionRight){
			arrowDrawable = arrowRightDrawable;
			arrowWidth = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
			arrowHeight = arrowDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
			xPos = originRect.left - arrowWidth - popoverLayoutRect.left;
			yPos = originRect.centerY() - (arrowHeight/2) -;
		//Set drawable
		//Init layout params
		LayoutParams arrowParams = new LayoutParams(arrowWidth, arrowHeight);
		arrowParams.leftMargin = xPos;
		arrowParams.topMargin = yPos;
		//add view
		addView(arrowImageView, arrowParams);
	 * Calculates the rect for showing the view with Arrow Up
	 * @param originRect The origin rect
	 * @return The calculated rect to show the view
	private Rect getRectForArrowUp(Rect originRect){
		//Get available space		
		int xAvailable = popoverLayoutRect.width();
		if (xAvailable < 0)
			xAvailable = 0;
		int yAvailable = popoverLayoutRect.height() - (originRect.bottom -;
		if (yAvailable < 0)
			yAvailable = 0;
		//Get final width and height
		int finalX = xAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.x > 0) && (realContentSize.x < finalX))
			finalX = realContentSize.x;
		int finalY = yAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.y > 0) && (realContentSize.y < finalY))
			finalY = realContentSize.y;
		//Get final origin X and Y
		int originX = (originRect.centerX()-popoverLayoutRect.left) - (finalX/2) ;
		if (originX < 0)
			originX = 0;
		else if (originX+finalX > popoverLayoutRect.width())
			originX = popoverLayoutRect.width() - finalX;
		int originY = (originRect.bottom -;
		//Create rect
		Rect finalRect = new Rect(originX, originY, originX+finalX, originY+finalY);
		//And return
		return finalRect;
	 * Calculates the rect for showing the view with Arrow Down
	 * @param originRect The origin rect
	 * @return The calculated rect to show the view
	private Rect getRectForArrowDown(Rect originRect){
		//Get available space		
		int xAvailable = popoverLayoutRect.width();
		if (xAvailable < 0)
			xAvailable = 0;
		int yAvailable = ( -;
		if (yAvailable < 0)
			yAvailable = 0;
		//Get final width and height
		int finalX = xAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.x > 0) && (realContentSize.x < finalX))
			finalX = realContentSize.x;
		int finalY = yAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.y > 0) && (realContentSize.y < finalY))
			finalY = realContentSize.y;
		//Get final origin X and Y
		int originX = (originRect.centerX()-popoverLayoutRect.left) - (finalX/2) ;
		if (originX < 0)
			originX = 0;
		else if (originX+finalX > popoverLayoutRect.width())
			originX = popoverLayoutRect.width() - finalX;
		int originY = ( - - finalY;
		//Create rect
		Rect finalRect = new Rect(originX, originY, originX+finalX, originY+finalY);
		//And return
		return finalRect;
	 * Calculates the rect for showing the view with Arrow Right
	 * @param originRect The origin rect
	 * @return The calculated rect to show the view
	private Rect getRectForArrowRight(Rect originRect){
		//Get available space		
		int xAvailable = (originRect.left - popoverLayoutRect.left);
		if (xAvailable < 0)
			xAvailable = 0;
		int yAvailable = popoverLayoutRect.height();
		if (yAvailable < 0)
			yAvailable = 0;
		//Get final width and height
		int finalX = xAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.x > 0) && (realContentSize.x < finalX))
			finalX = realContentSize.x;
		int finalY = yAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.y > 0) && (realContentSize.y < finalY))
			finalY = realContentSize.y;
		//Get final origin X and Y
		int originX = (originRect.left - popoverLayoutRect.left) - finalX;
		int originY = (originRect.centerY() - (finalY/2) ;
		if (originY < 0)
			originY = 0;
		else if (originY+finalY > popoverLayoutRect.height())
			originY = popoverLayoutRect.height() - finalY;
		//Create rect
		Rect finalRect = new Rect(originX, originY, originX+finalX, originY+finalY);
		//And return
		return finalRect;
	 * Calculates the rect for showing the view with Arrow Left
	 * @param originRect The origin rect
	 * @return The calculated rect to show the view
	private Rect getRectForArrowLeft(Rect originRect){
		//Get available space		
		int xAvailable = popoverLayoutRect.width() - (originRect.right - popoverLayoutRect.left);
		if (xAvailable < 0)
			xAvailable = 0;
		int yAvailable = popoverLayoutRect.height();
		if (yAvailable < 0)
			yAvailable = 0;
		//Get final width and height
		int finalX = xAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.x > 0) && (realContentSize.x < finalX))
			finalX = realContentSize.x;
		int finalY = yAvailable;
		if ((realContentSize.y > 0) && (realContentSize.y < finalY))
			finalY = realContentSize.y;
		//Get final origin X and Y
		int originX = (originRect.right - popoverLayoutRect.left);
		int originY = (originRect.centerY() - (finalY/2) ;
		if (originY < 0)
			originY = 0;
		else if (originY+finalY > popoverLayoutRect.height())
			originY = popoverLayoutRect.height() - finalY;
		//Create rect
		Rect finalRect = new Rect(originX, originY, originX+finalX, originY+finalY);
		//And return
		return finalRect;
	 * Add available rects for each selected arrow direction
	 * @param originRect The rect where the popover will appear from
	 * @param arrowDirections The bit mask for the possible arrow directions
	private void addAvailableRects(Rect originRect, int arrowDirections){
		//Get popover rects for the available directions
		possibleRects = new HashMap<Integer, Rect>();
		if ((arrowDirections & MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionUp) != 0){
			possibleRects.put(MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionUp, getRectForArrowUp(originRect));
		if ((arrowDirections & MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionDown) != 0){
			possibleRects.put(MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionDown, getRectForArrowDown(originRect));
		if ((arrowDirections & MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionRight) != 0){
			possibleRects.put(MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionRight, getRectForArrowRight(originRect));
		if ((arrowDirections & MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionLeft) != 0){
			possibleRects.put(MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionLeft, getRectForArrowLeft(originRect));
	 * Get the best available rect (bigger area)
	 * @return The Integer key to get the Rect from posibleRects (PopoverArrowDirectionUp,PopoverArrowDirectionDown,PopoverArrowDirectionRight or PopoverArrowDirectionLeft)
	private Integer getBestRect(){
		//Get the best one (bigger area)
		Integer best = null;
		for (Integer arrowDir : possibleRects.keySet()) {
			if (best == null){
				best = arrowDir;	
				Rect bestRect = possibleRects.get(best);
				Rect checkRect = possibleRects.get(arrowDir);
				if ((bestRect.width()*bestRect.height()) < (checkRect.width()*checkRect.height()))
					best = arrowDir;
		return best;
	 * Gets the current fade animation time
	 * @return The fade animation time, in milliseconds
	public int getFadeAnimationTime() {
		return fadeAnimationTime;

	 * Sets the fade animation time
	 * @param fadeAnimationTime The time in milliseconds
	public void setFadeAnimationTime(int fadeAnimationTime) {
		this.fadeAnimationTime = fadeAnimationTime;
	 * Get the content size for view in popover
	 * @return The point with the content size
	public Point getContentSizeForViewInPopover() {
		return contentSizeForViewInPopover;

	 * Sets the content size for the view in a popover, if point is (0,0) the popover will full the screen
	 * @param contentSizeForViewInPopover
	public void setContentSizeForViewInPopover(Point contentSizeForViewInPopover) {
		this.contentSizeForViewInPopover = contentSizeForViewInPopover;
		//Save the real content size
		realContentSize = new Point(contentSizeForViewInPopover);
		realContentSize.x += popoverView.getPaddingLeft()+popoverView.getPaddingRight();
		realContentSize.y += popoverView.getPaddingTop()+popoverView.getPaddingBottom();

	public PopoverViewListener getPopoverViewListener() {
		return popoverViewListener;

	public void setPopoverViewListener(PopoverViewListener popoverViewListener) {
		this.popoverViewListener = popoverViewListener;

	 * This method shows a popover in a ViewGroup, from an origin rect (relative to the Application Window)
	 * @param group The group we want to insert the popup. Normally a Relative Layout so it can stand on top of everything
	 * @param originRect The rect we want the popup to appear from (relative to the Application Window!)
	 * @param arrowDirections The mask of bits to tell in which directions we want the popover to be shown
	 * @param animated Whether is animated, or not
	public void showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(ViewGroup group, Rect originRect, int arrowDirections, boolean animated){
		//First, tell delegate we will show
		if (popoverViewListener != null)
		//Save superview
		superview = group;
		//First, add the view to the view group. The popover will cover the whole area
		android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams insertParams =  new  android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams(android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
		group.addView(this, insertParams);
		//Now, save rect for the layout (is the same as the superview)
		popoverLayoutRect = MyPopView.getFrameForView(superview);
		//Add available rects
		addAvailableRects(originRect, arrowDirections);
		//Get best rect
		Integer best = getBestRect();
		//Add popover
		Rect bestRect = possibleRects.get(best);
		initArrow(originRect, best);
		//If we don't want animation, just tell the delegate
		if (!animated){
			//Tell delegate we did show
			if (popoverViewListener != null)
		//If we want animation, animate it!
			//Continue only if we are not animating
			if (!isAnimating){
				//Create alpha animation, with its listener
				AlphaAnimation animation = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f);
				animation.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {
					public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
						//Nothing to do here
					public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
						//Nothing to do here
					public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
						//End animation
						isAnimating = false;
						//Tell delegate we did show
						if (popoverViewListener != null)
				//Start animation
				isAnimating = true;
	 * Dismiss the current shown popover
	 * @param animated Whether it should be dismissed animated or not
	public void dissmissPopover(boolean animated){
		//Tell delegate we will dismiss
		if (popoverViewListener != null)
		//If we don't want animation
		if (!animated){
			//Just remove views
			//Tell delegate we did dismiss
			if (popoverViewListener != null)
			//Continue only if there is not an animation in progress
			if (!isAnimating){
				//Create alpha animation, with its listener
				AlphaAnimation animation = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f);
				animation.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {
					public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
						//Nothing to do here
					public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
						//Nothing to do here
					public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
						//Remove the view
						//End animation
						isAnimating = false;
						//Tell delegate we did dismiss
						if (popoverViewListener != null)
				//Start animation
				isAnimating = true;
	public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
		//If we touched over the background popover view (this)
		if ((!isAnimating) && (v  == this)){
		return true;

	public Drawable getBackgroundDrawable() {
		return backgroundDrawable;

	public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable backgroundDrawable) {
		this.backgroundDrawable = backgroundDrawable;

	public Drawable getArrowUpDrawable() {
		return arrowUpDrawable;

	public void setArrowUpDrawable(Drawable arrowUpDrawable) {
		this.arrowUpDrawable = arrowUpDrawable;

	public Drawable getArrowDownDrawable() {
		return arrowDownDrawable;

	public void setArrowDownDrawable(Drawable arrowDownDrawable) {
		this.arrowDownDrawable = arrowDownDrawable;

	public Drawable getArrowLeftDrawable() {
		return arrowLeftDrawable;

	public void setArrowLeftDrawable(Drawable arrowLeftDrawable) {
		this.arrowLeftDrawable = arrowLeftDrawable;

	public Drawable getArrowRightDrawable() {
		return arrowRightDrawable;

	public void setArrowRightDrawable(Drawable arrowRightDrawable) {
		this.arrowRightDrawable = arrowRightDrawable;

	public View getPopoverContentView() {
		return popoverContentView;

	 * 描述:设置显示的View
	 * @param popoverContentView
	 * @throws 
	public void setPopoverContentView(View popoverContentView) {
		this.popoverContentView = popoverContentView;
		popoverView.addView(popoverContentView,LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);

package lian.test.androidtest.pop;

import lian.test.androidtest.R;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class PopoverActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener{
	RelativeLayout rootView = null;
	MyPopView popoverView = null;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   /*     AbTitleBar mAbTitleBar = this.getTitleBar();
        mAbTitleBar.setTitleTextMargin(10, 0, 0, 0);
        rootView = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(;
        popoverView = new MyPopView(this);
        popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(300, 300));
        popoverView.setPopoverViewListener(new MyPopView.PopoverViewListener() {
			public void popoverViewWillShow(MyPopView view) {
			public void popoverViewWillDismiss(MyPopView view) {
			public void popoverViewDidShow(MyPopView view) {
				Button a=(Button)view.findViewById(;
				a.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
					public void onClick(View v) {
						// TODO Auto-generated method stub
						Toast.makeText(PopoverActivity.this, "dlkfjdlkk", 1000).show();
			public void popoverViewDidDismiss(MyPopView view) {

	public void onClick(View v) {
		LayoutInflater mInflater=getLayoutInflater();
		popoverView.setPopoverContentView(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.popover_showed_view, null));
		popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, MyPopView.getFrameForView(v), MyPopView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);






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